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İngilizce bölüm öğrencilerinin çeviride yaşadıkları problemler ile baş etme becerilerinin senaryolar yoluyla analizi

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 22, 964 - 977, 21.03.2021


Öğrenme, yaşam boyu süren bir eylemdir, ve sorunsuz değildir. Bu süreçte yaşanan problemler veya zorluklar ilerlemek için engel gibi görülebilse de, aslında daha çok farkındalık kazanmak ve çözüm araştırmak için yeni fırsatlardır, ve böylelikle öğrenmeyi daha bilinçli ve sağlıklı bir süreç haline getirir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma öğrencilerin çeviri yaparken zorlandıkları noktalara ve bu zorluklara buldukları muhtemel çözümlere odaklanmaktadır. Öğrenciler, üniversite eğitimlerinde çeviri uygulamasına ikinci sınıfta başladıkları için, çalışmanın katılımcıları, Türkiye’deki bir çevirmen eğitimi programına kayıtlı ikinci sınıf öğrencilerinden oluşmaktadır. Veriler, açık uçlu sorular ve katılımcıların verdikleri cevaplardan geliştirilen senaryolar yoluyla toplanmıştır. Bu nedenle, çalışma nitel çalışma deseni kullanmış olup nitel veriler içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışma, öğrencilerin gözünden beş farklı problem alanı bulmuştur: uzun cümleler, eşdeğerlik, terminoloji, kültürel öğeler ve noktalama/dilbilgisi konuları. Bu problemlere çeşitli çözümler elde edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulgularının, çevirmen eğitimi ve çeviri kalitesi geliştirme gibi farklı alanlara ışık tutması ümit edilmektedir.


  • Abbasi, G., Salehzadeh, S., Janfaza, E., Assemi, A., & Dehghan, S. S. (2012). Language, translation, and culture. In International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture (Vol. 33, pp. 83-87).
  • Abdellah, A. S. (2003). The Problem of Translating English Linguistic Terminology into Arabic. Cambridge first postgraduate conference on Linguistics CAMLING, University of Cambridge
  • Adiel, M. A. E., & Ahmed, M. A. (2016). Difficulties encountered by Sudanese students in translating idiomatic expressions from English into Arabic. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 3(6), 36-40.
  • Aksoy, N. B. (1998). Teknik çeviri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 71-80.
  • Al-Badawi, K. (2012). An analysis of phonetic, morphological and syntactic errors in English: A case study of Saudi BA students at King Khalid University. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2(6), 536-538. doi: 10.7763/IJSSH.2012.V2.165
  • Alfaori, N. A. D. M. (2017). Equivalence problems in translation. Sino-US English Teaching, 14(2), 86-97. doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2017.02.003
  • Al-Hassan, A. (2013). The importance of culture in translation: Should culture be translated?. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 2(2), 96-100. doi:10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.2n.2p.96
  • Alrishan, A & Smadi, O. (2015). Difficulties EFL Jordanian university students encounter in translating English idioms into Arabic. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(10). 124-133.
  • Al Shehab, M. (2013). Investigating the syntactic difficulties which encounter translation students at Irbid National University in Jordan from Arabic into English. AWEJ, Special issue on Translation, 2, 129-148.
  • Andini, T. M. (2014). Grammatical problems encountered by students in translating English into Indonesian and Indonesian into English. In The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo, 382 (Vol. 386, pp. 402-406).
  • Arono, A., & Nadrah, N. (2019). Students’ difficulties in translating English text. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics & Literature), 4(1), 88-99. doi: 10.33369/joall.v4i1.7384
  • Aulia, D. (2012). The application of translation strategies to cope with equivalence problems in translating texts. POLINGUA, 1(1), 1-7.
  • Ayadi, A. (2010). Lexical translation problems: The problem of translating phrasal verbs. The case of third year LMD learners of English. MA Thesis, Mentouri University, Algeria.
  • Badawi, M. F. (2008). Investigating EFL Prospective Teachers' Ability to Translate Culture-Bound Expressions. Online Submission. Retrieved in September, 2020 from
  • Basuki, B. (2016). Investigating Students' Difficulties in Translating Indonesian Text Into English in the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2013/2014. Jurnal Pendidikan Surya Edukasi, 1(1), 1-13.
