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Din Üç Devlet Suudi Arabistan-Vatikan Ve İsrail’in Siyasal Sistem Analizi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 169 - 199, 01.01.2017


Din olgusu, bireyin içerisinde bulunduğu zaman ile geleceğe yönelik dünya ötesi zaman arasında bütünlük sağlayan ve bunu anlamlandıran bir kavramdır. Bu çerçevede bütün dinlerin temelinde geleceğe yönelik vaatler bulunmakta ve vadedilene ulaşmak için iki zaman arasında bağlantı kurulması zaruri hale gelmektedir. İki zaman arasında bağlantı kurmanın temel pratiği ise mevcut zamanı dinin gerektirdiği standartlarda değerlendirerek dünya ötesi zaman için sağlam köprüler kurmaktan geçmektedir. Din olgusunun bireysellikten sıyrılıp toplumsallaşması ise toplumsal kuralların dinin emrettiği kurallarla tamamen veya büyük ölçüde örtüşmesi ile ilgilidir. Toplumsal yapının homojen olması dini taleplerin siyasal sistem içerisinde şekillenmesini kolaylaştırıcı bir yapıya sahip olmasını sağlarken, dini bakımdan heterojen toplumlarda ise dini taleplerin siyasal sistem içerisinde şekillenmesi hem daha zor hem de daha karmaşık bir yapı sergilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı İslamiyet, Hristiyanlık ve Yahudilik ’ten oluşan üç semavi dinin devlet yönetimi ve yapısı üzerindeki etkileri ortaya koyabilmek ve bu amaçla belirlenmiş olan Suudi Arabistan, Vatikan ve İsrail devletlerinin siyasal yapılarını inceleyip farklılıklarını ortaya koyabilmektir


