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Yıl 2023, , 223 - 241, 30.06.2023


Producing of innovative products in today's competitive conditions have been increasing importance at the increasing the trade power of countries. One of the innovative products used in the textile industry is phosphorescent yarns. Phosphorescent yarns are one of the yarns that have ability to absorb the light energy from the sun or another light source, can keep this energy in its structure and can emit this light energy as light in the dark conditions again. Textile productions can be made by using direct screen-printing, weaving or embroidery etc. methods with phosphorescent materials in the textile. In this study, phosphorescent yarns are embroidered on a weaving surface and area except for figure that we want it to shine in dark is covered with black ink by using printing process in a way that does not get light. The difference of the application made with this aspect compared to other design methods is also shown. As a result of the study, it is aimed to raise awareness about the use of phosphorescent yarns in the textile sector and it is shown that different and interesting designs can be made by using phosphorescent yarn embroidering and textile printing process together.


  • Alagirusamy, R. ve Das, A., (2010), Technical Textile Yarns Industrial And Medical Applications, İngiltere: Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge.
  • Al-Quahtani, S.D., Alkhamis, K., Alfi, A.A., Alhasani, M., El-Morsy, M.H.E., Sedayo, A.A. ve El-Metwaly N.M. (2022), “Simple Preparation of Multifunctional Luminescent Textile for Smart Packaging”, American Chemical Society, 7, 19454-19464.
  • Bilir, M., Z. (2018). “Use Of Chromic Dyes In Textile Design And A Sample Design With Chromic Dyes”, International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences, 9 (33), 1730-1739.
  • Cheng, T., Lin, T., Brady, R., ve Wang, X. (2008). “Fast Response Photochromic Textiles From Hybrid Silica Surface Coating”, Fibers and Polymers, 9(3), 301–306.
  • Cherenack K. ve Pieterson L., (2012), “Smart Textiles: Challenges And Opportunities”, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 1–14.
  • Christie, R. (2015). Color Chemistry, İngiltere: Royal Society Of Chemistry.
  • Çelikel, D.C. (2020). Smart e-textile materials, N. Tasaltin (Ed.), Advanced functional materials (1-16), İngiltere: IntechOpen. Çukul, D. (2013), “Teknik İpliklerde Son Yıllardaki Gelişmelere Örnekler”, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 20 (91), 50-63.
  • Du, H., Shan, W., Wang, L., Xu, D., Yin, H., Chen, Y. ve Guo, D. (2016), “Optimization And Complexing Agent-Assisted Synthesis Of Green Sral2o4: Eu2+, Dy3+ Phosphors Through Sol–Gel Process”, Journal Of Luminescence, 176, 272-277.
  • Gorgieva, S., Virant, N. ve Ojstršek, A. (2019), “Complementary Assessment of Commercial Photoluminescent Pigments Printed on Cotton Fabric”, Polymers, 11 (1216), 1-18.
  • Hameed, A., Aljuhani, E., Bawazeer, T.M., Almehmadi, S.J., Alfi, A.A., Abumelha, H.M., Mersal, G.A.M. ve El-Metwaly, N. (2021), “Preparation Of Multifunctional Long-Persistent Photoluminescence Cellulose Fibres”, The Journal Of Biological And Chemical Luminescence, 36, 1781-1792.
  • Harold, E.W., (1957), Phosphorescent Yarn, US Patent No: 2787558.
  • Joseph G., (1953), Phosphorescent Yarns, US Patent No:2635969.
  • Katsuhiro, P. ve Kazufumi, T., (2012), Phosphorescent Polyester Laminates And Their Yarns, Japonya: Patent No: 2008155592.
  • Khattab, T.A., Rehan, M. ve Hamouda, T. (2018), “Smart Textile Framework: Photochromic And Fluorescent Cellulosic Fabric Printed By Strontium Aluminate Pigment. Carbohydr”. Polym. 2 (195), 143–152.