  • Benfoughal, A. (2010). Students' difficulties and strategies in translation. Master’s Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria.
  • Bengtsson, M. (2016). How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open, 2, 8-14
  • Birkan-Baydan, E. (2013). Çeviri eğitiminde çeviri/çevirmenlik edinci: problem çözme ve karar verme konusunda bir farkındalık uygulaması. İÜ Çeviribilim Dergisi, 4(7), 103-125.
  • Cabré, M. T. (2010). Terminology and translation in Gambier, Y., & Van Doorslaer, L. (Eds.) Handbook of translation studies (Vol. 1), John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Daghoughi, S., & Hashemian, M. (2016). Analysis of Culture-Specific Items and Translation Strategies Applied in Translating Jalal Al-Ahmad's" By the Pen". English language teaching, 9(4), 171-185. doi: 10.5539/elt.v9n4p171
  • Đorđević, J. P. (2017). Translation techniques revisited: The applicability of existing
  • solutions in non-literary translation. Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature, 15(1), 35-47.
  • Dostál, J. (2014). Theory of problem solving. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 2798-2805.
  • Eriş, E. (2019). How is cultural terminology handled in translation? The Legend of the Thousand Bulls. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16, 545-558. doi: 10.29000/rumelide.619042
  • Ezzati, A. (2016). Non-equivalence at grammatical and word level and the strategies to deal with: A case study of English translation into Persian. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 3(3), 101-107. Fernández Guerra, A. (2012). Translating culture: problems, strategies and practical realities. Sic: časopis za književnost, kulturu i književno prevođenje, 1(3), 1-27. doi: 10.15291/sic/
  • Ghazala, H. (1995). Translation as problems and solutions. A Course book for University Students and Trainee Translators, ELGA Publication.
  • Glodjovic, A. (2010). Translation as a means of cross-cultural communication: Some problems in literary text translations. Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature, 8(2), 141 – 151.
  • Göpferich, S. (2009). Towards a model of translation competence and its acquisition: the longitudinal study TransComp. Behind the mind: Methods, models and results in translation process research, 4(4), 11-37.
  • Hadijah, S., & Shalawati, S. (2019). English Language Learners’ Translation Practices: Qualities and Hindrances in Translating Indonesian-English Texts. In Sixth of International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT 2018). Atlantis Press.
  • Heim, M. H., & Tymowski, A. W. (2006). Guidelines for the translation of social science texts. American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Ibrahim, M.A.E. (2017). Strategy to Solve Translation Problems (A Case Study of College of Education-Dongla University). International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(3), 576-586.
  • Ibrahim, M.A.E. (2017). An investigation of difficulties of translation that face Sudanese university students: A case study of College of Education, Dongla University. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(3), 587-601.
  • Kahrizsangi, A. A. S., & Haddadi, M. H. (2017). An Inquiry into the Challenges of Literary Translation to Improve Literary Translation Competence with Reference to an Anecdote by Heinrich von Kleist. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(3), 350-357. doi:10.5539/jel.v6n3p350
  • Khalifa, E. M. (2015). Problems in translating English and Arabic languages’ structure: a case study of EFL Saudi students in Shaqra University. European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 3(4), 22-34.
  • Kızıltan, R. (2017). Tarihte çeviri: antik çağdan 19. yüzyıl sonuna kadar edebi çeviri kuramları-1. Antik çağdan barok çağın sonuna kadar. DTCF Dergisi, 40, 71-88.
  • Kobyakova, I. & Mishchenko, A. (2018). Grammatical aspects of translation. Філологічні трактати, 10(2), 60-66. doi:10.21272/Ftrk.2018.10(2)-08
  • Komeili, Z., & Rahimi, A. (2011). An investigation of the translation problems incurred by English-to-Persian machine translations: “Padideh, Pars, and Google Softwares”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 1079-1082. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.195 .
