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Eşik bekçiliği ve transediting kavramları odağında haber çevirisi: Euronews örneği

Yıl 2022, Sayı: Ö11, 689 - 703, 21.07.2022


Global dünyanın bireyleri arasında iletişim sağlama rolünü üstlenen haber, aynı zamanda farklı kültürler arasında iletişim kurma görevini de üstlenmektedir. 12 dilde haber sunan ve dünya çapında bir okur kitlesine sahip olan Euronews bu rolü üstlenen haber medyaları arasındadır. Çokdilli haber medyalarında bilgi akışı ve aktarımı önemli bir konumda yer almaktadır. Haber çevirisi son yıllarda pek çok çeviribilim araştırmacısının dikkatini çekmektedir. Haber çevirisi sürecini incelerken iki farklı kavramdan bahsetmek mümkündür: Eşik bekçiliği ve transediting. Eşik bekçiliği kavramı 1947 yılında Kurt Lewin’in çalışmaları sonucunda ortaya çıkıp sonrasında kitle iletişim literatüründe yerini almıştır. Lewin eşiği, “bir geçit, kanaldaki bir merciiyi karar alma noktası olarak değiştirebilme gücüne sahip bir alan” olarak tanımlar (Lewin, 1947). Eşik bekçisi farklı kaynaklardan iletilen haberleri değerlendiren ve “geçitten” (White, 1950) geçip geçmeyeceklerine karar veren kişi veya kuruldur. Transediting kavramı ise 1989 yılında Karen Stetting tarafından çeviri ve editing arasındaki belirsiz sınıra bir açıklama getirebilmek amacıyla ortaya konulmuştur (Stetting, 1989). Transediting’in uygulama alanlarının biri de haberciliktir. Çalışmamızda haber çevirisi üzerinde, eşik bekçiliği, transediting kavramlarını tanıtmaya ve Christian Nord’un dört işlev modelini uygulamaya çalışacağız. Christian Nord’un dört işlev modeline göre metni hedef kitlesine aktarmadan önce metnin işlevini belirlememiz gerekmektedir. Bu amaca ulaşmak için Nord 2006 yılında Karl Bühler ve Roman Jakobson’un ortaya koydukları modelleri baz alarak ilişkisel, anlatımsal, göndergesel ve duyumsal işlevlerden oluşan bir model ortaya koymuştur. Çalışmamızda Nord’un dört işlev modelinin açıklanmasının ardından Euronews haber medyasında 2015 yılından sonra yayınlanmış göç konulu Fransızca ve Türkçe haber örnekleri üç aşamalı bir analize tabi tutulacaktır. Öncelikle, örneklerin dört işlev modeli bağlamında başlık incelenmesi yapılacaktır sonra haber metninin bağlamından yola çıkarak metnin işlevi belirlenmeye çalışılacaktır. İncelemenin ikinci aşamasında transediting bağlamında haber metni örnek cümleler seçilerek incelenecektir. Eşik bekçiliği kavramının ışığında yapılacak üçüncü inceleme aşamasında, örneklerin alındığı haber kaynağının kısa bir tanıtımının ardından bakış açısı tanımlanmaya çalışılacak ve "geçitten" geçen ama farklılıklar gösteren örnekler üzerinden bulgular değerlendirilecektir. Çalışmamızın üç aşamalı analizinin sonucunda aynı haber medyası tarafından iki farklı kültür uzamında yer alan okur kitlelerine sunulan haberlerin nasıl aktarıldığı ve metinlerin hangi değişikliklere maruz kaldığını saptamayı amaçlamaktayız.


