BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster

Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 113 - 140, 01.06.2011



  • Bar-Gal, Y. (1993). Boundaries as a topic in geographic education: The case of Israel.
  • Political Geography, 12(5), 421-435. Bassin, M. (2003). Classical Eurasianism and the Geopolitics of Russian Identity. AbImperio, , 257–267.
  • Bergonioux, A., Cauchy P., & Sirinelli J. F. (2006). Faire des Européens ? L'Europe dans l'enseignement de l'histoire, de la géographie et de l'éducation civique. Paris: Delagrave.
  • Budke, A. (2009). La géopolitique des cours de géographie en RDA. Résultats d’une analyse des manuels scolaires. In E. Squarcina (Ed.), Didattica critica della geografia (pp. 129-150). Milano: Unicopli.
  • Buoncompagni, F. (2008), L’integrazione europea: verso una geografia commune. Ambiente
  • Società e Territorio. Geografia nelle scuole, 53(1), 3-7. Cosgrove, D. (1999). Mappings. London: Reaktion.
  • Dalby, S. (1991). Critical geopolitics. Discourse, Difference and Dissent. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 9(3), 261-283. dell’Agnese, E. (2005). Geografia politica critica. Milano: Guerini e Associati. dell’Agnese, E. (2008). Geo-graphing, writing words. In K. Cox, M. Low, & J. Robinson
  • (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Political Geography (pp. 439-453). London: Sage. dell’Agnese, E., & Squarcina, E. (Eds.). (2005). Europa vecchi confini e nuove frontiere. Torino: UTET. dell’Agnese, E., & Squarcina, E. (2005a). Introduzione. In E. dell’Agnese, & E. Squarcina
  • (Eds.). Europa vecchi confini e nuove frontiere (pp. 9-19). Torino: UTET. Durrani, N., & Dunne, M. (2009). Curriculum and National identity: exploring the links between religion and nation in Pakistan. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(2), 215-240.
  • European Union. (1992). Treaty on European Union. Official Journal. C191. Retrieved from
  • Farinelli, F. (2009). Ogni testo è un atlante e ogni atlante è un testo. In E. Squarcina (Ed.),
  • Didattica critica della geografia (23-32). Milano: Unicopli. Flowerdew, R., & Martin, D. (2005). Methods in Human Geography: A Guide for Students
  • Doing a Research Project, London: Pearson Ed. Foucault, M. (1975). Surveiller et punir. Naissance de la prison. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Gramsci, A. (1975). Quaderni del carcere. Torino: Einaudi.
  • Hall, S. (1997). Representation. Cultural representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage.
  • Halocha, J. (2011). The Representation of Europe in Maps with reference to Catling’s Theory of Children’s Worlds: Issues for Geographical Education. Review of International
  • Geographical Education Online RIGEO, 1(1), 60-71. Hamann, B. (2007). Australia in German Geography Textbooks for Middle Schools.
  • International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 16(2), 135-146. Harley, J. B. (2001). Deconstructing the map. In C. Minca (Ed). Introduzione alla geografia postmoderna (pp. 237-258). Padova. CEDAM.
  • Hicks, D. (1980). Images of the World: An Introduction to Bias in Teaching Materials,
  • Occasional Paper n.2. University of London, Institute of Education: London. Horváth, G., & Probáld, F. (2003). Geographical Education in a Region of Transition – East
  • Central Europe. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, (2), 139-148. Hong, W. P., & Halvorsen, A. L. (2009), Teaching Asia in US secondary school classrooms: a curriculum of othering. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(3), 371-393.
  • Huckle, J. (1997). Towards a critical School Geography. In D. Tilbury, & M. Williams (Eds),
  • Teaching and Learning Geography (pp. 241-253). London: Routledge. Keane, M., & Villanueva M. (Eds.). (2009). Thinking European(s). New Geographies of
  • Place, Culture and Identities. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Malatesta, S. (2010). Per fare l’albero ci vuol la carta. Note critiche per un curricolo geografico. Milano: Guerini e Associati
  • Marienfeld, W. (1976). Schulbuchanalyse und Schulbuchrevision: Zur Methodenproblematik.
