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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 13, 1 - 37, 01.06.2011


Musa Çelebi’nin Rumeli’ye geçiş öyküsü Osmanlı kaynaklarındaçok kısa ve önemsiz bir olay olarak sunulur. Bu olay Mehmed’inİsfendiyaroğlu ve Mircea ile yaptığı ittifakla gerçekleşmiş kabul ediliyor.Modern araştırmacılar da Osmanlı vakanüvislerinin anlatılarının etkisindekalmış görünüyorlar. Oysa yeni keşfedilen Bizans ve Latin kaynaklarıdurumun böyle olmadığını ve Musa’nın Rumeli’ye geçirilmesinin çok dahafazla sayıda bir müttefik grubunun ortak operasyonu olduğunu gösteriyor. Bumüttefikler, Bayezid’in şehzadeleri arasındaki mücadele dönemini kendiçıkarları doğrultusunda uzatmayı ve bu statükodan avantaj sağlamak isteyenHıristiyan ve Müslüman unsurlardı. Balkanlar ve Anadolu’daki aynı aktörlerbu ortak girişimlerini Osmanlı tarihinin başka dönemlerinde de tekrarladılarve başka Osmanlı taht-müddeilerini desteklediler. Bu bağlamda, Musa’nınRumeli macerası, Osmanlı vak’anüvistlerince(sanki)kasıtlı olarak ‘gizlenen’daha geniş cepheli Anadolu-Balkan ittifakının ortak eseridir


  • Aşıkpaşazade, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, Aşıkpaşazade Tarihi, Âlî Bey neşri, İstanbul, 1332.
  • Aşıkpaşazade, Osmanoğullarının Tarihi, yay. Kemal Yavuz-M.A.Yekta Saraç, Gökkubbe, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Diplomatarium Veneto-Levantinum, II (1899): 290
  • Dukas, Τουρκο-βυζαντινή Ιστορία, ed. V. Grecu, Bucuresti, 1958.
  • Gazawat-ı Sultan Murad bin Mehemmed Han, İzladi ve Varna Savaşları (1443-1444) Üzerinde Anonim Gazavatname, yay. Halil İnalcıkMevlüd Oğuz, Ankara, TTK, 1989.
  • Halkokondylis, L. Αποδείξεις Ιστοριών, ed. E. Darko, I-II, Budapest, 1922-
  • Hoca Sadeddin, "Tac ü’t-tevarih" c.I, sad. İsmet Parmaksızoğlu, MEB, İstanbul 1974.
  • İbn Bîbî, El Evamirü’l-Ala'iye fi’l-Umuri’l-Ala’iye (Selçuk Name) ΙΙ, ed. Mürsel Öztürk, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, 1996.
  • İbn Bîbî, El Evamirü’l-Ala'iye fi’l-Umuri’l-Ala’iye (Selçuk Name) ΙΙ, ed. Adnan Sadık Erzi, TTK, Ankara, 1956.
  • Leben und Taten der türkischen Kaiser ... Die anonyme vulgärgriechische Chronik Codex Barberinianus Graecus 111 (Anonymus Zoras)., Bd 6: Graz-Wien-Köln, Verlag Styria (1971).
  • Chronique de Michel de Syrien, Pariarch Jacobite d’Antioche (1116-1119) II, ed. J.B.Chabot, Paris, 1905.
  • «Σύμμικτα: Επιστολή Μανουήλ Παλαιολόγου προς τους Σιεναίους» Neos Ellinomnimon 6 (1909).
  • Niketas Choniates, Historia, ed. I. Bekker, Bonn 1835.
  • Oruç b. Adil, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, ed. F. Babinger, Hannover, 1925.
  • Oruç b. Adil, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, 2. basım. Yay. Necdet Öztürk, Çamlıca Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Pachymeres, Histoire de Constantinople depuis le règne de l'ancien Justin jusqu’à la fin de l’Empire, Louis Cousin, Apris 1673.
