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The Comparison of Group Cohesion, Anxiety, Motivation and Efficacy Level of Successful And Unsuccessful Handball Teams

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 129 - 143, 01.06.2012


The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparison of group cohesion, anxiety, motivation, and efficacy levels between successful and unsuccessful teams. The total of 51 players from teams in the Turkish Men’s Handball First League in 2004-2005 participated in the study. Group Environment Questionnaire, Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2, Sport Competition Anxiety Test-A, Sport Motivation Scale, Self Efficacy Scale, Collective Efficacy Scale inventories were used to collect the data. The measurements were carry out in the first and second season of the league. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and repeated measure analysis in two factor of variance (ANOVA). While examined the first and second measurements revealed dimension of significant differences attraction to task, attraction to social, integration to task, cognitive anxiety, self efficacy and collective efficacy, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Whereas there were no significant differences dimension of integration to social, somatic anxiety, self confidence and competitive trait anxiety and amotivation. Group x Time Interactions were significant for attraction to social, integration to task, integration to social, cognitive anxiety, self confidence, competitive state anxiety, collective efficacy. In conclusion; cohesiveness, anxiety, efficacy and motivation levels can change due to the rankings of teams in league.


  • Bandura
  • A. (1977). Self efficacy: Toward a unifiying
  • theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review. 84, 191-215.
  • Carron AV, Widmeyer WN, Brawley LR. (1985). The development of ınstrument to assess cohesion in sport teams: The group environment questionnaire. Journal of Sport Psychology, 7, 244-266.
  • Carron AV, Prapaessis H. (1997). Self-presentation and group influence. Small Group Research, 28, 500- 516. 4. Carron AV, Hausenblas HA. (1998). Group Dynamics in Sport (2nd ed.) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.
  • Carron AV, Widmeyer WN, Brawley LR. (1998). The meuserement of cohesiveness in sport groups. (JL Duda, Der.), Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology Measurment (pp. 213-226). Morganton, WV: Fitness Information Technology.
  • Carron AV, Bray RS, Eys AM. (2002). Team cohesion and team success in sport. Journal of Sport Sciences. 20, 119-126
  • Collins D. (1995). Psychophsiology and sport 18. Koruç, Z. (1998). Spor Bilimleri V. Kongresi: CSAI- performance. (SJ Biddle, Der.) European Perspective on Exercise and Sport Psychology, s.154-178. Champaing, IL, Human Kinetics.
  • Davids K, Nutter A. (1988). The cohesion-performance relationship of English national league volleybol teams. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 15, 205-213.
  • Deci EL, Ryan RM. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self Determination in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Eren E. (2001). Örgütsel Davranış ve Yönetim Psikolojisi (7. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • Festinger L, Schachter S, Back K. (1950). Social Pressures in İnformal Groups: A Study of Human Factors Inhousting. New York: Harper Row.
  • Feltz LD, Lirgg DC. (1998). Perceived team and player efficacy in hockey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83- 4, 557-564.
  • Gill DL. (1986). Psychological Dynamics of Sport. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publisher Inc.
  • Grieve FG, Whealan JP, Meyers AW. (2000). An experimental examination of the cohesion- performance relationship in an interactive team sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 12, 219-235
  • Hogg MA. (1992). The Social Psychology of Group Cohesiveness: From Attraction to Social İdentity, London: Harvester and Wheatscheaf..
  • Howell W, Dipboye R. (1986). Essential of industrial organizational psychology (3rd Ed.) Chicago: The Dorsey Pres..
  • Johnston WA. (1967). Individual performance and self-evaluation in a simulated team. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 2, 309-328 2’nin Türkiye Uyarlaması, Ön Çalışma I”.. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Martens R. (1977). Sport Competition Anxiety Test. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Martens R, Vealey RS, Burton D. (1990). Competetive Anxiety in Sports. Champaign: Human Kinetics Books.
  • Martin KA, Hall CR. (1997). Situational and interpersonal moderators of sport competion state anxiety. Journal of Sport Behavior, 20, 435-446.
  • Matheson H, Mathes S. (1997). The effect of winning and losing on female interactice and coactive team cohesion. Journal of Sport Behavior, 20 (3), 284-299.
  • Mudrack, PE. (1991). Defining group cohesiveness: A legacy of confusion? Small Group Bahavior, 21, 139-155.
  • Mullen B, Copper C. (1994). The relation between group cohesiveness and performance: An integration. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 210-227.
  • Öcel H. (2002). Takım sporu yapan oyuncularda kollektif yeterlik öz-yeterlik ve sargınlık ile başarı algı ve beklentileri arasındaki ilişkiler. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Öner N, Le Compte A. (1985). Süreksiz Durumluk/ Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Paskevich DM, Brawley LR, Dorsch LR, Widmeyer WN. (1995). Implications of indiviual and group level analyses apllied to the study of collective efficacy and cohesion. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 7, S- 95.
  • Pelletier LG, Fortier MS, Vallerand RJ, Tuson KM, Briere NM, Blais MR. (1995). Toward a new measurement of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation in sports: The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS). Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17, 35-53.
  • Riggs ML, Warka J, Babasa B, Betancour R, Hooker S. (1994). Development and validation of self-efficacy and outcome expectancy scales for job- related applications. Educational and Psychological Measuurement, 54, 793-802.
  • Shanghi GM, Carron AV. (1987). Group cohesion and its relationship with performance and satisifaction among high school basketball players. Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences. 12, 20.
  • Singer NR, Murphey M, Tennant KL. (1993) Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology. New York: Macmillan.
  • Slater MR, Sewell DF. (1994). An examination of the cohesion-performance relationship in university hockey teams. Journal of Sports Sciences, 12, 423-431.
  • Spink KS. (1990). Group cohesion and collective efficacy of voleybol teams. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,12, 301-311.
  • Kazak Z. (2004). “Sporda Güdülenme Ölçeği –SGÖ
  • “nin Türk Sporcular İçin Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik
  • Çalışması. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15 (4), 191-206
  • Wann LD. (1997). Sport Psychology, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, Inc.
  • Widmeyer WN, Williams JM. (1991). Predicting cohesion in a coacting sport. Small Group Research, 22, 548-570.
  • Williams JM, Widmeyer WN. (1991). The cohesion- performance outcome relationship in a coacting sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13, 364-371.
  • Zaichkowsky LD, Baltzell A. (2001). Arousal and Performance. (RN Singer, HJ Hansenblas ve C Janelly, Der.). Handbook of Sport Psychology (2nd ed.), s.319- 334. New York: Wiley.

