Ödemelerde Gecikmeye İzin Verilmesi Durumu Altında Ekonomik Sipariş ve Üretim Miktarı Modelleri Literatür Taraması
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 351 - 368, 01.03.2009
Arş.gör.harun Sulak
Doç.dr.abdullah Eroğlu
- 1. ABAD, P., L. ve JAGGI, C., K., “A Joint Approach for Setting Unit Price and the Length of the Credit Period for a Seller When End Demand is Price Sensitive”, International Journal of Production Economics, 83, s. 115-122, 2003.
- 2. AGGARWAL, S. P. ve JAGGI, C. K., “Ordering Policies of Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 46, s. 458-662, 1995.
- 3. ARCELUS, F. J. ve SRINIVASAN, G., “Delay of Payments for Extraordinary Purchases”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44, s. 785-795, 1993.
- 4. ARCELUS, F. J. ve SRINIVASAN, G., “Credit Policies for One-Time Only Sales”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 9, s. 9-30, 1992.
- 5. ARCELUS, F. J., SHAH, N. H. ve SRINIVASAN, G., “Retailer's Pricing, Credit and Inventory Policies for Deteriorating Items in Response to Temporary Price/Credit Incentives”, International Journal of Production Economics, 81-82, s. 153-162, 2003.
- 6. BREGMAN, R. L., “A Note on Optimal Order Quantities for Credit Purchases”, International Journal of Production Economics, 28, s. 203-210, 1992.
- 7. CARDENAS-BARRON, L. E., “The Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) with Shortage Derived Algebraically”, International Journal of Production Economics, 70 (3), s. 289-292, 2001.
- 8. CHAND, S. ve WARD, J., “A Note on Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 38, s. 83-84, 1987.
- 9. CHANG, C. T., “An EOQ Model with Deteriorating Items under Inflation When Supplier Credits Linked to Order Quantity”, International Journal of Production Economics, 88, s. 307-316, 2004.
- 10. CHANG, C. T., OUYANG, L. Y. ve TENG, J. T., “An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items under Supplier Credits Linked to Ordering Quantity”, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 27, s. 983-96, 2003.
- 11. CHANG, C. T. ve TENG, J. T., “Retailer’s Optimal Ordering Policy under Supplier Credits”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 60, s. 471-483, 2004.
- 12. CHANG, H. J., HUANG, C. H. ve DYE, C. Y., “An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Linear Trend Demand under the Condition of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Production Planning and Control, 12, s. 274-282, 2001.
- 13. CHANG, H. J. ve DYE, C. Y., “An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging and Permissible Delay in Payments”, International Journal of Systems Science, 32, s. 345-352, 2001.
- 14. CHAPMAN, C. B., WARD, S. C., COOPER, D. F. ve M. J. PAGE, “Credit policy and inventory Control”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 35, s. 1055-1065, 1984.
- 15. CHEN, L. H. ve KANG, F. S., “Integrated Vendor-Buyer Cooperative Inventory Models with Variant Permissible Delay in Payments”, European Journal of Operational Research, 183, s. 658-673, 2007.
- 16. CHEN, L. H. ve OUYANG, L. Y., “Fuzzy Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Permissible Delay in Payment” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182 (1), s. 711-726, 2006.
- 17. CHEN, M. S. ve CHUANG, C. C., “An Analysis of Light Buyer’s Economic Order Model under Trade Credit”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 16, s. 23-34, 1999.
- 18. CHU, P., CHUNG, K. J. ve LAN, S. P., “Economic Order Quantity of Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments”, Computers and Operations Research, 25 (10), s. 810-824, 1998.
- 19. CHUNG, K. H., “Inventory Control and Trade Credit Revisited”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 40, 495- 498, 1989.
- 20. CHUNG, K. J., “The Inventory Replenishment Policy for Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of the Operations Research Society, 37, s. 267-281, 2000.
- 21. CHUNG, K. J., “A Theorem on the Determination of Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Computer and Operations Research, 25, s. 49-52, 1998.
