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Cultural Fabric Analysis of Gypsies

Yıl 2024, , 426 - 444, 25.06.2024


This study provides an in-depth examination of the origins and cultural makeup of Gypsies. By considering their historical and geographical diversity, it is emphasized that Gypsies may have been influenced by places such as India, Egypt and the Middle East and how these interactions shaped their cultural fabric. In addition, the stereotypical traditions of the Gypsies, which are independent of geography, are exhibited. Various views on the origins of Gypsies and the regions where they spread have been put forward. The study also includes detailed information on the social structures, languages, religions, clothing and lifestyles of the Gypsies and evaluates their level of interaction with different societies around the world. The study also examines the social marginalization processes of Gypsies and the impact of these processes on social perceptions through sociological studies and comments on blog platforms such as Quora. The prejudices and discrimination that Gypsies have faced throughout history, their social marginalization and cultural practices, as well as their struggles and adaptation skills are examined. In addition, important rituals of Gypsies such as language, clothing, family structure, weddings, birth and funerals are detailed, and the social and cultural importance of these rituals within the community is emphasized. The cultural texture of the Gypsies with its stereotyped traditions and information about their lifestyles in different countries, their professions and their level of social integration are provided, thus revealing their cultural diversity and adaptability. While emphasizing how Gypsies preserve their cultural traditions and maintain their interaction with the society despite the difficulties and discrimination they face, the negative representations of this community by the media are also addressed. The study argues that the social integration of Gypsies should take place in harmony with their cultural characteristics and their cultural richness should be recognized.


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  • Berger, H. (2000). Çingene Mitolojisi. Ayrac Yayınevi. ISBN: 9789758087396.
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Çingenelerin Kültürel Doku Analizi

Yıl 2024, , 426 - 444, 25.06.2024


Bu çalışma, Çingenelerin kökenleri ve kültürel yapıları üzerine derinlemesine bir inceleme sunmaktadır. Tarihsel ve coğrafi çeşitlilikleri ele alınarak, Çingenelerin Hindistan, Mısır ve Orta Doğu gibi yerlerden etkilenmiş olabilecekleri ve bu etkileşimlerin onların kültürel dokularını nasıl şekillendirdiği üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışma aynı zamanda, Çingenelerin sosyal marjinalleşme süreçlerini ve bu süreçlerin toplumsal algılara etkisini sosyolojik çalışmalar ve Quora gibi blog platformlarındaki yorumlar aracılığıyla irdeler. Çingenelerin karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve ayrımcılıklara rağmen kültürel geleneklerini nasıl korudukları ve toplumla olan etkileşimlerini sürdürdükleri vurgulanırken, medyanın bu topluluğa yönelik olumsuz temsillerinin de ele alındığı görülmektedir. Çalışma, Çingenelerin toplumsal entegrasyonunun kültürel özellikleriyle uyumlu bir şekilde gerçekleşmesi gerektiğini savunmakta ve onların kültürel zenginliklerinin tanınması gerektiğini öne sürmektedir.


