Determination Of Effective Critical Success Factors In Successful Implementation Of ERP By Using Fuzzy Dematel Method
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 115 - 126, 01.03.2015 Etöz Düğenci
Successful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is very important issue in today’s globalised world trade and depends on paying high attention on critical success factors (CSFs) affecting ERP implementation. In our study, we analyzed 8 CSFs by using fuzzy DEMATEL methodology which serves a highly effective structural decision making system for modeling cause and effect relationships. Among 8 CSFs, top management support and project team leader who commit himself/herself to ERP implementation success are found to be the most important factors that influenced other factors. This study is the first reference in the literature which uses a fuzzy DEMATEL technique in determination of effective CSFs in implementation of successful ERP
- ALADWANI, A.M. (2001). “Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation”, Business Process Management Journal, 7, 266−275.
- AL-MASHARI, M., Al-Mudimigh, A., and Zairi, M. (2003). “Enterprise resource planning: A taxonomy of critical factors”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 352−364.
- BASOGLU, N., Daim,T. and Kerimoglu, O. (2007). “Organizational adoption of enterprise resource planning systems:A conceptual framework”, The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 18, 72-97.
- BINGI, P., Sharma, M.K. and Godla, J.K. (1999). “Critical issues affecting an ERP implementation”, Information Systems Management, 16, 7–14, 1999.
- BRADFORD, M. and Florin, J. (2003). “Examining the role of innovation diffusion factors on the implementation success of enterprise resource planning systems”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 4, 205−225.
- BRADLEY, J. (2008). “Management based critical success factors in the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning systems”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 9, 175-200.
- CHANG, B., Chang, C. And Wu, C. (2011). “Fuzzy DEMATEL method fordeveloping supplier selection criteria”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 1850-1858.
- CHİEN, S., Hu, C., Reimers, K. and Lin, J. (2007). “The influence of centrifugal and centripetal forces on ERP project success in small and medium-size denterprises in China and Taiwan”, International Journal of Production Economics, 107, 380–396.
- DAVENPORT, T.H. (1998). “Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system”, Harvard Business Review, July–August, 121−131.
- GABUS, A., and Fontela, E. (1972). World problems an invitation to further thought within the framework of DEMATEL, Battelle Geneva Research Centre, Switzerland, Geneva.
- GABUS, A. and Fontela, E. (1973). “Perceptions of the world problematique: Communication procedure, communicating with those bearing collective responsibility (DEMATEL report no. 1)”, Battelle Geneva Research Centre, Switzerland, Geneva.
- GENOULAZ, V.B., Millet, P.A. and Grabot, B. (2005). “A survey on the recent research literature on ERP systems”, Computers in Industry, 56, 510−522.
- GIBSON, N., Holland, C. and Light, B. (1999). “A case study of a fast track SAP R/3 implementation at Guilbert”, Electronic Markets, 9, 190−193.
- GRABSKI, S. and Stewart, A. (2007). “Complementary controls and ERP implementation success”, International journal of accounting information systems, 8, 17-39.
- GYAMPAH, K.A. and Salam, A.F. (2004). “An extension of thetechnologyacceptance model in an ERP implementationenvironment”, Information and Management, 41, 731−745.
- GYAMPAH, K.A. (1999). “User involvement, ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention: A test of the enhanced technology acceptance model in an ERP implementation environment”, Proceedings of the 1999 Decision SciencesAnnual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November, 20–23, 805−807.
- HOLLAND, C. and Light, B. (1999). “A critical success factors model for ERP implementation”, IEEE Software, 16, 30–36.
- HONG, K.K. and Kim, Y.G. (2002). “The critical success factors for ERP implementation: an organizational fit perspective”, Information and Management 40, 25–40.
- KUMAR, V., Maheshwari, B. and Kumar, U. (2002). “Enterprise resource planning systems adopting process: a survey of Canadian organizations”, International Journal of Production Research, 40, 509–523.
- KUMAR, V., Maheshwari, B. and Kumar, U. (2003). “An investigation of critical management issues in ERP implementation: Empirical evidence from Canadian organizations”, Technovation, 23, 793−807.
- LANGENWALTER, G. (2000). Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond: Integrating Your Entire Organization, St. Lucie Press, New York.