  • Krein-Kühle, M. (2014). Translation and equivalence. In Translation: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 15-35). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Linder, D. (2000). Translation problems and translation difficulties: tools for teaching specialized translation. Retrieved in March 2019 from
  • Johnson, R and P Whitelock. (1987). Machine Translation as an Expert Task. In Nirenburg (ed) Machine Translation Theoretical and Methodological Issues, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 136-144.
  • Maasoum, S. M. H., & Mahdiyan, M. (2012). Punctuation in translation: the unseen side of the coin. Mediterranean journal of social sciences, 3(11), 25-25. doi:10.5901/mjss.2012.v3n11p25
  • Melkumyan, S., & Dabaghi, A. (2011). The benefits of translation: with a special reference to the Armenian translation of Five Short Stories by W. Saroyan. Asian Social Science, 7(10), 128-140. doi:10.5539/ass.v7n10p128
  • Mishra, A., Bhattacharyya, P., & Carl, M. (2013). Automatically predicting sentence translation difficulty. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) (pp. 346-351).
  • Mogahed, M. M. (2012). Punctuation marks make a difference in translation: practical examples. Online Submission. Retrieved in October, 2020 from Munday, J. (2010). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. London and NewYork: Routledge
  • Naderi, N., Moeen, A. A., & Sayadian, S. (2017). Readability of translation in scientific texts with long sentences: a case of a genetics textbook. Scientific Journal Islamic Azad University of Yazd, 1(2), 145-164
  • Napu, N., & Hasan, R. (2019). Translation problems analysis of students’ academic essay. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(5), 1-11. doi: 10.32996/ijllt.2019.2.5.1
  • Narváez, I. C., & Zambrana, J. M. V. (2014). How to translate culture-specific items: a case study of tourist promotion campaign by Turespaña. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 21, 71-112.
  • Neshkovska, S., & Kitanovska-Kimovska, S. (2018). Translating Culture. HORIZONS, Series A, XXII, 165-174. doi: 10.20544/HORIZONS.A.22.1.18.P14
  • Nida, E. A. (1964). Toward a science of translating: with special reference to principles and procedures involved in Bible translating. Netherlands: Brill Archive.
  • Ninsiana, W. (2016). Problem solving of non-equivalence problems in English into Indonesian text. Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching, 4(2), 84-96.
  • Othman, Z. A. H. (2017). Interference Problems in Translating Different Spoken and Written Texts from Arabic into English. Master’s Thesis, Middle East University.
  • PACTE Group (2011). Results of the validation of the PACTE translation competence model: Translation problems and translation competence. In Alvstad, C., Hild, A. & Tiselius, E. (Eds.), Methods and strategies of process research: Integrative approaches in translation studies (Vol. 94). John Benjamins.
  • Paolucci, S. (2011). The problem of equivalence in translating legal texts. Lebende Sprachen, 56(1), 87-99. doi:
  • Pym, A. (2003). Redefining translation competence in an electronic age: in defence of a minimalist approach. Meta, 48(4), 481-497.
  • Sadiq, S. (2010). A comparative study of four English translations of Sûrat Ad-Dukhân on the semantic level. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom.
  • Salih, K.W.(2014). Problems of equivalence choices between global English and local Kurdish languages. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(8), 348-354.
  • Sariasih, W., Zaim, M., & Radjab, D. (2015). Students’ textual equivalence in translating informative text from Indonesian into English (a study of the third year students of stkip pgri sumbar). English Language Teaching (ELT), 3(1), 1-13.
  • Shreve, G. M. (2009). Recipient-orientation and metacognition in the translation process. Dimitriu, Rodica & Miriam Shlesinger (eds.), 257-270. Shokri, S., & Ketabi, S. (2015). Translating culture-specific items in Shazdeh Ehtejab: Examining foreignization and domestication. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 4(3), 3-16. doi: 10.5861/ijrse.2015.1027
  • Soang, L. L. (2016). Translation teaching: The importance of the translator’s native language. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 6(04), 247.
  • Soualmia, M. (2010). Third-year students' difficulties in translating. Dissertation, Mentouri University- Constantine, Algeria
  • Sun, H. (2011). On cultural differences and translation methods. Journal of Language Teaching & Research, 2(1), 160-163. doi:10.4304/jltr.2.1.160-163
  • Sunel, A. H. (1988). Çeviri ve bir çevirinin düşündürdükleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 153-168.
