Kümelenmeler: Bir Literatür İncelemesi
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 441 - 461, 01.03.2010
Dr.hidayet Keskin
Doç.dr.murat Ali Dulupçu
- 1. AKGÜNGÖR, S., N. KUMRAL ve A. LENGER, “National Industry Clusters and Regional Specialization in Turkey”, European Planning Studies, 2003, Vol.11, Issue 6, ss. 647-669.
- 2. ANDERSEN, E. ve M. TEUBAL, “High Tech Cluster Creation and Cluster Re-Configuration A System and A Policy Perspective”, Supplementary paper presented at the DRUID Conference June 1999.
- 3. ANDERSON, G., “Industry Clustering For Economic Development”, Economic Development Review, 07423713, Spring 1994, Vol. 12, Issue 2.
- 4. ASHEIM, B., P. COOKE ve R. MARTIN, ‘The Rise of the Cluster Concept in Regional Analysis and Policy: A Critical Assessment’, Clusters and Regional Development, Edited by Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron Martın, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006.
- 5. AZIZ, K. ve M. NORHASHIM, “Cluster-Based Policy Making: Assessing Performance and Sustaining Competitiveness”, Review of Policy Research, Volume 25, Number 4, 2008, ss. 349-373.
- 6. BELUSSI F., “In Search Of A Useful Theory Of Spatial Clustering: Agglomeration Versus Active Clustering” içinde Clusters and Regional Development, (Editörler: Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron MARTIN), Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006, ss.69-89.
- 7. BOSCHMA, R. A. ve A. J. TER WAL, “Knowledge Networks and Innovative Performance in an Industrial District: The Case of a Footwear District in the South of Italy”, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 2007, ss. 177-199.
- 8. BOSCHMA, R. A., “Social Capital and Regional Development: An Empirical Analysis of The Third Italy”,R.A. Boschma and R.C. Kloosterman(eds.), Learning from Clusters: A Critical Assessment from An Economic-Geographical Perspective, 2005 Springer, Printed in Netherlands, ss. 139-168.
- 9. BRENNER, T., “Identification of Local Industrial Clusters in Germany”, Regional Studies, Vol. 40, 9, December 2006, ss. 991-1004.
- 10. BULU, M. ve İ. H. ERASLAN, ‘Kümelenme Yaklaşımı’, Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları İlkeler Kavramlar ve Yaklaşımlar, Editor: İsmail SAĞLAM, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., Mayıs 2004, İstanbul.
- 11. BULU, M., “Türk KOBİ’leri için Rekabet Stratejileri”, Organize Sanayi Gazetesi OSTİM, Haziran 2005.
- 12. COOKE, P., “Regional Innovation Systems: General Findings and Some New Evidence from Biotechnology Clusters”, Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 27, 2002, ss. 133-145.
- 13. ÇAĞLAR, E., Türkiye’de Yerelleşme ve Rekabet Gücü: Kümelenmeye Dayalı Politikalar ve Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri, Bölgesel Kalkınmada Yeni Açılımlar, TEPAV, 13 Eylül 2006, ss.305-315.
- 14. DPT, Dokuzuncu Kalkınma Planı (2007-2013), Ankara.
- 15. DTM, Türkiye’de Kümelenme Politikasının Geliştirilmesi Projesi, 2009.
- 16. ENRIGHT, M. J., “The Globalization of Competition and the Localization of Competitive Advantage: Policies Toward Regional Clustering”, Paper Presented at the Workshop on the Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland, May 15-16, 1998.
- 17. ERAYDIN, A. ve B. KÖROĞLU ARMATLI, “Increasing Role of Services in Competitive Power and Innovativeness of Firms and Industrial Clusters”, Europen Planning Studies, 2007, Vol.15, Issue 7, ss. 905-925.
- 18. ERAYDIN, A. ve B. KÖROĞLU ARMATLI, “Innovation, Networking and The New Industrial Clusters: The Characteristics of Networks and Local Innovation Capabilities In The Turkish Industrial Clusters”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2005, Vol.17, Issue 4, ss. 237-266.
