Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 453 - 461, 02.05.2016
Figen Özer Keçe
Vesile Ömürbek
Durmuş Acar
Günümüz rekabet ortamında işletmelerin maliyet tahminini güvenilir bir şekilde yaparak faaliyetlerine devam edebilmesi hayati önem taşımaktadır. İşletmeler içinde farklı maliyet tahmin yöntemleri bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da maliyet tahmininde Gri Tahmin Yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada X firmasının gelecekteki bir yıllık dönemde ne kadarlık bir maliyete katlanacağını tahmin etmek için GM (1,1) modeli uygulanmaktadır. İlk olarak 3’er aylık dönemler halinde 4 veri yardımıyla bir yıla ilişkin model kurulmuştur. Daha sonra elde edilen tahmin sonuçlarının doğruluğu kontrol edilmiş ve yaklaşık % 2,5’lik bir hata payı olduğu saptanmaktadır. Böylece az veri kullanarak kısa dönemli maliyet tahmininde gri tahmin yönteminin yüksek güvenilirlik oranına sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- AKDOĞAN, N., (2009). Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sisteminde Maliyet Muhasebesi Uygulamaları, 8. Baskı, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- BHATTA, H.S.M., (2010). Cost Accounting, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- BÜYÜKMİRZA, K., (2008). Maliyet ve Yönetim Muhasebesi, 12. Baskı, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- CALVIN, E., (1990). Managerial Accounting Second Edition, Irwin Inc.
- CAMELIA, D., IOANA, B. and EMIL, S., (2013). “A Computational Grey Based Model For Companies Risk Forecasting”, Journal of Grey System, 25 (3): 70-83.
- COLLIER, P.M., (2012). Accounting For Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information For Decision Making, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.
- DENG, J.L., (1982). “Control problems of grey systems”, Systems and Controls, 1 (5): 288-294.
- FENG, S.J., MA, Y.D., SONG, Z.L. and YING, J., (2012). “Forecasting The Energy Consumption of China by The Grey Prediction Model”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 7 (4): 376-389.
- HSIEH, M.F., WANG, R.T. and LU, I.C., (2006). “Applying Grey Relation Analysis To Establish The Financial Distress Prediction Model for Electronic in Taiwan”, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,
- KARAKAYA, M., (2007). Maliyet Muhasebesi, Geliştirilmiş 3. Baskı, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Kamu Gözetim Kurumu, TMS 16: Maddi Duran Varlıklar Standardı, (Erişim Tarihi:04.03.2016)
- Kamu Gözetim Kurumu, TMS 38: Maddi Olmayan Duran Varlıklar Standardı, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2016)
- Kamu Gözetim Kurumu, TMS 40: Yatırım Amaçlı Gayrimenkuller Standardı, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2016)
- KAYACAN, E., ULUTAŞ, B., BÜYÜKŞALVARCI, A. ve KAYNAK, O., (2007). “Gri Sistem Kuramı ve Finansman Uygulamaları: İMKB Örneği”, 11. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu, 17–20 Ekim 2007, Zonguldak, ss. 215-229.
- KU, L.L. and HUANG, T.C., (2006) “Sequential Monitoring Of Manufacturing Processes: An Application Of Grey Forecasting Models”, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 27 (5): 543-546.
- KUNG, C.Y. and CHANG, C.P., (2004). “Application of Grey Prediction Model on China Automobile Industry”, Journal of Grey System, 16 (2): 147-154.
- LI, E.L., (2013). “Forecast of Second-Hand Ship Price Based on Grey Theory”, International Jornal of U-& and E_Service, Science and Technology, 6 (2): 115-124.
- LI, G.D., YAMAGUCHI, D. and NAGAI, M., (2006). “Application of Grey-Based Rough Decision-Making Approach To Suppliers Selection”, Journal of Modelling in Management, 2 (2): 131-142.
- LI, X.C., SHAO, X.M. and WANG, J., (2010), “Grey Prediction of Chinese Farmland”, Journal of Grey System, 22 (1): 81-88.
- LIN, Y., CHEN, M.Y. and LIU, S., (2004). “Theory Of Grey Systemler: Capturing Uncertainties Of Grey Information”, Kybernetes, 33 (2): 196-218.
- LIU, S. and FORREST, J.Y.L., (2010). “Grey Systems Theory and Applications”, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- LIU, S. and LIN, Y., (2006). “Grey Information: Theory and Practical Applications”, Springer, London.
- MAO, S., CHEN, Y. and XIAO, X.P., (2012). “City Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Improved GM (1.1) Model”, Journal of Grey System, 24 : 337-346.
- SHILI, F., LIFENG, W., ZHIGENG, F. and XIAOJUN, G., (2013). “Using Fractional GM (1,1) Model to Predict the Maintenance Cost of Weapon System”, Journal of Grey System, 25 (3): 9-15.
- TSAI, M.T., HSIAO, S.W. and LIANG, W.K., (2005). “Using Grey Theory To Develop A Model For Forecasting The Demand For Telecommunications ”, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 26 (3): 535-547.
