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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 378 - 390, 31.12.2021


Öğrenme okul ortamının dışında gerçekleşebilir ve okul gezileri genellikle sınıf içi örgün öğrenmenin alternatifi olarak kullanılır. Eğitim turizminin bir alt türü olan geziler, öğrencilerin öğrenme deneyimini zenginleştirmeye odaklanmış ve gelişmiştir. Bu makale, eğitim amaçlı okul gezisi kavramını, okul gezilerindeki turizm unsurları, okul gezisinin açık hava ortamında öğrenmeyle nasıl bağlantılı olduğu ve okul gezilerinin yürütülmesindeki zorluklar hakkında tartışma sunmaktadır. Bu bölümü daha iyi anlamak için ikna edici açıklamalar sağlanmıştır ve birçok taraf için öğrenme deneyimini geliştirmek ve öğrenciler için boş zaman ve turizm faaliyetlerini kolaylaştırmak için birlikte düşünmek ve birlikte çalışmak için bir fırsat olabilir.


  • Ballouard, J.-M., Provost, G., Barré, D., & Bonnet, X. (2012). Influence of a Field Trip on the Attitude of Schoolchildren toward Unpopular Organisms: An Experience with Snakes. Journal of Herpetology, 46(3), 423–428.
  • Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2006). Informal Ccience Learning on the Farm: Teachers’ and Students’ Experiences in a Long-term Environmental Education Project. Fransisco.
  • Beard, J. G., & Ragheb, M. G. (1983). Measuring Leisure Motivation. Journal of Leisure Research, 15(1983), 219–228.
  • Behrendt, M., & Franklin, T. (2014). A Review of Research on School Field Trips and Their Value in Education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 9(3), 235–245.
  • Bitgood, S. (1989). School Field Trips: An overview. Visitor Behavior, 4(2), 3–6. Retrieved from
  • Bodger, D. (1998). Leisure, Learning, and Travel. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 69(4), 28–31.
  • Brodsky-Porges, E. (1981). The grand tour travel as an educational device 1600–1800. Annals of Tourism Research, 8(2), 171–186.
  • Byrnes, D. A. (2001). Travel Schooling: Helping Children Learn through Travel. Childhood Education, 77(6), 345–350.
  • Campbell-price, M. (2014). International School Trips : a Critical Analysis of Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives. Otago. Retrieved from
  • Cooper, C., & Latham, J. (1989). School trips: An uncertain future? Leisure Management, 9(8), 73–75. Dabamona, S.A., Cater, C., Cave, J., & Low, T. (2021). Cultural Identity through an Educational School Trip: Voices of Native Papuan Students. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100807.
  • Dabamona, Samsudin Arifin, & Cater, C. (2019). Understanding students’ learning experience on a cultural school trip: findings from Eastern Indonesia. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 19(3), 216–233.
  • Dale, N. (2007). Identifying strategies to overcome constraints to School Excursions : An Australian Case Study Tourism Program Honours Thesis University of Canberra. University of Canberra. Retrieved from
  • Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., & Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in education—A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 80–91.
  • DeWitt, J., & Hohenstein, J. (2010). School Trips and Classroom Lessons: An Investigation into Teacher-Student Talk in Two Settings. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(4), 454–473.
  • DeWitt, Jennifer, & Storksdieck, M. (2008). A Short Review of School Field Trips: Key Findings from the Past and Implications for the Future. Visitor Studies, 11(2), 181–197.
  • Dillon, J., Rickinson, M., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Choi, M. Y., Sanders, D., & Benefield, P. (2006). The Value of Outdoor Learning: Evidence from Research in the UK and Elsewhere. School Science Review, 7(320), 107–112.
  • Fägerstam, E., & Blom, J. (2013). Learning Biology and Mathematics Outdoors: Effects and Attitudes in a Swedish High School Context. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 13(1), 56–75.
  • Falk, J. ., & Ballantyne, R. (2012). Travel and Learning: A Neglected Tourism Research Area. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2), 908–927.
  • Ho, S. (2014). The purposes outdoor education does, could and should serve in Singapore. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 14(2), 153–171.
  • Knapp, D. (2000). Memorable Experiences of A Science Field Trip. School Science and Mathematics, 100(2), 65–72.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as The Source of Learning and Development. Prentice Hall, Inc., (1984), 20–38.
  • Lai, K. C. (1999). Geographical Fieldwork as Experiential Learning: A Case Study of Secondary School Field Trips in Hong Kong. Queensland University of Technology, Queensland. Retrieved from Thesis.pdf
  • Larsen, S., & Jenssen, D. (2004). The school trip: Travelling with , not to or from. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 4(1), 43–57.
  • Michie, M. (1998). Factors Influencing Secondary Science Teachers to Organise and Conduct Field Trips. Australian Science Teachers Journal, 44(4), 43–50. Retrieved from Mouton, W. (2002). Experiential Learning in Travel Environments as a Key Factor in Adult Learning. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 69(1), 36–42.
