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Yıl 2023, , 192 - 196, 26.06.2023


İleri bakım planlaması (İBP) herhangi bir yaştaki veya sağlıklarının farklı aşamalarındaki yetişkinlerin kişisel değerlerini, yaşam hedeflerini ve gelecekteki tıbbi bakımla ilgili tercihlerini anlama ve paylaşma konusunda destekleyen bir süreçtir. Bu süreç herhangi bir zamanda başlayabilir ve periyodik olarak tekrar gözden geçirilebilir fakat bir kişinin tıbbi durumu her değiştiğinde İBP’ ye yeniden odaklanılmalıdır. Daha önceki araştırmalar, birçok insanın yaşamlarının sonunda bakımla ilgili endişe ve isteklerinin olduğunu ve karar alma süreçlerine aktif olarak katılmak istediklerini ortaya koymuştur. İleri evre kanser tanısı olan bireylerin İBP tartışmalarına katılma istek ve arzularının diğer hasta gruplarına göre farklılık gösterdiğine dair kanıtlar mevcuttur. İBP kullanımı ve uygulanmasında hâla görüş farklılıkları bulunmaktadır. Bu görüş farklılıklarının nedenleri arasında İBP’ nin önündeki engellerin, İBP’yi çevreleyen korkunun, kültürler arası farklılıkların ve önceki sağlık deneyimlerinin etkisi olabilmektedir. Dünya’ da Tıbbi Onkoloji alanında, palyatif bakım ilkeleri ve ileri bakım planlaması için giderek artan bir literatür mevcuttur. Bu derlemenin amacı; Erişkin ve çocuk kanser hastalarında İBP’ nin göze çarpan özelliklerini aydınlatmak ve bu kavramı Türk literatürüne kazandırmaktır.


  • Sedini C, Biotto M, Crespi Bel’skij LM, Moroni Grandini RE, Cesari M. Advance care planning and advance directives: an overview of the main critical issues. Aging Clin Exp Res 2022;34(2):325-30. google scholar
  • Teno JM, Nelson HL, Lynn J. Advance care planning. Priorities for ethical and empirical research. Hast Cent Rep 1994;24(6):S32-6. google scholar
  • Rietjens JAC, Sudore RL, Connolly M, van Delden JJ, Drickamer MA, Droger M, et al. European association for palliative care definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the european association for palliative care. Lancet Oncol 2017;18(9):543-51. google scholar
  • Sudore RL, Lum HD, You JJ, Hanson LC, Meier DE, Pantilat SZ, et al. Defining advance care planning for adults: a consensus definition from a Multidisciplinary Delphi Panel. J Pain Symptom Manage 2017;53(5):821-32. google scholar
  • Owen L, Steel A. Advance care planning: what do patients want? Br J Hosp Med 2019;80(5):263-7. google scholar
  • Sudore RL, Boscardin J, Feuz MA, McMahan RD, Katen MT, Barnes DE. Effect of the PREPARE Website vs an Easy-to-Read Advance Directive on Advance Care Planning Documentation and Engagement Among Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2017;177(8):1102-9. google scholar
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Advance care planning. University of Nottingham 2019- Jan (cited 2023 Jan 13): 1(1). Available from:file:///C:/Users/90506/Downloads/advance-care-planningquick-guide.pdf. google scholar
  • Zwakman M, Jabbarian LJ, van Delden J, van der Heide A, Korfage IJ, Pollock K, et al. Advance care planning: A systematic review about experiences of patients with a life-threatening or lifelimiting illness. Palliative Medicine 2018;32(8):1305-21. google scholar
  • Johnson S, Butow P, Kerridge I, Tattersall M. Advance care planning for cancer patients: a systematic review of perceptions and experiences of patients, families, and healthcare providers. Psychooncology 2016;25(4):362-86. google scholar
  • Fleuren N, Depla MFIA, Janssen DJA, Huisman M, Hertogh CMPM. Underlying goals of advance care planning (ACP): a qualitative analysis of the literature. BMC Palliat Care 2020;19(1):27. google scholar
  • Brinkman-Stoppelenburg A, Rietjens JA, Van Der Heide A. The effects of advance care planning on end-of-life care: a systematic review. Palliat Med 2014;28(8):1000-25. google scholar
  • Committee on Approaching Death: Addressing Key End of Life Issues; Institute of Medicine. Dying in America: Improving Quality and Honoring Individual Preferences Near the End of Life. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); March 19, 2015.p.624-6242. google scholar
  • Houben CHM, Spruit MA, Groenen MTJ, Wouters EFM, Janssen DJA. Efficacy of advance care planning: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2014;15(7):477-89. google scholar
  • Busa C, Pozsgai E, Zeller J, Csikos A. Who should talk with patients about their end-of-life care wishes? A nationwide survey of the Hungarian population. Scand J Prim Health Care 2022;40(1):157-64. google scholar
