İş Değerleri İle Kişilik Özellikleri Arasındaki İlişkini İncelenmesi: Bir Yapısal Denklem Modelleme Yaklaşımı
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 487 - 505, 01.09.2010
Umut Kubat
Prof.Dr.Ayşe Kuruüzüm
- 1. AKINER, İ., ESİN, N. ve GİRİTLİ , H. (2005). Türk İnşaat Endüstrisinde İş Değerleriyle İlgili Kültürel Profil, İTÜ Dergisi/a, Mimarlık, Planlama, Tasarım, 4, 2, 47-58.
- 2. BARRICK, M. R. ve MOUNT, M. K. (1991). The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis, Personnel Psychology, 44, 1-26.
- 3. BARRICK, M. R., MOUNT, M. K. ve JUDGE, T. A. (2001). Personality and Performance at the Beginning of the New Millenium: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go Next?. Personality and Performance, 9, 1/2, 9-30.
- 4. BERINGS, D., DE FRUYT, F. ve BOUWEN, R. (2004). Work Values and Personality Traits as Predictors of Enterprising and Social Vocational Interests. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 349- 364.
- 5. BEUKMAN, T. L. (2005). The Effect of Selected Variables on Leadership Behaviour within the Framework of a Transformational Organization Paradigm. Doctor Commercii, University of Pretoria.
- 6. BYRNE, B.M. (1998). Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, 1998.
- 7. BUCHHOLZ, R. (1978). An Empirical Study of Contemporary Beliefs about Work in American Society, Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, 2, 219-227.
- 8. CHEN, I. (1995), Work Values, Acculturation and Job Satisfaction among Chinese Immigrant Professionals. Ph.D. in Education, New York University.
- 9. CHERRINGTON, D.J., SPENCER, J.C. ve ENGLAND, J.L. (1979). Age and Work Values, The Academy of Management Journal, 22, 3, 617-623.
- 10. CHEUNG, C. ve SCHERLING, S.A. (1999). Job Satisfaction, Work Values and Sex Differences in Taiwan’s Organizations, Journal of Psychology, 133, 5, 563-575.
- 11. COOK, V. D. (2005). An Investigation of the Construct Validity of the Big Five Construct of Emotional Stability in Relation to Job Performance, Job Satisfaction and Career Satisfaction. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee.
- 12. COSTA, P. T. Jr. ve MC CRAE, R. R. (1992). NEO-PI-R. Professional Manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resource.
- 13. DE FRUYT, F. ve MERVIELDE, I. (1997). The Five-Factor Model of Personality and Holland’s RIASEC Interest Types. Personality and Individual Differences, 1, 87-103.
- 14. DHANASARNSILP, P., JOHNSON, H. ve CHAIPOPIRUTANA, S. (2006). An Investigation of Work Values and Resulting Job Satisfaction in Relation to Two Work Roles in Thailand, The Business Review, 5, 1, 161-170.
- 15. EICHAR, D.M., NORLAND, S., BRADY, M.E. ve FORTINSKY, R.H. (1991). The Job Satisfaction of Older Workers, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, 7, 609-620.
- 16. ELIZUR, D. (1994). Gender and Work Values: A Comparative Analysis, The Journal of Social Psychology, 134, 2, 201-212.
- 17. FRIEZE, I.H., OLSON, J.E., MURRELL, A.J. ve SELVAN, M. (2006). Work Values and their Effect on Work Behavior and Work Outcomes in Female and Male Managers, Sex Roles, 54, 1, 83-94.
- 18. FUNDERBURG, D.L. (1996). The Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Business Educators In Secondary School Systems and Community / Technical Colleges in Arkansas, Ph. D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
- 19. FURNHAM, A., FORDE, L. ve FERRARI, K. (1999). Personality and Work Motivation, Personality and Individual Differences, 26, 1035- 1043.
- 20. FURNHAM, A., PETRIDES, K. V., TSAOUSIS, I., PAPPAS, K. ve GARROD, D. (2005). A Cross-Cultural Investigation into the Relationships between Personality Traits and Work Values, The Journal of Psychology, 139, 1, 5-32.
- 21. GEORGE, J. M. ve JONES, G. R. (1997). Experiencing Work: Values, Attitudes and Moods. Human Relations, 50, 4, 393-416.
- 22. HAIR, J. F., ANDERSON, R. E., TAHTAM, R. L. ve BLACK, W. C. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
- 23. HARRINGTON, D., MILES, H. WATKINS, A. ve WILLIAMSON, A. (1996). Putting People Values to Work, Mc Kinsey Quarterly, 3, 163- 167.
