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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 775 - 800, 26.09.2024


Anketler pazarlama araştırmalarında sıkça kullanılan ölçüme dayalı veri toplama araçlarındandır. Ölçüm araçları tasarlandığı sınırlar dışında uygulanmak istendiğinde ise bir takım uyarlama süreçlerinden geçmek durumundadır. Bu sürece dair araştırmacıların farklı önerileri olsa da birçoğunda ortak aşamalar bulunmaktadır. Makalenin kavramsal çerçevesinde ölçek uyarlama sürecinin nasıl yürütülmesi gerektiğine yönelik araştırmalar derlenerek uygun aşamalar belirlenmiştir. Ardından, pazarlama alanında Türkçeye uyarlaması yapılmış çalışmalar incelenerek uyarlama sürecini uygulayıp uygulamadıkları değerlendirmek
amacıyla bibliyometrik analiz yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın son aşamasında ise uyarlama süreci kararı için içerisinde kriterler barındıran, pazarlama araştırmalarında Türkçe ölçek uyarlama süreci için karar ağacı tabanlı bir yaklaşım geliştirilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Yazarlar arasında çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada anket, mülakat gibi teknikler aracılığıyla veri toplanmamıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



TÜBİTAK'a katkıları için teşekkür ederiz.


  • Adlassnig, K. P. (1986). Fuzzy set theory in medical diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 16(2), 260-265
  • Ægisdóttir, S., Gerstein, L. H., & Çinarbaş, D. C. (2008). “Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Counseling Research: Equivalence, Bias, and Translations”, The Counseling Psychologist, 36(2), 188-219.
  • Arafat, S. Y., Chowdhury, H. R., Qusar, M. M. A. S., & Hafez, M. A. (2016). “Cross Cultural Adaptation & Psychometric Validation of Research Instruments: A Methodological Review”, Journal of Behavioral Health, 5(3), 129-136.
  • Bayat, B. (2015). “Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilim Araştırmalarında Ölçme, Ölçekler ve “Likert” Ölçek Kurma Tekniği”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 1-24.
  • Beaton, D. E., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. B. (2000). “Guidelines for the Process of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Self-Report Measures”, Spine, 25(24), 3186-3191.
  • Beaton, D., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. B. (2007). “Recommendations for the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the DASH & QuickDASH Outcome Measures”, Institute for Work & Health, 1(1), 1-45.
  • Borsa, J. C., Damasio, B. F., & Bandeira, D. R. (2012). “Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Psychological Instruments: Some Considerations”, Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 22, 423-432.
  • Bracken, B. A., & Barona, A. (1991). “State of the Art Procedures for Translating, Validating and Using Psychoeducational Tests in Cross-Cultural Assessment”, School Psychology International, 12(1-2), 119-132.
  • Craig, R. T. (1981). “Generalization of Scott's Index of Intercoder Agreement”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 45(2), 260-264.
  • Epstein, J., Santo, R. M., & Guillemin, F. (2015). “A Review of Guidelines for Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Questionnaires Could not Bring Out a Consensus”, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(4), 435-441.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2009). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, Columbus, OH: Merrill.
  • Gegez, A. E. (2019). Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım AŞ.
  • Geisinger K. F. (1994). “Cross-Cultural Normative Assessment: Translation and Adaptation Issues Influencing the Normative Interpretation of Assessment Instruments”, Psychol Assess, 6(4), 304e12.
  • Gjersing, L., Caplehorn, J. R., & Clausen, T. (2010). “Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Research Instruments: Language, Setting, Time and Statistical Considerations”, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 10(1), 1-10.
  • Gümüş, B. (1977). Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme, Yayl. Yayınları, Ankara
  • Hambleton, R. K. (1993). “Translating Achievement Tests for Use in Cross-National Studies”.
