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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 1433 - 1448, 30.10.2016


The purpose of this study is to determine the causal relationship between psychological ownership and employee workaholism behavior. The expected benefit from this study will be to demonstrate that workaholism as a cognitive-behavioral construct could be accounted for by psychological ownership feelings targeted towards one’s work. The cultural context of Turkish organizational setting is assumed to considerably contribute to the development of overt psychological ownership feelings towards one’s job. The distinct correlations among workaholism and psychological ownership subscales are investigated with a view to exploring managerial implications of those relationships on a sample of teachers. To our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to analyze the aforementioned relationship in light of the theoretical discussions and recommendations. According to the results of our analyses, there are significant correlations between work perfectionism and territoriality, work addiction and accountability, as well as between unpleasantness and territoriality. Unpleasantness and work perfectionism are significantly predicted by territoriality psychological ownership.


  • ADLER, P. A. & ADLER, P. (1988). “Intense loyalty in organizations: A case study of college athletics”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 401–417.
  • ASHFORTH, B.E. & MAEL, F. (1989). “Social Identity Theory and the Organization”, Academy of Management Journal, 14: 20-39.
  • AVEY, J.B., AVOLIO, B.J., CROSSLEY, C.D. & LUTHANS, F. (2009). “Psychological Ownership: Theoretical Extensions, Measurement and Relation to Work Outcomes”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30: 173-191.
  • AZIZ, S. & ZICKAR, M. J. (2006). “A Cluster Analysis Investigation of Workaholism as a Syndrome”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11: 52–62.
  • AZIZ, S., ULRICH, B., WUENSCH, K.L. & SWORDS, B. (2013). “The Workaholism Analysis Questionnaire: Emphasizing Work-Life Imbalance and Addiction in the Measurement of Workaholism”, Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 27858-4353.
  • BAKKER, A.B., DEMEROUTI, E. & BURKE, R. (2009). “Workaholism and Relationship Quality: A Spillover-Crossover Perspective”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14:23-33.
  • BRADY, B.R., VODANOVICH, S.J. & ROTUNDA, R. (2008). “The Impact of Workaholism on Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Perception of Leisure Activities”, The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 11:241–263.
  • BRETT, J.M. & STROH, L.K. (2003). “Working 61 Plus Hours a Week: Why Do Managers Do It?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(1):67–78.
  • BROCKNER J. & HIGGINS, E.T. (2001). “Regulatory Focus Theory: Implications for the Study of Emotions at Work”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86(1): 35-66.
  • BROWN, G. & ROBINSON, S.L. (2011). “Reactions to territorial infringement”, Organization Science, 22(1): 210-224.
  • BROWN, G., LAWRENCE, T.B. & ROBINSON, S.L. (2005). “Territoriality in Organizations”, Academy of Management Review, 30(3): 577–594.
  • BUCHEM, I. (2012). “Psychological Ownership and Personal Learning Environments: Do sense of ownership and control really matter?”, Paper presented at the PLE Conference, July 2012, Aveiro, Portugal.
  • BUELENS, M. & POELMANS, S.A.Y. (2004). “Enriching the Spence and Robbins’ Typology of Workaholism”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17(5): 440-458.
  • CLARK, M.A., LELCHOOK, A.M. & TAYLOR, M.L. (2010). “Beyond the Big Five: How Narcissism, Perfectionism, and Dispositional Affect Relate to Workaholism”, Personality and Individual Differences, 48: 786–791.
  • CROWE, E. & HIGGINS, E.T. (1997). “Regulatory Focus and Strategic Inclinations: Promotion and Prevention in Decision-making”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69(2): 117-132. CSIKSZENTHMIHALYI, M. & ROCHBERG-HALTON, E. (1981). “The meaning of things: Domestic symbols and the self”, pp.1-20, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • DRUSKAT, V. U. & PESCOSOLIDO, A.T. (2002). “The Content of Effective Teamwork Mental Models in Self-managing Teams: Ownership, Learning and Heedful Interrelating”, Human Relations, 55(3): 283–314.