- 19. ERONEN, J., “Cluster Analysis and Russian Forest Industry Complex”, Helsinki,ETLA The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Discussion Papers, ISSN 0781-6847, No. 682, 1999.
- 20. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Regional Clusters In Europe, Observatory of European SMEs 2002, No. 3.
- 21. FESER E. J. ve E. M. BERGMAN, “National Industry Cluster Templates: A Framework for Applied Regional Cluster Analysis”, Regional Studies, Vol.34;1, 2000, ss. 1-19.
- 22. HE, C., Y. D. WEİ ve X. XIE, “Globalization, Institutional Change and Industrial Location: Economic Transition and Industrial Concentration in China”, Regional Studies, August 2008, Vol.42, Issue 7, ss. 923-945.
- 23. HERTOG, P. ve E. BROUWER, “Innovation in the Dutch Construction Cluster”, Innovative Clusters: National Innovation Systems, OECD,2001, ss. 203-229.
- 24. HUANG, Z., X. ZHANG ve Y. ZHU, “The Role of Clustering In Rural Industrialization: A Case Study of The Footwear Industry In Wenzhou”, China Economic Review, Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2008, ss. 409- 420.
- 25. KARATAȘ, N., Firma KümeleȘme Eğilimleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir AraȘtırma:İzmir Atatürk Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Örneği, PLANLAMA 2006/3, ss. 47-57.
- 26. KARDOKAITE, V., “Tendencies of Business Cluster Development”, Economics & Management, 2008,ss. 623-629.
- 27. KAUFFMAN, R. J. ve A. KUMAR, “Mapping the Multi-Tiered Impacts On The Growth of IT Industries In India: A Combined Scale-and-Scope Externalities Perspective”, Information Technology for Deveopment, 2008, Vol. 14, ıssue 3, ss. 225-252.
- 28. KESKİN, H., Kümelenme ve Sektörel Bağlantıları Açısında Isparta Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisinin Değerlendirilmesi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Isparta, 2009, ss. 148-155.
- 29. KLEINHENZ, J., “An Introduction to The Northeast Ohio Clusters Project”, Economic Development Ouarterly, Vol. 14, No.1, February 2000, ss.63-64.
- 30. KLOOSTERMAN R. C. ve R. A. BOSCHMA, “Further Learning From Clusters”, R.A. Boschma and R.C. Kloosterman (eds.), Learning from Clusters: A Critical Assessment from An Economic-Geographical Perspective, 2005 Springer, Printed in Netherlands, ss. 391-405.
- 31. KUMRAL, N., S. AKGÜNGÖR ve A. LENGER, “National Industry Clusters: The Case of Turkey”, Paper prepared for Regional Transitions: European Regions and the Challenges of Development, Integration and Enlargement, Presentation at the Regional Studies Association.
- 32. LARSON, A., “Network Dyads in Entrepreneurial Settings: A Study of the Governance of Exchange Relationships”, 1992, Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, ss. 76-104.
- 33. MALMBERG, A. ve D. POWER, ‘True Clusters A Severe Case of Conceptual Headache’, Clusters and Regional Development, Edited by Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron Martın, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006.
- 34. MARKUSEN, A., “Sticky Places in Slippery Space: A Typology of Industrial Districts”, Economic Geography, July 1996, Vol: 72, No:3.
- 35. MARSHALL, A., Principles of Economics, Mcmillan, London, 1890.
- 36. MASKELL, P. ve L. KEBIR, ‘What Qualifies As A Cluster Theory?’, Clusters and Regional Development, Edited by Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron Martın, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006.
- 37. MATUSCHEWSKI, A., “Policy Debates Regional Cluster of the Information Economy in Germany”, Regional Studies, Vol. 40, 3, May 2006, ss. 409-422.
- 38. MEEUSEN, W. ve M. DUMONT, “The Network of Subsidized and Spontaneous R&D Co-Operation Between Belgian and Foreign Firms, Research Instıtutes and Universities: A Graph-Theoretical Approach”, CESIT Discussion Paper No 97/08, November 1998.