  • Hambleton, R. K. (1996). “Guidelines for Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests”.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Bollwark, J. (1991). “Adapting Tests for Use in Different Cultures: Technical Issues and Methods”.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & De Jong, J. H. (2003). “Advances in translating and adapting educational and psychological tests”, Language testing, 20(2), 127-134.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Kanjee, A. (1995). “Increasing the Validity of Cross-Cultural Assessments: Use of Improved Methods for Test Adaptations”, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 11(3), 147-157.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Patsula, L. (1998). “Adapting Tests for Use in Multiple Languages and Cultures”, Social Indicators Research, 45, 153-171
  • Hambleton, R.K. & Patsula, L. (1999). “Increasing the Validity of Adapted Tests: Myths to be Avoided and Guidelines for Improving Test Adaptation Practices”, Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 1(1), 1-30.
  • Haşıloğlu, S. B. (2022). Pazarlama araştırması ve analitiği. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Herdman, M., Fox-Rushby, J., & Badia, X. (1998). “A Model of Equivalence in the Cultural Adaptation of HRQoL Instruments: the Universalist Approach”, Quality of Life Research, 7(4), 323-335.
  • Hernandez, A., Hidalgo, M. D., Hambleton, R. K., & Gomez-Benito, J. (2020). “International Test Commission Guidelines for Test Adaptation: A Criterion Checklist”, Psicothema, 32(3), 390-398.
  • Hood, W. W., & Wilson, C. S. (2001). “The Literature of Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, and Informetrics”, Scientometrics, 52(2), 291-314.
  • International Test Commission (ITN). (2018). “Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests”, International Journal of Testing, 18(2), 101–134.
  • Jesus, L. M., & Valente, A. R. (2016). “Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Health Assessment Instruments”, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
  • Kankaraš, M., & Moors, G. (2010). “Researching Measurement Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Studies”, Psihologija, 43(2), 121-136.
  • Lee, C. C., Li, D., Arai, S., & Puntillo, K. (2009). “Ensuring Cross-Cultural Equivalence in Translation of Research Consents and Clinical Documents: A Systematic Process for Translating English to Chinese”, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20(1), 77-82.
  • Maxwell, B. (1996). “Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Survey Instruments”, Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Technical Report, 1, 159-169.
  • Prieto, A. J. (1992). “A Method for Translation of Instruments to Other Languages”, Adult Education Quarterly, 43(1), 1-14.
  • Rios, J. A., & Sireci, S. G. (2014). “Guidelines Versus Practices in Cross-Lingual Assessment: A Disconcerting Disconnect”, International Journal of Testing, 14(4), 289-312.
  • Sousa, V. D., & Rojjanasrirat, W. (2011). “Translation, Adaptation and Validation of Instruments or Scales for Use in Cross‐Cultural Health Care Research: A Clear and User‐Friendly Guideline”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17(2), 268-274.
  • Sperber, A. D. (2004). “Translation and Validation of Study Instruments for Cross-Cultural Research”, Gastroenterology, 126, S124-S128.
  • Stamper, R. (2001). “Measurement or the Semantics of Numerical Information”, Management Decision.
  • Van de Vijver, F. J. (1998). “Towards a Theory of Bias and Equivalence”, 50967, 3, 41-65.
  • Van de Vijver, F. J., & Poortinga, Y. H. (1997). “Towards an Integrated Analysis of Bias in Cross-Cultural Assessment”, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 13(1), 29-37.
  • Van de Vijver, F., & Hambleton, R. K. (1996). “Translating Tests”, European Psychologist, 1(2), 89-99.
  • Yasir, A. S. (2016). “Cross Cultural Adaptation & Psychometric Validation of Instruments: Step-Wise”, International Journal of Psychiatry, 1(4).
  • Zikmund, W. G. (2004). Marketing Research, Thomson Learning, USA.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 775 - 800, 26.09.2024


