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Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 48 - 79, 30.04.2017


This paper discusses the representation of resource exploitation and consumption in German geography
textbooks. The aim of the paper is to contribute to a critical and reflective understanding of the
representation of resource-related issues in textbooks by analyzing two scientific debates (resource
curse and actor analysis). The paper shows that all studied geography textbooks contribute to a certain
degree to awareness raising in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), but references to the
everyday life of students are rare. There are only few action-orientated tasks in the frame of resource
exploitation and consumption in the studied textbooks. As real-world examples help develop students’
critical thinking skills and shape their ideas of sustainable development, these aspects reflect a
pedagogical shortcoming. 


  • Allen, J. & Massey, D. (eds.) (1996). Geographical worlds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Auty, R. (1993). Sustaining development in mineral economies: The resource curse thesis. London: Routledge.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. (2013a). Dealing with growth: Demographic dynamics and (un)sustainability in geography textbooks. RIGEO, 3(1), 56-76.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. (2013b): Tracing sustainability: An international comparison of ESD implementation into lower secondary education. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 7(1), 91-108.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. (2014). Traditionen geographiedidaktischer Schulbuchforschung – eine Metaanalyse. In P. Knecht et al. (eds.), Methodologie und Methoden der Schulbuch- und Lehrmittelforschung (pp. 111-126). Justus Klinkhardt: Bad Heilbrunn.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. & Hemmer, I. (2017). Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, State of the art– Sekundarschulen. In G. de Haan (ed.), Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Stand und Perspektiven. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Balassa, B. (1971). Trade policies in developing countries. American Economic Review, 61(2), 178-187.
  • Bebbington, A., Hinojosa, L., Humphreys Bebbington, D., Burneo, M.L. & Warnaars, X. (2008). Contention and ambiguity: Mining and the possibilities of development. Development and Change, 39(6), 887-914.
  • Bierwirth, J., Haberlag, B. & Wagener, D. (2015). TERRA Erdkunde 2 Gymnasium. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Blechschmidt, K., Eck, T. & Götz, K. (2010). Südostasien. Diercke Spezial. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Bridge, G. (2004). Contested terrain: Mining and the environment. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 29, 205-259.
  • Bridge, G. & Le Billon, P. (2013). Oil. Polity Press: Cambridge/Malden. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (2016). Übersicht Offshore-Netzanbindungen. Retrieved from Windenergie-auf-See/Offshore-Projekte/Netzanbindungen/netzanbindungen.html
  • Cannon, T. (1975). Geography and underdevelopment. Area, 7(3), 212-216.
  • Claaßen, K. (2012). Australien/Ozeanien – Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung. Diercke Spezial. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Cowan, M. & Shenton, R.W. (1996). Doctrines of development. Routledge: London/New York.
  • Cowan, M.P. and Shenton, R.W. (1996). Doctrines of development. Routledge: London/New York.
  • de Haan, G., Kamp, G., Lerch, A., Martignon, L., Müller-Christ, G. & Nutzinger, H.-G. (eds.) (2008). Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit. Grundlagen und schulpraktische Konsequenzen. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
  • DGfG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie) (2014): Bildungsstandards im Fach Geographie für den Mittleren Schulabschluss mit Aufgabenbeispielen. Bonn: DGfG.
  • Drabek, A.G. (1987). Development alternatives: The challenge of NGOs. World Development.
  • Edwards, M. & Hulme, D. (eds.) (1995). Non-governmental organisations–Performance and accountability: Beyond the magic bullet. London: Earthscan.
  • Elliott, J.A. (2006). An introduction to sustainable development. Routledge: London.
  • Esser, H. (1991). Alltagshandeln und Verstehen. Tübingen.
  • Ferguson, J. (1994). The anti-politics machine: ‘Development’, depoliticization and bureaucratic power in Lesotho. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN.
  • Flath, M. & Rudyk, E. (2012). Unsere Erde. Gymnasium Niedsersachsen 7/8. Berlin/Oldenburg/München: Cornelsen.
  • Friedmann, J. (1966). Regional development policy: A case study of Venezuela. MIT Press: Cambridge. MA.
