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Attitudes of Landscape Architecture Students Towards Biomorphic and Parametric Design Approaches in Environmental Design

Yıl 2018, , 126 - 143, 05.06.2018


In all design disciplines, the designer attempts to find a solution to design problems using various approaches. In
environmental design, the design approaches and design process are similar to other disciplines, only the design product is
outdoor spaces. Outdoor spaces are the sections outside the buildings in urban and rural spaces and include all elements
from the micro to macro scale.

Landscape architect can find direction in certain design principles and theories. Furthermore, a number of design
approaches or trends in historical perspective also lead the design process. Thus, biomorphic and parametric design
approaches have emerged during recent times.

Biomorphic design approach is the imitation of the nature by the designer to create better solutions. The parametric
design approach is based on the parametric determination and organization of the data that would affect the design. In the
present study, the attitudes and approach of the landscape architecture students in Karadeniz Technical University (KTU)
towards these two design approaches were investigated.

To test the reliability of the developed attitude scale, the Cronbach’s Alpha test was conducted independently for positive
and negative statements about each design approach in the scale, and it was found that the scale was reliable. The analysis
of the data revealed that the students’ attitudes towards the biomorphic design approach was more positive there was a
low level and negative correlation between the attitude scores and the two design approaches. Among the KTU Landscape
Architecture students, 49,40% of the students adopted biomorphic design approach and 32% preferred parametric design
apporach when working on environmental design projects.


  • Alexander, C. (2004). The Nature of Order. Berkeley: Center for Environmental Structure Press. Bayazıt, N. (2008). Tasarımı Anlamak. İstanbul: İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık.
  • Bekci, B., Var, M., & Taşkan, G. (2013). Bitkilendirme Tasarım Kriterleri Bağlamında Doğal Türlerin Kentsel Boşluk Alanlarında Değerlendirilmesi: Bartın, Türkiye. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 113-125.
  • Emmanuel, E. and LeDuc, V. (1990). The Architectural Theory of Viollet-le-Duc: Readings and Commentaries. England: MIT Press.
  • Eren, E. T., & Var, M. (2017). Education Process and Development of Environmental Design Project. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 19 (2-3), 144-151.
  • Gass, H. W. (2013). Finding A Form. Canada: Knopf Doubleday Publishing.
  • Jenks, C. (1971). Architecture 2000: Predictions and Methods. Praeger Publishers.
  • Jormakka, K. (2007). Basic Design Methods. Berlin: Birhauser Press.
  • Joye, Y. (2008). “Cognitive and Evolutionary Speculations for Biomorphic Architecture”. Leonardo, 39 :2 , pp.145-152.
  • Kelbaugh, D.(2016). The Environment Paradox of the City,Landscape Urbanism and New Urbanism, Emergent Urbanism: Urban Planning and Design in Times of Structural and Systematic Change ,(Eds;Tigran Haas, Krister Olsson),London: Routledge, pp.170-175.
  • Kellert, R.S., Heerwagen, H.J., Mador, L.M. (2008). Biophilic Design. John Wilwy and Sons ,Inc.pp.3-18.
  • Magallanes, F. (2005). Landscape Surrealism. Surrealism and Architecture. (Eds; Thomas, Mical). NewYork: Routledge, pp. 225-227.
  • Meinig, D.W. (1979). The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes:Geographical Essays. NewYork: Oxford Universty Press.
  • Min, S. (2009). “Entropic Designs: A Review of Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes and Asian/American/Modern Art”. American Quarterly, 61: 1, pp. 193-215.
  • Mumcu, S., Yılmaz, S., Düzenli, T. (2017). Açık Mekanlardaki Oturma Donatılarının ve Yerlerinin Tasarımına İlişkin Faktörler, Inonu University Journal of Art and Design,7:15, pp.1-16.
  • Otto, F. and Rash, B. (1996). Finding Form: Towards an Architecture of the Minimal,Germany: Edition Axel Menges.
  • Oxman,R.; Gu,N.(2012). Crowdsourcing: theoretical framework, computational environments and design scenarios. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (Prague, Czech Republic 12-14 September, 2012) p. 393-402.
  • Özek, V.; Minsolmaz Yeler, G. (2009). “Biomorphism as a Design Instrument of Architectural Shape: A Discussion on Morphological Concepts”. Livenarch, 4th International Conference of Livable Environments & Architecture, pp: 87-97, Trabzon.
  • Pearce, P. (1978). Structure in Nature is a Strategy for Design. Mishawaka: MIT Press.
  • Sarı, D., Karaşah, B. (2015). Hatila Vadisi Milli Parkı’nda (Artvin) yer alan farklı vejetasyon tiplerinin görsel değerlendirmesi üzerine bir çalışma. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 16(1), 65-74.
  • Schnabel, A. M. (2007). “Parametric Designing in Architecture”. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures (CAADFutures), pp. 237-250.
  • Schumacher, P. (2009). “Parametricism: A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design”. Digital Cities , 79: 4 ,pp.14–23.
  • Shelly, C. (2015). “Biomorphism and Models in Design”. Philosophy and Cognitive Science II ,V.20, pp.209-221. Türkman, A. (2000). Yaşanabilir Bir Çevre İçin. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Yayınları.
  • Yilmaz, S., Mumcu, S., Düzenli, T., Özbilen, A. (2016). Analyzing the unity concept in design on student works: A case study of architectural design course. Inonu University Journal of Art and Design, 6, 1-12.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2015). Bir Kampüs Açık Mekanın Çevresel Tasarımı: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Binası. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 15(2).
  • Yu,R., Ostwald, J.M., Gu, N. (2015). “Parametrically Generating New Instances of Traditional Chinese Private Gardens that Replicate Selected Socio-Spatial and Aesthetic Properties”. Nexus Network Journal, 17: 3, pp. 807–829.
  • Woodbury, R., Killian, A. and Aish, R. (2007). Some Patterns for Parametric Modeling , Expanding Bodies: Art, Cities, Environment, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Dalhousie University School of Architecture and NSCAD University, pp. 222-229.
  • Woodbury, R. (2010). Elements of Parametric Design. Taylor and Francis.
  • Figure 1. Huge Biomimetic ‘Supertrees’ Taking Root on Singapore’s Waterfront biomimetic-supertrees-gardens-by-the-bay-singapore.html.
  • Figure 2.
  • Figür 3. Abu Dabi Gösteri Sanatları Merkezi. zaha-hadid/
  • Figure 4. ThyssenKrupp , ThyssenKrupp Genel Merkezi, Zaha Hadid Architects
  • Figure 5. The responses of the students for positive attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards bio- morphic design approach (%).
  • Figure 6. The responses of the students for negative attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards bio- morphic design approach (%).
  • Figure 7. The responses of the students for positive attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards para- metric design approach (%).
  • Figure 8. The responses of the students for negative attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards para- metric design approach (%).
  • Figure 9. Design approach preference.