- 39. MERCAN, B., N. S. HALICI ve N. BALTACI, ‘Küresel ve Bölgesel Rekabet Avantajı Sağlayıcısı Olarak Sanayi Odaklarının(Clusters) Oluşumu ve Gelişimi, 3. Ulusal Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Osman Gazi Üniversitesi, 25-26 Kasım 2004, Eskişehir, ss. 167-176.
- 40. MINGUZZI, A. ve R. PASSARO, “The Network of Relationships Between The Economic Environment and The Entrepreneurial Culture In Small Firms”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 16, 2000, ss. 181- 207.
- 41. NADVI, K. ve G. HALDER, “Local Clusters In Global Value Chains: Exploring Dynamic Linkages Between Germany and Pakistan”, Entrepreneurship & Regioanl Development, 17, September 2005, ss. 339-363.
- 42. ÖZ, Ö. “Assessing Porter’s Framework for National Advantage: The Case of Turkey”, Journal of Business Research, 2002, Vol.55, Issue 6, ss. 509-515.
- 43. ÖZ, Ö., The Competitive Advantage of Nations; The Case of Turkey, Ashgate Publishing, 1999.
- 44. PEETERS L. ve M. TIRI, “Identification of Techno-economic Clusters Using Input-Output Data: Application to Flanders and Switzerland”, Innovative Clusters: Drivers of national Innovation Sytems, OECD, 2001.
- 45. PORTER, M. E., “Clusters and The New Economics of Competition”, Harvard Business Review, Kasım-Aralık 1998, ss. 77-90.
- 46. PORTER, M. E., “Competitive Advantage of Nations”, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1990, ss. 73-79.
- 47. PORTER, M. E., “The Economic Performance of Regions”, Regional Studies, Vol: 37, No: 6&7, August – October 2003, ss. 549-578.
- 48. POWELL, W.W., “Neither Market Nor Hierarchy: Network Forms of Organizations”, 1990, Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol.12, ss. 295-336.
- 49. RODRIGUEZ-CLARE, A., “Clusters and Comparative Advantage: Implications for Industrial Policy”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol.82, 2007, ss. 43-57.
- 50. ROELANDT T. J. ve P. HERTOG, “Cluster Analysis and Cluster-Based Policy Making In OECD Countries: An Introduction to the Theme”, Boosting Innovation: The Cluster Approach, 1999, OECD, ss.10-26.
- 51. ROSENFELD, S. A., Creating Smart Systems A Guide To Cluster Strategies in Less Favoured Regions, European Union-Regional Innovation Strategies, April 2002, ss.1-35. 52. SOHN D. W. ve M. KENNEDY, “Universities, Clusters and Innovation Systems: The Case of Seoul, Korea”, World Development, Vol. 35, No. 6, 2007, ss. 991-1004,
- 53. SRINIVASAN M. ve Y. B. MOON, “A Comprehensive Clustering Algorithm for Strategic Analysis of Supply Chain Networks”, Computers&Industrial Engineering, Vol. 36, Issue 3, July 1999, ss. 615- 633.
- 54. T.C. BAŞBAKANLIK, 2009/15199 Sayılı Karar, T.C. Resmi Gazete, Tarih: 16.07.2009, Sayı: 227290.
- 55. VIITOMA, E., “Cluster Analysis and the Forest Sector-Where Are We Now?”, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Interim Report, IR-10-016, 30 March 2001.
- 56. VOCK, P., “An Anatomy of the Swiss Construction Cluster”, Innovative Clusters:Drivers of National Innovation Systems, OECD, 2001, ss. 229- 247.
- 57. WEBSTER, D. ve L. MULLER, “Urban Competitiveness Assessment In Developing Country Urban Regions: The Road Forward”, Paper prepared for Urban Group, INFUD The World Bank, Washington D.C., July 17, 2000.
- 58. YAMAMURA, E. ve I. SHIN, “Dynamics of Agglomeration Economies and Regional Industrial Structure: The Case of The Assembly Industry of The Greater Tokyo Region, 1960-2000”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol.18, 2007, ss. 483-499.