  • In Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung. (Ed.), Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichts und Geographieunterricht (Vol. XVII, pp. 47-58). Braunschweig: Author. Mentz, O. (2003). The Development of Nation and Europe in French Geography Textbooks
  • Since 1945. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12(3), 254
  • Michaels, D. L., & Stevick, E. D. (2009). Europeanization in the ‘other’ Europe: writing the nation into ‘Europe’ education in Slovakia and Estonia. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(2), 245.
  • Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. (2007). Indicazioni per il curricolo, per la scuola dell’infanzia e per il primo ciclo d’istruzione. Retrieved from: _310707.pdf.
  • Morin, E. (1987). Penser l’Europe. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Morin, E. (2001). I sette saperi necessari all’educazione del futuro. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.
  • Nasser, R., & Nasser, I. (2008). Textbooks as a Vehicle for segregation and domination: state efforts to shape Palestinian Israelis’ identities as citizens. Journal of Curriclum Studies, 40(5), 650
  • Öztürk, M., Tani, S., & Villanueva, M. (2009). Citizenship: making Space for “Self” and “Other”, in M. Keane, & M. Villanueva (Eds.), Thinking European(s). New Geographies of
  • Place, Culture and Identities (pp. 227-254). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Papadimitriou, F. (2004). A Comparative Evaluation of Geography Schoolbooks of Greece and Cyprus. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 13(1), 96.
  • Philippou, S. (2009). What makes Cyprus European? Curricular responses of Greek-Cypriot civic education to ‘Europe’. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(2), 199-223.
  • Piattoeva, N. (2009). Citizenship and nationality in changing Europe: a comparative study of the aims of citizenship education in Russian and Finnish national education policy texts.
  • Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(6), 723-744. Pink, S. (2006). Thinking About Visual Research. London: Sage.
  • Prosser, J. (1998). Image-based research: a sourcebook for qualitative researchers. London: Routledge.
  • Reynaud, A. (1981). Société, Espace et Justice. Paris: PUF.
  • Roberts, M., (2009). The representation of southern Italy in Geography textbook. In E.
  • Squarcina (Ed.), Didattica critica della geografia (pp. 245-254). Milano: Unicopli. Rose, G. (2001). Visual Methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of Visual
  • Materials. London: Sage. Rose, G. (2003). On the Need to Ask How, Exactly, Is Geography “Visual”?. Antipode, 212
  • Schissler, H., & Soysal, Y. N. (Eds.). (2005). The nation, Europe, and the world: textbooks and curricula in transition. Berghahn Books: New York.
  • Smith, A. D. (1992). National identity and the idea of European unity. International Affairs, (1), 55-76.
  • Sönmez, S., & Sirakaya, E. (2002). A Distorted Destination Image? The Case of Turkey.
  • Journal of Travel Research, 41, 185-196. Squarcina, E. (2007). Un mondo di carta e di carte. Milano: Guerini e Associati.
  • Squarcina, E. (2009). Introduzione. Una didattica critica della geografia? In E. Squarcina
  • (Ed.), Didattica critica della geografia (pp. 9-22). Milano: Unicopli. Steiner, G. (2004). The idea of Europe. Le Tilburg: Nexus Institute.
  • Szakács, S. (2007). Now and then: National Identity Construction in Romanian History. A
  • Comparative Study of Communist and Post-Communist School Textbooks. International Textbook Research, 29(1), 23-47. Toal, G. (1996). Critical geopolitics. Minneapolis: Minnesota Press.
  • Utkan, N. (2006). La Turchia e l’Europa, Rivista di studi politici internazionali. Retrieved from
  • Winter, C. (1997). Ethnocentric bias in geography textbooks: a framework for reconstruction.
  • In D. Tilbury, & M. Williams (Eds), Teaching and Learning Geography (pp. 180-188). London: Routledge. Wintle, M. (Ed.). (1996). Culture and Identity in Europe, Perception of divergence and unity in past and present. Avebury: Aldershot.
  • Wright, D. R. (2003). World Maps in Geographical Education: A Traditional yet Radical
  • Agenda. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12(1), 1-5
  • Zhang, H., & Foskett, N. (2003). Changes in the Subject Matter of Geography Textbooks: 1993. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12(4), 329.