  • Garlake, T. (2007). Interdependence. In D. Hicks & C. Holden (eds.), Teaching the global dimension: Key principles and effective practice (pp. 114-126). Routledge: London.
  • Geographical Association (2012). Thinking geographically. Retrieved from http://www.
  • Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (2007). Unternehmer und Staat in europäischen Schulbüchern – Deutschland, England und Schweden im Vergleich. GEI: Braunschweig.
  • Girndt, T, Schoop, W. & Mingenbach, M. (2012). Raummodul Lateinamerika. Diercke Spezial. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Girndt, T. & Zimmermann, S. (2016). Nordafrika und Vorderasien. Diercke Spezial, Westermann: Braunschweig.
  • Global Footprint Network (2003). The ecological footprint. Retrieved from
  • Haberlag, B. & Wagener, D. (2013). Weltmeere als Zukunftsraum. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Haberlag, B., Korby, W., Kreus, A., von der Ruhren, N & Wagener, D. (2014). Afrika südlich der Sahara. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Haberlag, B., Kreus, A. & Wagener, D. (2015). Russland und asiatische Nachfolgestaaten der Sowjetunion. Themenband Oberstufe, TERRA. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Haubrich, H., Reinfried, S. & Schleicher, Y. (2007). Lucerne Declaration on Geographical Education for Sustainable Development. Lucerne: IGU. In S. Reinfried, Y. Schleicher, & A. Rempfler (eds), Geographical views on Education for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the Lucerne-Symposium, Switzerland, July 29-31, 2007. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen 42 (pp. 243–250).
  • Weingarten: HGD. Hemmer, I. & Hemmer, M. (2010). Schülerinteresse an Themen, Regionen und Arbeitsweisen des Geographieunterrichts. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen 46. Weingarten: HGD.
  • Huckle, J. (2005). Education for Sustainable Development. Briefing document prepared for the TDA. Retrieved from
  • KMK/BMZ (Kultusministerkonferenz/Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) (2015). Orientierungsrahmen für den Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung im Rahmen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. http: //
  • Kowasch, M., Batterbury, S. & Neumann, M. (2015). Social arena and strategic logics–A case study in Poum, northern New Caledonia. Settler Colonial Studies, 5(4), 302-316.
  • Kreus, A. & von der Ruhren, N. (2010). Europa. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Kreus, A. and von der Ruhren, N. (2009). Deutschland. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Krings, T. & Müller, B. (2001). Politische Ökologie: Theoretische Leitlinien und aktuelle Forschungsfelder. In P. Reuber & G. Wolkersdorfer (eds.), Politische Geographie. Handlungsorientierte Ansätze und Critical Geopolitics. Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten 112 (pp. 93-116). Heidelberg: Geographisches Institut.
  • Lal, D. (1983). The poverty of development economics. Institute of Economic Affairs: London.
  • Lambert, D. & Morgan, J. (2010). Teaching geography, 11-18–A conceptual approach. London/New York: Open University Press.
  • Lave, R. (2015). Reassembling the structural–Political ecology and actor-network theory. In T. Perreault, G. Bridge & J. McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge handbook of political ecology (pp. 213-223). Abington/New York: Routledge.
  • Martens, P., Roorda, N. & Cörvers, R. (2010). Sustainability, science and higher education: The need for new paradigms. Sustainability: The Journal of Record, 3(5), 294-303.
  • Mayring, P. (2015). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz.
  • McKeown, R. (2002). Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit. Retrieved at
  • McKeown, R. & Hopkins, S. (2007). Moving beyond the EE and ESD disciplinary debate in formal education. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 1, 17-26.
  • Mikesell, R. (1994). Sustainable development and mineral resources. Resour. Policy, 20(2), 83- 86.
  • Mogensen, F. & Schnack, K. (2010). The action competence approach and the ‘new’ discourses of Education for Sustainable Development, competence and quality criteria. Environmental Education Research, 16(1), 59-74.
  • Myerson, G. & Rydin, Y. (1996). The language of environment: A new rhetoric. London: UCI Press.
  • Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium (2010). Kerncurriculum für das Gymnasium – gymnasiale Oberstufe die Gesamtschule – gymnasiale Oberstufe das Abendgymnasium das Kolleg. Hannover: Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium.