Peyzaj Mimarlığı Öğrencilerinin, Çevre Tasarımında Biyomorfik ve Parametrik Tasarım Yaklaşımlarına Karşı Tutumları

Yıl 2018, , 126 - 143, 05.06.2018


Tüm tasarım disiplinlerinde tasarımcıların her biri çeşitli tasarım yaklaşımları ile tasarım problemlerine çözüm bulmaya çalışırlar. Çevre tasarımında da, tasarım yaklaşımları ve süreci aynı diğer disiplinlerdeki gibi olmakla beraber tasarlanacak nesne dış mekânlardır.

Peyzaj mimarı bazı tasarım ilkeleri ve kuramları doğrultusunda kendisine yön bulabilmektedir. Bunların yanında
geçmişten günümüze kadar gelen bir takım tasarım yaklaşımları ya da akımlar tasarım sürecini yönlendirmektedir. Bu
kapsamda son dönemde biyomorfik ve parametrik tasarım yaklaşımları ön plana çıkmaktadır.

Biyomorfik tasarım yaklaşımı; tasarımcının daha iyi çözümler yaratabilmek için doğayı taklit etmesidir. Parametrik
tasarım yaklaşımı ise; tasarım sürecinde tasarımı etkileyecek verilerin parametreler olarak belirlenmesi ve organizasyonu
esastır. Bu çalışmada bu iki tasarım yaklaşımına Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Peyzaj Mimarlığı öğrencilerinin tutumu
ve yaklaşımı araştırılmıştır.

Geliştirilen tutum ölçeğinin güvenirliliğini test etmek için ölçekte yer alan her bir tasarım yaklaşımı için yer alan olumlu
ve olumsuz ifadeler için ayrı ayrı Cronbach’ın Alpha testi uygulanmış ve ölçek güvenilir çıkmıştır. Öğrencilerin biyomorfik
tasarım yaklaşımına karşı tutumun daha olumlu olduğu ve iki tasarım yaklaşımına tutum puanları arasındaki korelasyon
katsayılarının negatif yönde düşük düzeyde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu görülmektedir. KTÜ, Peyzaj mimarlığı öğrencileri,
çevre tasarım projeleri tasarlarken biyomorfik tasarım yaklaşımını tercih edenlerin oranı % 49,40 iken parametrik tasarım
yaklaşımını tercih edenlerin oranı % 32 dir.


