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Çok Kanallı Sismik ve Çok Işınlı Batimetrik Veriler Kullanılarak Orta Karadeniz Sırtı’na Yakın Sinop Havzası’nın Stratigrafik ve Yapısal özellikleri

Yıl 2024, , 49 - 59, 31.12.2024


Karadeniz'de son 100 yılda meydana gelen depremlerin odak mekanizması çözümleri, bölgede ağırlıklı olarak bindirme ve doğrultu atımlı fayların aktif olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu kümelerden biri de Sinop denizaltı havzasının bulunduğu Samsun açıklarında gelişiyor. Bu bölgedeki depremlerin sismik kaynaklarının araştırılması amacıyla yüksek çözünürlüklü çok kanallı sismik kesitler ve çok ışınlı batimetrik veriler işlenerek değerlendirilmiştir. En yaşlı sismik stratigrafik birimler (U4), dalgalı reflektörlü akustik temel olarak anılırken, üst kısmı uyumsuzluğu işaret eden yüksek genlikli yansımayla işaretlenmiştir. Bu tekdüzelik paralel veya daha az paralel olan birim 3 çökelleri tarafından örtülmektedir. Birim 2'nin üst yüzeyi, Birim 1'in paralel reflektörü tarafından örtülen aşınma yüzeyi ile işaretlenmiştir. Birim 1 en genç çökellerdir ve Yeşilırmak kanyonu tarafından kesilmektedir. Farklı yaşlarda üç fay belirlendi. Birim 4’ün sadece üst dokanağına ulaşabilen en eski fay, aktif olmayan fay olarak yorumlanmıştır. Sinop havzasını sınırlayan ve tüm sismik birimleri keserek deniz tabanına ulaşan faylar aktif fay sınıfında değerlendirilmektedir. Ancak Birim 1 içerisinde kalan ve deniz tabanına ulaşmayan faylar sedimantasyonla eş zamanlı faylar olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu verilere göre Orta/Doğu Pontid yapı bloğundaki faylanmaların bölgenin sismik aktivitesi bağlamında yeniden ele alınması ve gelecekte risk oluşturacak bir deprem tehlikesi olarak yeniden değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir.


