Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 527 - 560, 30.05.2024
İrem Güran
Emre Şahin Dölarslan
This study aims to determine which of the antecedents of brand hate triggers brand hate dimensions consisting of anger, sadness and fear emotions more and which of these brand hate dimensions triggers brand avoidance behavior in consumers more. The research model created for this purpose was tested with multiple regression analysis within the scope of data obtained from 585 consumers. As a result of the study, it was found that symbolic incongruence and ideological incompatibility antecedents of brand hate positively affect all brand hate dimensions, but the negative past experience antecedent has a positive effect on the anger and sadness dimensions, while it has no effect on the fear dimension. In addition, the study found that all dimensions of brand hate have a positive effect on consumers' brand avoidance behavior.
- Abbas, A., Shar, A. H. ve Junejo, M. A. (2023). Why brands fail? Antecedents and consequences of brand hate. A study of fashion industry in Pakistan. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 17(1), 1-26.
- Abbasi, A. Z., Fayyaz, M. S., Ting, D. H., Munir, M., Bashir, S. ve Zhang, C. (2023). The moderating role of complaint handling on brand hate in the cancel culture. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 15(1), 46-71.
- Ahmed, S. ve Hashim, S. (2018). The moderating effect of brand recovery on brand hate and desire for reconciliation: A PLS-MGA Approach. International Journal of Business & Society, 19(3), 833-850.
- Alba, J.W. ve Lutz, R.J. (2013). Broadening (and narrowing) the scope of brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 265-268.
- Ali, S., Attiq, S. ve Talib, N. (2020). Antecedents of brand hate: Mediating role of customer dissatisfaction and moderating role of narcissism. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 14(3), 603-628.
- Alvarez, C. ve Fournier, S. (2016). Consumers’ relationships with brands. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 129-135.
- Balıkçıoğlu, B. ve Kıyak, F. M. (2019). Marka nefretinin nedenleri ve sonuçları üzerine Antakya’da görgül bir çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 225-243.
- Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C. ve Vohs, K. D. (2001). Bad is stronger than good. Review of General Psychology, 5(4), 323-370.
- Bayarassou, O., Becheur, I. ve Valette-Florence, P. (2020). “Fight or flight”: Coping responses to brand hate. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(3), 492-511.
- Bougie, R., Pieters, R. ve Zeelenberg, M. (2003). Angry customers don’t come back, they get back: The experience and behavioral implications of anger and dissatisfaction in services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(4), 377–393.
- Bryson, D. ve Atwal, G. (2019). Brand hate: The case of Starbucks in France. British Food Journal, 121(1), 172-182.
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G. ve Hultén, P. (2013). Towards the conceptualisation of the antecedents of extreme negative affect towards luxury brands. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 393–405.
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., Hultén, P. ve Heine, K. (2021). Antecedents of luxury brand hate: A quantitative study. Strategic Change, 30(1), 35-43.
- Carroll, B. A. ve Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing Letters, 17, 79-89.
- Costa, J. ve Azevedo, A. (2023). Beyond brand hate: Are you willing to forgive a negative experience with your smartphone mobile communications’ brand?. Corporate Reputation Review, 26(2), 83-96.
- Curina, I., Francioni, B., Hegner, S. M. ve Cioppi, M. (2020). Brand hate and non-repurchase intention: A service context perspective in a cross-channel setting. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102031.
- Çıldırım, Ö. ve Ağlargöz, F. (2021). Dijital çağda Marka nefretinin sonuçları. Başkent Üniversitesi Ticari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), 36-63.
- Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2021). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik: SPSS ve LISREL uygulamaları (6. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Dalli, D., Romani, S. ve Gistri, G. (2006). Brand dislike: Representing the negative side of consumer preferences. Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 87-95.
- Englis, B. G. ve Solomon, M. R. (1995). To be and not to be: Lifestyle imagery, reference groups, and the clustering of America. Journal of Advertising, 24(1), 13-28.
- Fetscherin, M. (2019). The five types of brand hate: How they affect consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 101, 116–127.
- Fetscherin, M. ve Heinrich, D. (2015). Consumer brand relationships research: A bibliometric citation meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), 380-390.
- Fetscherin, M., Konecnik Ruzzier, M., Ivanov, S. ve Ruzzier, M. (2023). Brand hate internationally: A validation study from Slovenia. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 35(4), 436-447.
- Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343-373.
- Fournier, S. ve Alvarez, C. (2013). Relating badly to brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 253-264.
- Gelbrich, K. (2009). Beyond just being dissatisfied: How angry and helpless customers react to failures when using self-service technologies. Schmalenbach Business Review, 61(2), 40–59.
