The systematic structuring in language and music seems to be complicated, but this
complexity should not be considered a subtility. This is related to the fact that the relationship among the components constituting the system is versatile. Comparison between
language and music has always been an issue due to the role they play in human life and
that both of them contain not only complex but also meaningful structures. They both
have considerable points in common in the process of creating and learning. The difference among the products which come to light forms the special state, whereas the duration
of the appearance constitutes the general state.
Aksan, D., (1979), Her Yönüyle Dil, Ankara: TDK.
Aksan, D., (1983), Sözcük Türleri, Ankara: TDK.
Banguoğlu, T., (1974), Türkçenin Grameri, İstanbul: Baha Matbaası.
Baran, İ.-Danhauser, A., (1988), Temel Müzik Kuralları, Ankara: Belgi Yayınları.
Barry, K., (1987), Language, Music and the Sign, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.
Bennett, R., (1995), Music Dictionary, Cambridge: University Press.
Bernstein, L., (1976), The Unanswered Question, Harward.
Bliss, M., (1995), The Compact Music Dictionary, New York: Amsco Publications.
Brăiloiu, C., (1984), Problems of Ethnomusicology, University of Cambridge.
Bright, W., (1963), Language and Music: Areas for Cooperation, University of Illinois Press. Crystal, D., (2003), A Dictionary Of Linguistics & Phonetics,
Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,. Demircan, Ö., (2001a), Türkçenin Ezgisi, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basımı.
Demircan, Ö., (2001b), Türkçenin Ses Dizimi, İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
Ergenç İ., ve diğerleri, (2005), Dilbilim İncelemeleri, Ankara: Doğan Yayıncılık.
Ergenç, İ., ( 2002), Konuşma Dili ve Türkçenin Söyleyiş Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Multilingual Yayınları.
Fromkin, Rodman, (1988), An Introduction To Language, USA: Saunders College Publishing.
Griffiths, P., (2010), Batı Müziğinin Kısa Tarihi, İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
Grout, D., Palisca, C., (1988), A History Of Western Music, New York: W.W.Norton Company. Haciev, P., (1996), Temel Müzik Teorisi, İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
Harrington, J., Cox, F., (2009), The Foot and Word Stress, Australia: Macquarie University.
Holahan, J., (2004), Music, Language and Thought: some Perspectives from Music Education, Aberdeen: Music and
Language Conference.
Jacobs, A., (1996), The Penguin Dictionary Of Music, England: Penguin Group.
Kennedy, M., (1994), The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Oxford University Press.
König, G. ve diğerleri, (2003), XVI. Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
Lerdhal, F., Jackendoff, R., (1983), A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, The Massachusetts İnstitute of Technology.
Magne, C. ve diğerleri, (2005), Comparison of Rhythmic Processing in Language and Music, University of Southern Denmark. Journal of Music and Meaning.
McDonough, J. Ve diğerleri, (2007), Rhythmic Structure Of Music And Language: An Empirical Investigation Of The Speech Cadence Of American Jazz Masters Louis Armstrong And Jelly Roll Morton, University Of Rochester Working Papers In The Language Sciences. Vol.3, No.1
McMullen, E., Saffran, J., (2004). Music and Language: A Developmental Comparison, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Morehead, P., (1992), The New International Dictionary Of Music, England: Penguin Group.
Patel, A., (2008), Music, Language And The Brain, Oxford.
Patel, A., Daniele, J., (2002), An Empirical Comparison Of Rhythym İn Language And Music, San Diego, USA: The Neurosciences İnstitute.
Pesetsky, D., (2008), The Syntax of Music Syntax is The Syntax of Language, University of Utrecht Phillips, M., (2002), Sight- Read Any Rhythm Instantly, London: Music Sales Ltd.
Politoske, D., (1988), Music, University of Kansas. Prentice-Hall Inc.
Püsküllüoğlu, A., (2010), Arkadaş Türkçe Sözlük, Ankara: Arkadaş Yayınevi.
Randel, D, M., (2001), The New Harvard Dictionary Of Music, USA: University Press.
Roach, P., (1982), On the distinction between “stress-timed” and “syllable-timed” languages, London: Linguistic
Roe, R., (1829), The Principles Of Rhythm Both in Speech And Music, Dublin.
Rougnon, P., (1930), Mufassal Musiki Nazariyatı, İstanbul: Devlet Matbaası.
Saygun, A., (1958), Musiki Nazariyatı, İstanbul: Devlet Konservatuvarı Yayınları.
Schiering, R., (2006), Towards a Typology of Linguistic Rhythm, University of Leipzig.
Schreuder ve diğerleri, (2006). Speaking in Minor and Major Keys, The Netherlands: University of Groningen.
