This research aims to contribute to the empirical literature by examining the influence of family owned businesses on entrepreneurial motives, problems and opportunities between individuals whose families run their own business and those who do not. The literature related to entrepreneurship was reviewed and the hypotheses were proposed. Results and implications for future research were discussed
ACS, Z. J., DESAI, S. and HESSELS, J. (2008). “Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Institutions”, Small Business Economics, 31(3): 219-234.
ACS, Z. J., DESAI, S. and KLAPPER, L.F. (2008). “What Does “Entrepreneurship” Data Really Show?”, Small Business Economics, 31(3): 265-281.
ALTINAY, L. (2008). “The Relationship Between an Entrepreneurs‟ Culture and the Entrepreneurial Behavior of the Firm,” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(1): 111-120.
ALTINAY, L., MADANOGLU, M., DANIELE, R. and LASHLEY, R.C. (2012). “The Influence of Family Tradition and Psychological Traits on Entrepreneurial Intention”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31: 489-499.
AZIZ, N., FRIEDMAN, B.A. and SAYFULLIN, S. (2012). “Motives and Perceived Problems of Students as Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Differences across the Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and the United States”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(3): 102-113.
BAUMOL, W. (1968). “Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory”, The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings of the Eightieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, 58(2): 64-71.
BENZING, C., CHU, H. and CALLANAN, G. (2005). “A Regional Comparison of the Motivation and Problems of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 10(1): 3-27.
BIRD, B. (1989). Entrepreneurial Behavior. London, UK: Scott, Foresman and Co.
BIZHOEVA, M. (2013). “Current Problems Of Small And Medium-Sized Businesses In Kabardino-Balkaria”, The Public Chamber of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, [Online], atid=2, retrieved 30.08.2013.
BROUWER, M.T. (2002). “Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(1-2): 83-105.
BUSTAMAM, U.S.A. (2010). “Entrepreneurial growth process of Malay entrepreneurs- A Malaysian”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 1(3): 206-218.
CARSRUD, A. and BRÄNNBACK, M. (2011). “Entrepreneurial Motivations: What Do We Still Need to Know?”, Journal of Small Business Management, 49(1): 9-26.
CARRAHER, S.M., BUCHANAN, J.K. and PUIA, G. (2010). “Entrepreneurial Need for Achievement in China, Latvia, and the USA”, Baltic Journal of Management, 5(3): 378-396.
CARTER, S. (2000). “Improving the Numbers and Performance of Women-Owned Businesses: Some Implications for Training and Advisory Services”, Education+Training, 42(4/5): 326-334.
CHIKATUEVA, L., NAHUSHEV, V., PSIKHOMAKHOV, Kh. (2011). “The Role Of Small Business In The Socio-Economic Development of The Region”, Journal of Economics and Law, 12: 132-135.
DANIS, W.M. and SHIPILOV, A.V. (2002). “A Comparison of Entrepreneurship Development in Two Post-Communist Countries: The cases of Hungary and Ukraine”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 7(1): 67-94.
DZHANTUEVA, F. (2012). “Kabardino-Balkaria: From a Political Rally To a Civil Society”, Centre of Social and Political Research at Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Nalchik, № 5, 118-122.
FATOKI, O.O. (2010). “Graduate entrepreneurial intention in South Africa: Motivations and obstacles”, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(9): 87-98.
GARTNER, W.B. (2001), “What are we Talking About When We Talk About Entrepreneurship?” Journal of Business Venturing, 5(1): 15-28.
GESHEVA, M. (2011). “Entrepreneurship And Small Business As A Factor Of Economic Development Of The Region”, Institute of Economics and Law of Ivan Kushnir, [Online],, retrieved 30.08.2013.
Government Portal of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, 2012, [Online],, retrieved 25.08.2013.
