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Bütçe Gözetimi Açısından Bağımsız Mali Kurumların Bütçe Sürecindeki Rolü

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 115, 55 - 81, 01.12.2019


Yirmi birinci yüzyılda yaşanan bölgesel ve küresel finansal krizler sonrası hükümetlerin mali saydamlık ve hesap verebilirlik konularında yaşadıkları sorunlar ve yasama organının güçlendirilmesi ihtiyacı, bağımsız mali kurumları daha popüler hale getirmiştir. Bağımsız mali kurumlar bütçe gözetimi konusunda yasama organı ve yüksek denetim kurumuna yardımcı olmaktadır. Çalışma, bağımsız mali kurumların bütçe sürecindeki rolünü bütçe gözetimi açısından ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Bağımsız mali kurumların teorik altyapısı ve bütçe sürecindeki rolü, Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Örgütünün OECD 2019 yılı Bağımsız Mali Kurumlar Veri Tabanında yer alan verileri ve Uluslararası Bütçe Ortaklığının IBP 2017 yılındaki Açık Bütçe Anket verileri kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bağımsız mali kurumların bütçe gözetimi ile yasama organı ve yüksek denetim kurumunun bütçe gözetimi arasındaki ilişki regresyon analizi yardımıyla incelenmiştir. Bağımsız mali kurumların bütçe gözetiminin hem yasama organının hem de yüksek denetim kurumunun bütçe gözetimi ile pozitif yönlü bir ilişki içerisinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir


