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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 1 - 18, 01.02.2005



  • Ariens, G.A.M., Mechelen, W.V., Kemper,
  • H.C.G. & Twisk, J.W.R. (1997).
  • The longitudinal development of
  • running economy in males and fe—
  • males aged between 13—27 years:
  • The Amsterdam growth and he
  • alth study. Eur. J. Appi. Physiol. 76; 214-220.
  • Armstrong, N. & Welsman, J.H. (1994). As
  • sessment and interpretation of
  • aerobic fitness in children and
  • adolescents. Exercise Sports Sci
  • ence Rev. 22; 435—476.
  • Berg, A., Kim, S.S. & Keul, J. (1986). Skeletal muscle enzyme activities in he- althy young subjects. Int. J. Sports Med. 7; 236-39.
  • Billat, L.V.. Gratas—Delamarche, A., Monnier,
  • M. & Delamarche, P. (1995). A test
  • to approach maximal lactate ste—
  • ady—state in 12—year old boys and
  • girls. Arch Physiol Biochem. 103(1); 65—72.
  • Billat, L.V. (1996). Use of blood lactate me- asurements for prediction of exer- cise performance and for control of training "Recommendations for long—distance running". Sports Med. Sep; 22(3); 157-172.
  • Bishop, D. (2001). Evaluation of the accus- port lactate analyser. Int. J. Sports Med. 22(7); 525-530.
  • Boisseau, N. & Delemarche, P. (2000). Meta- bolicand hormonal responses to exercise in children and adoles- cents. Sports Med. .Dec: 30(6), 405—422.
  • Borms, J. (1986). The child and exercise: an overview. J. and Sports Sci. 4, 3- 20.
  • Cooper, D.M., Weiler—Ravell, D., Whipp, B.J. & Wasserman, K. (1984). Aerobic
  • parameters of exercise as a func
  • tion of body size during growth in
  • children. J. Appl. Physiol. 56 (3); 628-34.
  • Cumming, GR., Hastman, L., McCort, J. &
  • McCullough, S. (1980). High se
  • rum lactates do occur in children
  • after maximal work. Int. J. Sports Med. 1; 66—69.
  • Cunningham, L.N. (1.990). Relationship of running economy, ventilatory threshold, and maximal 02 con- sumption to running performance in high school females. Res. Q. 61; 369—74.
  • Faria, l.E., Faria, E.W., Roberts, 8. & Yoshi— mura, D. (1989). Comparisi‘on of physical and physiological cha- racteristics in elite young and ma- ture cyclists. Res. Q. 60; 388-95.
  • Fournier, M., Ricci, J., Taylor, A.W., Fergu- son, R.J., Montpetit, R.R. & Chait- man, B.R. (1982). Skeletal muscle adaptation in adolescent boys: sprint and endurance training and detraining. Med. Sci. Exerc. 14; 453-56.
  • Haralambie, G. (1982). Enzyme activities in skeletal muscle of 13—15 year old adolescents. Bul. Eur. Physio. Respir. 18 (1); 65—74.
  • Maglischo, W.E. (1993). Swimming Even Faster. California Mayfield Pup.Company.
  • Mahon, A_D. & Vaccaro, P. (1989). Ventilatory threshold and V02max changes in children following endurance training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 21; 425-31.
  • Naughton, G., Farpour—Lambert, N.J., Carl- son, J., Bradney, M. & VanPraagh, E. (2000). Physiological issues surrounding the performance of adolescent athletes. Sports Med. Nov: 30(5); 309—325.
  • Nudel, D.B., Hasset, l., Gurian, A., Diamant, S., Weinhouse, E. & Gootman, N. (1989). Young long distance run- ners. Physiological and psycholo— gical characteristics. Clin. Pediat- rics 28 (1); 500-05.
  • Paterson, D.H., McLellan T.M., Stella RS. & Cunningham D.A. (1987). Longitu— dinal study of ventilation threshold and maximal 02 uptake in athletic boys. J. Appl. Phys. 62 (5); 2051- 2057.
  • Pfitzinger, P. & Freedson P. (1997a). Blood lactate responses to exercise in children: Part 1. Peak lactate con- centration. Pediatric Exercise Sci- ence. 9(3); 210-222.
  • Pfitzinger, P. & Freedson P. (1997b). Blood lactate responses to exercise in children: Part 2. Lactate thres- hold. Pediatric Exercise Science. 9(4); 299—307.
  • Pinnington, H. & Dawson, B. (2001). Exami— nation of the validity and reliability of the accusport blood lactate analyser. J. Sci. Med. Sport. 4(1); 129-38.
  • Reybrouck, T., Weymans, M., Stijns, H., Knops. J. & VanderHauwaert, L. (1985). Ventilatory anaerobic threshold in healthy children. Age and sex differences. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 54 (3); 278-84. _
  • Howland, T.W. (1993). Peidatn'c Laboratory Exercise Testing. Champaign. IL., Human Kinetics.
  • Rowland, T.W. (1996). Developmental Exer- cise Physiology. Champaign. IL., Human Kinetics.
  • Weymans. M., Heybrouck, T., Stijins, H. & Knops, J. (1985). influence of age and sex on the ventilatory anaero- bic threshold in children. ln Bink- horst HA (Eds). Children and exer- cise XI. Champaign, IL.; Human Kinetics; 114-18.
  • Williams, J.H., Armstrong. N. (1991). The inf- luence of age and sexual matura- 18