  • Khurana, Y. (2017), “Smart Clothing: Future Of Wearables”, Contemporary Social Sciences, 26 (4), 81-88.
  • Kooroshnia, M. (2014), “Designing A Two-Phase Glow-In-The-Dark Pattern On Textiles”, Shapeshifting Conference: Auckland University of Technology, Yeni Zelanda.
  • Kooroshnia, M. (2014), “Designing a Two-Phase Glow-in-the-Dark Pattern on Textiles”, Textile and Design Lab and Colab at Auckland University of Technology.
  • Li, W., Liu, Y. ve Ai, P. (2010), “Synthesis And Luminescence Properties Of Red Long-Lasting Phosphor Y2O2S:Eu3+, Mg2+, Ti4+ Nanoparticles”, Materials Chemistry And Physics,119, 52-56.
  • Marc S., (1999), Process For Producing Longer-Lasting, Highly Luminescent, Phosphorescent Textile Fibers, US Patent No: 5914076.
  • Marija, G., Mateja, S., Franci, D., Tatjana, R., Matejka, B. ve Sabina, B. (2006), “Smart Textiles For Curtains: Paddyeing Of Polyester Yarn With Phosphorescent Pigments”, Tekstil, 49, 201-206.
  • Oliveira C., R., Júnior, A., H., Immich, A., P., S. ve Fiates, J., (2022), “Use Of Advanced Materials İn Smart Textile Manufacturing”, Materials Letters, 316, 1-5.
  • Ramlow, H., Andrade, K.L. ve Immich, A.P.S. (2020), “Smart Textiles: An Overview Of Recent Progress On Chromic Textiles”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 112 (1), 152-171.
  • Sasmal, A., K. ve Pal, T. (2021), “Chromism Of Chemical Compounds”, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 98, 1-4.
  • Schwaiger N., E. ve Wang S, (2010), Study In The Field Of Product Development About Illuminating Material For Fire-Fighter Garments & Others In The Future, Yayımlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of Borås.
  • Sharma, R. ve Bairagi, N. (2018). “The Role Of Photoluminescent Pigments in Textiles”, Trends in Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 2(2), 164-167.
  • Sing, H., Tanwar, V., Bhagwan, S. ve Singh, I. (2017), Recent Advancements In Limunescent Materials And Their Potential Applications. Tiwari, A., Iyer, P.K., Kumar, V. ve Swart. H. (Ed.), Advanced Magnetic And Optical Materials 317-352, US: Scrivener Publishing.
  • Stoppa, M. ve Chiolerio, A., (2014), “Wearable Electronics And Smart Textiles: A Critical Review”, Sensors, 14, 11957-11992.
  • Van Langenhove, L. (2007). Smart Textiles For Medicine And Healthcare: Materials, Systems And Applications, İngiltere: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
  • Wako, A.H., Dejene, B.F. ve Swart, H.C. (2014), “Roles Of Doping Ions In Afterglow Properties Of Blue Caal2o4:Eu2+,Nd3+ Phosphors”, Physica B Condensed Matter, 439, 153-159.
  • Research and Markets, Global Smart Fabrics Market to Reach $11.4 Billion by 2027, US, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2022.
  • Pixabay Company, Sergeitokmakov,, Erişim tarihi: 05.06.2022.
  • Swicofil Company, Luminescent Glow Yarn,, Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2012.
  • Görsel 1. Colourchange Company, “Photochromic Ink: Applications”,, Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2022.
  • Görsel 2. The Orange Country Register, “Firefighters Test Glow-İn-The-Dark Technology”., Erişim tarihi: 14.11.2011.
  • Görsel 3. Aliexpress Company, “DIY Glow Natural Yarn,Phosphorescent Yarn, Fluorescent DK Yarn”, “Halloween Fancy Yarn, Funny Projects Glow in the Dark Yarn”,, Erişim tarihi: 20.08.2022.
  • Görsel 4. Mphotoluminescent Company, “Photoluminescent Fabric”., Erişim tarihi: 27.08.2022.
  • Görsel 5. Pinkoi Company, “Constellation Production Kit Made Of Shining Phosphorescent Thread Lyra”,, Erişim tarihi: 28.08.2022.
  • Görsel 6. Ambromanufacturing Company, “Glow in the Dark Screen Printing”., Erişim tarihi: 28.08.2022.
  • Görsel 8. Goblenci, “Goblen Nedir”,, Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2022.