  • Altun, Tülin (2018), Mali Kurallara Karşı Bağımsız Mali Kurumlar, Mali Komiteler ve Mali Konseyler, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Andren, Thomas (2007), Econometrics, Ventus Publishing ApS.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. (2008), Econometrics, 4. Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Beetsma, Roel ve Xavier Debrun (2007), “The New Stability and Growth Pact: A First Assessment”, European Economic Review, 51(2): 453–478.
  • Beetsma, Roel ve Xavier Debrun (2016), Fiscal Councils: Rationale and Effectiveness, IMF Working Paper No.16/86, Paris.
  • Beetsma, Roel, Xavier Debrun ve Randolph Sloof (2017), The Political Economy of Fiscal Transparency and Independent Fiscal Councils, European Central Bank Working Paper No 2091.
  • Beetsma, Roel ve Harald Uhlig (1999), “An Analysis of the Stability and Growth Pact”, Economic Journal, 109(458): 546–571.
  • Bergman, U. Michael ve Michael Hutchison (2015), “Economic Stabilisation in the Post-crisis World: Are Fiscal Rules the Answer?”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 52: 82–101.
  • Calmfors, Lars ve Simon Wren-Lewis (2011), “What Should Fiscal Councils Do?”, Economic Policy, 26(68): 649–695.
  • Debrun, Xavier vd. (2013), The Functions and Impact of Fiscal Councils, IMF Policy Paper, Paris.
  • Debrun, Xavier, David Hauner ve Manmohan S. Kumar (2009), “Independent Fiscal Agencies”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(1): 44–81.
  • Debrun, Xavier ve Tidiane Kinda (2014), Strengthening Post-Crisis Fiscal Credibility: Fiscal Councils on the Rise-A New Dataset, IMF Working Paper No.14/58, Paris.
  • Debrun, Xavier ve Manmohan S. Kumar (2007), The Discipline-Enhancing Role of Fiscal Institutions: Theory and Empirical Evidence, IMF Working Paper No. 07/171, Paris.
  • Debrun, Xavier, X. Zhang ve V. Lledo (2017), IMF Fiscal Council Dataset, International Monetary Fund Fiscal Affairs Department, http://www.imf. org/external/np/fad/council/, (Erişim: 12.06.2019).
  • Dolan, Alissa M. vd. (2014), Congressional Oversight Manual, CRS Report for Congress.
  • EC (2014), Report on Public Finances in EMU 2014, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
  • EC (2019), “Independent Fiscal Institutions”, European Commission, https:// economic-databases/fiscal-governance-eu-member-states/independent- fiscal-institutions_en (Erişim: 20.05.2019).
  • EFB (2019), “Mandate”, European Fiscal Board, business-economy-euro/economic-and-fiscal-policy-coordination/ european-fiscal-board-efb_en#documents (Erişim: 30 Mayıs 2019).
  • Günaydın, İhsan ve Levent Yahya Eser (2012), “Bağımsız Maliye Politikası Kurulu Uygulanabilir mi?”, Maliye Dergisi, 163 (Temmuz-Aralık): 36–60.
  • Hagemann, Robert (2010), Improving Fiscal Performance Through Fiscal Councils, OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 829.
  • Hagemann, Robert (2011), “How Can Fiscal Councils Strengthen Fiscal Performance?”, OECD Journal: Economic Studies, 2011(1): 75–98.
  • Hemming, Richard ve Michael Kell (2001), “Promoting Fiscal Responsibility: Transparency, Rules and Independent Fiscal Authorities”, Proceedings of Banca d’Italia; Workshop on Fiscal Rules, Perugia, 433–59.
  • IBP (2019a), “Results by Country, Bulgaria”, nternational Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=bg (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019b), “Results By Country, Kenya”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=ke#oversight (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019c), “Results By Country, Liberia”, open-budget-survey/results-by-country/country-info/?country=lr (Erişim: 18 Aralık 2019).
  • IBP (2019d), “Results by Country, Nigeria”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=ng (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019e), “Results By Country, South Africa”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=za (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019f), “Results by Country, Thailand”, International Budget Partnership country/country-info/?country=th (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019g), “Results By Country, United States”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=us (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • Jankovics, László ve Monika Sherwood (2017), Independent Fiscal Institutions in the EU Member States: The Early Years European Economy Discussion Papers No. 067.
  • Karakurt, Birol (2016), “Küresel Krizin Etkilerini Azaltmada Mali Yönetişimin Rolü: BRICS Ülkeleri Örneği”, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(2): 185–212.
  • Karakurt, Birol ve Tekin Akdemir (2010), “Kurallı Maliye Politikası: Türkiye’de Kurallı Maliye Politikası Örnekleri”, Maliye Dergisi, 158 (Ocak-Haziran): 226–61.
  • Kopits, George ve Steven A. Saymansky (1998), Fiscal Policy Rules, IMF Occasional Paper No. 162, Washington DC.
  • Kovancılar, Birol ve Alparslan Uğur (2011), “Mali Konseyler ve Ülke Deneyimleri”. Maliye Dergisi 160 (Ocak-Haziran): 86–110.
  • Krafchik, Warren ve Joachim Wehner (2004), “Legislatures and Budget Oversight: Best Practices”, the Kazakhstan Revenue Watch Open Forum, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Maltritz, Dominik ve Sebastian Wüste (2015), “Determinants of Budget Deficits in Europe: The Role and Relations of Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Councils, Creative Accounting and the Euro”, Economic Modelling, 48(C): 222–36.
  • Mikesell, John L. (2010), Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector, 8. Edition, Cengage Learning, Boston.
  • OECD (2019), “OECD Independent Fiscal Institutions Database”, http:// Database.xlsx%0A (Erişim: 10.04.2019).
  • Peck, Elizabeth A., G. Geoffrey Vining, ve Douglas C. Montgomery (2012), Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, 5. Edition, John Wiley, New Jersey, USA.
  • Pelizzo, Riccardo ve Rick Stapenhurst (2004), Tools for Legislative Oversight: An Empirical Investigation, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3388, Washington, DC.
  • Pelizzo, Riccardo ve Rick Stapenhurst (2014), Government Accountability and Legislative Oversight, Routledge, New York.
  • Petrie, Murray (2003), Promoting Fiscal Transparency: The Complementary Roles of the IMF, Financial Markets, and Civil Society, IMF Working Paper, No. 03/199.
  • Santiso, Carlos (2005), “Budget Institutions and Fiscal Responsibility: Parliaments and the Political Economy of the Budget Process in Latin America”, World Bank Institute, Washington, DC.
  • Santiso, Carlos (2015), “Why Budget Accountability Fails? The Elusive Links Between Parliaments and Audit Agencies in the Oversight of the Budget”, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 35(3): 601–21.
  • von Trapp, Lisa, Ian Lienert ve Joachim Wehner (2016), “Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions and Case Studies”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 2: 9–272.
  • von Trapp, Lisa ve Scherie Nicol (2018), Designing Effective Independent Fiscal Institutions, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris.
  • Warner, Rebecca (2018), “Making the Most of the Budget Cycle: The Budget Oversight Stage”, making-budget-cycle-budget-oversight-stage/ (Erişim: 21.06.2019).
  • Wilkinson, Jenny (2018), “A Speech by the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Fiscal Transparency and the Parliamentary Budget Office”, Austaxpolicy: Tax and Transfer Policy Blog, 28.03.2018, parliamentary-budget-officer-fiscal-transparency-parliamentary-budget- office/ (Erişim: 25.05.2019).