  • Aktan, Oktay, & Nohl, Arnd–Michael (2010). International Trans-Editing: Typical Intercultural Communication Strategies at the BBC World Service Turkish Radio. Journal of Intercultural Communication, Issue 24
  • Bani, Sara (2006). An analysis of press translation process. In: Kyle Conway and Susan
  • Bassnett, eds. Translation in Global News – Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Warwick – 23 June 2006. Coventry: University of Warwick, Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, 35-45
  • Bielsa, Esperança and Bassnett, Susan (2009). Translation in Global News. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Cassidy, William P. (2006), Gatekeeping Similar For Online, Print Journalists, Newspaper Research Journal, Vol. 27, No.2. http://10.1177/073953290602700201
  • Dohohue, G.A., Olien, C.N., Tichenor P. J. (1989). Structure and Constraints on Community Newspaper Gatekeepers, Journalism Quarterly, Volume: 66 issue: 4, 807-845,
  • Gieber, Walter (1956). Across the Desk: A Study of 16 Telegraph Editors, Journalism Quarterly, Volume: 33 issue: 4, 423-432,
  • Gieber, Walter (1964). News is What Newspapermen Make It, [in:] People, Society and Mass Communication, ed. by L.A.Dexter, D.M. White, New York
  • Gieber, Walter (1999) . News is What Newspapermen Make It, [in:] News. A Reader, ed. H. Tumber, Oxford , p. 223
  • Hursti, Kristian (2001). An insider’s view on transformation and transfer in international news
  • communication: An English-Finnish perspective. The electronic journal of the Department
  • of English at the University of Helsinki. 1:1-8. <>.
  • Kang, Ji-Hae (2007). Recontextualization of news discourse: A case study of translation of news discourse on North Korea. The Translator. 13(2):219-242.
  • Lewin, Kurt (1947). Frontiers in group dynamics: Channels of group life; social planning and action research. Human Relations 1–2:5–41,
  • Nord, Christiane (1997). Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained, Routledge, Second Edition
  • Nord, Christiane (2005). Text analysis in translation: theory, methodology and didactic application of a model for translation-oriented text analysis. Rodopi, Amsterdam.
  • Nord, Christiane (2006). Translating as a purposeful approach, TEFLIN Journal, Volume 17, Number 2, 131- 143,
  • Nord, Christiane (2007). ‘Function plus Loyalty: Ethics in Professional Translation. In Genesis Revista Cientifica do ISAG. Vol 6, 7 – 17.
  • Reiss, Katharina, Vermeer Hans J. (1984). Towards a General Theory of Translational Action: Skopos Theory Explained, Routledge (2014)
  • Schäffner, C. (2012). Rethinking Transediting. Meta, 57(4), 866–883.
  • Shoemaker, Pamela J. et al. (2001). Individual and Routine Forces in Gatekeeping, Volume: 78 issue: 2, 233-246,
  • Stetting, Karen (1989). Transediting – A new term for coping with the grey area between
  • editing and translating. In: Graham Caie, Kirsten Haastrup, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, et al.,
  • Valdeón, Roberto A. (2009). Translating informative and persuasive texts. Perspectives. 17(2):77- 81.
  • White, David Manning (1950). The “Gate Keeper”: A Case Study in the Selection of News, Journalism Quarterly, Volume: 27 issue: 4, 383-390,
  • Williams, Bruce A., Delli Carpini, Michael X., (2004). Monica and Bill All the Time and Everywhere: The Collapse of Gatekeeping and Agenda Setting in the New Media Environment, Volume: 47 issue: 9, 1208-1230,

News Translation in the light of Gatekeeping and Transediting: a case study on Euronews

Yıl 2022, Sayı: Ö11, 689 - 703, 21.07.2022


In today’s global world news which assumes the role of connecting people together also has the mission of providing an opportunity for cultures to communicate with each other. Euronews ranks among news media assuming this role by disseminating news in 12 different languages and possessing a worldwide readership. Information flow and its transfer has a paramount importance in multilingual news media. In recent years news translation draws the attention of many scholars in the field of Translation Studies. While examining the process of news translation it is possible to refer to two notions: gatekeeping and transediting. The notion of gatekeeping was first introduced by Kurt Lewin in 1947 defining gate as “a gateway, an area in the channel who has the power to change a decision-making authority (Lewin, 1947). Gatekeeper is a person or a board who evaluate news coming from various sources and decide whether they pass “the gate” (White, 1950). The notion of Transediting was presented by Karen Stetting in 1989 in order to provide an explanation for the unspecified border between translation and editing (Stetting, 1989). Journalism is one of the areas in which transediting is applying. Our aim in this research includes introducing the notions of gatekeeping and transediting in news translation and applying Christiane Nord’s 4 functions model. According to this model before conveying the text into its readers we should determine its function. In an effort to do so, in 2006 drawing on Karl Bühler and Roman Jakobson’s models Nord presents a model consisting of phatic, referential, expressive and appellative functions. In our research primarily we will define Nord’s 4 function model, then we will analyze examples of migration themed news disseminated in Euronews from 2015 forward in French and Turkish in three steps. Firstly, news headings will be examined in the context of the 4 function model then the function of the text will be defined within the context of the news text. In the second step examples chosen from the news text will be examined in the context of Transediting. In the last step of the analyses, after a short introduction about the related news sources, their point of view will be defined in the light of the notion of gatekeeping and the findings regarding the news which passed the gate will be evaluated. The purpose of our threefold analysis is to determine the way in which a news media disseminates news to readerships from two different cultures and the changes applied to news texts.