  • Olivier de Sardan, J.-P. (2005). Anthropologie et développement – essai en socio- anthropologie du changement social. Marseille/Paris :Editions APAD–Karthala.
  • Power, T.M. (1996). Lost landscapes and failed economies: The search for a value of place. Washington DC: Island Press.
  • Reuber, P. (2005). Konflikte um Ressourcen. Praxis Geographie, 9, 4-9.
  • Rieckmann, M. (2012). The global perspective of Education for Sustainable Development: A European-Latin American study about key competencies for thinking and acting in the world society. Environmental Education Research, 19(2), 257-258.
  • Rieckmann, M. (2016). Kompetenzentwicklungsprozesse in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung erfassen: Überblick über ein heterogenes Forschungsfeld. In M. Barth & M. Rieckmann (eds.), Empirische Forschung zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Themen, Methoden und Trends. Schriftenreihe Ökologie und Erziehungswissenschaft der Kommission für nachhaltige Entwicklung der DGfE (pp. 89-109). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Rostow, W.W. (1960). The stages of economic growth: A non-communist nanifesto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sachs, W. (ed.) (1992). The development dictionary: A guide to knowledge as power. Zed Books: London.
  • Schmithüsen, F. (2002). Wandel des Erdkundeschulbuchs seit dem Kieler Geographentag. Shaker Verlag: Aachen.
  • Schrüfer, G. (2013). Konflikte im Geographieunterricht. In M. Rolfes & A. Uhlenwinkel (eds.), Metzler Handbuch 2.0 Geographieunterricht (pp. 350-357). Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Standish, A. (2009). Global perspectives in the geography curriculum: Reviewing the moral case for geography. Routledge: London.
  • Statista (2016). Anteil der Energieträger an der Nettostromerzeugung in Niedersachsen im Jahr 2014. Retrieved from strommix-nach-energietraegern-in-niedersachsen/
  • Stibbe, A. (2009). The handbook of sustainability literacy. Skills for a changing world. UIT Cambridge Ltd: Totnes.
  • Stonjek, D. (2009). Diercke Erdkunde 7/8. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Swyngedouw, E. (2007). Impossible ‘sustainability’ and the postpolitical condition. In R. Krueger & D. Gibbs (eds.), The sustainable development paradox: Urban political economy in the United States and Europe (pp. 13-40). Guilford Press: London.
  • Thomas, I., Barth, M. & Day, T. (2013). Education for sustainability, graduate capabilities, professional employment: How they all connect. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 29(1), 33-51.
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2017) How can mining contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Retrieved from news/how-can-mining-contribute-sustainable-development-goals
  • UNESCO (2016). UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
  • UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) (2016a). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its twenty – first session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015. Retrieved from eng/10a01.pdf#page=2
  • UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) (2016b). The Paris agreement. Retrieved from items/9485.php
  • Vare, P. & Scott, W. (2007). Learning for a change: Exploring the relationship between education and sustainable development. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 1(2), 191-198.
  • Waldeck, W. (2011). Angloamerika. Seydlitz Geographie, Rote Reihe. Braunschweig: Schroedel.
  • Wals, A.E.J. (2011). Learning our way to sustainability. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 5(2), 177-186.
  • Wiek, A., Bernstein, M.J., Foley, R.W., Cohen, M., Forrest, N., Kuzdas, C., Kay, B. & Withycombe Keeler, L. (2016). Operationalising competencies in higher education for sustainable development. In M. Barth, G. Michelsen, I. Thomas & M. Rieckmann (eds), Routledge handbook of higher education for sustainable development (pp. 241-260). Routledge: London.