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 441 - 461, 01.03.2010
Dr.hidayet Keskin
Doç.dr.murat Ali Dulupçu
Kümelenme yaklaşımı, bir takım eleştirilere maruz kalsa da, her geçen gün önemini ve uygulama alanını artırmaktadır. Konu ile ilgili çalışmalar da gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kümelenme literatürüne ait temel eserlerin incelenmesi ve bütünleşik bir çerçevede ortaya koyulmasıdır. Çalışmanın bir diğer amacı da kümelenme türlerini sınıflandırmak ve kümelenme tipolojisi konusunda teoriye katkıda bulunmaktır.
- 1. AKGÜNGÖR, S., N. KUMRAL ve A. LENGER, “National Industry Clusters and Regional Specialization in Turkey”, European Planning Studies, 2003, Vol.11, Issue 6, ss. 647-669.
- 2. ANDERSEN, E. ve M. TEUBAL, “High Tech Cluster Creation and Cluster Re-Configuration A System and A Policy Perspective”, Supplementary paper presented at the DRUID Conference June 1999.
- 3. ANDERSON, G., “Industry Clustering For Economic Development”, Economic Development Review, 07423713, Spring 1994, Vol. 12, Issue 2.
- 4. ASHEIM, B., P. COOKE ve R. MARTIN, ‘The Rise of the Cluster Concept in Regional Analysis and Policy: A Critical Assessment’, Clusters and Regional Development, Edited by Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron Martın, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006.
- 5. AZIZ, K. ve M. NORHASHIM, “Cluster-Based Policy Making: Assessing Performance and Sustaining Competitiveness”, Review of Policy Research, Volume 25, Number 4, 2008, ss. 349-373.
- 6. BELUSSI F., “In Search Of A Useful Theory Of Spatial Clustering: Agglomeration Versus Active Clustering” içinde Clusters and Regional Development, (Editörler: Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron MARTIN), Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006, ss.69-89.
- 7. BOSCHMA, R. A. ve A. J. TER WAL, “Knowledge Networks and Innovative Performance in an Industrial District: The Case of a Footwear District in the South of Italy”, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 2007, ss. 177-199.
- 8. BOSCHMA, R. A., “Social Capital and Regional Development: An Empirical Analysis of The Third Italy”,R.A. Boschma and R.C. Kloosterman(eds.), Learning from Clusters: A Critical Assessment from An Economic-Geographical Perspective, 2005 Springer, Printed in Netherlands, ss. 139-168.
- 9. BRENNER, T., “Identification of Local Industrial Clusters in Germany”, Regional Studies, Vol. 40, 9, December 2006, ss. 991-1004.
- 10. BULU, M. ve İ. H. ERASLAN, ‘Kümelenme Yaklaşımı’, Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları İlkeler Kavramlar ve Yaklaşımlar, Editor: İsmail SAĞLAM, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., Mayıs 2004, İstanbul.
- 11. BULU, M., “Türk KOBİ’leri için Rekabet Stratejileri”, Organize Sanayi Gazetesi OSTİM, Haziran 2005.
- 12. COOKE, P., “Regional Innovation Systems: General Findings and Some New Evidence from Biotechnology Clusters”, Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 27, 2002, ss. 133-145.
- 13. ÇAĞLAR, E., Türkiye’de Yerelleşme ve Rekabet Gücü: Kümelenmeye Dayalı Politikalar ve Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri, Bölgesel Kalkınmada Yeni Açılımlar, TEPAV, 13 Eylül 2006, ss.305-315.
- 14. DPT, Dokuzuncu Kalkınma Planı (2007-2013), Ankara.
- 15. DTM, Türkiye’de Kümelenme Politikasının Geliştirilmesi Projesi, 2009.
- 16. ENRIGHT, M. J., “The Globalization of Competition and the Localization of Competitive Advantage: Policies Toward Regional Clustering”, Paper Presented at the Workshop on the Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland, May 15-16, 1998.
- 17. ERAYDIN, A. ve B. KÖROĞLU ARMATLI, “Increasing Role of Services in Competitive Power and Innovativeness of Firms and Industrial Clusters”, Europen Planning Studies, 2007, Vol.15, Issue 7, ss. 905-925.
- 18. ERAYDIN, A. ve B. KÖROĞLU ARMATLI, “Innovation, Networking and The New Industrial Clusters: The Characteristics of Networks and Local Innovation Capabilities In The Turkish Industrial Clusters”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2005, Vol.17, Issue 4, ss. 237-266.