Yıl 2019, Sayı: 115, 55 - 81, 01.12.2019


Following the regional and global financial crises in the twenty-first century, the problems of fiscal transparency and accountability faced by the governments and the need to strengthen the legislature have caused independent fiscal institutions to become more popular. Independent fiscal institutions assist the legislature and the supreme audit institutions in budget oversight. This study aimed to examine the role of the independent fiscal institutions in the budget process in terms of budget oversight. The theoretical background of the independent fiscal institutions and their roles in the budget process were evaluated by using the data obtained from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD 2019 Independent Fiscal Institutions Database and the International Budget Partnership IBP 2017 Open Budget Survey. The relationship between the budget oversight of the independent fiscal institutions and the budget oversight of the legislature and the supreme audit institution were examined through regression analysis. The study found that the budget oversight of the independent fiscal institutions had a positive relationship with the budget oversight of both the legislature and the supreme audit institution


  • Altun, Tülin (2018), Mali Kurallara Karşı Bağımsız Mali Kurumlar, Mali Komiteler ve Mali Konseyler, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Andren, Thomas (2007), Econometrics, Ventus Publishing ApS.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. (2008), Econometrics, 4. Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Beetsma, Roel ve Xavier Debrun (2007), “The New Stability and Growth Pact: A First Assessment”, European Economic Review, 51(2): 453–478.
  • Beetsma, Roel ve Xavier Debrun (2016), Fiscal Councils: Rationale and Effectiveness, IMF Working Paper No.16/86, Paris.
  • Beetsma, Roel, Xavier Debrun ve Randolph Sloof (2017), The Political Economy of Fiscal Transparency and Independent Fiscal Councils, European Central Bank Working Paper No 2091.
  • Beetsma, Roel ve Harald Uhlig (1999), “An Analysis of the Stability and Growth Pact”, Economic Journal, 109(458): 546–571.
  • Bergman, U. Michael ve Michael Hutchison (2015), “Economic Stabilisation in the Post-crisis World: Are Fiscal Rules the Answer?”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 52: 82–101.
  • Calmfors, Lars ve Simon Wren-Lewis (2011), “What Should Fiscal Councils Do?”, Economic Policy, 26(68): 649–695.
  • Debrun, Xavier vd. (2013), The Functions and Impact of Fiscal Councils, IMF Policy Paper, Paris.
  • Debrun, Xavier, David Hauner ve Manmohan S. Kumar (2009), “Independent Fiscal Agencies”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(1): 44–81.
  • Debrun, Xavier ve Tidiane Kinda (2014), Strengthening Post-Crisis Fiscal Credibility: Fiscal Councils on the Rise-A New Dataset, IMF Working Paper No.14/58, Paris.
  • Debrun, Xavier ve Manmohan S. Kumar (2007), The Discipline-Enhancing Role of Fiscal Institutions: Theory and Empirical Evidence, IMF Working Paper No. 07/171, Paris.
  • Debrun, Xavier, X. Zhang ve V. Lledo (2017), IMF Fiscal Council Dataset, International Monetary Fund Fiscal Affairs Department, http://www.imf. org/external/np/fad/council/, (Erişim: 12.06.2019).
  • Dolan, Alissa M. vd. (2014), Congressional Oversight Manual, CRS Report for Congress.
  • EC (2014), Report on Public Finances in EMU 2014, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
  • EC (2019), “Independent Fiscal Institutions”, European Commission, https:// economic-databases/fiscal-governance-eu-member-states/independent- fiscal-institutions_en (Erişim: 20.05.2019).
  • EFB (2019), “Mandate”, European Fiscal Board, business-economy-euro/economic-and-fiscal-policy-coordination/ european-fiscal-board-efb_en#documents (Erişim: 30 Mayıs 2019).
  • Günaydın, İhsan ve Levent Yahya Eser (2012), “Bağımsız Maliye Politikası Kurulu Uygulanabilir mi?”, Maliye Dergisi, 163 (Temmuz-Aralık): 36–60.
  • Hagemann, Robert (2010), Improving Fiscal Performance Through Fiscal Councils, OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 829.
  • Hagemann, Robert (2011), “How Can Fiscal Councils Strengthen Fiscal Performance?”, OECD Journal: Economic Studies, 2011(1): 75–98.
  • Hemming, Richard ve Michael Kell (2001), “Promoting Fiscal Responsibility: Transparency, Rules and Independent Fiscal Authorities”, Proceedings of Banca d’Italia; Workshop on Fiscal Rules, Perugia, 433–59.