- 24. HECKMAN, K. E., (2004). An Assessment of the Effect of Personality and Forward Context on the Expertise of a Collective Learning System Using the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Doctor of Science Dissertation, Cedar Crest College.
- 25. HSIEH, C. A. (2006). A Study of the Relationship between Work Values and Career Choice among Hospitality Management Students in Taiwan. Ph. D. Dissertation, Idaho State University.
- 26. JOHNSON, M. K. (2001). Job Values in the Young Adult Transition: Change and Stability with Age, Social Psychology Quarterly, 64, 4, 297-317.
- 27. JUDGE, T. ve CABLE, D. (1997). Applicant Personality, Organizational Culture, and Organization Attraction, Personnel Psychology, 50, 2, 359-395.
- 28. JURGENSEN, C.E. (1978). Job preferences: What makes a job good or bad?, Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, 3, 267-276.
- 29. KASNAK, E. (1998). Çalışanların İş Değerleri ve Bir Özel Sektör Şirketinde Uygulama, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
- 30. KNOOP, R. (1994). Work Values and Job Satisfaction, The Journal of Psychology, 128, 6, 683-690.
- 31. LI, W., LIU, X. Ve WAN, W. (2008). Demographic Effects of Work Values and their Management Implications, Journal of Business Ethics, 81, 875-885.
- 32. LINDLEY, L. D. ve BORGEN, F. H. (2000). Personal Style Scales of the Strong Interest Inventory: Linking Personality and Interests, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57, 22-41.
- 33. MEGLINO, B. M. ve RAVLIN, E. C. (1998). Individual Values in Organizations: Concepts, Controversies, and Research, Journal of Management, 24 (3), 351-389.
- 34. NORD, W., BRIEF, A., ATIEH, J. ve DOHORTY, E. (1990). Studying Meanings of Work: The Case of Work Values. In A. Brief & W. Nord (Eds.), Meanings of Occupational Work (pp. 255-296). Lexington, MA, Lexington Books.
- 35. O’BRIEN, G.E. ve HUMPHRYS, P. (1982). The Effects of Congruency between Work Values and Perceived Job Attributes upon the Job Satisfaction of Pharmacists, Australian Journal of Psychology, 34, 91- 101.
- 36. RESPRESS, T.L. (1997). Assessment of Discrepancies between Residential Employees Work Values and Program Directors’ Perceptions of Residential Employees’ Work Values, Doctor of Education, East Tennessee State University.
- 37. ROWE, R. ve SNIZEK, W.E. (1995). Gender Differences in Work Values: Perpetuating the Myth, Work and Occupations, 22, 215-229.
- 38. SAGIE, A., ELIZUR, D. ve KOSLOWSKY, M. (1996). Work Values: A Theoretical Overview and a Model of their Effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 503-514.
- 39. SALEH, S.D. ve LALLJEE, M. (1969). Sex and Job Orientation, Personnel Psychology, 22, 465-471.
- 40. SALGADO, J. F. (1997). The Five Factor Model of Personality and Job Performance in the European Community”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 30-43.
- 41. SARNSWANG, S. (1995). Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Academic Deans in Thailand’s Universities. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Missouri Columbia.
- 42. SCHERBAUM, Jr. C. A. (2003). Detecting Intentional Response Distortion on Measures of the Five-Factor Model of Personality: An Application of Differential Person Functioning. Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio University.
- 43. SENATORE, P. (2003). Moderating Effects of Work Values on Stressor-Strain Relationships. Master of Science Thesis, San Hose State University.
- 44. SHAPIRA, Z. ve GRIFFITH, T.L. (1990). Comparing the Work Values of Engineers with Managers, Production and Clerical Workers: A Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11, 4, 281- 292.
- 45. SKAGGS, W.J. (1987). Work Values of Faculty Members in Selected Small Liberal Arts Colleges: A Comparative Study, Doctor of Education, Oklahoma State University, 1987.
- 46. SOMER, O., KORKMAZ, M. ve TATAR, A. (2001). Ege Üniversitesi Çok Boyutlu Kişilik Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi, Bornova-İzmir.
- 47. SUPER, D. E. (1969). Manual: Work Values Inventory. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- 48. ŞENCAN, H. (2005). Güvenirlik ve Geçerlilik, Seçkin Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- 49. TATAR, A. (2005). Çok Boyutlu Kişilik Envanterinin Madde-Cevap Kuramına Göre Kısa Formunun Geliştirilmesi ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi.
