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Evrensel Hizmetlerin Sunulduğu Piyasalarda Serbestleştirme ve Özelleştirme: Ekonomik Etkinlik Açısında Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 16, 177 - 190, 01.12.2012


Bu çalışmada, evrensel hizmetlerin sunulduğu doğal tekellerde mülkiyetin kamudan özel sektöre devredilmesinin ekonomik etkinliği artırıp artırmadığı ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, mülkiyet değişikliğinin ekonomik etkinliği artırmama nedenleri ve teşebbüslerin kamu mülkiyetinde kalmasının faydaları ortaya konulmuştur. Rekabete açılan doğal tekellerde, hizmet sunumunun en azından bir kısmının kamu mülkiyetindeki teşebbüsler eliyle olmasının etkinlik açısından daha uygun olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır


  • AKILLIOĞLU, E. (2005), "Avrupa Topluluğu Kamu Hizmeti Yükümlülükleri ile Genel Ekonomik Yarar Hizmetleri Kavramları Üzerine Notlar…", Rekabet Dergisi, Sayı:21, s.22-57.
  • ATİYAS, İ. (2000), "Rekabet Politikasının İktisadi Temelleri Üzerine Düşünceler", Rekabet Dergisi, Sayı:1, s.24-45.
  • ATİYAS, İ. ve B. Oder (2008), Türkiye'de Özelleştirmenin Hukuk ve Ekonomisi, TEPAV, Ankara.
  • BAUMOL, W. J., J. C. Panzar ve R. D. Willig (1982), Contestable Markets and Theory of Industry Structure, Harcourt Brace Javonovich, New York.
  • BEL, G., X. Fageda ve M. E. Warner (2010), "Is Private Production of Public Services Cheaper Than Public Production? A MetaRegression Analysis of Solid Waste and Water Services", Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol:29, No:3, p.553–577.
  • BORTOLOTTI, B., J. D’Souza, M. Fantini ve W. L. Megginson (2002), "Privatization and the Sources of Performance Improvement in the Global Telecommunications Industry", Telecommunications Policy, Vol:26, No:5-6, p.243-268.
  • BOYLAUD, O. ve G. Nicoletti (2001), "Regulation, Market Structure and Performance in Telecommunications", OECD Economic Studies, No:32, p.99-142.
  • BRANDAO, A. ve S. Castro (2007), "State-Owned Enterprises as Indirect Instruments of Entry Regulation", Journal of Economics, Vol:92, No:3, p.263-274.
  • CHAMBERLIN, E. (1962), The Theory of Monopolistic Competition: A Reorientation of the Theory of Value, MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  • CREMER, H., F. Gasmi, A. Grimaud ve J.J. Laffont (1998), The Economics of Universal Service: Theory, The Economic Development Institute of the World Bank.
  • CREMER, H., M. Marchand ve J. Francois (1989), "The Public Firm as an Instrument for Regulating an Oligopolistic Market", Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol:41, No:2, p.283-301.
  • DE FRAJA, G. ve F. Delbono (1989), "Alternative Strategies of A Public Enterprise in Oligopoly", Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol:41, No:2, p.302-311.
  • DEMSETZ, H. (1968), "Why Regulate Utilities?", Journal of Law and Economies, Vol:11, No:1, p.55-65.
  • EMEK, U. (2003), Posta Hizmetlerinin Serbestleştirilmesi - Özelleştirme, Rekabet ve Regülâsyon-, DPT Yayın No: 2672, Ankara.
  • GARVIE, D. ve R. Ware (1996), "Public Firms as Regulatory Instruments with Cost Uncertainty", The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol:29, No:2, p.357-378.
  • GREEN, R. (1999), "Draining the Pool: The Reform of Electricity Trading in England and Wales", Energy Policy, Vol:27, No:9, p.515-525.
  • GUTIERREZ, L. H. ve S. Berg (2000), "Telecommunications Liberalization and Regulatory Governance: Lessons from Latin America", Telecommunications Policy, Vol:24, No:10-11, p.865-884.
  • HARRIS, R. G. ve E. G. Wiens (1980), "Government Enterprise: An Instrument for the Internal Regulation of Industry", The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol:13, No:1, p.125-132.
