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Yeni Hukuki Realizm

Yıl 2024, , 1147 - 1193, 23.12.2024


Yeni Hukuki Realizm akımı, 2004 yılında Wisconsin-Madison Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi tarafından düzenlenen bir konferansla ortaya çıkmıştır. Amerikan hukuk sosyolojisi geleneğinin bir uzantısı olarak yeni bir sosyo-hukuki teori geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Akım, hukuk ve sosyal bilimlerin farklı alanlarında çalışan akademisyenleri disiplinler arası araştırmalar yapmaya teşvik etmektedir. Hukuk alanında yürütülen ampirik çalışmalarda, aşağıdan yukarıya araştırmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Böylece, toplumun en alt katmanlarından başlayarak hukukun gerçekliğini ve insanlar üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Akımın mensupları bu bağlamda hukuku, toplumun alt katmanlarındaki insanların durumlarını iyileştirmede ve karşılaştıkları sorunları çözmede işlevsel hale getirmeyi amaçlayan bir çaba içindedir. Yaşayan hukukun araştırılması olarak tanımlanabilecek bu çaba, mahkemelerdeki yargısal süreçleri dikkate alarak uygulamadaki hukuku keşfetmeyi de içermektedir. Yeni Hukuki Realizm, ampirizmden beslenmesine rağmen teori ve öğretiye de önem vermektedir. Hukuk sisteminin derinlemesine kavranmasının, nicel ve nitel verilerin hem hukuk hem sosyal bilimleri kapsayan teoriye ve öğretiye dayalı bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesi halinde mümkün olacağını savunmaktadır. Amaç, bir yandan sosyo-hukuki bir teori inşa etmek ve hukuk metodolojisi alanında yeni bir bakış açısı oluşturmak diğer yandan da hukuk uygulaması ve politik karar alma süreçlerinde etkin olmaktır.

Destekleyen Kurum



Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 2219 Doktora Sonrası Yurt Dışı Araştırma Burs Programı’nın sağladığı destekle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Wisconsin-Madison Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’nde bir yıl süreyle misafir öğretim üyesi olarak bulunduğum süreç içerisinde danışmanlığımı yapan Prof. Elizabeth Mertz’e ve ayrıca yardımlarından ötürü Prof. David Trubek ile Prof. Stewart Macaulay’ye teşekkür ederim.


