It is well-known that misconceptions exist on a range of topics. The origin of these misconceptions can be very different, but some of them can be understood by students struggling with the application of physics concepts in real life situations or in the context of another school subject, e.g. geography. In this paper, different strategies to tackle misconceptions concerning the formation of clouds and wind were studied. In Flanders, this topic is studied in geography at the end of secondary education, but underlying physics principles are taught in the preceding physics courses in the middle of secondary school. Three different strategies to teach the topic in geography were designed and compared: a traditional, teacher centered lecture, a lecture including an experiment showing the process of cloud and wind formation and a lecture in which the students worked through the material themselves by means of an interactive learning path on a tablet pc and in which the experiment was included in a movie. In all lectures, explicit reference was
made to the underlying physical concepts. In a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, the impact of
the three formats on the students’ conceptual understanding was studied. Results show that the learning outcomes of students in the tablet pc class are not as good as those in the other two conditions. Teaching
method, but also learning material and attitude of students, can explain these differences.
Boersma, K., van Graft, M., Knippels, M.C. (2009). Concepten van kinderen over natuurwetenschappelijke thema's. Stichting leerplanontwikkeling (SLO), Enschede, p. 163.
Brewer W.F. (2008). Naïve theories of observational astronomy: review, analysis and theoretical implications. In S. Vosniadou (eds.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp.155-204). Routledge, New York.
Chiou, G.-L. & Anderson, O.R. (2010). A multi-dimensional cognitive analysis of undergraduate physics students’ understanding of heat conduction. International Journal of Science Education, 32 (6), 2113-2142,
Choi, S., Niyogi, D., Shepardson, D. P. & Charusombat, U. (2010). Do earth and environmental science textbooks promote middle and high school students’ conceptual development about climate change? Textbooks’ consideration of students’ misconceptions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91 (7), 889–898, S2625.1.
Chu, H.-E., Treagust, D.F., Yeo, S. & Zadnik, M. (2012). Evaluation of students’ understanding of thermal concepts in everyday contexts. International Journal of Science Education, 1- 26,
Cox, M., Steegen A., De Cock M. (2016). How aware are teachers of students’ misconceptions in astronomy? A qualitative analysis in Belgium. Science Education International, 27 (2), 277-300.
Crouch, C.H., Fagen, A.P., Callan, J.P. & Mazur, E. (2004). Classroom demonstrations: Learning tools or entertainment? American Journal of Physics, 72 (6), 835-838.
Derting, T.L. & Cox, J.R. (2008). Using a tablet pc to enhance student engagement and learning in an introductory organic chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 85 (12), 1638-1643.
Detterman, D. K. (1993). The case for the prosecution: Transfer as an epiphenomenon. In D. K. Detterman & R. J. Sternberg (eds.), Transfer on trial: Intelligence, cognition, and instruction (pp. 1-24). Westport, CT: Ablex Publishing.
Duit, R. & Treagust, D.F. (1998). Learning in Science – From Behaviourism towards social Constructivism and beyond. In B. Fraser & K. Tobin (eds.), International handbook of science education (pp. 3-26). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Erickson, G. & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Heat and temperature. In R. Driver, E. Guesne, & A. Tiberghien (Eds.). Children’s ideas in science (pp. 52-84). London, UK: Open University Press.
Erickson, G.L. (1979). Children’s conceptions of heat and temperature. Science Education, 63 (1), 221-230.
Fisher, D., Cornwell, P. & Williams, J. (2007). Teaching dynamics using interactive tablet pc instruction software. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Guelman, C.B., De Leone, C. & Price, E. (2009). The influence of tablet pc’s on students’ use of multiple representations in lab reports. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1179, 153-156.
Hake, R.R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: a six-thousand student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66, 64-74, DOI:
Harrison, A.G., Grayson, D.J. & Treagust, D.F. (1999). Investigating grade 11 student’s evolving conceptions of heat and temperature. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36 (1), 55-87.
Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers. New York & London: Routledge.
Henriques, L. (2002). Children’s ideas about weather: a review of the literature. School Science
and Mathematics, 102 (5), 202-215.
Herman, B.C., Feldman, A. & Vernaza-Hernandez, V. (2017). Florida and Puerto Rico secondary science teachers’ knowledge and teaching of climate change science, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15 (3), 451–471, doi:10.1007/s10763-015-9706-6.