- Grégoire, Y., Tripp, T.M. ve Legoux, R. (2009). When customer love turns into lasting hate: The effects of relationship strength and time on customer revenge and avoidance. Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 18-32.
- Halstead, D. (1989). Expectations and disconfirmation beliefs as predictors of consumer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and complaining behavior: An empirical study. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 2(1), 17-21.
- Hashim, S. ve Kasana, S. (2019). Antecedents of brand hate in the fast food industry. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 23(2), 227-248.
- Hegner, S. M., Fetscherin, M. ve van Delzen, M. (2017). Determinants and outcomes of brand hate. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26(1), 13–25.
- Hogg, M. K., Banister, E. N. ve Stephenson, C. A. (2009). Mapping symbolic(anti-) consumption. Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 148-159.
- Hollenbeck, C. R. ve Zinkhan, G. M. (2010). Anti‐brand communities, negotiation of brand meaning, and the learning process: The case of Wal‐Mart. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 13(3), 325-345.
- Husnain, M., Syed, F., Akhtar, M. W. ve Usman, M. (2020). Effects of brand hate on brand equity: The role of corporate social irresponsibility and similar competitor offer. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 75-86.
- Husnain, M., Syed, F., Hussain, K., Zhang, Q., Usman, M. ve Javed, M. (2023). Explaining the mechanism of brand hate: a mixed-method investigation using moderated mediation in emerging markets. Kybernetes, 52(10), 3857-3877.
- Husnain, M., Wang, Z., Poulova, P., Syed, F., Akbar, A., Akhtar, M. W., Akbar, M. ve Usman, M. (2021). Exploring brand hate and the association between similar competitor offer and brand equity: A moderated-mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 533216.
- Islam, T., Attiq, S., Hameed, Z., Khokhar, M. N. ve Sheikh, Z. (2019). The impact of self-congruity (symbolic and functional) on the brand hate: A study based on self-congruity theory. British Food Journal, 121(1), 71-88.
- İslamoğlu, A. H. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2019). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri (6. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.
- Japutra, A., Roy, S. K. ve Pham, T. A. N. (2021). Relating brand anxiety, brand hatred and obsess: Moderating role of age and brand affection. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102465.
- Johnson, A.R., Matear, M. ve Thomson, M. (2011). A coal in the heart: Self-relevance as a post-exit predictor of consumer anti-brand actions. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(1), 108-125.
- Kamboj, S. ve Sharma, M. (2023). Dark side of consumer-brand relationships: A brand hate perspective in anti-brand social media communities. Journal of Global Marketing, 36(4), 245-267.
- Kavaliauskė, M. ve Simanavičiūtė, E. (2015). Brand avoidance: Relations between brand-related stimuli and negative emotions. Organizations and markets in emerging economies, 6(1) , 44-77.
- Khan, M. A. ve Lee, M. S. (2014). Prepurchase determinants of brand avoidance: The moderating role of country-of-origin familiarity. Journal of Global Marketing, 27(5), 329-343.
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- Kucuk, S. U. (2010). Negative double jeopardy revisited: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Brand Management, 18(2), 150-158.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2016). Brand hate: Navigating consumer negativity in the digital world. Springer.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2018). Macro-level antecedents of consumer brand hate. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(5), 555-564.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2019). Brand hate: Navigating consumer negativity in the digital world. Springer.
- Kurtoğlu, R., Özbölük, T. ve Hacıhasanoğlu, P. (2022). Revisiting the effects of inward negative emotions on outward negative emotions, brand loyalty, and negative WOM. Journal of Brand Management, 29(1), 72-84.
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Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 527 - 560, 30.05.2024
İrem Güran
Emre Şahin Dölarslan
Bu çalışma, marka nefreti öncüllerinin öfke, üzüntü ve korku duygularından oluşan marka nefreti boyutlarından hangisini daha çok tetiklediğini ve söz konusu marka nefreti boyutlarından hangisinin tüketicilerde markadan kaçınma davranışını daha çok tetiklediğini belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla oluşturulan araştırma modeli, 585 tüketiciden elde edilen veriler kapsamında çoklu regresyon analiziyle test edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, marka nefretinin sembolik uyuşmazlık ve ideolojik uyumsuzluk öncüllerinin tüm marka nefreti boyutlarını olumlu yönde etkilediği ancak olumsuz geçmiş deneyim öncülünün öfke ve üzüntü boyutları üzerinde olumlu yönde etkisi varken korku boyutu üzerinde etkisinin olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada, tüketicilerin markadan kaçınma davranışı üzerinde marka nefretinin tüm boyutlarının olumlu etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir.
- Abbas, A., Shar, A. H. ve Junejo, M. A. (2023). Why brands fail? Antecedents and consequences of brand hate. A study of fashion industry in Pakistan. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 17(1), 1-26.