  • Aiken JH and Shalleck A, ‘Putting the “Real World” into Traditional Classroom Teaching’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 51-73
  • Akman ŞT, Hukuk ve Politika İlişkisi- Hukukun Ekonomi Politik Analizi ve Liberal Hukuk Düzeninin Eleştirisi, (İmge 2016)
  • Aktaş S, Eleştirel Hukuk Çalışmaları, (Kazancı 2006)
  • Aydın DH, Güvencesiz Adalet- İşçilerin Hukuk Deneyimi Üzerine Bir Temellendirilmiş Kuram Çalışması, (On İki Levha 2018)
  • Banakar R, Normativity in Legal Sociology: Methodological Reflections on Law and Regulation in Late Modernity, (Springer 2015)
  • Baumgardner P and Mehrotra AJ, ‘From the Periphery to the Center and Back? A Brief History of Midwest Legal Realism’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 49-66
  • Bix B, ‘The Many Faces of Modern Legal Realism’ (2002) 2002(2) Revista Ordines 18-35
  • -- ‘Jurisprudence and Legal Theory’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 479-489
  • Chambliss E, ‘When Do Facts Persuade- Some Thoughts on the Market for Empirical Legal Studies’ (2008) 71 Law & Contemp Probs 17-40
  • Cotterrell R, ‘Why Jurisprudence is not Legal Philosophy’ (2014) 5 Jurisprudence 41-55
  • Epstein L and King G, ‘The Rules of Inference’ (2002) 69 U Chi L Rev 1-134
  • Erlanger H, Garth B, Larson J and Mertz E, ‘Is It Time for a New Legal Realism’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 335-364
  • Fineman MA, ‘Gender and Law: Feminist Legal Theory’s Role in New Legal Realism’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 405-432
  • Friedman LM, ‘The Law and Society Movement’ (1986) 38 Stan L Rev 763-780
  • Ford WK and Mertz E, ‘Introduction- Translating Law and Social Science’ in Mertz E, Ford WK and Matoesian G (eds), Translating the Social World For Law - Linguistic Tools for a New Legal Realism (Oxford 2016) 1-26
  • Fuller LL, Hukukun Ahlakı, (Arıkan E tr, Tekin 2016)
  • Garth BG, ‘Observations on an Uncomfortable Relationship: Civil Procedure and Empirical Research’ (1997) 49 Ala L Rev 103-132
  • Garth BG, ‘Law as a Discipline: Legal Theory, Interdisciplinary Legal Theory, and Ways of Speaking Legitimacy to Power’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 490-503
  • Garth B and Mertz E, ‘New Legal Realism at Ten Years and Beyond’ (2016) 6 UC Irvine L Rev 121-136
  • Garth B and Sterling J, ‘From Legal Realism to Law and Society: Reshaping Law for the Last Stages of the Social Activist State’ (1998) 32 Law & Soc’y Rev 409-472
  • George TE, ‘An Empirical Study of Empirical Legal Scholarship: The Top Law Schools’ (2006) 81 Ind. L. J. 141-162
  • George TE, Gulati M and McGinley AC, ‘The New Old Legal Realism’ (2011) 105 Nw U L Rev 689-735
  • Gordon RW, ‘Legal Storytelling as a Variety of Legal Realism’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I - Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 169-179
  • Gürkan Ü, Hukuki Realizm Akımı, (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi 1967)
  • Handler J, Lobel O, Mertz E and Rubin E, ‘A Roundtable on New Legal Realism, Microanalysis of Institutions, and the New Governance: Exploring Convergences and Differences’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 479-518
  • Heise M, ‘The Importance of Being Empirical’ (1999) 26 Pepp L Rev 807-834
  • Hunt A, ‘The Problematisation of Law in Classical Social Theory’ in Banakar R and Travers M (eds), Law and Social Theory (2nd edn, Hart 2013) 17-33
  • Hutchinson AC and Monahan PJ, ‘Law, Politics, and the Critical Legal Scholars: The Unfolding Drama of American Legal Thought’ (1984) 36 Stan L Rev 199-246
  • Kalman L, ‘East Coast Legal Realism and its Progeny’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 36-48
  • Kılıç M, ‘Hukuki Realizm Perspektifinden Hukuk Öğretiminin Sorunsallaştırılması’ (2017) 31 TAAD 97-112
  • Llewellyn KN, ‘A Realistic Jurisprudence-The Next Step’ (1930) 30 Colum L Rev 431-465
  • -- ‘Some Realism About Realism- Responding to Dean Pound’ (1931) 44 Harv L Rev 1222-1264
  • Luna GT, ‘Legal Realism and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: A Fractionalized Legal Template’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 519-556
  • Macaulay S, ‘The New versus the Old Legal Realism: Things Ain’t What They Used to Be’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 365-404
  • -- ‘Contracts, New Legal Realism, and Improving the Navigation of The Yellow Submarine’ (2006) 80 Tul L Rev 1161-1196
  • -- ‘A New Legal Realism: Elegant Models and the Messy Law in Action’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 29-50
  • -- ‘New Legal Realism: Unpacking a Proposed Definition’ (2016) 6 UC Irvine L Rev 149-168
  • Macaulay S, Friedman LM and Mertz E, Law in Action, A Socio-Legal Reader (Foundation 2007)
  • Mansfield M and Mertz E, ‘Teaching an Interdisciplinary Law Class’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 208-222
  • McCann M, ‘Preface to the New Legal Realism, Volumes I and II’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I - Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) XIII-XXI
  • McEvoy AF, ‘A New Realism for Legal Studies’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 433-454