- WANG, S., HSIAO, C.M. and WANG, S., (2009). “A Study of Trends of Chinese Language in the United States via GM (1,1)”, Journal of Grey System, 21 (2): 129- 136.
- YILMAZ, H. ve YILMAZ, M., (2013). “Gri Tahmin Yöntemi Kullanılarak Türkiye’nin CO2 Emisyon Tahmini”, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Sigma 31, 31 (2): 141-148
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 453 - 461, 02.05.2016
Figen Özer Keçe
Vesile Ömürbek
Durmuş Acar
- AKDOĞAN, N., (2009). Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sisteminde Maliyet Muhasebesi Uygulamaları, 8. Baskı, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- BHATTA, H.S.M., (2010). Cost Accounting, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- BÜYÜKMİRZA, K., (2008). Maliyet ve Yönetim Muhasebesi, 12. Baskı, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- CALVIN, E., (1990). Managerial Accounting Second Edition, Irwin Inc.
- CAMELIA, D., IOANA, B. and EMIL, S., (2013). “A Computational Grey Based Model For Companies Risk Forecasting”, Journal of Grey System, 25 (3): 70-83.
- COLLIER, P.M., (2012). Accounting For Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information For Decision Making, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.
- DENG, J.L., (1982). “Control problems of grey systems”, Systems and Controls, 1 (5): 288-294.
- FENG, S.J., MA, Y.D., SONG, Z.L. and YING, J., (2012). “Forecasting The Energy Consumption of China by The Grey Prediction Model”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 7 (4): 376-389.
- HSIEH, M.F., WANG, R.T. and LU, I.C., (2006). “Applying Grey Relation Analysis To Establish The Financial Distress Prediction Model for Electronic in Taiwan”, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,
- KARAKAYA, M., (2007). Maliyet Muhasebesi, Geliştirilmiş 3. Baskı, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Kamu Gözetim Kurumu, TMS 16: Maddi Duran Varlıklar Standardı, (Erişim Tarihi:04.03.2016)
- Kamu Gözetim Kurumu, TMS 38: Maddi Olmayan Duran Varlıklar Standardı, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2016)
- Kamu Gözetim Kurumu, TMS 40: Yatırım Amaçlı Gayrimenkuller Standardı, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2016)
- KAYACAN, E., ULUTAŞ, B., BÜYÜKŞALVARCI, A. ve KAYNAK, O., (2007). “Gri Sistem Kuramı ve Finansman Uygulamaları: İMKB Örneği”, 11. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu, 17–20 Ekim 2007, Zonguldak, ss. 215-229.
- KU, L.L. and HUANG, T.C., (2006) “Sequential Monitoring Of Manufacturing Processes: An Application Of Grey Forecasting Models”, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 27 (5): 543-546.
- KUNG, C.Y. and CHANG, C.P., (2004). “Application of Grey Prediction Model on China Automobile Industry”, Journal of Grey System, 16 (2): 147-154.
- LI, E.L., (2013). “Forecast of Second-Hand Ship Price Based on Grey Theory”, International Jornal of U-& and E_Service, Science and Technology, 6 (2): 115-124.
- LI, G.D., YAMAGUCHI, D. and NAGAI, M., (2006). “Application of Grey-Based Rough Decision-Making Approach To Suppliers Selection”, Journal of Modelling in Management, 2 (2): 131-142.
- LI, X.C., SHAO, X.M. and WANG, J., (2010), “Grey Prediction of Chinese Farmland”, Journal of Grey System, 22 (1): 81-88.
- LIN, Y., CHEN, M.Y. and LIU, S., (2004). “Theory Of Grey Systemler: Capturing Uncertainties Of Grey Information”, Kybernetes, 33 (2): 196-218.
- LIU, S. and FORREST, J.Y.L., (2010). “Grey Systems Theory and Applications”, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- LIU, S. and LIN, Y., (2006). “Grey Information: Theory and Practical Applications”, Springer, London.
- MAO, S., CHEN, Y. and XIAO, X.P., (2012). “City Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Improved GM (1.1) Model”, Journal of Grey System, 24 : 337-346.
- SHILI, F., LIFENG, W., ZHIGENG, F. and XIAOJUN, G., (2013). “Using Fractional GM (1,1) Model to Predict the Maintenance Cost of Weapon System”, Journal of Grey System, 25 (3): 9-15.
- TSAI, M.T., HSIAO, S.W. and LIANG, W.K., (2005). “Using Grey Theory To Develop A Model For Forecasting The Demand For Telecommunications ”, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 26 (3): 535-547.
- WANG, S., HSIAO, C.M. and WANG, S., (2009). “A Study of Trends of Chinese Language in the United States via GM (1,1)”, Journal of Grey System, 21 (2): 129- 136.
- YILMAZ, H. ve YILMAZ, M., (2013). “Gri Tahmin Yöntemi Kullanılarak Türkiye’nin CO2 Emisyon Tahmini”, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Sigma 31, 31 (2): 141-148