Avrupa Ortak Kültür ve Sanat Mirasının Korunmasında Avrupa Birliği'nin Çalışmaları: Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Programı Özelinde Bir İnceleme
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 176 - 194, 01.12.2017
Erhan Akdemir
Kültür ve sanat sahası kentler için yeni bir endüstri biçimine, kültürel endüstriye dönüşmüş du-
rumdadır. Ancak bu endüstri sadece ekonomik kazanç sağlamayı değil ortak kültürel ve sanatsal
mirasın ortaya çıkarılmasında da önemli bir araç olarak kabul edilmektedir. Buradan hareketle,
Avrupa Kültür Başkenti programı da bu hususları içerecek şekilde hem Avrupa kentlerinin sosyoekonomik kalkınmalarına katkı sağlayabilecek hem de Avrupa’nın ortak kültürel ve sanatsal
mirası konusunda bir aidiyet ve bilinç yaratabilecek bir program, proje ve katalizör durumundadır. Bu makale çalışması ayrıca AB bütünleşme süreci içerisinde de ortak Avrupa kültür ve sanat
mirasının varlığının korunmasının önemli bir role sahip olduğunu savunmaktadır.
- Akdemir, E. (2013). Avrupa Birliği’nde Kimlik ve Kültür Tartışmaları ve Türkiye, Bursa: Ekin Yayınevi.
Åkerlund, U. ve Müller , K.D. (2012). “Implementing Tourism Events: The Discourses of Umeå’s Bid for European Capital of Culture 2014”, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Cilt: 12, Sayı: 2, ss. 164-180.
Cançat,A. (2016). “2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Projelerinin Kurumsal Disiplinleri; İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı, Kültür A.Ş. Örneği”, Art-Sanat, Sayı: 6, ss. 229 – 241.
Cohen, S. (2013). “Musical Memory, Heritage and Local Identity: Remembering the Popular Musiz Past in a European Capital of Culture”, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Cilt: 19, Sayı: 5, ss. 576 – 594.
Cudny, W., Ratalewska, M., Rouba R. (2012). “The Role Of The European Capital Of Culture Programme In The Develop- ment Of Cities And Regions”, University Of Szczecin Scientific Journal, Sayı: 658, ss. 119-131.
Garcia, B. ve Cox, T. (2013). European Capitals Of Culture: Success Strategies and Long-Term Effects, European Parliament Directorate General For Internal Policies Policy Department B: Structural And Cohesıon Policies Culture And Education,
Graham, B. (2002). “Heritage as Knowledge: Capital or Culture?”, Urban Studies, Cilt: 39, Sayı: 5–6, ss. 1003–1017.
Griffiths, R. (2006). “City/Culture Discourses: Evidence from the Competition to Select the European Capital of Culture 2008”, European Plaanning Studies, Cilt: 14, Sayı: 4, ss. 415-430.
Gurr, T.R. ve Harff, B. (1994). Ethnic Conflict in World Politics, Boulder: Westview Press.
Güvenç, B. (1984). İnsan ve Kültür, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Herrero, L.C., Sanz, Devesa, J.A. M., Bedate, A. ve Mariá José del Barrio (2006). “The Economic Impact of Cultural Events: A Case-Study of Salamanca 2002, European Capital of Culture”, European Urban and Regional Studies, Cilt: 13, Sayı: 1, ss. 41 – 57.
Hudec, O. ve Džupka, P. (2016). “Culture-led regeneration through the young generation: Košice as the European Capital of Culture”, European Urban and Regional Studies, Cilt: 23, Sayı: 3, ss. 531-538.
Huges, H., Allen D., Wasik, D. (2003). “The Significance of European ‘Capital of Culture’ for Tourism and Culture: The Case of Krakow 2000”, International Journal of Arts Management, Cilt: 5, Sayı. 3, ss. 12 – 23.
Immler, L. N. Ve Sakkers, H. (2014). “(Re)Programming Europe: European Capitals of Culture: Rethinking the Role of Culture”, Journal of European Studies, Cilt: 44, Sayı: 1, ss. 3-29.
Lähdesmäki, T. (2010). “European Capitals of Culture as Cultural Meeting Places - Strategies of representing Cultural Diversity”, Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidskrift, Cilt: 13, Sayı: 1, ss. 27-43.
Lähdesmäki, T. (2011). “Contested Identity Politics: Analysis of the EU Policy Objectives and the Local Reception of the European Capital of Culture Program”, Baltic Journal of European Studies, Cilt:1, Sayı:2, ss.134-166.
Lähdesmäki, T. (2014). “European Capital of Culture Designation as an Initiator of Urban Transformation in the Postsoci- alist Countries”, European Planning Studies, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 3, ss. 481-497.