  • Algan, O., Gökaşan, E., Gazioğlu, Z.Y., Yücel, B., Alpar, C., Güneysu, C., Kırcı, E., Demirel, S., Sarı, E., Ongan, D. (2002). A high-resolution seismic study in Sakarya Delta and Submarine Canyon, southern Black Sea shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 1511-1527.
  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R. (1997). Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean Region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data. Annali di Geofisica, 40(3), 587-610.ü
  • Belousov, V.V., Volvovsky, B.S., Arkhipov, I.V., Buryanova, V.B., Evsyukov, Y.D., Goncharov, V.P., Gordienko, V.V., Ismagilov, D.F., Kislov, G.K., Kogan, L.I., Moskalenko, V.N., Neprchnov, Y.P., Ostisty, B.K., Rusakov, O.M., Shimkus, K.M., Shlenzinger, A.E., Sochelnikov, V.V., Sollogub, V.B., Solovyev, V.D., Starostenko, V.I., Starovoitov, A.F., Terekhov, A.A., Volvovsky, I.S., Zhigunov, A.S., Zolotarev, V.G. (1988). Structure and evolution of the earth's crust and upper mantle of the Black Sea. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 30(117), 109-196.
  • Dondurur, D. and Çifçi, G. (2007). Acoustic structure and recent sediment transport processes on the continental slope of Yeşilirmak River fan, Eastern Black Sea. Marine Geology, 237(1), 37–53.
  • Dondurur, D., Kucuk, H.M., Cifci, G. (2013). Quaternary mass wasting on the western Black Sea margin, offshore of Amasra. Global and Planetary Change, 103, 248-260.
  • Dondurur, Derman. (2008). Samsun açıklarında aktif faylanmalar ve olası tsunami riski, Samsun Kent Sempozyumu'nun Bildiriler Kitabı, 27-28-29 Kasım, Samsun, Türkiye
  • Elmas, A., Karslı, H.(2021). Tectonic and crustal structure of Archangelsky ridge using Bouguer gravity data. Marine Geophys Research, 42, article number 21.
  • Finetti, I., Bricchi, G., Del Ben, A., Pipan, M., Xuan, Z. (1988). Geophysical study of the Black Sea. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 30(117), 197-324.
  • Görür, N. (1988). Timing of opening of the Black Sea basin. Tectonophysics, 147(3), 247-262.
  • Görür, N., Monod, O., Okay, A.I., Şengör, A.M.C., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Sakinç, M., Akkök, R. (1997). Palaeogeographic and tectonic position of the carboniferous rocks of the Western Pontides (Turkey) in the frame of the Variscan belt. Bulletin De La Société Géologique De France, 168(2), 197–205.
  • Graham, R., Kaymakci, N., Horn, B. (2013). Revealing the mysteries of the Black Sea. GEO ExPro, 10(5), 58-63.
  • Harris, P. T., Macmillan-Lawler, M., Rupp, J., Baker, E. K. (2014). Geomorphology of the oceans. Marine Geology, 352, 4-24.
  • Haşimoğlu, B.Y., Çifçi, G., Lacassin, R., Fernández-Blanco, D., Özel, Ö. (2016). Tectonics of the Kızılırmak delta and Sinop Basin offshore Pontides, evidence from new, high resolution seismic and bathymetric data, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016
  • Jipa, D.C., Panin, N. (2020). Narrow shelf canyons vs. wide shelf canyons: Two distinct types of Black Sea submarine canyons. Quaternary International, 540, 120-136.
  • Jipa, D.C., Panin, N., Olariu, C., Pop, C. (2020). Black Sea Submarıne Valleys–Patterns, Systems, Networks. Geo-Eco-Marina, 26, 15-40.
  • Kalafat, D., Güneş, Y., Kara, M., Deniz, P., Kekovalı, K., Kuleli, H.S., Gülen, L., Yılmazer, M., Özel, N.M. (2007). A revised and extended earthquake catalogue for Turkey since 1900 (M≥ 4.0), Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü, 553, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Kalafat, D. (2017). Seismicity and tectonics of the Black Sea. International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics, 3(11), 1-8.
  • Letouzey, J., Biju-Duval, B., Dorkel, A., Gonnard, R., Krischev, K., Montadert, L., Sungurlu, O. (1977). The Black Sea: A Marginal basin, Geophysical And Geological Data, International Symposium on the Structural History of the Mediterranean Basins, Editions Technip, Paris, 363-376.
  • Maden, N., Öztürk, S. (2015). Seismic b-values, bouguer gravity and heat flow data beneath Eastern Anatolia, Turkey: Tectonic implications. Surveys in Geophysics, 36, 549-570.
  • Meisner, L.B., Tugolesov, D.A. (2003). Basic reflections from sedimentary filling of Black Sea depression (correlation and stratigraphic tying). Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 11(6), 83-97.
  • Meredith. D.J., Egan, S.S. (2002). The geological and geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Black Sea basin: İnsights from 2-D And 3-D tectonic modelling. Tectonophysics, 350, 157-179.
  • McCalpin, J.P (2009). Paleoseismology, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0123735768, Colorado
  • Munteanu, I., Matenco, L., Dinu, C., Cloetingh, S. (2011). Kinematics of back-arc inversion of the Western Black Sea basin. Tectonics, 30(5), 1-21.
  • Nikishin, A.M., Okay, A.I., Tüysüz, O., Demirer, A., Wannier, M., Amelin, N., Petrov, E. (2015). The Black Sea basins structure and history: New model based on new deep penetration regional seismic data. Part 2: Tectonic history and palaeogeography. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59, 656-670.