Knoop, P. A. & van der Pluijm, B. (2006). GeoPad: tablet pc-enabled field science education. In Dave Berque, Jane Prey & Rob Reed (Eds.). The impact of pen-based technology of education: vignettes, evaluations, and future directions. Purdue University Press.
Martin, L. & Schwartz, D.L. (2013). Conceptual innovation and transfer. In S. Vosniadou (eds.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp.447-465). Routledge, New York.
Miller, B.W. & Brewer, W.F. (2010). Misconceptions of astronomical distances. International Journal of Science Education, 32 (12), 1549-1560.
Miller, K., Lasry, N., Chu, K. & Mazur, E. (2013). Role of physics lecture demonstrations in conceptual learning. Physical Review - Physics Education Research, 9, 020113.
Minstrell, J., & Smith, C. (1983). Alternative conceptions and a strategy for change. Science and Children, November/December, 31–33.
NASA (2017). Create a cloud in a jar (Demonstration Version), bin/view_lessonplan.cgi?id=89.
Nelson, B.D., Aron, R.H. & Francek, M.A. (1992). Clarification of selected misconceptions in physical geography. Journal of Geography, 91, 76-80.
Pizzolato, N., Fazio, C. & Battaglia, O.R. (2014). Open inquiry-based learning experiences: a case study in the context of energy exchange by thermal radiation. European Journal of Physics, 35 (1), 16pp, DOI: 10.1088/0143-0807/35/1/015024.
Rappaport, E. (2009). What undergraduates think about clouds and fog. Journal of Geoscience Education, 57 (2), 145-151.
Roth, W., Campbell, J., Keith, B. & Boutonne, S. (1997). Why may students fail to learn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 509.
Schneps, M.H., Ruel, J., Sonnert, G., Dussault, M., Griffin, M. & Sadler, P.M. (2014). Conceptualizing astronomical scale: virtual simulations on handheld tablet computers reverse misconceptions. Computers & Education 70, 269–280.
Siler, S., Klahr, D. & Matlen, B.J. (2013). Conceptual change when learning experimental design. In S. Vosniadou (eds.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp.138-158). Routledge, New York.
Boersma, K., van Graft, M., Knippels, M.C. (2009). Concepten van kinderen over natuurwetenschappelijke thema's. Stichting leerplanontwikkeling (SLO), Enschede, p. 163.
Brewer W.F. (2008). Naïve theories of observational astronomy: review, analysis and theoretical implications. In S. Vosniadou (eds.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp.155-204). Routledge, New York.
Chiou, G.-L. & Anderson, O.R. (2010). A multi-dimensional cognitive analysis of undergraduate physics students’ understanding of heat conduction. International Journal of Science Education, 32 (6), 2113-2142,
Choi, S., Niyogi, D., Shepardson, D. P. & Charusombat, U. (2010). Do earth and environmental science textbooks promote middle and high school students’ conceptual development about climate change? Textbooks’ consideration of students’ misconceptions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91 (7), 889–898, S2625.1.
Chu, H.-E., Treagust, D.F., Yeo, S. & Zadnik, M. (2012). Evaluation of students’ understanding of thermal concepts in everyday contexts. International Journal of Science Education, 1- 26,
Cox, M., Steegen A., De Cock M. (2016). How aware are teachers of students’ misconceptions in astronomy? A qualitative analysis in Belgium. Science Education International, 27 (2), 277-300.
Crouch, C.H., Fagen, A.P., Callan, J.P. & Mazur, E. (2004). Classroom demonstrations: Learning tools or entertainment? American Journal of Physics, 72 (6), 835-838.
Derting, T.L. & Cox, J.R. (2008). Using a tablet pc to enhance student engagement and learning in an introductory organic chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 85 (12), 1638-1643.
Detterman, D. K. (1993). The case for the prosecution: Transfer as an epiphenomenon. In D. K. Detterman & R. J. Sternberg (eds.), Transfer on trial: Intelligence, cognition, and instruction (pp. 1-24). Westport, CT: Ablex Publishing.
Duit, R. & Treagust, D.F. (1998). Learning in Science – From Behaviourism towards social Constructivism and beyond. In B. Fraser & K. Tobin (eds.), International handbook of science education (pp. 3-26). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Erickson, G. & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Heat and temperature. In R. Driver, E. Guesne, & A. Tiberghien (Eds.). Children’s ideas in science (pp. 52-84). London, UK: Open University Press.