  • Zolyan, M., & Zakaryan T. (2008). Representations of “Us” and “Them” in History
  • Textbooks of Post-Soviet Armenia. International Textbook Research, 30(4),785-795. Analyzed Textbooks published after 2002
  • Berardi, M., Corsini, D., & Detti, C. (2005). Misteri al castello, il libro delle discipline,
  • Torino. Eurelle Edizioni, Il Capitello. Bresich, G. (Ed.). (2005). Iper Libro, il sussidiario delle discipline. Novara: De Agostini.
  • Brioni, G., Coltri, L., & Dalola, D. (2009). Poster, in giro tra i saperi. Firenze: Giunti scuola.
  • Carlini, S., Detti, G., & Gecchele, E. (2002). Come Robinson. Torino: Il Capitello.
  • Corno, M. (Ed.). (2006). Ioiò, il sussidiario delle discipline. Novara: De Agostini.
  • D’Aniello, E., & Moroni, G. (Eds.). (2004) La rete dei saperi. Milano: Immedia.
  • Fanelli, S., Magnetti, I., & Rubaudo, I. (2008). Urrà Sussidiario delle discipline. Torino: Il Capitello.
  • Flaccavento Romano, G., Köhler, R., & Bianchi, S. (2002). Progetto domino. Milano: Fabbri.
  • Manganaro, V. (2009). BigBang, l’esplosione delle discipline. Brescia: La Scuola.
  • Shangai, l’intreccio delle discipline. (2008). Brescia: La Scuola.
  • Valenti, P., & Maffeis, S. (2006). Il sapere di base, sussidiario delle discipline, Bergamo: Atlas.

Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 113 - 140, 01.06.2011



  • Bar-Gal, Y. (1993). Boundaries as a topic in geographic education: The case of Israel.
  • Political Geography, 12(5), 421-435. Bassin, M. (2003). Classical Eurasianism and the Geopolitics of Russian Identity. AbImperio, , 257–267.
  • Bergonioux, A., Cauchy P., & Sirinelli J. F. (2006). Faire des Européens ? L'Europe dans l'enseignement de l'histoire, de la géographie et de l'éducation civique. Paris: Delagrave.
  • Budke, A. (2009). La géopolitique des cours de géographie en RDA. Résultats d’une analyse des manuels scolaires. In E. Squarcina (Ed.), Didattica critica della geografia (pp. 129-150). Milano: Unicopli.
  • Buoncompagni, F. (2008), L’integrazione europea: verso una geografia commune. Ambiente
  • Società e Territorio. Geografia nelle scuole, 53(1), 3-7. Cosgrove, D. (1999). Mappings. London: Reaktion.
  • Dalby, S. (1991). Critical geopolitics. Discourse, Difference and Dissent. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 9(3), 261-283. dell’Agnese, E. (2005). Geografia politica critica. Milano: Guerini e Associati. dell’Agnese, E. (2008). Geo-graphing, writing words. In K. Cox, M. Low, & J. Robinson
  • (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Political Geography (pp. 439-453). London: Sage. dell’Agnese, E., & Squarcina, E. (Eds.). (2005). Europa vecchi confini e nuove frontiere. Torino: UTET. dell’Agnese, E., & Squarcina, E. (2005a). Introduzione. In E. dell’Agnese, & E. Squarcina
  • (Eds.). Europa vecchi confini e nuove frontiere (pp. 9-19). Torino: UTET. Durrani, N., & Dunne, M. (2009). Curriculum and National identity: exploring the links between religion and nation in Pakistan. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(2), 215-240.
  • European Union. (1992). Treaty on European Union. Official Journal. C191. Retrieved from
  • Farinelli, F. (2009). Ogni testo è un atlante e ogni atlante è un testo. In E. Squarcina (Ed.),
  • Didattica critica della geografia (23-32). Milano: Unicopli. Flowerdew, R., & Martin, D. (2005). Methods in Human Geography: A Guide for Students
  • Doing a Research Project, London: Pearson Ed. Foucault, M. (1975). Surveiller et punir. Naissance de la prison. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Gramsci, A. (1975). Quaderni del carcere. Torino: Einaudi.
  • Hall, S. (1997). Representation. Cultural representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage.