- 50. TAYYAB, S. ve TARIQ, N. (2001). Work values and organizational commitment in public and private sector executives, Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, Winter, 16, 3/4, 95-112.
- 51. TAYLOR, R.N. ve M. THOMPSON, M. (1976). Work Value Systems of Young Workers, The Academy of Management Journal, 19, 4, 522- 536.
- 52. TETT, R. P., JACKSON, D. N. ve ROTHSTEIN, M. G. (1991). Personality Measures as Predictors of Job Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review. Personnel Psychology, 44, 703-742.
- 53. TOKAR, D. M., FISCHER, A. R., ve SUBICH, L. M. (1998). Personality and Vocational Behavior: A Selective Review of the Literature, 1993-1997, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 53, 115-153.
- 54. TORRES, B.M. (1990). The Relationship between Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Potential Minority Leaders in Community Colleges and Technical Institutes, Master Thesis, Texas A&M University.
- 55. UYAN, G. (2002). Öğretmenlerin İş Değerleri, Kişilik Özellikleri ve İş Tatminleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi: MEB’na Bağlı Resmi ve Özel Eğitim Kurumlarında Gerçekleştirilen Bir Araştırma, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
- 56. VELASCO, S.C. (1998). Work Values: Sources of Variation and Consequences for Earnings Inequality between Men and Women, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California.
- 57. WANG, D., CUI, H. ve ZHOU, F. (2005). Measuring the personality of Chinese, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 8, 97-122.
- 58. WOLLACK, S., GOODALE, J. G., WIJTING, J. P. ve SMITH, P. C. (1971). Development of the Survey of Work Values. Journal of Applied Psychology, 55, 4, 331-338.
- 59. WU, T., LEE, K., LIU Y. ve OU, H. (1996). The Reliability, Validity, Norms and Value Patterns of Work Value Inventory for the Employees of College-Graduate. Psychological Testing, 43, 173-175.
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 487 - 505, 01.09.2010
Umut Kubat
Prof.Dr.Ayşe Kuruüzüm
Bu araştırmada üretim sektörü çalışanlarının iş değerlerine verdikleri önemi belirlemek ve iş değerleri ile kişilik arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Kişilik özelliklerinin iş değerleri için iyi bir kestirimci olup olmadığı sorgulanmıştır. Çalışanlar (N=208) 85 maddeli Çok Boyutlu Kişilik Envanteri (Tatar, 2005), Super’in İş Değerleri Envanteri (1969) ve Wu, Lee ve Os’un Envanteri’ne (1996) dayalı olan İş Değerleri Envanteri’ni doldurmuşlardır. Çalışma sonucunda kişilik özellikleri ile iş değerleri arasında orta düzeyde bir ilişkinin bulunduğu ortaya çıkmıştır
- 1. AKINER, İ., ESİN, N. ve GİRİTLİ , H. (2005). Türk İnşaat Endüstrisinde İş Değerleriyle İlgili Kültürel Profil, İTÜ Dergisi/a, Mimarlık, Planlama, Tasarım, 4, 2, 47-58.
- 2. BARRICK, M. R. ve MOUNT, M. K. (1991). The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis, Personnel Psychology, 44, 1-26.
- 3. BARRICK, M. R., MOUNT, M. K. ve JUDGE, T. A. (2001). Personality and Performance at the Beginning of the New Millenium: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go Next?. Personality and Performance, 9, 1/2, 9-30.
- 4. BERINGS, D., DE FRUYT, F. ve BOUWEN, R. (2004). Work Values and Personality Traits as Predictors of Enterprising and Social Vocational Interests. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 349- 364.
- 5. BEUKMAN, T. L. (2005). The Effect of Selected Variables on Leadership Behaviour within the Framework of a Transformational Organization Paradigm. Doctor Commercii, University of Pretoria.
- 6. BYRNE, B.M. (1998). Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, 1998.
- 7. BUCHHOLZ, R. (1978). An Empirical Study of Contemporary Beliefs about Work in American Society, Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, 2, 219-227.
- 8. CHEN, I. (1995), Work Values, Acculturation and Job Satisfaction among Chinese Immigrant Professionals. Ph.D. in Education, New York University.
- 9. CHERRINGTON, D.J., SPENCER, J.C. ve ENGLAND, J.L. (1979). Age and Work Values, The Academy of Management Journal, 22, 3, 617-623.