  • Ruhi Çelebi, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, (Rûhî Târîhi.”), Belgeler, yay. Halil Erdoğan Cengiz ve Yaşar Yücel, Belgeler 14-18 (1989-92): 359- 472.
  • Şaraf al-Dīn Alī Yazdī, Zafar-nāmah, ed. Muhammad Abbāsī, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr, 1336/1957-58.
  • Şikarî, Karaman Oğulları Tarihi, ed. M. Mesud Koman, Konya Halkevi Yayınları, Konya, 1946.
  • Şikârî, Karamannâme [Zamanın kahramanı Karamanîler’in tarihi] yay. Metin Sözen, Necdet Sakaoğlu, Karaman Valiliği-Karaman Belediyesi, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Candidat Musa au Tröne Ottoman» Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, VI/ 10-11: 113-125.
  • Alexandrescu-Dersca, M. (1942). La Campagne de Timur en Anatolie (1402), Bucuresti.
  • Bakalopoulos, A.E. (1962). Les limites de l’empire byzantin depuis la fin du XIVe sibele jusqu’a sa chute (1453), Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 60: 56-65.
  • Bakalopulos, A.E. (1970). Origins of the Greek Nation, 1204-1461 I, tr. Ian Motes, New Brunswick.
  • Balfour, D. (1979). Politico-historical works of Symeon. Politico-Historical Works of Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica (1416/17 to 1429) Vienna.
  • Barker, J. (1969). Manuel II Paleologus (1391-1425): A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship. New Brunswick.
  • Bosworth, C.E. (1997). «Süleyman Çelebi» Encyclopedie of Islam 2. basım 9: 843.
  • Delaville le Roulx, J.M.A. (1886). France en Orient au XIVe siecle: Expeditions du marechal Boucicaut, I, Ernest Thorin, Paris.
  • Dennis, G. T. (1967). The Byzantine-Turkish Treaty of 1403, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 33: 72-88.
  • Djuric, I. (1996). Le Crépuscule de Byzance, Maisonneuve-Larose, Paris.Dölger, F. (1931). Johannes VII., Kaiser der Rhomäer 1390- 1408, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 31: 21-36.
  • Filipović, N. (1971). Princ Musa i Sejh Bedreddin, Sarajevo. Fine, A. (1987). The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late
  • Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Gautier, P. (1965). «Un Récit Inédit du Siège de Constantinople par les Turcs
  • (1394-1402)» Revue des Études byzantin 23 : 100–117. Gökbilgin, M.T. (1970). «Süleyman Çelebi» İslam Ansiklopeidisi 9: 179- 182.
  • Hammer-Purgstall, J.F. (1827) (1833). Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches,
  • Ι, Grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven. Pest.,
  • Hatzopoulos, D. (1995) Le premier siège de Constantinople par les Ottomans de 1394 à 1402, Montreal.
  • Heywood, C. (1993). «Mustafa I. Çelebi, Mustafa Düzme» Encyclopedia of Islam, Brill, 2. edition, VII: 710-712.
  • Heywood, C. (1993). «Mustafa Çelebi II. Küçük», » Encyclopedia of Islam, Brill, 2. edition, VII: 712-713.
  • Hurmuzaki, Eudoxiu de (1890). Documente privitóre la Istoria Românilor, C. Göbl, Bucharest : s. 429, belge cccliii.
  • Imber, C. (1990). The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1481, İsis, İstanbul.
  • Imber, C. (1993). Musa Çelebi, Encyclopedie of Islam, 2. basım, VII: 644- 646.
  • İnalcık, H. (1991). «Mehemmed I» Encyclopedie of Islam, 2. basım, VI: 973-978.
  • İnalcık, H. (1995). Η Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία- Η κλασική εποχή 1300- 1600, Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια, Atina.