  • Willis, K.D. (2014). Development: Critical approaches in human geography. In N.J. Clifford, S.L. Holloway, S.P. Rice & G. Valentine (eds.), Key Concepts in Geography (pp. 584-609). SAGE: London
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 48 - 79, 30.04.2017



  • Allen, J. & Massey, D. (eds.) (1996). Geographical worlds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Auty, R. (1993). Sustaining development in mineral economies: The resource curse thesis. London: Routledge.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. (2013a). Dealing with growth: Demographic dynamics and (un)sustainability in geography textbooks. RIGEO, 3(1), 56-76.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. (2013b): Tracing sustainability: An international comparison of ESD implementation into lower secondary education. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 7(1), 91-108.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. (2014). Traditionen geographiedidaktischer Schulbuchforschung – eine Metaanalyse. In P. Knecht et al. (eds.), Methodologie und Methoden der Schulbuch- und Lehrmittelforschung (pp. 111-126). Justus Klinkhardt: Bad Heilbrunn.
  • Bagoly-Simó, P. & Hemmer, I. (2017). Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, State of the art– Sekundarschulen. In G. de Haan (ed.), Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Stand und Perspektiven. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Balassa, B. (1971). Trade policies in developing countries. American Economic Review, 61(2), 178-187.
  • Bebbington, A., Hinojosa, L., Humphreys Bebbington, D., Burneo, M.L. & Warnaars, X. (2008). Contention and ambiguity: Mining and the possibilities of development. Development and Change, 39(6), 887-914.
  • Bierwirth, J., Haberlag, B. & Wagener, D. (2015). TERRA Erdkunde 2 Gymnasium. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Blechschmidt, K., Eck, T. & Götz, K. (2010). Südostasien. Diercke Spezial. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Bridge, G. (2004). Contested terrain: Mining and the environment. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 29, 205-259.
  • Bridge, G. & Le Billon, P. (2013). Oil. Polity Press: Cambridge/Malden. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (2016). Übersicht Offshore-Netzanbindungen. Retrieved from Windenergie-auf-See/Offshore-Projekte/Netzanbindungen/netzanbindungen.html
  • Cannon, T. (1975). Geography and underdevelopment. Area, 7(3), 212-216.
  • Claaßen, K. (2012). Australien/Ozeanien – Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung. Diercke Spezial. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Cowan, M. & Shenton, R.W. (1996). Doctrines of development. Routledge: London/New York.
  • Cowan, M.P. and Shenton, R.W. (1996). Doctrines of development. Routledge: London/New York.
  • de Haan, G., Kamp, G., Lerch, A., Martignon, L., Müller-Christ, G. & Nutzinger, H.-G. (eds.) (2008). Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit. Grundlagen und schulpraktische Konsequenzen. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
  • DGfG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie) (2014): Bildungsstandards im Fach Geographie für den Mittleren Schulabschluss mit Aufgabenbeispielen. Bonn: DGfG.
  • Drabek, A.G. (1987). Development alternatives: The challenge of NGOs. World Development.
  • Edwards, M. & Hulme, D. (eds.) (1995). Non-governmental organisations–Performance and accountability: Beyond the magic bullet. London: Earthscan.
  • Elliott, J.A. (2006). An introduction to sustainable development. Routledge: London.
  • Esser, H. (1991). Alltagshandeln und Verstehen. Tübingen.
  • Ferguson, J. (1994). The anti-politics machine: ‘Development’, depoliticization and bureaucratic power in Lesotho. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN.
  • Flath, M. & Rudyk, E. (2012). Unsere Erde. Gymnasium Niedsersachsen 7/8. Berlin/Oldenburg/München: Cornelsen.
  • Friedmann, J. (1966). Regional development policy: A case study of Venezuela. MIT Press: Cambridge. MA.
  • Garlake, T. (2007). Interdependence. In D. Hicks & C. Holden (eds.), Teaching the global dimension: Key principles and effective practice (pp. 114-126). Routledge: London.
  • Geographical Association (2012). Thinking geographically. Retrieved from http://www.
  • Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (2007). Unternehmer und Staat in europäischen Schulbüchern – Deutschland, England und Schweden im Vergleich. GEI: Braunschweig.
  • Girndt, T, Schoop, W. & Mingenbach, M. (2012). Raummodul Lateinamerika. Diercke Spezial. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Girndt, T. & Zimmermann, S. (2016). Nordafrika und Vorderasien. Diercke Spezial, Westermann: Braunschweig.
