Sosyal medya uygulamalarında gözlemlenen baş döndürücü gelişmeler, iletişim biçimlerimizi,
etkileşimi, paylaşımı ve ilişkilerimizi yönetim biçimimizi etkilemektedir. Günümüz ağ toplumunda,
diyalojik iletişim uygulamaları daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Web 2.0, kurumlara kitleleriyle
diyalog kurmaya imkan sağlayarak daha etkileşimsel bir iletişimi mümkün kılmıştır. Bu
dönüşümün etkileri tiyatro kurumlarının seyircisiyle olan iletişiminde de gözlemlenmiştir. Web
2.0 araçlarının sağladığı diyalojik iletişimle birlikte, tiyatrolar ve izleyicileri arasındaki ilişki her
geçen gün daha etkileşimsel ve öznelerarası olmaktadır.
Bu makalenin amacı, tiyatroların internet üzerinde takipçileriyle olan iletişim biçimlerini diyalojik açıdan değerlendirmektir. Bunun için Türkiye’deki kamu ve özel tiyatrolara ait 7 Instagram
hesabı ve bu hesaplara ait Instagram hikayeleri incelenecek ve Kent ve Taylor’ın diyalojik iletişim
prensipleri temel alınarak, tiyatro kurumlarının takipçileriyle daha kuvvetli bir iletişim kurmak
adına Instagram’ı nasıl kullandıkları gözler önüne serilecektir.
Agozzino, A (2015) Dialogic Communication Through “Pinning”: An Analysis of Top 10 Most Followed Organizations Pinterest Profiles. Public Relations Journal 9(3),
Retrieved from (Accessed 31 March 2018)
Amancio, B. (2017). “Put it Your Story: Digital Storytelling in Instagram and Snapchat Stories”. Retrieved from http://urn.</div>
(Accessed 29 March 2018)
Bakshi, S. Shamma, D. Gilbert, E (2014). “Faces Engage Us: Photos with Faces Attract
More Likes and Comments on Instagram”. The 32nd annual ACM conference (pp. 965–974). New York, New York, USA: ACM. Retrieved from (Accessed 11 April 2018)
Bakhtin, M.M.(1981). Discourse in the Novel. In M. Holquis (Ed). The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by Bakhtin. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Bortree, D. Seltzer, T. (2009). “Dialogic Strategies and Outcomes: An Analysis of Environmental Advocacy Groups Facebook Profiles”. Public Relations Review 35: 317- 319
Buber, M. (2010). I and Thou, USA: Martino Publishing.
Chan, N. Guillet, B (2011). “Investigation of Social Media Marketing: How does the Hotel Industry in Hong Kong Perform in Marketing on Social Media Websites?”. Journal of
Travel&Tourism Marketing, 28:4, 345- 368
Kaye D. Sweetser & Ruthann Weaver Lariscy (2008). Candidates Make Good Friends: An Analysis of Candidates’ Uses of Facebook, International Journal of Strategic
Communication, 2:3, 175-198, DOI: 10.1080/15531180802178687
Kent, M, Taylor, M (1998). “Building Dialogic Relationships Through The World Wide Web”. Public Relations Review, 24 , (324- 334)
Kent, M, Taylor, M (2016). “From Homo Economicus to Homo dialogicus: Rethinking socialmedia use in CSR communication”. Public Relations Review 42: 60-67
Kent, M (2013). “Using Social Media Dialogically: Public Relations Role in Reviving Democracy”. Public Relations Review,39, 337- 345
Kent, M. (2017). “Principles of Dialogue and the History of Dialogic Theory in Public Relations”. Retrieved from https://
(Accessed 17 April 2018)
Rybalko, S, Seltzer, T. (2010). “Dialogic Communication in 140 Characters or Less: How Fortune 500 Companies Engage Stakeholders Using Twitter”. Public Relations
Review, 36(4), 336- 441
Solomon, M; Bamossy, G J; Askegaard, S; Hogg, M K. (2013). “Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective”. Pearson Education Limited, England.
Taylor, M. & Kent, M. L. (2014). “The value of social media for pushing activist organizations social agendas: Implications for public relations theory and practice”. Quarterly
Review of Business Disciplines, 1(1), 76–87.