HAIR, J.F., BLACK, W.C., BABIN, B.J., ANDERSON, R.E. and TATHAM, R.L. (2006). Multivariate data analysis, 6th Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ. HIGH, J. (2009). “Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: The Theory of Emergent Institutions,” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 12(3): 3-36.
HISRICH, R.D., and FULOP, G. (1994). “The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Hungary`s Transition Economy”, International Studies of Management & Organization, 24(4): 100-117.
HISRICH, R.D. ve GRACHEV, M.V. (1993). “The Russian entrepreneur”, Journal of Business Venturing, 8(6): 487-497.
IZYUMOV, A. and RAZUMNOVA, I. (2000). “Women Entrepreneurs in Russia: Learning to Survive the Market,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5(1): 1-19.
KAUFMANN, P.J., WELSH, D.H.B. and BUSHMARIN, N. (1995). “Locus of Control and Entrepreneurship in the Russian Republic”, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Fall, 43-56.
KAUANUI, S.K., THOMAS, K.D., RUBENS, A. and SHERMAN, C.L. (2010). “Entrepreneurship and Spirituality: A Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurs‟ Motivation”, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 23(4): 621-635, 649-650.
KAUTONEN, T. and PALMROOS, J. (2010). “The Impact of a Necessity-Based Start-up on Subsequent Entrepreneurial Satisfaction”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 6(3): 285-300.
KURATKO, D., HORNSBY, J. and NAFFZIGER, D. (1997). “An Examination of Owners‟ Goals in Sustaining Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Small Business Management, 35(1): 24-33.
LEARNED, K.E. (1992), “What Happened Before the Organization? A Model of Organization Formation”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 17(1): 39-48.
MUELLER, S.L. and Thomas, A.S. (2001), “Culture and Entrepreneurial Potential: a Nine Country Study of Locus of Control and Innovativeness”, Journal of Business Venturing, 16: 51-55.
NAFFZIGER, D., HORNSBY, J. and KURATKO, D. (1994), “A Proposed Research Model of Entrepreneurial Motivation”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18: 29-42.
NGUYEN, H.H.D. and NGUYEN, N.T. (2008). “Examining Personal Values and Entrepreneurial Motives of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in the 21st century: Two Empirical Studies”, African and Asian Studies, 7(2-3): 141-171.
RAHMAN, K.M. and RAHMAN, S.F. (2011). “Entrepreneurship Needs and Achievement Motivations of Descendant Latin-Japanese Entrepreneurs in Japan”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 15: 99-119.
SABANCHIEV, H. (2011). “Statehood Of The Republic Of Kabardino-Balkaria In The Conditions Of Reforming The System Of Federal Relations (1993-2011), (On The 90th Anniversary Of The CBD)”, Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences KBNC , Vol.2.
SAGIE, A. and ELIZUR, D. (1999). “Achievement Motive and Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Structural Analysis,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(3): 375-387.
SCHUMPETER, J. (1968). The Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
SHANE, S., LOCKE, E.A. and COLLINS, J.C. (2003). “Entrepreneurial Motivation”, Human Resource Management Review, 13: 257-279.
SHANE, S. and VENKATARAMAN, S. (2000). “The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research”, Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217–226.
SHANKER, M.C. and ASTRACHAN, J.H. (1996). “Myths and Realities: Family Businesses‟ Contribution to the US Economy–A Framework for Assessing Family Business Statistics”, Family Business Review, 9(2): 107–123.
SKAKOV, A. (2001). “Kabardino-Balkaria: Threats to Stability,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, 1(7): 165-173.
SPENCER, A., KIRCHHOFF, B. and WHITE, C. (2008). “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Wealth Distribution”, International Small Business Journal, 26(1): 9-26.
STEIER, L. (2003), “Unraveling The Familial Sub-Narrative In Entrepreneurship Research”, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 258-272.
STEWART, W., WATSON, W. and CARLAND, J. (2003). “A Proactivity for Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, and Corporate Managers”, Journal of Business Venturing, 14(20): 189- 214.