- 22. CHUNG, K. J., CHANG, S. L. ve YANG, W. D., “The Optimal Cycle Time for Exponentially Deteriorating Products under Trade Credit Financing”, The Engineering Economist, 46, s. 232-242, 2001.
- 23. CHUNG, K. J., GOYAL, S. K. ve HUANG, Y. F., “The Optimal Inventory Policies under Permissible Delay in Payments Depending on the Ordering Quantity”, International Journal of Production Economics, 95, s. 203-213, 2005.
- 24. CHUNG, K. J. ve HUANG, T. S., “The Optimal Retailer's Ordering Policies for Deteriorating Items with Limited Storage Capacity under Trade Credit Financing”, International Journal of Production Economics, 106 (1), s. 127-145, 2007.
- 25. CHUNG, K. J. ve HUANG, Y. F., “Retailer’s Optimal Cycle Times in the EOQ Model with Imperfect Quality and a Permissible Credit Period”, Quality and Quantity, 40, s. 59-77, 2006.
- 26. CHUNG, K. J. ve HUANG, Y. F., “The Optimal Cycle Time for EPQ Inventory Model under Permissible Delay in Payments”, International Journal of Production Economics, 84, s. 307-318, 2003.
- 27. CHUNG, K. J. ve LIAO, J. J., “The Optimal Ordering Policy in a DCF Analysis for Deteriorating Items under Trade Credit Depending on the Ordering Quantity”, International Journal of Production Economics, 100, s. 116-130, 2006.
- 28. CHUNG, K. J. ve LIAO, J. J., “Lot-Sizing Decisions under Trade Credit Depending on the Ordering Quantity”, Computers and Operations Research, 31, s. 909-28, 2004.
- 29. DAELLENBACH, H. G., “Inventory Control and Trade Credit - A Rejoinder”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 39, s. 218-219, 1988.
- 30. DAELLENBACH, H. G., “Inventory Control and Trade Credit”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 37, s. 525-528, 1986.
- 31. DAVE, U., 1985. “On ‘‘Economic Order Quantity under Condition of Permissible Delay in Payments’’ by Goyal”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 36, s. 1069, 1985.
- 32. DAVIS, R. A. ve GAITHER, N., “Optimal Ordering Policies under Conditions of Extended Payment Privileges”, Management Science, 31, 499-509, 1985.
- 33. EROĞLU, A., Deterministik Envanter Modelleri, Fakülte Kitabevi, Isparta, 2002.
- 34. GAITHER, N., Production and Operation Manegement, Fifth Edition, The Dryden Pres, New York, 1992.
- 35. GOYAL, S. K., “Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 36, s. 35-38, 1985.
- 36. GOYAL, S. K., “A Note On "The Effect of Payment Rules on Orderıng and Stockholding in Purchasing”, The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 35 (5), s. 451-452, 1984.
- 37. GRUBBSTROM, R. W. ve ERDEM, A., “The EOQ with Backlogging Derived without Derivatives”, International Journal of Production Economics, 59, s. 529-530, 1999.
- 38. HALEY, C. W. ve HIGGINS, R. C., “Inventory Policy and Trade Credit Financing”, Management Science, 20, s. 464-471, 1973.
- 39. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Retailer’s Replenishment Decisions in the EPQ Model under Two Levels of Trade Credit Policy”, European Journal of Operational Research, 176 (3), s. 1577-1591, 2007a.
- 40. HUANG, Y. F., “Economic Order Quantity under Conditionally Permissible Delay in Payments”, European Journal of Operational Research, 176 (2), s. 911-924, 2007b.
- 41. HUANG, Y. F., “An Inventory Model under Two Levels of Trade Credit and Limited Storage Space Derived Without Derivatives”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30 (5), s. 418-436, 2006.
- 42. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Retailer’s Replenishment Policy for the EPQ Model under the Supplier’s Trade Credit Policy”, Production, Planning and Control, 15, s. 27-33, 2004a.
- 43. HUANG, Y. F., “An EOQ Model under Trade Credit Linked to Order Quantity Using Algebraic Method”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 4 (3), s. 432-438, 2004b.