- 19. ERONEN, J., “Cluster Analysis and Russian Forest Industry Complex”, Helsinki,ETLA The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Discussion Papers, ISSN 0781-6847, No. 682, 1999.
- 20. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Regional Clusters In Europe, Observatory of European SMEs 2002, No. 3.
- 21. FESER E. J. ve E. M. BERGMAN, “National Industry Cluster Templates: A Framework for Applied Regional Cluster Analysis”, Regional Studies, Vol.34;1, 2000, ss. 1-19.
- 22. HE, C., Y. D. WEİ ve X. XIE, “Globalization, Institutional Change and Industrial Location: Economic Transition and Industrial Concentration in China”, Regional Studies, August 2008, Vol.42, Issue 7, ss. 923-945.
- 23. HERTOG, P. ve E. BROUWER, “Innovation in the Dutch Construction Cluster”, Innovative Clusters: National Innovation Systems, OECD,2001, ss. 203-229.
- 24. HUANG, Z., X. ZHANG ve Y. ZHU, “The Role of Clustering In Rural Industrialization: A Case Study of The Footwear Industry In Wenzhou”, China Economic Review, Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2008, ss. 409- 420.
- 25. KARATAȘ, N., Firma KümeleȘme Eğilimleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir AraȘtırma:İzmir Atatürk Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Örneği, PLANLAMA 2006/3, ss. 47-57.
- 26. KARDOKAITE, V., “Tendencies of Business Cluster Development”, Economics & Management, 2008,ss. 623-629.
- 27. KAUFFMAN, R. J. ve A. KUMAR, “Mapping the Multi-Tiered Impacts On The Growth of IT Industries In India: A Combined Scale-and-Scope Externalities Perspective”, Information Technology for Deveopment, 2008, Vol. 14, ıssue 3, ss. 225-252.
- 28. KESKİN, H., Kümelenme ve Sektörel Bağlantıları Açısında Isparta Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisinin Değerlendirilmesi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Isparta, 2009, ss. 148-155.
- 29. KLEINHENZ, J., “An Introduction to The Northeast Ohio Clusters Project”, Economic Development Ouarterly, Vol. 14, No.1, February 2000, ss.63-64.
- 30. KLOOSTERMAN R. C. ve R. A. BOSCHMA, “Further Learning From Clusters”, R.A. Boschma and R.C. Kloosterman (eds.), Learning from Clusters: A Critical Assessment from An Economic-Geographical Perspective, 2005 Springer, Printed in Netherlands, ss. 391-405.
- 31. KUMRAL, N., S. AKGÜNGÖR ve A. LENGER, “National Industry Clusters: The Case of Turkey”, Paper prepared for Regional Transitions: European Regions and the Challenges of Development, Integration and Enlargement, Presentation at the Regional Studies Association.
- 32. LARSON, A., “Network Dyads in Entrepreneurial Settings: A Study of the Governance of Exchange Relationships”, 1992, Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, ss. 76-104.
- 33. MALMBERG, A. ve D. POWER, ‘True Clusters A Severe Case of Conceptual Headache’, Clusters and Regional Development, Edited by Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron Martın, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006.
- 34. MARKUSEN, A., “Sticky Places in Slippery Space: A Typology of Industrial Districts”, Economic Geography, July 1996, Vol: 72, No:3.
- 35. MARSHALL, A., Principles of Economics, Mcmillan, London, 1890.
- 36. MASKELL, P. ve L. KEBIR, ‘What Qualifies As A Cluster Theory?’, Clusters and Regional Development, Edited by Bjorn ASHEIM, Philip COOKE ve Ron Martın, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, USA, 2006.
- 37. MATUSCHEWSKI, A., “Policy Debates Regional Cluster of the Information Economy in Germany”, Regional Studies, Vol. 40, 3, May 2006, ss. 409-422.
- 38. MEEUSEN, W. ve M. DUMONT, “The Network of Subsidized and Spontaneous R&D Co-Operation Between Belgian and Foreign Firms, Research Instıtutes and Universities: A Graph-Theoretical Approach”, CESIT Discussion Paper No 97/08, November 1998.