- 10. CHEUNG, C. ve SCHERLING, S.A. (1999). Job Satisfaction, Work Values and Sex Differences in Taiwan’s Organizations, Journal of Psychology, 133, 5, 563-575.
- 11. COOK, V. D. (2005). An Investigation of the Construct Validity of the Big Five Construct of Emotional Stability in Relation to Job Performance, Job Satisfaction and Career Satisfaction. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee.
- 12. COSTA, P. T. Jr. ve MC CRAE, R. R. (1992). NEO-PI-R. Professional Manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resource.
- 13. DE FRUYT, F. ve MERVIELDE, I. (1997). The Five-Factor Model of Personality and Holland’s RIASEC Interest Types. Personality and Individual Differences, 1, 87-103.
- 14. DHANASARNSILP, P., JOHNSON, H. ve CHAIPOPIRUTANA, S. (2006). An Investigation of Work Values and Resulting Job Satisfaction in Relation to Two Work Roles in Thailand, The Business Review, 5, 1, 161-170.
- 15. EICHAR, D.M., NORLAND, S., BRADY, M.E. ve FORTINSKY, R.H. (1991). The Job Satisfaction of Older Workers, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, 7, 609-620.
- 16. ELIZUR, D. (1994). Gender and Work Values: A Comparative Analysis, The Journal of Social Psychology, 134, 2, 201-212.
- 17. FRIEZE, I.H., OLSON, J.E., MURRELL, A.J. ve SELVAN, M. (2006). Work Values and their Effect on Work Behavior and Work Outcomes in Female and Male Managers, Sex Roles, 54, 1, 83-94.
- 18. FUNDERBURG, D.L. (1996). The Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Business Educators In Secondary School Systems and Community / Technical Colleges in Arkansas, Ph. D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
- 19. FURNHAM, A., FORDE, L. ve FERRARI, K. (1999). Personality and Work Motivation, Personality and Individual Differences, 26, 1035- 1043.
- 20. FURNHAM, A., PETRIDES, K. V., TSAOUSIS, I., PAPPAS, K. ve GARROD, D. (2005). A Cross-Cultural Investigation into the Relationships between Personality Traits and Work Values, The Journal of Psychology, 139, 1, 5-32.
- 21. GEORGE, J. M. ve JONES, G. R. (1997). Experiencing Work: Values, Attitudes and Moods. Human Relations, 50, 4, 393-416.
- 22. HAIR, J. F., ANDERSON, R. E., TAHTAM, R. L. ve BLACK, W. C. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
- 23. HARRINGTON, D., MILES, H. WATKINS, A. ve WILLIAMSON, A. (1996). Putting People Values to Work, Mc Kinsey Quarterly, 3, 163- 167.
- 24. HECKMAN, K. E., (2004). An Assessment of the Effect of Personality and Forward Context on the Expertise of a Collective Learning System Using the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Doctor of Science Dissertation, Cedar Crest College.
- 25. HSIEH, C. A. (2006). A Study of the Relationship between Work Values and Career Choice among Hospitality Management Students in Taiwan. Ph. D. Dissertation, Idaho State University.
- 26. JOHNSON, M. K. (2001). Job Values in the Young Adult Transition: Change and Stability with Age, Social Psychology Quarterly, 64, 4, 297-317.
- 27. JUDGE, T. ve CABLE, D. (1997). Applicant Personality, Organizational Culture, and Organization Attraction, Personnel Psychology, 50, 2, 359-395.
- 28. JURGENSEN, C.E. (1978). Job preferences: What makes a job good or bad?, Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, 3, 267-276.
- 29. KASNAK, E. (1998). Çalışanların İş Değerleri ve Bir Özel Sektör Şirketinde Uygulama, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
- 30. KNOOP, R. (1994). Work Values and Job Satisfaction, The Journal of Psychology, 128, 6, 683-690.
- 31. LI, W., LIU, X. Ve WAN, W. (2008). Demographic Effects of Work Values and their Management Implications, Journal of Business Ethics, 81, 875-885.
- 32. LINDLEY, L. D. ve BORGEN, F. H. (2000). Personal Style Scales of the Strong Interest Inventory: Linking Personality and Interests, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57, 22-41.
- 33. MEGLINO, B. M. ve RAVLIN, E. C. (1998). Individual Values in Organizations: Concepts, Controversies, and Research, Journal of Management, 24 (3), 351-389.
- 34. NORD, W., BRIEF, A., ATIEH, J. ve DOHORTY, E. (1990). Studying Meanings of Work: The Case of Work Values. In A. Brief & W. Nord (Eds.), Meanings of Occupational Work (pp. 255-296). Lexington, MA, Lexington Books.