  • Jabbarian LJ, Zwakman M, van der Heide A, Kars MC, Janssen DJA, van Delden JJ, et al. Advance care planning for patients with chronic respiratory diseases: a systematic review of preferences and practices. Thorax 2018;73(3):222-30. google scholar
  • Rietjens J, Korfage I, Taubert M. Advance care planning: the future. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2021;11(1):89-91. google scholar
  • Mullick A, Martin J, Sallnow L. An introduction to advance care planning in practice. BMJ 2013;347(3):60-4. google scholar
  • Simon J, Porterfield P, Bouchal SR, Heyland D. ‘Not yet’ and ‘Just ask’: barriers and facilitators to advance care planning -a qualitative descriptive study of the perspectives of seriously ill, older patients and their families. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2015;5(1):54-62. google scholar
  • Kermel-Schiffman I, Werner P. Knowledge regarding advance care planning: a systematic review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2017;73:133-42. google scholar
  • Howard M, Bernard C, Tan A, Slaven M, Klein D, Heyland DK. Advance care planning: Let’s start sooner. Can Fam Physician 2015;61(8):663-5. google scholar
  • Demirkapu H, Van den Block L, De Maesschalck S, De Vleminck A, Colak FZ, Devroey D. Advance care planning among older adults of Turkish origin in Belgium: exploratory interview study. J Pain Symptom Manage 2021;62(2):252-9. google scholar
  • Spring J, McKinlay J, Puxty K, Metaxa V, Detsky M, Mehta S, et al. Perspectives on advance care planning for patients with hematologic malignancy: an international clinician questionnaire. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2021;18(9):1533-9. google scholar
  • Chan CWH, Ng NHY, Chan HYL, Wong MMH, Chow KM. A systematic review of the effects of advance care planning facilitators training programs. BMC Health Serv Res 2019;19(1):362. google scholar
  • Korfage IJ, Carreras G, Arnfeldt Christensen CM, Billekens P, Bramley L, Briggs L, et al. Advance care planning in patients with advanced cancer: A 6-country, cluster-randomised clinical trial. PLoS Med 2020;17(11):e1003422 google scholar
  • Resick JM, Arnold RM, Sudore RL, Farrell D, Belin S, Althouse AD, et al. Patient-centered and efficacious advance care planning in cancer: Protocol and key design considerations for the PEACecompare trial. Contemp Clin Trials 2020;96(12):106-71 google scholar
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Bioethics and Committee on Hospital Care. Palliative care for children. Pediatrics 2000;106(5):351-3. google scholar
  • van Driessche A, Gilissen J, De Vleminck A, Kars M, Fahner J, van der Werff Ten Bosch J, et al. The BOOST paediatric advance care planning intervention for adolescents with cancer and their parents: development, acceptability and feasibility. BMC Pediatr 2022;22(1):210. google scholar
  • Holland LR, Walker R, Henney R, Cashion CE, Bradford NK. Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: Barriers in Access to Psychosocial Support. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2021;10(1):46-55. google scholar
  • Pinkerton R, Donovan L, Herbert A. Palliative care in adolescents and young adults with cancer-why do adolescents need special attention? Cancer J 2018;24(6):336-41. google scholar
  • Thompkins JD, Needle J, Baker JN, Briggs L, Cheng YI, Wang J, et al. Pediatric advance care planning and families’ positive caregiving appraisals: An RCT. Pediatrics 2021;147(6):e2020029330. doi:10.1542/peds.2020-029330 google scholar
  • Lotz JD, Jox RJ, Borasio GD, Führer M. Pediatric advance care planning from the perspective of health care professionals: a qualitative interview study. Palliat Med 2015;29(3):212-22. google scholar
  • Orkin J, Beaune L, Moore C, Weiser N, Arje D, Rapoport A, et al. Toward an understanding of advance care planning in children with medical complexity. Pediatrics 2020;145(3):e20192241. google scholar
  • Friedman SL. Parent resuscitation preferences for young people with severe developmental disabilities. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2006;7(2):67-72. google scholar
  • Bogetz JF, Bogetz AL, Gabhart JM, Bergman DA, Blankenburg RL, Rassbach CE. Continuing education needs of pediatricians across diverse specialties caring for children with medical complexity. Clinical Pediatrics 2015;54(3):222-27. google scholar
  • Almack, K, Cox, K, Moghaddam, N, Pollock K, Seymour J. After you: Conversations between patients and healthcare professionals in planning for end of life care. BMC Palliat Care 2012;11:15. google scholar
