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Yıl 2010, Sayı: 11, 123 - 139, 01.06.2010


Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, 1949 yılındaki Komünist Devrimin ardından, Çin Komünist Partisi tarafından, Mao ZEDONG liderliğinde kurulmuştur. 1949 yılından itibaren Çin ekonomisi iki büyük dönüşüm yaşamıştır. Bunlardan ilki, yeni demokratik ekonomiden sosyalist planlama ekonomisine geçiştir. Diğeri de sosyalist bir planlama ekonomisinden sosyalist bir piyasa ekonomisine geçiştir. Mao’nun 1976 yılında ölümünden sonra, Deng “Açık Kapı Politikasını” resmen yürürlüğe sokmuş, yabancı yatırımcılara kapıyı açmış ve dünyayla diplomatik ilişkileri iyileştirme çabası içine girmiştir. Çin ekonomisi 1980–2010 yılları arasında ortalama olarak %10 oranında büyüme kaydetmiştir. 1978 yılında ekonomik reformlar başladığından beri, Çinli liderler, Çin Halk Cumhuriyetinin üzerindeki yüksek kumandaya dayalı hükümet kontrolünü terk etmeksizin kapitalizmin getirilerinden yararlanmaya çalışmışlardır ki bunu da şimdiye kadar başarıyla gerçekleştirdikleri söylenebilir. Çin ekonomisi için en büyük sorun büyümenin istikrarsız, dengesiz, koordinasyonsuz ve sürdürülemez oluşudur


  • ALTUĞ, Yılmaz, (1995), Çin Sorunu, İstanbul, İ. Ü. Yayın No: 3848, Fakülte Yayın No: 548.
  • ANGRESANO, James, (2009), “The State of China’s Economy 2009”, Real- World Economıcs Review, Issue No 48.
  • ARORA, Vivek and Athanasios Vamvakidis, (2010), “China’s Economıc Growth: International Spillovers”, IMF Working Paper, WP\10\165, July, Erişim: http://www.ı
  • BACKGRAUND Notes on Countries of the World: People’s Republic of China, (2007), October 1, Erişim:
  • BALDACCI, Emanuele vd., (2010), “Public Expenditures on Social Programs and Household Consumption in China”, IMF Working Paper, WP\10\69 March, Erişim:
  • BARNETT, Steven and Ray Brooks (2010), “China: Does Government Healt and Education Spending Boost Consuption?” IMF Working Paper, WP\10\16, January, Erişim:
  • BAYOUMI, Tamim, Hui Tong and Shang-Jin Wei, (2010), “The Chinese Corporate Savings Puzzle: A Firm-Level Cross-Country Perspective”, IMF Working Paper,WP/10/275, Erişim:
  • BECKER,Jasper, (2007), Ejder Şahlanıyor, NTV Yayınları, 1. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • BENYA, Chuck, Chris Chan and Patricia Costa, (2005), “China: World Wide Pressure to Revalue the Yuan”, Pubpol 542 Internatıonal Financial Polıcy, Winter.
  • CHOW, Gregory C., (2003), Knowing China, Princeton, USA.
  • DEİK, (2009), “Çin Yükselişini Anlamak”, İstanbul, Erişim:
  • DUTTA, M., (2005), “China’s Industrial Revolution: Challenges for a Macroeconomıc Agenda”, Journal of Asian Economıcs, Volume 15, Issue 6, January.
  • DWYER, Wayne and Haydır Alhashimi (2005), “A Potted History of China’s Modern Economy” 1949–2004, Eco Date.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago, (2008), “China up Close: Understanding the Chinese Economy and Financial System”, Chigago Fed Letter, February , Number 247a, Essay on Issues,
  • FROMLET, Hubert, (2011), “The Global Financial Crisis-Outlook for China” 2010\2011, Erişim:
