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Uygun Yenilenebilir Hibrit Çiftlerinin Seçilmesi: Bir Vaka Çalışması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 273 - 281, 29.02.2024


Yenilenebilir hibrit enerji sistemi, aynı enerji altyapısını kullanan sistemler olarak görülebilir. Hibrit enerji yapıları her ne kadar farklı enerji kaynaklarından beslenseler de, şebekeye aynı bara ve enerji nakil hattı üzerinden enerji veren sistemlerdir. Hibrit enerji sistemlerinin şebekeye verebileceği enerji miktarı, ana kaynağın kurulu kapasitesi ile sınırlıdır. İyi tasarlanmış bir hibrit sistemi, yıl boyunca daha istirarlı bir şekilde elektrik üretebilmektedir. Çeşitli enerji kaynaklarının ileri teknoloji ağları, enerji üretimindeki en yüksek enerji verimliliğini garanti etmektedir. Hibrit enerji sistemleri, akıllı ve düşük kayıp kontrollü merkezi ve yerel olmayan depolamayı, enerji tüketimi ile harmanlamaktadır. Ayrıca, entegre yenilenebilir hibrit enerji sayesinde enerji yönetimi sağlanabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, yenilenebilir hibrit enerji seçimi için yeni bir algoritma tasarlanmıştır. Algoritma ve yenilenebilir hibrit enerji sistemleri vaka çalışması ile açıklanmıştır. Güneş enerji sistemi, tüm yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları için hibrit çiftinden biri olarak kullanılmıştır.


