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The Relationship Between Nature and Culture in Fiona Hall’s Installations

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 41, 23 - 30, 31.03.2023


Fiona Hall, one of Australia’s leading contemporary artists, produces works within the framework
of the concept of ecological destruction, which has become one of the most important problems
of our time. She produced works in painting, photography, sculpture, and various media and
gained fame with her numerous installations where she transforms various consumption objects
into works of art. The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between nature and culture
in Fiona Hall’s installations and to investigate the effects of nature–culture relationship on art
practice. The research focuses on the cultural references that Hall uses to ordinary objects while
transforming into aesthetic works of art. The data in the study were collected through literature
review. In the study, in which the semiotic analysis method was used, besides the meaning seen in
the works of the artist, connotation and deep meaning were examined. The artist has developed
a contemporary critical discourse over the work of art with cultural indicators. The relationship
between nature and culture has been presented with a political and critical point of view in his
aesthetic works of art that he created from ready-made objects.


  • Brielle (2016). Paradisus terrestris - Fiona Hall. Retrieved from https ://ww w.thi nglin /scen e/753 94952 19138 39618
  • Carrol, Z. (2012). “Documenta(13)”Artlink Experiment, Issue 32:3, September. https ://ww link. com.a u/art icles /3854 /camo uflag e-vis ual-a rt-an d-des ign-i n-dis guise Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2021
  • Çiçeği, L. (2020). Retrieved from https ://ww w.oni kibil m/lot us-ci cegin in-an lami
  • Hall, F. (1989–1990). Paradisus terrestris [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from https ://se archt hecol lecti .au/o bject ?uniq ueId= 16851 8
  • Hall, F. (1999–2003). Leaf litter [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from http: //sho wcase jase. blogs pot.c om/20 16/05 /fion a-hal ls-wr ong-w ay-ti ml
  • Hall, F. (2003–2006). Tender (İhale) [Enstalasyon]. The Queensland Government's Gallery of Modern Art Acquisitions Fund / Collection. Retrieved from https ://fr ieze. com/a rticl e/fio na-ha ll
  • Hall, F. (2008). Castles in the air of the cave-dwellers [Enstalasyon]. reçine, 12 nesne, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery. Retrieved from https ://oc ula.c om/ art-gal lerie s/ros lyn-o xley9 /artw orks/ fiona -hall /cast les-i n-the -airof- th e-cav e-dwe llers
  • Hall, F. (2009–2012). Fall prey [Enstalasyon] (N. Klinger, Photo). Retrieved from https ://ww w.fli ckr.c om/ph otos/ archi tektu r/788 39766 04/
  • Hall, F. (2012–2015). All the Kings Men [Enstalasyon]. örülmüş askeri üniformalar, tel, kemik, boynuzlar, dişler, zar,cam and karışık medya, Wrong Way Time Sergisi, Australian Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2015. Retrieved from https ://ar thur. io/ar t/fio na-ha ll/al l-the -king s-men ?crtr =1
  • Hall, F. (2013). Portrait of the victor [Heykel]. Heide Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ros lynox ley9. com.a u/art work/ fiona -hall -port rait- of-th e-vic tor-2 013/3 1:3169
  • Hall, F. (2014). Fleet (filo) [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ros lynox ley9. com.a u/art work/ fiona -hall -flee t-201 4/32:4193
  • Hall, F. (2014). KUKA İritija [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from http: //www .sofr ank.c /tag/ fiona -hall /
  • Hall, F. (2014–2015). Manuhiri (travellers) [Enstalasyon]. Avustralya Çağdaş Sanat Müzesi. Retrieved from https ://ww w.mca .com. au/ar tists -work s/wor ks/20 16.26
  • Harvey, N. (2008). “Fiona Hall” City Gallery Wellington (2008) https ://fr ieze. com/a rticl e/fio na-ha ll Erişim: 08.12.2020.
  • HeideEDResource (2013). Big game hunting. Heide Education, Heide Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved from https ://d2 x6fvm wptma oudfr ont.n et/cd n/far futur e/ivh YbOnE wR-sA vKROC Z3tiR Yt0Dw zyNq9 gqEPy oWPOI /mtim e:1444 18119 7/sit es/de fault /file s/Hei deEdR esour ce_Fi ona%2 0Hall BigG ameHu nting Fina l%20o nline .pdf- HeideEdResource_ Fiona Hall_ BigGa meHun ting_ Final online.pdf Retrieved from https ://ww link. com.a u/art icles /3854 /docu menta -2813 29/
  • Kahraman, H. (2005). Sanatsal gerçeklikler, olgular ve öteleri. Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Kandinsky, V. (2009). Sanatta zihinsellik üzerine (1. Baskı) (T. Turan, Çev.). Hayalbaz Kitap.
  • Kumpilitja, T. (2015). Hidden Stories, KUKA Irititja, 56th International Art
  • Exhibition 2015. Venice Biennale, Italy. Retrieved from https ://ww w.npy wc.or what- we-do /tjan pi-de sert- weave rs/tj ukurp a-kum pilit ja-hi dden- stori es-ku ka-ir ititj a
  • Llewellyn, J. (2016). Wars of the world with Fiona Hall (s. 488). The Adelaide Review. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ade laide revie .au/a rts/v isual -arts /2016 /08/1 6/war s-wor ld-fi ona-h all, www.a delai derev iew.c /fest ival
  • “Lotus çiçeğinin anlamı”, https ://ww w.oni kibil m/lot us-ci cegin in-an lami Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2020.
  • Michael, L. (2015). Fiona Hall, on manuhiri (travellers) 2014–2015 (s. 55).
  • Australia Council for the Arts, Piper Press. Retrieved from https ://ww w.mca .com. au/ar tists -work s/wor ks/20 16.26 /
  • Pew Charitable Trusts (2015). Celebrating Art across the Pacific The Kermadec exhibit comes to New Caledonia. Retrieved from https ://ww w.pew trust /rese arch- and-a nalys is/ar ticle s/201 5/04/ 07/ce lebra ting- art-a cross -the- pacif​ic
  • Sakuta,T. (2004). Alone-2 [Gravür]. 61x94 cm. Retrieved from http: //www .prem iocom bat.i t/201 3/tom iyuki -saku ta-29 782
  • Smith, J. (2014). Paradisus Terrestris entitled. Art Journal, 38. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ngv .vic. gov.a u/ess ay/pa radis us-te rrest ris-e ntiti led