  • HAUSMAN, W. J. ve J. L. Neufeld (1991), "Property Rights Versus Public Spirit: Ownership and Efficiency of U.S. Electric Utilities Prior to Rate-of-Return Regulation", The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol:73, No:3, p.414-423.
  • JAMES, E. J. (1887), "The Relation of the Modern Municipality to the Gas Supply", Publications of the American Economic Association, Vol:1, No:2/3, p.7-76.
  • KAY, J. A. ve D. J. Thompson (1986), "Privatization: A Policy in Search of a Rationale", The Economic Journal, Vol:96, No:381, p.18-32.
  • LAFFONT, J. J. ve J. Tirole (1991), "Privatization and Incentives", Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Vol:7 (Special Issue), p.84105.
  • LI, W. ve L. C. Xu (2004), "The Impact of Privatization and Competition in the Telecommunications Sector around the World", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol:47, No:2, p.395-430.
  • MILGROM, P. (1996), "Procuring Universal Service: Putting Auction Theory to Work", Lecture at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.
  • MULHOLLAND, K. (2002), "Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath-Water: Managers and Managerialism in the Post-Privatised Utilities", Capital&Class, No:77, p.53-87.
  • NEWBERY, D. M. (2001), Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities, MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • OĞUZ, F. (2001), "Hukuk ve Ekonomi Yaklaşımı Üzerine", Ed. A. Ulusoy, Uluslararası Tahkim ve Kamu Hizmeti, Liberte, Ankara, s.176-210.
  • ONAR, S. S. (1996), İdare Hukukunun Umumi Esasları, Cilt:1, 3. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • OUM, T. H., N. Adler ve C. Yu (2006), "Privatization, Corporatization, Ownership Forms and Their Effects on the Performance of the World’s Major Airports", Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol:12, No:3, p.109-121.
  • PARKER, D. ve C. Kirkpatrick (2005), "Privatisation in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence and the Policy Lessons", Journal of Development Studies, Vol:41, No:4, p.513-541.
  • POSNER, R. A. (1999), Natural Monopoly and Its Regulation, Cato Institute, Washington.
  • RAMAMURTI, R. (1997), "Testing the Limits of Privatization: Argentine Railroads", World Development, Vol:25, No:12, p.1971-1993.
  • SOLAK, A.O. (2011), "Karayolu ve Demiryolu Ulaşım Sistemlerinin Ekonomik Etkinlik Analizi", Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • TANDIRCIOĞLU, H. (2002), "Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Özelleştirme", Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt:4, Sayı:3, s.198-226.
  • TAUSSIG, F. W. (1906), "The Love of Wealth and the Public Service", Publications of the American Economic Association, 3rd Series, Vol:7, No:1, p.1-23.
  • UĞUZ, H. E. (2010), "Devlet-Piyasa İkileminde Evrensel Hizmet Anlayışı", Ed. A. H. Aydın, İ. E. Taş, M. Kılıç ve Z. Gül, Küreselleşme Karşısında Kamu Yönetimi ve Hizmeti, Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Yayını, Kahramanmaraş, s.63-76.
  • VICKERS, J. ve G. Yarrow (1988), Privatization: An Economic Analysis, MA: MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • WALLSTEN, S. J. (2001), "An Econometric Analysis of Telecom Competition, Privatization, and Regulation in Africa and Latin America", The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol:49, No:1, p.119.
  • WILLNER, J. ve D. Parker (2007), "The Performance of Public and Private Enterprise under Conditions of Active and Passive Ownership and Competition and Monopoly", Journal of Economics, Vol:90, No:3, p.221-253.
  • YARROW, G., M. King, J. Mairesse ve J. Melitz (1986), "Privatization in Theory and Practice", Economic Policy, Vol:1, No:2, p.323-377.
  • YUNOS, J. M. ve D. Hawdon (1997), "The Efficiency of the National Electricity Board in Malaysia: An Intercountry Comparison Using DEA", Energy Economics, Vol:19, No:2, p.255-269.
  • ZHANG, Y. F., D. Parker ve C. Kirkpatrick (2008), "Electricity Sector Reform in Developing Countries: An Econometric Assessment of the Effects of Privatization, Competition and Regulation", Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol:33, No:2, p.159-178.