  • Mujanah, S., Ratnawati, T., & Andayani, S. (2016). Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Di Kawasan Hinterland Gunung Bromo Jawa Timur. Jurnal Hasil Penelitian LPPM Untag, Surabaya, 01(01), 33–52. Retrieved from
  • Nabors, M. L., Edwards, L. C., & Murray, R. K. (2009). Making the case for field trips: What research tells us and what site coordinators have to say. Education, 129(4), 661–667.
  • Nakagawa, S., Soedarsono, R. ., & Bandem, I. . (2006). Urban Culture Research Vol.3 Tourism and Education. (S. Nakagawa, R. . Soedarsono, & I. . Bandem, Eds.) (3rd ed.). Yogyakarta: Urban Culture Research Center. Retrieved from
  • Nisa, A. R. K., Samino, S., & Arisoesilaningsih, E. (2014). Agroedutourism and Ecopreneurship Activities on the Organic Farming Practices in Lawang , Malang Regency , East Java , Indonesia. Journal of Indonesia TOurism and Development Studies, 2(3), 103–113. Retrieved from
  • Novelli, M., & Burns, P. (2010). Peer-to-peer Capacity-Building in Tourism: Values and Experiences of Field-Based Education. Development Southern Africa, 27(5), 742–756.
  • Olesniewicz, P., Soltysik, M., Markiewicz-patkowska, J., & Cieplik, J. (2015). School Tourism as Part of Physical Education in the Light of Tourist Activities declared by High School Students in Wroclaw, Poland. Scintific Journal-Economic Problems of Tourism, 3(876), 259–286.
  • Patrick, P., Mathews, C., & Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2013). Using a Field Trip Inventory to Determine If Listening to Elementary School Students’ Conversations, While on a Zoo Field Trip, Enhances Preservice Teachers’ Abilities to Plan Zoo Field Trips. International Journal of Science Education, 35(15), 2645–2669.
  • Piscitelli, B., & Penfold, L. (2015). Child-centered Practice in Museums: Experiential Learning through Creative Play at the Ipswich Art Gallery. Curator: The Museum Journal, 58(3), 263–280.
  • Pitman, T., Broomhall, S., Mcewan, J., & Majocha, E. (2010). Adult Learning in Educational Tourism. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 50(2).
  • Quezada, R. L. (2004). Beyond Educational Tourism: Lessons Learned while Student Teaching Abroad. International Education Journal, 5(4), 458–465.
  • Ritchie, B.W. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism. Channel View Publication.
  • Ritchie, B.W., & Coughlan, D. (2004). Understanding School Excursion Planning and Constraints: An Australian Case Study. Tourism Review International, 8(2), 113–126.
  • Ritchie, B.W, Carr, N., & Cooper, C. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism (1st ed.). Frankurt Lodge: Channel View Publications.
  • Ritchie, Brent W. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism (1st ed.). Clevedon: Channel View Publication.
  • Ritchie, Brent W. (2009). School Excursion Management in National Capital City. In Brent W. Ritchie & M. Robert (Eds.), City Tourism: National Capital Perspective (pp. 185–199). CAB International. Retrieved from
  • Ritchie, Brent W., Car, N., & Cooper, C. (2008). School Excursion Tourism and Attraction Management. In A. Fyall, B. Garrod, L. Anna, & S. Wanhill (Eds.), Managing Visitor Attractions: New directions (2nd ed., pp. 81–96). Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane.
  • Ritchie, Brent W., & Coughlan, D. (2004). Understanding School Excursion Planning and Constraints: an Australian Case Study. Tourism Review International, 8(2), 113–126. Retrieved from
  • Roberson, D. N. (2018). Learning While Traveling: The School of Travel. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 22(November 2017), 14–18.
  • Stone, M. J., & Petrick, J. F. (2013). The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6), 731–744.
  • Telu, J., & Ekeke, H. (2017). Relative Effectiveness of Expository and Field Trip Methods of Teaching on Students ’ Achievement in Ecology Relative Effectiveness of Expository and Field Trip Methods of Teaching on Students ’ Achievement in Ecology. International Journal of Science Education, 0693(August), 1869–1889.
  • Tomasi, S., Paviotti, G., & Cavicchi, A. (2020). Educational tourism and local development: The role of universities. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(17), 1–15.
  • Watanabe, A. (2015). Japan : Market Potential for Educational Travel to the United States. Retrieved from
  • Weiler, B., & Kalinowski, K. . (1992). Educational Travel. In B. Weiler & C. . Hall (Eds.), Special Interest Tourism (1st ed., pp. 15–26). London: Bellhaven Press.
  • Woods, H. A. (1937). A Study of the Origin and Development of the Educational Excursion and Field Trip. State University of Iowa. Retrieved from


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 378 - 390, 31.12.2021


Learning can take place outside school setting and school trips are often used to complement formal learning in classroom. As a sub type of educational tourism, the trips have been evolved and focused to enrich students learning experience. This paper provides discussion of educational school trip context, tourism elements in school trips, how school trip connects to learning in outdoor setting and challenges in conducting school trips. Compelling explanations are provided for better understanding this segment and can be an opportunity for many parties to reflect and work together to foster learning experience and facilitate leisure and tourism activities for students.