Başarılı ve Başarısız Hentbol Takımlarının Grup Sargınlığı, Kaygı, Güdülenme ve Yeterlik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 129 - 143, 01.06.2012


Bu çalışma, başarılı ve başarısız takımların Grup sargınlığı, Kaygı, Güdülenme düzeyi ve Yeterlik düzeylerini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmaya 2004-2005 yılında Türkiye Hentbol Erkekler Birinci Liginde ilk iki ve son iki sırada yer alan 4 takımdan toplam 51 oyuncu katılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Grup Sargınlığı Envanteri, Yarışma Durumluk Kaygı Envanteri-2, Yarışma Kaygı Testi, Sporda Güdülenme Ölçeği, Öz-yeterlik Ölçeği ve Kolektif Yeterlik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçümler liginin ilk ve ikinci yarısında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler ve tekrarlı ölçümlerde iki faktörlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Birinci ve ikinci devre ölçümleri incelendiğinde; görev çekiciliği, sosyal çekicilik, görev bütünlüğü, bilişsel kaygı, öz-yeterlik ve kolektif yeterlik, içsel motivasyon ve dışsal motivasyon boyutları açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna karşın, sosyal bütünlük, bedensel kaygı, kendine güven ve amotivasyon boyutlarında birinci ve ikinci ölçümler arasında anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır. Başarılı ve başarısız hentbol takımlarının birinci ölçümden ikinci ölçüme kadar Sosyal çekicilik, Görev bütünlüğü, Sosyal bütünlük, Bilişsel kaygı, Kendine güven, Sürekli yarışma kaygısı, Kolektif yeterlik puanlarında meydana gelen değişim ise anlamlı bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, takımların lig sıralamasındaki yerine ve zamana göre de sargınlık, kaygı, yeterlik ve motivasyon düzeyleri değişebilmektedir


