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Comparison of Local Anesthetic Injection and Exercise Therapy Results in Patients with Chronic Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Yıl 2022, , 531 - 539, 20.12.2022


Objective: The study was planned to evaluate patients with chronic cervical myofascial pain syndrome treated with lidocane injection and exercise and to compare the efficacy of treatments.
Material and Method: The study included 73 patients (40 females, 33 males) aged between 25 and 65 years, who had been treated with exercise and lidocane injection due to the diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome in our clinic 6 months ago, and volunteered to participate in the study. The mean age of the participants in the exercise group (n=38) was 44.16±10.63 years. The age of the participants in the lidokayn injection group (n=35) was 42.20±11.63 years. The exercise group was given stretching exercises for the neck and upper back muscles, and strengthening exercises for the neck muscles, 3 sets of 10 times a day. On the other hand, to the Lidokayn injection group participating in the study, 2 ml of 1% lidocaine was applied locally to the trigger points according to the injection technique defined by Travell and Simons. Patients' pain Visual Analogue Scale. pressure pain threshold Algometer, muscle spasm Palpable Muscle Spasm Scoring, cervical normal joint movement (CROM), disability level Neck Disability Scale, depression status Beck Depression Scale, anxiety status Beck Anxiety Inventory and quality of life SF-36 Short Form-36 scales. . Statistical significance level is (p<0.05).
Results: The results of lidocaine ejection and exercise are similar in the treatment of MAS. We think that exercise therapy is more feasible in the treatment of MAS because it is non-invasive, easily applicable and more economical.

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pamukkale üniversitesi bilimsel araştırmalar projeler

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This research was supported by Pamukkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordinatorship with project number 2015SBE004.


  • [1] Graff-Radford SB. Myofascial pain: diagnosis and management. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2004;8(6):463–67.
  • [2] Chiarotto, A., Clijsen, R., Fernandez-de-las-Penas, C., & Barbero, M. Prevalence of myofascial trigger points in spinal disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2016; 97(2):316-37.
  • [3] Delgado, E.V., Romero, J.C., Escoda, G.E. Myofascial pain syndrome associated with trigger points: A literature review. (I): Epidemiology, clinical treatment and etiopathogeny. Med. Oral Patol. Oral Cir. Bucal. 2009;14(10): 494-8.
  • [4] Kietrys DM, Palombaro KM, Azzaretto E, Hubler R, Schaller B, Schlussel JM, et al. Effectiveness of dry needling for upper-quarter myofascial pain: a systematic review and me ta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013;43(9):620–34.
  • [5] Rodríguez-Mansilla, Juan, et al.Effectiveness of dry needling on reducing pain intensity in patients with myofascial pain syndrome: a Meta-analysis. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2016; 36.1: 1-13.
  • [6] Travell, J.G., Simons, D.G. Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger Point Manual Volume 1. Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, USA. 1999. 1038s.
  • [7] Liu , Lin, et al. Effectiveness of dry needling for myofascial trigger points associated with neck and shoulder pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2015;96.5: 944-955.
  • [8] Cheshire, William P.; Abashıan, Sandra W.; Mann, J. Douglas. Botulinum toxin in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. Pain. 1994; 59.1: 65-9.
  • [9] Vernon, Howard; Mior, Silvano. The Neck Disability Index: a study of reliability and validity. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. 1991; 14.7: 409-15.
  • [10] Hisli, Nesrin. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji dergisi. 1989;7.23: 3-13.
  • [11] Beck, Aaron T., et al. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 1988; 56.6: 893.
  • [12] Koçyiğit, Hikmet, et al. Kısa Form-36 (KF-36)’nın Türkçe versiyonunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği. İlaç ve tedavi dergisi. 1999; 12.2: 102-6.
  • [13] Travell, J.G., Simons, D.G. Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger Point Manual Volume 1. Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, USA. 1999. 1038s.
  • [14] World Health Organization: The burden of musculoskeletal conditions at the start of the new millennium: Report of a WHO scientific group. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2003.
  • [15] Ay S, Doğan SK, Evcik D, Baser O. Comparison the efficacy of phonophoresis and ultrasound therapy in myofascial pain syndrome. Rheumatol Int. 2011;31:1203–8.
  • [16] Geneen, Louise J., et al. Physical activity and exercise for chronic pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017; 4.
  • [17] Ong, J. , & Claydon, L. S. The effect of dry needling for myofascial trigger points in the neck and shoulders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. 2014;18.3: 390-398.
  • [18] Lugo, Luz Helena, et al. Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome with lidocaine injection and physical therapy, alone or in combination: a single blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2016;17.1: 101.
  • [19] Karadaş, Ömer; Gül, Hakan L.; İnan, Levent E. Lidocaine injection of pericranial myofascial trigger points in the treatment of frequent episodic tension-type headache. The journal of headache and pain. 2013; 14.1: 44.
  • [20] Parthasarathy, S., Siyam Sundar, and Gayatri Mishra. "Assessment of predisposing factors in myofascial pain syndrome and the analgesic effect of trigger point injections-A primary therapeutic interventional clinical trial." Indian journal of anaesthesia . 2019: 300, 63.4.
  • [21] Ofluoğlu Demet, et al. İnterferansiyel Akımların Kronik Miyofasyal Ağrı Sendromunda Kısa Dönem Etkinliği. Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences/Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013;16:3.
  • [22] Garipoğlu, İ. Myofasyal ağrı sendromunda tetik noktalara uygulanan yüksek güçlü ultrason tedavi etkinliğinin geleneksel tedavi yöntemleriyle karşılaştırılması. Uzmanlık Tezi. Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği 2002 ; 146.
  • [23] Hayden, Jill, et al. Exercise therapy for treatment of non‐specific low back pain. The Cochrane Library. 2005.
  • [24] Gross, Anita, et al. Exercises for mechanical neck disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2015;1.