  • Tekalp, S.; Tarakcıoğlu, A. Ö. (2019). Translation of fictive culture-specific items in The Hunger Games trilogy. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (Ö5), 285-296. DOI: 10.29000/rumelide.606159.
  • Torop, P. (2002). Translation as translating as culture. Sign System Studies, 30(2), 593–605.
  • Yildiz, Ş. (2004). Çeviride eşdeğerlik ve çeviri kuramlari bağlaminda karşilaştirmali bir çalişma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12, 375-386.
  • Zainudin, I. S., & Awal, N. M. (2012). Translation techniques: problems and solutions. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 59, 328-334.
  • Zhang, X., & Teng, L. (2016). Features and Methods of Translation of Long Sentence for Electric Specialty English. In 2016 5th International Conference on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Atlantis Press.
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Analysing English-major students’ coping skills for translation problems through scenarios

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 22, 964 - 977, 21.03.2021


Learning is a lifetime act, and it is not free of problems. Although problems or difficulties experienced in this process could be perceived as barriers to move further, they can be in fact new opportunities to gain more awareness and explore solutions, and thus, to make learning a conscious and sound process. Therefore, this study focuses on the students’ difficulties in doing translation and their probable solutions to these problems. Since the students started translation practice in their second year at university, the participants of the study were composed of the second year students in translation training program in Turkey. Data were gathered by both open-ended questions and scenarios developed from the participants’ own responses. Hence, the study used qualitative research design, and the qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The study revealed five different problems through the students’ eyes: long sentences, equivalence, terminology, cultural elements and punctuation/grammar issues. Various solutions were elicited for these problems. The findings of the study are expected to provide insight for different areas such as translation training and translation quality improvement.


  • Abbasi, G., Salehzadeh, S., Janfaza, E., Assemi, A., & Dehghan, S. S. (2012). Language, translation, and culture. In International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture (Vol. 33, pp. 83-87).
  • Abdellah, A. S. (2003). The Problem of Translating English Linguistic Terminology into Arabic. Cambridge first postgraduate conference on Linguistics CAMLING, University of Cambridge
  • Adiel, M. A. E., & Ahmed, M. A. (2016). Difficulties encountered by Sudanese students in translating idiomatic expressions from English into Arabic. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 3(6), 36-40.
  • Aksoy, N. B. (1998). Teknik çeviri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 71-80.
  • Al-Badawi, K. (2012). An analysis of phonetic, morphological and syntactic errors in English: A case study of Saudi BA students at King Khalid University. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2(6), 536-538. doi: 10.7763/IJSSH.2012.V2.165
  • Alfaori, N. A. D. M. (2017). Equivalence problems in translation. Sino-US English Teaching, 14(2), 86-97. doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2017.02.003
  • Al-Hassan, A. (2013). The importance of culture in translation: Should culture be translated?. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 2(2), 96-100. doi:10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.2n.2p.96
  • Alrishan, A & Smadi, O. (2015). Difficulties EFL Jordanian university students encounter in translating English idioms into Arabic. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(10). 124-133.
  • Al Shehab, M. (2013). Investigating the syntactic difficulties which encounter translation students at Irbid National University in Jordan from Arabic into English. AWEJ, Special issue on Translation, 2, 129-148.
  • Andini, T. M. (2014). Grammatical problems encountered by students in translating English into Indonesian and Indonesian into English. In The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo, 382 (Vol. 386, pp. 402-406).
  • Arono, A., & Nadrah, N. (2019). Students’ difficulties in translating English text. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics & Literature), 4(1), 88-99. doi: 10.33369/joall.v4i1.7384
  • Aulia, D. (2012). The application of translation strategies to cope with equivalence problems in translating texts. POLINGUA, 1(1), 1-7.
  • Ayadi, A. (2010). Lexical translation problems: The problem of translating phrasal verbs. The case of third year LMD learners of English. MA Thesis, Mentouri University, Algeria.