  • Bandura
  • A. (1977). Self efficacy: Toward a unifiying
  • theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review. 84, 191-215.
  • Carron AV, Widmeyer WN, Brawley LR. (1985). The development of ınstrument to assess cohesion in sport teams: The group environment questionnaire. Journal of Sport Psychology, 7, 244-266.
  • Carron AV, Prapaessis H. (1997). Self-presentation and group influence. Small Group Research, 28, 500- 516. 4. Carron AV, Hausenblas HA. (1998). Group Dynamics in Sport (2nd ed.) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.
  • Carron AV, Widmeyer WN, Brawley LR. (1998). The meuserement of cohesiveness in sport groups. (JL Duda, Der.), Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology Measurment (pp. 213-226). Morganton, WV: Fitness Information Technology.
  • Carron AV, Bray RS, Eys AM. (2002). Team cohesion and team success in sport. Journal of Sport Sciences. 20, 119-126
  • Collins D. (1995). Psychophsiology and sport 18. Koruç, Z. (1998). Spor Bilimleri V. Kongresi: CSAI- performance. (SJ Biddle, Der.) European Perspective on Exercise and Sport Psychology, s.154-178. Champaing, IL, Human Kinetics.
  • Davids K, Nutter A. (1988). The cohesion-performance relationship of English national league volleybol teams. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 15, 205-213.
  • Deci EL, Ryan RM. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self Determination in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Eren E. (2001). Örgütsel Davranış ve Yönetim Psikolojisi (7. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • Festinger L, Schachter S, Back K. (1950). Social Pressures in İnformal Groups: A Study of Human Factors Inhousting. New York: Harper Row.
  • Feltz LD, Lirgg DC. (1998). Perceived team and player efficacy in hockey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83- 4, 557-564.
  • Gill DL. (1986). Psychological Dynamics of Sport. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publisher Inc.
  • Grieve FG, Whealan JP, Meyers AW. (2000). An experimental examination of the cohesion- performance relationship in an interactive team sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 12, 219-235
  • Hogg MA. (1992). The Social Psychology of Group Cohesiveness: From Attraction to Social İdentity, London: Harvester and Wheatscheaf..
  • Howell W, Dipboye R. (1986). Essential of industrial organizational psychology (3rd Ed.) Chicago: The Dorsey Pres..
  • Johnston WA. (1967). Individual performance and self-evaluation in a simulated team. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 2, 309-328 2’nin Türkiye Uyarlaması, Ön Çalışma I”.. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Martens R. (1977). Sport Competition Anxiety Test. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Martens R, Vealey RS, Burton D. (1990). Competetive Anxiety in Sports. Champaign: Human Kinetics Books.
  • Martin KA, Hall CR. (1997). Situational and interpersonal moderators of sport competion state anxiety. Journal of Sport Behavior, 20, 435-446.
  • Matheson H, Mathes S. (1997). The effect of winning and losing on female interactice and coactive team cohesion. Journal of Sport Behavior, 20 (3), 284-299.
  • Mudrack, PE. (1991). Defining group cohesiveness: A legacy of confusion? Small Group Bahavior, 21, 139-155.
  • Mullen B, Copper C. (1994). The relation between group cohesiveness and performance: An integration. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 210-227.
  • Öcel H. (2002). Takım sporu yapan oyuncularda kollektif yeterlik öz-yeterlik ve sargınlık ile başarı algı ve beklentileri arasındaki ilişkiler. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Öner N, Le Compte A. (1985). Süreksiz Durumluk/ Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Paskevich DM, Brawley LR, Dorsch LR, Widmeyer WN. (1995). Implications of indiviual and group level analyses apllied to the study of collective efficacy and cohesion. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 7, S- 95.
  • Pelletier LG, Fortier MS, Vallerand RJ, Tuson KM, Briere NM, Blais MR. (1995). Toward a new measurement of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation in sports: The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS). Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17, 35-53.
  • Riggs ML, Warka J, Babasa B, Betancour R, Hooker S. (1994). Development and validation of self-efficacy and outcome expectancy scales for job- related applications. Educational and Psychological Measuurement, 54, 793-802.
  • Shanghi GM, Carron AV. (1987). Group cohesion and its relationship with performance and satisifaction among high school basketball players. Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences. 12, 20.
  • Singer NR, Murphey M, Tennant KL. (1993) Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology. New York: Macmillan.
  • Slater MR, Sewell DF. (1994). An examination of the cohesion-performance relationship in university hockey teams. Journal of Sports Sciences, 12, 423-431.
  • Spink KS. (1990). Group cohesion and collective efficacy of voleybol teams. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,12, 301-311.
  • Kazak Z. (2004). “Sporda Güdülenme Ölçeği –SGÖ
  • “nin Türk Sporcular İçin Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik
  • Çalışması. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15 (4), 191-206
  • Wann LD. (1997). Sport Psychology, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, Inc.
  • Widmeyer WN, Williams JM. (1991). Predicting cohesion in a coacting sport. Small Group Research, 22, 548-570.
  • Williams JM, Widmeyer WN. (1991). The cohesion- performance outcome relationship in a coacting sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13, 364-371.
  • Zaichkowsky LD, Baltzell A. (2001). Arousal and Performance. (RN Singer, HJ Hansenblas ve C Janelly, Der.). Handbook of Sport Psychology (2nd ed.), s.319- 334. New York: Wiley.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Serdar Kocaekşi Bu kişi benim

Ziya Koruç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kocaekşi, S., & Koruç, Z. (2012). Başarılı ve Başarısız Hentbol Takımlarının Grup Sargınlığı, Kaygı, Güdülenme ve Yeterlik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(3), 129-143.



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