Thisresearch is a descriptivestudytoexaminethedigitalgameaddictions of secondaryschoolstudentsstudying in privateschoolsandtheirviews on digitalgames. Theresearchpopulationconsists of secondaryschoolstudentsstudying in privateschoolsaffiliatedto Gaziantep ProvincialDirectorate of NationalEducation, andthesamplegroupconsists of 350 (178 Girls, 172 Boys) studentsselected on a voluntarybasis. “Digital Game AddictionScaleforChildren” developedby Hazar and Hazar (2017) wasused as a datacollectiontool in theresearch. SPSS 22.0 program wasused in theanalysis of thedata. Itwasdeterminedthatthedata in thestudyshowed normal distributionandparametrictestswereapplied. Descriptivestatisticalcalculationsandpercentagefrequencyanalyzesweremade. Numericaldatawereinterpreted in tablesbyusingindependentsamples t-test and One Way Anova analyzestodeterminethedifferencebetweentheindependentvariables of the data. Thesignificance level wastaken as p<0.05. As a result of theresearch, it wasdeterminedthattherewas a significantdifference in terms of gendervariableandthatboys' addictiontoplayingdigitalgameswashigherthangirls. While it wasseenthattherewas a significantdifference in terms of thevariable of theclassstudied, it wasstatedthatthegameaddictions of the 6th gradestudentswerehigherthanthe 5th gradestudents. Inaddition, whenwelook at theeducationalstatus of theparents, it is seenthatthere is a significantdifferenceandthedigitalgameaddiction of thechildren of theparentswith a high level of education is higher. Inaddition, it wasobservedthattherewas a significantdifference in terms of familyincome level, digitalgameaddiction of childrenwithhighfamilyincome level wasalsohigh, whiledigitalgameaddictions of childrenincreased as theiracademicsuccessdecreased. At thesame time, it wasconcludedthat as thedailydigitalplay time increased, children'saddictiontodigitalgamesincreased, andthosewhoused a computer as a gaming platform achievedhigherscoresthanthosewhoused a gameconsole, tablet and mobile phone.
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Eğitimde Hazırbulunuşluluk |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Aralık 2024 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 30 Kasım 2023 |
Kabul Tarihi | 18 Aralık 2024 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2024 |