  • Abernethy, ER, Campbell, GP and Pentz, RD. Why many oncologists fail to share accurate prognoses: They care deeply for their patients. Cancer 2020;126(6):1163-5. google scholar
  • Lotz JD, Daxer M, Jox RJ, Borasio GD, Führer M. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”: A qualitative interview study on parents’ needs and fears in pediatric advance care planning. Palliat Med 2017;31(8):764-71. google scholar
  • Christenson K, Lybrand SA, Hubbard CR, Hubble RA, Ahsens L, Black P. Including the perspective of the adolescent in palliative care preferences. J Pediatr Heal Care 2010;24(5):286-91. google scholar
  • Belpame N, Kars MC, Beeckman D, Decoene E, Quaghebeur M, Van Hecke A, et al. “the AYA director”: A synthesizing concept to understand psychosocial experiences of adolescents and young adults with cancer. Cancer Nurs 2016;39(4):292-302. google scholar
  • Baker JN, Hinds PS, Spunt SL, Barfield RC, Allen C, Powell BC, et al. Integration of palliative care practices into the ongoing care of children with cancer: individualized care planning and coordination. Pediatr Clin North Am 2008;55(1):223-50. google scholar
  • Wiener L, Bedoya S, Battles H, Sender L, Zabokrtsky K, Donovan KA, et al. Voicing their choices: Advance care planning with adolescents and young adults with cancer and other serious conditions. Palliat Support Care 2022;20(4):462-70. google scholar
  • Weaver MS, Heinze KE, Kelly KP, Wiener L, Casey RL, Bell CJ, et al. Palliative care as a standard of care in pediatric oncology. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015;62(5):829-33. google scholar
  • Kassam A, Skiadaresis J, Habib S, Alexander S, Wolfe J. Moving toward quality palliative cancer care: Parent and clinician perspectives on gaps between what matters and what is accessible. J Clin Oncol 2013;31(7):910-15. google scholar
  • Kaye EC, Woods C, Kennedy K, Velrajan S, Gattas M, Bilbeisi T, et al. Communication around palliative care principles and advance care planning between oncologists, children with advancing cancer and families. Br J Cancer 2021;125(8):1089-99. google scholar
  • Mack JW, Fasciano KM, Block SD. Communication about prognosis with adolescent and young adult patients with cancer: information needs, prognostic awareness, and outcomes of disclosure. J Clin Oncol 2018;36(18):1861-7. google scholar
  • Wiener L, Zadeh S, Battles H, Baird K, Ballard E, Osherow J, et al. Allowing adolescents and young adults to plan their end-of-life care. Pediatrics 2012;130(5):897-905. google scholar
  • Weaver MS, Wiener L, Jacobs S, Bell CJ, Madrigal V, Mooney-Doyle K, et al. Weaver et al’s Response to Morrison: Advance Directives/Care Planning: Clear, Simple, and Wrong. J Palliat Med 2021;24(1):8-10. google scholar
  • Fladeboe KM, O’Donnell MB, Barton KS, Bradford MC, Steineck A, Junkins CC, et al. A novel combined resilience and advance care planning intervention for adolescents and young adults with advanced cancer: A feasibility and acceptability cohort study. Cancer 2021;127(23):4504-11. google scholar
  • Heckford E, Beringer, A. Advance care planning: challenges and approaches for pediatricians. J Palliat Med 2015;17(9):1049-53. google scholar
  • Izumi S. Advance care planning: the nurse’s role. Am J Nurs 2017;117(6):56-61. google scholar


Yıl 2023, , 192 - 196, 26.06.2023


Advance care planning (ACP) aims to support patients regardless of age or stage of health to understand and share personal values, goals in life, and future medical care preferences. This process which may be started at any time should be reviewed at periodical intervals depending on individuals’ medical conditions. According to previous research, end-of-life care is a source of deep concern for many people who want to ensure active involvement in decision-making processes. Compared to other patient groups, individuals suffering from advanced cancer may have different levels of willingness regarding being a part of ACP discussions, as evidence shows. The barriers to ACP, the fear surrounding ACP, cultural differences, and previous health experiences have generated differences of opinion on the use and implementation of ACP. Across the world, palliative care principles and advance care planning are developing in the field of Medical Oncology. This review aimed to present the most important features of ACP in adult and pediatric cancer patients and to incorporate this concept to Turkish literature.