  • GUNDE, Richerd, (2004), “Hong Kong and Polıtıcal Change ın Chına: Let the Small Teach the Big”, Asian Institute, Erişim:
  • GUO, Kai and Papa N’Diaye, (2009), “Is China’s Export-Oriented Growth Sustainable”, IMF Working Paper, WP\09\172, Erişim:
  • HAMMER, Alexander, (2009), “China’s Growth Recession and Policy Response”, USITC Executive Briefings on Trade.
  • HAZELTON, Scott, (2010), “Chinese Growth”, Economıc Outlook. International Construction, January\ February.
  • HOLT, William H. Over, (2010), “China in the Global Financial Crisis: Rising Influence, Rising Challenges”, The Washington Quarterly, January.
  • IMF, “Chına-Growth and Economıc Reforms”, Annex I, 1997, Erişim: http://
  • KIRBY, William C. vd., (2009), “China in the Global Economy”, The Centennial Global Business Summit, Summit Report 2008, Harward Busıness School, Erişim:\Centennial
  • LIN, Z. Jun, (2000), “Asian Financial Crisis and Accounting Reforms in China”, Managerial Finance, Volume 26, Number 5.
  • Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of China, (2011), Brief Statistics on China’s Import and Export in December 2010, Erişim:
  • MORRISON, Wayne M., (2006), China’s Economıc Conditions, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, Erişim:
  • National Bureau of Statistics of China, (2011), Statistical Communique of the People’s Republic of China on the 2010 National Economic and Social Development, Erişim:
  • PALLEY, Thomas I., (2005), “China and the Global Economy”, Dollars and Sense, November 1, Erişim:
  • PERKINS, Dwight, (1994), “Completing China’s Move to the Market”, Journal of Economıc Perspectives, Volume 8, Number 2.
  • Perryman Group, (2010), China: “Sleeping Dragon” has Awakened as a World, Economıc Force, The Perryman Report August\Septer.
  • PING, Wang, (2005), “China in the World Economy”, IIAS News Letter, Erişim:
  • PORTER, Nathan, (2010), “Price Dynamics in China”, IMF Working Paper, WP\10\221, September, Erişim:
  • RAMO, J. Cooper, (2004), “China has Discovered its own Economic Consensus”, Foreign Policy Center, Erişim:
  • SIDDIGUI, Kalim, (2009), “Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India”, Research Applied Economies, Macrothink Institue, Volume 1. No 1:E3, Erişim:
  • The US-China Business Councıl, (2011), “Foreign Direct Investment in China”, Erişim:
  • YAO, Shujie and Minjia Chen, (2009), “Chinese Economy 2008: A Turbulent Year Amid the World Financial Crisis”, Briefing Series, Issue 47, The Unıversty of Nottingham China Policy Institute, Erişim:
  • YADAV, Manoj, (2010), “Foreign Direct Investment in China-Past, Present and Policies”, Erişim:
  • YASED, (2010,) “UNCTAD Dünya Yatırım Raporu”, İstanbul, Erişim:
  • ZENG, Douglas Zhihua, (2005), “China’s Employment Challenges and Strategies After the WTO Accession”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3522, Erişim:
  • WAYNE M. Morrison, (2006), “China’s Economıc Conditions”, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, January 12, Congressional Research Service.
  • YU-FENG, Zhou, (2010), “The Transformation of China’s Economıc and Goverment Functions”, Feb. Volume 9, No:2 (Serial No:80 ).