  • ELLINGSEN, T. & JOHANNESSON, M. (2007). “Paying Respect”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(4): 135–149.
  • FRASER, K. & KEMP, S. (2012). “Effects of Employee Governance and Operational Control on Psychological Ownership and Perceived Justice”, New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 41(3): 13-20. FUJIMOTO, T. (2014). “Workaholism and Mental and Physical Health”, Japan Labor Review, 11(1):50-67.
  • FURBY, L. (1980). “The Origins and Early Development of Possessive Behavior”, Political Psychology, 2(1): 30-42.
  • GOLDEN, L. (2009). “Brief History of Long Work Time and the Contemporary Sources of Overwork”, Journal of Business Ethics, 84:217–227.
  • GÜLOVA, A., İSPİRLİ, D. & ERYILMAZ, İ. (2014). “İşkoliklik ve Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesine Yönelik Beyaz Yakalılar Üzerine Bir Araştirma”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19: 25-39.
  • HEINO, N. & JUSSILA, I. (2010). “Psychological Ownership: A Key Mediator in Family Involvement – Effects –Relationship”, Paper presented at the 10th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference, July 6-9, 2010, Lancaster, UK.
  • HIGGINS, E.T. (1997). “Beyond Pleasure and Pain”, American Psychologist, 52(12): 1280- 1300.
  • İSPİRLİ, D. (2014). Knowledge as an Object of Psychological Ownership and Knowledge Hiding via Territoriality Among Knowledge Workers, Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Manisa Celal Bayar University Institute of Social Sciences, Manisa, Turkey.
  • JESWANI, S. & DAVE, S. (2012). “Conceptual Framework on Psychological Ownership as Predictor of Turnover Intentions”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (1).
  • JONES, C. & VOLPE, E.H. (2010). “Organizational Identification: Extending Our Understanding of Social Identities Through Social Networks”, Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • KILLINGER, B. (1991). Workaholics: The Respectable Addicts, New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • MACHLOWITZ, M. (1980). Workaholics: Living with Them, Working with Them, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • MCMILLAN, L. H. & O’DRISCOLL, M. P. (2006). “Understanding Workaholism: The Case for Behavioral Tendencies”, In R.J. Burke (Ed.), Research Companion to Working Time and Work Addiction, Edward Elgar.
  • MCMILLAN, L. H. W. & O’DRISCOLL, M. P. (2004). “Workaholism and Health: Implications for Organizations”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17:509-519.
  • MUDRACK, P. E. (2004). “Job Involvement, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits, and Workaholic Behavioral Tendencies”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17: 490–508.
  • NG, T.W.H., SORENSEN, K. L. & FELDMAN, D. C. (2007). “Dimensions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Workaholism: A Conceptual Integration and Extension”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(1):111–136.
  • O'REILLY, C. A. & CHATMAN, J. (1986). “Organizational Commitment and Psychological Attachment: The Effects of Compliance, Identification, and Internalization on Prosocial Behaviour”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 492-499.
  • ÖZLER, H., YILMAZ, A. & ÖZLER, D. (2008). “Psychological Ownership: An Empirical Study on Its Antecedents and Impacts Upon Organizational Behaviors”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 6 (3): 38-47.
  • PEIPERL, M. & JONES, B. (2001). “Workaholics and Overworkers: Productivity or Pathology?”, Group and Organization Management, 26: 369–393.
  • PENG, H. (2013). “Why and When Do People Hide Knowledge?”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(3): 398-415.
  • Pierce, J.L. & Jussila, I. (2011). Psychological Ownership and The Organizational Context: Theory, Research, Evidence, and Application. New Horizons in Management Series. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • PIERCE J. L., KOSTOVA, T. & DIRKS, K. (2001). “Toward A Theory of Psychological Ownership in Organizations”, The Academy of Management Review, 26(2): 298- 310.