  • Mertz E, ‘Afterword: Tapping the Promise of Relational Contract Theory - Real Legal Language and a New Legal Realism’ (2000) 94 Nw U L Rev 909-936
  • -- ‘Inside the Law School Classroom: Toward a New Legal Realist Pedagogy’ (2007) 60 Vand L Rev 483-513
  • -- ‘Introduction- New Legal Realism: Law and Social Science in the New Millennium’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 1-25
  • -- ‘Realism Then and Now: Using the Real World to Inform Formal Law’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 21-35
  • Mertz E and Barnes K, ‘Combining Methods for a New Synthesis in Law and Empirical Research’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 180-200
  • Miles TJ and Sunstein CR, ‘The New Legal Realism’ (2008) 75 U Chi L Rev 831-851
  • Milovanovic D, An Introduction to the Sociology of Law (3rd edn, Criminal Justice 2003)
  • Minda G, ‘The Jurisprudential Movements of the 1980s’ (1989) 50 Ohio St LJ 599-662
  • Mitchell T and Mertz E, ‘The Empirical Turn in the Legal Academy: A New Legal Realist Perspective’ Law & Society Newsletter, (Amherst, November 2006) 4-5
  • Mitchell TW, ‘Destabilizing the Normalization of Rural Black Land Loss: A Critical Role for Legal Empiricism’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 557-616
  • -- ‘New Legal Realism and Inequality’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 203-222
  • Morrill C and Edelman LB, ‘Sociology of Law and New Legal Realism’, in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 413-431
  • Nard CA, ‘Empirical Legal Scholarship: Reestablishing a Dialogue between the Academy and Profession’ (1995) 30 Wake Forest L Rev 347-368
  • Nourse V and Shaffer G, ‘Varieties of New Legal Realism: Can a New World Order Prompt a New Legal Theory’ (2009) 95 Cornell L Rev 61-138
  • Poppe ET, ‘New Legal Realism Goes to Law School: Integrating Social Science and Law through Legal Education’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 191-207
  • Posner RA, ‘The Decline of Law as an Autonomous Discipline: 1962-1987’ (1987) 100 Harv L Rev 761-780
  • -- ‘Legal Scholarship Today’ (2002) 115 Harv L Rev 1314-1326
  • Price BM, ‘A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings in Menlo Park: An Organizational Analysis of Increases in Associate Salaries’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 713-746
  • Sarat A, ‘Legal Effectiveness and Social Studies of Law: On the Unfortunate Persistance of a Research Tradition’ (1985) 9 Legal Stud F 23-32
  • Sarat A and Silbey S, ‘The Pull of the Policy Audience’ (1988) 10 Law & Pol’y 97-166
  • Schlegel JH, ‘Notes Toward an Intimate, Opinionated, and Affectionate History of the Conference on Critical Legal Studies’ (1984) 36 Stan L Rev 391-412
  • Sciaraffa S, ‘Critical Legal Studies: A Marxist Rejoinder’ (1999) 5(2) Leg 201-219
  • Silbey SS and Sarat A, ‘Critical Traditions in Law and Society Research’ (1987) 21 Law & Soc’y Rev 165-176
  • Southworth A, Garth B and Fisk C, ‘Some Realism about Realism in Teaching about the Legal Profession’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 74-94
  • Suchman MC, and Mertz E, ‘Toward a New Legal Empiricism: Empirical Legal Studies and New Legal Realism’ (2010) 6 Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 555-579
  • Sunstein CR, Schkade D, and Ellman LM, ‘Ideological Voting on Federal Courts of Appeals: A Preliminary Investigation’ (2004) 90 Va L Rev 301-354
  • Tamanaha BZ, ‘Understanding Legal Realism’ (2009) 87 Tex L Rev 731
  • -- ‘The Third Pillar of Jurisprudence: Social Legal Theory’ (2015) 56 Wm & Mary L Rev 2235-2278
  • -- ‘Legal Realism in Context’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I - Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 147-168
  • Tushnet M, ‘Legal Scholarship: Its Causes and Cure’ (1981) 90 Yale LJ 1205-1223
  • -- ‘Critical Legal Studies: A Political History’ (1991) 100 Yale LJ 1515-1544
  • Türkbağ AU, ‘Amerikan Hukuki Realizm Akımı’ (2000) 58(1-2) İÜHFM 79-95
  • Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H, ‘Introduction to the Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 1-19
  • Tomlins C, ‘Framing the Field of Law’s Disciplinary Encounters: A Historical Narrative’ (2000) 34 Law & Soc’y Rev 911-972
  • -- ‘In This Issue’ (2006) 31 Law & Soc Inquiry 795-796
  • Trubek DM, ‘Where the Action Is: Critical Legal Studies and Empiricism’ (1984) 36 Stan L Rev 575-622
  • Trubek DM and Esser J, ‘Critical Empiricism in American Legal Studies: Paradox, Program, or Pandora’s Box’ (1989) 14 Law & Soc Inquiry 3-52
  • Trubek LG, ‘Crossing Boundaries: Legal Education and the Challenge of the New Public Interest Law’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 455-478
  • Twining W, ‘Legal R/realism and Jurisprudence: Ten Theses’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 121-146
  • White GE, ‘From Realism to Critical Legal Studies: A Truncated Intellectual History’ (1986) 40 SW LJ 819-843 Whitford WC, ‘Critical Empiricism’ (1989) 14 Law & Soc Inquiry 61-68.
  • Ziegert KA, ‘A Note on Eugen Ehrlich and the Production of Legal Knowledge’ (1998) 20 Sydney L Rev 108-126
  • ‘Jurisprudence’ <> accessed 22 February 2024
  • ‘LSA History’ <> accessed 15 February 2024