  • Halocha, J. (2011). The Representation of Europe in Maps with reference to Catling’s Theory of Children’s Worlds: Issues for Geographical Education. Review of International
  • Geographical Education Online RIGEO, 1(1), 60-71. Hamann, B. (2007). Australia in German Geography Textbooks for Middle Schools.
  • International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 16(2), 135-146. Harley, J. B. (2001). Deconstructing the map. In C. Minca (Ed). Introduzione alla geografia postmoderna (pp. 237-258). Padova. CEDAM.
  • Hicks, D. (1980). Images of the World: An Introduction to Bias in Teaching Materials,
  • Occasional Paper n.2. University of London, Institute of Education: London. Horváth, G., & Probáld, F. (2003). Geographical Education in a Region of Transition – East
  • Central Europe. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, (2), 139-148. Hong, W. P., & Halvorsen, A. L. (2009), Teaching Asia in US secondary school classrooms: a curriculum of othering. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(3), 371-393.
  • Huckle, J. (1997). Towards a critical School Geography. In D. Tilbury, & M. Williams (Eds),
  • Teaching and Learning Geography (pp. 241-253). London: Routledge. Keane, M., & Villanueva M. (Eds.). (2009). Thinking European(s). New Geographies of
  • Place, Culture and Identities. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Malatesta, S. (2010). Per fare l’albero ci vuol la carta. Note critiche per un curricolo geografico. Milano: Guerini e Associati
  • Marienfeld, W. (1976). Schulbuchanalyse und Schulbuchrevision: Zur Methodenproblematik.
  • In Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung. (Ed.), Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichts und Geographieunterricht (Vol. XVII, pp. 47-58). Braunschweig: Author. Mentz, O. (2003). The Development of Nation and Europe in French Geography Textbooks
  • Since 1945. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12(3), 254
  • Michaels, D. L., & Stevick, E. D. (2009). Europeanization in the ‘other’ Europe: writing the nation into ‘Europe’ education in Slovakia and Estonia. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(2), 245.
  • Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. (2007). Indicazioni per il curricolo, per la scuola dell’infanzia e per il primo ciclo d’istruzione. Retrieved from: _310707.pdf.
  • Morin, E. (1987). Penser l’Europe. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Morin, E. (2001). I sette saperi necessari all’educazione del futuro. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.
  • Nasser, R., & Nasser, I. (2008). Textbooks as a Vehicle for segregation and domination: state efforts to shape Palestinian Israelis’ identities as citizens. Journal of Curriclum Studies, 40(5), 650
  • Öztürk, M., Tani, S., & Villanueva, M. (2009). Citizenship: making Space for “Self” and “Other”, in M. Keane, & M. Villanueva (Eds.), Thinking European(s). New Geographies of
  • Place, Culture and Identities (pp. 227-254). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Papadimitriou, F. (2004). A Comparative Evaluation of Geography Schoolbooks of Greece and Cyprus. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 13(1), 96.
  • Philippou, S. (2009). What makes Cyprus European? Curricular responses of Greek-Cypriot civic education to ‘Europe’. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(2), 199-223.
  • Piattoeva, N. (2009). Citizenship and nationality in changing Europe: a comparative study of the aims of citizenship education in Russian and Finnish national education policy texts.
  • Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(6), 723-744. Pink, S. (2006). Thinking About Visual Research. London: Sage.
  • Prosser, J. (1998). Image-based research: a sourcebook for qualitative researchers. London: Routledge.
  • Reynaud, A. (1981). Société, Espace et Justice. Paris: PUF.
  • Roberts, M., (2009). The representation of southern Italy in Geography textbook. In E.
  • Squarcina (Ed.), Didattica critica della geografia (pp. 245-254). Milano: Unicopli. Rose, G. (2001). Visual Methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of Visual
  • Materials. London: Sage. Rose, G. (2003). On the Need to Ask How, Exactly, Is Geography “Visual”?. Antipode, 212
  • Schissler, H., & Soysal, Y. N. (Eds.). (2005). The nation, Europe, and the world: textbooks and curricula in transition. Berghahn Books: New York.
  • Smith, A. D. (1992). National identity and the idea of European unity. International Affairs, (1), 55-76.
  • Sönmez, S., & Sirakaya, E. (2002). A Distorted Destination Image? The Case of Turkey.