Waters, Richard D., & Jamal, Jia Y. (2011). Tweet, tweet, tweet: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations’ Twitter updates. Public Relations Review, 37(3), 321-324.
An Analysis of Instagram’s Dialogical Communication Building Potential in Turkish Theater Institutions
The advances in social media applications have changed the way we communicate, interact,
share and conduct our relationships. In our “web society”, generating dialogical communication is
becoming more and more important. The web 2.0 is enabling organizations to engage in dialogue
with their audience, thus transforming their communication into a more interactive manner. The
effects of this transformation is also witnessed in the way theater institutions are communicating
with their publics. Due to the dialogic communication fostered by web 2.0 tools, the relationship
between theaters and their audience is becoming more interactive, intersubjective and collaborative.
The aim of this article is to assess the level of dialogic communication developed by theaters
on the internet, by analyzing the use of Instagram and Instagram stories of seven theatres from
public and private sector in Turkey. Taking Kent and Taylor’s dialogical principles as its assessment
criteria, the article aims to shed a light on how Instagram is to be used dialogically by theater institutions to foster a strong level of communication and thus fulfill their goal of enlightening the
Agozzino, A (2015) Dialogic Communication Through “Pinning”: An Analysis of Top 10 Most Followed Organizations Pinterest Profiles. Public Relations Journal 9(3),
Retrieved from (Accessed 31 March 2018)
Amancio, B. (2017). “Put it Your Story: Digital Storytelling in Instagram and Snapchat Stories”. Retrieved from http://urn.</div>
(Accessed 29 March 2018)
Bakshi, S. Shamma, D. Gilbert, E (2014). “Faces Engage Us: Photos with Faces Attract
More Likes and Comments on Instagram”. The 32nd annual ACM conference (pp. 965–974). New York, New York, USA: ACM. Retrieved from (Accessed 11 April 2018)
Bakhtin, M.M.(1981). Discourse in the Novel. In M. Holquis (Ed). The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by Bakhtin. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Bortree, D. Seltzer, T. (2009). “Dialogic Strategies and Outcomes: An Analysis of Environmental Advocacy Groups Facebook Profiles”. Public Relations Review 35: 317- 319
Buber, M. (2010). I and Thou, USA: Martino Publishing.
Chan, N. Guillet, B (2011). “Investigation of Social Media Marketing: How does the Hotel Industry in Hong Kong Perform in Marketing on Social Media Websites?”. Journal of
Travel&Tourism Marketing, 28:4, 345- 368
Kaye D. Sweetser & Ruthann Weaver Lariscy (2008). Candidates Make Good Friends: An Analysis of Candidates’ Uses of Facebook, International Journal of Strategic
Communication, 2:3, 175-198, DOI: 10.1080/15531180802178687
Kent, M, Taylor, M (1998). “Building Dialogic Relationships Through The World Wide Web”. Public Relations Review, 24 , (324- 334)
Kent, M, Taylor, M (2016). “From Homo Economicus to Homo dialogicus: Rethinking socialmedia use in CSR communication”. Public Relations Review 42: 60-67
Kent, M (2013). “Using Social Media Dialogically: Public Relations Role in Reviving Democracy”. Public Relations Review,39, 337- 345
Kent, M. (2017). “Principles of Dialogue and the History of Dialogic Theory in Public Relations”. Retrieved from https://
(Accessed 17 April 2018)
Rybalko, S, Seltzer, T. (2010). “Dialogic Communication in 140 Characters or Less: How Fortune 500 Companies Engage Stakeholders Using Twitter”. Public Relations
Review, 36(4), 336- 441
Solomon, M; Bamossy, G J; Askegaard, S; Hogg, M K. (2013). “Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective”. Pearson Education Limited, England.
Taylor, M. & Kent, M. L. (2014). “The value of social media for pushing activist organizations social agendas: Implications for public relations theory and practice”. Quarterly
Review of Business Disciplines, 1(1), 76–87.
Waters, Richard D., & Jamal, Jia Y. (2011). Tweet, tweet, tweet: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations’ Twitter updates. Public Relations Review, 37(3), 321-324.
Arslan, C. (2019). An Analysis of Instagram’s Dialogical Communication Building Potential in Turkish Theater Institutions. Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 9(1), 84-98.