- Abbasi, A. Z., Fayyaz, M. S., Ting, D. H., Munir, M., Bashir, S. ve Zhang, C. (2023). The moderating role of complaint handling on brand hate in the cancel culture. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 15(1), 46-71.
- Ahmed, S. ve Hashim, S. (2018). The moderating effect of brand recovery on brand hate and desire for reconciliation: A PLS-MGA Approach. International Journal of Business & Society, 19(3), 833-850.
- Alba, J.W. ve Lutz, R.J. (2013). Broadening (and narrowing) the scope of brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 265-268.
- Ali, S., Attiq, S. ve Talib, N. (2020). Antecedents of brand hate: Mediating role of customer dissatisfaction and moderating role of narcissism. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 14(3), 603-628.
- Alvarez, C. ve Fournier, S. (2016). Consumers’ relationships with brands. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 129-135.
- Balıkçıoğlu, B. ve Kıyak, F. M. (2019). Marka nefretinin nedenleri ve sonuçları üzerine Antakya’da görgül bir çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 225-243.
- Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C. ve Vohs, K. D. (2001). Bad is stronger than good. Review of General Psychology, 5(4), 323-370.
- Bayarassou, O., Becheur, I. ve Valette-Florence, P. (2020). “Fight or flight”: Coping responses to brand hate. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(3), 492-511.
- Bougie, R., Pieters, R. ve Zeelenberg, M. (2003). Angry customers don’t come back, they get back: The experience and behavioral implications of anger and dissatisfaction in services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(4), 377–393.
- Bryson, D. ve Atwal, G. (2019). Brand hate: The case of Starbucks in France. British Food Journal, 121(1), 172-182.
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G. ve Hultén, P. (2013). Towards the conceptualisation of the antecedents of extreme negative affect towards luxury brands. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 393–405.
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., Hultén, P. ve Heine, K. (2021). Antecedents of luxury brand hate: A quantitative study. Strategic Change, 30(1), 35-43.
- Carroll, B. A. ve Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing Letters, 17, 79-89.
- Costa, J. ve Azevedo, A. (2023). Beyond brand hate: Are you willing to forgive a negative experience with your smartphone mobile communications’ brand?. Corporate Reputation Review, 26(2), 83-96.
- Curina, I., Francioni, B., Hegner, S. M. ve Cioppi, M. (2020). Brand hate and non-repurchase intention: A service context perspective in a cross-channel setting. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102031.
- Çıldırım, Ö. ve Ağlargöz, F. (2021). Dijital çağda Marka nefretinin sonuçları. Başkent Üniversitesi Ticari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), 36-63.
- Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2021). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik: SPSS ve LISREL uygulamaları (6. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Dalli, D., Romani, S. ve Gistri, G. (2006). Brand dislike: Representing the negative side of consumer preferences. Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 87-95.
- Englis, B. G. ve Solomon, M. R. (1995). To be and not to be: Lifestyle imagery, reference groups, and the clustering of America. Journal of Advertising, 24(1), 13-28.
- Fetscherin, M. (2019). The five types of brand hate: How they affect consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 101, 116–127.
- Fetscherin, M. ve Heinrich, D. (2015). Consumer brand relationships research: A bibliometric citation meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), 380-390.
- Fetscherin, M., Konecnik Ruzzier, M., Ivanov, S. ve Ruzzier, M. (2023). Brand hate internationally: A validation study from Slovenia. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 35(4), 436-447.
- Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343-373.
- Fournier, S. ve Alvarez, C. (2013). Relating badly to brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 253-264.
- Gelbrich, K. (2009). Beyond just being dissatisfied: How angry and helpless customers react to failures when using self-service technologies. Schmalenbach Business Review, 61(2), 40–59.
- Grégoire, Y., Tripp, T.M. ve Legoux, R. (2009). When customer love turns into lasting hate: The effects of relationship strength and time on customer revenge and avoidance. Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 18-32.
- Halstead, D. (1989). Expectations and disconfirmation beliefs as predictors of consumer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and complaining behavior: An empirical study. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 2(1), 17-21.
- Hashim, S. ve Kasana, S. (2019). Antecedents of brand hate in the fast food industry. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 23(2), 227-248.
- Hegner, S. M., Fetscherin, M. ve van Delzen, M. (2017). Determinants and outcomes of brand hate. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26(1), 13–25.
- Hogg, M. K., Banister, E. N. ve Stephenson, C. A. (2009). Mapping symbolic(anti-) consumption. Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 148-159.
- Hollenbeck, C. R. ve Zinkhan, G. M. (2010). Anti‐brand communities, negotiation of brand meaning, and the learning process: The case of Wal‐Mart. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 13(3), 325-345.