Kronik Servikal Miyofasyal Ağrı Sendromlu Hastalarda Lokal Anestezik Enjeksiyonu ve Egzersiz Tedavisi Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2022, , 531 - 539, 20.12.2022


Amaç: Çalışma lidokayn enjeksiyonu ve egzersizle tedavi edilmiş kronik servikal miyofasyal ağrı sendromlu hastaları değerlendirmek ve tedavilerin etkinliğini karşılaştırmak amacıyla planlandı.
Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmaya ortalama 6 ay öncesinde kliniğimizde miyofasyal ağrı sendrom tanısı nedeniyle egzersiz ve lidokayn enjeksiyonu tedavisi almış, çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan, 25 ve 65 yaş aralığında 73 hasta (40 kadın, 33 erkek) dahil edildi. Egzersiz grubundaki (n=38) katılımcıların yaşları ortalaması 44,16±10,63 yıldı. Lidokayn enjeksiyon grubundaki (n=35) katılımcıların yaşları ise 42,20±11,63 yıldır. Egzersiz grubuna daha önce günde 3 set 10’ar kez olmak üzere boyun ve üst sırt kaslarına germe, boyun kaslarına kuvvetlendirme egzersizleri verildi. Çalışmaya katılan Lidokayn enjeksiyonu grubuna ise daha önce tetik nokta üzerine lokal olarak %1'lik 2 ml lidokain, Travell ve Simons'un tanımladığı enjeksiyon tekniğine göre tetik noktalara uygulandı. Hastaların ağrısı Görsel Analog Skalas. basınç ağrı eşiği Algometre, kas spazmı Palpabl Kas Spazmı Skorlaması, servikal normal eklem hareketi (CROM), özür düzeyi Boyun Özür Ölçeği, depresyon durumu Beck Depresyon Ölçeği, kaygı durumu Beck Kaygı Ölçeği ve yaşam kalitesi SF-36 Short Form-36 ölçekleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. İstattistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi (p<0.05) tir.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında ağrı algısı, kas spazmı, hareket açıklığı, depresyon, kaygı ve özür durumu genel yaşam kalitesi açısından gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p˃0,05).
Sonuç: MAS tedavisinde Lidokayn ejeksiyonu ve egzersiz uygulamasının sonuçları benzerdir. Egzersiz tedavisinin non-invaziv, kolayca uygulanabilir ve daha ekonomik olması nedeniyle MAS tedavisinde daha edilebilir olduğunu düşünüyoruz.