  • Badawi, M. F. (2008). Investigating EFL Prospective Teachers' Ability to Translate Culture-Bound Expressions. Online Submission. Retrieved in September, 2020 from
  • Basuki, B. (2016). Investigating Students' Difficulties in Translating Indonesian Text Into English in the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2013/2014. Jurnal Pendidikan Surya Edukasi, 1(1), 1-13.
  • Benfoughal, A. (2010). Students' difficulties and strategies in translation. Master’s Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria.
  • Bengtsson, M. (2016). How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open, 2, 8-14
  • Birkan-Baydan, E. (2013). Çeviri eğitiminde çeviri/çevirmenlik edinci: problem çözme ve karar verme konusunda bir farkındalık uygulaması. İÜ Çeviribilim Dergisi, 4(7), 103-125.
  • Cabré, M. T. (2010). Terminology and translation in Gambier, Y., & Van Doorslaer, L. (Eds.) Handbook of translation studies (Vol. 1), John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Daghoughi, S., & Hashemian, M. (2016). Analysis of Culture-Specific Items and Translation Strategies Applied in Translating Jalal Al-Ahmad's" By the Pen". English language teaching, 9(4), 171-185. doi: 10.5539/elt.v9n4p171
  • Đorđević, J. P. (2017). Translation techniques revisited: The applicability of existing
  • solutions in non-literary translation. Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature, 15(1), 35-47.
  • Dostál, J. (2014). Theory of problem solving. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 2798-2805.
  • Eriş, E. (2019). How is cultural terminology handled in translation? The Legend of the Thousand Bulls. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16, 545-558. doi: 10.29000/rumelide.619042
  • Ezzati, A. (2016). Non-equivalence at grammatical and word level and the strategies to deal with: A case study of English translation into Persian. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 3(3), 101-107. Fernández Guerra, A. (2012). Translating culture: problems, strategies and practical realities. Sic: časopis za književnost, kulturu i književno prevođenje, 1(3), 1-27. doi: 10.15291/sic/
  • Ghazala, H. (1995). Translation as problems and solutions. A Course book for University Students and Trainee Translators, ELGA Publication.
  • Glodjovic, A. (2010). Translation as a means of cross-cultural communication: Some problems in literary text translations. Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature, 8(2), 141 – 151.
  • Göpferich, S. (2009). Towards a model of translation competence and its acquisition: the longitudinal study TransComp. Behind the mind: Methods, models and results in translation process research, 4(4), 11-37.
  • Hadijah, S., & Shalawati, S. (2019). English Language Learners’ Translation Practices: Qualities and Hindrances in Translating Indonesian-English Texts. In Sixth of International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT 2018). Atlantis Press.
  • Heim, M. H., & Tymowski, A. W. (2006). Guidelines for the translation of social science texts. American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Ibrahim, M.A.E. (2017). Strategy to Solve Translation Problems (A Case Study of College of Education-Dongla University). International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(3), 576-586.
  • Ibrahim, M.A.E. (2017). An investigation of difficulties of translation that face Sudanese university students: A case study of College of Education, Dongla University. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(3), 587-601.
  • Kahrizsangi, A. A. S., & Haddadi, M. H. (2017). An Inquiry into the Challenges of Literary Translation to Improve Literary Translation Competence with Reference to an Anecdote by Heinrich von Kleist. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(3), 350-357. doi:10.5539/jel.v6n3p350
  • Khalifa, E. M. (2015). Problems in translating English and Arabic languages’ structure: a case study of EFL Saudi students in Shaqra University. European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 3(4), 22-34.
  • Kızıltan, R. (2017). Tarihte çeviri: antik çağdan 19. yüzyıl sonuna kadar edebi çeviri kuramları-1. Antik çağdan barok çağın sonuna kadar. DTCF Dergisi, 40, 71-88.
  • Kobyakova, I. & Mishchenko, A. (2018). Grammatical aspects of translation. Філологічні трактати, 10(2), 60-66. doi:10.21272/Ftrk.2018.10(2)-08
  • Komeili, Z., & Rahimi, A. (2011). An investigation of the translation problems incurred by English-to-Persian machine translations: “Padideh, Pars, and Google Softwares”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 1079-1082. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.195 .