Yıl 2005, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 1 - 18, 01.02.2005


"m gdzIEunetHIEn bir galişım aüraui için- garu; danalrlard—a alda adilan fizikaal l..-a- I:.Ia almalarıdır. G-alişım eeııi semaları 51:9- üz'rnlüıih: venlerin. aelışmin devam et- rır ı..-e apurtıl antrenmanın DU çalışın-ı su— meal naüanıyla uygun şakıma analım ı..-a reçıerini ışlııılıele alarak düzenlenmesi degerlendlrllrr'ıaalnln araştırmacılar lara- ışızıcuğıuı'ı eaglılılı gelişim ve rap-uml gala lınaan arableı'ı'ılı I::ılr Hanu aidugu aıle ga


  • Ariens, G.A.M., Mechelen, W.V., Kemper,
  • H.C.G. & Twisk, J.W.R. (1997).
  • The longitudinal development of
  • running economy in males and fe—
  • males aged between 13—27 years:
  • The Amsterdam growth and he
  • alth study. Eur. J. Appi. Physiol. 76; 214-220.
  • Armstrong, N. & Welsman, J.H. (1994). As
  • sessment and interpretation of
  • aerobic fitness in children and
  • adolescents. Exercise Sports Sci
  • ence Rev. 22; 435—476.
  • Berg, A., Kim, S.S. & Keul, J. (1986). Skeletal muscle enzyme activities in he- althy young subjects. Int. J. Sports Med. 7; 236-39.
  • Billat, L.V.. Gratas—Delamarche, A., Monnier,
  • M. & Delamarche, P. (1995). A test
  • to approach maximal lactate ste—
  • ady—state in 12—year old boys and
  • girls. Arch Physiol Biochem. 103(1); 65—72.
  • Billat, L.V. (1996). Use of blood lactate me- asurements for prediction of exer- cise performance and for control of training "Recommendations for long—distance running". Sports Med. Sep; 22(3); 157-172.
  • Bishop, D. (2001). Evaluation of the accus- port lactate analyser. Int. J. Sports Med. 22(7); 525-530.
  • Boisseau, N. & Delemarche, P. (2000). Meta- bolicand hormonal responses to exercise in children and adoles- cents. Sports Med. .Dec: 30(6), 405—422.
  • Borms, J. (1986). The child and exercise: an overview. J. and Sports Sci. 4, 3- 20.
  • Cooper, D.M., Weiler—Ravell, D., Whipp, B.J. & Wasserman, K. (1984). Aerobic
  • parameters of exercise as a func
  • tion of body size during growth in
  • children. J. Appl. Physiol. 56 (3); 628-34.
  • Cumming, GR., Hastman, L., McCort, J. &
  • McCullough, S. (1980). High se
  • rum lactates do occur in children
  • after maximal work. Int. J. Sports Med. 1; 66—69.
  • Cunningham, L.N. (1.990). Relationship of running economy, ventilatory threshold, and maximal 02 con- sumption to running performance in high school females. Res. Q. 61; 369—74.
  • Faria, l.E., Faria, E.W., Roberts, 8. & Yoshi— mura, D. (1989). Comparisi‘on of physical and physiological cha- racteristics in elite young and ma- ture cyclists. Res. Q. 60; 388-95.
  • Fournier, M., Ricci, J., Taylor, A.W., Fergu- son, R.J., Montpetit, R.R. & Chait- man, B.R. (1982). Skeletal muscle adaptation in adolescent boys: sprint and endurance training and detraining. Med. Sci. Exerc. 14; 453-56.