Baskı Tasarımı ve Nakış Uygulamasında Fosforlu İplik Kullanımı

Yıl 2023, , 223 - 241, 30.06.2023


Günümüz rekabet koşullarında yenilikçi ürünlerin üretilmesi, ülkelerin ticaret güçlerinin arttırılması açısından giderek artan bir öneme sahiptir. Tekstil sektöründe kullanılan yenilikçi ürünlerden biriside fosforlu ipliklerdir. Fosforlu iplikler, güneşten veya başka bir ışık kaynağından gelen ışık enerjisini absorbe edebilen, bu enerjiyi yapısında tutabilen ve daha sonra yapısındaki ışık enerjisini karanlık ortamda tekrar yayabilen iplik çeşitlerindendir. Tekstilde fosforlu malzemeler ile direkt baskı, dokuma, nakış işleme işleri vb. yapılarak çeşitli tekstil ürünleri oluşturulabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise fosforlu iplikler dokuma yüzeye özel olarak işlenmekte ve işlenen yüzey üzerinde yapılacak tasarım alanı dışında kalan fosforlu alanlar ise ışık almayacak şekilde baskı işlemi ile kapatılmaktadır. Bu yönü ile yapılan uygulamanın diğer tasarım yöntemlerine göre farklılığı da gösterilmektedir. Çalışma sonucunda, fosforlu ipliklerin tekstil sektöründe kullanımına yönelik farkındalığın arttırılması ve fosforlu iplik işlemesi ile tekstil baskı işleminin beraber kullanılmasıyla, farklı ve ilgi çeken tasarımların yapılabileceği gösterilmektedir.