  • PIERCE, J. L. & JUSSILA, I. (2010). “Collective Psychological Ownership Within the Work and Organizational Context: Construct Introduction and Elaboration”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31: 810–834.
  • PIERCE, J. L., KOSTOVA, T. & DIRKS, K. (2003). “The State of Psychological Ownership: Integrating and Extending A Century of Research”, Review of General Psychology, 7(1):84-107.
  • PIERCE, J. L., O’DRISCOLL, M.P. & COGHLAN, A.M. (2004). “Work environment structure and psychological ownership: The mediating effects of control”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 144(5): 507–534.
  • PORTEOUS, J. (1976). “Home: The Territorial Core”, Geographical Review, 66: 383-390.
  • PORTER, G. (1996). “Organizational Impact of Workaholism: Suggestions for Researching the Negative Outcomes of Excessive Work”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 1: 70–84.
  • RIKETTA, M. (2005). “Organizational Identification: A Meta-analysis”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66: 358–384.
  • RIKETTA, M. & VAN DICK, R. (2005). “Foci of Attachment in Organizations: A Meta-analytic Comparison of the Strength and Correlates of Workgroup versus Organizational Identification and Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67:490–510.
  • ROBINSON, B. E. (1999). “The Work Addiction Risk Test: Development of a Tentative Measure of Workaholism”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 88: 199–210.
  • SAUNDERS, M., LEWIS, P. & THORNHILL, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students, 5th edition, Prentice Hall.
  • SCHAEF, K. S. & FASSEL, D. (1998). The Addictive Organization, San Francisco: Harper & Row Publishers.
  • SCHAUFELI W.B., TARIS, T. W. & VAN RHENEN, W. (2008). “Workaholism, Burnout, and Work Engagement: Three of a Kind or Three Different Kinds of Employee Well-being?”, Applied Psychology, 57(2):173–203. SCHAUFELI, W.B., BAKKER, A.B., VAN DER HEIJDEN, F.M.M.A. & PRINS, J.T. (2009). “Workaholism, Burnout and Well-Being among Junior Doctors: The Mediating Role of Role Conflict”, Work & Stress, 23(2): 155-172.
  • SCHAUFELI, W.B., TARIS, T.W. & BAKKER, A.B. (2006). “Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde? On the Differences between Work Engagement and Workaholism”, In R.J. Burke (Ed.), Research Companion to Working Time and Work Addiction, Edward Elgar.
  • SCOTT, K. S., MOORE, K. S. & MICELI, M. P. (1997). “An Exploration of the Meaning and Consequences of Workaholism”, Human Relations, 50: 287–314.
  • SHAH, J., HIGGINS, E.T. & FRIEDMAN, R.S. (1998). “Performance Incentives and Means: How Regulatory Focus Influences Goal Attainment”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(2):285-293.
  • SHIMAZU, A., DEMEROUTI, E., BAKKER, A.B., SHIMADA, K. & KAWAKAMI, N. (2011). “Workaholism and Well-being among Japanese Dual-earner couples: A Spillover-Crossover Perspective”, Social Science & Medicine, 73:399-409.
  • SHIMAZU, A., SCHAUFELI, W.B., KUBOTA, K. & KAWAKAMI, N. (2012). “Do Workaholism and Work Engagement Predict Employee Well-being and Performance in Opposite Directions?”, Industrial Health, 50:316–321.
  • SIEGER, P., BERNHARD, F. & FREY, U. (2011), “Affective Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Non-Family Employees: Investigating the Roles of Justice Perceptions and Psychological Ownership”, Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2:78-89.
  • SNIR, R., HARPAZ, I., & BURKE, R.J. (2006). “Workaholism in Organizations New Research Directions”, Career Development International, 11(5): 369–373.