  • Oaie, G., Seghedı, A., Rădulescu V. (2016). Natural marıne hazards ın the Black Sea and the system of theır monıtorıng and real-tıme warnıng. Geo-Eco-Marina, 22, 5-28.
  • Ocakoğlu, N., İşcan, Y., Kılıç, Y., Özel, O. (2018). Morphologic and seismic evidence of rapid submergence offshore Cide-Sinop in the southern Black Sea shelf, Geomorphology. 311, 76-89.
  • Ocakoğlu, N., İşcan, Y., Gül., F.K. (2022). Mapping onland river channels up to the seafloor along offshore Cide-Sinop in the Southern Black Sea from the perspective of the Black Sea flooding. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGO), 9(1), 116-126.
  • Okay, A.I., Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N. (1994). Kinematic history of the opening of the Black Sea and its effect on the surrounding regions. Geology, 22, 267–270.;2
  • Panin, N., Ion, E., Ion, G. (1997). Black Sea GIS (CD-ROM) – GEF Black Sea Environmental Programme.
  • Popescu, I., Panin, N., Jipa, D., Lericolais, G., Ion, G. (2015). Submarine canyons of the Black Sea basin with a focus on the Danube Canyon, Submarıne Canyon Dynamıcs, 15-18 April 2015, Sorrento, Italy
  • Racano, S., Schildgen, T., Ballato, P., Yıldırım, C., Wittmann, H. (2023). Rock-uplift history of thec entral pontides from river-profile inversions and implications for development of the North Anatolian fault. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616, 118231.
  • Rangin, C., Bader, A.G., Pascal, G., Ecevitoǧlu, B., Görür, N. (2002). Deep structure of the Mid Black Sea high (offshore Turkey) imaged by multi-channel seismic survey (BLACKSIS cruise). Marine Geology, 182(3), 265-278.
  • Robinson, A.G., Banks, C.J., Rutherford, M.M., Hirst, J.P.P. (1995). Stratigraphic and structural development of the Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society, 152(5), 861–872.
  • Robinson, A.G., Rudat, J.H., Banks, C.J., and Wiles, R.L.F. (1996). Petroleum geology of the Black Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 13(2), 195-223.
  • Robinson, A.G. (1997). Introduction: Tectonic Elements of the Black Sea Region, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ISBN: 0891813489, USA
  • Robinson, A.G., Kerusov, E.(1997). Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ISBN: 0891813489, USA
  • Ross, D.A., Uchupi, E., Prada, KE., MacIlvaine, JC. (1974). Bathymetry and Microphotography of Black Sea, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ISBN: 978-1114459472, USA
  • Schleder, Z., Krezsek, C., Turi, V., Tari, G., Kosi, W. Fallah, M. (2015). Regional Structure Of The Western Black Sea Basin: Constraints From Cross-Section Balancing, Petroleum Systems in "Rift" Basins, 396-411.
  • Simmons, M.D., Tari, G.C., Okay, A.I. (2018). Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introduction, petroleum geology of the Black Sea. Geological Society, 464, 1-18.
  • Sipahioglu, N.O., Karahanoglu, N., Altiner, D. (2013). Analysis of plio-quaternary deep marine systems and their evolution in a compressional tectonic regime, Eastern Black Sea basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 43, 187–207.
  • Softa, M., Emre, T., Sözbilir, H., Spencer, J.Q., Turan, M. (2018). Geomorphic evidence for active tectonic deformation in the coastal part of Eastern Black Sea, Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, 30(1), 249-264.
  • Softa, M., Spencer, J.Q., Sözbilir, H., Huot, S., Emre, T. (2021). Luminescence dating of quaternary marine terraces from the coastal part of Eastern Black Sea and their tectonic implications for the Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(3), 359-378.
  • Somoza L, Medialdea T, Terrinha P, Ramos A and Vázquez J-T. (2021). Submarine active faults and morphotectonics around the Iberian Margins: Seismic and tsunamis hazards. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 653639.
  • Tari, G., Fallah., M., Kosi, W., Schleder, Z., Turi, V. Krezsek, C. (2015). Regional Rift Structure Of The Western Black Sea Basin: Map-View Kinematics, The 34th Annual GCSEPM Foundation Perkins–Rosen Research Conference, 13–16 December, Houston, Texas, USA.
  • Tari, G. C., and Simmons, M.D. (2018). History of deepwater exploration in the Black Sea and an overview of deepwater petroleum play types. Geological Society, 464, 439-475.
  • Thierry, S., Dick, S., George, S., Benoit, L., Cyrille, P. (2019). Emodnet Bathymetry A Compilation Of Bathymetric Data İn The European waters, OCEANS 2019, 17-20 June, Marseille, France
  • Tugolesov, D.A., Gorshkov, A.S., Meysner, L.B., Soloviov, V.V., Khakhalev, E.M., Akilova, Y.U.V., Akentieva, G.P., Gabidulina, T.I., Kolomeytseva, S.A., Kochneva, T.Y.U., Pereturina, I.G., Plashihina, I.N. (1985). Tectonics of the Mesozoic Sediments of the Black Sea Basin, Nedra, Moscow, Russian
  • Wells, D.L., Coppersmith, K.J. (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4), 974-1002.
  • Zonenshain, L.P., Pichon, X. (1986). Deep basins of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea as remnants of Mesozoic Back-Arc basins. Tectonophysics, 123(1), 181-211.