Liu, Y.D. (2014). “Cultural Events and Cultural Tourism Development: Lessons from the European Capitals of Culture”, European Planning Studies, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 3, ss. 498-514.
Moussis, N. (2004). Çev. Ahmet Fethi, Avrupa Birliği Politikalarına Giriş Rehberi, Mega: İstanbul.
Özdemir, N. (2009). “Kültür Ekonomisi ve Endüstrileri ile Kültürel Miras Yönetimi İlişkisi”, Millî Folklor, Cilt: 21, Sayı 84, ss. 73 – 86. 77.
Papanikolaou, P. (2012). “The European Capital of Culture: The Challenge for Urban Regeneration and Its Impact on the Cities”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 17, ss. 268-273.
Patel, K.K. (2009). “Integration by Interpellation: The European Capitals of Culture and the Role of Experts in European Union Cultural Policies”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt: 51, Sayı: 3, ss. 538 – 554.
Sassatelli, M. (2002). “Imagined Europe The Shaping of a European Cultural Identity Through EU Cultural Policy”, Euro- pean Journal of Social Theory, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 4, ss. 435 – 451.
Shore, C. (2000). Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration, London: Routledge.
Steiner, L. Frey, S.B., Hotz,S. (2013). “European Capitals of Culture and Life Satisfaction”, Center for Research in Econo- mics, Management and the Arts Working Paper, Sayı: 7.
İnternet Kaynakları
“European Capitals of Culture: 30 Years of Achievements”, European Commission,
http://kultur.creative-europe-desk.de/fileadmin/Dokumente/capitals-culture-30-years-brochure_en.pdf (Erişim Tari- hi: 06.04.2017).
“European Capitals of Culture: the road to success From 1985 to 2010”, Europe Direct.
http://www.google.com.tr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjU79WFh5rTAhU nOpoKHVZSDvkQFggZMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.capitalicultura.beniculturali.it%2FgetFile.php%3Fid%3D 5&usg=AFQjCNGKZXUpl5sRuBK-LHbhTIXGEOu9CQ&sig2=HF2wQSLcHAHOXuz1jykocg&bvm=bv.152174688 ,d.d24 (Erişim Tarihi: 06.04.2017).
“European Capitals of Culture 2020 – 2033: Guide for cities preparing to bid”, European Commission.
https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/sites/creativeeurope/files/library/capitals-culture-candidates-gui- de_en.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2017).
“European Capitals Of Culture: Success Strategies And Long-Term Effects”, European Parliament Directorate General For Internal Policies.
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/513985/IPOL-CULT_ET%282013%29513985_ EN.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2017).
Works Of The European Union In The Protection Of The European Common Cultural And Art Heritage: An Examination In The European Capitals Of Culture Program
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 176 - 194, 01.12.2017
Erhan Akdemir
The city of culture and art has become a new industrial form for the cities - cultural industry.
However, this industry is considered not only an economic gain but also an important means of
revealing common cultural and artistic heritage. From this point of view, the European Capital
of Culture program is a program, project and catalyst that will contribute to the socioeconomic
development of the cities as well as these concerns and will create a sense of belonging and consciousness about the common cultural and artistic heritage of Europe. This article also argues that the
preservation of the common European cultural and artistic heritage has an important role to play
in the EU integration process.
- Akdemir, E. (2013). Avrupa Birliği’nde Kimlik ve Kültür Tartışmaları ve Türkiye, Bursa: Ekin Yayınevi.
Åkerlund, U. ve Müller , K.D. (2012). “Implementing Tourism Events: The Discourses of Umeå’s Bid for European Capital of Culture 2014”, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Cilt: 12, Sayı: 2, ss. 164-180.
Cançat,A. (2016). “2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Projelerinin Kurumsal Disiplinleri; İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı, Kültür A.Ş. Örneği”, Art-Sanat, Sayı: 6, ss. 229 – 241.
Cohen, S. (2013). “Musical Memory, Heritage and Local Identity: Remembering the Popular Musiz Past in a European Capital of Culture”, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Cilt: 19, Sayı: 5, ss. 576 – 594.
Cudny, W., Ratalewska, M., Rouba R. (2012). “The Role Of The European Capital Of Culture Programme In The Develop- ment Of Cities And Regions”, University Of Szczecin Scientific Journal, Sayı: 658, ss. 119-131.
Garcia, B. ve Cox, T. (2013). European Capitals Of Culture: Success Strategies and Long-Term Effects, European Parliament Directorate General For Internal Policies Policy Department B: Structural And Cohesıon Policies Culture And Education,
Graham, B. (2002). “Heritage as Knowledge: Capital or Culture?”, Urban Studies, Cilt: 39, Sayı: 5–6, ss. 1003–1017.
