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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 927 - 944, 30.07.2017


Individual’s choice and behaviours are influenced from religion’s norms and values. From this point of view the economic theories based on the individual behaviour are also influenced from religion and values. Since the beginning of modernisation especially in the era of neoclassical approach; the relationship between economy and religion has ignored. But nowadays with the diffusion of the conception that the culture and values have an effect on individuals, the relationship between religion and economy has once more gain importance. By 1990’s due to the increasing power and importance of Islamic Calvinists, in Turkey, the interest on religion and economy relation has increased. Neverthelesss there are not so many studies about the general review of economy- religion relation in Turkish literature. This study aims to fill this gap inside the literature. In conclusion the studies about economy and religion relationship;are seperated in to three groups as; studies on explaining the religious belief and behaviours with economic theory, studies about the consequences of religious belief and behaviour and studies about religion economics . At the end of this study , the general evaluation has been made, over the main questions and research areas of the studies in each group. By this way the religion-economy relationship has been discussed.


  • ABDÜLMANNAN, M.(1989) İslam Ekonomi Topluluğunun Kuruluşu: Ekonomik Analizin İslami Boyutları, Fikir Yayınları, İstanbul
  • ARSLAN, M. (2000). “A Cross – Cultural Comparison of British and Turkish Managers in Terms of Protestan Work Ethic Characteristics”, Business Ethics: A European Review, 9 (1): 13-19,
  • ASLAN, S. ve YILMAZ, A. (2001). “Modernizme Bir Başkaldırı Projesi Olarak Post Modernizm”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2,): 93-108,
  • AZZİ, C. ve EHRENBERG, R. (1975). “Household Allocation of Time and Church Attendance”,Journal of Political Economy, 83(1):27-56,
  • BARRO, R.J. ve MC CLEARY, R. (2006). “Religion and Economy”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(2):49-72,
  • BERGER, P. ve LUCKMANN, T. (1966). The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, Penguin Books, England,
  • BRENNAN, G. ve WATERMAN, A.M.C.(1994). “Introduction:Economics and Religion”, s. 3-19,BRENNAN, G. VE WATERMAN, A.M.C. (ed.), Economics and Religion: Are They Distinct ?, Springer, New York, 1994.
  • BRENNAN, H. G.(1994). “The Impact of Theological Predispositions on Economics: A Commentary “,s. 163- 179 BRENNAN, G.VE WATERMAN, A.M.C. (Ed.), Economics and Religion: Are They Distinct?, Springer Science and Business Media, New York,
  • DANA, L. (2009). “Religion as an Explanatory Variable For Entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 10 (2) :87-99
  • DEMİR, Ö. (2013). Din Ekonomisi İnanç, Zenginlik ve Mutluluk, Sentez Yayıncılık, Bursa,
  • DEUTSCHMAN, C. (2001). “ Capitalism as a Religion, an Unorthodox Analysis of Entrepreneurship” ,European Journal of Social Theory, 4 (4):387-403
  • DODD,S. D.VE GOTSIS,G., D. (2014). “An Examination of the Inter – Relationships Between Entrepreneurship and Religion”,, 10.06. 2014
  • DOW, S. (1994). “The Religious Content of Economics”,s.193-205, BRENNAN, G. VE WATERMAN, A.M.C. (Ed.), Economics and Religion: Are They Distinct?, Springer Science and Business Media, New York,
  • DULUPÇU, M. (1999). “İktisattaki Paradigmik Dönüşüm: Kozmik İktisattan Kaotik ve Kuatum İktisadına Geçiş”, İktisat Dergisi, 389, ss:37-46, 1999.