Yıl 2010, Sayı: 11, 123 - 139, 01.06.2010


People's Republic of China was established by the Chinese Communist Party under the leadership of Mao Zedong in 1949 after the communist revolution. China's economy has experienced two major transformations since 1949. The first of these, is transition from new democratic economy to socialist planning economy. The other is transition from socialist planning economy to a socialist market economy. In 1976, after the death of Mao, Deng, put "Open Door Policy" into practice officially and opened the door to foreign investors in an effort to improve diplomatic relations with the world. China's economy grew by 10% on average between 1980–2010. Chinese leaders have tried to benefit from capitalism without leaving the government control of capitalism based on the high returns and it can be said that they have been successful so far. The biggest problem of China's economy is unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable growth


  • ALTUĞ, Yılmaz, (1995), Çin Sorunu, İstanbul, İ. Ü. Yayın No: 3848, Fakülte Yayın No: 548.
  • ANGRESANO, James, (2009), “The State of China’s Economy 2009”, Real- World Economıcs Review, Issue No 48.
  • ARORA, Vivek and Athanasios Vamvakidis, (2010), “China’s Economıc Growth: International Spillovers”, IMF Working Paper, WP\10\165, July, Erişim: http://www.ı
  • BACKGRAUND Notes on Countries of the World: People’s Republic of China, (2007), October 1, Erişim:
  • BALDACCI, Emanuele vd., (2010), “Public Expenditures on Social Programs and Household Consumption in China”, IMF Working Paper, WP\10\69 March, Erişim:
  • BARNETT, Steven and Ray Brooks (2010), “China: Does Government Healt and Education Spending Boost Consuption?” IMF Working Paper, WP\10\16, January, Erişim:
  • BAYOUMI, Tamim, Hui Tong and Shang-Jin Wei, (2010), “The Chinese Corporate Savings Puzzle: A Firm-Level Cross-Country Perspective”, IMF Working Paper,WP/10/275, Erişim:
  • BECKER,Jasper, (2007), Ejder Şahlanıyor, NTV Yayınları, 1. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • BENYA, Chuck, Chris Chan and Patricia Costa, (2005), “China: World Wide Pressure to Revalue the Yuan”, Pubpol 542 Internatıonal Financial Polıcy, Winter.
  • CHOW, Gregory C., (2003), Knowing China, Princeton, USA.
  • DEİK, (2009), “Çin Yükselişini Anlamak”, İstanbul, Erişim:
  • DUTTA, M., (2005), “China’s Industrial Revolution: Challenges for a Macroeconomıc Agenda”, Journal of Asian Economıcs, Volume 15, Issue 6, January.
  • DWYER, Wayne and Haydır Alhashimi (2005), “A Potted History of China’s Modern Economy” 1949–2004, Eco Date.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago, (2008), “China up Close: Understanding the Chinese Economy and Financial System”, Chigago Fed Letter, February , Number 247a, Essay on Issues,
  • FROMLET, Hubert, (2011), “The Global Financial Crisis-Outlook for China” 2010\2011, Erişim:
  • GUNDE, Richerd, (2004), “Hong Kong and Polıtıcal Change ın Chına: Let the Small Teach the Big”, Asian Institute, Erişim:
  • GUO, Kai and Papa N’Diaye, (2009), “Is China’s Export-Oriented Growth Sustainable”, IMF Working Paper, WP\09\172, Erişim:
  • HAMMER, Alexander, (2009), “China’s Growth Recession and Policy Response”, USITC Executive Briefings on Trade.
  • HAZELTON, Scott, (2010), “Chinese Growth”, Economıc Outlook. International Construction, January\ February.
  • HOLT, William H. Over, (2010), “China in the Global Financial Crisis: Rising Influence, Rising Challenges”, The Washington Quarterly, January.
  • IMF, “Chına-Growth and Economıc Reforms”, Annex I, 1997, Erişim: http://
  • KIRBY, William C. vd., (2009), “China in the Global Economy”, The Centennial Global Business Summit, Summit Report 2008, Harward Busıness School, Erişim:\Centennial
  • LIN, Z. Jun, (2000), “Asian Financial Crisis and Accounting Reforms in China”, Managerial Finance, Volume 26, Number 5.
  • Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of China, (2011), Brief Statistics on China’s Import and Export in December 2010, Erişim:
  • MORRISON, Wayne M., (2006), China’s Economıc Conditions, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, Erişim:
  • National Bureau of Statistics of China, (2011), Statistical Communique of the People’s Republic of China on the 2010 National Economic and Social Development, Erişim:
  • PALLEY, Thomas I., (2005), “China and the Global Economy”, Dollars and Sense, November 1, Erişim:
  • PERKINS, Dwight, (1994), “Completing China’s Move to the Market”, Journal of Economıc Perspectives, Volume 8, Number 2.
  • Perryman Group, (2010), China: “Sleeping Dragon” has Awakened as a World, Economıc Force, The Perryman Report August\Septer.
  • PING, Wang, (2005), “China in the World Economy”, IIAS News Letter, Erişim:
  • PORTER, Nathan, (2010), “Price Dynamics in China”, IMF Working Paper, WP\10\221, September, Erişim:
  • RAMO, J. Cooper, (2004), “China has Discovered its own Economic Consensus”, Foreign Policy Center, Erişim:
  • SIDDIGUI, Kalim, (2009), “Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India”, Research Applied Economies, Macrothink Institue, Volume 1. No 1:E3, Erişim:
  • The US-China Business Councıl, (2011), “Foreign Direct Investment in China”, Erişim:
  • YAO, Shujie and Minjia Chen, (2009), “Chinese Economy 2008: A Turbulent Year Amid the World Financial Crisis”, Briefing Series, Issue 47, The Unıversty of Nottingham China Policy Institute, Erişim:
  • YADAV, Manoj, (2010), “Foreign Direct Investment in China-Past, Present and Policies”, Erişim:
  • YASED, (2010,) “UNCTAD Dünya Yatırım Raporu”, İstanbul, Erişim:
  • ZENG, Douglas Zhihua, (2005), “China’s Employment Challenges and Strategies After the WTO Accession”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3522, Erişim:
  • WAYNE M. Morrison, (2006), “China’s Economıc Conditions”, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, January 12, Congressional Research Service.
  • YU-FENG, Zhou, (2010), “The Transformation of China’s Economıc and Goverment Functions”, Feb. Volume 9, No:2 (Serial No:80 ).
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA28DG48CU
Bölüm Makaleler

Serdar Öztürk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, S. (2010). KÜRESEL EKONOMİK KRİZİN ÇİN EKONOMİSİNE ETKİLERİ: ÇİN’İN BÜYÜME STRATEJİSİNİN SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(11), 123-139.