  • Sedini C, Biotto M, Crespi Bel’skij LM, Moroni Grandini RE, Cesari M. Advance care planning and advance directives: an overview of the main critical issues. Aging Clin Exp Res 2022;34(2):325-30. google scholar
  • Teno JM, Nelson HL, Lynn J. Advance care planning. Priorities for ethical and empirical research. Hast Cent Rep 1994;24(6):S32-6. google scholar
  • Rietjens JAC, Sudore RL, Connolly M, van Delden JJ, Drickamer MA, Droger M, et al. European association for palliative care definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the european association for palliative care. Lancet Oncol 2017;18(9):543-51. google scholar
  • Sudore RL, Lum HD, You JJ, Hanson LC, Meier DE, Pantilat SZ, et al. Defining advance care planning for adults: a consensus definition from a Multidisciplinary Delphi Panel. J Pain Symptom Manage 2017;53(5):821-32. google scholar
  • Owen L, Steel A. Advance care planning: what do patients want? Br J Hosp Med 2019;80(5):263-7. google scholar
  • Sudore RL, Boscardin J, Feuz MA, McMahan RD, Katen MT, Barnes DE. Effect of the PREPARE Website vs an Easy-to-Read Advance Directive on Advance Care Planning Documentation and Engagement Among Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2017;177(8):1102-9. google scholar
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Advance care planning. University of Nottingham 2019- Jan (cited 2023 Jan 13): 1(1). Available from:file:///C:/Users/90506/Downloads/advance-care-planningquick-guide.pdf. google scholar
  • Zwakman M, Jabbarian LJ, van Delden J, van der Heide A, Korfage IJ, Pollock K, et al. Advance care planning: A systematic review about experiences of patients with a life-threatening or lifelimiting illness. Palliative Medicine 2018;32(8):1305-21. google scholar
  • Johnson S, Butow P, Kerridge I, Tattersall M. Advance care planning for cancer patients: a systematic review of perceptions and experiences of patients, families, and healthcare providers. Psychooncology 2016;25(4):362-86. google scholar
  • Fleuren N, Depla MFIA, Janssen DJA, Huisman M, Hertogh CMPM. Underlying goals of advance care planning (ACP): a qualitative analysis of the literature. BMC Palliat Care 2020;19(1):27. google scholar
  • Brinkman-Stoppelenburg A, Rietjens JA, Van Der Heide A. The effects of advance care planning on end-of-life care: a systematic review. Palliat Med 2014;28(8):1000-25. google scholar
  • Committee on Approaching Death: Addressing Key End of Life Issues; Institute of Medicine. Dying in America: Improving Quality and Honoring Individual Preferences Near the End of Life. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); March 19, 2015.p.624-6242. google scholar
  • Houben CHM, Spruit MA, Groenen MTJ, Wouters EFM, Janssen DJA. Efficacy of advance care planning: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2014;15(7):477-89. google scholar
  • Busa C, Pozsgai E, Zeller J, Csikos A. Who should talk with patients about their end-of-life care wishes? A nationwide survey of the Hungarian population. Scand J Prim Health Care 2022;40(1):157-64. google scholar
  • Jabbarian LJ, Zwakman M, van der Heide A, Kars MC, Janssen DJA, van Delden JJ, et al. Advance care planning for patients with chronic respiratory diseases: a systematic review of preferences and practices. Thorax 2018;73(3):222-30. google scholar
  • Rietjens J, Korfage I, Taubert M. Advance care planning: the future. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2021;11(1):89-91. google scholar
  • Mullick A, Martin J, Sallnow L. An introduction to advance care planning in practice. BMJ 2013;347(3):60-4. google scholar
  • Simon J, Porterfield P, Bouchal SR, Heyland D. ‘Not yet’ and ‘Just ask’: barriers and facilitators to advance care planning -a qualitative descriptive study of the perspectives of seriously ill, older patients and their families. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2015;5(1):54-62. google scholar