New Legal Realism

Yıl 2024, , 1147 - 1193, 23.12.2024


The New Legal Realism movement emerged from a conference held by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School in 2004. It aims to develop a new socio-legal theory as an extension of the American sociology of law tradition. The movement encourages academics working in different branches of law and social sciences to conduct interdisciplinary research. It emphasizes the importance of bottom-up research in empirical studies conducted in the field of law. Thus, the aim is to present the reality of law and its implications for people, starting from the lowest strata of society. In this context, the members of the movement endeavor to make law functional in improving the situations of people in lower societal strata and resolving the issues they face. This endeavor, which can be defined as the investigation of living law, also includes exploring the law in action by considering judicial processes in courts. Despite being nourished by empiricism, New Legal Realism also places importance on theory and doctrine. The argument is that a thorough comprehension of the legal system can be attained by evaluating quantitative and qualitative data through a theoretical and doctrinal perspective that encompasses both law and social sciences. The aim is, on the one hand, to construct a socio-legal theory and establish a new outlook in the field of legal methodology, and on the other hand, to be effective in legal practice and political decision-making processes.


  • Aiken JH and Shalleck A, ‘Putting the “Real World” into Traditional Classroom Teaching’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 51-73
  • Akman ŞT, Hukuk ve Politika İlişkisi- Hukukun Ekonomi Politik Analizi ve Liberal Hukuk Düzeninin Eleştirisi, (İmge 2016)
  • Aktaş S, Eleştirel Hukuk Çalışmaları, (Kazancı 2006)
  • Aydın DH, Güvencesiz Adalet- İşçilerin Hukuk Deneyimi Üzerine Bir Temellendirilmiş Kuram Çalışması, (On İki Levha 2018)
  • Banakar R, Normativity in Legal Sociology: Methodological Reflections on Law and Regulation in Late Modernity, (Springer 2015)
  • Baumgardner P and Mehrotra AJ, ‘From the Periphery to the Center and Back? A Brief History of Midwest Legal Realism’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 49-66
  • Bix B, ‘The Many Faces of Modern Legal Realism’ (2002) 2002(2) Revista Ordines 18-35
  • -- ‘Jurisprudence and Legal Theory’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 479-489
  • Chambliss E, ‘When Do Facts Persuade- Some Thoughts on the Market for Empirical Legal Studies’ (2008) 71 Law & Contemp Probs 17-40
  • Cotterrell R, ‘Why Jurisprudence is not Legal Philosophy’ (2014) 5 Jurisprudence 41-55
  • Epstein L and King G, ‘The Rules of Inference’ (2002) 69 U Chi L Rev 1-134
  • Erlanger H, Garth B, Larson J and Mertz E, ‘Is It Time for a New Legal Realism’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 335-364
  • Fineman MA, ‘Gender and Law: Feminist Legal Theory’s Role in New Legal Realism’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 405-432
  • Friedman LM, ‘The Law and Society Movement’ (1986) 38 Stan L Rev 763-780
  • Ford WK and Mertz E, ‘Introduction- Translating Law and Social Science’ in Mertz E, Ford WK and Matoesian G (eds), Translating the Social World For Law - Linguistic Tools for a New Legal Realism (Oxford 2016) 1-26
  • Fuller LL, Hukukun Ahlakı, (Arıkan E tr, Tekin 2016)
  • Garth BG, ‘Observations on an Uncomfortable Relationship: Civil Procedure and Empirical Research’ (1997) 49 Ala L Rev 103-132
  • Garth BG, ‘Law as a Discipline: Legal Theory, Interdisciplinary Legal Theory, and Ways of Speaking Legitimacy to Power’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 490-503
  • Garth B and Mertz E, ‘New Legal Realism at Ten Years and Beyond’ (2016) 6 UC Irvine L Rev 121-136
  • Garth B and Sterling J, ‘From Legal Realism to Law and Society: Reshaping Law for the Last Stages of the Social Activist State’ (1998) 32 Law & Soc’y Rev 409-472
  • George TE, ‘An Empirical Study of Empirical Legal Scholarship: The Top Law Schools’ (2006) 81 Ind. L. J. 141-162
  • George TE, Gulati M and McGinley AC, ‘The New Old Legal Realism’ (2011) 105 Nw U L Rev 689-735
  • Gordon RW, ‘Legal Storytelling as a Variety of Legal Realism’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I - Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 169-179
  • Gürkan Ü, Hukuki Realizm Akımı, (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi 1967)
  • Handler J, Lobel O, Mertz E and Rubin E, ‘A Roundtable on New Legal Realism, Microanalysis of Institutions, and the New Governance: Exploring Convergences and Differences’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 479-518
  • Heise M, ‘The Importance of Being Empirical’ (1999) 26 Pepp L Rev 807-834
  • Hunt A, ‘The Problematisation of Law in Classical Social Theory’ in Banakar R and Travers M (eds), Law and Social Theory (2nd edn, Hart 2013) 17-33
  • Hutchinson AC and Monahan PJ, ‘Law, Politics, and the Critical Legal Scholars: The Unfolding Drama of American Legal Thought’ (1984) 36 Stan L Rev 199-246
  • Kalman L, ‘East Coast Legal Realism and its Progeny’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 36-48
  • Kılıç M, ‘Hukuki Realizm Perspektifinden Hukuk Öğretiminin Sorunsallaştırılması’ (2017) 31 TAAD 97-112
  • Llewellyn KN, ‘A Realistic Jurisprudence-The Next Step’ (1930) 30 Colum L Rev 431-465
  • -- ‘Some Realism About Realism- Responding to Dean Pound’ (1931) 44 Harv L Rev 1222-1264
  • Luna GT, ‘Legal Realism and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: A Fractionalized Legal Template’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 519-556