- LAW, C. and Ngai, N. (2007). “ERP systems adoption: an exploratory study of the organizational factors and impacts of ERP success”, Information and Management 44, 418–432.
- LI, L., Chaudhry, S., Chaudhry, P. And Wang, Y. (2001). “Evaluation of acquiring and implementing a manufacturing resource planning system”, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 42, 1–8.
- LONZINSKY, S. (1998). Enterprise-wide software solutions: Integration strategies and practices, Addison Wesley.
- MABERT, V., Soni, A. And Venkataramanan, M. (2003). “Enterprise resource planning: managing the implementation process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 302–314.
- MALHOTRA, R and Temponi, C. (2010). “Critical decisions for ERP integration: Small business issues”, International Journal of Information Management, 30, 28–37.
- MARKUS, M.L. and Tanis, C. (2000). “The enterprise system experience: From adoption to success. Framing the domains of IT management: Projecting the future through the past”, Cincinnati, Ohio,Pinnaflex Educational Resources Inc., 173−207.
- MOTWANI, J., Mirchandani, D., Madan, M. and Gunasekaran, A. (2002). “Successful implementation of ERP projects: evidence from two case studies”, International Journal of Production Economics 75, 83– 96.
- MOTWANI, J., Subramanian, R. And Gopalakrishna, P. (2005). “Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: exploratory findings from our case studies”, Computers in Industry, 56, 529–544.
- NGAI, E., Law, C. and Wat, F. (2008). “Examining the critical success factors in the adoption of enterprise resource planning”, Computers in Industry, 59, 548-564.
- SCHNIEDERJANS, M., and Kim, G. (2003). “Implementing enterprise resource planning systems with total quality control and business process reengineering: survey results”, International Journal of Operations &Production Management, 23, 418– 429.
- SCOTT, J. And Vessey, I. (2000). “Implementing enterprise resource planning systems: the role of learning from failure”, Information SystemsFrontier, 2, 213–232.
- SOMERS, T.M. and Nelson, K.G. (2003). “The impact of strategy and integration mechanisms on enterprise system value: Empirical evidence from manufacturing firms”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 315−338.
- SOMERS, T.M. and Nelson, K.G. (2004). “A taxonomy of playersandactivitiesacrossthe ERP project life cycle”, Information and Management, 41, 257−278.
- SUN, A, Yazdani, A. and Overend, J. (2005). “Achievement assessment for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementations based on critical success factors (CSFs)”, International Journal of Production Economics, 98, 189-203.
- TSAI, W.H. and Chou, W.C. (2009). “Selecting management systems for sustainable development in SMEs: A novel hybrid model based on DEMATEL, ANP, and ZOGP”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 1444–1458.
- TZENG, G.H., Chiang, C.H. and Li, C.W. (2007). “Evaluating intertwined effects in elearning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL”, Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 1028–1044.
- UMBLE, E.J. and Umble, M.M. (2002). “Avoiding ERP implementation failure”, Industrial Management, 44, 24–33.
- UMBLE, E.J., Haft, R.R. and Umble, M.M. (2003). “Enterprise resource planning: implementation procedures and critical success factors”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 241–257.
- YUSUF, Y., Gunasekaran, A. And Abthorpe, M.S. (2004). “Enterprise information systems project implementation: A case study of ERP in Rolls-Royce”, International Journal of Production Economics, 87, 251−266.
- WANG, E.T.G., Shih, S., Jiang, J.J. and Klein, G. (2008). “The consistency among facilitating factors and ERP implementation success: A holisticview of fit”, Journal of Systems and Software, 81, 1609-1621.
- WATSON, E.E. and Schneider, H. (1998). “Using ERP in Education”, Communications of the AIS, 1.
- WU, W.W. and Lee, Y.T. (2007). “Developing global managers’ competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method”, Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 499–507.
- ZADEH, L.A. (1965). “Fuzzy sets”, Information and Control, 8, 338–353. Bellman, R.E. and Zadeh, L.A. (1970). “Decision-making in a fuzzy environment”, Management Science, 17, 141–164.
- ZHOU, Q., Huang, W. And Zhang, Y. (2011). “Identifying critical success factors in emergency management using a fuzzy DEMATEL method”, Safety Science, 49, 243-252.