- 39. MERCAN, B., N. S. HALICI ve N. BALTACI, ‘Küresel ve Bölgesel Rekabet Avantajı Sağlayıcısı Olarak Sanayi Odaklarının(Clusters) Oluşumu ve Gelişimi, 3. Ulusal Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Osman Gazi Üniversitesi, 25-26 Kasım 2004, Eskişehir, ss. 167-176.
- 40. MINGUZZI, A. ve R. PASSARO, “The Network of Relationships Between The Economic Environment and The Entrepreneurial Culture In Small Firms”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 16, 2000, ss. 181- 207.
- 41. NADVI, K. ve G. HALDER, “Local Clusters In Global Value Chains: Exploring Dynamic Linkages Between Germany and Pakistan”, Entrepreneurship & Regioanl Development, 17, September 2005, ss. 339-363.
- 42. ÖZ, Ö. “Assessing Porter’s Framework for National Advantage: The Case of Turkey”, Journal of Business Research, 2002, Vol.55, Issue 6, ss. 509-515.
- 43. ÖZ, Ö., The Competitive Advantage of Nations; The Case of Turkey, Ashgate Publishing, 1999.
- 44. PEETERS L. ve M. TIRI, “Identification of Techno-economic Clusters Using Input-Output Data: Application to Flanders and Switzerland”, Innovative Clusters: Drivers of national Innovation Sytems, OECD, 2001.
- 45. PORTER, M. E., “Clusters and The New Economics of Competition”, Harvard Business Review, Kasım-Aralık 1998, ss. 77-90.
- 46. PORTER, M. E., “Competitive Advantage of Nations”, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1990, ss. 73-79.
- 47. PORTER, M. E., “The Economic Performance of Regions”, Regional Studies, Vol: 37, No: 6&7, August – October 2003, ss. 549-578.
- 48. POWELL, W.W., “Neither Market Nor Hierarchy: Network Forms of Organizations”, 1990, Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol.12, ss. 295-336.
- 49. RODRIGUEZ-CLARE, A., “Clusters and Comparative Advantage: Implications for Industrial Policy”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol.82, 2007, ss. 43-57.
- 50. ROELANDT T. J. ve P. HERTOG, “Cluster Analysis and Cluster-Based Policy Making In OECD Countries: An Introduction to the Theme”, Boosting Innovation: The Cluster Approach, 1999, OECD, ss.10-26.
- 51. ROSENFELD, S. A., Creating Smart Systems A Guide To Cluster Strategies in Less Favoured Regions, European Union-Regional Innovation Strategies, April 2002, ss.1-35. 52. SOHN D. W. ve M. KENNEDY, “Universities, Clusters and Innovation Systems: The Case of Seoul, Korea”, World Development, Vol. 35, No. 6, 2007, ss. 991-1004,
- 53. SRINIVASAN M. ve Y. B. MOON, “A Comprehensive Clustering Algorithm for Strategic Analysis of Supply Chain Networks”, Computers&Industrial Engineering, Vol. 36, Issue 3, July 1999, ss. 615- 633.
- 54. T.C. BAŞBAKANLIK, 2009/15199 Sayılı Karar, T.C. Resmi Gazete, Tarih: 16.07.2009, Sayı: 227290.
- 55. VIITOMA, E., “Cluster Analysis and the Forest Sector-Where Are We Now?”, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Interim Report, IR-10-016, 30 March 2001.
- 56. VOCK, P., “An Anatomy of the Swiss Construction Cluster”, Innovative Clusters:Drivers of National Innovation Systems, OECD, 2001, ss. 229- 247.
- 57. WEBSTER, D. ve L. MULLER, “Urban Competitiveness Assessment In Developing Country Urban Regions: The Road Forward”, Paper prepared for Urban Group, INFUD The World Bank, Washington D.C., July 17, 2000.
- 58. YAMAMURA, E. ve I. SHIN, “Dynamics of Agglomeration Economies and Regional Industrial Structure: The Case of The Assembly Industry of The Greater Tokyo Region, 1960-2000”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol.18, 2007, ss. 483-499.