  • Al-Turabi, H. (1983). The Islamic State" in John L. Esposito (ed.). Voices of Resurgent Islam, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Al-Turaiqi, A. (2008). The political system of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Ghainaa Yayınları, Birinci Baskı, Riyad.
  • Aydın, İ.S. (2008). “Suudi Arabistan Ülke Raporu”, T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı İGEME Raporları, Ankara.
  • Aytunç, A. (2006). Vatikan ve Tapınak Şövalyeleri. Alfa Yayınları, (10. Baskı), İstanbul.
  • Akzin, B. (1970). The role of parties in Israeli democracy. Integration and Development in Israel (New York: Praeger, 1970), 9-10.
  • Baamir, A. Y. (2010). Shari’a Law in Commercial and Banking Arbitration: Law and Practice in Saudi Arabia. Routledge.
  • Balcı, A. (2010). İsrail Sorunu: Ortadoğu’nun Gordion Düğümü. Ed. Kemal İnat, Burhanettin Duran& Muhittin Ataman, Dünya Çatışmaları: Çatışma Bölgeleri ve Konuları, Nobel Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Bayramoglu, E. (2006). Yahudilik ve siyonizm tarihi. Pinar Yayinlari, İstanbul.
  • Brichta, A. (1998). The new premier-parliamentary system in Israel. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 555(1), 180-192.
  • Bullock, J. (1992). Reforms of the Saudi Arabian Constitution (London: Gulf Center for Strategic Studies,), pp. 38-70
  • Commins, D. (2009). The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia. IB Tauris.
  • Dekmejian, R. H. (1998). Saudi Arabia's consultative council. The Middle East Journal, 204-218.
  • Dhanani, G. (1980). Political Institutions in Saudi Arabia. International Studies, 19(1), 59-69.
  • Dietl, G. (1991). Through Two Wars and Beyond:(a Study of Gulf Cooperation Council). Lancers Books. New Delhi.
  • Diskin, H., & Diskin, A. (1995). The politics of electoral reform in Israel. International Political Science Review, 16(1), 31-45.
  • Dunny, M. C. (1995). Is the Sky Falling? Saudi Arabia's Economic Problems and Political Stability. Middle East Policy, 3(4), 29-39.
  • Dupuis, J., & Reese, T. J. (1998). Inside the Vatican. The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church. Harvard University Press.
  • Edelman, M. (2000). The new Israeli constitution. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(2), 1-27.
  • Encyclopaedia of Islam. (1966). Brill Leiden Dustūr: A Survey of the Constitutions of the Arab and Muslim States.
  • Ertürk, Y. &United Nations. General Assembly (2009), Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences: Mission to Saudi Arabia
  • Eryılmaz, B. (2008). Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime (3. Basım). Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Fouad, A. (2004). Modernity and tradition: The Saudi equation. London and New York.
  • Frankel, W. (1981). Israel observed: an anatomy of the state. Thames & Hudson.
  • Gemalmaz, M. S. (1996). Suudi Arabistan Yargı Düzeni ve Yargılama Usulleri Üzerine Notlar. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mukayeseli Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, 20, 153-176.
  • Greilsammer, I. (2007). , “Siyonizm”, (çev. Işık Ergüden), Dost Kitabevi, Ankara Harrington, C. W. (1958). The Saudi Arabian Council of Ministers. The Middle East Journal, 1- 19.
  • Heywood, A.(2007). Politics (Third Eddition). UK: Palgrave McMillan.
  • Hirsch, E. (1997). İsrail’in Gerçekleri. Kudüs İsrail Enformasyon Merkezi, Kudüs.
  • Huber, M.R. (1959). “Pope”, Vergilius Ferm, An Encyclopedia of Religion, New Jersey
  • Ismael, T. Y.(1970). Government and politics of the contemporary Middle East, Ontario: The Dorsey Press.
  • Işık, H. (2006). Aziz Petrus’tan Papa Ratzinger’e Papalık Tarihi (Yayımlanmıs Doktora Tezi), Ozan Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Jan Michiel, O. (2010). Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden University Press.
  • Kraines, O. (1953a). Israel: The Emergence of a Polity—Part I. Western Political Quarterly, 6(3), 518-542.
  • Kraines, O. (1953b). Israel: the Emergence of a Polity—Part II. Western Political Quarterly, 6(4), 707-727.
  • Kretzmer, D. (2002). The occupation of justice: the supreme court of Israel and the occupied territories. New York: State University of New York Press Albany
  • Kurdi, A. A. (1984). The Islamic State: a study based on the Islamic holy constitution. London:Mansell.
  • Lewis, B. (2009). “Israel’s Election System Is No Good,”Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), Lewis, J. R., & Skutsch, C. (2001). The Human Rights Encyclopedia: Issues and individuals (Vol. 3). Sharpe Reference.
  • Long, D. E., & Reich, B. (2002). The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa. Fourth Eddition.
  • Mamoun, F. (1999). Saudi Arabia and the politics of Dissent, Palgrave Yayınları, New York.
  • Maurice, H. (1962). Government and Politics of the Middle East. N. J. USA: Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs
  • Ojetti, B. (1912). The Roman Congregations. Catholic Encyclopedia XIII (New York, Encyclopedia Press [Çevrimiçi: http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/13136a. htm]). 13Nisan 2017
  • Özdemir, H. (2000). “Başkanın doğrudan seçimi,” Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Sayı 4, Ankara.
  • Pattnaik, J.K. (1997). "Saudi King in Trouble", Strategic Bulletin, Vol. II n. I.
  • Schechtman, J. B., & Benari, Y. (1970). History of the Revisionist Movement: 1925-1930 (Vol. 1). Hadar.
  • Schnürer, G. (1912). States of the Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, 15, 257-67. Vol. XIV, New York,
  • Şafak, A. (1992). İslam Dini ve Sosyal Adalet, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara
  • Tarazi, A. M. (1993). Saudi Arabia's New Basic Laws: The Struggle for Participatory Islamic Government. Harv. Int'l LJ, 34, 258-624.
  • Ulutaş, U., Bölme, S. M., Demir, G. N., Torlak, F., & Ziya, S. (2012, Aralık). İsrail Siyasetini Anlama Kılavuzu. SETA.
  • Vogel, F. E. (1999). Islamic law and legal system studies of Saudi Arabia (Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University).
  • Zakai, A. (2008). "International encyclopedia of the social sciences." 2. Baskı, Detroit, USA.
  • Zehra, E. (2004). Muhammed, İslâm da Siyasî, İtikadî ve Fıkhî Mezhepler Tarihi, Yeni Şafak Gazetesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Anadolu Ajansı, (15 Nisan 2017) İsrail Enformasyon Merkezi (2003), İsrail Hakkında Gerçekler, (25 Nisan 2017)
  • Vatican City State Homepage “Vatican City in the Past”, (Çevrimiçi)
  • State_and_Government/History/The_Vatican_City_during_the_times.htm, 12 Nisan 2017.
  • Vatican City State Homepage “State Departments”, (Çevrimiçi)
  • and_Government/StateDepartments/, 12 Nisan 2017.
  • The Holy See Homepage “The Secretariat of State”, (Çevrimiçi) curia/secretariat_state/documents/rc_segst_12101998_profile_en.html, 13 Nisan 2017.
  • The Holy See Homepage “The Tribunals”, (Çevrimiçi) tribunals/index.htm, 13 Nisan 2017
  • (22 Nisan 2017)
  • (23 Nisan 2017)
  • “Şitot HaBhirot LeKnesset,” Knesset Websayfası,
  • (22 Nisan 2017)
  • Jewish Virtual Library (2017). The Knesset.
  •, (22 Nisan 2017)

