Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2000 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) tarafından düzenlenen ve 147 devlet ve hükümet başkanlarının da dahil olduğu, 189 ulusun temsilcilerinin katıldığı Binyıl Zirvesi sonucunda kabul edilen Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri (BKH’ler)’nin insan hakları ve demokrasi ile olan bağını ortaya koymaktır. Zirve sonunda ülkeler BKH’ler olarak belirlenen sekiz hedefe 2015 yılına kadar ulaşma kararı almışlardır. Çalışmada, kalkınmanın insan hakları ve demokrasi ile olan ilişkisi ortaya konulmakta ve BKH’ler bu ilişki üzerinden değerlendirilmektedir. BKH’lerdeki kalkınma yaklaşımı, insan hakları ve demokrasi bağlamında bütüncül bir yaklaşımla ele alınmadığından dolayı eleştirilmektedir
ACEMOGLU, D. (2003), The Form of Property Rights: Democratic Versus Oligarchic Societies, Mimeo Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
ACEMOGLU, D. ve J.A. Robinson (2006), Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ADEJUMOBI, S. (2000), “Between Democracy and Development in Africa: What are the Missing Links?”, Being a Paper Presented to the
bkz. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2005: 48–51.
Nitekim Brundtland Komisyonu da, sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın en önemli koşullarından birinin
“karar verme sürecine vatandaşların etkili biçimde katılmasını sağlamak” (WCED, 1987) olduğu
sonucuna varmıştır. World Bank Conference on Development Thinking in the Next Millennium, Paris 26–28 June 2000, Report Number: 28762, Vol: 1.
AFROBAROMETER NETWORK (2009), “Poverty Reduction, Economic Growth and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Afrobarometer Briefing Paper, No: 68, ss. 1–16.
ALGAN, B. (2007), Ekonomik, Sosyal ve Kültürel Hakların Korunması, Seçkin Yayınevi, Ankara.
BARRO, R.J. (1996) “Democracy and Growth”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol: 1, Number: 1, ss.1–27.
BESLEY, T., S. Coate ve T.W. Guinnane (2004), “Incentives, Information, and Welfare: England’s New Poor Law and the Workhouse Test”, Edt. T.W. Guinnane, W.A. Sundstrom ve W.C. Whatley, in History Matters Essays on Economic Growth, Technology, and Demographic Change, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
BOURGUIGNON, F. ve T. Verdier (2000), “Oligarchy, Democracy, Inequality and Growth”, Journal of Devevelopment Economics, Vol: 62, Issue: 2, ss.285–313.
BULUT, N. (2009), Sanayi Devriminden Küreselleşmeye Sosyal Haklar, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
CLARK, J. (1996), Kalkınmanın Demokratikleşmesi, Çev. Serpil Ural, Türkiye Çevre Vakfı Yayını, Ankara.
DOĞAN, A. (2005), “Demokrasi ve Ekonomik Gelişme”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı: 25, Temmuz – Aralık, ss.1–19.
DONNELLY, J. (1995), Teoride ve Uygulamada İnsan Hakları, Çev. Mustafa Erdoğan ve Levent Korkut, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara.
DEVLET PLANLAMA TEŞKİLATI (2005), Dokuzuncu Kalkınma Planı 2007–2013: Gelir Dağılımı ve Yoksullukla Mücadele Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Yayını, Ankara.
ELLIS, C.J. ve J. Fender (2009), “The Economic Evolution of Democracy”, Economics of Governance, Issue: 10, ss.119–145.
GORE, C. (2011), “The Global Development Cycle, MDGs and the Future of Poverty Reduction”, http://www.eadi.org/fileadmin/MDG _2015_Publications/Gore_ PAPER.pdf, 10.05.2011.
GRIFFIN, J. (2008), On Human Rights, Oxford University Press, New York, USA.
IŞIK, R. (2006), Azgelişmişlik Sorunu, Demokrasi Krizi ve İnsani Kalkınma Endeksine Göre Azgelişmiş Demokrasiler, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.
KARAGÜL, M. (2002), Beşeri Sermayenin Gelişmedeki Rolü ve Türkiye Boyutu, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Yayını, Afyon.
KHOO, S. (2005), “The Millennium Development Goals: A Critical Discussion”, Trocaire Development Review, Dublin, pp.43–56.
KOLLER, P. (1997), “The Scope of Human Rights”, Edt. W. Krawietz, E. Pattaro ve A.E. Tay, in Rule of Law: Political and Legal Systems in Transition, Duncker & Humblot Publishing, Berlin, ss.253–272.
MINIER, J.A. (1998), “Democracy and Growth: Alternative Approaches”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol: 3, Number: 2, ss.241–266.