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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 1433 - 1448, 30.10.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı, çalışanların psikolojik sahiplenme tutumları ile işkoliklik davranışları arasındaki nedensel ilişkileri ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmanın, bilişsel-davranışsal bir yapı olarak işkolikliğin, kişinin işine yönelttiği psikolojik sahiplenme tutumu ile açıklanabileceğini ampirik olarak kanıtlaması gerekçesiyle literature katkıda bulunması beklenmektedir. Türkiye’deki örgütsel-kültürel bağlamın işe yönelik psikolojik sahiplenme tutumunun gelişmesine büyük ölçüde katkıda bulunacağı varsayımı altında, işkoliklik ve psikolojik saihplenme alt boyutları arasındaki farklılaşan ilişkiler, öğretmenlerden oluşan bir örneklem üzerinde ve yönetsel çıkarımlar perspektifinden araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre iş mükemmeliyetçiliği ve bölgecilik arasında, işe bağımlılık ve hesap verebilirlik arasında ve son olarak memnuniyetsizlik ile bölgecilik arasında anlamlı ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir. Bölgecilik temelli psikolojik sahiplenmenin, memnuniyetsizlik ve iş mükemmeliyetçiliği türü işkoliklik davranışlarının yordayıcısı olduğu bulgulanmıştır.


  • ADLER, P. A. & ADLER, P. (1988). “Intense loyalty in organizations: A case study of college athletics”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 401–417.
  • ASHFORTH, B.E. & MAEL, F. (1989). “Social Identity Theory and the Organization”, Academy of Management Journal, 14: 20-39.
  • AVEY, J.B., AVOLIO, B.J., CROSSLEY, C.D. & LUTHANS, F. (2009). “Psychological Ownership: Theoretical Extensions, Measurement and Relation to Work Outcomes”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30: 173-191.
  • AZIZ, S. & ZICKAR, M. J. (2006). “A Cluster Analysis Investigation of Workaholism as a Syndrome”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11: 52–62.
  • AZIZ, S., ULRICH, B., WUENSCH, K.L. & SWORDS, B. (2013). “The Workaholism Analysis Questionnaire: Emphasizing Work-Life Imbalance and Addiction in the Measurement of Workaholism”, Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 27858-4353.
  • BAKKER, A.B., DEMEROUTI, E. & BURKE, R. (2009). “Workaholism and Relationship Quality: A Spillover-Crossover Perspective”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14:23-33.
  • BRADY, B.R., VODANOVICH, S.J. & ROTUNDA, R. (2008). “The Impact of Workaholism on Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Perception of Leisure Activities”, The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 11:241–263.
  • BRETT, J.M. & STROH, L.K. (2003). “Working 61 Plus Hours a Week: Why Do Managers Do It?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(1):67–78.
  • BROCKNER J. & HIGGINS, E.T. (2001). “Regulatory Focus Theory: Implications for the Study of Emotions at Work”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86(1): 35-66.
  • BROWN, G. & ROBINSON, S.L. (2011). “Reactions to territorial infringement”, Organization Science, 22(1): 210-224.
  • BROWN, G., LAWRENCE, T.B. & ROBINSON, S.L. (2005). “Territoriality in Organizations”, Academy of Management Review, 30(3): 577–594.
  • BUCHEM, I. (2012). “Psychological Ownership and Personal Learning Environments: Do sense of ownership and control really matter?”, Paper presented at the PLE Conference, July 2012, Aveiro, Portugal.
  • BUELENS, M. & POELMANS, S.A.Y. (2004). “Enriching the Spence and Robbins’ Typology of Workaholism”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17(5): 440-458.
  • CLARK, M.A., LELCHOOK, A.M. & TAYLOR, M.L. (2010). “Beyond the Big Five: How Narcissism, Perfectionism, and Dispositional Affect Relate to Workaholism”, Personality and Individual Differences, 48: 786–791.
  • CROWE, E. & HIGGINS, E.T. (1997). “Regulatory Focus and Strategic Inclinations: Promotion and Prevention in Decision-making”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69(2): 117-132. CSIKSZENTHMIHALYI, M. & ROCHBERG-HALTON, E. (1981). “The meaning of things: Domestic symbols and the self”, pp.1-20, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • DRUSKAT, V. U. & PESCOSOLIDO, A.T. (2002). “The Content of Effective Teamwork Mental Models in Self-managing Teams: Ownership, Learning and Heedful Interrelating”, Human Relations, 55(3): 283–314.
  • ELLINGSEN, T. & JOHANNESSON, M. (2007). “Paying Respect”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(4): 135–149.
  • FRASER, K. & KEMP, S. (2012). “Effects of Employee Governance and Operational Control on Psychological Ownership and Perceived Justice”, New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 41(3): 13-20. FUJIMOTO, T. (2014). “Workaholism and Mental and Physical Health”, Japan Labor Review, 11(1):50-67.
  • FURBY, L. (1980). “The Origins and Early Development of Possessive Behavior”, Political Psychology, 2(1): 30-42.
  • GOLDEN, L. (2009). “Brief History of Long Work Time and the Contemporary Sources of Overwork”, Journal of Business Ethics, 84:217–227.
  • GÜLOVA, A., İSPİRLİ, D. & ERYILMAZ, İ. (2014). “İşkoliklik ve Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesine Yönelik Beyaz Yakalılar Üzerine Bir Araştirma”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19: 25-39.
  • HEINO, N. & JUSSILA, I. (2010). “Psychological Ownership: A Key Mediator in Family Involvement – Effects –Relationship”, Paper presented at the 10th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference, July 6-9, 2010, Lancaster, UK.
  • HIGGINS, E.T. (1997). “Beyond Pleasure and Pain”, American Psychologist, 52(12): 1280- 1300.
  • İSPİRLİ, D. (2014). Knowledge as an Object of Psychological Ownership and Knowledge Hiding via Territoriality Among Knowledge Workers, Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Manisa Celal Bayar University Institute of Social Sciences, Manisa, Turkey.
  • JESWANI, S. & DAVE, S. (2012). “Conceptual Framework on Psychological Ownership as Predictor of Turnover Intentions”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (1).
  • JONES, C. & VOLPE, E.H. (2010). “Organizational Identification: Extending Our Understanding of Social Identities Through Social Networks”, Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • KILLINGER, B. (1991). Workaholics: The Respectable Addicts, New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • MACHLOWITZ, M. (1980). Workaholics: Living with Them, Working with Them, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • MCMILLAN, L. H. & O’DRISCOLL, M. P. (2006). “Understanding Workaholism: The Case for Behavioral Tendencies”, In R.J. Burke (Ed.), Research Companion to Working Time and Work Addiction, Edward Elgar.
  • MCMILLAN, L. H. W. & O’DRISCOLL, M. P. (2004). “Workaholism and Health: Implications for Organizations”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17:509-519.
  • MUDRACK, P. E. (2004). “Job Involvement, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits, and Workaholic Behavioral Tendencies”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17: 490–508.
  • NG, T.W.H., SORENSEN, K. L. & FELDMAN, D. C. (2007). “Dimensions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Workaholism: A Conceptual Integration and Extension”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(1):111–136.
  • O'REILLY, C. A. & CHATMAN, J. (1986). “Organizational Commitment and Psychological Attachment: The Effects of Compliance, Identification, and Internalization on Prosocial Behaviour”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 492-499.
  • ÖZLER, H., YILMAZ, A. & ÖZLER, D. (2008). “Psychological Ownership: An Empirical Study on Its Antecedents and Impacts Upon Organizational Behaviors”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 6 (3): 38-47.
  • PEIPERL, M. & JONES, B. (2001). “Workaholics and Overworkers: Productivity or Pathology?”, Group and Organization Management, 26: 369–393.
  • PENG, H. (2013). “Why and When Do People Hide Knowledge?”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(3): 398-415.
  • Pierce, J.L. & Jussila, I. (2011). Psychological Ownership and The Organizational Context: Theory, Research, Evidence, and Application. New Horizons in Management Series. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • PIERCE J. L., KOSTOVA, T. & DIRKS, K. (2001). “Toward A Theory of Psychological Ownership in Organizations”, The Academy of Management Review, 26(2): 298- 310.
  • PIERCE, J. L. & JUSSILA, I. (2010). “Collective Psychological Ownership Within the Work and Organizational Context: Construct Introduction and Elaboration”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31: 810–834.
  • PIERCE, J. L., KOSTOVA, T. & DIRKS, K. (2003). “The State of Psychological Ownership: Integrating and Extending A Century of Research”, Review of General Psychology, 7(1):84-107.
  • PIERCE, J. L., O’DRISCOLL, M.P. & COGHLAN, A.M. (2004). “Work environment structure and psychological ownership: The mediating effects of control”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 144(5): 507–534.
  • PORTEOUS, J. (1976). “Home: The Territorial Core”, Geographical Review, 66: 383-390.
  • PORTER, G. (1996). “Organizational Impact of Workaholism: Suggestions for Researching the Negative Outcomes of Excessive Work”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 1: 70–84.
  • RIKETTA, M. (2005). “Organizational Identification: A Meta-analysis”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66: 358–384.
  • RIKETTA, M. & VAN DICK, R. (2005). “Foci of Attachment in Organizations: A Meta-analytic Comparison of the Strength and Correlates of Workgroup versus Organizational Identification and Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67:490–510.
  • ROBINSON, B. E. (1999). “The Work Addiction Risk Test: Development of a Tentative Measure of Workaholism”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 88: 199–210.
  • SAUNDERS, M., LEWIS, P. & THORNHILL, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students, 5th edition, Prentice Hall.
  • SCHAEF, K. S. & FASSEL, D. (1998). The Addictive Organization, San Francisco: Harper & Row Publishers.
  • SCHAUFELI W.B., TARIS, T. W. & VAN RHENEN, W. (2008). “Workaholism, Burnout, and Work Engagement: Three of a Kind or Three Different Kinds of Employee Well-being?”, Applied Psychology, 57(2):173–203. SCHAUFELI, W.B., BAKKER, A.B., VAN DER HEIJDEN, F.M.M.A. & PRINS, J.T. (2009). “Workaholism, Burnout and Well-Being among Junior Doctors: The Mediating Role of Role Conflict”, Work & Stress, 23(2): 155-172.
  • SCHAUFELI, W.B., TARIS, T.W. & BAKKER, A.B. (2006). “Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde? On the Differences between Work Engagement and Workaholism”, In R.J. Burke (Ed.), Research Companion to Working Time and Work Addiction, Edward Elgar.
  • SCOTT, K. S., MOORE, K. S. & MICELI, M. P. (1997). “An Exploration of the Meaning and Consequences of Workaholism”, Human Relations, 50: 287–314.
  • SHAH, J., HIGGINS, E.T. & FRIEDMAN, R.S. (1998). “Performance Incentives and Means: How Regulatory Focus Influences Goal Attainment”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(2):285-293.
  • SHIMAZU, A., DEMEROUTI, E., BAKKER, A.B., SHIMADA, K. & KAWAKAMI, N. (2011). “Workaholism and Well-being among Japanese Dual-earner couples: A Spillover-Crossover Perspective”, Social Science & Medicine, 73:399-409.
  • SHIMAZU, A., SCHAUFELI, W.B., KUBOTA, K. & KAWAKAMI, N. (2012). “Do Workaholism and Work Engagement Predict Employee Well-being and Performance in Opposite Directions?”, Industrial Health, 50:316–321.
  • SIEGER, P., BERNHARD, F. & FREY, U. (2011), “Affective Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Non-Family Employees: Investigating the Roles of Justice Perceptions and Psychological Ownership”, Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2:78-89.
  • SNIR, R., HARPAZ, I., & BURKE, R.J. (2006). “Workaholism in Organizations New Research Directions”, Career Development International, 11(5): 369–373.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Deniz Dirik Bu kişi benim

İnan Eryılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Dirik, D., & Eryılmaz, İ. (2016). A RESEARCH ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL OWNERSHIP AND WORKAHOLISM. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(4), 1433-1448.