  • [1] Saharia B. J., Brahma H., Sarmah N., “A review of algorithms for control and optimization for energy management of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 10: 1-33, (2018)
  • [2] Jung J. and Villaran M., “Optimal planning and design of hybrid renewable energy systems for microgrids”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75: 180-191, (2017)
  • [3] Suresh V., Muralidhar M., Kiranmayi R., “Modelling and optimization of an off-grid hybrid renewable energy system for electrification in a rural areas”, Energy Reports, 6: 594-604, (2020)
  • [4] Asrari A., Ghasemi A., Javidi M. H., “Economic evaluation of hybrid renewable energy systems for rural electrification in Iran-A case study”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16: 3123- 3130, (2012)
  • [5] Eltamaly A. M., Mohamed M. A., Alolah A. I., “A novel smart grid theory for optimal sizing of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Solar Energy, 124: 26-38, (2016)
  • [6] Nehrir M. H., Wang C., Strunz K., Aki H., Ramakumar R., Bing J., Miao Z., Salameh Z., “A review of hybrid renewable/alternative energy systems for electric power generation: configurations, control, and applications”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2: 392-403, (2011)
  • [7] Ma W., Xue X., Liu G., “Techno-economic evaluation for hybrid renewable energy system: Application and merits”, Energy, 159: 385-409, (2018)
  • [8] E.O. Diemuodeke, A. Addo, C.O.C. Oko, Y. Mulugetta, M.M. Ojapah, “Optimal Mapping of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Locations Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Algorithm”, Renewable Energy, 134: 461-477, (2019)
  • [9] Palej P., Qusay H., Kleszcz S., Hanus R., Jaszczur M., “Analysis and optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Energy Policy Journal, 22: 107-120, (2019)
  • [10] Sharafi M., ELMekkawy T. Y., “Multi-objective optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems using PSO-simulation based approach”, Renewable Energy, 68: 67-79, (2014)
  • [11] Bhandari B., Poudel S. R., Lee K. T., Ahn S. H., “Mathematical modeling of hybrid renewable energy system: A review on small hydro-solar-wind power generation”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 1: 157-173, (2014)
  • [12] Amer M., Namaane A., M’Sirdi N. K., “Optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) using PSO for cost reduction”, Energy Procedia, 42: 318-327, (2013)
  • [13] Esmaeilion F., “Hybrid renewable energy systems for desalination”, Applied Water Science, 10: 1-47, (2020)
  • [14] Jaszczur M., Hassan Q., Palej P., “An optimization of the hybrid renewable energy systems”, Sustainable Poly Energy Genration and Harvesting, 113:1-6, (2019)
  • [15] Ismail M. S., Moghavvemi M., Mahlia T. M. I., “Genetic algorithm based optimization on modeling and design of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Energy Conversion and Management, 85: 120- 130, (2014)
  • [16] Mayer M. J., Szilagyi A., Grof G., “Environmental and economic multi-objective optimization of a household level hybrid renewable energy system by genetic algorithm”, Applied Energy, 269: 1-16, (2020)
  • [17] Bahramara S., Moghaddam M. P., Haghifam M. R., “Optimal planning of hybrid renewable energy systems using HOMER: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62: 609-620, (2016)
  • [18] Marchenko O. V., Solomin S. V., “Efficiency of hybrid renewable energy systems in Russia”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 7: 1-10, (2017)
  • [19] Maleki A., Pourfayaz F., Rosen M. A., “A novel framework for optimal design of hybrid renewable energy-based autonomous energy systems: A case study for Namin, Iran”, Energy, 98: 168-180, (2016)
  • [20] Al-falahi M. D. A., Jayasinghe S. D. G., Enshaei H., “A review on recent size optimization methodologies for standalone solar and wind hybrid renewable energy system”, Energy Conversion and Management, 143: 252-274, (2017)
  • [21] Bourennani F., Rahnamayan S., Naterer G. F., “Optimal design methods for hybrid renewable energy systems”, International Journal of Green Energy, 12: 148-159, (2015)
  • [22] Erdinc O., Uzunoglu M., “Optimum design of hybrid renewable energy systems: overview of different approaches”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16: 1412-1425, (2012)
  • [23] Fulzele J. B., Dutt S., “Optimum planning of hybrid renewable energy system using HOMER”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2: 68-74, (2012)
  • [24] Sawle Y., Gupta S. C., Bohre A. K., “Socio-techno-economic design of hybrid renewable energy system using optimization techniques”, Renewable Energy, 119: 459-472, (2018)
  • [25] Negi S., Mathew L., “Hybrid renewable energy system: A review”, International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 7: 535-542, (2014)
  • [26] Bernal-Agustin J. L., Dufo-Lopez R., “Simulation and optimization of stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13: 2111-2118, (2009)
  • [27] Rahman M. M., Shakeri M., Tiong S. K., Khatun F., Amin N., Pasupuleti J., Hasan M. K., “Prospective methodologies in hybrid renewable energy systems for energy production using artificial neural network”, Sustainability, 13: 1-28, (2021)
  • [28] El Khashab H., Al Ghamedi, “Comparison between hybrid renewable energy systems in Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, 2: 111-119, (2015)
  • [29] Sabishchenko O., Rebilas R., Sczygiol N., Urbanski M., “Ukraine energy sector management using hybrid renewable energy systems”, Energies, 13: 1-20, (2020)
  • [30] T. Bocklisch, "Hybrid energy storage systems for renewable energy applications", Energy Procedia, 73: 103-111, (2015)
  • [31] L. R. Camargo, K. Gruber, F. Nitsch and W. Dorner,” Hybrid renewable energy systems to supply electricity self-sufficient residential buildings in Central Europe”, Energy Procedia, 158: 321-326, (2019)
  • [32] I. Kougias, S. Szabo, A. Nikitas and N. Theodossiou, “Sustainable energy modelling of non-interconnected Mediterranean islands”, Renewable Energy, 133: 930-940, (2019)
  • [33] S. Xu, C. Yan and C. Jin, "Design optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems for sustainable building development based on energy-hub", Energy Procedia, 158: 1015-1020, (2019)
  • [34] Calik K., Firat C., “A cost-effective theoretical novel configuration of concentrated photovoltaic system with linear fresnel reflectors ”, Journal of Polytechnic, 22(3): 583-589, (2019)
  • [35] Swese E. O. E., Hançerlioğulları A., “Investigation of performance on photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system using magnetic nanofluids”, Journal of Polytechnic, 25(1): 411-416, (2022)
  • [36] Ozturk O., Asikuzun E., Hacioglu Z. B. and Safran S., “Characteristics of ZnO:Er nano thin films produced different thickness using different solvent by sol-gel method”, Journal of Polytechnic, 25(1): 37-45, (2022)
  • [37] EnerjiIQ, Weekly Energy Market Report, EnerjiIQ, İstanbul, 2022-5/475, (2022)
  • [38] IRENA, Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2019, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, ISBN 978-92-9260-348-9, (2020)

The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 273 - 281, 29.02.2024


The renewable hybrid energy system may be quite an energy that uses the same energy infrastructure. Although hybrid energy structures are fed from different types of renewable energy sources, they are systems that give energy to the grid over the same busbar and energy transmission line. The amount of energy that hybrid energy systems can deliver to the grid is limited by the installed capacity of the main source. A well-designed hybrid system can produce more stable electricity throughout the year. The advanced technology networks of various energy sources guarantee the very best efficiency in energy production. Hybrid energy systems combine centralized and non-local storage with intelligent and low-loss control and energy consumption. Also, energy management is provided owing to this integrated renewable hybrid system. During this study, a brand-new algorithm was designed for renewable hybrid selection. Algorithm and integrated renewable hybrid systems are clarified by a case study. A solar power system is used as one of the hybrid pairs for all renewable energy sources. 