  • Macaulay S, ‘The New versus the Old Legal Realism: Things Ain’t What They Used to Be’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 365-404
  • -- ‘Contracts, New Legal Realism, and Improving the Navigation of The Yellow Submarine’ (2006) 80 Tul L Rev 1161-1196
  • -- ‘A New Legal Realism: Elegant Models and the Messy Law in Action’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 29-50
  • -- ‘New Legal Realism: Unpacking a Proposed Definition’ (2016) 6 UC Irvine L Rev 149-168
  • Macaulay S, Friedman LM and Mertz E, Law in Action, A Socio-Legal Reader (Foundation 2007)
  • Mansfield M and Mertz E, ‘Teaching an Interdisciplinary Law Class’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 208-222
  • McCann M, ‘Preface to the New Legal Realism, Volumes I and II’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I - Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) XIII-XXI
  • McEvoy AF, ‘A New Realism for Legal Studies’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 433-454
  • Mertz E, ‘Afterword: Tapping the Promise of Relational Contract Theory - Real Legal Language and a New Legal Realism’ (2000) 94 Nw U L Rev 909-936
  • -- ‘Inside the Law School Classroom: Toward a New Legal Realist Pedagogy’ (2007) 60 Vand L Rev 483-513
  • -- ‘Introduction- New Legal Realism: Law and Social Science in the New Millennium’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 1-25
  • -- ‘Realism Then and Now: Using the Real World to Inform Formal Law’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 21-35
  • Mertz E and Barnes K, ‘Combining Methods for a New Synthesis in Law and Empirical Research’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 180-200
  • Miles TJ and Sunstein CR, ‘The New Legal Realism’ (2008) 75 U Chi L Rev 831-851
  • Milovanovic D, An Introduction to the Sociology of Law (3rd edn, Criminal Justice 2003)
  • Minda G, ‘The Jurisprudential Movements of the 1980s’ (1989) 50 Ohio St LJ 599-662
  • Mitchell T and Mertz E, ‘The Empirical Turn in the Legal Academy: A New Legal Realist Perspective’ Law & Society Newsletter, (Amherst, November 2006) 4-5
  • Mitchell TW, ‘Destabilizing the Normalization of Rural Black Land Loss: A Critical Role for Legal Empiricism’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 557-616
  • -- ‘New Legal Realism and Inequality’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 203-222
  • Morrill C and Edelman LB, ‘Sociology of Law and New Legal Realism’, in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 413-431
  • Nard CA, ‘Empirical Legal Scholarship: Reestablishing a Dialogue between the Academy and Profession’ (1995) 30 Wake Forest L Rev 347-368
  • Nourse V and Shaffer G, ‘Varieties of New Legal Realism: Can a New World Order Prompt a New Legal Theory’ (2009) 95 Cornell L Rev 61-138
  • Poppe ET, ‘New Legal Realism Goes to Law School: Integrating Social Science and Law through Legal Education’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 191-207
  • Posner RA, ‘The Decline of Law as an Autonomous Discipline: 1962-1987’ (1987) 100 Harv L Rev 761-780
  • -- ‘Legal Scholarship Today’ (2002) 115 Harv L Rev 1314-1326
  • Price BM, ‘A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings in Menlo Park: An Organizational Analysis of Increases in Associate Salaries’ (2005) 2005 Wis L Rev 713-746
  • Sarat A, ‘Legal Effectiveness and Social Studies of Law: On the Unfortunate Persistance of a Research Tradition’ (1985) 9 Legal Stud F 23-32
  • Sarat A and Silbey S, ‘The Pull of the Policy Audience’ (1988) 10 Law & Pol’y 97-166
  • Schlegel JH, ‘Notes Toward an Intimate, Opinionated, and Affectionate History of the Conference on Critical Legal Studies’ (1984) 36 Stan L Rev 391-412
  • Sciaraffa S, ‘Critical Legal Studies: A Marxist Rejoinder’ (1999) 5(2) Leg 201-219
  • Silbey SS and Sarat A, ‘Critical Traditions in Law and Society Research’ (1987) 21 Law & Soc’y Rev 165-176
  • Southworth A, Garth B and Fisk C, ‘Some Realism about Realism in Teaching about the Legal Profession’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I- Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 74-94
  • Suchman MC, and Mertz E, ‘Toward a New Legal Empiricism: Empirical Legal Studies and New Legal Realism’ (2010) 6 Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 555-579
  • Sunstein CR, Schkade D, and Ellman LM, ‘Ideological Voting on Federal Courts of Appeals: A Preliminary Investigation’ (2004) 90 Va L Rev 301-354
  • Tamanaha BZ, ‘Understanding Legal Realism’ (2009) 87 Tex L Rev 731
  • -- ‘The Third Pillar of Jurisprudence: Social Legal Theory’ (2015) 56 Wm & Mary L Rev 2235-2278
  • -- ‘Legal Realism in Context’ in Mertz E, Macaulay S and Mitchell TW (eds), The New Legal Realism, Volume I - Translating Law-and-Society for Today’s Legal Practice (Cambridge 2016) 147-168
  • Tushnet M, ‘Legal Scholarship: Its Causes and Cure’ (1981) 90 Yale LJ 1205-1223
  • -- ‘Critical Legal Studies: A Political History’ (1991) 100 Yale LJ 1515-1544
  • Türkbağ AU, ‘Amerikan Hukuki Realizm Akımı’ (2000) 58(1-2) İÜHFM 79-95
  • Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H, ‘Introduction to the Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism’ in Talesh S, Mertz E and Klug H (eds), Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism (Edward Elgar 2021) 1-19
  • Tomlins C, ‘Framing the Field of Law’s Disciplinary Encounters: A Historical Narrative’ (2000) 34 Law & Soc’y Rev 911-972
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Toplam 84 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk Teorisi, İçtihat ve Hukuki Yorum, Hukuk, Toplum ve Sosyo-Yasal Araştırma