  • Global Footprint Network (2003). The ecological footprint. Retrieved from
  • Haberlag, B. & Wagener, D. (2013). Weltmeere als Zukunftsraum. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Haberlag, B., Korby, W., Kreus, A., von der Ruhren, N & Wagener, D. (2014). Afrika südlich der Sahara. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Haberlag, B., Kreus, A. & Wagener, D. (2015). Russland und asiatische Nachfolgestaaten der Sowjetunion. Themenband Oberstufe, TERRA. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Haubrich, H., Reinfried, S. & Schleicher, Y. (2007). Lucerne Declaration on Geographical Education for Sustainable Development. Lucerne: IGU. In S. Reinfried, Y. Schleicher, & A. Rempfler (eds), Geographical views on Education for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the Lucerne-Symposium, Switzerland, July 29-31, 2007. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen 42 (pp. 243–250).
  • Weingarten: HGD. Hemmer, I. & Hemmer, M. (2010). Schülerinteresse an Themen, Regionen und Arbeitsweisen des Geographieunterrichts. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen 46. Weingarten: HGD.
  • Huckle, J. (2005). Education for Sustainable Development. Briefing document prepared for the TDA. Retrieved from
  • KMK/BMZ (Kultusministerkonferenz/Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) (2015). Orientierungsrahmen für den Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung im Rahmen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. http: //
  • Kowasch, M., Batterbury, S. & Neumann, M. (2015). Social arena and strategic logics–A case study in Poum, northern New Caledonia. Settler Colonial Studies, 5(4), 302-316.
  • Kreus, A. & von der Ruhren, N. (2010). Europa. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Kreus, A. and von der Ruhren, N. (2009). Deutschland. TERRA, Themenband Oberstufe. Stuttgart/Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag.
  • Krings, T. & Müller, B. (2001). Politische Ökologie: Theoretische Leitlinien und aktuelle Forschungsfelder. In P. Reuber & G. Wolkersdorfer (eds.), Politische Geographie. Handlungsorientierte Ansätze und Critical Geopolitics. Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten 112 (pp. 93-116). Heidelberg: Geographisches Institut.
  • Lal, D. (1983). The poverty of development economics. Institute of Economic Affairs: London.
  • Lambert, D. & Morgan, J. (2010). Teaching geography, 11-18–A conceptual approach. London/New York: Open University Press.
  • Lave, R. (2015). Reassembling the structural–Political ecology and actor-network theory. In T. Perreault, G. Bridge & J. McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge handbook of political ecology (pp. 213-223). Abington/New York: Routledge.
  • Martens, P., Roorda, N. & Cörvers, R. (2010). Sustainability, science and higher education: The need for new paradigms. Sustainability: The Journal of Record, 3(5), 294-303.
  • Mayring, P. (2015). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz.
  • McKeown, R. (2002). Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit. Retrieved at
  • McKeown, R. & Hopkins, S. (2007). Moving beyond the EE and ESD disciplinary debate in formal education. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 1, 17-26.
  • Mikesell, R. (1994). Sustainable development and mineral resources. Resour. Policy, 20(2), 83- 86.
  • Mogensen, F. & Schnack, K. (2010). The action competence approach and the ‘new’ discourses of Education for Sustainable Development, competence and quality criteria. Environmental Education Research, 16(1), 59-74.
  • Myerson, G. & Rydin, Y. (1996). The language of environment: A new rhetoric. London: UCI Press.
  • Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium (2010). Kerncurriculum für das Gymnasium – gymnasiale Oberstufe die Gesamtschule – gymnasiale Oberstufe das Abendgymnasium das Kolleg. Hannover: Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium.
  • Olivier de Sardan, J.-P. (2005). Anthropologie et développement – essai en socio- anthropologie du changement social. Marseille/Paris :Editions APAD–Karthala.
  • Power, T.M. (1996). Lost landscapes and failed economies: The search for a value of place. Washington DC: Island Press.
  • Reuber, P. (2005). Konflikte um Ressourcen. Praxis Geographie, 9, 4-9.
  • Rieckmann, M. (2012). The global perspective of Education for Sustainable Development: A European-Latin American study about key competencies for thinking and acting in the world society. Environmental Education Research, 19(2), 257-258.
