Complexity Theory and Public Policy: A New Way To Put New Public Management and Governance In Perspective
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 89 - 102, 01.03.2013
Yrd.Doç.Dr.Buğra Özer
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Güven Şeker
This study is an attempt to comprehend the very nature of complexity in public policy and to underline the need for a new paradigm in public policy. The study is of the idea that complexity theory and the phenomena associated with complex systems possess a wide array of theoretical and practical tools to comprehend different dimensions of policy processes. Given the challenges of contemporary times with numerous perplexing issues, the work argues that complexity theory is equipped with the tools to grasp the complexities surrounding public policy issues. In such respect, many contemporary paradigms of public policies deal with complexities by means of subscribing to the perspectives of complexity. The study focuses on the basic problematizationhow new public management and governance schemes deal with these complexities
- 1. BRAYBROOKE, David and CarlesE. Lindblom. (1963), A Strategy of Decision: Policy Evaluation as a Social Process, Free Press, New York.
- 2. BIRKLAND, Thomas A. (2001), An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of. Public Policy Making Armonk, M.E. Sharpe: NY.
- 3. BRIDGMAN, Peter and Glyn Davis (2004), TheAustralian Policy Handbook, 3rd ed. Allen andUnwin, Sydney.
- 4. BUUREN, Arvin van and Geert. R. Teisman (2007), ‘Implementing NPM: A Complexity Perspective on Public Administration Reform Trajectories’ Eds: C. Pollitt, S. van Thieland V. Homburg,In New Public Management in Europe: Adaptation and Alternatives, pp.181—196, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke.
- 5. CAIRNEY, Paul (2012), “Complexity Theory in Political Science and Public Policy” Political Studies Review,Vol: 10, pp. 346–358.
- 6. CASTELLS, Manuel (2000), The rise of the network society, Blackwell: Oxford..
- 7. CILLIERS Paul(1998), Complexity and Post Modernism Routledge: London.
- 8. COLEBATCH, Hall. K. (2002), Policy, Open University, Press: Buckingham.
- 9. COLEBATCH, Hall. K. (2006) ‘Mapping the work of policy’ Ed. Hall K. Colebatch, in Beyond the Policy Cycle: The Policy Process in Australia, pp. 1-19, Allen and Unwin: Sydney.
- 10. DENNARD, Linda, K.A Richardson and Göktug Morçöl, (2005), “Complexity and Policy Analysis: Special Issue”, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Vol:7(1), pp.1-18.
- 11. DENNARD, Linda, Richardson, K.A. and Göktug Morçöl, (2008), Complexity and Policy Analysis: Tools and Methods for Designing Robust Policies in a Complex World, Goodyear, ISCE Publishing: AZ.
- 12. EPPEL, Elisabeth, Anne (2009), The contribution of complexity theory to understanding and explaining policy processes: A study of tertiary education policy processes in New Zealand: Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington.
- 13. FARAZMAND, Ali (2004),“Chaos and Transformation Theories: A Theoretical Analysis with Implications for Organization” Theory and Public Management Public Organization Review: A Global Journal, Vol: 3, pp.339–372.
- 14. GERSHENSON Carlos, Diederik Aerts, Bruce Edmonds (2007), Worldviews, science and us,World Scientific Publishing: Singapore.
- 15. GEYER Robert and Samir Rihani (2010), Complexity and Public Policy: A New Approach to 21st Century Politics, Policy and Society,Routledge: Abingdon.
- 16. JESSOP, Bob (1990), State theory: Putting the Capitalist State in Its Place, Polity Press Cambridge:UK.
- 17. KAUFFMAN,Stuart Alan (1991), “Antichaos and Adaptation: Biological Evolution May Have Been Shaped by More Than Just Natural Selection”, Scientific American, Vol:265:2, pp. 78 – 84.
- 18. KAUFMAN, StuartAlan (1993), The Origins of Order: Self Organization and Selection in Evolution, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- 19. KAUFFMAN, Stuart Alan (1995), At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of Self – Organization and Complexity, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- 20. KLIJN,Erik Hans (1996),“Analyzing and managing policy processes in complex networks: A theoretical examination of the concept of policy network and its problems” Administration and Society, Vol: 28(1), pp.90–199.
- 21. KLIJN, Erik Hans (1997), “Policy networks: An overview”, Eds. W. J. Kickert, E.-H. Klijn and J. F. M. Koppenjan inmanaging complex networks: Strategies for the public sector (pp. 14–34), Sage: London.