Three Relıgıons Three States Polıtıcal System Analysıs Of The Saudı Arabıa-Vatıcan And Israel

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 169 - 199, 01.01.2017


The phenomenon of religion is a concept that provides and makes sense of unity between the present time and the time of future. In this framework at the base of all religion there are promises for he future and it is ruquired to establish a link between the two times to reach promised. The basic practice of establishing a connection between two times is to build bridges for the hereafter by evaluating the present time with the standards that religion requires. The socialization notion of religion out of individuality is related to the total or substantial coincidence of the social rules with the laws ordered by religion. The homogenity of the social structure is an important ensuring factor to shaping of religious demands within the political system. On the other hand, in the heterogeneous societies of religion, the formation of religious demands within the political system is both more difficult and more complex. The main aim of this study is to be able to reveal the effects of Islam, Christianity and Judaism ,which are semitic relions, on the administration and structure of the state. For this purpose Saudi Arabia, Vatican and Israeli states have been detetrmined and the political structures of these states will be examined and their differences will be tried to be revealed.


  • Al-Turabi, H. (1983). The Islamic State" in John L. Esposito (ed.). Voices of Resurgent Islam, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Al-Turaiqi, A. (2008). The political system of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Ghainaa Yayınları, Birinci Baskı, Riyad.
  • Aydın, İ.S. (2008). “Suudi Arabistan Ülke Raporu”, T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı İGEME Raporları, Ankara.
  • Aytunç, A. (2006). Vatikan ve Tapınak Şövalyeleri. Alfa Yayınları, (10. Baskı), İstanbul.
  • Akzin, B. (1970). The role of parties in Israeli democracy. Integration and Development in Israel (New York: Praeger, 1970), 9-10.
  • Baamir, A. Y. (2010). Shari’a Law in Commercial and Banking Arbitration: Law and Practice in Saudi Arabia. Routledge.
  • Balcı, A. (2010). İsrail Sorunu: Ortadoğu’nun Gordion Düğümü. Ed. Kemal İnat, Burhanettin Duran& Muhittin Ataman, Dünya Çatışmaları: Çatışma Bölgeleri ve Konuları, Nobel Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Bayramoglu, E. (2006). Yahudilik ve siyonizm tarihi. Pinar Yayinlari, İstanbul.
  • Brichta, A. (1998). The new premier-parliamentary system in Israel. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 555(1), 180-192.
  • Bullock, J. (1992). Reforms of the Saudi Arabian Constitution (London: Gulf Center for Strategic Studies,), pp. 38-70
  • Commins, D. (2009). The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia. IB Tauris.
  • Dekmejian, R. H. (1998). Saudi Arabia's consultative council. The Middle East Journal, 204-218.
  • Dhanani, G. (1980). Political Institutions in Saudi Arabia. International Studies, 19(1), 59-69.
  • Dietl, G. (1991). Through Two Wars and Beyond:(a Study of Gulf Cooperation Council). Lancers Books. New Delhi.
  • Diskin, H., & Diskin, A. (1995). The politics of electoral reform in Israel. International Political Science Review, 16(1), 31-45.
  • Dunny, M. C. (1995). Is the Sky Falling? Saudi Arabia's Economic Problems and Political Stability. Middle East Policy, 3(4), 29-39.
  • Dupuis, J., & Reese, T. J. (1998). Inside the Vatican. The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church. Harvard University Press.
  • Edelman, M. (2000). The new Israeli constitution. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(2), 1-27.
  • Encyclopaedia of Islam. (1966). Brill Leiden Dustūr: A Survey of the Constitutions of the Arab and Muslim States.
  • Ertürk, Y. &United Nations. General Assembly (2009), Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences: Mission to Saudi Arabia
  • Eryılmaz, B. (2008). Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime (3. Basım). Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Fouad, A. (2004). Modernity and tradition: The Saudi equation. London and New York.
  • Frankel, W. (1981). Israel observed: an anatomy of the state. Thames & Hudson.
  • Gemalmaz, M. S. (1996). Suudi Arabistan Yargı Düzeni ve Yargılama Usulleri Üzerine Notlar. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mukayeseli Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, 20, 153-176.