Griffiths, R. (2006). “City/Culture Discourses: Evidence from the Competition to Select the European Capital of Culture 2008”, European Plaanning Studies, Cilt: 14, Sayı: 4, ss. 415-430.
Gurr, T.R. ve Harff, B. (1994). Ethnic Conflict in World Politics, Boulder: Westview Press.
Güvenç, B. (1984). İnsan ve Kültür, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Herrero, L.C., Sanz, Devesa, J.A. M., Bedate, A. ve Mariá José del Barrio (2006). “The Economic Impact of Cultural Events: A Case-Study of Salamanca 2002, European Capital of Culture”, European Urban and Regional Studies, Cilt: 13, Sayı: 1, ss. 41 – 57.
Hudec, O. ve Džupka, P. (2016). “Culture-led regeneration through the young generation: Košice as the European Capital of Culture”, European Urban and Regional Studies, Cilt: 23, Sayı: 3, ss. 531-538.
Huges, H., Allen D., Wasik, D. (2003). “The Significance of European ‘Capital of Culture’ for Tourism and Culture: The Case of Krakow 2000”, International Journal of Arts Management, Cilt: 5, Sayı. 3, ss. 12 – 23.
Immler, L. N. Ve Sakkers, H. (2014). “(Re)Programming Europe: European Capitals of Culture: Rethinking the Role of Culture”, Journal of European Studies, Cilt: 44, Sayı: 1, ss. 3-29.
Lähdesmäki, T. (2010). “European Capitals of Culture as Cultural Meeting Places - Strategies of representing Cultural Diversity”, Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidskrift, Cilt: 13, Sayı: 1, ss. 27-43.
Lähdesmäki, T. (2011). “Contested Identity Politics: Analysis of the EU Policy Objectives and the Local Reception of the European Capital of Culture Program”, Baltic Journal of European Studies, Cilt:1, Sayı:2, ss.134-166.
Lähdesmäki, T. (2014). “European Capital of Culture Designation as an Initiator of Urban Transformation in the Postsoci- alist Countries”, European Planning Studies, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 3, ss. 481-497.
Liu, Y.D. (2014). “Cultural Events and Cultural Tourism Development: Lessons from the European Capitals of Culture”, European Planning Studies, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 3, ss. 498-514.
Moussis, N. (2004). Çev. Ahmet Fethi, Avrupa Birliği Politikalarına Giriş Rehberi, Mega: İstanbul.
Özdemir, N. (2009). “Kültür Ekonomisi ve Endüstrileri ile Kültürel Miras Yönetimi İlişkisi”, Millî Folklor, Cilt: 21, Sayı 84, ss. 73 – 86. 77.
Papanikolaou, P. (2012). “The European Capital of Culture: The Challenge for Urban Regeneration and Its Impact on the Cities”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 17, ss. 268-273.
Patel, K.K. (2009). “Integration by Interpellation: The European Capitals of Culture and the Role of Experts in European Union Cultural Policies”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt: 51, Sayı: 3, ss. 538 – 554.
Sassatelli, M. (2002). “Imagined Europe The Shaping of a European Cultural Identity Through EU Cultural Policy”, Euro- pean Journal of Social Theory, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 4, ss. 435 – 451.
Shore, C. (2000). Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration, London: Routledge.
Steiner, L. Frey, S.B., Hotz,S. (2013). “European Capitals of Culture and Life Satisfaction”, Center for Research in Econo- mics, Management and the Arts Working Paper, Sayı: 7.
İnternet Kaynakları
“European Capitals of Culture: 30 Years of Achievements”, European Commission,
http://kultur.creative-europe-desk.de/fileadmin/Dokumente/capitals-culture-30-years-brochure_en.pdf (Erişim Tari- hi: 06.04.2017).
“European Capitals of Culture: the road to success From 1985 to 2010”, Europe Direct.
http://www.google.com.tr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjU79WFh5rTAhU nOpoKHVZSDvkQFggZMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.capitalicultura.beniculturali.it%2FgetFile.php%3Fid%3D 5&usg=AFQjCNGKZXUpl5sRuBK-LHbhTIXGEOu9CQ&sig2=HF2wQSLcHAHOXuz1jykocg&bvm=bv.152174688 ,d.d24 (Erişim Tarihi: 06.04.2017).
“European Capitals of Culture 2020 – 2033: Guide for cities preparing to bid”, European Commission.
https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/sites/creativeeurope/files/library/capitals-culture-candidates-gui- de_en.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2017).
“European Capitals Of Culture: Success Strategies And Long-Term Effects”, European Parliament Directorate General For Internal Policies.
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/513985/IPOL-CULT_ET%282013%29513985_ EN.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2017).