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Ölü Ozanlar Derneği’nde yaratıcı öğretim metodolojisinin rolü

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 22, 832 - 845, 21.03.2021


Bir romanı filme uyarlarken, birçok farklılıklar ve benzerlikler bulunması doğaldır. Film ve edebiyat arasındaki ilişkiden dolayı, filmlere yansıyan edebî fikirler, duygular ve deneyimlerin ifade şekli her zaman çekici olmuştur. Filmlerin romana uyarlanması, filmin metinleştirmesi olarak kabul edilir. Ölü Ozanlar Derneği, film ve roman olarak, bağlamların özel bir şekilde temsil ettiğinden dolayı klasik bir eser olarak kabul edilir. Bu çalışma, N. H. Kleinbaum’un romanı ile Peter Weir’in uyarlama filmi arasındaki farklılıkları ve benzerlikleri alıntılar, olaylar ve motifler desteğiyle incelemektedir. Hikâye, hayatın her anında gizli arzularımızı gerçekleştirmemizi engelleyen bir korkuyu tanıtmaktadır. Geçmiş olayları hatırlatarak, hikâyenin öğretmen karakteri, Carpe Diem konsepti vasıtasıyla öğrencilerine hayat, kaybedilen zaman ve ileri zaman hakkında bakışlarını değiştirmelerini sağlar. Öğretmenin yaratıcı öğretim yöntemleri aracılığıyla, genç öğrencilerin şiir ve edebiyata olan ilgisinin arkasında düşünülmesi ve analiz edilmesi gereken derin kavramlar olduğu aşikârdır. Öğretmen, bilge sözler, fikirler ve büyük şairlerden alıntı yaparak, öğrencilerini motive etmeyi ve onlara izlemeleri gereken yolu hatırlatmaya çalışır; çünkü bu özverinin değerli bir mücadele olduğunu herkesten daha iyi bilir. Öğretmen, Shakespeare ve Walt Whitman’ın şiirleriyle hayat dersleri vermeye çalışırken, nihai evrime ulaşmak için her ikisine de ihtiyaç olduğunu farkındadır. Toplanılan Ölü Ozanlar Derneğinde—toplumun baskı ve beklentilerinin dışında—öğrencilerin edebiyata olan ilgileri ve yaratıcılıkları açığa çıkarılır.


  • Agustino, G. L. (2017). Nonconformity of Teacher and Students in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (Unpublished master’s thesis). Diponegoro University.
  • Bert, O. (2001) The amplification of reason, or the recuperation of imagination: Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society, South African Journal of Philosophy, 20:2, 171-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02580136.2001.10878206
  • Brew, S. (2016, March 10). Dead Poets Society: Why it works and how it happened. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/dead-poets-society-why-it-works-and-how-it-happened/
  • Cross, S. M. (1995). Dead Poets Do Tell Tales. The English Journal, 84(7), 84-86. doi:https://doi.org/10.2307/820593
  • Dettmar, K. (2014, February 19). Dead Poets Society Is a Terrible Defense of the Humanities. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/02/-em-dead-poets-society-em-is-a-terrible-defense-of-the-humanities/283853/
  • Gorbatkova, O., & Levitskaya, A. (2018). Hermeneutical Analysis of the Film Dead Poets Society. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 3(1), 3-10. doi:10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.3
  • Guerra, L. (2019, May 28). As Dead Poets Society turns 30, classroom rapport is still relevant and risky. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://research.usask.ca/our-impact/highlights/the-conversation-canada/as-dead-poets-society-turns-30,-classroom-rapport-is-still-relevant-and-risky.php
  • Horace & West, D. A. (1995). Horace Odes. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Jaranović, J. (2013). The Development of Authentic Personality With Limitations Of The Educational System (in the examples of films: Professor Vujić’s Hat, directed by Z. Šotra, and Dead Poets Society, directed by P. Weir). Journal of Education Culture and Society, 4(2). doi:https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20132.79.87
  • Kleinbaum, N. H. (1979). Dead Poets Society. Bantam Book. USA.
  • McLaren, P., & Leonardo, Z. (1998). Deconstructing surveillance pedagogy: Dead Poets Society. Studies in the Literary Imagination, 31(1): 127-147.
  • Muro, A. (2018). “What will your verse be?”: Identity and masculinity in “Dead poets society”. Journal of English Studies, 16, 207-220. doi:https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.3472
  • New York Daily News. (2018, April 08). ‘Dead Poets Society’ seizes the day: 1989 review. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from
  • https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/dead-poets-society-seize-day-1989-review-article-1.2655911
  • Brooks, C., & Warren, R. P. (1960). Understanding poetry. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Sackstein, S. (2018, July 24). Authentic Transformational and Ethical Leadership in ‘Dead Poets Society’ (Opinion). Retrieved January 31, 2021, from
  • https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-authentic-transformational-and-ethical-leadership-in-dead-poets-society/2018/07
  • Serey, T. T. (1992). Carpe Diem: Lessons about Life and Management from Dead Poets Society. Journal of Management Education, 16(3), 374 381. https://doi.org/10.1177/105256299201600309
  • Snyder, M. H. (2011). Analyzing Literature-to-Film Adaptations. Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar: Continuum Pub.
  • White, R. (n.d.). Dead Poets Society. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from http://rebirthofreason.com/Articles/White/Dead_Poets_Society.shtml
  • Zabłocka, K. (2016). Two Cinematic Portrayals of Teachers: John Keating in Dead Poets Society and Terence Fletcher in Whiplash. New Horizons in English Studies, 1, 87-97. doi:10.17951/nh.2016.87