  • EISENSTADT, S. (1968). “The Protestan Ethic Thesis in an Analytical and Comparative Framework”, s. 3-46, EİSENSTADT, S. N. (Ed.), The Protestan Ethic and Modernisation: A Comparative Approach, Basic Books, New York
  • EMMET, R. (1994). “Frank Knight: Economic versus Religion”, s.103-121, BREANNAN, H. GEOFFREY. VE WATERMAN, A. M. C. (Ed.), Economics and Religion : Are They Distinct, Springer, New York
  • FİNKE, R. ve STARK, R. (2003). “The Dynamics of Religious Economies”, s. 96-110, DİLLON, M. (Ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, Cambridge University Press, New York,
  • FREY, S. VE STUTZER, A. (2001). “Economics on Psychology: From Imperialistic to Inspired Economics” , Philosophie Economique, 2 (4):5-22
  • GORSKI, S. (2003) “Historicizing The Secularization Debate, s.110-123, DİLLON, M. (Ed.), ”, Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, Cambridge University Press, New York
  • GUISO, L. SAPIENZA, P. VE ZINGALES, L. (2003) “People’s Opium? Religion and Economic Attitudes”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 50:225-282,
  • HAMBERG, E.VE PETTERSSON, T. (1994) “The Religious Market: Denominational Competition and Religious Participation in Contemporary Sweden”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol:33(3): 205-216
  • HELLESTVEİT, A. (2014) Economy as Religion, Master Thesis , Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, Department of Sociology, Norwegian,
  • HOFMANN, R. (2013) “The Experimental Economics of Religion”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 27 (5): 813-845
  • HUNGERMAN, D. (2011) “Rethinking the Study of Religious Markets”, s.257-275, MCCLEARY, R. (Ed.) , The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion, Oxford University Press, England,
  • IANNACCONE, L. (1998) “Introduction to the Economics of Religion”, Journal of Economic Literature, 36 (3): 1465-1495
  • IANNACONNE, L. (2010) “TheEconomics of Religion: Invest Now, Repent Later?”, Faith&Economics, 55:1-10,
  • ISMAEEL, M. VE BLAIM, K. (2012) “Toward Applied Islamic Business Ethics: Responsible Halal Business”,Journal of Management Development, 31 (10):1090-1100
  • JACKSON, P. VE FLEISCHER, C. (2007) “Religions and Economics: A Literature Review”, Religions and Development Working Paper 3, International Development Department School of Public Policy, University of Birmingham, U.K.
  • KARAGÜL M. VE AÇIKGÖZ Ö. (2009) “İktisat Tarihi Perspektifinde İktisadi Kalkınma ve Din İlişkisi”, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12 (18):471-486
  • KAYMAKÇI, Ö. (2012). “Seküler Bir Alan Olarak İktisat ve Din İlişkisi”, İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi, 2 (4) :119- 134,
  • KUMAR, V. (2008). “A Critical Review of Economic Analyses of Religion”, Working Paper-023, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
  • KURAN, T. (1994). “Religious Economics and Economics of Religion”, Journal of Institutional and Theoritical Economics, 150 (4): 769- 775
  • KURAN, T. (2002). İslam’ın Ekonomik Yüzleri, İletişim Yayıncılık,İstanbul
  • KURANTIN, N. (2013). “Interrelationship Between Economic Activity and Religion”, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 3 (6):81-99
  • LEROCH M., REGGIANİ C., ROSSINI G. ve ZUCCHELLI E. (2014). “Religious Attitudes and Home Bias:Theory and New Evidence From Primary Data”, Review of Development Economics,18:401-414
  • MC CLEARY, R. (2011). “The Economics of Religion as a Field of Inquiry”, s.3-39, MCCLEARY, R. (Ed.) , s. The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion,Oxford University Press, UK,