Erickson, G.L. (1979). Children’s conceptions of heat and temperature. Science Education, 63 (1), 221-230.
Fisher, D., Cornwell, P. & Williams, J. (2007). Teaching dynamics using interactive tablet pc instruction software. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Guelman, C.B., De Leone, C. & Price, E. (2009). The influence of tablet pc’s on students’ use of multiple representations in lab reports. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1179, 153-156.
Hake, R.R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: a six-thousand student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66, 64-74, DOI:
Harrison, A.G., Grayson, D.J. & Treagust, D.F. (1999). Investigating grade 11 student’s evolving conceptions of heat and temperature. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36 (1), 55-87.
Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers. New York & London: Routledge.
Henriques, L. (2002). Children’s ideas about weather: a review of the literature. School Science
and Mathematics, 102 (5), 202-215.
Herman, B.C., Feldman, A. & Vernaza-Hernandez, V. (2017). Florida and Puerto Rico secondary science teachers’ knowledge and teaching of climate change science, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15 (3), 451–471, doi:10.1007/s10763-015-9706-6.
Knoop, P. A. & van der Pluijm, B. (2006). GeoPad: tablet pc-enabled field science education. In Dave Berque, Jane Prey & Rob Reed (Eds.). The impact of pen-based technology of education: vignettes, evaluations, and future directions. Purdue University Press.
Martin, L. & Schwartz, D.L. (2013). Conceptual innovation and transfer. In S. Vosniadou (eds.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp.447-465). Routledge, New York.
Miller, B.W. & Brewer, W.F. (2010). Misconceptions of astronomical distances. International Journal of Science Education, 32 (12), 1549-1560.
Miller, K., Lasry, N., Chu, K. & Mazur, E. (2013). Role of physics lecture demonstrations in conceptual learning. Physical Review - Physics Education Research, 9, 020113.
Minstrell, J., & Smith, C. (1983). Alternative conceptions and a strategy for change. Science and Children, November/December, 31–33.
NASA (2017). Create a cloud in a jar (Demonstration Version), bin/view_lessonplan.cgi?id=89.
Nelson, B.D., Aron, R.H. & Francek, M.A. (1992). Clarification of selected misconceptions in physical geography. Journal of Geography, 91, 76-80.
Pizzolato, N., Fazio, C. & Battaglia, O.R. (2014). Open inquiry-based learning experiences: a case study in the context of energy exchange by thermal radiation. European Journal of Physics, 35 (1), 16pp, DOI: 10.1088/0143-0807/35/1/015024.
Rappaport, E. (2009). What undergraduates think about clouds and fog. Journal of Geoscience Education, 57 (2), 145-151.
Roth, W., Campbell, J., Keith, B. & Boutonne, S. (1997). Why may students fail to learn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 509.
Schneps, M.H., Ruel, J., Sonnert, G., Dussault, M., Griffin, M. & Sadler, P.M. (2014). Conceptualizing astronomical scale: virtual simulations on handheld tablet computers reverse misconceptions. Computers & Education 70, 269–280.
Siler, S., Klahr, D. & Matlen, B.J. (2013). Conceptual change when learning experimental design. In S. Vosniadou (eds.), International handbook of research on conceptual change (pp.138-158). Routledge, New York.
Steegen, A., Hasendonckx, F., & De Cock, M. (2018). Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 8(1), 53-73.
Steegen A, Hasendonckx F, De Cock M. Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?. Review of International Geographical Education Online. Nisan 2018;8(1):53-73.
Steegen, An, Femke Hasendonckx, ve Mieke De Cock. “Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 8, sy. 1 (Nisan 2018): 53-73.
Steegen A, Hasendonckx F, De Cock M (01 Nisan 2018) Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?. Review of International Geographical Education Online 8 1 53–73.
A. Steegen, F. Hasendonckx, ve M. De Cock, “Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?”, Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 8, sy. 1, ss. 53–73, 2018.
Steegen, An vd. “Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 8/1 (Nisan 2018), 53-73.
Steegen A, Hasendonckx F, De Cock M. Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2018;8:53–73.
Steegen, An vd. “Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?”. Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 8, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 53-73.
Steegen A, Hasendonckx F, De Cock M. Can an Interactive Learning Path on A Tablet PC Counter Misconceptions on the Formation of Clouds and Wind?. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2018;8(1):53-7.