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 115 - 126, 01.03.2015 Etöz Düğenci
Günümüz glaballeşen dünya ekonomisinde işletmelerin başarılı bir şekilde Kurumsal Kaynak Planmala (ERP) sistemlerini kurması ve bunun başarılmasına etki eden kritik faktörlein belirnemesi önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir.Bu çalışmada, sebep sonuç ilişkileri modellemede güçlü bir karar destek yöntemi olan fuzzy DEMATEL ile 8 krtitik başarı faktörü analiz edilmiştir.ERP uyarlamasına etki eden 8 kritik başarı faktörü içerisinde tepe yönetim desteği ve kendisini ERP başarısına adamış proje yöneticisi diğerlerine etki eden en önemli faktörelr olarak tespit edilmiştir.Bu çalışma ERP nin başarılı uyarlamasına etki eden faktörelri fuzzy DEMATEL kullanarak analiz eden ilk referans çalışmalardandır
- ALADWANI, A.M. (2001). “Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation”, Business Process Management Journal, 7, 266−275.
- AL-MASHARI, M., Al-Mudimigh, A., and Zairi, M. (2003). “Enterprise resource planning: A taxonomy of critical factors”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 352−364.
- BASOGLU, N., Daim,T. and Kerimoglu, O. (2007). “Organizational adoption of enterprise resource planning systems:A conceptual framework”, The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 18, 72-97.
- BINGI, P., Sharma, M.K. and Godla, J.K. (1999). “Critical issues affecting an ERP implementation”, Information Systems Management, 16, 7–14, 1999.
- BRADFORD, M. and Florin, J. (2003). “Examining the role of innovation diffusion factors on the implementation success of enterprise resource planning systems”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 4, 205−225.
- BRADLEY, J. (2008). “Management based critical success factors in the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning systems”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 9, 175-200.
- CHANG, B., Chang, C. And Wu, C. (2011). “Fuzzy DEMATEL method fordeveloping supplier selection criteria”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 1850-1858.
- CHİEN, S., Hu, C., Reimers, K. and Lin, J. (2007). “The influence of centrifugal and centripetal forces on ERP project success in small and medium-size denterprises in China and Taiwan”, International Journal of Production Economics, 107, 380–396.
- DAVENPORT, T.H. (1998). “Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system”, Harvard Business Review, July–August, 121−131.
- GABUS, A., and Fontela, E. (1972). World problems an invitation to further thought within the framework of DEMATEL, Battelle Geneva Research Centre, Switzerland, Geneva.
- GABUS, A. and Fontela, E. (1973). “Perceptions of the world problematique: Communication procedure, communicating with those bearing collective responsibility (DEMATEL report no. 1)”, Battelle Geneva Research Centre, Switzerland, Geneva.
- GENOULAZ, V.B., Millet, P.A. and Grabot, B. (2005). “A survey on the recent research literature on ERP systems”, Computers in Industry, 56, 510−522.
- GIBSON, N., Holland, C. and Light, B. (1999). “A case study of a fast track SAP R/3 implementation at Guilbert”, Electronic Markets, 9, 190−193.
- GRABSKI, S. and Stewart, A. (2007). “Complementary controls and ERP implementation success”, International journal of accounting information systems, 8, 17-39.
- GYAMPAH, K.A. and Salam, A.F. (2004). “An extension of thetechnologyacceptance model in an ERP implementationenvironment”, Information and Management, 41, 731−745.
- GYAMPAH, K.A. (1999). “User involvement, ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention: A test of the enhanced technology acceptance model in an ERP implementation environment”, Proceedings of the 1999 Decision SciencesAnnual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November, 20–23, 805−807.
- HOLLAND, C. and Light, B. (1999). “A critical success factors model for ERP implementation”, IEEE Software, 16, 30–36.
- HONG, K.K. and Kim, Y.G. (2002). “The critical success factors for ERP implementation: an organizational fit perspective”, Information and Management 40, 25–40.
- KUMAR, V., Maheshwari, B. and Kumar, U. (2002). “Enterprise resource planning systems adopting process: a survey of Canadian organizations”, International Journal of Production Research, 40, 509–523.
- KUMAR, V., Maheshwari, B. and Kumar, U. (2003). “An investigation of critical management issues in ERP implementation: Empirical evidence from Canadian organizations”, Technovation, 23, 793−807.
- LANGENWALTER, G. (2000). Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond: Integrating Your Entire Organization, St. Lucie Press, New York.