- 44. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Inventory Control under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments Derived without Derivatives”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 4 (2), s. 287-291, 2004c.
- 45. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Retailers Ordering Policies in the EOQ Model under Trade Credit Financing”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54, s. 1011-1015, 2003.
- 46. HUANG, Y. F. ve CHUNG, K. J., “Optimal Replenishment and Payment Policies in the EOQ Model under Cash Discount and Trade Credit”, Asia-Pasific Journal of Operations Research , 20, s. 177-190, 2003.
- 47. HWANG, H. ve SHINN, S. W., “Retailer's Pricing and Lot Sizing Policy for Exponentially Deteriorating Products under the Condition of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Computers and Operations Research, 6 (6), s. 539-547, 1997.
- 48. JABER, M. Y., NUWAYHID, R.. Y. ve ROSEN, M. A., “A Thermodynamic Approach to Modelling the Economic Order Quantity, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30 (9), s. 867-883, 2006.
- 49. JABER, M. Y. ve OSMAN, I. H., “Coordinating a Two-Level Supply Chain with Delay in Payments and Profit Sharing”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 50 (4), s. 385-400, 2006.
- 50. JAGGI, C. K., GOYAL, S.K. ve GOEL, S. K., “Retailer’s Optimal Replenishment Decisions with Credit-Linked Demand under Permissible Delay in Payments”, European Journal of Operational Research, 190 (1), s. 130-135, 2008
- 51. JAMAL, A. M. M., SARKER, B. R. ve WANG, S., “Optimal Payment Time for a Retailer under Permitted Delay of Payment by the Wholesaler”, International Journal of Production Economics, 66, s. 59-66, 2000.
- 52. JAMAL, A. M. M., SARKER, B. R. ve WANG, S., “An Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Allowable Shortage and Permissible Delay in Payment”,
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Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 351 - 368, 01.03.2009
Arş.gör.harun Sulak
Doç.dr.abdullah Eroğlu
Ekonomik Sipariş ve Üretim Miktarı modellerinde ele alınan gerçek hayatı tam yansıtmayan temel varsayımlardan birisi ödemelerin malın tesliminde peşin olarak yapıldığıdır. Bu varsayımın gevşetilmesiyle pek çok yeni model geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ekonomik sipariş ve üretim miktarı modellerinde ödemelerde gecikmeye izin verilmesi durumu altında geliştirilen yeni modeller literatürden incelenmektedir
- 1. ABAD, P., L. ve JAGGI, C., K., “A Joint Approach for Setting Unit Price and the Length of the Credit Period for a Seller When End Demand is Price Sensitive”, International Journal of Production Economics, 83, s. 115-122, 2003.
- 2. AGGARWAL, S. P. ve JAGGI, C. K., “Ordering Policies of Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 46, s. 458-662, 1995.
- 3. ARCELUS, F. J. ve SRINIVASAN, G., “Delay of Payments for Extraordinary Purchases”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44, s. 785-795, 1993.
- 4. ARCELUS, F. J. ve SRINIVASAN, G., “Credit Policies for One-Time Only Sales”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 9, s. 9-30, 1992.
- 5. ARCELUS, F. J., SHAH, N. H. ve SRINIVASAN, G., “Retailer's Pricing, Credit and Inventory Policies for Deteriorating Items in Response to Temporary Price/Credit Incentives”, International Journal of Production Economics, 81-82, s. 153-162, 2003.
- 6. BREGMAN, R. L., “A Note on Optimal Order Quantities for Credit Purchases”, International Journal of Production Economics, 28, s. 203-210, 1992.
- 7. CARDENAS-BARRON, L. E., “The Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) with Shortage Derived Algebraically”, International Journal of Production Economics, 70 (3), s. 289-292, 2001.
- 8. CHAND, S. ve WARD, J., “A Note on Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 38, s. 83-84, 1987.
- 9. CHANG, C. T., “An EOQ Model with Deteriorating Items under Inflation When Supplier Credits Linked to Order Quantity”, International Journal of Production Economics, 88, s. 307-316, 2004.