  • Alexander, C. (2004). The Nature of Order. Berkeley: Center for Environmental Structure Press. Bayazıt, N. (2008). Tasarımı Anlamak. İstanbul: İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık.
  • Bekci, B., Var, M., & Taşkan, G. (2013). Bitkilendirme Tasarım Kriterleri Bağlamında Doğal Türlerin Kentsel Boşluk Alanlarında Değerlendirilmesi: Bartın, Türkiye. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 113-125.
  • Emmanuel, E. and LeDuc, V. (1990). The Architectural Theory of Viollet-le-Duc: Readings and Commentaries. England: MIT Press.
  • Eren, E. T., & Var, M. (2017). Education Process and Development of Environmental Design Project. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 19 (2-3), 144-151.
  • Gass, H. W. (2013). Finding A Form. Canada: Knopf Doubleday Publishing.
  • Jenks, C. (1971). Architecture 2000: Predictions and Methods. Praeger Publishers.
  • Jormakka, K. (2007). Basic Design Methods. Berlin: Birhauser Press.
  • Joye, Y. (2008). “Cognitive and Evolutionary Speculations for Biomorphic Architecture”. Leonardo, 39 :2 , pp.145-152.
  • Kelbaugh, D.(2016). The Environment Paradox of the City,Landscape Urbanism and New Urbanism, Emergent Urbanism: Urban Planning and Design in Times of Structural and Systematic Change ,(Eds;Tigran Haas, Krister Olsson),London: Routledge, pp.170-175.
  • Kellert, R.S., Heerwagen, H.J., Mador, L.M. (2008). Biophilic Design. John Wilwy and Sons ,Inc.pp.3-18.
  • Magallanes, F. (2005). Landscape Surrealism. Surrealism and Architecture. (Eds; Thomas, Mical). NewYork: Routledge, pp. 225-227.
  • Meinig, D.W. (1979). The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes:Geographical Essays. NewYork: Oxford Universty Press.
  • Min, S. (2009). “Entropic Designs: A Review of Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes and Asian/American/Modern Art”. American Quarterly, 61: 1, pp. 193-215.
  • Mumcu, S., Yılmaz, S., Düzenli, T. (2017). Açık Mekanlardaki Oturma Donatılarının ve Yerlerinin Tasarımına İlişkin Faktörler, Inonu University Journal of Art and Design,7:15, pp.1-16.
  • Otto, F. and Rash, B. (1996). Finding Form: Towards an Architecture of the Minimal,Germany: Edition Axel Menges.
  • Oxman,R.; Gu,N.(2012). Crowdsourcing: theoretical framework, computational environments and design scenarios. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (Prague, Czech Republic 12-14 September, 2012) p. 393-402.
  • Özek, V.; Minsolmaz Yeler, G. (2009). “Biomorphism as a Design Instrument of Architectural Shape: A Discussion on Morphological Concepts”. Livenarch, 4th International Conference of Livable Environments & Architecture, pp: 87-97, Trabzon.
  • Pearce, P. (1978). Structure in Nature is a Strategy for Design. Mishawaka: MIT Press.
  • Sarı, D., Karaşah, B. (2015). Hatila Vadisi Milli Parkı’nda (Artvin) yer alan farklı vejetasyon tiplerinin görsel değerlendirmesi üzerine bir çalışma. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 16(1), 65-74.
  • Schnabel, A. M. (2007). “Parametric Designing in Architecture”. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures (CAADFutures), pp. 237-250.
  • Schumacher, P. (2009). “Parametricism: A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design”. Digital Cities , 79: 4 ,pp.14–23.
  • Shelly, C. (2015). “Biomorphism and Models in Design”. Philosophy and Cognitive Science II ,V.20, pp.209-221. Türkman, A. (2000). Yaşanabilir Bir Çevre İçin. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Yayınları.
  • Yilmaz, S., Mumcu, S., Düzenli, T., Özbilen, A. (2016). Analyzing the unity concept in design on student works: A case study of architectural design course. Inonu University Journal of Art and Design, 6, 1-12.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2015). Bir Kampüs Açık Mekanın Çevresel Tasarımı: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Binası. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 15(2).
  • Yu,R., Ostwald, J.M., Gu, N. (2015). “Parametrically Generating New Instances of Traditional Chinese Private Gardens that Replicate Selected Socio-Spatial and Aesthetic Properties”. Nexus Network Journal, 17: 3, pp. 807–829.
  • Woodbury, R., Killian, A. and Aish, R. (2007). Some Patterns for Parametric Modeling , Expanding Bodies: Art, Cities, Environment, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Dalhousie University School of Architecture and NSCAD University, pp. 222-229.
  • Woodbury, R. (2010). Elements of Parametric Design. Taylor and Francis.
  • Figure 1. Huge Biomimetic ‘Supertrees’ Taking Root on Singapore’s Waterfront biomimetic-supertrees-gardens-by-the-bay-singapore.html.
  • Figure 2.
  • Figür 3. Abu Dabi Gösteri Sanatları Merkezi. zaha-hadid/
  • Figure 4. ThyssenKrupp , ThyssenKrupp Genel Merkezi, Zaha Hadid Architects
  • Figure 5. The responses of the students for positive attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards bio- morphic design approach (%).
  • Figure 6. The responses of the students for negative attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards bio- morphic design approach (%).
  • Figure 7. The responses of the students for positive attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards para- metric design approach (%).
  • Figure 8. The responses of the students for negative attitude statements that aimed to measure the attitudes towards para- metric design approach (%).
  • Figure 9. Design approach preference.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Emine Tarakçı Eren

Tuğba Düzenli

Duygu Akyol

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Tarakçı Eren, E., Düzenli, T., & Akyol, D. (2018). Attitudes of Landscape Architecture Students Towards Biomorphic and Parametric Design Approaches in Environmental Design. Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 8(1), 126-143.