  • İnalcık, H. (1973). The Ottoman Empire, The Classical Age, 1300-1600, N.Itzkowitz C. Imber, New York.
  • İnalcık, H. (1962). “The Rise of Ottoman Historiography” 152-167. Historians of the Middle East, ed. Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt, London, Oxford University Press: 152-167.
  • Ménage, V. L. (1962) “The Beginnings of Ottoman Historiography” Historians of the Middle East, ed. Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt, London, Oxford University Press: 168-79.
  • Imber, C. (2002). The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650: The Structure of Power.
  • Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York.
  • İnalcık, H. (1954). Ottoman Methods of Conquest, Studia Islamica, 2: 103- 129.
  • İnalcık, H. (1995). Fatih Devri üzerine Tetkikler ve Vesikalar I, 3. basım, TTK, Ankara.
  • İnalcık, H. (2009). Devlet-i Aliye. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Üzerine Araştırmalar I, Klasik Dönem (1302-1606) Siyasal, Kurumsal ve Ekonomik Gelişim, 4. basım, İstanbul.
  • Jireček, C. (1918) ve (1967). Geschichte der Serben (1371-1537) II, Gotha.
  • Jorga, N. (1908). Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches nach den Quellendargestellt, I, Gotha.
  • Jorga N. (1933). «Une inscription grecque sous le Sultan Mousa, 1407–1408 dans la région d’Ochrida» Revue Historique du Sud-Est Européen 10: 11-12.
  • Jorga, N. (1896, 1899-1900) «Notes et extraits pour servir à l’histoire des Croisades au XVe siècle» Revue de’l Orient Latin 4: Ι, 125-126, ΙΙΙ, 25-118, IV, 226-320, 503-622.
  • Kafadar, C. (1995). Between Two Worlds, 90-105. The Construction of the Ottoman State. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Kastritsis, D. (2007). The Sons of Bayezid: Empire Building and Representation in the Ottoman Civil War of 1402-1413, Brill, Leiden.
  • Κόλιας, Γ. (1952). Η ανταρσία Ιωάννου Ζ΄ Παλαιολόγου εναντίον Ιωάννου Ε΄ Παλαιολόγου (1390) Ελληνικά 12: 36-64.
  • Ksanthinakis, A. (2003). Η βασιλεία του Οθωμανικού Σουλτάνου Μουράτ Β (1421-1451), (Girit Üniversitesi yayınlanmamış doktora tezi), Rethymnon.
  • Loenertz, R. J. (1939). «La prèmiere insurrection d'Andronic IV Paleologue (1373) Essai du critique des sources» Echos d'Orient 38: 334-345.
  • Matschke, K. P. (1981). Die Schlacht bei Ankara und das Schicksal von Byzanz. Studien zur spätbyzantinischen Geschichte zwischen 1402 und 1422 Forschungen zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte 29, Weimar.
  • Ménage, V. L. (1962). “The Beginnings of Ottoman Historiography” Historians of the Middle East, ed. by Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt. London: Oxford University Press: 168-179.
  • Ménage, V. L. (1964). Neshri’s History of the Ottomans: The Sources and Development of the Text. London and New York: Oxford University Press: xii+86, özellikle 14.
  • Merçil, E.-Sevim, A. (1995). Büyük Selçuklu Devleti, Ankara. Nicol, D. (1972). The Last Centuries of Byzantium, London.
  • Oikonomides, Ν. (1984). Actes de Docheiariou, Lethielleux, Paris.
  • Ostrogorsky, G. (1997). Ιστορία του Βυζαντινού Κράτους (Geschichte des Byzantinische Staat), ΙΙΙ, Yunancaya çev. I. Panagopoulos, 5. basım, Αtina.
  • Ramsay, W. (1890). The Historical Geography of Asia Minor, Royal Geographical Society: Supplementary Papers iv, London.
  • Schreiner, P. Die Byzantinische Kleinchroniken, II, Wien, 1975-77 Taeschner, F. (1986). “Ankara” EI, I, 2. basım, Ankara: 509-511.