Stratigraphic and Structural Features of The Sinop Basin Close to The Mid Black Sea Ridge Using Multi-Channel Seismic and Multi-Beam Bathymetric Data

Yıl 2024, , 49 - 59, 31.12.2024


Focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes that occurred in the Black Sea in the last 100 years show that thrust and strike-slip faults are predominantly active in the region. One of these clusters is developing off the coast of Samsun where the submarine Sinop basin is located. In order to investigate the seismic sources of earthquakes in this area, high-resolution multi-channel seismic sections and multi-beam bathymetric data were processed and evaluated. The oldest seismic stratigrafic units (U4) is referred to as acoustic basement with wavy reflectors, while its top is marked by high amplitude reflection indicating an unconformity. This uniconformity is overlain by parallel or less parallel Unit 3 deposits. Upper surface of Unit 2 is marked by an erosional surface which is overlain by the parallel reflector of Unit 1. Unit 1 is the youngest sediments and truncated by Yeşilırmak canyon. Three fault types of different ages were determined. The oldest fault could reach only top of unit 4 has been interpreted as inactive fault. Faults that border the Sinop basin and reach the sea floor by cutting all seismic units are considered in the active fault class. However, the faults that remain within Unit 1 and do not reach the seafloor are considered as faults that are coeval with sedimentation. According to these data, faulting in the Central/Eastern Pontide structural block should be reconsidered in the context of the seismic activity of the region and re-evaluated as an earthquake hazard that will pose a risk in the future.


This study is a part of PhD thesis of Sevinç ÖZEL FÜZÜN. I would like to thank the members of the doctoral thesis monitoring committee Prof. Dr. Oya Pamukcu for their contributions. Special thanks must go to Dr. Özkan Cevdet ÖZDAĞ for their help using Promax and Kingdom program. The raw data in the article was collected within the scope of the Alert project. The processing of raw data was carried out on the computers of the SEIS laboratory affiliated with Dokuz Eylül University.