  • Greilsammer, I. (2007). , “Siyonizm”, (çev. Işık Ergüden), Dost Kitabevi, Ankara Harrington, C. W. (1958). The Saudi Arabian Council of Ministers. The Middle East Journal, 1- 19.
  • Heywood, A.(2007). Politics (Third Eddition). UK: Palgrave McMillan.
  • Hirsch, E. (1997). İsrail’in Gerçekleri. Kudüs İsrail Enformasyon Merkezi, Kudüs.
  • Huber, M.R. (1959). “Pope”, Vergilius Ferm, An Encyclopedia of Religion, New Jersey
  • Ismael, T. Y.(1970). Government and politics of the contemporary Middle East, Ontario: The Dorsey Press.
  • Işık, H. (2006). Aziz Petrus’tan Papa Ratzinger’e Papalık Tarihi (Yayımlanmıs Doktora Tezi), Ozan Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Jan Michiel, O. (2010). Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden University Press.
  • Kraines, O. (1953a). Israel: The Emergence of a Polity—Part I. Western Political Quarterly, 6(3), 518-542.
  • Kraines, O. (1953b). Israel: the Emergence of a Polity—Part II. Western Political Quarterly, 6(4), 707-727.
  • Kretzmer, D. (2002). The occupation of justice: the supreme court of Israel and the occupied territories. New York: State University of New York Press Albany
  • Kurdi, A. A. (1984). The Islamic State: a study based on the Islamic holy constitution. London:Mansell.
  • Lewis, B. (2009). “Israel’s Election System Is No Good,”Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), Lewis, J. R., & Skutsch, C. (2001). The Human Rights Encyclopedia: Issues and individuals (Vol. 3). Sharpe Reference.
  • Long, D. E., & Reich, B. (2002). The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa. Fourth Eddition.
  • Mamoun, F. (1999). Saudi Arabia and the politics of Dissent, Palgrave Yayınları, New York.
  • Maurice, H. (1962). Government and Politics of the Middle East. N. J. USA: Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs
  • Ojetti, B. (1912). The Roman Congregations. Catholic Encyclopedia XIII (New York, Encyclopedia Press [Çevrimiçi: http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/13136a. htm]). 13Nisan 2017
  • Özdemir, H. (2000). “Başkanın doğrudan seçimi,” Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Sayı 4, Ankara.
  • Pattnaik, J.K. (1997). "Saudi King in Trouble", Strategic Bulletin, Vol. II n. I.
  • Schechtman, J. B., & Benari, Y. (1970). History of the Revisionist Movement: 1925-1930 (Vol. 1). Hadar.
  • Schnürer, G. (1912). States of the Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, 15, 257-67. Vol. XIV, New York,
  • Şafak, A. (1992). İslam Dini ve Sosyal Adalet, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara
  • Tarazi, A. M. (1993). Saudi Arabia's New Basic Laws: The Struggle for Participatory Islamic Government. Harv. Int'l LJ, 34, 258-624.
  • Ulutaş, U., Bölme, S. M., Demir, G. N., Torlak, F., & Ziya, S. (2012, Aralık). İsrail Siyasetini Anlama Kılavuzu. SETA.
  • Vogel, F. E. (1999). Islamic law and legal system studies of Saudi Arabia (Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University).
  • Zakai, A. (2008). "International encyclopedia of the social sciences." 2. Baskı, Detroit, USA.
  • Zehra, E. (2004). Muhammed, İslâm da Siyasî, İtikadî ve Fıkhî Mezhepler Tarihi, Yeni Şafak Gazetesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Anadolu Ajansı, (15 Nisan 2017) İsrail Enformasyon Merkezi (2003), İsrail Hakkında Gerçekler, (25 Nisan 2017)
  • Vatican City State Homepage “Vatican City in the Past”, (Çevrimiçi)
  • State_and_Government/History/The_Vatican_City_during_the_times.htm, 12 Nisan 2017.
  • Vatican City State Homepage “State Departments”, (Çevrimiçi)
  • and_Government/StateDepartments/, 12 Nisan 2017.
  • The Holy See Homepage “The Secretariat of State”, (Çevrimiçi) curia/secretariat_state/documents/rc_segst_12101998_profile_en.html, 13 Nisan 2017.
  • The Holy See Homepage “The Tribunals”, (Çevrimiçi) tribunals/index.htm, 13 Nisan 2017
  • (22 Nisan 2017)
  • (23 Nisan 2017)
  • “Şitot HaBhirot LeKnesset,” Knesset Websayfası,
  • (22 Nisan 2017)
  • Jewish Virtual Library (2017). The Knesset.
  •, (22 Nisan 2017)
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hüseyin Sevinç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

IEEE H. Sevinç, “Din Üç Devlet Suudi Arabistan-Vatikan Ve İsrail’in Siyasal Sistem Analizi”, Researcher, c. 5, sy. 3, ss. 169–199, 2017.
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