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Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 77 - 92, 01.02.2013


The exploration of relationships between the physical characteristics of place and the activities that occur there is a fundamental question for geography (Patton 2002). This report is part of a larger case study documenting how the places, objects and practices in a naturalized primary school playground influenced a newly enrolled student’s participation in creative play, social interaction and learning. Using natural and non-prescriptive schoolyard objects is shown to have helped the student negotiate and maintain satisfying relationships with people and places and to have been supportive of identity development. A three-phase model is proposed that conceptualises constructing and playing in cubby houses - also known as forts, tree houses, bush houses, houses and dens (Kylin 2003) - as foundational to the student’s social relations and positive disposition.


  • Barker, R. (1968) Ecological Psychology, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  • Bennett, A. & George, A. L. (1997) Process Tracing in Case Study Research, MacArthur Foundation Workshop on Case Study Methods, Harvard University, October 17-19, 19 Retrieved from Dec 2010.
  • Bjorklund, D. F. & Gardiner, A. K. (2011) Object play and tool use: developmental and evolutionary perspectives. In A. D. Pellegrini (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The Development of Play (pp.153-171), New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Booker, L. (2010) Learning to play or playing to learn? Children’s participation in the cultures of homes and settings. In L. Booker, & S. Edwards (Eds.), Engaging Play (pp.39-53), Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U (1979) The Ecology of Human Development, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. & Morris, P. A. (2006) The bioecological model of human development. In W. Damon (Series Ed.) & R. M. Lerner (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Vol. Theoretical Models of Human Development (5 th Edn.), (pp.993-1028), New York: John Wiley.
  • Casey, E. S. (1993) Getting Back Into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the PlaceWorld, Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • Conradson, D. (2005) Landscape, care and the relational self: Therapeutic encounters in rural England. Health & Place, 11, 337–348.
  • Curry, M. R. (2002) Discursive Displacement and the Seminal Ambiguity of Space and Place. In L. Lievriuw, & S. Livingstone, (Eds.), The Handbook of New Media: Social Shaping and Consequences of ICT (pp. 502-517), London: Sage Publications.
  • Dewey, J. (1938/1997). Experience and Education, New York: Macmillan.
  • Director Catholic Earthcare Australia (2010) personal communication, 17.08.2010.
  • Dyment, J. E. & Bell, A. C. (2007) Active by design: Promoting physical activity through school ground greening, Children’s Geographies, 5(4), 463 – 477.
  • Fjİrtoft, I. (2004) Landscape as playscape: The effects of natural environments on children’s play and motor development, Children, Youth and Environments, 14(2), 21-44.
  • George, A.L. & Bennett (2005) Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences, Cambridge: M.I.T. Press.
  • Gerring, J. (2007) Case Study Research; Principles and Practices, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gibson, J. J. (1979) The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Hillsdale: Erlbaum Associates.
  • Hart, R. A. (1982) Wildlands for children: Consideration of the value of natural environments in landscape planning, Landschaft und Stadt, 14(1), 34-39.
  • Horton, J., Kraftl, P. & Tucker, F. (2008) The challenges of ‘Children’s Geographies’: a reaffirmation, Children’s Geographies, 6(4), 335-348.
  • Johnston, R. J. (1986) On Human Geography. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
  • Kant, I. (1855) Critique of Pure Reason, (J. M. D. Mieklejohn, Trans.), London: Henry G. Bohn. (Original work published 1781).
  • Kylin, M. (2003) ‘Children’s Dens’, Children, Youth and Environments, 13(1) Retrieved from s_Kylin.htm
  • Kovac, V. (2002) Synchrony and heterochrony in ontogeny (of fish). Journal of Theoretical Biology, 217, 499–507.
  • Lester, S. & Russell, S. (2008). Play for a change. Play policy and practice: A review of contemporary perspectives, London: Play England.
  • Lucas, A. J. & Dyment, J. E. (2010) Where do children choose to play on the school ground? The influence of green design, Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 38(2), 177-189.
  • Malone, K. & Tranter, P. (2003) Children's environmental learning and the use, design and management of schoolgrounds, Children, Youth and Environments, 13(2) Retrieved from
  • Moore, R. C. (1986) Childhood’s Domain: Play and Place in Child Development, Beckenham: Croom Helm Ltd.
  • Min, B. & Lee, J. (2006) Children’s neighborhood place as a psychological and behavioral domain, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, 51-71.
  • Non-Government Schools Registration Board (2007) personal communication 12 December 200
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002) Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods: Third Ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Peacock, A. (2011) Managed learning spaces and new forms of learning outside the classroom. In S. Waite, (Ed.), Children Learning Outside the Classroom From Birth to Eleven (pp. 188-200), London: Sage Publications.
  • Pellegrini, A. D. (2009) The Role of Play in Human Development, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Plumert, J. M. (2008). Children’s thinking is not just about what’s in the head: Understanding the organism and environment as a unified system. In R. V. Kail (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior (pp. 373- 417), San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Relph, E. (1976) Place and Placelessness, London: Pion.