Fiona Hall’un Enstalasyonlarında Doğa ve Kültür İlişkisi

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 41, 23 - 30, 31.03.2023


Avustralya’nın önde gelen çağdaş sanatçılarından biri olan Fiona Hall, günümüzün en önemli
sorunlarından birisi haline gelen ekolojik yıkım kavramı çerçevesinde işler üretmektedir. Resim,
fotoğraf, heykel ve çeşitli medyalarda eserler üreten sanatçı çeşitli tüketim nesnelerini sanat
eserine dönüştürdüğü çok sayıdaki enstalasyonu ile ün kazanmıştır. Bu makalenin amacı Fiona
Hall’un enstalasyon çalışmalarında doğa ve kültür ilişkisini incelemek ve doğa-kültür ilişkisinin
sanat pratiğine etkilerini araştırmaktır. Araştırma, Hall’un sanat pratiğinde kullandığı sıradan
nesnelerin estetik birer sanat eserine dönüşürken aldığı kültürel referanslara odaklanmaktadır.
Araştırmada veriler literatür taraması yoluyla toplanmıştır. Göstergebilimsel çözümleme yönteminin
kullanıldığı çalışmada sanatçının eserlerinde görülen anlamın yanı sıra yan anlam ve derin
anlam incelenmiştir. Sanatçı kültürel göstergelerle sanat eseri üzerinden çağdaş eleştirel bir söylem
geliştirmiştir. Doğa ve kültür ilişkisi, onun hazır nesnelerden oluşturduğu estetik sanat eserlerinde,
politik ve eleştirel bir bakış açısı ile sunulmuştur.