  • Stanojevic, St. (1896). Biographie die Biographie Stefan Lazarević’s von Konstantin dem Philosophen als Geschichtsquelle.” Archiv für Slavische Philologie 18: 409-72.
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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 13, 1 - 37, 01.06.2011


The history of Mousa Tschelebi’ transportation to Rumelia isconsidered as insignificant event in Ottoman sources in very short accounts.In addition, this event has been connected with the alliances which had beenmade among Mehmed, the rulers of Karaman and Sinope and Vlachianprince. Modern scholars seems to have been following the accounts ofOttoman chroniclers. However, the newly discovered Byzantine, Ottomanand Latin sources say otherwise. They reveal that in the transportation ofMousa to Rumelia was involved a common operation of a much greater number of allies. These allies were, in fact, the Christian and Muslim elements, whose target was to extend the duration of the struggles among the princes of Bajezid I in their own interest, and to take advantage of this statusquo. These same actors in the Balkans and Anatolia, revived this common attempt in the different periods of Ottoman history and they continued to provide support the other pretenders at the Ottoman side. In this conjection, Musa’s adventure in Rumelia is obviously co-production of a wider front of Anatolian-Balkanian allies, a fact which had been intentionally ‘hidden’ by Ottoman chroniclers.


  • Aşıkpaşazade, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, Aşıkpaşazade Tarihi, Âlî Bey neşri, İstanbul, 1332.
  • Aşıkpaşazade, Osmanoğullarının Tarihi, yay. Kemal Yavuz-M.A.Yekta Saraç, Gökkubbe, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Diplomatarium Veneto-Levantinum, II (1899): 290
  • Dukas, Τουρκο-βυζαντινή Ιστορία, ed. V. Grecu, Bucuresti, 1958.
  • Gazawat-ı Sultan Murad bin Mehemmed Han, İzladi ve Varna Savaşları (1443-1444) Üzerinde Anonim Gazavatname, yay. Halil İnalcıkMevlüd Oğuz, Ankara, TTK, 1989.
  • Halkokondylis, L. Αποδείξεις Ιστοριών, ed. E. Darko, I-II, Budapest, 1922-
  • Hoca Sadeddin, "Tac ü’t-tevarih" c.I, sad. İsmet Parmaksızoğlu, MEB, İstanbul 1974.
  • İbn Bîbî, El Evamirü’l-Ala'iye fi’l-Umuri’l-Ala’iye (Selçuk Name) ΙΙ, ed. Mürsel Öztürk, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, 1996.
  • İbn Bîbî, El Evamirü’l-Ala'iye fi’l-Umuri’l-Ala’iye (Selçuk Name) ΙΙ, ed. Adnan Sadık Erzi, TTK, Ankara, 1956.
  • Leben und Taten der türkischen Kaiser ... Die anonyme vulgärgriechische Chronik Codex Barberinianus Graecus 111 (Anonymus Zoras)., Bd 6: Graz-Wien-Köln, Verlag Styria (1971).
  • Chronique de Michel de Syrien, Pariarch Jacobite d’Antioche (1116-1119) II, ed. J.B.Chabot, Paris, 1905.
  • «Σύμμικτα: Επιστολή Μανουήλ Παλαιολόγου προς τους Σιεναίους» Neos Ellinomnimon 6 (1909).
  • Niketas Choniates, Historia, ed. I. Bekker, Bonn 1835.
  • Oruç b. Adil, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, ed. F. Babinger, Hannover, 1925.
  • Oruç b. Adil, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, 2. basım. Yay. Necdet Öztürk, Çamlıca Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Pachymeres, Histoire de Constantinople depuis le règne de l'ancien Justin jusqu’à la fin de l’Empire, Louis Cousin, Apris 1673.