  • Kermel-Schiffman I, Werner P. Knowledge regarding advance care planning: a systematic review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2017;73:133-42. google scholar
  • Howard M, Bernard C, Tan A, Slaven M, Klein D, Heyland DK. Advance care planning: Let’s start sooner. Can Fam Physician 2015;61(8):663-5. google scholar
  • Demirkapu H, Van den Block L, De Maesschalck S, De Vleminck A, Colak FZ, Devroey D. Advance care planning among older adults of Turkish origin in Belgium: exploratory interview study. J Pain Symptom Manage 2021;62(2):252-9. google scholar
  • Spring J, McKinlay J, Puxty K, Metaxa V, Detsky M, Mehta S, et al. Perspectives on advance care planning for patients with hematologic malignancy: an international clinician questionnaire. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2021;18(9):1533-9. google scholar
  • Chan CWH, Ng NHY, Chan HYL, Wong MMH, Chow KM. A systematic review of the effects of advance care planning facilitators training programs. BMC Health Serv Res 2019;19(1):362. google scholar
  • Korfage IJ, Carreras G, Arnfeldt Christensen CM, Billekens P, Bramley L, Briggs L, et al. Advance care planning in patients with advanced cancer: A 6-country, cluster-randomised clinical trial. PLoS Med 2020;17(11):e1003422 google scholar
  • Resick JM, Arnold RM, Sudore RL, Farrell D, Belin S, Althouse AD, et al. Patient-centered and efficacious advance care planning in cancer: Protocol and key design considerations for the PEACecompare trial. Contemp Clin Trials 2020;96(12):106-71 google scholar
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Bioethics and Committee on Hospital Care. Palliative care for children. Pediatrics 2000;106(5):351-3. google scholar
  • van Driessche A, Gilissen J, De Vleminck A, Kars M, Fahner J, van der Werff Ten Bosch J, et al. The BOOST paediatric advance care planning intervention for adolescents with cancer and their parents: development, acceptability and feasibility. BMC Pediatr 2022;22(1):210. google scholar
  • Holland LR, Walker R, Henney R, Cashion CE, Bradford NK. Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: Barriers in Access to Psychosocial Support. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2021;10(1):46-55. google scholar
  • Pinkerton R, Donovan L, Herbert A. Palliative care in adolescents and young adults with cancer-why do adolescents need special attention? Cancer J 2018;24(6):336-41. google scholar
  • Thompkins JD, Needle J, Baker JN, Briggs L, Cheng YI, Wang J, et al. Pediatric advance care planning and families’ positive caregiving appraisals: An RCT. Pediatrics 2021;147(6):e2020029330. doi:10.1542/peds.2020-029330 google scholar
  • Lotz JD, Jox RJ, Borasio GD, Führer M. Pediatric advance care planning from the perspective of health care professionals: a qualitative interview study. Palliat Med 2015;29(3):212-22. google scholar
  • Orkin J, Beaune L, Moore C, Weiser N, Arje D, Rapoport A, et al. Toward an understanding of advance care planning in children with medical complexity. Pediatrics 2020;145(3):e20192241. google scholar
  • Friedman SL. Parent resuscitation preferences for young people with severe developmental disabilities. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2006;7(2):67-72. google scholar
  • Bogetz JF, Bogetz AL, Gabhart JM, Bergman DA, Blankenburg RL, Rassbach CE. Continuing education needs of pediatricians across diverse specialties caring for children with medical complexity. Clinical Pediatrics 2015;54(3):222-27. google scholar
  • Almack, K, Cox, K, Moghaddam, N, Pollock K, Seymour J. After you: Conversations between patients and healthcare professionals in planning for end of life care. BMC Palliat Care 2012;11:15. google scholar