  • Brielle (2016). Paradisus terrestris - Fiona Hall. Retrieved from https ://ww w.thi nglin /scen e/753 94952 19138 39618
  • Carrol, Z. (2012). “Documenta(13)”Artlink Experiment, Issue 32:3, September. https ://ww link. com.a u/art icles /3854 /camo uflag e-vis ual-a rt-an d-des ign-i n-dis guise Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2021
  • Çiçeği, L. (2020). Retrieved from https ://ww w.oni kibil m/lot us-ci cegin in-an lami
  • Hall, F. (1989–1990). Paradisus terrestris [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from https ://se archt hecol lecti .au/o bject ?uniq ueId= 16851 8
  • Hall, F. (1999–2003). Leaf litter [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from http: //sho wcase jase. blogs pot.c om/20 16/05 /fion a-hal ls-wr ong-w ay-ti ml
  • Hall, F. (2003–2006). Tender (İhale) [Enstalasyon]. The Queensland Government's Gallery of Modern Art Acquisitions Fund / Collection. Retrieved from https ://fr ieze. com/a rticl e/fio na-ha ll
  • Hall, F. (2008). Castles in the air of the cave-dwellers [Enstalasyon]. reçine, 12 nesne, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery. Retrieved from https ://oc ula.c om/ art-gal lerie s/ros lyn-o xley9 /artw orks/ fiona -hall /cast les-i n-the -airof- th e-cav e-dwe llers
  • Hall, F. (2009–2012). Fall prey [Enstalasyon] (N. Klinger, Photo). Retrieved from https ://ww w.fli ckr.c om/ph otos/ archi tektu r/788 39766 04/
  • Hall, F. (2012–2015). All the Kings Men [Enstalasyon]. örülmüş askeri üniformalar, tel, kemik, boynuzlar, dişler, zar,cam and karışık medya, Wrong Way Time Sergisi, Australian Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2015. Retrieved from https ://ar thur. io/ar t/fio na-ha ll/al l-the -king s-men ?crtr =1
  • Hall, F. (2013). Portrait of the victor [Heykel]. Heide Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ros lynox ley9. com.a u/art work/ fiona -hall -port rait- of-th e-vic tor-2 013/3 1:3169
  • Hall, F. (2014). Fleet (filo) [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ros lynox ley9. com.a u/art work/ fiona -hall -flee t-201 4/32:4193
  • Hall, F. (2014). KUKA İritija [Enstalasyon]. Retrieved from http: //www .sofr ank.c /tag/ fiona -hall /
  • Hall, F. (2014–2015). Manuhiri (travellers) [Enstalasyon]. Avustralya Çağdaş Sanat Müzesi. Retrieved from https ://ww w.mca .com. au/ar tists -work s/wor ks/20 16.26
  • Harvey, N. (2008). “Fiona Hall” City Gallery Wellington (2008) https ://fr ieze. com/a rticl e/fio na-ha ll Erişim: 08.12.2020.
  • HeideEDResource (2013). Big game hunting. Heide Education, Heide Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved from https ://d2 x6fvm wptma oudfr ont.n et/cd n/far futur e/ivh YbOnE wR-sA vKROC Z3tiR Yt0Dw zyNq9 gqEPy oWPOI /mtim e:1444 18119 7/sit es/de fault /file s/Hei deEdR esour ce_Fi ona%2 0Hall BigG ameHu nting Fina l%20o nline .pdf- HeideEdResource_ Fiona Hall_ BigGa meHun ting_ Final online.pdf Retrieved from https ://ww link. com.a u/art icles /3854 /docu menta -2813 29/
  • Kahraman, H. (2005). Sanatsal gerçeklikler, olgular ve öteleri. Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Kandinsky, V. (2009). Sanatta zihinsellik üzerine (1. Baskı) (T. Turan, Çev.). Hayalbaz Kitap.
  • Kumpilitja, T. (2015). Hidden Stories, KUKA Irititja, 56th International Art
  • Exhibition 2015. Venice Biennale, Italy. Retrieved from https ://ww w.npy wc.or what- we-do /tjan pi-de sert- weave rs/tj ukurp a-kum pilit ja-hi dden- stori es-ku ka-ir ititj a
  • Llewellyn, J. (2016). Wars of the world with Fiona Hall (s. 488). The Adelaide Review. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ade laide revie .au/a rts/v isual -arts /2016 /08/1 6/war s-wor ld-fi ona-h all, www.a delai derev iew.c /fest ival
  • “Lotus çiçeğinin anlamı”, https ://ww w.oni kibil m/lot us-ci cegin in-an lami Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2020.
  • Michael, L. (2015). Fiona Hall, on manuhiri (travellers) 2014–2015 (s. 55).
  • Australia Council for the Arts, Piper Press. Retrieved from https ://ww w.mca .com. au/ar tists -work s/wor ks/20 16.26 /
  • Pew Charitable Trusts (2015). Celebrating Art across the Pacific The Kermadec exhibit comes to New Caledonia. Retrieved from https ://ww w.pew trust /rese arch- and-a nalys is/ar ticle s/201 5/04/ 07/ce lebra ting- art-a cross -the- pacif​ic
  • Sakuta,T. (2004). Alone-2 [Gravür]. 61x94 cm. Retrieved from http: //www .prem iocom bat.i t/201 3/tom iyuki -saku ta-29 782
  • Smith, J. (2014). Paradisus Terrestris entitled. Art Journal, 38. Retrieved from https ://ww w.ngv .vic. gov.a u/ess ay/pa radis us-te rrest ris-e ntiti led
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Şerife Şen Akkaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 41

Kaynak Göster

APA Şen Akkaş, Ş. (2023). Fiona Hall’un Enstalasyonlarında Doğa ve Kültür İlişkisi. Sanat Ve Yorum(41), 23-30.

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