- 10. CHANG, C. T., OUYANG, L. Y. ve TENG, J. T., “An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items under Supplier Credits Linked to Ordering Quantity”, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 27, s. 983-96, 2003.
- 11. CHANG, C. T. ve TENG, J. T., “Retailer’s Optimal Ordering Policy under Supplier Credits”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 60, s. 471-483, 2004.
- 12. CHANG, H. J., HUANG, C. H. ve DYE, C. Y., “An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Linear Trend Demand under the Condition of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Production Planning and Control, 12, s. 274-282, 2001.
- 13. CHANG, H. J. ve DYE, C. Y., “An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging and Permissible Delay in Payments”, International Journal of Systems Science, 32, s. 345-352, 2001.
- 14. CHAPMAN, C. B., WARD, S. C., COOPER, D. F. ve M. J. PAGE, “Credit policy and inventory Control”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 35, s. 1055-1065, 1984.
- 15. CHEN, L. H. ve KANG, F. S., “Integrated Vendor-Buyer Cooperative Inventory Models with Variant Permissible Delay in Payments”, European Journal of Operational Research, 183, s. 658-673, 2007.
- 16. CHEN, L. H. ve OUYANG, L. Y., “Fuzzy Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Permissible Delay in Payment” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182 (1), s. 711-726, 2006.
- 17. CHEN, M. S. ve CHUANG, C. C., “An Analysis of Light Buyer’s Economic Order Model under Trade Credit”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 16, s. 23-34, 1999.
- 18. CHU, P., CHUNG, K. J. ve LAN, S. P., “Economic Order Quantity of Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments”, Computers and Operations Research, 25 (10), s. 810-824, 1998.
- 19. CHUNG, K. H., “Inventory Control and Trade Credit Revisited”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 40, 495- 498, 1989.
- 20. CHUNG, K. J., “The Inventory Replenishment Policy for Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of the Operations Research Society, 37, s. 267-281, 2000.
- 21. CHUNG, K. J., “A Theorem on the Determination of Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Computer and Operations Research, 25, s. 49-52, 1998.
- 22. CHUNG, K. J., CHANG, S. L. ve YANG, W. D., “The Optimal Cycle Time for Exponentially Deteriorating Products under Trade Credit Financing”, The Engineering Economist, 46, s. 232-242, 2001.
- 23. CHUNG, K. J., GOYAL, S. K. ve HUANG, Y. F., “The Optimal Inventory Policies under Permissible Delay in Payments Depending on the Ordering Quantity”, International Journal of Production Economics, 95, s. 203-213, 2005.
- 24. CHUNG, K. J. ve HUANG, T. S., “The Optimal Retailer's Ordering Policies for Deteriorating Items with Limited Storage Capacity under Trade Credit Financing”, International Journal of Production Economics, 106 (1), s. 127-145, 2007.
- 25. CHUNG, K. J. ve HUANG, Y. F., “Retailer’s Optimal Cycle Times in the EOQ Model with Imperfect Quality and a Permissible Credit Period”, Quality and Quantity, 40, s. 59-77, 2006.
- 26. CHUNG, K. J. ve HUANG, Y. F., “The Optimal Cycle Time for EPQ Inventory Model under Permissible Delay in Payments”, International Journal of Production Economics, 84, s. 307-318, 2003.
- 27. CHUNG, K. J. ve LIAO, J. J., “The Optimal Ordering Policy in a DCF Analysis for Deteriorating Items under Trade Credit Depending on the Ordering Quantity”, International Journal of Production Economics, 100, s. 116-130, 2006.
- 28. CHUNG, K. J. ve LIAO, J. J., “Lot-Sizing Decisions under Trade Credit Depending on the Ordering Quantity”, Computers and Operations Research, 31, s. 909-28, 2004.
- 29. DAELLENBACH, H. G., “Inventory Control and Trade Credit - A Rejoinder”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 39, s. 218-219, 1988.
- 30. DAELLENBACH, H. G., “Inventory Control and Trade Credit”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 37, s. 525-528, 1986.
- 31. DAVE, U., 1985. “On ‘‘Economic Order Quantity under Condition of Permissible Delay in Payments’’ by Goyal”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 36, s. 1069, 1985.