- Husnain, M., Syed, F., Akhtar, M. W. ve Usman, M. (2020). Effects of brand hate on brand equity: The role of corporate social irresponsibility and similar competitor offer. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 75-86.
- Husnain, M., Syed, F., Hussain, K., Zhang, Q., Usman, M. ve Javed, M. (2023). Explaining the mechanism of brand hate: a mixed-method investigation using moderated mediation in emerging markets. Kybernetes, 52(10), 3857-3877.
- Husnain, M., Wang, Z., Poulova, P., Syed, F., Akbar, A., Akhtar, M. W., Akbar, M. ve Usman, M. (2021). Exploring brand hate and the association between similar competitor offer and brand equity: A moderated-mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 533216.
- Islam, T., Attiq, S., Hameed, Z., Khokhar, M. N. ve Sheikh, Z. (2019). The impact of self-congruity (symbolic and functional) on the brand hate: A study based on self-congruity theory. British Food Journal, 121(1), 71-88.
- İslamoğlu, A. H. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2019). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri (6. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.
- Japutra, A., Roy, S. K. ve Pham, T. A. N. (2021). Relating brand anxiety, brand hatred and obsess: Moderating role of age and brand affection. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102465.
- Johnson, A.R., Matear, M. ve Thomson, M. (2011). A coal in the heart: Self-relevance as a post-exit predictor of consumer anti-brand actions. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(1), 108-125.
- Kamboj, S. ve Sharma, M. (2023). Dark side of consumer-brand relationships: A brand hate perspective in anti-brand social media communities. Journal of Global Marketing, 36(4), 245-267.
- Kavaliauskė, M. ve Simanavičiūtė, E. (2015). Brand avoidance: Relations between brand-related stimuli and negative emotions. Organizations and markets in emerging economies, 6(1) , 44-77.
- Khan, M. A. ve Lee, M. S. (2014). Prepurchase determinants of brand avoidance: The moderating role of country-of-origin familiarity. Journal of Global Marketing, 27(5), 329-343.
- Khatoon, S. ve Rehman, V. (2021). Negative emotions in consumer brand relationship: A review and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(4), 719-749.
- Kressmann, F., Sirgy, M. J., Herrmann, A., Huber, F., Huber, S. and Lee, D. J. (2006). Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 59(9), 955-964.
- Krishnamurthy, S. ve Kucuk, S. U. (2009). Anti-branding on the internet. Journal of Business Research, 62(11), 1119–1126.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2008). Negative double jeopardy: The role of anti-brand sites on the internet. Journal of Brand Management, 15(3), 209–222.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2010). Negative double jeopardy revisited: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Brand Management, 18(2), 150-158.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2016). Brand hate: Navigating consumer negativity in the digital world. Springer.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2018). Macro-level antecedents of consumer brand hate. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(5), 555-564.
- Kucuk, S. U. (2019). Brand hate: Navigating consumer negativity in the digital world. Springer.
- Kurtoğlu, R., Özbölük, T. ve Hacıhasanoğlu, P. (2022). Revisiting the effects of inward negative emotions on outward negative emotions, brand loyalty, and negative WOM. Journal of Brand Management, 29(1), 72-84.
- Lee, M., Motion, J. ve Conroy, D. (2009). Anti-consumption and brand avoidance. Journal of Business Research, 62, 169-180.
- Oliver, R. L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17(4), 460–469.
- Pantano, E. (2021). When a luxury brand bursts: Modelling the social media viral effects of negative stereotypes adoption leading to brand hate. Journal of Business Research, 123, 117-125.
- Park, C. W., Eisingerich, A. B. ve Park, J. W. (2013). Attachment–Aversion (AA) model of customer brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 229–248.
- Pinarbasi, F. ve Enginkaya, E.(2019). Consumer negativity towards brands: Brand hate or brand switch?. PressAcademia Procedia, 9(1), 78-80.
- Pinto, O. ve Brandão, A. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of brand hate: empirical evidence from the telecommunication industry. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 30(1), 18-35.
- Rodrigues, C., Brandão, A. ve Rodrigues, P. (2021). I can’t stop hating you: An anti-brand-community perspective on apple brand hate. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(8), 1115-1133.
- Romani, S., Grappi, S., Zarantonello, L. ve Bagozzi, R. P. (2015). The revenge of the consumer! How brand moral violations lead to consumer anti-brand activism. Journal of Brand Management, 22(8), 658–672.
- Romani, S.,Grappi, S. ve Dalli, D. (2012). Emotions that drive consumers away from brands: measuring negative emotions toward brands and their behavioral effect. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(1), 55-67.
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