TANG, L. and KOVEOS, P.E. (2004). “Venture entrepreneurship, innovation entrepreneurship and economic growth”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 3: 161-71.
THE Federal Law of 24.07.2007 N 209-FZ “On The Development Of Small And Medium Enterprises In The Russian Federation”, [Online],, retrieved 23.08.2013.
The Federal State Statistics Service, Collection "Socio-demographic profile of Russia on the basis of the National Population Census of 2010", (2012), [Online],, retrieved 25.08.2013.
The Federal State Statistics Service, Statistical Compendium “Regions of Russia, (2012). Socio-economic indicators, [Online],, retrieved 23.08.2013.
THURIK, R. and WENNEKERS, S. (2004). “Entrepreneurship, Small Business, and Economic Growth,” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11( 1): 140-149.
YALCIN, S. and KAPU, H. (2008). “Entrepreneurial Dimensions in Transitional Economies: A Review of Relevant Literature and the Case of Kyrgyzstan,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 13(2): 185-204.
VENKATARAMAN, S. (1997). “The Distinctive Domain of Entrepreneurship Research: An Editor's Perspective. In J. Katz & R. Brockhaus (Eds.), Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence, and growth, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 3: 119- 138
Çalışmada aile işletmelerinin girişimcilerin motivasyon faktörleri, problemleri ve fırsatları üzerindeki
etkisini inceleyerek literatüre katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamıştır. Girişimcilik ile ilgili literatür
incelenmiş ve hipotezler geliştirilmiştir. Bireyler aile işletmesi olan ve olmayan girişimciler olarak
gruplandırılmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları elde edilmiş ve ileriye yönelik çalışmalarda
önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Mayıs-Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında Kabartay-Balkar Cumhuriyeti başkenti Nalçik’te faaliyet
gösteren küçük ve orta ölçekli girişimcilere anket yapılmıştır. Küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin
örneklem olarak tercih edilmesinin sebebi bu işletmelerin ülke ekonomisine önemli katkıda
bulunmasıdır. Yüz-yüze anket yöntemi uygulanmış olup cevaplayıcılara herhangi bir maddi katkı
teklif edilmemiştir. Toplanan 125 anketten 12 geçersiz sayılmıştır. Araştırmada Mann-Whitney testi
uygulanmış ve gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Analiz sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre aile işletmesi olan ve olmayan girişimciler arasında
algılanan ekonomik şartlar, pazarlama fırsatları ve aile geleneği motivasyon faktörü açısından
önemli farklılık bulunmaktadır. Araştırma, girişimcilerin güdülerini etkileyen faktör öneminin altını
ACS, Z. J., DESAI, S. and HESSELS, J. (2008). “Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Institutions”, Small Business Economics, 31(3): 219-234.
ACS, Z. J., DESAI, S. and KLAPPER, L.F. (2008). “What Does “Entrepreneurship” Data Really Show?”, Small Business Economics, 31(3): 265-281.
ALTINAY, L. (2008). “The Relationship Between an Entrepreneurs‟ Culture and the Entrepreneurial Behavior of the Firm,” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(1): 111-120.
ALTINAY, L., MADANOGLU, M., DANIELE, R. and LASHLEY, R.C. (2012). “The Influence of Family Tradition and Psychological Traits on Entrepreneurial Intention”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31: 489-499.
AZIZ, N., FRIEDMAN, B.A. and SAYFULLIN, S. (2012). “Motives and Perceived Problems of Students as Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Differences across the Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and the United States”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(3): 102-113.
BAUMOL, W. (1968). “Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory”, The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings of the Eightieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, 58(2): 64-71.
BENZING, C., CHU, H. and CALLANAN, G. (2005). “A Regional Comparison of the Motivation and Problems of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 10(1): 3-27.
BIRD, B. (1989). Entrepreneurial Behavior. London, UK: Scott, Foresman and Co.