  • MEEKS, D. (2014). “Economics in the Christian Scriptures.”, s.3-22, OSLİNGTON, P. ( Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014
  • MONTGOMERY, J. (1992). “Pascal’s Wager and the Limits of Rational Choice: A Comment on Durkin and Grreley”, Rationality and Society, 4 (1):117-121
  • NELSON, R. (2001). Economics as Religion from Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond, The Pennsylvania State University Press, USA,
  • NEUMANN, S. (1986). “Religious Observance Within a Human Capital Framework: Theory and Application”, Journal of Applied Economics, 18 (11): 1193-1202
  • ÖZDEMİR, S. (2005). “Din-Ahlak- Sosyoloji İlişkisinin Sosyolojik Analizi Kapitalist Zihniyetin Değerlendirilmesi: Adam Smith ve İbrahim Hakkı Örneği”, Doktora Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bursa,
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ş. (2007). “Din Ekonomi İlişkisi ve Güncel Arayışlar”,Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23:153-164
  • ÖZDİL, M.(2009). “İsmail Gaspıralı’nın Din ve Toplum Anlayışı”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Isparta
  • REHMAN, S. ve ASKARİ, H. (2010). “An Economic Islamicity Index ’’, Global Economy Journal, 10(3):1-37
  • RODİNSON, M. (1996). “İslam ve Kapitalizm”, Spartaküs Yayınları, İstanbul
  • SCHLICHT, E. (1995). “Economic Analysis and Organised Religion”, s. 111-162, JONES, E. (Ed.), Survival and Religion Biological Evolution and Cultural Change, Wiley &Sons, New York
  • STANDER, H. (2014) “Economics in the Church Fathers”, s.22-44, OSLİNGTON, P. ( Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014
  • STEEDMAN, I. ( 1994). “Wicksteed: Economist and Prophet”, s. 77-103, BREANNAN, H. G. VE WATERMAN, A. M. C. (ED.), Economics and Religion : Are They Distinct,, Recent Economic Thought Series,
  • STEFANESCU, F. VE SAVEANU, S. (2013). “Religiosity and Economic Behaviour: An Exploratory Analysis of the Hungary- Romania Cross Border Area”, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 12 (35):132- 157
  • STİGLİTZ, J. (2013) “Why Economy Matters”, qvbQdmkrM&t=00h34m40s,: 15.11.2016
  • ŞAYLAN, G. (1999). Postmodernizm, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara
  • TATAR, C. (2012). “Din ve Kapitalizm”, Sosyoloji Konferansları, 1 (45):149-168
  • TAWNEY, R. (2008). Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, Hesperides Press, Hong Kong,
  • TIEMSTRA, J.P. (2012) . Stories Economists Tell: Studies in Christianity and Economics, Pickwick Publications, Eugene
  • TOMES, N. (1984) “The Effects of Religion and Denomination on Earnings and the Returns to Human Capital”, Economics Working Paper: University of Western Onterio, Canadian,
  • ÜLGENER, S. (2006) . Zihniyet ve Din: İslam, Tasavvuf ve Çözülme Devri İktisat Ahlakı, Derin Yayınları, İstanbul
  • WATERMAN, A.M.C. (1991). Revolution Economics and Religion: Christian Political Economy:1798- 1833, Cambridge University Press, New York
  • WEBER, M. (2009). Protestan Ahlakı ve Kapitalizmin Ruhu, Alter Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • WITHAM, L. (2010). Marketplace of the Gods: How Economics Explain Religion, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
  • YALÇINKAYA, T. (2006). “Bir İkilemin Belirsizliğindeki Bilim: Bilim İnsan İçin Özne Midir Nesne Midir’’, Sosyo ekonomi Dergisi, 3( 3):131-140
  • ZAMAN, A.(2015) . “Islam versus Economics”, s. , HASSAN K. VE LEWİS M. ( Ed.), Handbook on Islam and Economic Life, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
  • ZAMAN, A. (2014). “Islam versus Economics”,Social Science Research Network, Nurturing Mind Seminar Series- PID


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 927 - 944, 30.07.2017


İnsan davranış ve tercihleri; dinlerin ve dinler tarafından yaratılan norm ve değer yargılarının etkisi altında bulunmaktadır. Buradan hareketle insan davranışlarına dayalı iktisat teorisi de dinden ve değer yargılarından etkilenmektedir. Modernleşme sonrası dönemde özellikle neoliberal iktisat anlayışında iktisat-din ilişkisi göz ardı edilmektedir. Ancak günümüzde bireylerin kültür ve değer yargılarının etkisi altında olduğu düşüncesinin yaygınlaşması ile iktisat-din ilişkisi yeniden önem kazanmaktadır. 1990’larda İslami Kalvinist’lerin güç ve etkisini arttırmasıyla ülkemizde de iktisat din ilişkisine ilgi artmaktadır. Buna rağmen Türkçe literatürde; din-iktisat ilişkisiyle ilgili genel değerlendirmeye dayalı çok fazla çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Çalışma ile literatürdeki bu eksikliğin giderilmesine katkı sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Sonuçta; iktisat-din ilişkisine yönelik çalışmalar; dini inanç ve davranışları iktisat teorisi ile açıklayan çalışmalar, dini inanç ve davranışların sonucuna ilişkin çalışmalar ve din ekonomisine yönelik çalışmalar olmak üzere üç alt gruba ayrıştırılmaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda her bir alt gruba ait çalışmaların temel soruları ve araştırma alanları üzerinden genel bir değerlendirme yapılarak iktisat–din ilişkisi tartışılmış olmaktadır.


  • ABDÜLMANNAN, M.(1989) İslam Ekonomi Topluluğunun Kuruluşu: Ekonomik Analizin İslami Boyutları, Fikir Yayınları, İstanbul
  • ARSLAN, M. (2000). “A Cross – Cultural Comparison of British and Turkish Managers in Terms of Protestan Work Ethic Characteristics”, Business Ethics: A European Review, 9 (1): 13-19,
  • ASLAN, S. ve YILMAZ, A. (2001). “Modernizme Bir Başkaldırı Projesi Olarak Post Modernizm”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2,): 93-108,
  • AZZİ, C. ve EHRENBERG, R. (1975). “Household Allocation of Time and Church Attendance”,Journal of Political Economy, 83(1):27-56,
  • BARRO, R.J. ve MC CLEARY, R. (2006). “Religion and Economy”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(2):49-72,
  • BERGER, P. ve LUCKMANN, T. (1966). The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, Penguin Books, England,
  • BRENNAN, G. ve WATERMAN, A.M.C.(1994). “Introduction:Economics and Religion”, s. 3-19,BRENNAN, G. VE WATERMAN, A.M.C. (ed.), Economics and Religion: Are They Distinct ?, Springer, New York, 1994.
  • BRENNAN, H. G.(1994). “The Impact of Theological Predispositions on Economics: A Commentary “,s. 163- 179 BRENNAN, G.VE WATERMAN, A.M.C. (Ed.), Economics and Religion: Are They Distinct?, Springer Science and Business Media, New York,
  • DANA, L. (2009). “Religion as an Explanatory Variable For Entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 10 (2) :87-99
  • DEMİR, Ö. (2013). Din Ekonomisi İnanç, Zenginlik ve Mutluluk, Sentez Yayıncılık, Bursa,
  • DEUTSCHMAN, C. (2001). “ Capitalism as a Religion, an Unorthodox Analysis of Entrepreneurship” ,European Journal of Social Theory, 4 (4):387-403
  • DODD,S. D.VE GOTSIS,G., D. (2014). “An Examination of the Inter – Relationships Between Entrepreneurship and Religion”,, 10.06. 2014
  • DOW, S. (1994). “The Religious Content of Economics”,s.193-205, BRENNAN, G. VE WATERMAN, A.M.C. (Ed.), Economics and Religion: Are They Distinct?, Springer Science and Business Media, New York,
  • DULUPÇU, M. (1999). “İktisattaki Paradigmik Dönüşüm: Kozmik İktisattan Kaotik ve Kuatum İktisadına Geçiş”, İktisat Dergisi, 389, ss:37-46, 1999.
  • EISENSTADT, S. (1968). “The Protestan Ethic Thesis in an Analytical and Comparative Framework”, s. 3-46, EİSENSTADT, S. N. (Ed.), The Protestan Ethic and Modernisation: A Comparative Approach, Basic Books, New York
  • EMMET, R. (1994). “Frank Knight: Economic versus Religion”, s.103-121, BREANNAN, H. GEOFFREY. VE WATERMAN, A. M. C. (Ed.), Economics and Religion : Are They Distinct, Springer, New York
  • FİNKE, R. ve STARK, R. (2003). “The Dynamics of Religious Economies”, s. 96-110, DİLLON, M. (Ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, Cambridge University Press, New York,
  • FREY, S. VE STUTZER, A. (2001). “Economics on Psychology: From Imperialistic to Inspired Economics” , Philosophie Economique, 2 (4):5-22
  • GORSKI, S. (2003) “Historicizing The Secularization Debate, s.110-123, DİLLON, M. (Ed.), ”, Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, Cambridge University Press, New York
  • GUISO, L. SAPIENZA, P. VE ZINGALES, L. (2003) “People’s Opium? Religion and Economic Attitudes”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 50:225-282,
  • HAMBERG, E.VE PETTERSSON, T. (1994) “The Religious Market: Denominational Competition and Religious Participation in Contemporary Sweden”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol:33(3): 205-216
  • HELLESTVEİT, A. (2014) Economy as Religion, Master Thesis , Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, Department of Sociology, Norwegian,
  • HOFMANN, R. (2013) “The Experimental Economics of Religion”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 27 (5): 813-845
  • HUNGERMAN, D. (2011) “Rethinking the Study of Religious Markets”, s.257-275, MCCLEARY, R. (Ed.) , The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion, Oxford University Press, England,
  • IANNACCONE, L. (1998) “Introduction to the Economics of Religion”, Journal of Economic Literature, 36 (3): 1465-1495
  • IANNACONNE, L. (2010) “TheEconomics of Religion: Invest Now, Repent Later?”, Faith&Economics, 55:1-10,
  • ISMAEEL, M. VE BLAIM, K. (2012) “Toward Applied Islamic Business Ethics: Responsible Halal Business”,Journal of Management Development, 31 (10):1090-1100
  • JACKSON, P. VE FLEISCHER, C. (2007) “Religions and Economics: A Literature Review”, Religions and Development Working Paper 3, International Development Department School of Public Policy, University of Birmingham, U.K.
  • KARAGÜL M. VE AÇIKGÖZ Ö. (2009) “İktisat Tarihi Perspektifinde İktisadi Kalkınma ve Din İlişkisi”, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12 (18):471-486
  • KAYMAKÇI, Ö. (2012). “Seküler Bir Alan Olarak İktisat ve Din İlişkisi”, İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi, 2 (4) :119- 134,
  • KUMAR, V. (2008). “A Critical Review of Economic Analyses of Religion”, Working Paper-023, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
  • KURAN, T. (1994). “Religious Economics and Economics of Religion”, Journal of Institutional and Theoritical Economics, 150 (4): 769- 775
  • KURAN, T. (2002). İslam’ın Ekonomik Yüzleri, İletişim Yayıncılık,İstanbul
  • KURANTIN, N. (2013). “Interrelationship Between Economic Activity and Religion”, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 3 (6):81-99
  • LEROCH M., REGGIANİ C., ROSSINI G. ve ZUCCHELLI E. (2014). “Religious Attitudes and Home Bias:Theory and New Evidence From Primary Data”, Review of Development Economics,18:401-414
  • MC CLEARY, R. (2011). “The Economics of Religion as a Field of Inquiry”, s.3-39, MCCLEARY, R. (Ed.) , s. The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion,Oxford University Press, UK,
  • MEEKS, D. (2014). “Economics in the Christian Scriptures.”, s.3-22, OSLİNGTON, P. ( Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014