  • Aktan, Oktay, & Nohl, Arnd–Michael (2010). International Trans-Editing: Typical Intercultural Communication Strategies at the BBC World Service Turkish Radio. Journal of Intercultural Communication, Issue 24
  • Bani, Sara (2006). An analysis of press translation process. In: Kyle Conway and Susan
  • Bassnett, eds. Translation in Global News – Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Warwick – 23 June 2006. Coventry: University of Warwick, Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, 35-45
  • Bielsa, Esperança and Bassnett, Susan (2009). Translation in Global News. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Cassidy, William P. (2006), Gatekeeping Similar For Online, Print Journalists, Newspaper Research Journal, Vol. 27, No.2. http://10.1177/073953290602700201
  • Dohohue, G.A., Olien, C.N., Tichenor P. J. (1989). Structure and Constraints on Community Newspaper Gatekeepers, Journalism Quarterly, Volume: 66 issue: 4, 807-845,
  • Gieber, Walter (1956). Across the Desk: A Study of 16 Telegraph Editors, Journalism Quarterly, Volume: 33 issue: 4, 423-432,
  • Gieber, Walter (1964). News is What Newspapermen Make It, [in:] People, Society and Mass Communication, ed. by L.A.Dexter, D.M. White, New York
  • Gieber, Walter (1999) . News is What Newspapermen Make It, [in:] News. A Reader, ed. H. Tumber, Oxford , p. 223
  • Hursti, Kristian (2001). An insider’s view on transformation and transfer in international news
  • communication: An English-Finnish perspective. The electronic journal of the Department
  • of English at the University of Helsinki. 1:1-8. <>.
  • Kang, Ji-Hae (2007). Recontextualization of news discourse: A case study of translation of news discourse on North Korea. The Translator. 13(2):219-242.
  • Lewin, Kurt (1947). Frontiers in group dynamics: Channels of group life; social planning and action research. Human Relations 1–2:5–41,
  • Nord, Christiane (1997). Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained, Routledge, Second Edition
  • Nord, Christiane (2005). Text analysis in translation: theory, methodology and didactic application of a model for translation-oriented text analysis. Rodopi, Amsterdam.
  • Nord, Christiane (2006). Translating as a purposeful approach, TEFLIN Journal, Volume 17, Number 2, 131- 143,
  • Nord, Christiane (2007). ‘Function plus Loyalty: Ethics in Professional Translation. In Genesis Revista Cientifica do ISAG. Vol 6, 7 – 17.
  • Reiss, Katharina, Vermeer Hans J. (1984). Towards a General Theory of Translational Action: Skopos Theory Explained, Routledge (2014)
  • Schäffner, C. (2012). Rethinking Transediting. Meta, 57(4), 866–883.
  • Shoemaker, Pamela J. et al. (2001). Individual and Routine Forces in Gatekeeping, Volume: 78 issue: 2, 233-246,
  • Stetting, Karen (1989). Transediting – A new term for coping with the grey area between
  • editing and translating. In: Graham Caie, Kirsten Haastrup, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, et al.,
  • Valdeón, Roberto A. (2009). Translating informative and persuasive texts. Perspectives. 17(2):77- 81.
  • White, David Manning (1950). The “Gate Keeper”: A Case Study in the Selection of News, Journalism Quarterly, Volume: 27 issue: 4, 383-390,
  • Williams, Bruce A., Delli Carpini, Michael X., (2004). Monica and Bill All the Time and Everywhere: The Collapse of Gatekeeping and Agenda Setting in the New Media Environment, Volume: 47 issue: 9, 1208-1230,
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dilbilim
Bölüm Çevirilbilimi

Lale Özcan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7565-4565

Sara Bokaie 0000-0001-5560-6040

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: Ö11

Kaynak Göster

APA Özcan, L., & Bokaie, S. (2022). Eşik bekçiliği ve transediting kavramları odağında haber çevirisi: Euronews örneği. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(Ö11), 689-703.