  • [1] Saharia B. J., Brahma H., Sarmah N., “A review of algorithms for control and optimization for energy management of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 10: 1-33, (2018)
  • [2] Jung J. and Villaran M., “Optimal planning and design of hybrid renewable energy systems for microgrids”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75: 180-191, (2017)
  • [3] Suresh V., Muralidhar M., Kiranmayi R., “Modelling and optimization of an off-grid hybrid renewable energy system for electrification in a rural areas”, Energy Reports, 6: 594-604, (2020)
  • [4] Asrari A., Ghasemi A., Javidi M. H., “Economic evaluation of hybrid renewable energy systems for rural electrification in Iran-A case study”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16: 3123- 3130, (2012)
  • [5] Eltamaly A. M., Mohamed M. A., Alolah A. I., “A novel smart grid theory for optimal sizing of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Solar Energy, 124: 26-38, (2016)
  • [6] Nehrir M. H., Wang C., Strunz K., Aki H., Ramakumar R., Bing J., Miao Z., Salameh Z., “A review of hybrid renewable/alternative energy systems for electric power generation: configurations, control, and applications”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2: 392-403, (2011)
  • [7] Ma W., Xue X., Liu G., “Techno-economic evaluation for hybrid renewable energy system: Application and merits”, Energy, 159: 385-409, (2018)
  • [8] E.O. Diemuodeke, A. Addo, C.O.C. Oko, Y. Mulugetta, M.M. Ojapah, “Optimal Mapping of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Locations Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Algorithm”, Renewable Energy, 134: 461-477, (2019)
  • [9] Palej P., Qusay H., Kleszcz S., Hanus R., Jaszczur M., “Analysis and optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Energy Policy Journal, 22: 107-120, (2019)
  • [10] Sharafi M., ELMekkawy T. Y., “Multi-objective optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems using PSO-simulation based approach”, Renewable Energy, 68: 67-79, (2014)
  • [11] Bhandari B., Poudel S. R., Lee K. T., Ahn S. H., “Mathematical modeling of hybrid renewable energy system: A review on small hydro-solar-wind power generation”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 1: 157-173, (2014)
  • [12] Amer M., Namaane A., M’Sirdi N. K., “Optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) using PSO for cost reduction”, Energy Procedia, 42: 318-327, (2013)
  • [13] Esmaeilion F., “Hybrid renewable energy systems for desalination”, Applied Water Science, 10: 1-47, (2020)
  • [14] Jaszczur M., Hassan Q., Palej P., “An optimization of the hybrid renewable energy systems”, Sustainable Poly Energy Genration and Harvesting, 113:1-6, (2019)
  • [15] Ismail M. S., Moghavvemi M., Mahlia T. M. I., “Genetic algorithm based optimization on modeling and design of hybrid renewable energy systems”, Energy Conversion and Management, 85: 120- 130, (2014)
  • [16] Mayer M. J., Szilagyi A., Grof G., “Environmental and economic multi-objective optimization of a household level hybrid renewable energy system by genetic algorithm”, Applied Energy, 269: 1-16, (2020)
  • [17] Bahramara S., Moghaddam M. P., Haghifam M. R., “Optimal planning of hybrid renewable energy systems using HOMER: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62: 609-620, (2016)
  • [18] Marchenko O. V., Solomin S. V., “Efficiency of hybrid renewable energy systems in Russia”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 7: 1-10, (2017)
  • [19] Maleki A., Pourfayaz F., Rosen M. A., “A novel framework for optimal design of hybrid renewable energy-based autonomous energy systems: A case study for Namin, Iran”, Energy, 98: 168-180, (2016)
  • [20] Al-falahi M. D. A., Jayasinghe S. D. G., Enshaei H., “A review on recent size optimization methodologies for standalone solar and wind hybrid renewable energy system”, Energy Conversion and Management, 143: 252-274, (2017)
  • [21] Bourennani F., Rahnamayan S., Naterer G. F., “Optimal design methods for hybrid renewable energy systems”, International Journal of Green Energy, 12: 148-159, (2015)
  • [22] Erdinc O., Uzunoglu M., “Optimum design of hybrid renewable energy systems: overview of different approaches”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16: 1412-1425, (2012)
  • [23] Fulzele J. B., Dutt S., “Optimum planning of hybrid renewable energy system using HOMER”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2: 68-74, (2012)