  • Alagirusamy, R. ve Das, A., (2010), Technical Textile Yarns Industrial And Medical Applications, İngiltere: Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge.
  • Al-Quahtani, S.D., Alkhamis, K., Alfi, A.A., Alhasani, M., El-Morsy, M.H.E., Sedayo, A.A. ve El-Metwaly N.M. (2022), “Simple Preparation of Multifunctional Luminescent Textile for Smart Packaging”, American Chemical Society, 7, 19454-19464.
  • Bilir, M., Z. (2018). “Use Of Chromic Dyes In Textile Design And A Sample Design With Chromic Dyes”, International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences, 9 (33), 1730-1739.
  • Cheng, T., Lin, T., Brady, R., ve Wang, X. (2008). “Fast Response Photochromic Textiles From Hybrid Silica Surface Coating”, Fibers and Polymers, 9(3), 301–306.
  • Cherenack K. ve Pieterson L., (2012), “Smart Textiles: Challenges And Opportunities”, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 1–14.
  • Christie, R. (2015). Color Chemistry, İngiltere: Royal Society Of Chemistry.
  • Çelikel, D.C. (2020). Smart e-textile materials, N. Tasaltin (Ed.), Advanced functional materials (1-16), İngiltere: IntechOpen. Çukul, D. (2013), “Teknik İpliklerde Son Yıllardaki Gelişmelere Örnekler”, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 20 (91), 50-63.
  • Du, H., Shan, W., Wang, L., Xu, D., Yin, H., Chen, Y. ve Guo, D. (2016), “Optimization And Complexing Agent-Assisted Synthesis Of Green Sral2o4: Eu2+, Dy3+ Phosphors Through Sol–Gel Process”, Journal Of Luminescence, 176, 272-277.
  • Gorgieva, S., Virant, N. ve Ojstršek, A. (2019), “Complementary Assessment of Commercial Photoluminescent Pigments Printed on Cotton Fabric”, Polymers, 11 (1216), 1-18.
  • Hameed, A., Aljuhani, E., Bawazeer, T.M., Almehmadi, S.J., Alfi, A.A., Abumelha, H.M., Mersal, G.A.M. ve El-Metwaly, N. (2021), “Preparation Of Multifunctional Long-Persistent Photoluminescence Cellulose Fibres”, The Journal Of Biological And Chemical Luminescence, 36, 1781-1792.
  • Harold, E.W., (1957), Phosphorescent Yarn, US Patent No: 2787558.
  • Joseph G., (1953), Phosphorescent Yarns, US Patent No:2635969.
  • Katsuhiro, P. ve Kazufumi, T., (2012), Phosphorescent Polyester Laminates And Their Yarns, Japonya: Patent No: 2008155592.
  • Khattab, T.A., Rehan, M. ve Hamouda, T. (2018), “Smart Textile Framework: Photochromic And Fluorescent Cellulosic Fabric Printed By Strontium Aluminate Pigment. Carbohydr”. Polym. 2 (195), 143–152.
  • Khurana, Y. (2017), “Smart Clothing: Future Of Wearables”, Contemporary Social Sciences, 26 (4), 81-88.
  • Kooroshnia, M. (2014), “Designing A Two-Phase Glow-In-The-Dark Pattern On Textiles”, Shapeshifting Conference: Auckland University of Technology, Yeni Zelanda.
  • Kooroshnia, M. (2014), “Designing a Two-Phase Glow-in-the-Dark Pattern on Textiles”, Textile and Design Lab and Colab at Auckland University of Technology.
  • Li, W., Liu, Y. ve Ai, P. (2010), “Synthesis And Luminescence Properties Of Red Long-Lasting Phosphor Y2O2S:Eu3+, Mg2+, Ti4+ Nanoparticles”, Materials Chemistry And Physics,119, 52-56.
  • Marc S., (1999), Process For Producing Longer-Lasting, Highly Luminescent, Phosphorescent Textile Fibers, US Patent No: 5914076.
  • Marija, G., Mateja, S., Franci, D., Tatjana, R., Matejka, B. ve Sabina, B. (2006), “Smart Textiles For Curtains: Paddyeing Of Polyester Yarn With Phosphorescent Pigments”, Tekstil, 49, 201-206.
  • Oliveira C., R., Júnior, A., H., Immich, A., P., S. ve Fiates, J., (2022), “Use Of Advanced Materials İn Smart Textile Manufacturing”, Materials Letters, 316, 1-5.
  • Ramlow, H., Andrade, K.L. ve Immich, A.P.S. (2020), “Smart Textiles: An Overview Of Recent Progress On Chromic Textiles”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 112 (1), 152-171.
  • Sasmal, A., K. ve Pal, T. (2021), “Chromism Of Chemical Compounds”, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 98, 1-4.
  • Schwaiger N., E. ve Wang S, (2010), Study In The Field Of Product Development About Illuminating Material For Fire-Fighter Garments & Others In The Future, Yayımlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of Borås.
  • Sharma, R. ve Bairagi, N. (2018). “The Role Of Photoluminescent Pigments in Textiles”, Trends in Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 2(2), 164-167.
  • Sing, H., Tanwar, V., Bhagwan, S. ve Singh, I. (2017), Recent Advancements In Limunescent Materials And Their Potential Applications. Tiwari, A., Iyer, P.K., Kumar, V. ve Swart. H. (Ed.), Advanced Magnetic And Optical Materials 317-352, US: Scrivener Publishing.
  • Stoppa, M. ve Chiolerio, A., (2014), “Wearable Electronics And Smart Textiles: A Critical Review”, Sensors, 14, 11957-11992.
  • Van Langenhove, L. (2007). Smart Textiles For Medicine And Healthcare: Materials, Systems And Applications, İngiltere: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
  • Wako, A.H., Dejene, B.F. ve Swart, H.C. (2014), “Roles Of Doping Ions In Afterglow Properties Of Blue Caal2o4:Eu2+,Nd3+ Phosphors”, Physica B Condensed Matter, 439, 153-159.
  • Research and Markets, Global Smart Fabrics Market to Reach $11.4 Billion by 2027, US, Erişim tarihi: 04.09.2022.
  • Pixabay Company, Sergeitokmakov,, Erişim tarihi: 05.06.2022.
  • Swicofil Company, Luminescent Glow Yarn,, Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2012.
  • Görsel 1. Colourchange Company, “Photochromic Ink: Applications”,, Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2022.
  • Görsel 2. The Orange Country Register, “Firefighters Test Glow-İn-The-Dark Technology”., Erişim tarihi: 14.11.2011.
  • Görsel 3. Aliexpress Company, “DIY Glow Natural Yarn,Phosphorescent Yarn, Fluorescent DK Yarn”, “Halloween Fancy Yarn, Funny Projects Glow in the Dark Yarn”,, Erişim tarihi: 20.08.2022.
  • Görsel 4. Mphotoluminescent Company, “Photoluminescent Fabric”., Erişim tarihi: 27.08.2022.
  • Görsel 5. Pinkoi Company, “Constellation Production Kit Made Of Shining Phosphorescent Thread Lyra”,, Erişim tarihi: 28.08.2022.
  • Görsel 6. Ambromanufacturing Company, “Glow in the Dark Screen Printing”., Erişim tarihi: 28.08.2022.
  • Görsel 8. Goblenci, “Goblen Nedir”,, Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2022.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Zahit Bilir 0000-0001-7194-9211

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Eylül 2022
Kabul Tarihi 24 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilir, M. Z. (2023). Baskı Tasarımı ve Nakış Uygulamasında Fosforlu İplik Kullanımı. Art-E Sanat Dergisi, 16(31), 223-241.
Art-e 12/1/2011 yılından sonraki sayıları tam metin olarak, 12/1/2008 yılından sonraki sayıları ise indeks olarak EBSCO'da Art Source isimli veri tabanında yer almaktadır.