  • Ruhi Çelebi, Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman, (Rûhî Târîhi.”), Belgeler, yay. Halil Erdoğan Cengiz ve Yaşar Yücel, Belgeler 14-18 (1989-92): 359- 472.
  • Şaraf al-Dīn Alī Yazdī, Zafar-nāmah, ed. Muhammad Abbāsī, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr, 1336/1957-58.
  • Şikarî, Karaman Oğulları Tarihi, ed. M. Mesud Koman, Konya Halkevi Yayınları, Konya, 1946.
  • Şikârî, Karamannâme [Zamanın kahramanı Karamanîler’in tarihi] yay. Metin Sözen, Necdet Sakaoğlu, Karaman Valiliği-Karaman Belediyesi, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Candidat Musa au Tröne Ottoman» Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, VI/ 10-11: 113-125.
  • Alexandrescu-Dersca, M. (1942). La Campagne de Timur en Anatolie (1402), Bucuresti.
  • Bakalopoulos, A.E. (1962). Les limites de l’empire byzantin depuis la fin du XIVe sibele jusqu’a sa chute (1453), Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 60: 56-65.
  • Bakalopulos, A.E. (1970). Origins of the Greek Nation, 1204-1461 I, tr. Ian Motes, New Brunswick.
  • Balfour, D. (1979). Politico-historical works of Symeon. Politico-Historical Works of Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica (1416/17 to 1429) Vienna.
  • Barker, J. (1969). Manuel II Paleologus (1391-1425): A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship. New Brunswick.
  • Bosworth, C.E. (1997). «Süleyman Çelebi» Encyclopedie of Islam 2. basım 9: 843.
  • Delaville le Roulx, J.M.A. (1886). France en Orient au XIVe siecle: Expeditions du marechal Boucicaut, I, Ernest Thorin, Paris.
  • Dennis, G. T. (1967). The Byzantine-Turkish Treaty of 1403, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 33: 72-88.
  • Djuric, I. (1996). Le Crépuscule de Byzance, Maisonneuve-Larose, Paris.Dölger, F. (1931). Johannes VII., Kaiser der Rhomäer 1390- 1408, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 31: 21-36.
  • Filipović, N. (1971). Princ Musa i Sejh Bedreddin, Sarajevo. Fine, A. (1987). The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late
  • Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Gautier, P. (1965). «Un Récit Inédit du Siège de Constantinople par les Turcs
  • (1394-1402)» Revue des Études byzantin 23 : 100–117. Gökbilgin, M.T. (1970). «Süleyman Çelebi» İslam Ansiklopeidisi 9: 179- 182.
  • Hammer-Purgstall, J.F. (1827) (1833). Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches,
  • Ι, Grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven. Pest.,
  • Hatzopoulos, D. (1995) Le premier siège de Constantinople par les Ottomans de 1394 à 1402, Montreal.
  • Heywood, C. (1993). «Mustafa I. Çelebi, Mustafa Düzme» Encyclopedia of Islam, Brill, 2. edition, VII: 710-712.
  • Heywood, C. (1993). «Mustafa Çelebi II. Küçük», » Encyclopedia of Islam, Brill, 2. edition, VII: 712-713.
  • Hurmuzaki, Eudoxiu de (1890). Documente privitóre la Istoria Românilor, C. Göbl, Bucharest : s. 429, belge cccliii.
  • Imber, C. (1990). The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1481, İsis, İstanbul.
  • Imber, C. (1993). Musa Çelebi, Encyclopedie of Islam, 2. basım, VII: 644- 646.
  • İnalcık, H. (1991). «Mehemmed I» Encyclopedie of Islam, 2. basım, VI: 973-978.
  • İnalcık, H. (1995). Η Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία- Η κλασική εποχή 1300- 1600, Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια, Atina.
  • İnalcık, H. (1973). The Ottoman Empire, The Classical Age, 1300-1600, N.Itzkowitz C. Imber, New York.