  • Journal of Travel Research, 41, 185-196. Squarcina, E. (2007). Un mondo di carta e di carte. Milano: Guerini e Associati.
  • Squarcina, E. (2009). Introduzione. Una didattica critica della geografia? In E. Squarcina
  • (Ed.), Didattica critica della geografia (pp. 9-22). Milano: Unicopli. Steiner, G. (2004). The idea of Europe. Le Tilburg: Nexus Institute.
  • Szakács, S. (2007). Now and then: National Identity Construction in Romanian History. A
  • Comparative Study of Communist and Post-Communist School Textbooks. International Textbook Research, 29(1), 23-47. Toal, G. (1996). Critical geopolitics. Minneapolis: Minnesota Press.
  • Utkan, N. (2006). La Turchia e l’Europa, Rivista di studi politici internazionali. Retrieved from
  • Winter, C. (1997). Ethnocentric bias in geography textbooks: a framework for reconstruction.
  • In D. Tilbury, & M. Williams (Eds), Teaching and Learning Geography (pp. 180-188). London: Routledge. Wintle, M. (Ed.). (1996). Culture and Identity in Europe, Perception of divergence and unity in past and present. Avebury: Aldershot.
  • Wright, D. R. (2003). World Maps in Geographical Education: A Traditional yet Radical
  • Agenda. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12(1), 1-5
  • Zhang, H., & Foskett, N. (2003). Changes in the Subject Matter of Geography Textbooks: 1993. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12(4), 329.
  • Zolyan, M., & Zakaryan T. (2008). Representations of “Us” and “Them” in History
  • Textbooks of Post-Soviet Armenia. International Textbook Research, 30(4),785-795. Analyzed Textbooks published after 2002
  • Berardi, M., Corsini, D., & Detti, C. (2005). Misteri al castello, il libro delle discipline,
  • Torino. Eurelle Edizioni, Il Capitello. Bresich, G. (Ed.). (2005). Iper Libro, il sussidiario delle discipline. Novara: De Agostini.
  • Brioni, G., Coltri, L., & Dalola, D. (2009). Poster, in giro tra i saperi. Firenze: Giunti scuola.
  • Carlini, S., Detti, G., & Gecchele, E. (2002). Come Robinson. Torino: Il Capitello.
  • Corno, M. (Ed.). (2006). Ioiò, il sussidiario delle discipline. Novara: De Agostini.
  • D’Aniello, E., & Moroni, G. (Eds.). (2004) La rete dei saperi. Milano: Immedia.
  • Fanelli, S., Magnetti, I., & Rubaudo, I. (2008). Urrà Sussidiario delle discipline. Torino: Il Capitello.
  • Flaccavento Romano, G., Köhler, R., & Bianchi, S. (2002). Progetto domino. Milano: Fabbri.
  • Manganaro, V. (2009). BigBang, l’esplosione delle discipline. Brescia: La Scuola.
  • Shangai, l’intreccio delle discipline. (2008). Brescia: La Scuola.
  • Valenti, P., & Maffeis, S. (2006). Il sapere di base, sussidiario delle discipline, Bergamo: Atlas.
Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Stefano Malatesta Bu kişi benim

Enrico Squarcına Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Malatesta, S., & Squarcına, E. (2011). Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 1(2), 113-140.
AMA Malatesta S, Squarcına E. Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online. Haziran 2011;1(2):113-140.
Chicago Malatesta, Stefano, ve Enrico Squarcına. “Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 1, sy. 2 (Haziran 2011): 113-40.
EndNote Malatesta S, Squarcına E (01 Haziran 2011) Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online 1 2 113–140.
IEEE S. Malatesta ve E. Squarcına, “Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks”, Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 113–140, 2011.
ISNAD Malatesta, Stefano - Squarcına, Enrico. “Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 1/2 (Haziran 2011), 113-140.
JAMA Malatesta S, Squarcına E. Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2011;1:113–140.
MLA Malatesta, Stefano ve Enrico Squarcına. “Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks”. Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 1, sy. 2, 2011, ss. 113-40.
Vancouver Malatesta S, Squarcına E. Where Does Europe End? The Representation of Europe and Turkey in Italian Primary Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2011;1(2):113-40.