Yıl 2012, Sayı: 16, 177 - 190, 01.12.2012


In this study, It is discussed whether the exchange of property from public to private sector in the natural monopolies, where the universal services are supplied, increases the economic efficiency or not. Thus, the reasons of property exchange for not increasing economic efficiency and the benefits of remaining the enterprises in the public ownership have been put forward. And it has been concluded that it would be more convenient to be done at least some part of the service delivery in terms of efficiency in the natural monopolies opened to competition, by means of state enterprises


  • AKILLIOĞLU, E. (2005), "Avrupa Topluluğu Kamu Hizmeti Yükümlülükleri ile Genel Ekonomik Yarar Hizmetleri Kavramları Üzerine Notlar…", Rekabet Dergisi, Sayı:21, s.22-57.
  • ATİYAS, İ. (2000), "Rekabet Politikasının İktisadi Temelleri Üzerine Düşünceler", Rekabet Dergisi, Sayı:1, s.24-45.
  • ATİYAS, İ. ve B. Oder (2008), Türkiye'de Özelleştirmenin Hukuk ve Ekonomisi, TEPAV, Ankara.
  • BAUMOL, W. J., J. C. Panzar ve R. D. Willig (1982), Contestable Markets and Theory of Industry Structure, Harcourt Brace Javonovich, New York.
  • BEL, G., X. Fageda ve M. E. Warner (2010), "Is Private Production of Public Services Cheaper Than Public Production? A MetaRegression Analysis of Solid Waste and Water Services", Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol:29, No:3, p.553–577.
  • BORTOLOTTI, B., J. D’Souza, M. Fantini ve W. L. Megginson (2002), "Privatization and the Sources of Performance Improvement in the Global Telecommunications Industry", Telecommunications Policy, Vol:26, No:5-6, p.243-268.
  • BOYLAUD, O. ve G. Nicoletti (2001), "Regulation, Market Structure and Performance in Telecommunications", OECD Economic Studies, No:32, p.99-142.
  • BRANDAO, A. ve S. Castro (2007), "State-Owned Enterprises as Indirect Instruments of Entry Regulation", Journal of Economics, Vol:92, No:3, p.263-274.
  • CHAMBERLIN, E. (1962), The Theory of Monopolistic Competition: A Reorientation of the Theory of Value, MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  • CREMER, H., F. Gasmi, A. Grimaud ve J.J. Laffont (1998), The Economics of Universal Service: Theory, The Economic Development Institute of the World Bank.
  • CREMER, H., M. Marchand ve J. Francois (1989), "The Public Firm as an Instrument for Regulating an Oligopolistic Market", Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol:41, No:2, p.283-301.
  • DE FRAJA, G. ve F. Delbono (1989), "Alternative Strategies of A Public Enterprise in Oligopoly", Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol:41, No:2, p.302-311.
  • DEMSETZ, H. (1968), "Why Regulate Utilities?", Journal of Law and Economies, Vol:11, No:1, p.55-65.
  • EMEK, U. (2003), Posta Hizmetlerinin Serbestleştirilmesi - Özelleştirme, Rekabet ve Regülâsyon-, DPT Yayın No: 2672, Ankara.
  • GARVIE, D. ve R. Ware (1996), "Public Firms as Regulatory Instruments with Cost Uncertainty", The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol:29, No:2, p.357-378.
  • GREEN, R. (1999), "Draining the Pool: The Reform of Electricity Trading in England and Wales", Energy Policy, Vol:27, No:9, p.515-525.
  • GUTIERREZ, L. H. ve S. Berg (2000), "Telecommunications Liberalization and Regulatory Governance: Lessons from Latin America", Telecommunications Policy, Vol:24, No:10-11, p.865-884.
  • HARRIS, R. G. ve E. G. Wiens (1980), "Government Enterprise: An Instrument for the Internal Regulation of Industry", The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol:13, No:1, p.125-132.
  • HAUSMAN, W. J. ve J. L. Neufeld (1991), "Property Rights Versus Public Spirit: Ownership and Efficiency of U.S. Electric Utilities Prior to Rate-of-Return Regulation", The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol:73, No:3, p.414-423.