  • İnalcık, H. (1962). “The Rise of Ottoman Historiography” 152-167. Historians of the Middle East, ed. Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt, London, Oxford University Press: 152-167.
  • Ménage, V. L. (1962) “The Beginnings of Ottoman Historiography” Historians of the Middle East, ed. Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt, London, Oxford University Press: 168-79.
  • Imber, C. (2002). The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650: The Structure of Power.
  • Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York.
  • İnalcık, H. (1954). Ottoman Methods of Conquest, Studia Islamica, 2: 103- 129.
  • İnalcık, H. (1995). Fatih Devri üzerine Tetkikler ve Vesikalar I, 3. basım, TTK, Ankara.
  • İnalcık, H. (2009). Devlet-i Aliye. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Üzerine Araştırmalar I, Klasik Dönem (1302-1606) Siyasal, Kurumsal ve Ekonomik Gelişim, 4. basım, İstanbul.
  • Jireček, C. (1918) ve (1967). Geschichte der Serben (1371-1537) II, Gotha.
  • Jorga, N. (1908). Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches nach den Quellendargestellt, I, Gotha.
  • Jorga N. (1933). «Une inscription grecque sous le Sultan Mousa, 1407–1408 dans la région d’Ochrida» Revue Historique du Sud-Est Européen 10: 11-12.
  • Jorga, N. (1896, 1899-1900) «Notes et extraits pour servir à l’histoire des Croisades au XVe siècle» Revue de’l Orient Latin 4: Ι, 125-126, ΙΙΙ, 25-118, IV, 226-320, 503-622.
  • Kafadar, C. (1995). Between Two Worlds, 90-105. The Construction of the Ottoman State. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Kastritsis, D. (2007). The Sons of Bayezid: Empire Building and Representation in the Ottoman Civil War of 1402-1413, Brill, Leiden.
  • Κόλιας, Γ. (1952). Η ανταρσία Ιωάννου Ζ΄ Παλαιολόγου εναντίον Ιωάννου Ε΄ Παλαιολόγου (1390) Ελληνικά 12: 36-64.
  • Ksanthinakis, A. (2003). Η βασιλεία του Οθωμανικού Σουλτάνου Μουράτ Β (1421-1451), (Girit Üniversitesi yayınlanmamış doktora tezi), Rethymnon.
  • Loenertz, R. J. (1939). «La prèmiere insurrection d'Andronic IV Paleologue (1373) Essai du critique des sources» Echos d'Orient 38: 334-345.
  • Matschke, K. P. (1981). Die Schlacht bei Ankara und das Schicksal von Byzanz. Studien zur spätbyzantinischen Geschichte zwischen 1402 und 1422 Forschungen zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte 29, Weimar.
  • Ménage, V. L. (1962). “The Beginnings of Ottoman Historiography” Historians of the Middle East, ed. by Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt. London: Oxford University Press: 168-179.
  • Ménage, V. L. (1964). Neshri’s History of the Ottomans: The Sources and Development of the Text. London and New York: Oxford University Press: xii+86, özellikle 14.
  • Merçil, E.-Sevim, A. (1995). Büyük Selçuklu Devleti, Ankara. Nicol, D. (1972). The Last Centuries of Byzantium, London.
  • Oikonomides, Ν. (1984). Actes de Docheiariou, Lethielleux, Paris.
  • Ostrogorsky, G. (1997). Ιστορία του Βυζαντινού Κράτους (Geschichte des Byzantinische Staat), ΙΙΙ, Yunancaya çev. I. Panagopoulos, 5. basım, Αtina.
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA28BP82VZ
Bölüm Makaleler

Nilgün Elam Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 13

Kaynak Göster

APA Elam, N. (2011). MUSA ÇELEBİ’NİN RUMELİ’YE GEÇİŞİNDE HIRİSTİYAN AKTÖRLERİN ROLÜ (1403-1410). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(13), 1-37.