  • Ballouard, J.-M., Provost, G., Barré, D., & Bonnet, X. (2012). Influence of a Field Trip on the Attitude of Schoolchildren toward Unpopular Organisms: An Experience with Snakes. Journal of Herpetology, 46(3), 423–428.
  • Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2006). Informal Ccience Learning on the Farm: Teachers’ and Students’ Experiences in a Long-term Environmental Education Project. Fransisco.
  • Beard, J. G., & Ragheb, M. G. (1983). Measuring Leisure Motivation. Journal of Leisure Research, 15(1983), 219–228.
  • Behrendt, M., & Franklin, T. (2014). A Review of Research on School Field Trips and Their Value in Education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 9(3), 235–245.
  • Bitgood, S. (1989). School Field Trips: An overview. Visitor Behavior, 4(2), 3–6. Retrieved from
  • Bodger, D. (1998). Leisure, Learning, and Travel. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 69(4), 28–31.
  • Brodsky-Porges, E. (1981). The grand tour travel as an educational device 1600–1800. Annals of Tourism Research, 8(2), 171–186.
  • Byrnes, D. A. (2001). Travel Schooling: Helping Children Learn through Travel. Childhood Education, 77(6), 345–350.
  • Campbell-price, M. (2014). International School Trips : a Critical Analysis of Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives. Otago. Retrieved from
  • Cooper, C., & Latham, J. (1989). School trips: An uncertain future? Leisure Management, 9(8), 73–75. Dabamona, S.A., Cater, C., Cave, J., & Low, T. (2021). Cultural Identity through an Educational School Trip: Voices of Native Papuan Students. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100807.
  • Dabamona, Samsudin Arifin, & Cater, C. (2019). Understanding students’ learning experience on a cultural school trip: findings from Eastern Indonesia. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 19(3), 216–233.
  • Dale, N. (2007). Identifying strategies to overcome constraints to School Excursions : An Australian Case Study Tourism Program Honours Thesis University of Canberra. University of Canberra. Retrieved from
  • Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., & Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in education—A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 80–91.
  • DeWitt, J., & Hohenstein, J. (2010). School Trips and Classroom Lessons: An Investigation into Teacher-Student Talk in Two Settings. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(4), 454–473.
  • DeWitt, Jennifer, & Storksdieck, M. (2008). A Short Review of School Field Trips: Key Findings from the Past and Implications for the Future. Visitor Studies, 11(2), 181–197.
  • Dillon, J., Rickinson, M., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Choi, M. Y., Sanders, D., & Benefield, P. (2006). The Value of Outdoor Learning: Evidence from Research in the UK and Elsewhere. School Science Review, 7(320), 107–112.
  • Fägerstam, E., & Blom, J. (2013). Learning Biology and Mathematics Outdoors: Effects and Attitudes in a Swedish High School Context. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 13(1), 56–75.
  • Falk, J. ., & Ballantyne, R. (2012). Travel and Learning: A Neglected Tourism Research Area. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2), 908–927.
  • Ho, S. (2014). The purposes outdoor education does, could and should serve in Singapore. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 14(2), 153–171.
  • Knapp, D. (2000). Memorable Experiences of A Science Field Trip. School Science and Mathematics, 100(2), 65–72.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as The Source of Learning and Development. Prentice Hall, Inc., (1984), 20–38.
  • Lai, K. C. (1999). Geographical Fieldwork as Experiential Learning: A Case Study of Secondary School Field Trips in Hong Kong. Queensland University of Technology, Queensland. Retrieved from Thesis.pdf
  • Larsen, S., & Jenssen, D. (2004). The school trip: Travelling with , not to or from. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 4(1), 43–57.
  • Michie, M. (1998). Factors Influencing Secondary Science Teachers to Organise and Conduct Field Trips. Australian Science Teachers Journal, 44(4), 43–50. Retrieved from Mouton, W. (2002). Experiential Learning in Travel Environments as a Key Factor in Adult Learning. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 69(1), 36–42.
  • Mujanah, S., Ratnawati, T., & Andayani, S. (2016). Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Di Kawasan Hinterland Gunung Bromo Jawa Timur. Jurnal Hasil Penelitian LPPM Untag, Surabaya, 01(01), 33–52. Retrieved from
  • Nabors, M. L., Edwards, L. C., & Murray, R. K. (2009). Making the case for field trips: What research tells us and what site coordinators have to say. Education, 129(4), 661–667.