  • Rickinson, M., Dillon, J., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Choi, M. Y., Saunders, D. & Benefield, P. (2004) A Review of Research on Outdoor Learning, London: Field Studies Council.
  • Samborski, S. (2010) Biodiverse or barren school grounds: Their effects on children, Children, Youth and Environments, 20(2), 67-115.
  • Schwartz, S. H. (1992) Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Psychology (pp.1-65), London: Academic Press.
  • Sutton-Smith, B. (1995) Conclusion: the persuasive rhetorics of play in A. D. Pellegrini, (Ed.), The Future of Play theory: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry into the Contributions of Brian Sutton-Smith (pp. 275-295), Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Staff Meeting (2009) Minutes of Staff Meeting, Ocean View Primary School.
  • Stetsenko, A. (2009) Vygotsky and the Conceptual Revolution in M. Fleer, M. Hedegaard, & J. R. H. Tudge, (Eds.), The World Year Book of Education 2009: Childhood studies and the impact of globalization: Policies and practices at global and local levels, (pp. 125160), New York: Routledge.
  • Tolmie, A. K., Topping, K. J., Chrstie, D., Donaldson, D., Howe, C., Jessiman, E., Livingston, K. & Thurston, A. (2010) Social effects of collaborative learning in primary schools, Learning and Instruction, 20, 177-191.
  • Thomson, S. (2005) Territorialising the primary school playground: Deconstructiong the geography of playtime, Children’s Geographies, 3(1), 63-78.
  • Wachs T. D. (2000) Necessary But Not Sufficient: The Respective Roles of Single and Multiple Influences on Individual Development, Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Wake, S. J. (2008) In the best interests of the child: juggling the geography of children's gardens (between adult agendas and children's needs, Children's Geographies, 6(4), 423-435.
  • Ward, C. (1961) Adventure Playground A Parable of Anarchy, Anarchy, Sept 1961, 193-201. Winchester, H. P. M. (2000) Qualitative Research and its Place in Human Geography in I. Hay (Ed.) Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography, (pp.1-21), Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Wyman, R. J. (2005) Experimental analysis of nature-nurture interactions, Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A, Comparative Experimental Biology, 303a(6), 415-421. Yin, R. K. (2003) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 3 rd Edition, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 77 - 92, 01.02.2013



  • Barker, R. (1968) Ecological Psychology, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  • Bennett, A. & George, A. L. (1997) Process Tracing in Case Study Research, MacArthur Foundation Workshop on Case Study Methods, Harvard University, October 17-19, 19 Retrieved from Dec 2010.
  • Bjorklund, D. F. & Gardiner, A. K. (2011) Object play and tool use: developmental and evolutionary perspectives. In A. D. Pellegrini (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The Development of Play (pp.153-171), New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Booker, L. (2010) Learning to play or playing to learn? Children’s participation in the cultures of homes and settings. In L. Booker, & S. Edwards (Eds.), Engaging Play (pp.39-53), Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U (1979) The Ecology of Human Development, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. & Morris, P. A. (2006) The bioecological model of human development. In W. Damon (Series Ed.) & R. M. Lerner (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Vol. Theoretical Models of Human Development (5 th Edn.), (pp.993-1028), New York: John Wiley.
  • Casey, E. S. (1993) Getting Back Into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the PlaceWorld, Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • Conradson, D. (2005) Landscape, care and the relational self: Therapeutic encounters in rural England. Health & Place, 11, 337–348.
  • Curry, M. R. (2002) Discursive Displacement and the Seminal Ambiguity of Space and Place. In L. Lievriuw, & S. Livingstone, (Eds.), The Handbook of New Media: Social Shaping and Consequences of ICT (pp. 502-517), London: Sage Publications.
  • Dewey, J. (1938/1997). Experience and Education, New York: Macmillan.
  • Director Catholic Earthcare Australia (2010) personal communication, 17.08.2010.
  • Dyment, J. E. & Bell, A. C. (2007) Active by design: Promoting physical activity through school ground greening, Children’s Geographies, 5(4), 463 – 477.
  • Fjİrtoft, I. (2004) Landscape as playscape: The effects of natural environments on children’s play and motor development, Children, Youth and Environments, 14(2), 21-44.
  • George, A.L. & Bennett (2005) Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences, Cambridge: M.I.T. Press.
  • Gerring, J. (2007) Case Study Research; Principles and Practices, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gibson, J. J. (1979) The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Hillsdale: Erlbaum Associates.
  • Hart, R. A. (1982) Wildlands for children: Consideration of the value of natural environments in landscape planning, Landschaft und Stadt, 14(1), 34-39.
  • Horton, J., Kraftl, P. & Tucker, F. (2008) The challenges of ‘Children’s Geographies’: a reaffirmation, Children’s Geographies, 6(4), 335-348.