BIZHOEVA, M. (2013). “Current Problems Of Small And Medium-Sized Businesses In Kabardino-Balkaria”, The Public Chamber of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, [Online], atid=2, retrieved 30.08.2013.
BROUWER, M.T. (2002). “Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(1-2): 83-105.
BUSTAMAM, U.S.A. (2010). “Entrepreneurial growth process of Malay entrepreneurs- A Malaysian”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 1(3): 206-218.
CARSRUD, A. and BRÄNNBACK, M. (2011). “Entrepreneurial Motivations: What Do We Still Need to Know?”, Journal of Small Business Management, 49(1): 9-26.
CARRAHER, S.M., BUCHANAN, J.K. and PUIA, G. (2010). “Entrepreneurial Need for Achievement in China, Latvia, and the USA”, Baltic Journal of Management, 5(3): 378-396.
CARTER, S. (2000). “Improving the Numbers and Performance of Women-Owned Businesses: Some Implications for Training and Advisory Services”, Education+Training, 42(4/5): 326-334.
CHIKATUEVA, L., NAHUSHEV, V., PSIKHOMAKHOV, Kh. (2011). “The Role Of Small Business In The Socio-Economic Development of The Region”, Journal of Economics and Law, 12: 132-135.
DANIS, W.M. and SHIPILOV, A.V. (2002). “A Comparison of Entrepreneurship Development in Two Post-Communist Countries: The cases of Hungary and Ukraine”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 7(1): 67-94.
DZHANTUEVA, F. (2012). “Kabardino-Balkaria: From a Political Rally To a Civil Society”, Centre of Social and Political Research at Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Nalchik, № 5, 118-122.
FATOKI, O.O. (2010). “Graduate entrepreneurial intention in South Africa: Motivations and obstacles”, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(9): 87-98.
GARTNER, W.B. (2001), “What are we Talking About When We Talk About Entrepreneurship?” Journal of Business Venturing, 5(1): 15-28.
GESHEVA, M. (2011). “Entrepreneurship And Small Business As A Factor Of Economic Development Of The Region”, Institute of Economics and Law of Ivan Kushnir, [Online],, retrieved 30.08.2013.
Government Portal of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, 2012, [Online],, retrieved 25.08.2013.
HAIR, J.F., BLACK, W.C., BABIN, B.J., ANDERSON, R.E. and TATHAM, R.L. (2006). Multivariate data analysis, 6th Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ. HIGH, J. (2009). “Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: The Theory of Emergent Institutions,” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 12(3): 3-36.
HISRICH, R.D., and FULOP, G. (1994). “The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Hungary`s Transition Economy”, International Studies of Management & Organization, 24(4): 100-117.
HISRICH, R.D. ve GRACHEV, M.V. (1993). “The Russian entrepreneur”, Journal of Business Venturing, 8(6): 487-497.
IZYUMOV, A. and RAZUMNOVA, I. (2000). “Women Entrepreneurs in Russia: Learning to Survive the Market,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5(1): 1-19.
KAUFMANN, P.J., WELSH, D.H.B. and BUSHMARIN, N. (1995). “Locus of Control and Entrepreneurship in the Russian Republic”, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Fall, 43-56.
KAUANUI, S.K., THOMAS, K.D., RUBENS, A. and SHERMAN, C.L. (2010). “Entrepreneurship and Spirituality: A Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurs‟ Motivation”, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 23(4): 621-635, 649-650.
KAUTONEN, T. and PALMROOS, J. (2010). “The Impact of a Necessity-Based Start-up on Subsequent Entrepreneurial Satisfaction”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 6(3): 285-300.
KURATKO, D., HORNSBY, J. and NAFFZIGER, D. (1997). “An Examination of Owners‟ Goals in Sustaining Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Small Business Management, 35(1): 24-33.