  • Haralambie, G. (1982). Enzyme activities in skeletal muscle of 13—15 year old adolescents. Bul. Eur. Physio. Respir. 18 (1); 65—74.
  • Maglischo, W.E. (1993). Swimming Even Faster. California Mayfield Pup.Company.
  • Mahon, A_D. & Vaccaro, P. (1989). Ventilatory threshold and V02max changes in children following endurance training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 21; 425-31.
  • Naughton, G., Farpour—Lambert, N.J., Carl- son, J., Bradney, M. & VanPraagh, E. (2000). Physiological issues surrounding the performance of adolescent athletes. Sports Med. Nov: 30(5); 309—325.
  • Nudel, D.B., Hasset, l., Gurian, A., Diamant, S., Weinhouse, E. & Gootman, N. (1989). Young long distance run- ners. Physiological and psycholo— gical characteristics. Clin. Pediat- rics 28 (1); 500-05.
  • Paterson, D.H., McLellan T.M., Stella RS. & Cunningham D.A. (1987). Longitu— dinal study of ventilation threshold and maximal 02 uptake in athletic boys. J. Appl. Phys. 62 (5); 2051- 2057.
  • Pfitzinger, P. & Freedson P. (1997a). Blood lactate responses to exercise in children: Part 1. Peak lactate con- centration. Pediatric Exercise Sci- ence. 9(3); 210-222.
  • Pfitzinger, P. & Freedson P. (1997b). Blood lactate responses to exercise in children: Part 2. Lactate thres- hold. Pediatric Exercise Science. 9(4); 299—307.
  • Pinnington, H. & Dawson, B. (2001). Exami— nation of the validity and reliability of the accusport blood lactate analyser. J. Sci. Med. Sport. 4(1); 129-38.
  • Reybrouck, T., Weymans, M., Stijns, H., Knops. J. & VanderHauwaert, L. (1985). Ventilatory anaerobic threshold in healthy children. Age and sex differences. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 54 (3); 278-84. _
  • Howland, T.W. (1993). Peidatn'c Laboratory Exercise Testing. Champaign. IL., Human Kinetics.
  • Rowland, T.W. (1996). Developmental Exer- cise Physiology. Champaign. IL., Human Kinetics.
  • Weymans. M., Heybrouck, T., Stijins, H. & Knops, J. (1985). influence of age and sex on the ventilatory anaero- bic threshold in children. ln Bink- horst HA (Eds). Children and exer- cise XI. Champaign, IL.; Human Kinetics; 114-18.
  • Williams, J.H., Armstrong. N. (1991). The inf- luence of age and sexual matura- 18
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Alper Güvenç Bu kişi benim

Rıdvan Çolak Bu kişi benim

Caner Açıkada Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güvenç, A., Çolak, R., & Açıkada, C. (2005). 12-15 YAŞ ARASI ANTRENMANLI ÇOCUKLARDA CİNSİYET VE YAŞIN LAKTAT VE KALP ATIM HIZI CEVAPLARINA ETKİSİ. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(1), 1-18.



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