  • Johnston, R. J. (1986) On Human Geography. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
  • Kant, I. (1855) Critique of Pure Reason, (J. M. D. Mieklejohn, Trans.), London: Henry G. Bohn. (Original work published 1781).
  • Kylin, M. (2003) ‘Children’s Dens’, Children, Youth and Environments, 13(1) Retrieved from s_Kylin.htm
  • Kovac, V. (2002) Synchrony and heterochrony in ontogeny (of fish). Journal of Theoretical Biology, 217, 499–507.
  • Lester, S. & Russell, S. (2008). Play for a change. Play policy and practice: A review of contemporary perspectives, London: Play England.
  • Lucas, A. J. & Dyment, J. E. (2010) Where do children choose to play on the school ground? The influence of green design, Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 38(2), 177-189.
  • Malone, K. & Tranter, P. (2003) Children's environmental learning and the use, design and management of schoolgrounds, Children, Youth and Environments, 13(2) Retrieved from
  • Moore, R. C. (1986) Childhood’s Domain: Play and Place in Child Development, Beckenham: Croom Helm Ltd.
  • Min, B. & Lee, J. (2006) Children’s neighborhood place as a psychological and behavioral domain, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, 51-71.
  • Non-Government Schools Registration Board (2007) personal communication 12 December 200
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002) Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods: Third Ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Peacock, A. (2011) Managed learning spaces and new forms of learning outside the classroom. In S. Waite, (Ed.), Children Learning Outside the Classroom From Birth to Eleven (pp. 188-200), London: Sage Publications.
  • Pellegrini, A. D. (2009) The Role of Play in Human Development, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Plumert, J. M. (2008). Children’s thinking is not just about what’s in the head: Understanding the organism and environment as a unified system. In R. V. Kail (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior (pp. 373- 417), San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Relph, E. (1976) Place and Placelessness, London: Pion.
  • Rickinson, M., Dillon, J., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Choi, M. Y., Saunders, D. & Benefield, P. (2004) A Review of Research on Outdoor Learning, London: Field Studies Council.
  • Samborski, S. (2010) Biodiverse or barren school grounds: Their effects on children, Children, Youth and Environments, 20(2), 67-115.
  • Schwartz, S. H. (1992) Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Psychology (pp.1-65), London: Academic Press.
  • Sutton-Smith, B. (1995) Conclusion: the persuasive rhetorics of play in A. D. Pellegrini, (Ed.), The Future of Play theory: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry into the Contributions of Brian Sutton-Smith (pp. 275-295), Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Staff Meeting (2009) Minutes of Staff Meeting, Ocean View Primary School.
  • Stetsenko, A. (2009) Vygotsky and the Conceptual Revolution in M. Fleer, M. Hedegaard, & J. R. H. Tudge, (Eds.), The World Year Book of Education 2009: Childhood studies and the impact of globalization: Policies and practices at global and local levels, (pp. 125160), New York: Routledge.
  • Tolmie, A. K., Topping, K. J., Chrstie, D., Donaldson, D., Howe, C., Jessiman, E., Livingston, K. & Thurston, A. (2010) Social effects of collaborative learning in primary schools, Learning and Instruction, 20, 177-191.
  • Thomson, S. (2005) Territorialising the primary school playground: Deconstructiong the geography of playtime, Children’s Geographies, 3(1), 63-78.
  • Wachs T. D. (2000) Necessary But Not Sufficient: The Respective Roles of Single and Multiple Influences on Individual Development, Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Wake, S. J. (2008) In the best interests of the child: juggling the geography of children's gardens (between adult agendas and children's needs, Children's Geographies, 6(4), 423-435.
  • Ward, C. (1961) Adventure Playground A Parable of Anarchy, Anarchy, Sept 1961, 193-201. Winchester, H. P. M. (2000) Qualitative Research and its Place in Human Geography in I. Hay (Ed.) Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography, (pp.1-21), Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Wyman, R. J. (2005) Experimental analysis of nature-nurture interactions, Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A, Comparative Experimental Biology, 303a(6), 415-421. Yin, R. K. (2003) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 3 rd Edition, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Paul Johnson Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Johnson, P. (2013). Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 3(1), 77-92.
AMA Johnson P. Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships. Review of International Geographical Education Online. Şubat 2013;3(1):77-92.
Chicago Johnson, Paul. “Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 3, sy. 1 (Şubat 2013): 77-92.
EndNote Johnson P (01 Şubat 2013) Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships. Review of International Geographical Education Online 3 1 77–92.
IEEE P. Johnson, “Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships”, Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 77–92, 2013.
ISNAD Johnson, Paul. “Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 3/1 (Şubat 2013), 77-92.
JAMA Johnson P. Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2013;3:77–92.
MLA Johnson, Paul. “Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships”. Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 3, sy. 1, 2013, ss. 77-92.
Vancouver Johnson P. Schoolyard Geographies: The Influence of Object-Play and Place-Making on Relationships. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2013;3(1):77-92.