OLCHONDRA, R.T. (2011), “7-Year Dev’t Plan Guide For Philippines Signed”,http://www.undp.org.ph/?link=news&newsid=518&fa=1 22.07.2011.
OLSON, M. (1993), “Dictatorship, Democracy and Development”, The American Political Science Review, Vol: 87, No: 3 (Nov), ss.567– 576.
PAPAIOANNOU, E. ve G. Siourounis (2004), “Economic and Social Factors Driving the Thirdwave of Democratization”, London Business School Economics Working Paper Series, No: DP 2004/21.
PEROTTI, R. (1996), “Growth, I ncome Distribution and Democracy: What The Data Say”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol:1, Number: 1, ss.149–187.
PERSSON, T. ve G. Tabellini (1994), “Is Inequality Harmful for Growth? Theory and Evidence”, American Economic Review, Vol: 84, No: 3, ss.600–621.
PRZEWORSKI, A. (2003), “Democracy and Economic Development”, Edt. E.D. Mansfield ve R. Sisson, in Political Science and the Public Interest, Ohio State University Press, Columbus.
RAN, H. (2000), “ “Negative” Rights vs. “Positive” Entitlements: A Comparative Study of Judicical Interpretations of Rights in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol: 22, Number: 4, (November), ss.1060–1098.
SAINT-PAUL, G. ve T. Verdier (1993), “Education, Democracy and Growth”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol: 42, No: 2, ss.399–407.
SEN, A. (1999), Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
TAVARES, J. ve R. Wacziarg (2001), “How Democracy Affects Growth”, European Economic Review, Vol: 45, Issue: 8, ss.1341–1378.
THE WORLD BANK (2011), Global Monitoring Report 2011 -Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs, The World Bank Publishing, Washington DC, USA.
UN -THE UNITED NATIONS (2000), 55/2. United Nations Millennium Declaration, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly, United Nations, New York, USA.
UN (2011), “Poverty”, http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/briefing/ poverty/poverty.pdf, 12.05.2011.
UNDP – THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (2000), Human Development Report 2000: Human Rights and Human Development, UNDP, New York, USA.
UNDP (2007), Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals: Making the Link, The Primer, Publication of HURITALK hosted by the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, Oslo.
UYGUN, O. (2000), “İnsan Hakları Kuramı”, Edt. K. Tankuter, içinde İnsan Hakları, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.13–44.
WCED -WORLD COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (1987), Our Common Future, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
WITTMAN, D. (1989), “Why Democracies Produce Efficient Results”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 97, No: 6, ss.1395–1424.
The purpose of this study is to determine that, relevance to human rights and democracy of Millennium Development Goals adopted as a result of the the Millennium Summit attended by the United Nations (UN) in 2000, and held by representatives of 189 nations including 147 the heads of state and government. Countries as a result of the Summit decided to reach the eight goals set as the MDGs by 2015. In the study, those are made that, reveals the relationship between development, human rights and democracy and the MDGs are assessed on this relation. The development approach in the MDGs is criticized because it is not handled with a holistic approach in the context of human rights and democracy
ACEMOGLU, D. (2003), The Form of Property Rights: Democratic Versus Oligarchic Societies, Mimeo Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
ACEMOGLU, D. ve J.A. Robinson (2006), Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ADEJUMOBI, S. (2000), “Between Democracy and Development in Africa: What are the Missing Links?”, Being a Paper Presented to the
bkz. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2005: 48–51.
Nitekim Brundtland Komisyonu da, sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın en önemli koşullarından birinin
“karar verme sürecine vatandaşların etkili biçimde katılmasını sağlamak” (WCED, 1987) olduğu
sonucuna varmıştır. World Bank Conference on Development Thinking in the Next Millennium, Paris 26–28 June 2000, Report Number: 28762, Vol: 1.
AFROBAROMETER NETWORK (2009), “Poverty Reduction, Economic Growth and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Afrobarometer Briefing Paper, No: 68, ss. 1–16.
ALGAN, B. (2007), Ekonomik, Sosyal ve Kültürel Hakların Korunması, Seçkin Yayınevi, Ankara.
BARRO, R.J. (1996) “Democracy and Growth”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol: 1, Number: 1, ss.1–27.
BESLEY, T., S. Coate ve T.W. Guinnane (2004), “Incentives, Information, and Welfare: England’s New Poor Law and the Workhouse Test”, Edt. T.W. Guinnane, W.A. Sundstrom ve W.C. Whatley, in History Matters Essays on Economic Growth, Technology, and Demographic Change, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
BOURGUIGNON, F. ve T. Verdier (2000), “Oligarchy, Democracy, Inequality and Growth”, Journal of Devevelopment Economics, Vol: 62, Issue: 2, ss.285–313.