Şefik Taylan Akman 0000-0002-7809-8664

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Akman, Ş. T. (2024). Yeni Hukuki Realizm. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 1147-1193.
AMA Akman ŞT. Yeni Hukuki Realizm. SDÜHFD - SDLR. Aralık 2024;14(2):1147-1193. doi:10.52273/sduhfd.1558743
Chicago Akman, Şefik Taylan. “Yeni Hukuki Realizm”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 1147-93. 1558743.
EndNote Akman ŞT (01 Aralık 2024) Yeni Hukuki Realizm. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14 2 1147–1193.
IEEE Ş. T. Akman, “Yeni Hukuki Realizm”, SDÜHFD - SDLR, c. 14, sy. 2, ss. 1147–1193, 2024, doi: 10.52273/sduhfd..1558743.
ISNAD Akman, Şefik Taylan. “Yeni Hukuki Realizm”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14/2 (Aralık 2024), 1147-1193. 1558743.
JAMA Akman ŞT. Yeni Hukuki Realizm. SDÜHFD - SDLR. 2024;14:1147–1193.
MLA Akman, Şefik Taylan. “Yeni Hukuki Realizm”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 1147-93, doi:10.52273/sduhfd. 1558743.
Vancouver Akman ŞT. Yeni Hukuki Realizm. SDÜHFD - SDLR. 2024;14(2):1147-93.
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (SDÜHFD)
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