The role of creative teaching methodology in Dead Poets Society

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 22, 832 - 845, 21.03.2021


The association between film and literature has always been attractive since literature expresses ideas, emotions, and experiences. While films’ adaptation into novels—regarded as the film’s textualization—and adopting a novel into a film, it is natural to find differences and similarities; they mutually influence one another. Dead Poets Society, as a film and as a novel, is considered classical in which the representation of the contexts is exclusive. This study examines the differences and the similarities between the novel by N. H. Kleinbaum and its adaptation film by Peter Weir in the realm of quotations, events, and motifs. The story demonstrates a fear that lurks in every moment of life and prevents us from achieving our desires. By recalling the elapsing, a teacher transforms his students’ perspective to life, the lost time, and the time ahead through the concept of Carpe Diem. There are deep concepts behind the adolescents’ interest in poetry and literature in both works of art that need to be thought and analyzed via the teacher’s creative teaching methods. Through wise words, ideas, and quotes from great poets, the teacher tries to motivate his students and remind them of the path they should take, although he knows that the result of this self-sacrifice and resistance against tradition is precious. He attempts to teach life lessons through Shakespearean and Walt Whitman’s poetry, to impose that ultimate evolution requires masters of art and revolutionary thinkers in the history, Dead Poets Society is a place where out of the pressures and expectations of traditional society, students release their interest in literature and creativity to flourish.


  • Agustino, G. L. (2017). Nonconformity of Teacher and Students in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (Unpublished master’s thesis). Diponegoro University.
  • Bert, O. (2001) The amplification of reason, or the recuperation of imagination: Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society, South African Journal of Philosophy, 20:2, 171-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02580136.2001.10878206
  • Brew, S. (2016, March 10). Dead Poets Society: Why it works and how it happened. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/dead-poets-society-why-it-works-and-how-it-happened/
  • Cross, S. M. (1995). Dead Poets Do Tell Tales. The English Journal, 84(7), 84-86. doi:https://doi.org/10.2307/820593
  • Dettmar, K. (2014, February 19). Dead Poets Society Is a Terrible Defense of the Humanities. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/02/-em-dead-poets-society-em-is-a-terrible-defense-of-the-humanities/283853/
  • Gorbatkova, O., & Levitskaya, A. (2018). Hermeneutical Analysis of the Film Dead Poets Society. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 3(1), 3-10. doi:10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.3
  • Guerra, L. (2019, May 28). As Dead Poets Society turns 30, classroom rapport is still relevant and risky. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://research.usask.ca/our-impact/highlights/the-conversation-canada/as-dead-poets-society-turns-30,-classroom-rapport-is-still-relevant-and-risky.php
  • Horace & West, D. A. (1995). Horace Odes. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Jaranović, J. (2013). The Development of Authentic Personality With Limitations Of The Educational System (in the examples of films: Professor Vujić’s Hat, directed by Z. Šotra, and Dead Poets Society, directed by P. Weir). Journal of Education Culture and Society, 4(2). doi:https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20132.79.87
  • Kleinbaum, N. H. (1979). Dead Poets Society. Bantam Book. USA.
  • McLaren, P., & Leonardo, Z. (1998). Deconstructing surveillance pedagogy: Dead Poets Society. Studies in the Literary Imagination, 31(1): 127-147.
  • Muro, A. (2018). “What will your verse be?”: Identity and masculinity in “Dead poets society”. Journal of English Studies, 16, 207-220. doi:https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.3472
  • New York Daily News. (2018, April 08). ‘Dead Poets Society’ seizes the day: 1989 review. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from
  • https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/dead-poets-society-seize-day-1989-review-article-1.2655911
  • Brooks, C., & Warren, R. P. (1960). Understanding poetry. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Sackstein, S. (2018, July 24). Authentic Transformational and Ethical Leadership in ‘Dead Poets Society’ (Opinion). Retrieved January 31, 2021, from
  • https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-authentic-transformational-and-ethical-leadership-in-dead-poets-society/2018/07
  • Serey, T. T. (1992). Carpe Diem: Lessons about Life and Management from Dead Poets Society. Journal of Management Education, 16(3), 374 381. https://doi.org/10.1177/105256299201600309
  • Snyder, M. H. (2011). Analyzing Literature-to-Film Adaptations. Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar: Continuum Pub.
  • White, R. (n.d.). Dead Poets Society. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from http://rebirthofreason.com/Articles/White/Dead_Poets_Society.shtml
  • Zabłocka, K. (2016). Two Cinematic Portrayals of Teachers: John Keating in Dead Poets Society and Terence Fletcher in Whiplash. New Horizons in English Studies, 1, 87-97. doi:10.17951/nh.2016.87
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dilbilim
Bölüm Dünya dilleri, kültürleri ve edebiyatları

Nur Üçer Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4372-7608

Saman Hashemıpour Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1756-3929

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 22

Kaynak Göster

APA Üçer, N., & Hashemıpour, S. (2021). The role of creative teaching methodology in Dead Poets Society. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(22), 832-845. https://doi.org/10.29000/rumelide.897186