- 22. KLIJN, Erik Hans (2001),“Rules as Institutional Context for Decision Making in Networks: The Approach to Post-War Housing Districts in Two Cities”, Administration and Society,Vol: 33: 3 pp133–64.
- 23. KLIJN, Erik Hans (2007),“Managing Complexity: Achieving the Impossible?”, Journal for Critical Policy Analysis,Vol:1: 3 pp252–77.
- 24. KLIJN, Erik H. (2008),“Complexity Theory and Public Administration: What’s New? Key concepts in complexity theory compared to their counterparts in public administration research”, Public Management Review, Vol. 10 Issue 3, pp. 299 – 317.
- 25. DUNSIRE, Andrew (1993) “Modes of Governance” in KOOIMAN, Jan (ed.) (1993), Modern Governance: New Government–Society Interactions, Newbury Park, CA,Sage: London.
- 26. KOPPENJAN, Johannes F. M. and Eric Hans Klijn (2004), Managing Uncertainties in Networks: A Network Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making, Routledge: London.
- 27. LINDBLOM, Charles E. (1959),“The Science of Muddling Through”, Public Administration, Vol: 19, pp: 79–88.
- 28. LINDBLOM, Charles E.(1965), The Intelligence of Democracy: Decision Making through Mutual Adjustment, Free Press: London.
- 29. LUHMAN (1995), Soziologische Aufklärung 6: Die Soziologie und der Mensch, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen.
- 30. MATURANA, Humberto R. and Francisco J. Varela (1980), Autopoiesis and Cognition, theRealization of the Living, Reidel: Boston.
- 31. MORÇÖL,Göktuğ (1997), “Symposium: Learning from natural sciences,” Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol: 19(3),pp. 299-401.
- 32. MORÇÖL, G. (2002). A new mind for policy analysis: Toward a postNewtonian and postpositivist epistemology and methodology. Praeger: Westport, CT
- 33. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ (2005),“Phenomenology Of Complexity Theory And Cognitive Science: Implications For Developing An Embodied Knowledge Of Public Administration And Policy” Administrative Theory & Praxis Vol. 27, No. 1, pp: 1–23.
- 34. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ (2007), Methods of assessing and enhancing creativity for public policy decision making,” Ed: Morçöl, G. (Ed.). (2007). Handbook of decision making. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.
- 35. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ (2010),“Issues in Reconceptualizing Public Policy from the Perspective of Complexity Theory Issues in Reconceptualizing Public Policy from the Perspective of Complexity Theory” E:CO Issue Vol. 12 No. 1 pp. 52-60.
- 36. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ and Dennard, L. (eds.) (2000). (2000). New sciences for public administration and policy: Connections and reflections. Chatelaine Press: Burke, VA
- 37. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ and Aaron Waachaus, (2009), “Network and Complexity Theories: A Comparison and Prospects for a Synthesis” Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 44–58.
- 38. MORÇÖL, G. (2012), A complexity theory for public policy, Routledge: London.
- 39. OVERMAN, E.Sam (1996). “The new science of management: Chaos and quantum theory and method,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,Vol: 6(1): 75-89.
- 40. PARSONS, Wayne (1995), Public Policy - An introduction to the theory and practice of policy analysis, Cheltenham and Lyme : Edward Elgar.
- 41. PRESSMAN, Jeffrey and Aaaron Wildavsky (1973/1984), Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland; Or, Why It’s Amazing that Federal Program Work at All, This Being a Saga of the Economic Development Administration as Told by Two Sympathetic Observers Who Seek to Build Morals on a Foundation of Ruined Hopes, University of California Press:Berkeley.
- 42. RHODES, R. A. W. (1997), Understanding Governance, Open University Press: Buckingham.
- 43. ROSENAU, Pauline, Marie (2001), Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads, and Intrusions, Princeton University Press: Princeton.
- 44. SAPRU, R.K. (2010), Public Policy-Making: Art and Craft of Policy Making, Phi Learning, New Delhi.
- 45. TEISMAN,Geert R. and Klijn, Erik H. (2008), “Complexity theory and public management: An introduction,” Public Management Review,Vol:10(3), pp.: 287-297.
- 46. VALLE, Vicente(2000), Chaos, Complexity and Deterrence: A Term Project for the National Academy of War, Canberra, viewed on January 15th, 2013,, p4.
- 47. WALDROP, Mitchell M. (1992), Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos, Simon & SchusterInc.: New York.