  • Krein-Kühle, M. (2014). Translation and equivalence. In Translation: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 15-35). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Linder, D. (2000). Translation problems and translation difficulties: tools for teaching specialized translation. Retrieved in March 2019 from
  • Johnson, R and P Whitelock. (1987). Machine Translation as an Expert Task. In Nirenburg (ed) Machine Translation Theoretical and Methodological Issues, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 136-144.
  • Maasoum, S. M. H., & Mahdiyan, M. (2012). Punctuation in translation: the unseen side of the coin. Mediterranean journal of social sciences, 3(11), 25-25. doi:10.5901/mjss.2012.v3n11p25
  • Melkumyan, S., & Dabaghi, A. (2011). The benefits of translation: with a special reference to the Armenian translation of Five Short Stories by W. Saroyan. Asian Social Science, 7(10), 128-140. doi:10.5539/ass.v7n10p128
  • Mishra, A., Bhattacharyya, P., & Carl, M. (2013). Automatically predicting sentence translation difficulty. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) (pp. 346-351).
  • Mogahed, M. M. (2012). Punctuation marks make a difference in translation: practical examples. Online Submission. Retrieved in October, 2020 from Munday, J. (2010). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. London and NewYork: Routledge
  • Naderi, N., Moeen, A. A., & Sayadian, S. (2017). Readability of translation in scientific texts with long sentences: a case of a genetics textbook. Scientific Journal Islamic Azad University of Yazd, 1(2), 145-164
  • Napu, N., & Hasan, R. (2019). Translation problems analysis of students’ academic essay. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(5), 1-11. doi: 10.32996/ijllt.2019.2.5.1
  • Narváez, I. C., & Zambrana, J. M. V. (2014). How to translate culture-specific items: a case study of tourist promotion campaign by Turespaña. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 21, 71-112.
  • Neshkovska, S., & Kitanovska-Kimovska, S. (2018). Translating Culture. HORIZONS, Series A, XXII, 165-174. doi: 10.20544/HORIZONS.A.22.1.18.P14
  • Nida, E. A. (1964). Toward a science of translating: with special reference to principles and procedures involved in Bible translating. Netherlands: Brill Archive.
  • Ninsiana, W. (2016). Problem solving of non-equivalence problems in English into Indonesian text. Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching, 4(2), 84-96.
  • Othman, Z. A. H. (2017). Interference Problems in Translating Different Spoken and Written Texts from Arabic into English. Master’s Thesis, Middle East University.
  • PACTE Group (2011). Results of the validation of the PACTE translation competence model: Translation problems and translation competence. In Alvstad, C., Hild, A. & Tiselius, E. (Eds.), Methods and strategies of process research: Integrative approaches in translation studies (Vol. 94). John Benjamins.
  • Paolucci, S. (2011). The problem of equivalence in translating legal texts. Lebende Sprachen, 56(1), 87-99. doi:
  • Pym, A. (2003). Redefining translation competence in an electronic age: in defence of a minimalist approach. Meta, 48(4), 481-497.
  • Sadiq, S. (2010). A comparative study of four English translations of Sûrat Ad-Dukhân on the semantic level. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom.
  • Salih, K.W.(2014). Problems of equivalence choices between global English and local Kurdish languages. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(8), 348-354.
  • Sariasih, W., Zaim, M., & Radjab, D. (2015). Students’ textual equivalence in translating informative text from Indonesian into English (a study of the third year students of stkip pgri sumbar). English Language Teaching (ELT), 3(1), 1-13.
  • Shreve, G. M. (2009). Recipient-orientation and metacognition in the translation process. Dimitriu, Rodica & Miriam Shlesinger (eds.), 257-270. Shokri, S., & Ketabi, S. (2015). Translating culture-specific items in Shazdeh Ehtejab: Examining foreignization and domestication. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 4(3), 3-16. doi: 10.5861/ijrse.2015.1027
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dilbilim
Bölüm Çevirilbilimi

Gökçe Dişlen Dağgöl Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1920-0208

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 22

Kaynak Göster

APA Dişlen Dağgöl, G. (2021). Analysing English-major students’ coping skills for translation problems through scenarios. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(22), 964-977.