LEARNED, K.E. (1992), “What Happened Before the Organization? A Model of Organization Formation”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 17(1): 39-48.
MUELLER, S.L. and Thomas, A.S. (2001), “Culture and Entrepreneurial Potential: a Nine Country Study of Locus of Control and Innovativeness”, Journal of Business Venturing, 16: 51-55.
NAFFZIGER, D., HORNSBY, J. and KURATKO, D. (1994), “A Proposed Research Model of Entrepreneurial Motivation”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18: 29-42.
NGUYEN, H.H.D. and NGUYEN, N.T. (2008). “Examining Personal Values and Entrepreneurial Motives of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in the 21st century: Two Empirical Studies”, African and Asian Studies, 7(2-3): 141-171.
RAHMAN, K.M. and RAHMAN, S.F. (2011). “Entrepreneurship Needs and Achievement Motivations of Descendant Latin-Japanese Entrepreneurs in Japan”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 15: 99-119.
SABANCHIEV, H. (2011). “Statehood Of The Republic Of Kabardino-Balkaria In The Conditions Of Reforming The System Of Federal Relations (1993-2011), (On The 90th Anniversary Of The CBD)”, Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences KBNC , Vol.2.
SAGIE, A. and ELIZUR, D. (1999). “Achievement Motive and Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Structural Analysis,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(3): 375-387.
SCHUMPETER, J. (1968). The Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
SHANE, S., LOCKE, E.A. and COLLINS, J.C. (2003). “Entrepreneurial Motivation”, Human Resource Management Review, 13: 257-279.
SHANE, S. and VENKATARAMAN, S. (2000). “The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research”, Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217–226.
SHANKER, M.C. and ASTRACHAN, J.H. (1996). “Myths and Realities: Family Businesses‟ Contribution to the US Economy–A Framework for Assessing Family Business Statistics”, Family Business Review, 9(2): 107–123.
SKAKOV, A. (2001). “Kabardino-Balkaria: Threats to Stability,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, 1(7): 165-173.
SPENCER, A., KIRCHHOFF, B. and WHITE, C. (2008). “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Wealth Distribution”, International Small Business Journal, 26(1): 9-26.
STEIER, L. (2003), “Unraveling The Familial Sub-Narrative In Entrepreneurship Research”, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 258-272.
STEWART, W., WATSON, W. and CARLAND, J. (2003). “A Proactivity for Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, and Corporate Managers”, Journal of Business Venturing, 14(20): 189- 214.
TANG, L. and KOVEOS, P.E. (2004). “Venture entrepreneurship, innovation entrepreneurship and economic growth”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 3: 161-71.
THE Federal Law of 24.07.2007 N 209-FZ “On The Development Of Small And Medium Enterprises In The Russian Federation”, [Online],, retrieved 23.08.2013.
The Federal State Statistics Service, Collection "Socio-demographic profile of Russia on the basis of the National Population Census of 2010", (2012), [Online],, retrieved 25.08.2013.
The Federal State Statistics Service, Statistical Compendium “Regions of Russia, (2012). Socio-economic indicators, [Online],, retrieved 23.08.2013.
THURIK, R. and WENNEKERS, S. (2004). “Entrepreneurship, Small Business, and Economic Growth,” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11( 1): 140-149.
YALCIN, S. and KAPU, H. (2008). “Entrepreneurial Dimensions in Transitional Economies: A Review of Relevant Literature and the Case of Kyrgyzstan,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 13(2): 185-204.
VENKATARAMAN, S. (1997). “The Distinctive Domain of Entrepreneurship Research: An Editor's Perspective. In J. Katz & R. Brockhaus (Eds.), Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence, and growth, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 3: 119- 138
Aziz, ., & Ayvaz, Y. (2014). AİLE İŞLETMELERİNİN GİRİŞİMCİLİK EĞİLİMİNDEKİ ROLÜ: KABARTAY-BALKAR CUMHURİYETİ ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 107-120.