Dildeki ve müzikteki sistematik yapılanma karmaşık bir görünümdedir ama bu karmaşıklık, anlaşılmazlık olarak düşünülmemelidir. Sadece sistemi oluşturan öğelerin arasındaki ilişkilerin çok yönlülüğü ile ilgilidir. Gerek insan yaşamında oynadıkları rol gerekse her ikisinin de karmaşık ve anlamlı yapılar içeriyor olması dil ve müziğin karşılaştırılmasını her zaman gündeme getirmiştir. Yaratma ve öğrenme sürecinde önemli derecede ortak noktalara sahiptirler. Ortaya çıkan ürünlerdeki farklılık aralarındaki özel durumu, bu ürünlerin ortaya çıkma süreci ise genel durumu oluşturmaktadır.
Aksan, D., (1979), Her Yönüyle Dil, Ankara: TDK.
Aksan, D., (1983), Sözcük Türleri, Ankara: TDK.
Banguoğlu, T., (1974), Türkçenin Grameri, İstanbul: Baha Matbaası.
Baran, İ.-Danhauser, A., (1988), Temel Müzik Kuralları, Ankara: Belgi Yayınları.
Barry, K., (1987), Language, Music and the Sign, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.
Bennett, R., (1995), Music Dictionary, Cambridge: University Press.
Bernstein, L., (1976), The Unanswered Question, Harward.
Bliss, M., (1995), The Compact Music Dictionary, New York: Amsco Publications.
Brăiloiu, C., (1984), Problems of Ethnomusicology, University of Cambridge.
Bright, W., (1963), Language and Music: Areas for Cooperation, University of Illinois Press. Crystal, D., (2003), A Dictionary Of Linguistics & Phonetics,
Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,. Demircan, Ö., (2001a), Türkçenin Ezgisi, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basımı.
Demircan, Ö., (2001b), Türkçenin Ses Dizimi, İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
Ergenç İ., ve diğerleri, (2005), Dilbilim İncelemeleri, Ankara: Doğan Yayıncılık.
Ergenç, İ., ( 2002), Konuşma Dili ve Türkçenin Söyleyiş Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Multilingual Yayınları.
Fromkin, Rodman, (1988), An Introduction To Language, USA: Saunders College Publishing.
Griffiths, P., (2010), Batı Müziğinin Kısa Tarihi, İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
Grout, D., Palisca, C., (1988), A History Of Western Music, New York: W.W.Norton Company. Haciev, P., (1996), Temel Müzik Teorisi, İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
Harrington, J., Cox, F., (2009), The Foot and Word Stress, Australia: Macquarie University.
Holahan, J., (2004), Music, Language and Thought: some Perspectives from Music Education, Aberdeen: Music and
Language Conference.
Jacobs, A., (1996), The Penguin Dictionary Of Music, England: Penguin Group.
Kennedy, M., (1994), The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Oxford University Press.
König, G. ve diğerleri, (2003), XVI. Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
Lerdhal, F., Jackendoff, R., (1983), A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, The Massachusetts İnstitute of Technology.
Magne, C. ve diğerleri, (2005), Comparison of Rhythmic Processing in Language and Music, University of Southern Denmark. Journal of Music and Meaning.
McDonough, J. Ve diğerleri, (2007), Rhythmic Structure Of Music And Language: An Empirical Investigation Of The Speech Cadence Of American Jazz Masters Louis Armstrong And Jelly Roll Morton, University Of Rochester Working Papers In The Language Sciences. Vol.3, No.1
McMullen, E., Saffran, J., (2004). Music and Language: A Developmental Comparison, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Morehead, P., (1992), The New International Dictionary Of Music, England: Penguin Group.
Patel, A., (2008), Music, Language And The Brain, Oxford.
Patel, A., Daniele, J., (2002), An Empirical Comparison Of Rhythym İn Language And Music, San Diego, USA: The Neurosciences İnstitute.
Pesetsky, D., (2008), The Syntax of Music Syntax is The Syntax of Language, University of Utrecht Phillips, M., (2002), Sight- Read Any Rhythm Instantly, London: Music Sales Ltd.
Politoske, D., (1988), Music, University of Kansas. Prentice-Hall Inc.
Püsküllüoğlu, A., (2010), Arkadaş Türkçe Sözlük, Ankara: Arkadaş Yayınevi.
Randel, D, M., (2001), The New Harvard Dictionary Of Music, USA: University Press.
Roach, P., (1982), On the distinction between “stress-timed” and “syllable-timed” languages, London: Linguistic
Roe, R., (1829), The Principles Of Rhythm Both in Speech And Music, Dublin.
Rougnon, P., (1930), Mufassal Musiki Nazariyatı, İstanbul: Devlet Matbaası.
Saygun, A., (1958), Musiki Nazariyatı, İstanbul: Devlet Konservatuvarı Yayınları.
Schiering, R., (2006), Towards a Typology of Linguistic Rhythm, University of Leipzig.
Schreuder ve diğerleri, (2006). Speaking in Minor and Major Keys, The Netherlands: University of Groningen.