  • [24] Sawle Y., Gupta S. C., Bohre A. K., “Socio-techno-economic design of hybrid renewable energy system using optimization techniques”, Renewable Energy, 119: 459-472, (2018)
  • [25] Negi S., Mathew L., “Hybrid renewable energy system: A review”, International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 7: 535-542, (2014)
  • [26] Bernal-Agustin J. L., Dufo-Lopez R., “Simulation and optimization of stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13: 2111-2118, (2009)
  • [27] Rahman M. M., Shakeri M., Tiong S. K., Khatun F., Amin N., Pasupuleti J., Hasan M. K., “Prospective methodologies in hybrid renewable energy systems for energy production using artificial neural network”, Sustainability, 13: 1-28, (2021)
  • [28] El Khashab H., Al Ghamedi, “Comparison between hybrid renewable energy systems in Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, 2: 111-119, (2015)
  • [29] Sabishchenko O., Rebilas R., Sczygiol N., Urbanski M., “Ukraine energy sector management using hybrid renewable energy systems”, Energies, 13: 1-20, (2020)
  • [30] T. Bocklisch, "Hybrid energy storage systems for renewable energy applications", Energy Procedia, 73: 103-111, (2015)
  • [31] L. R. Camargo, K. Gruber, F. Nitsch and W. Dorner,” Hybrid renewable energy systems to supply electricity self-sufficient residential buildings in Central Europe”, Energy Procedia, 158: 321-326, (2019)
  • [32] I. Kougias, S. Szabo, A. Nikitas and N. Theodossiou, “Sustainable energy modelling of non-interconnected Mediterranean islands”, Renewable Energy, 133: 930-940, (2019)
  • [33] S. Xu, C. Yan and C. Jin, "Design optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems for sustainable building development based on energy-hub", Energy Procedia, 158: 1015-1020, (2019)
  • [34] Calik K., Firat C., “A cost-effective theoretical novel configuration of concentrated photovoltaic system with linear fresnel reflectors ”, Journal of Polytechnic, 22(3): 583-589, (2019)
  • [35] Swese E. O. E., Hançerlioğulları A., “Investigation of performance on photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system using magnetic nanofluids”, Journal of Polytechnic, 25(1): 411-416, (2022)
  • [36] Ozturk O., Asikuzun E., Hacioglu Z. B. and Safran S., “Characteristics of ZnO:Er nano thin films produced different thickness using different solvent by sol-gel method”, Journal of Polytechnic, 25(1): 37-45, (2022)
  • [37] EnerjiIQ, Weekly Energy Market Report, EnerjiIQ, İstanbul, 2022-5/475, (2022)
  • [38] IRENA, Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2019, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, ISBN 978-92-9260-348-9, (2020)
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mahir Dursun 0000-0003-0649-2627

Fatih Saltuk 0000-0002-7914-8838

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Şubat 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Dursun, M., & Saltuk, F. (2024). The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study. Politeknik Dergisi, 27(1), 273-281.
AMA Dursun M, Saltuk F. The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study. Politeknik Dergisi. Şubat 2024;27(1):273-281. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1097700
Chicago Dursun, Mahir, ve Fatih Saltuk. “The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study”. Politeknik Dergisi 27, sy. 1 (Şubat 2024): 273-81.
EndNote Dursun M, Saltuk F (01 Şubat 2024) The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study. Politeknik Dergisi 27 1 273–281.
IEEE M. Dursun ve F. Saltuk, “The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study”, Politeknik Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 1, ss. 273–281, 2024, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1097700.
ISNAD Dursun, Mahir - Saltuk, Fatih. “The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study”. Politeknik Dergisi 27/1 (Şubat 2024), 273-281.
JAMA Dursun M, Saltuk F. The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024;27:273–281.
MLA Dursun, Mahir ve Fatih Saltuk. “The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study”. Politeknik Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 273-81, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1097700.
Vancouver Dursun M, Saltuk F. The Selection of the Suitable Renewable Hybrid Pairs: A Case Study. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024;27(1):273-81.
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