  • Nakagawa, S., Soedarsono, R. ., & Bandem, I. . (2006). Urban Culture Research Vol.3 Tourism and Education. (S. Nakagawa, R. . Soedarsono, & I. . Bandem, Eds.) (3rd ed.). Yogyakarta: Urban Culture Research Center. Retrieved from
  • Nisa, A. R. K., Samino, S., & Arisoesilaningsih, E. (2014). Agroedutourism and Ecopreneurship Activities on the Organic Farming Practices in Lawang , Malang Regency , East Java , Indonesia. Journal of Indonesia TOurism and Development Studies, 2(3), 103–113. Retrieved from
  • Novelli, M., & Burns, P. (2010). Peer-to-peer Capacity-Building in Tourism: Values and Experiences of Field-Based Education. Development Southern Africa, 27(5), 742–756.
  • Olesniewicz, P., Soltysik, M., Markiewicz-patkowska, J., & Cieplik, J. (2015). School Tourism as Part of Physical Education in the Light of Tourist Activities declared by High School Students in Wroclaw, Poland. Scintific Journal-Economic Problems of Tourism, 3(876), 259–286.
  • Patrick, P., Mathews, C., & Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2013). Using a Field Trip Inventory to Determine If Listening to Elementary School Students’ Conversations, While on a Zoo Field Trip, Enhances Preservice Teachers’ Abilities to Plan Zoo Field Trips. International Journal of Science Education, 35(15), 2645–2669.
  • Piscitelli, B., & Penfold, L. (2015). Child-centered Practice in Museums: Experiential Learning through Creative Play at the Ipswich Art Gallery. Curator: The Museum Journal, 58(3), 263–280.
  • Pitman, T., Broomhall, S., Mcewan, J., & Majocha, E. (2010). Adult Learning in Educational Tourism. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 50(2).
  • Quezada, R. L. (2004). Beyond Educational Tourism: Lessons Learned while Student Teaching Abroad. International Education Journal, 5(4), 458–465.
  • Ritchie, B.W. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism. Channel View Publication.
  • Ritchie, B.W., & Coughlan, D. (2004). Understanding School Excursion Planning and Constraints: An Australian Case Study. Tourism Review International, 8(2), 113–126.
  • Ritchie, B.W, Carr, N., & Cooper, C. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism (1st ed.). Frankurt Lodge: Channel View Publications.
  • Ritchie, Brent W. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism (1st ed.). Clevedon: Channel View Publication.
  • Ritchie, Brent W. (2009). School Excursion Management in National Capital City. In Brent W. Ritchie & M. Robert (Eds.), City Tourism: National Capital Perspective (pp. 185–199). CAB International. Retrieved from
  • Ritchie, Brent W., Car, N., & Cooper, C. (2008). School Excursion Tourism and Attraction Management. In A. Fyall, B. Garrod, L. Anna, & S. Wanhill (Eds.), Managing Visitor Attractions: New directions (2nd ed., pp. 81–96). Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane.
  • Ritchie, Brent W., & Coughlan, D. (2004). Understanding School Excursion Planning and Constraints: an Australian Case Study. Tourism Review International, 8(2), 113–126. Retrieved from
  • Roberson, D. N. (2018). Learning While Traveling: The School of Travel. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 22(November 2017), 14–18.
  • Stone, M. J., & Petrick, J. F. (2013). The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6), 731–744.
  • Telu, J., & Ekeke, H. (2017). Relative Effectiveness of Expository and Field Trip Methods of Teaching on Students ’ Achievement in Ecology Relative Effectiveness of Expository and Field Trip Methods of Teaching on Students ’ Achievement in Ecology. International Journal of Science Education, 0693(August), 1869–1889.
  • Tomasi, S., Paviotti, G., & Cavicchi, A. (2020). Educational tourism and local development: The role of universities. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(17), 1–15.
  • Watanabe, A. (2015). Japan : Market Potential for Educational Travel to the United States. Retrieved from
  • Weiler, B., & Kalinowski, K. . (1992). Educational Travel. In B. Weiler & C. . Hall (Eds.), Special Interest Tourism (1st ed., pp. 15–26). London: Bellhaven Press.
  • Woods, H. A. (1937). A Study of the Origin and Development of the Educational Excursion and Field Trip. State University of Iowa. Retrieved from
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Samsudin Arifin Dabamona 0000-0002-6981-9642

Umut Kadir Oğuz 0000-0001-9186-7379

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Dabamona, S. A., & Oğuz, U. K. (2021). UNDERSTANDING EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL TRIP: PERSPECTIVE ON BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES IN TOURISM AND EDUCATION. Safran Kültür Ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(3), 378-390.