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 89 - 102, 01.03.2013
Yrd.Doç.Dr.Buğra Özer
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Güven Şeker
Bu çalışma kamusal politikaların doğasındaki komplekslikleri anlamaya ve buna dayalı olarak kamusal politikalar ile ilgili karmaşıklıklara cevap verecek yeni bir paradigmaya ihtiyaç olduğu noktasını vurgulama hedefindedir. Kompleksite kuramı ve karmaşık sistemlerle ilişkili olan çeşitli olgular siyasa süreçlerinin değişik boyutlarını anlamak için bir çok kuramsal ve pratik araç sunar. Günümüz dünyasında zorlu koşullar ve gereklilikler göz önüne alındığında, yapılan çalışma ile kompleksite kuramının kamu politikaları yapımı ve uygulama süreçleri ile ilgili sorunlara hem kuramsal hemde pratik anlamda destek vererek, çözüm yolları gösterebileceği ortaya konmuştur. Bu bakımdan kamusal politikalar ile ilgili güncel paradigmalar komplekslik kuramına başvurarak var olan karmaşıklık sorunu ile mücadele etmektedir. Çalışma yeni kamu işletmeciliği uygulamalarının ve yönetişim mekanizmalarının verili karmaşıklıkları nasıl değerlendirdiğini sorunsallaştırmaktadır.
- 1. BRAYBROOKE, David and CarlesE. Lindblom. (1963), A Strategy of Decision: Policy Evaluation as a Social Process, Free Press, New York.
- 2. BIRKLAND, Thomas A. (2001), An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of. Public Policy Making Armonk, M.E. Sharpe: NY.
- 3. BRIDGMAN, Peter and Glyn Davis (2004), TheAustralian Policy Handbook, 3rd ed. Allen andUnwin, Sydney.
- 4. BUUREN, Arvin van and Geert. R. Teisman (2007), ‘Implementing NPM: A Complexity Perspective on Public Administration Reform Trajectories’ Eds: C. Pollitt, S. van Thieland V. Homburg,In New Public Management in Europe: Adaptation and Alternatives, pp.181—196, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke.
- 5. CAIRNEY, Paul (2012), “Complexity Theory in Political Science and Public Policy” Political Studies Review,Vol: 10, pp. 346–358.
- 6. CASTELLS, Manuel (2000), The rise of the network society, Blackwell: Oxford..
- 7. CILLIERS Paul(1998), Complexity and Post Modernism Routledge: London.
- 8. COLEBATCH, Hall. K. (2002), Policy, Open University, Press: Buckingham.
- 9. COLEBATCH, Hall. K. (2006) ‘Mapping the work of policy’ Ed. Hall K. Colebatch, in Beyond the Policy Cycle: The Policy Process in Australia, pp. 1-19, Allen and Unwin: Sydney.
- 10. DENNARD, Linda, K.A Richardson and Göktug Morçöl, (2005), “Complexity and Policy Analysis: Special Issue”, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Vol:7(1), pp.1-18.
- 11. DENNARD, Linda, Richardson, K.A. and Göktug Morçöl, (2008), Complexity and Policy Analysis: Tools and Methods for Designing Robust Policies in a Complex World, Goodyear, ISCE Publishing: AZ.
- 12. EPPEL, Elisabeth, Anne (2009), The contribution of complexity theory to understanding and explaining policy processes: A study of tertiary education policy processes in New Zealand: Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington.
- 13. FARAZMAND, Ali (2004),“Chaos and Transformation Theories: A Theoretical Analysis with Implications for Organization” Theory and Public Management Public Organization Review: A Global Journal, Vol: 3, pp.339–372.
- 14. GERSHENSON Carlos, Diederik Aerts, Bruce Edmonds (2007), Worldviews, science and us,World Scientific Publishing: Singapore.
- 15. GEYER Robert and Samir Rihani (2010), Complexity and Public Policy: A New Approach to 21st Century Politics, Policy and Society,Routledge: Abingdon.
- 16. JESSOP, Bob (1990), State theory: Putting the Capitalist State in Its Place, Polity Press Cambridge:UK.
- 17. KAUFFMAN,Stuart Alan (1991), “Antichaos and Adaptation: Biological Evolution May Have Been Shaped by More Than Just Natural Selection”, Scientific American, Vol:265:2, pp. 78 – 84.
- 18. KAUFMAN, StuartAlan (1993), The Origins of Order: Self Organization and Selection in Evolution, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- 19. KAUFFMAN, Stuart Alan (1995), At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of Self – Organization and Complexity, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- 20. KLIJN,Erik Hans (1996),“Analyzing and managing policy processes in complex networks: A theoretical examination of the concept of policy network and its problems” Administration and Society, Vol: 28(1), pp.90–199.