  • IBP (2019a), “Results by Country, Bulgaria”, nternational Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=bg (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019b), “Results By Country, Kenya”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=ke#oversight (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019c), “Results By Country, Liberia”, open-budget-survey/results-by-country/country-info/?country=lr (Erişim: 18 Aralık 2019).
  • IBP (2019d), “Results by Country, Nigeria”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=ng (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019e), “Results By Country, South Africa”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=za (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019f), “Results by Country, Thailand”, International Budget Partnership country/country-info/?country=th (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • IBP (2019g), “Results By Country, United States”, International Budget Partnership, country/country-info/?country=us (Erişim: 18.12.2019).
  • Jankovics, László ve Monika Sherwood (2017), Independent Fiscal Institutions in the EU Member States: The Early Years European Economy Discussion Papers No. 067.
  • Karakurt, Birol (2016), “Küresel Krizin Etkilerini Azaltmada Mali Yönetişimin Rolü: BRICS Ülkeleri Örneği”, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(2): 185–212.
  • Karakurt, Birol ve Tekin Akdemir (2010), “Kurallı Maliye Politikası: Türkiye’de Kurallı Maliye Politikası Örnekleri”, Maliye Dergisi, 158 (Ocak-Haziran): 226–61.
  • Kopits, George ve Steven A. Saymansky (1998), Fiscal Policy Rules, IMF Occasional Paper No. 162, Washington DC.
  • Kovancılar, Birol ve Alparslan Uğur (2011), “Mali Konseyler ve Ülke Deneyimleri”. Maliye Dergisi 160 (Ocak-Haziran): 86–110.
  • Krafchik, Warren ve Joachim Wehner (2004), “Legislatures and Budget Oversight: Best Practices”, the Kazakhstan Revenue Watch Open Forum, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Maltritz, Dominik ve Sebastian Wüste (2015), “Determinants of Budget Deficits in Europe: The Role and Relations of Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Councils, Creative Accounting and the Euro”, Economic Modelling, 48(C): 222–36.
  • Mikesell, John L. (2010), Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector, 8. Edition, Cengage Learning, Boston.
  • OECD (2019), “OECD Independent Fiscal Institutions Database”, http:// Database.xlsx%0A (Erişim: 10.04.2019).
  • Peck, Elizabeth A., G. Geoffrey Vining, ve Douglas C. Montgomery (2012), Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, 5. Edition, John Wiley, New Jersey, USA.
  • Pelizzo, Riccardo ve Rick Stapenhurst (2004), Tools for Legislative Oversight: An Empirical Investigation, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3388, Washington, DC.
  • Pelizzo, Riccardo ve Rick Stapenhurst (2014), Government Accountability and Legislative Oversight, Routledge, New York.
  • Petrie, Murray (2003), Promoting Fiscal Transparency: The Complementary Roles of the IMF, Financial Markets, and Civil Society, IMF Working Paper, No. 03/199.
  • Santiso, Carlos (2005), “Budget Institutions and Fiscal Responsibility: Parliaments and the Political Economy of the Budget Process in Latin America”, World Bank Institute, Washington, DC.
  • Santiso, Carlos (2015), “Why Budget Accountability Fails? The Elusive Links Between Parliaments and Audit Agencies in the Oversight of the Budget”, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 35(3): 601–21.
  • von Trapp, Lisa, Ian Lienert ve Joachim Wehner (2016), “Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions and Case Studies”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 2: 9–272.
  • von Trapp, Lisa ve Scherie Nicol (2018), Designing Effective Independent Fiscal Institutions, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris.
  • Warner, Rebecca (2018), “Making the Most of the Budget Cycle: The Budget Oversight Stage”, making-budget-cycle-budget-oversight-stage/ (Erişim: 21.06.2019).
  • Wilkinson, Jenny (2018), “A Speech by the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Fiscal Transparency and the Parliamentary Budget Office”, Austaxpolicy: Tax and Transfer Policy Blog, 28.03.2018, parliamentary-budget-officer-fiscal-transparency-parliamentary-budget- office/ (Erişim: 25.05.2019).
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Süleyman Dikmen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 115

Kaynak Göster

APA Dikmen, S. (2019). Bütçe Gözetimi Açısından Bağımsız Mali Kurumların Bütçe Sürecindeki Rolü. Sayıştay Dergisi(115), 55-81.