- LAW, C. and Ngai, N. (2007). “ERP systems adoption: an exploratory study of the organizational factors and impacts of ERP success”, Information and Management 44, 418–432.
- LI, L., Chaudhry, S., Chaudhry, P. And Wang, Y. (2001). “Evaluation of acquiring and implementing a manufacturing resource planning system”, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 42, 1–8.
- LONZINSKY, S. (1998). Enterprise-wide software solutions: Integration strategies and practices, Addison Wesley.
- MABERT, V., Soni, A. And Venkataramanan, M. (2003). “Enterprise resource planning: managing the implementation process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 302–314.
- MALHOTRA, R and Temponi, C. (2010). “Critical decisions for ERP integration: Small business issues”, International Journal of Information Management, 30, 28–37.
- MARKUS, M.L. and Tanis, C. (2000). “The enterprise system experience: From adoption to success. Framing the domains of IT management: Projecting the future through the past”, Cincinnati, Ohio,Pinnaflex Educational Resources Inc., 173−207.
- MOTWANI, J., Mirchandani, D., Madan, M. and Gunasekaran, A. (2002). “Successful implementation of ERP projects: evidence from two case studies”, International Journal of Production Economics 75, 83– 96.
- MOTWANI, J., Subramanian, R. And Gopalakrishna, P. (2005). “Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: exploratory findings from our case studies”, Computers in Industry, 56, 529–544.
- NGAI, E., Law, C. and Wat, F. (2008). “Examining the critical success factors in the adoption of enterprise resource planning”, Computers in Industry, 59, 548-564.
- SCHNIEDERJANS, M., and Kim, G. (2003). “Implementing enterprise resource planning systems with total quality control and business process reengineering: survey results”, International Journal of Operations &Production Management, 23, 418– 429.
- SCOTT, J. And Vessey, I. (2000). “Implementing enterprise resource planning systems: the role of learning from failure”, Information SystemsFrontier, 2, 213–232.
- SOMERS, T.M. and Nelson, K.G. (2003). “The impact of strategy and integration mechanisms on enterprise system value: Empirical evidence from manufacturing firms”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 315−338.
- SOMERS, T.M. and Nelson, K.G. (2004). “A taxonomy of playersandactivitiesacrossthe ERP project life cycle”, Information and Management, 41, 257−278.
- SUN, A, Yazdani, A. and Overend, J. (2005). “Achievement assessment for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementations based on critical success factors (CSFs)”, International Journal of Production Economics, 98, 189-203.
- TSAI, W.H. and Chou, W.C. (2009). “Selecting management systems for sustainable development in SMEs: A novel hybrid model based on DEMATEL, ANP, and ZOGP”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 1444–1458.
- TZENG, G.H., Chiang, C.H. and Li, C.W. (2007). “Evaluating intertwined effects in elearning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL”, Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 1028–1044.
- UMBLE, E.J. and Umble, M.M. (2002). “Avoiding ERP implementation failure”, Industrial Management, 44, 24–33.
- UMBLE, E.J., Haft, R.R. and Umble, M.M. (2003). “Enterprise resource planning: implementation procedures and critical success factors”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 241–257.
- YUSUF, Y., Gunasekaran, A. And Abthorpe, M.S. (2004). “Enterprise information systems project implementation: A case study of ERP in Rolls-Royce”, International Journal of Production Economics, 87, 251−266.
- WANG, E.T.G., Shih, S., Jiang, J.J. and Klein, G. (2008). “The consistency among facilitating factors and ERP implementation success: A holisticview of fit”, Journal of Systems and Software, 81, 1609-1621.
- WATSON, E.E. and Schneider, H. (1998). “Using ERP in Education”, Communications of the AIS, 1.
- WU, W.W. and Lee, Y.T. (2007). “Developing global managers’ competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method”, Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 499–507.
- ZADEH, L.A. (1965). “Fuzzy sets”, Information and Control, 8, 338–353. Bellman, R.E. and Zadeh, L.A. (1970). “Decision-making in a fuzzy environment”, Management Science, 17, 141–164.
- ZHOU, Q., Huang, W. And Zhang, Y. (2011). “Identifying critical success factors in emergency management using a fuzzy DEMATEL method”, Safety Science, 49, 243-252.