- 21. KLIJN, Erik Hans (1997), “Policy networks: An overview”, Eds. W. J. Kickert, E.-H. Klijn and J. F. M. Koppenjan inmanaging complex networks: Strategies for the public sector (pp. 14–34), Sage: London.
- 22. KLIJN, Erik Hans (2001),“Rules as Institutional Context for Decision Making in Networks: The Approach to Post-War Housing Districts in Two Cities”, Administration and Society,Vol: 33: 3 pp133–64.
- 23. KLIJN, Erik Hans (2007),“Managing Complexity: Achieving the Impossible?”, Journal for Critical Policy Analysis,Vol:1: 3 pp252–77.
- 24. KLIJN, Erik H. (2008),“Complexity Theory and Public Administration: What’s New? Key concepts in complexity theory compared to their counterparts in public administration research”, Public Management Review, Vol. 10 Issue 3, pp. 299 – 317.
- 25. DUNSIRE, Andrew (1993) “Modes of Governance” in KOOIMAN, Jan (ed.) (1993), Modern Governance: New Government–Society Interactions, Newbury Park, CA,Sage: London.
- 26. KOPPENJAN, Johannes F. M. and Eric Hans Klijn (2004), Managing Uncertainties in Networks: A Network Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making, Routledge: London.
- 27. LINDBLOM, Charles E. (1959),“The Science of Muddling Through”, Public Administration, Vol: 19, pp: 79–88.
- 28. LINDBLOM, Charles E.(1965), The Intelligence of Democracy: Decision Making through Mutual Adjustment, Free Press: London.
- 29. LUHMAN (1995), Soziologische Aufklärung 6: Die Soziologie und der Mensch, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen.
- 30. MATURANA, Humberto R. and Francisco J. Varela (1980), Autopoiesis and Cognition, theRealization of the Living, Reidel: Boston.
- 31. MORÇÖL,Göktuğ (1997), “Symposium: Learning from natural sciences,” Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol: 19(3),pp. 299-401.
- 32. MORÇÖL, G. (2002). A new mind for policy analysis: Toward a postNewtonian and postpositivist epistemology and methodology. Praeger: Westport, CT
- 33. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ (2005),“Phenomenology Of Complexity Theory And Cognitive Science: Implications For Developing An Embodied Knowledge Of Public Administration And Policy” Administrative Theory & Praxis Vol. 27, No. 1, pp: 1–23.
- 34. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ (2007), Methods of assessing and enhancing creativity for public policy decision making,” Ed: Morçöl, G. (Ed.). (2007). Handbook of decision making. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.
- 35. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ (2010),“Issues in Reconceptualizing Public Policy from the Perspective of Complexity Theory Issues in Reconceptualizing Public Policy from the Perspective of Complexity Theory” E:CO Issue Vol. 12 No. 1 pp. 52-60.
- 36. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ and Dennard, L. (eds.) (2000). (2000). New sciences for public administration and policy: Connections and reflections. Chatelaine Press: Burke, VA
- 37. MORÇÖL, Göktuğ and Aaron Waachaus, (2009), “Network and Complexity Theories: A Comparison and Prospects for a Synthesis” Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 44–58.
- 38. MORÇÖL, G. (2012), A complexity theory for public policy, Routledge: London.
- 39. OVERMAN, E.Sam (1996). “The new science of management: Chaos and quantum theory and method,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,Vol: 6(1): 75-89.
- 40. PARSONS, Wayne (1995), Public Policy - An introduction to the theory and practice of policy analysis, Cheltenham and Lyme : Edward Elgar.
- 41. PRESSMAN, Jeffrey and Aaaron Wildavsky (1973/1984), Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland; Or, Why It’s Amazing that Federal Program Work at All, This Being a Saga of the Economic Development Administration as Told by Two Sympathetic Observers Who Seek to Build Morals on a Foundation of Ruined Hopes, University of California Press:Berkeley.
- 42. RHODES, R. A. W. (1997), Understanding Governance, Open University Press: Buckingham.
- 43. ROSENAU, Pauline, Marie (2001), Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads, and Intrusions, Princeton University Press: Princeton.
- 44. SAPRU, R.K. (2010), Public Policy-Making: Art and Craft of Policy Making, Phi Learning, New Delhi.
- 45. TEISMAN,Geert R. and Klijn, Erik H. (2008), “Complexity theory and public management: An introduction,” Public Management Review,Vol:10(3), pp.: 287-297.
- 46. VALLE, Vicente(2000), Chaos, Complexity and Deterrence: A Term Project for the National Academy of War, Canberra, viewed on January 15th, 2013,, p4.
- 47. WALDROP, Mitchell M. (1992), Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos, Simon & SchusterInc.: New York.