  • Abernethy, ER, Campbell, GP and Pentz, RD. Why many oncologists fail to share accurate prognoses: They care deeply for their patients. Cancer 2020;126(6):1163-5. google scholar
  • Lotz JD, Daxer M, Jox RJ, Borasio GD, Führer M. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”: A qualitative interview study on parents’ needs and fears in pediatric advance care planning. Palliat Med 2017;31(8):764-71. google scholar
  • Christenson K, Lybrand SA, Hubbard CR, Hubble RA, Ahsens L, Black P. Including the perspective of the adolescent in palliative care preferences. J Pediatr Heal Care 2010;24(5):286-91. google scholar
  • Belpame N, Kars MC, Beeckman D, Decoene E, Quaghebeur M, Van Hecke A, et al. “the AYA director”: A synthesizing concept to understand psychosocial experiences of adolescents and young adults with cancer. Cancer Nurs 2016;39(4):292-302. google scholar
  • Baker JN, Hinds PS, Spunt SL, Barfield RC, Allen C, Powell BC, et al. Integration of palliative care practices into the ongoing care of children with cancer: individualized care planning and coordination. Pediatr Clin North Am 2008;55(1):223-50. google scholar
  • Wiener L, Bedoya S, Battles H, Sender L, Zabokrtsky K, Donovan KA, et al. Voicing their choices: Advance care planning with adolescents and young adults with cancer and other serious conditions. Palliat Support Care 2022;20(4):462-70. google scholar
  • Weaver MS, Heinze KE, Kelly KP, Wiener L, Casey RL, Bell CJ, et al. Palliative care as a standard of care in pediatric oncology. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015;62(5):829-33. google scholar
  • Kassam A, Skiadaresis J, Habib S, Alexander S, Wolfe J. Moving toward quality palliative cancer care: Parent and clinician perspectives on gaps between what matters and what is accessible. J Clin Oncol 2013;31(7):910-15. google scholar
  • Kaye EC, Woods C, Kennedy K, Velrajan S, Gattas M, Bilbeisi T, et al. Communication around palliative care principles and advance care planning between oncologists, children with advancing cancer and families. Br J Cancer 2021;125(8):1089-99. google scholar
  • Mack JW, Fasciano KM, Block SD. Communication about prognosis with adolescent and young adult patients with cancer: information needs, prognostic awareness, and outcomes of disclosure. J Clin Oncol 2018;36(18):1861-7. google scholar
  • Wiener L, Zadeh S, Battles H, Baird K, Ballard E, Osherow J, et al. Allowing adolescents and young adults to plan their end-of-life care. Pediatrics 2012;130(5):897-905. google scholar
  • Weaver MS, Wiener L, Jacobs S, Bell CJ, Madrigal V, Mooney-Doyle K, et al. Weaver et al’s Response to Morrison: Advance Directives/Care Planning: Clear, Simple, and Wrong. J Palliat Med 2021;24(1):8-10. google scholar
  • Fladeboe KM, O’Donnell MB, Barton KS, Bradford MC, Steineck A, Junkins CC, et al. A novel combined resilience and advance care planning intervention for adolescents and young adults with advanced cancer: A feasibility and acceptability cohort study. Cancer 2021;127(23):4504-11. google scholar
  • Heckford E, Beringer, A. Advance care planning: challenges and approaches for pediatricians. J Palliat Med 2015;17(9):1049-53. google scholar
  • Izumi S. Advance care planning: the nurse’s role. Am J Nurs 2017;117(6):56-61. google scholar
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Derleme

Yağmur Berktaş 0000-0002-2221-3029

Ülkü Miray Yıldırım 0000-0003-0585-5123

Rejin Kebudi 0000-0003-4344-8174

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

MLA Berktaş, Yağmur vd. “ADVANCE CARE PLANNING IN ADULT AND PEDIATRIC CANCER PATIENTS: A REVIEW”. Sağlık Bilimlerinde İleri Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 192-6, doi:10.26650/JARHS2023-1214456.