- 35. O’BRIEN, G.E. ve HUMPHRYS, P. (1982). The Effects of Congruency between Work Values and Perceived Job Attributes upon the Job Satisfaction of Pharmacists, Australian Journal of Psychology, 34, 91- 101.
- 36. RESPRESS, T.L. (1997). Assessment of Discrepancies between Residential Employees Work Values and Program Directors’ Perceptions of Residential Employees’ Work Values, Doctor of Education, East Tennessee State University.
- 37. ROWE, R. ve SNIZEK, W.E. (1995). Gender Differences in Work Values: Perpetuating the Myth, Work and Occupations, 22, 215-229.
- 38. SAGIE, A., ELIZUR, D. ve KOSLOWSKY, M. (1996). Work Values: A Theoretical Overview and a Model of their Effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 503-514.
- 39. SALEH, S.D. ve LALLJEE, M. (1969). Sex and Job Orientation, Personnel Psychology, 22, 465-471.
- 40. SALGADO, J. F. (1997). The Five Factor Model of Personality and Job Performance in the European Community”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 30-43.
- 41. SARNSWANG, S. (1995). Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Academic Deans in Thailand’s Universities. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Missouri Columbia.
- 42. SCHERBAUM, Jr. C. A. (2003). Detecting Intentional Response Distortion on Measures of the Five-Factor Model of Personality: An Application of Differential Person Functioning. Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio University.
- 43. SENATORE, P. (2003). Moderating Effects of Work Values on Stressor-Strain Relationships. Master of Science Thesis, San Hose State University.
- 44. SHAPIRA, Z. ve GRIFFITH, T.L. (1990). Comparing the Work Values of Engineers with Managers, Production and Clerical Workers: A Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11, 4, 281- 292.
- 45. SKAGGS, W.J. (1987). Work Values of Faculty Members in Selected Small Liberal Arts Colleges: A Comparative Study, Doctor of Education, Oklahoma State University, 1987.
- 46. SOMER, O., KORKMAZ, M. ve TATAR, A. (2001). Ege Üniversitesi Çok Boyutlu Kişilik Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi, Bornova-İzmir.
- 47. SUPER, D. E. (1969). Manual: Work Values Inventory. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- 48. ŞENCAN, H. (2005). Güvenirlik ve Geçerlilik, Seçkin Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- 49. TATAR, A. (2005). Çok Boyutlu Kişilik Envanterinin Madde-Cevap Kuramına Göre Kısa Formunun Geliştirilmesi ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi.
- 50. TAYYAB, S. ve TARIQ, N. (2001). Work values and organizational commitment in public and private sector executives, Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, Winter, 16, 3/4, 95-112.
- 51. TAYLOR, R.N. ve M. THOMPSON, M. (1976). Work Value Systems of Young Workers, The Academy of Management Journal, 19, 4, 522- 536.
- 52. TETT, R. P., JACKSON, D. N. ve ROTHSTEIN, M. G. (1991). Personality Measures as Predictors of Job Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review. Personnel Psychology, 44, 703-742.
- 53. TOKAR, D. M., FISCHER, A. R., ve SUBICH, L. M. (1998). Personality and Vocational Behavior: A Selective Review of the Literature, 1993-1997, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 53, 115-153.
- 54. TORRES, B.M. (1990). The Relationship between Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Potential Minority Leaders in Community Colleges and Technical Institutes, Master Thesis, Texas A&M University.
- 55. UYAN, G. (2002). Öğretmenlerin İş Değerleri, Kişilik Özellikleri ve İş Tatminleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi: MEB’na Bağlı Resmi ve Özel Eğitim Kurumlarında Gerçekleştirilen Bir Araştırma, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
- 56. VELASCO, S.C. (1998). Work Values: Sources of Variation and Consequences for Earnings Inequality between Men and Women, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California.
- 57. WANG, D., CUI, H. ve ZHOU, F. (2005). Measuring the personality of Chinese, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 8, 97-122.
- 58. WOLLACK, S., GOODALE, J. G., WIJTING, J. P. ve SMITH, P. C. (1971). Development of the Survey of Work Values. Journal of Applied Psychology, 55, 4, 331-338.
- 59. WU, T., LEE, K., LIU Y. ve OU, H. (1996). The Reliability, Validity, Norms and Value Patterns of Work Value Inventory for the Employees of College-Graduate. Psychological Testing, 43, 173-175.