  • Algan, O., Gökaşan, E., Gazioğlu, Z.Y., Yücel, B., Alpar, C., Güneysu, C., Kırcı, E., Demirel, S., Sarı, E., Ongan, D. (2002). A high-resolution seismic study in Sakarya Delta and Submarine Canyon, southern Black Sea shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 1511-1527.
  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R. (1997). Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean Region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data. Annali di Geofisica, 40(3), 587-610.ü
  • Belousov, V.V., Volvovsky, B.S., Arkhipov, I.V., Buryanova, V.B., Evsyukov, Y.D., Goncharov, V.P., Gordienko, V.V., Ismagilov, D.F., Kislov, G.K., Kogan, L.I., Moskalenko, V.N., Neprchnov, Y.P., Ostisty, B.K., Rusakov, O.M., Shimkus, K.M., Shlenzinger, A.E., Sochelnikov, V.V., Sollogub, V.B., Solovyev, V.D., Starostenko, V.I., Starovoitov, A.F., Terekhov, A.A., Volvovsky, I.S., Zhigunov, A.S., Zolotarev, V.G. (1988). Structure and evolution of the earth's crust and upper mantle of the Black Sea. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 30(117), 109-196.
  • Dondurur, D. and Çifçi, G. (2007). Acoustic structure and recent sediment transport processes on the continental slope of Yeşilirmak River fan, Eastern Black Sea. Marine Geology, 237(1), 37–53.
  • Dondurur, D., Kucuk, H.M., Cifci, G. (2013). Quaternary mass wasting on the western Black Sea margin, offshore of Amasra. Global and Planetary Change, 103, 248-260.
  • Dondurur, Derman. (2008). Samsun açıklarında aktif faylanmalar ve olası tsunami riski, Samsun Kent Sempozyumu'nun Bildiriler Kitabı, 27-28-29 Kasım, Samsun, Türkiye
  • Elmas, A., Karslı, H.(2021). Tectonic and crustal structure of Archangelsky ridge using Bouguer gravity data. Marine Geophys Research, 42, article number 21.
  • Finetti, I., Bricchi, G., Del Ben, A., Pipan, M., Xuan, Z. (1988). Geophysical study of the Black Sea. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 30(117), 197-324.
  • Görür, N. (1988). Timing of opening of the Black Sea basin. Tectonophysics, 147(3), 247-262.
  • Görür, N., Monod, O., Okay, A.I., Şengör, A.M.C., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Sakinç, M., Akkök, R. (1997). Palaeogeographic and tectonic position of the carboniferous rocks of the Western Pontides (Turkey) in the frame of the Variscan belt. Bulletin De La Société Géologique De France, 168(2), 197–205.
  • Graham, R., Kaymakci, N., Horn, B. (2013). Revealing the mysteries of the Black Sea. GEO ExPro, 10(5), 58-63.
  • Harris, P. T., Macmillan-Lawler, M., Rupp, J., Baker, E. K. (2014). Geomorphology of the oceans. Marine Geology, 352, 4-24.
  • Haşimoğlu, B.Y., Çifçi, G., Lacassin, R., Fernández-Blanco, D., Özel, Ö. (2016). Tectonics of the Kızılırmak delta and Sinop Basin offshore Pontides, evidence from new, high resolution seismic and bathymetric data, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016
  • Jipa, D.C., Panin, N. (2020). Narrow shelf canyons vs. wide shelf canyons: Two distinct types of Black Sea submarine canyons. Quaternary International, 540, 120-136.
  • Jipa, D.C., Panin, N., Olariu, C., Pop, C. (2020). Black Sea Submarıne Valleys–Patterns, Systems, Networks. Geo-Eco-Marina, 26, 15-40.
  • Kalafat, D., Güneş, Y., Kara, M., Deniz, P., Kekovalı, K., Kuleli, H.S., Gülen, L., Yılmazer, M., Özel, N.M. (2007). A revised and extended earthquake catalogue for Turkey since 1900 (M≥ 4.0), Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü, 553, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Kalafat, D. (2017). Seismicity and tectonics of the Black Sea. International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics, 3(11), 1-8.
  • Letouzey, J., Biju-Duval, B., Dorkel, A., Gonnard, R., Krischev, K., Montadert, L., Sungurlu, O. (1977). The Black Sea: A Marginal basin, Geophysical And Geological Data, International Symposium on the Structural History of the Mediterranean Basins, Editions Technip, Paris, 363-376.
  • Maden, N., Öztürk, S. (2015). Seismic b-values, bouguer gravity and heat flow data beneath Eastern Anatolia, Turkey: Tectonic implications. Surveys in Geophysics, 36, 549-570.
  • Meisner, L.B., Tugolesov, D.A. (2003). Basic reflections from sedimentary filling of Black Sea depression (correlation and stratigraphic tying). Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 11(6), 83-97.
  • Meredith. D.J., Egan, S.S. (2002). The geological and geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Black Sea basin: İnsights from 2-D And 3-D tectonic modelling. Tectonophysics, 350, 157-179.
  • McCalpin, J.P (2009). Paleoseismology, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0123735768, Colorado
  • Munteanu, I., Matenco, L., Dinu, C., Cloetingh, S. (2011). Kinematics of back-arc inversion of the Western Black Sea basin. Tectonics, 30(5), 1-21.
  • Nikishin, A.M., Okay, A.I., Tüysüz, O., Demirer, A., Wannier, M., Amelin, N., Petrov, E. (2015). The Black Sea basins structure and history: New model based on new deep penetration regional seismic data. Part 2: Tectonic history and palaeogeography. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59, 656-670.
  • Oaie, G., Seghedı, A., Rădulescu V. (2016). Natural marıne hazards ın the Black Sea and the system of theır monıtorıng and real-tıme warnıng. Geo-Eco-Marina, 22, 5-28.