BULUT, N. (2009), Sanayi Devriminden Küreselleşmeye Sosyal Haklar, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
CLARK, J. (1996), Kalkınmanın Demokratikleşmesi, Çev. Serpil Ural, Türkiye Çevre Vakfı Yayını, Ankara.
DOĞAN, A. (2005), “Demokrasi ve Ekonomik Gelişme”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı: 25, Temmuz – Aralık, ss.1–19.
DONNELLY, J. (1995), Teoride ve Uygulamada İnsan Hakları, Çev. Mustafa Erdoğan ve Levent Korkut, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara.
DEVLET PLANLAMA TEŞKİLATI (2005), Dokuzuncu Kalkınma Planı 2007–2013: Gelir Dağılımı ve Yoksullukla Mücadele Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Yayını, Ankara.
ELLIS, C.J. ve J. Fender (2009), “The Economic Evolution of Democracy”, Economics of Governance, Issue: 10, ss.119–145.
GORE, C. (2011), “The Global Development Cycle, MDGs and the Future of Poverty Reduction”, http://www.eadi.org/fileadmin/MDG _2015_Publications/Gore_ PAPER.pdf, 10.05.2011.
GRIFFIN, J. (2008), On Human Rights, Oxford University Press, New York, USA.
IŞIK, R. (2006), Azgelişmişlik Sorunu, Demokrasi Krizi ve İnsani Kalkınma Endeksine Göre Azgelişmiş Demokrasiler, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.
KARAGÜL, M. (2002), Beşeri Sermayenin Gelişmedeki Rolü ve Türkiye Boyutu, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Yayını, Afyon.
KHOO, S. (2005), “The Millennium Development Goals: A Critical Discussion”, Trocaire Development Review, Dublin, pp.43–56.
KOLLER, P. (1997), “The Scope of Human Rights”, Edt. W. Krawietz, E. Pattaro ve A.E. Tay, in Rule of Law: Political and Legal Systems in Transition, Duncker & Humblot Publishing, Berlin, ss.253–272.
MINIER, J.A. (1998), “Democracy and Growth: Alternative Approaches”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol: 3, Number: 2, ss.241–266.
OLCHONDRA, R.T. (2011), “7-Year Dev’t Plan Guide For Philippines Signed”,http://www.undp.org.ph/?link=news&newsid=518&fa=1 22.07.2011.
OLSON, M. (1993), “Dictatorship, Democracy and Development”, The American Political Science Review, Vol: 87, No: 3 (Nov), ss.567– 576.
PAPAIOANNOU, E. ve G. Siourounis (2004), “Economic and Social Factors Driving the Thirdwave of Democratization”, London Business School Economics Working Paper Series, No: DP 2004/21.
PEROTTI, R. (1996), “Growth, I ncome Distribution and Democracy: What The Data Say”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol:1, Number: 1, ss.149–187.
PERSSON, T. ve G. Tabellini (1994), “Is Inequality Harmful for Growth? Theory and Evidence”, American Economic Review, Vol: 84, No: 3, ss.600–621.
PRZEWORSKI, A. (2003), “Democracy and Economic Development”, Edt. E.D. Mansfield ve R. Sisson, in Political Science and the Public Interest, Ohio State University Press, Columbus.
RAN, H. (2000), “ “Negative” Rights vs. “Positive” Entitlements: A Comparative Study of Judicical Interpretations of Rights in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol: 22, Number: 4, (November), ss.1060–1098.
SAINT-PAUL, G. ve T. Verdier (1993), “Education, Democracy and Growth”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol: 42, No: 2, ss.399–407.
SEN, A. (1999), Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
TAVARES, J. ve R. Wacziarg (2001), “How Democracy Affects Growth”, European Economic Review, Vol: 45, Issue: 8, ss.1341–1378.
THE WORLD BANK (2011), Global Monitoring Report 2011 -Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs, The World Bank Publishing, Washington DC, USA.
UN -THE UNITED NATIONS (2000), 55/2. United Nations Millennium Declaration, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly, United Nations, New York, USA.
UN (2011), “Poverty”, http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/briefing/ poverty/poverty.pdf, 12.05.2011.
UNDP – THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (2000), Human Development Report 2000: Human Rights and Human Development, UNDP, New York, USA.
UNDP (2007), Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals: Making the Link, The Primer, Publication of HURITALK hosted by the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, Oslo.
UYGUN, O. (2000), “İnsan Hakları Kuramı”, Edt. K. Tankuter, içinde İnsan Hakları, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.13–44.
WCED -WORLD COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (1987), Our Common Future, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
WITTMAN, D. (1989), “Why Democracies Produce Efficient Results”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 97, No: 6, ss.1395–1424.
Akyıldız, F. (2011). BİNYIL KALKINMA HEDEFLERİ, İNSAN HAKLARI VE DEMOKRASİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(14), 39-60.