Surveys are measurement-based data collection tools frequently used in marketing research. When measurement tools want to be applied outside the limits for which they were designed, they must go through some adaptation processes. Although researchers have different suggestions regarding this process, there are common stages in most of them. Within the conceptual framework of the article, research on how the scale adaptation process should be carried out was compiled and appropriate stages were determined. Then, studies in the field of marketing that were adapted to Turkish were examined and a bibliometric analysis was conducted to evaluate whether they applied the adaptation process or not. In the final stage of the study, a decision tree-based approach was developed for the Turkish scale adaptation process in marketing research, which includes criteria for the adaptation process decision.

Proje Numarası



  • Adlassnig, K. P. (1986). Fuzzy set theory in medical diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 16(2), 260-265
  • Ægisdóttir, S., Gerstein, L. H., & Çinarbaş, D. C. (2008). “Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Counseling Research: Equivalence, Bias, and Translations”, The Counseling Psychologist, 36(2), 188-219.
  • Arafat, S. Y., Chowdhury, H. R., Qusar, M. M. A. S., & Hafez, M. A. (2016). “Cross Cultural Adaptation & Psychometric Validation of Research Instruments: A Methodological Review”, Journal of Behavioral Health, 5(3), 129-136.
  • Bayat, B. (2015). “Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilim Araştırmalarında Ölçme, Ölçekler ve “Likert” Ölçek Kurma Tekniği”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 1-24.
  • Beaton, D. E., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. B. (2000). “Guidelines for the Process of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Self-Report Measures”, Spine, 25(24), 3186-3191.
  • Beaton, D., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. B. (2007). “Recommendations for the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the DASH & QuickDASH Outcome Measures”, Institute for Work & Health, 1(1), 1-45.
  • Borsa, J. C., Damasio, B. F., & Bandeira, D. R. (2012). “Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Psychological Instruments: Some Considerations”, Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 22, 423-432.
  • Bracken, B. A., & Barona, A. (1991). “State of the Art Procedures for Translating, Validating and Using Psychoeducational Tests in Cross-Cultural Assessment”, School Psychology International, 12(1-2), 119-132.
  • Craig, R. T. (1981). “Generalization of Scott's Index of Intercoder Agreement”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 45(2), 260-264.
  • Epstein, J., Santo, R. M., & Guillemin, F. (2015). “A Review of Guidelines for Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Questionnaires Could not Bring Out a Consensus”, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(4), 435-441.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2009). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, Columbus, OH: Merrill.
  • Gegez, A. E. (2019). Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım AŞ.
  • Geisinger K. F. (1994). “Cross-Cultural Normative Assessment: Translation and Adaptation Issues Influencing the Normative Interpretation of Assessment Instruments”, Psychol Assess, 6(4), 304e12.
  • Gjersing, L., Caplehorn, J. R., & Clausen, T. (2010). “Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Research Instruments: Language, Setting, Time and Statistical Considerations”, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 10(1), 1-10.
  • Gümüş, B. (1977). Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme, Yayl. Yayınları, Ankara
  • Hambleton, R. K. (1993). “Translating Achievement Tests for Use in Cross-National Studies”.
  • Hambleton, R. K. (1996). “Guidelines for Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests”.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Bollwark, J. (1991). “Adapting Tests for Use in Different Cultures: Technical Issues and Methods”.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & De Jong, J. H. (2003). “Advances in translating and adapting educational and psychological tests”, Language testing, 20(2), 127-134.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Kanjee, A. (1995). “Increasing the Validity of Cross-Cultural Assessments: Use of Improved Methods for Test Adaptations”, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 11(3), 147-157.
  • Hambleton, R. K., & Patsula, L. (1998). “Adapting Tests for Use in Multiple Languages and Cultures”, Social Indicators Research, 45, 153-171
  • Hambleton, R.K. & Patsula, L. (1999). “Increasing the Validity of Adapted Tests: Myths to be Avoided and Guidelines for Improving Test Adaptation Practices”, Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 1(1), 1-30.
  • Haşıloğlu, S. B. (2022). Pazarlama araştırması ve analitiği. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Herdman, M., Fox-Rushby, J., & Badia, X. (1998). “A Model of Equivalence in the Cultural Adaptation of HRQoL Instruments: the Universalist Approach”, Quality of Life Research, 7(4), 323-335.
  • Hernandez, A., Hidalgo, M. D., Hambleton, R. K., & Gomez-Benito, J. (2020). “International Test Commission Guidelines for Test Adaptation: A Criterion Checklist”, Psicothema, 32(3), 390-398.
  • Hood, W. W., & Wilson, C. S. (2001). “The Literature of Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, and Informetrics”, Scientometrics, 52(2), 291-314.
  • International Test Commission (ITN). (2018). “Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests”, International Journal of Testing, 18(2), 101–134.
  • Jesus, L. M., & Valente, A. R. (2016). “Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Health Assessment Instruments”, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
  • Kankaraš, M., & Moors, G. (2010). “Researching Measurement Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Studies”, Psihologija, 43(2), 121-136.
  • Lee, C. C., Li, D., Arai, S., & Puntillo, K. (2009). “Ensuring Cross-Cultural Equivalence in Translation of Research Consents and Clinical Documents: A Systematic Process for Translating English to Chinese”, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20(1), 77-82.
  • Maxwell, B. (1996). “Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Survey Instruments”, Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Technical Report, 1, 159-169.
  • Prieto, A. J. (1992). “A Method for Translation of Instruments to Other Languages”, Adult Education Quarterly, 43(1), 1-14.
  • Rios, J. A., & Sireci, S. G. (2014). “Guidelines Versus Practices in Cross-Lingual Assessment: A Disconcerting Disconnect”, International Journal of Testing, 14(4), 289-312.
  • Sousa, V. D., & Rojjanasrirat, W. (2011). “Translation, Adaptation and Validation of Instruments or Scales for Use in Cross‐Cultural Health Care Research: A Clear and User‐Friendly Guideline”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17(2), 268-274.
  • Sperber, A. D. (2004). “Translation and Validation of Study Instruments for Cross-Cultural Research”, Gastroenterology, 126, S124-S128.
  • Stamper, R. (2001). “Measurement or the Semantics of Numerical Information”, Management Decision.
  • Van de Vijver, F. J. (1998). “Towards a Theory of Bias and Equivalence”, 50967, 3, 41-65.
  • Van de Vijver, F. J., & Poortinga, Y. H. (1997). “Towards an Integrated Analysis of Bias in Cross-Cultural Assessment”, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 13(1), 29-37.
  • Van de Vijver, F., & Hambleton, R. K. (1996). “Translating Tests”, European Psychologist, 1(2), 89-99.
  • Yasir, A. S. (2016). “Cross Cultural Adaptation & Psychometric Validation of Instruments: Step-Wise”, International Journal of Psychiatry, 1(4).
  • Zikmund, W. G. (2004). Marketing Research, Thomson Learning, USA.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Pazarlama Araştırma Metodolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatımanur Ovaz 0000-0002-1321-0838

Selçuk Burak Haşıloğlu 0000-0003-4512-6531

Proje Numarası 122K017
Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster