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Kent Planlamada Yeni Bir Yöntem Önerisi: Kentsel Dirençlilik Endeksi

Yıl 2021, , 159 - 172, 31.12.2021


Son yıllardaki iklim değişikliği ve çevre verileri, doğal afetler, kaynakların tüketimiyle ilgili belgeler, kentlerin sürdürülebilirliğe aykırı olduğunu ortaya koymakta ve dünyayı ekolojik eşiklerin üstüne çıkarmaktadır. İklim değişikliğinin kentlere getirdiği riskler giderek artmakta, kentte yaşayanlara ve kentsel altyapılara yönelik tehditler oluşturmaktadır. Ekolojik boyuta ek olarak, afetler, sosyal olaylar, savaşlar, terör, salgın hastalıklar gibi olaylarla kentler hasar görebilir konuma gelmektedir. Bu karmaşık, belirsiz ve sürekli değişen riskler karşısında kentleri güvence altına almak, kentsel ekosistemleri, türleri ve bunların sağladığı hizmetleri korumak için yeni politikalar ortaya koymak gerekmektedir. İnsanların çevresel değişimin temel sebeplerinden biri olduğu göz önüne alındığında, sadece daha yaşanabilir, sürdürülebilir ve dirençli kentler yaratmak için değil, aynı zamanda insanoğlunun tüm gezegen üzerindeki çevresel ve sosyal etkilerini azaltmak için kent planlamada yeni paradigmalar getirmek gereklidir. Bununla birlikte, kentsel alanlar için dirençliliğin (urban resilience) ne anlama geldiğine ve kent planlamada dirençliliğin nasıl sağlanabileceğine dair bir fikir birliği yoktur. Bu çalışmada kentleri ve kentte yaşayanları iklim değişikliğinin etkilerine ve olası risklere hazırlamak adına kentsel dirençlilik konusunda farklı yaklaşımlar, teori ve pratik arasındaki bağın oluşturulması için yapılması gerekenler üzerinde durulmuştur. Dirençlilik konusunun nicel yöntemlerle planlama süreçlerine dahil edilmesi gerekliliği ve bu yöntemlerin nasıl oluşturulacağı açıklanmıştır. Bu konuda ölçüm ve endeks oluşturma yolundaki göstergeler araştırılıp yeni göstergeler önerilmiş; ne tür endeksler ve formüller çıkarabileceği tartışılmıştır.


  • Adger, W.N. (2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related, Progress in Human Geography 24 (3), 347–364.
  • Adger, W.N. (2003). Building Resilience to Promote Sustainability, Newsletter of the International Human Dimensions
  • ARUP. (2014) . City Resilience Framework, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • ARUP. (2015) . City Resilience Framework, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • ARUP. (2015) . City Resilience Index ,The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN): Responding to the Urban Climate Challenge. Eds. ISET, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 60 pp.
  • Bahadur, Aditya, Ibrahim, Maggie, & Tanner, Thomas. (2010). The resilience renaissance? Unpacking of resilience for tackling climate change and disasters (Strengthening Climate Resilience Discussion Papers No. 1). Brighton, UK.
  • Bosher, Lee & Coaffee, Jon. (2008). Integrating Counter-Terrorist Resilience into Sustainability. Proceedings of The Ice - Urban Design and Planning. 161. 75-83. 10.1680/udap.2008.161.2.75.
  • Brown, Anna, Dayal, Ashvin, & Rumbaitis Del Rio, Christina. (2012). From practice to theory: emerging lessons from Asia for building urban climate change resilience. Environment and Urbanization, 24(2), 531–556.
  • Bruneau, M., Chang, S.E., Eguchi, R.T., Lee, G.C., O'Rourke, T.D., Reinhorn, A.M., von Winterfeldt, D., (2003). .A framework to quantitatively assess and enhance the seismic resilience of communities. Earthq. Spectra 19 (4), 733e752.
  • Cutter, S.L., Johnson, L.A., Finch, C., Berry, M. (2007). The US hurricane coasts: increasingly vulnerable?, Environment 47 (7), 8–20.
  • Cutter, S.L., Barnes, L., Berry, M., Burton, C., Evans, E., Tate, E., Webb, J. (2008). A place-based model for understanding community
  • Chelleri, L., & Olazabal, M. (2012). Multidisciplinary perspectives on urban resilience: A Workshop Report. (L. Chelleri & M. Olazabal, Eds.) (pp. 1–76).
  • Coaffee, J. (2013). Rescaling and Responsibilising the Politics of Urban Resilience: From National Security to Local Place-Making. Politics, 33(4), 240-252.
  • Davoudi, S., & Strange, I. (2009). Space and place in the twentieth century planning: An analytical framework and an historical review. In S. Davoudi & I. Strange (Eds.), Conceptions of space and place in strategic spatial planning (pp. 7–42). London: Routledge.
  • Eraydin, A. , & Taşan-Kok, T. (2013). Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning. In Ayda Eraydin & T. Taşan-Kok (Eds.), (Vol. 106). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
  • Fernandez N., Kim, S.J., Morsy, Z., Novak, V.M., Shiraishi, K. (2009). Improving Urban Resilience in Coastal Eco-Cities: System Integration, Coastal Eco-cities LRF Collegium 2013 Series I.
  • Godschalk, D. R. (2003). Urban hazard mitigation: Creating resilient cities. Natural Hazards Review, 4(3), 136–143.
  • Gupta, J., Termeer, C., Klostermann, J., Meijerink, S., van den Brink, M., Jong, P., et al. (2010). The adaptive capacity wheel: A method to assess the inherent characteristics of institutions to enable the adaptive capacity of society.
  • Lin, P.L. (2006). Urban resilience: Energetic principles and a systems ecology approach. Retrieved January27,2010,from
  • Linnenluecke, M., & Griffiths, A. (2010). Beyond adaptation: Resilience for business in light of climate change and weather extremes. Business and Society, 49(3),477–511.
  • Nardo, M., M. Saisana, A. Saltelli, S. Tarantola, A. Hoffman and E. Giovannini (2005) ‘Handbook on constructing composite indicators: methodology and user guide’, OECD Statistics Working Paper by, STD/DOC(2005) 3, see Publications and Documents at http:// .
  • Suárez, M., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Benayas, J., & Tilbury, D. (2016). Towards an Urban Resilience Index: A Case Study in 50 Spanish Cities. Sustainability, 8(8), 774. doi: 10.3390/su8080774
  • UNISDR (2009)Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva.
  • UNISDR ( 2012). How to make cities more resilient: A handbook for local government leaders. Geneva: United Nations.
  • Van den Brink, M., Termeer, C., & Meijerink, S. (2011). Are Dutch water safety nstitutions prepared for climate change. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2(4), 272–287.
  • Walker, H. B., Anderies, M., J, Kinzig, P.A., Ryan, P., (2006) Exploring Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems through Comparative Studies and Theory Development: Introduction to the Special issue, Ecology and Society 11(1): 12.
  • Walker, H. B., Salt, D., (2006). Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world, Island Press
  • Wardekker, J. A., de Jong, A., Knoop, J. M., & van der Sluijs, J. P. (2010). Operationalising a resilience approach to adapting an urban delta to uncertain climate changes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(6), 987–998. White, I.
  • Witt, E., & Lill, I. (2018). Methodologies of contemporary disaster resilience research. Procedia Engineering, 212, 970-977. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.12

A New Method Proposal in Urban Planning: Urban Resilience Index

Yıl 2021, , 159 - 172, 31.12.2021


The data about climate change, environment, natural disasters, and the documents on the consumption of resources reveal that cities are against sustainability and bring the world above ecological thresholds in recent years. Risks caused by climate change are increasing, creating threats to residents and urban infrastructures. In addition to the ecological dimension, the city residents and systems become vulnerable to events such as disasters, social events, wars, terror and epidemics. In the face of these complex, uncertain and ever-changing risks, it is necessary to introduce new policies to make cities safe and protect urban ecosystems. Considering that people are the main reason of environmental change, it is a priority to introduce new paradigms in urban planning. It is necessary to create more livable, sustainable and resilient cities and also to reduce environmental and social impacts of climate change on the entire planet. However, there is no consensus on resilience concept for urban areas and how resilience can be provided in urban planning. In this study, in order to prepare cities for all kind of changes, things should be done to create the link between theory and practice, the necessity of resilience in planning processes with quantitative methods and creation of these methods are explained. In this regard, the indicators for measurement and index formulation were investigated, and what kind of indices and formulas could be produced were discussed.


  • Adger, W.N. (2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related, Progress in Human Geography 24 (3), 347–364.
  • Adger, W.N. (2003). Building Resilience to Promote Sustainability, Newsletter of the International Human Dimensions
  • ARUP. (2014) . City Resilience Framework, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • ARUP. (2015) . City Resilience Framework, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • ARUP. (2015) . City Resilience Index ,The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN): Responding to the Urban Climate Challenge. Eds. ISET, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 60 pp.
  • Bahadur, Aditya, Ibrahim, Maggie, & Tanner, Thomas. (2010). The resilience renaissance? Unpacking of resilience for tackling climate change and disasters (Strengthening Climate Resilience Discussion Papers No. 1). Brighton, UK.
  • Bosher, Lee & Coaffee, Jon. (2008). Integrating Counter-Terrorist Resilience into Sustainability. Proceedings of The Ice - Urban Design and Planning. 161. 75-83. 10.1680/udap.2008.161.2.75.
  • Brown, Anna, Dayal, Ashvin, & Rumbaitis Del Rio, Christina. (2012). From practice to theory: emerging lessons from Asia for building urban climate change resilience. Environment and Urbanization, 24(2), 531–556.
  • Bruneau, M., Chang, S.E., Eguchi, R.T., Lee, G.C., O'Rourke, T.D., Reinhorn, A.M., von Winterfeldt, D., (2003). .A framework to quantitatively assess and enhance the seismic resilience of communities. Earthq. Spectra 19 (4), 733e752.
  • Cutter, S.L., Johnson, L.A., Finch, C., Berry, M. (2007). The US hurricane coasts: increasingly vulnerable?, Environment 47 (7), 8–20.
  • Cutter, S.L., Barnes, L., Berry, M., Burton, C., Evans, E., Tate, E., Webb, J. (2008). A place-based model for understanding community
  • Chelleri, L., & Olazabal, M. (2012). Multidisciplinary perspectives on urban resilience: A Workshop Report. (L. Chelleri & M. Olazabal, Eds.) (pp. 1–76).
  • Coaffee, J. (2013). Rescaling and Responsibilising the Politics of Urban Resilience: From National Security to Local Place-Making. Politics, 33(4), 240-252.
  • Davoudi, S., & Strange, I. (2009). Space and place in the twentieth century planning: An analytical framework and an historical review. In S. Davoudi & I. Strange (Eds.), Conceptions of space and place in strategic spatial planning (pp. 7–42). London: Routledge.
  • Eraydin, A. , & Taşan-Kok, T. (2013). Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning. In Ayda Eraydin & T. Taşan-Kok (Eds.), (Vol. 106). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
  • Fernandez N., Kim, S.J., Morsy, Z., Novak, V.M., Shiraishi, K. (2009). Improving Urban Resilience in Coastal Eco-Cities: System Integration, Coastal Eco-cities LRF Collegium 2013 Series I.
  • Godschalk, D. R. (2003). Urban hazard mitigation: Creating resilient cities. Natural Hazards Review, 4(3), 136–143.
  • Gupta, J., Termeer, C., Klostermann, J., Meijerink, S., van den Brink, M., Jong, P., et al. (2010). The adaptive capacity wheel: A method to assess the inherent characteristics of institutions to enable the adaptive capacity of society.
  • Lin, P.L. (2006). Urban resilience: Energetic principles and a systems ecology approach. Retrieved January27,2010,from
  • Linnenluecke, M., & Griffiths, A. (2010). Beyond adaptation: Resilience for business in light of climate change and weather extremes. Business and Society, 49(3),477–511.
  • Nardo, M., M. Saisana, A. Saltelli, S. Tarantola, A. Hoffman and E. Giovannini (2005) ‘Handbook on constructing composite indicators: methodology and user guide’, OECD Statistics Working Paper by, STD/DOC(2005) 3, see Publications and Documents at http:// .
  • Suárez, M., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Benayas, J., & Tilbury, D. (2016). Towards an Urban Resilience Index: A Case Study in 50 Spanish Cities. Sustainability, 8(8), 774. doi: 10.3390/su8080774
  • UNISDR (2009)Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva.
  • UNISDR ( 2012). How to make cities more resilient: A handbook for local government leaders. Geneva: United Nations.
  • Van den Brink, M., Termeer, C., & Meijerink, S. (2011). Are Dutch water safety nstitutions prepared for climate change. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2(4), 272–287.
  • Walker, H. B., Anderies, M., J, Kinzig, P.A., Ryan, P., (2006) Exploring Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems through Comparative Studies and Theory Development: Introduction to the Special issue, Ecology and Society 11(1): 12.
  • Walker, H. B., Salt, D., (2006). Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world, Island Press
  • Wardekker, J. A., de Jong, A., Knoop, J. M., & van der Sluijs, J. P. (2010). Operationalising a resilience approach to adapting an urban delta to uncertain climate changes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(6), 987–998. White, I.
  • Witt, E., & Lill, I. (2018). Methodologies of contemporary disaster resilience research. Procedia Engineering, 212, 970-977. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.12
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mimarlık
Bölüm Makaleler

Şeyma Elif Dincer 0000-0002-0948-4983

Özge Yalçıner Ercoşkun 0000-0003-2734-0374

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 1 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Dincer, Ş. E., & Yalçıner Ercoşkun, Ö. (2021). Kent Planlamada Yeni Bir Yöntem Önerisi: Kentsel Dirençlilik Endeksi. Resilience, 5(2), 159-172.