  • MONTGOMERY, J. (1992). “Pascal’s Wager and the Limits of Rational Choice: A Comment on Durkin and Grreley”, Rationality and Society, 4 (1):117-121
  • NELSON, R. (2001). Economics as Religion from Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond, The Pennsylvania State University Press, USA,
  • NEUMANN, S. (1986). “Religious Observance Within a Human Capital Framework: Theory and Application”, Journal of Applied Economics, 18 (11): 1193-1202
  • ÖZDEMİR, S. (2005). “Din-Ahlak- Sosyoloji İlişkisinin Sosyolojik Analizi Kapitalist Zihniyetin Değerlendirilmesi: Adam Smith ve İbrahim Hakkı Örneği”, Doktora Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bursa,
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ş. (2007). “Din Ekonomi İlişkisi ve Güncel Arayışlar”,Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23:153-164
  • ÖZDİL, M.(2009). “İsmail Gaspıralı’nın Din ve Toplum Anlayışı”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Isparta
  • REHMAN, S. ve ASKARİ, H. (2010). “An Economic Islamicity Index ’’, Global Economy Journal, 10(3):1-37
  • RODİNSON, M. (1996). “İslam ve Kapitalizm”, Spartaküs Yayınları, İstanbul
  • SCHLICHT, E. (1995). “Economic Analysis and Organised Religion”, s. 111-162, JONES, E. (Ed.), Survival and Religion Biological Evolution and Cultural Change, Wiley &Sons, New York
  • STANDER, H. (2014) “Economics in the Church Fathers”, s.22-44, OSLİNGTON, P. ( Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014
  • STEEDMAN, I. ( 1994). “Wicksteed: Economist and Prophet”, s. 77-103, BREANNAN, H. G. VE WATERMAN, A. M. C. (ED.), Economics and Religion : Are They Distinct,, Recent Economic Thought Series,
  • STEFANESCU, F. VE SAVEANU, S. (2013). “Religiosity and Economic Behaviour: An Exploratory Analysis of the Hungary- Romania Cross Border Area”, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 12 (35):132- 157
  • STİGLİTZ, J. (2013) “Why Economy Matters”, qvbQdmkrM&t=00h34m40s,: 15.11.2016
  • ŞAYLAN, G. (1999). Postmodernizm, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara
  • TATAR, C. (2012). “Din ve Kapitalizm”, Sosyoloji Konferansları, 1 (45):149-168
  • TAWNEY, R. (2008). Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, Hesperides Press, Hong Kong,
  • TIEMSTRA, J.P. (2012) . Stories Economists Tell: Studies in Christianity and Economics, Pickwick Publications, Eugene
  • TOMES, N. (1984) “The Effects of Religion and Denomination on Earnings and the Returns to Human Capital”, Economics Working Paper: University of Western Onterio, Canadian,
  • ÜLGENER, S. (2006) . Zihniyet ve Din: İslam, Tasavvuf ve Çözülme Devri İktisat Ahlakı, Derin Yayınları, İstanbul
  • WATERMAN, A.M.C. (1991). Revolution Economics and Religion: Christian Political Economy:1798- 1833, Cambridge University Press, New York
  • WEBER, M. (2009). Protestan Ahlakı ve Kapitalizmin Ruhu, Alter Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • WITHAM, L. (2010). Marketplace of the Gods: How Economics Explain Religion, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
  • YALÇINKAYA, T. (2006). “Bir İkilemin Belirsizliğindeki Bilim: Bilim İnsan İçin Özne Midir Nesne Midir’’, Sosyo ekonomi Dergisi, 3( 3):131-140
  • ZAMAN, A.(2015) . “Islam versus Economics”, s. , HASSAN K. VE LEWİS M. ( Ed.), Handbook on Islam and Economic Life, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
  • ZAMAN, A. (2014). “Islam versus Economics”,Social Science Research Network, Nurturing Mind Seminar Series- PID
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Sincer, E. (2017). İKTİSAT VE DİN İLİŞKİSİ: LİTERATÜR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ ZİHİNSEL ARKA PLAN VE KURGU. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(3), 927-944.