- 32. DAVIS, R. A. ve GAITHER, N., “Optimal Ordering Policies under Conditions of Extended Payment Privileges”, Management Science, 31, 499-509, 1985.
- 33. EROĞLU, A., Deterministik Envanter Modelleri, Fakülte Kitabevi, Isparta, 2002.
- 34. GAITHER, N., Production and Operation Manegement, Fifth Edition, The Dryden Pres, New York, 1992.
- 35. GOYAL, S. K., “Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 36, s. 35-38, 1985.
- 36. GOYAL, S. K., “A Note On "The Effect of Payment Rules on Orderıng and Stockholding in Purchasing”, The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 35 (5), s. 451-452, 1984.
- 37. GRUBBSTROM, R. W. ve ERDEM, A., “The EOQ with Backlogging Derived without Derivatives”, International Journal of Production Economics, 59, s. 529-530, 1999.
- 38. HALEY, C. W. ve HIGGINS, R. C., “Inventory Policy and Trade Credit Financing”, Management Science, 20, s. 464-471, 1973.
- 39. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Retailer’s Replenishment Decisions in the EPQ Model under Two Levels of Trade Credit Policy”, European Journal of Operational Research, 176 (3), s. 1577-1591, 2007a.
- 40. HUANG, Y. F., “Economic Order Quantity under Conditionally Permissible Delay in Payments”, European Journal of Operational Research, 176 (2), s. 911-924, 2007b.
- 41. HUANG, Y. F., “An Inventory Model under Two Levels of Trade Credit and Limited Storage Space Derived Without Derivatives”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30 (5), s. 418-436, 2006.
- 42. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Retailer’s Replenishment Policy for the EPQ Model under the Supplier’s Trade Credit Policy”, Production, Planning and Control, 15, s. 27-33, 2004a.
- 43. HUANG, Y. F., “An EOQ Model under Trade Credit Linked to Order Quantity Using Algebraic Method”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 4 (3), s. 432-438, 2004b.
- 44. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Inventory Control under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments Derived without Derivatives”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 4 (2), s. 287-291, 2004c.
- 45. HUANG, Y. F., “Optimal Retailers Ordering Policies in the EOQ Model under Trade Credit Financing”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54, s. 1011-1015, 2003.
- 46. HUANG, Y. F. ve CHUNG, K. J., “Optimal Replenishment and Payment Policies in the EOQ Model under Cash Discount and Trade Credit”, Asia-Pasific Journal of Operations Research , 20, s. 177-190, 2003.
- 47. HWANG, H. ve SHINN, S. W., “Retailer's Pricing and Lot Sizing Policy for Exponentially Deteriorating Products under the Condition of Permissible Delay in Payments”, Computers and Operations Research, 6 (6), s. 539-547, 1997.
- 48. JABER, M. Y., NUWAYHID, R.. Y. ve ROSEN, M. A., “A Thermodynamic Approach to Modelling the Economic Order Quantity, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30 (9), s. 867-883, 2006.
- 49. JABER, M. Y. ve OSMAN, I. H., “Coordinating a Two-Level Supply Chain with Delay in Payments and Profit Sharing”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 50 (4), s. 385-400, 2006.
- 50. JAGGI, C. K., GOYAL, S.K. ve GOEL, S. K., “Retailer’s Optimal Replenishment Decisions with Credit-Linked Demand under Permissible Delay in Payments”, European Journal of Operational Research, 190 (1), s. 130-135, 2008
- 51. JAMAL, A. M. M., SARKER, B. R. ve WANG, S., “Optimal Payment Time for a Retailer under Permitted Delay of Payment by the Wholesaler”, International Journal of Production Economics, 66, s. 59-66, 2000.
- 52. JAMAL, A. M. M., SARKER, B. R. ve WANG, S., “An Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Allowable Shortage and Permissible Delay in Payment”,
- 53. KHOUJA, M. ve MEHREZ, A., “Optimal Inventory Policy under Different Supplier Credit Policies”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 15, s. 334-339, 1996.
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