  • Ocakoğlu, N., İşcan, Y., Kılıç, Y., Özel, O. (2018). Morphologic and seismic evidence of rapid submergence offshore Cide-Sinop in the southern Black Sea shelf, Geomorphology. 311, 76-89.
  • Ocakoğlu, N., İşcan, Y., Gül., F.K. (2022). Mapping onland river channels up to the seafloor along offshore Cide-Sinop in the Southern Black Sea from the perspective of the Black Sea flooding. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGO), 9(1), 116-126.
  • Okay, A.I., Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N. (1994). Kinematic history of the opening of the Black Sea and its effect on the surrounding regions. Geology, 22, 267–270.;2
  • Panin, N., Ion, E., Ion, G. (1997). Black Sea GIS (CD-ROM) – GEF Black Sea Environmental Programme.
  • Popescu, I., Panin, N., Jipa, D., Lericolais, G., Ion, G. (2015). Submarine canyons of the Black Sea basin with a focus on the Danube Canyon, Submarıne Canyon Dynamıcs, 15-18 April 2015, Sorrento, Italy
  • Racano, S., Schildgen, T., Ballato, P., Yıldırım, C., Wittmann, H. (2023). Rock-uplift history of thec entral pontides from river-profile inversions and implications for development of the North Anatolian fault. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616, 118231.
  • Rangin, C., Bader, A.G., Pascal, G., Ecevitoǧlu, B., Görür, N. (2002). Deep structure of the Mid Black Sea high (offshore Turkey) imaged by multi-channel seismic survey (BLACKSIS cruise). Marine Geology, 182(3), 265-278.
  • Robinson, A.G., Banks, C.J., Rutherford, M.M., Hirst, J.P.P. (1995). Stratigraphic and structural development of the Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society, 152(5), 861–872.
  • Robinson, A.G., Rudat, J.H., Banks, C.J., and Wiles, R.L.F. (1996). Petroleum geology of the Black Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 13(2), 195-223.
  • Robinson, A.G. (1997). Introduction: Tectonic Elements of the Black Sea Region, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ISBN: 0891813489, USA
  • Robinson, A.G., Kerusov, E.(1997). Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ISBN: 0891813489, USA
  • Ross, D.A., Uchupi, E., Prada, KE., MacIlvaine, JC. (1974). Bathymetry and Microphotography of Black Sea, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ISBN: 978-1114459472, USA
  • Schleder, Z., Krezsek, C., Turi, V., Tari, G., Kosi, W. Fallah, M. (2015). Regional Structure Of The Western Black Sea Basin: Constraints From Cross-Section Balancing, Petroleum Systems in "Rift" Basins, 396-411.
  • Simmons, M.D., Tari, G.C., Okay, A.I. (2018). Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introduction, petroleum geology of the Black Sea. Geological Society, 464, 1-18.
  • Sipahioglu, N.O., Karahanoglu, N., Altiner, D. (2013). Analysis of plio-quaternary deep marine systems and their evolution in a compressional tectonic regime, Eastern Black Sea basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 43, 187–207.
  • Softa, M., Emre, T., Sözbilir, H., Spencer, J.Q., Turan, M. (2018). Geomorphic evidence for active tectonic deformation in the coastal part of Eastern Black Sea, Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, 30(1), 249-264.
  • Softa, M., Spencer, J.Q., Sözbilir, H., Huot, S., Emre, T. (2021). Luminescence dating of quaternary marine terraces from the coastal part of Eastern Black Sea and their tectonic implications for the Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(3), 359-378.
  • Somoza L, Medialdea T, Terrinha P, Ramos A and Vázquez J-T. (2021). Submarine active faults and morphotectonics around the Iberian Margins: Seismic and tsunamis hazards. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 653639.
  • Tari, G., Fallah., M., Kosi, W., Schleder, Z., Turi, V. Krezsek, C. (2015). Regional Rift Structure Of The Western Black Sea Basin: Map-View Kinematics, The 34th Annual GCSEPM Foundation Perkins–Rosen Research Conference, 13–16 December, Houston, Texas, USA.
  • Tari, G. C., and Simmons, M.D. (2018). History of deepwater exploration in the Black Sea and an overview of deepwater petroleum play types. Geological Society, 464, 439-475.
  • Thierry, S., Dick, S., George, S., Benoit, L., Cyrille, P. (2019). Emodnet Bathymetry A Compilation Of Bathymetric Data İn The European waters, OCEANS 2019, 17-20 June, Marseille, France
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Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Deniz Jeolojisi ve Jeofiziği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sevinç Özel Füzün 0000-0001-9006-5489

Günay Çifçi 0000-0002-4380-8056

Hasan Sözbilir 0000-0002-3777-4830

Seda Okay Günaydın 0000-0002-6976-7854

Orhan Atgin 0000-0002-5668-2106

Özkan Özel 0000-0002-6482-7969

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 11 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Özel Füzün, S., Çifçi, G., Sözbilir, H., Günaydın, S. O., vd. (2024). Stratigraphic and Structural Features of The Sinop Basin Close to The Mid Black Sea Ridge Using Multi-Channel Seismic and Multi-Beam Bathymetric Data. Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2), 49-59.

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