  • Arrizabalaga, J. (2005). Poor relief in Counter-Reformation Castile: an overview. Health care and poor relief in Counter-Reformation Europe, 159-184.
  • Auroux, S. (2013). The origin of language as seen by eighteenth-century philosophy. New perspectives on the origins of language, 31-52.
  • Bardi, A. (2007). 'In Company of a Gipsy': The'Gypsy'as Trope in Woolf and Brontë. Critical Survey, 19(1), 40-50.
  • Belton, B. A. (2004).Gypsy and traveler ethnicity: The social generation of an ethnic phenomenon. Routledge.
  • Berger, H. (2000). Çingene Mitolojisi. Ayrac Yayınevi. ISBN: 9789758087396.
  • Bogdal, K. M. (2023). Europe and the Roma: A History of Fascination and Fear. Random House.
  • Buberg, S. (2020). People from paper: German Jews through the prism of registration and census taking 1812–1938 (PhD thesis). University of Sussex, Centre for German-Jewish Studies. Retrieved from
  • Buckland, R. (2010). Buckland's Book of Gypsy Magic: Travelers' Stories, Spells, and Healings. Weiser Books.
  • Burroughs, W. S. (2013). Cities of the Red Night: A Novel. Holt Paperbacks.
  • Carter, M. I. (1996). The interrelation of Gypsy culture and school culture: An ethnography study of interactions. West Virginia University.
  • Cawthorne, N. (2013). Tyrants: History's 100 Most Evil Despots & Dictators. Arcturus Publishing.
  • Cotten, R. M. (1997). The Fork in the road: A study of acculturation among the American Kalderas gypsies. Columbia University.
  • Dubov, K. A. (2021). Journey to the Italian Republic: Review & analysis (Version 2.20). San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
  • Duchesneau, F.(2023). Blumenbach on the varieties of the human species. Humankind and Humanity in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 209.
  • Dumitru, M. G. (2020). Multiple discrimination and untold stories of resistance: A case study of Romanian Roma women conducting informal street work in Oslo (Master's thesis). Central European University, Department of Gender Studies. Retrieved from ResearchGate DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.24049.51047
  • Eliav-Feldon, M., & Eliav-Feldon, M. (2012). Gypsies, or Such as Do Counterfeit. Renaissance Impostors and Proofs of Identity, 121-136.
  • Elices Ocon, J., & Manzano Moreno, E. (2019). Uses of the past in early medieval Iberia (eighth-tenth centuries). Medieval Worlds, 10, 87-106.
  • Engebrigtsen, A. I. (2007). Exploring Gypsiness: Power, exchange and interdependence in a Transylvanian village. Berghahn Books.
  • Farias, P. P. M. (2020). Gypsies, tramps and thieves: Uma revisão histórica, social e jurídica do desamparo aos ciganos no Brasil (Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Direito FGV Direito Rio, Rio de Janeiro.
  • Fellman, P. V., & Renard, S. (2001). Understanding the complexity of the Romany diaspora,1-23. Retrieved from
  • Fonseca, I. (1996). Bury me standing: The Gypsies and their journey.Canada: Vintage Books.
  • Fraser, A. (2000). “The Present and Future of the Gypsy Past”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 13 (2): 19-36.
  • Gaupp, L., & Pelillo-Hestermeyer, G. (Eds.). (2019). Diversity and otherness: Transcultural insights into norms, practices, negotiations. De Gruyter.
  • Gernert, F. (2021). Divination on stage: Prophetic body signs in early modern theatre in Spain and Europe (p. 252). De Gruyter.
  • Ginio, A. M. (2015). 1 From Expulsion to Revival. In Between Sepharad and Jerusalem (pp. 37-86). Brill.
  • Hancock, I. (1988). The development of Romani linguistics. Languages and Cultures: Studies in Honor of Edgar C. PolomJ. Mouton: The Hague, 183-223.
  • Hancock, I. (2006). On Romani origins and identity. The Romani Archives and Documentation Center, Aralık. Retrieved from:
  • Hannigan, T. (2011). Murder in the Hindu Kush: George Hayward and the great game. The History Press.
  • Hillgarth, J. N. (2000). The mirror of Spain, 1500-1700: the formation of a myth. University of Michigan Press.
  • Holland, T. E. (1898). Studies in international law. Clarendon Press.
  • Hoyland, J. (2019). A historical survey of the customs, habits, & present state of the Gypsies. Good Press.
  • Jain, P. (2023). Criminality of Tribes in India: A Review of Pre-Colonial, Colonial and Post-Colonial Constructs and British Criminal Tribes Act 1871. Revisiting Tribal Heritage and Contemporary Issues (volume 1), 21.
  • Jezernik, B. (2023). The Gypsies as the original sin of modernity. In Miasto mozaika. Opis kulturowy (pp. 289-306). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
  • Jezernik, B. (n.d.). The gypsies as the original sin of modernity / Cyganie jako pierwotny grzech nowoczesności. University of Ljubljana, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology.
  • Kalaydjieva, L., Morar, B., Chaix, R., & Tang, H. (2005). A newly discovered founder population: the Roma/Gypsies. Bioessays, 27(10), 1084-1094.
  • Kandasamy, M. (2016). The gypsy goddess. New Delhi: Fourth Estate.pp.122.
  • Kende, A., Nyúl, B., Hadarics, M., Carmona-López, C., Ciordaş, P., De Cristofaro, V., … Lášticová, B. (2024). Addressing anti-Gypsyism with context-dependent psychological tools: Research review, meta-analysis and secondary analysis of prejudice against the Roma. European Review of Social Psychology, 1–47.
  • Kenrick, D. (2007). Historical dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies). Scarecrow Press.
  • Kenrick, D. (2010). The A to Z of the Gypsies (Romanies) (No. 135). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Kolukırık, S. (2022). Batılı literatürde Çingeneler/Romanlar: Tarih, köken ve dil üzerine bir değerlendirme. ResearchGate. Retrieved from
  • Kotics, J. (2023). Patterns of Inter-ethnic Relations with the Roma in the Carpathian Basin: Stigmatising Distinction. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Kuş, A. (2020). Under the light of the population register dated 1857: An evaluation upon the socio-economic lives of the Gypsy living in İstanbul. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (43), 49-61.
  • Lakatos, M. (2015). The Color of Smoke: An Epic Novel of the Roma. New Europe Books.
  • Lane, E. W. (2012). An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. Oxford University Press.
  • Lecouteux, C. (2018). Dictionary of Gypsy mythology: Charms, rites, and magical traditions of the Roma (J. E. Graham, Trans.). Inner Traditions.
  • Lee, K. (2000). Orientalism and gypsylorism. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice, 44(2), 129-156.
  • Lee, K. (2022). Visions of Esmeralda Lock: Epistemic Injustice,‘The Gypsy Woman’, and Gypsilorism. Critical Romani Studies, 5(1), 4-28.
  • Leland, C. G. (1891). Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling: Illustrated by numerous incantations, specimens of medical magic, anecdotes and tales. London: T. Fisher Unwin. Lemche, N. P. (1998). The Israelites in history and tradition. Westminster John Knox Press.
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Toplam 107 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kabul Tarihi 20 Haziran 2024
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Kaynak Göster

APA Eken, H. (2024). Çingenelerin Kültürel Doku Analizi. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(40), 426-444.