  • Rieckmann, M. (2016). Kompetenzentwicklungsprozesse in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung erfassen: Überblick über ein heterogenes Forschungsfeld. In M. Barth & M. Rieckmann (eds.), Empirische Forschung zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Themen, Methoden und Trends. Schriftenreihe Ökologie und Erziehungswissenschaft der Kommission für nachhaltige Entwicklung der DGfE (pp. 89-109). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Rostow, W.W. (1960). The stages of economic growth: A non-communist nanifesto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sachs, W. (ed.) (1992). The development dictionary: A guide to knowledge as power. Zed Books: London.
  • Schmithüsen, F. (2002). Wandel des Erdkundeschulbuchs seit dem Kieler Geographentag. Shaker Verlag: Aachen.
  • Schrüfer, G. (2013). Konflikte im Geographieunterricht. In M. Rolfes & A. Uhlenwinkel (eds.), Metzler Handbuch 2.0 Geographieunterricht (pp. 350-357). Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Standish, A. (2009). Global perspectives in the geography curriculum: Reviewing the moral case for geography. Routledge: London.
  • Statista (2016). Anteil der Energieträger an der Nettostromerzeugung in Niedersachsen im Jahr 2014. Retrieved from strommix-nach-energietraegern-in-niedersachsen/
  • Stibbe, A. (2009). The handbook of sustainability literacy. Skills for a changing world. UIT Cambridge Ltd: Totnes.
  • Stonjek, D. (2009). Diercke Erdkunde 7/8. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Swyngedouw, E. (2007). Impossible ‘sustainability’ and the postpolitical condition. In R. Krueger & D. Gibbs (eds.), The sustainable development paradox: Urban political economy in the United States and Europe (pp. 13-40). Guilford Press: London.
  • Thomas, I., Barth, M. & Day, T. (2013). Education for sustainability, graduate capabilities, professional employment: How they all connect. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 29(1), 33-51.
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2017) How can mining contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Retrieved from news/how-can-mining-contribute-sustainable-development-goals
  • UNESCO (2016). UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
  • UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) (2016a). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its twenty – first session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015. Retrieved from eng/10a01.pdf#page=2
  • UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) (2016b). The Paris agreement. Retrieved from items/9485.php
  • Vare, P. & Scott, W. (2007). Learning for a change: Exploring the relationship between education and sustainable development. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 1(2), 191-198.
  • Waldeck, W. (2011). Angloamerika. Seydlitz Geographie, Rote Reihe. Braunschweig: Schroedel.
  • Wals, A.E.J. (2011). Learning our way to sustainability. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 5(2), 177-186.
  • Wiek, A., Bernstein, M.J., Foley, R.W., Cohen, M., Forrest, N., Kuzdas, C., Kay, B. & Withycombe Keeler, L. (2016). Operationalising competencies in higher education for sustainable development. In M. Barth, G. Michelsen, I. Thomas & M. Rieckmann (eds), Routledge handbook of higher education for sustainable development (pp. 241-260). Routledge: London.
  • Willis, K.D. (2014). Development: Critical approaches in human geography. In N.J. Clifford, S.L. Holloway, S.P. Rice & G. Valentine (eds.), Key Concepts in Geography (pp. 584-609). SAGE: London
Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Matthias Kowasch Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Mart 2017
Kabul Tarihi 23 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kowasch, M. (2017). Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 7(1), 48-79.
AMA Kowasch M. Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online. Nisan 2017;7(1):48-79.
Chicago Kowasch, Matthias. “Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 7, sy. 1 (Nisan 2017): 48-79.
EndNote Kowasch M (01 Nisan 2017) Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online 7 1 48–79.
IEEE M. Kowasch, “Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks”, Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 48–79, 2017.
ISNAD Kowasch, Matthias. “Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 7/1 (Nisan 2017), 48-79.
JAMA Kowasch M. Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2017;7:48–79.
MLA Kowasch, Matthias. “Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks”. Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 7, sy. 1, 2017, ss. 48-79.
Vancouver Kowasch M. Resource Exploitation and Consumption in the Frame of Education for Sustainable Development in German Geography Textbooks. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2017;7(1):48-79.