  • JAMES, E. J. (1887), "The Relation of the Modern Municipality to the Gas Supply", Publications of the American Economic Association, Vol:1, No:2/3, p.7-76.
  • KAY, J. A. ve D. J. Thompson (1986), "Privatization: A Policy in Search of a Rationale", The Economic Journal, Vol:96, No:381, p.18-32.
  • LAFFONT, J. J. ve J. Tirole (1991), "Privatization and Incentives", Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Vol:7 (Special Issue), p.84105.
  • LI, W. ve L. C. Xu (2004), "The Impact of Privatization and Competition in the Telecommunications Sector around the World", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol:47, No:2, p.395-430.
  • MILGROM, P. (1996), "Procuring Universal Service: Putting Auction Theory to Work", Lecture at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.
  • MULHOLLAND, K. (2002), "Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath-Water: Managers and Managerialism in the Post-Privatised Utilities", Capital&Class, No:77, p.53-87.
  • NEWBERY, D. M. (2001), Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities, MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • OĞUZ, F. (2001), "Hukuk ve Ekonomi Yaklaşımı Üzerine", Ed. A. Ulusoy, Uluslararası Tahkim ve Kamu Hizmeti, Liberte, Ankara, s.176-210.
  • ONAR, S. S. (1996), İdare Hukukunun Umumi Esasları, Cilt:1, 3. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • OUM, T. H., N. Adler ve C. Yu (2006), "Privatization, Corporatization, Ownership Forms and Their Effects on the Performance of the World’s Major Airports", Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol:12, No:3, p.109-121.
  • PARKER, D. ve C. Kirkpatrick (2005), "Privatisation in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence and the Policy Lessons", Journal of Development Studies, Vol:41, No:4, p.513-541.
  • POSNER, R. A. (1999), Natural Monopoly and Its Regulation, Cato Institute, Washington.
  • RAMAMURTI, R. (1997), "Testing the Limits of Privatization: Argentine Railroads", World Development, Vol:25, No:12, p.1971-1993.
  • SOLAK, A.O. (2011), "Karayolu ve Demiryolu Ulaşım Sistemlerinin Ekonomik Etkinlik Analizi", Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • TANDIRCIOĞLU, H. (2002), "Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Özelleştirme", Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt:4, Sayı:3, s.198-226.
  • TAUSSIG, F. W. (1906), "The Love of Wealth and the Public Service", Publications of the American Economic Association, 3rd Series, Vol:7, No:1, p.1-23.
  • UĞUZ, H. E. (2010), "Devlet-Piyasa İkileminde Evrensel Hizmet Anlayışı", Ed. A. H. Aydın, İ. E. Taş, M. Kılıç ve Z. Gül, Küreselleşme Karşısında Kamu Yönetimi ve Hizmeti, Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Yayını, Kahramanmaraş, s.63-76.
  • VICKERS, J. ve G. Yarrow (1988), Privatization: An Economic Analysis, MA: MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • WALLSTEN, S. J. (2001), "An Econometric Analysis of Telecom Competition, Privatization, and Regulation in Africa and Latin America", The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol:49, No:1, p.119.
  • WILLNER, J. ve D. Parker (2007), "The Performance of Public and Private Enterprise under Conditions of Active and Passive Ownership and Competition and Monopoly", Journal of Economics, Vol:90, No:3, p.221-253.
  • YARROW, G., M. King, J. Mairesse ve J. Melitz (1986), "Privatization in Theory and Practice", Economic Policy, Vol:1, No:2, p.323-377.
  • YUNOS, J. M. ve D. Hawdon (1997), "The Efficiency of the National Electricity Board in Malaysia: An Intercountry Comparison Using DEA", Energy Economics, Vol:19, No:2, p.255-269.
  • ZHANG, Y. F., D. Parker ve C. Kirkpatrick (2008), "Electricity Sector Reform in Developing Countries: An Econometric Assessment of the Effects of Privatization, Competition and Regulation", Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol:33, No:2, p.159-178.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA27YD93DC
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Osman Solak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Solak, A. O. (2012). Evrensel Hizmetlerin Sunulduğu Piyasalarda Serbestleştirme ve Özelleştirme: Ekonomik Etkinlik Açısında Bir Değerlendirme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(16), 177-190.