Proje Numarası



  • [1] Graff-Radford SB. Myofascial pain: diagnosis and management. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2004;8(6):463–67.
  • [2] Chiarotto, A., Clijsen, R., Fernandez-de-las-Penas, C., & Barbero, M. Prevalence of myofascial trigger points in spinal disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2016; 97(2):316-37.
  • [3] Delgado, E.V., Romero, J.C., Escoda, G.E. Myofascial pain syndrome associated with trigger points: A literature review. (I): Epidemiology, clinical treatment and etiopathogeny. Med. Oral Patol. Oral Cir. Bucal. 2009;14(10): 494-8.
  • [4] Kietrys DM, Palombaro KM, Azzaretto E, Hubler R, Schaller B, Schlussel JM, et al. Effectiveness of dry needling for upper-quarter myofascial pain: a systematic review and me ta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013;43(9):620–34.
  • [5] Rodríguez-Mansilla, Juan, et al.Effectiveness of dry needling on reducing pain intensity in patients with myofascial pain syndrome: a Meta-analysis. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2016; 36.1: 1-13.
  • [6] Travell, J.G., Simons, D.G. Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger Point Manual Volume 1. Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, USA. 1999. 1038s.
  • [7] Liu , Lin, et al. Effectiveness of dry needling for myofascial trigger points associated with neck and shoulder pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2015;96.5: 944-955.
  • [8] Cheshire, William P.; Abashıan, Sandra W.; Mann, J. Douglas. Botulinum toxin in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. Pain. 1994; 59.1: 65-9.
  • [9] Vernon, Howard; Mior, Silvano. The Neck Disability Index: a study of reliability and validity. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. 1991; 14.7: 409-15.
  • [10] Hisli, Nesrin. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji dergisi. 1989;7.23: 3-13.
  • [11] Beck, Aaron T., et al. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 1988; 56.6: 893.
  • [12] Koçyiğit, Hikmet, et al. Kısa Form-36 (KF-36)’nın Türkçe versiyonunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği. İlaç ve tedavi dergisi. 1999; 12.2: 102-6.
  • [13] Travell, J.G., Simons, D.G. Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger Point Manual Volume 1. Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, USA. 1999. 1038s.
  • [14] World Health Organization: The burden of musculoskeletal conditions at the start of the new millennium: Report of a WHO scientific group. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2003.
  • [15] Ay S, Doğan SK, Evcik D, Baser O. Comparison the efficacy of phonophoresis and ultrasound therapy in myofascial pain syndrome. Rheumatol Int. 2011;31:1203–8.
  • [16] Geneen, Louise J., et al. Physical activity and exercise for chronic pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017; 4.
  • [17] Ong, J. , & Claydon, L. S. The effect of dry needling for myofascial trigger points in the neck and shoulders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. 2014;18.3: 390-398.
  • [18] Lugo, Luz Helena, et al. Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome with lidocaine injection and physical therapy, alone or in combination: a single blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2016;17.1: 101.
  • [19] Karadaş, Ömer; Gül, Hakan L.; İnan, Levent E. Lidocaine injection of pericranial myofascial trigger points in the treatment of frequent episodic tension-type headache. The journal of headache and pain. 2013; 14.1: 44.
  • [20] Parthasarathy, S., Siyam Sundar, and Gayatri Mishra. "Assessment of predisposing factors in myofascial pain syndrome and the analgesic effect of trigger point injections-A primary therapeutic interventional clinical trial." Indian journal of anaesthesia . 2019: 300, 63.4.
  • [21] Ofluoğlu Demet, et al. İnterferansiyel Akımların Kronik Miyofasyal Ağrı Sendromunda Kısa Dönem Etkinliği. Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences/Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013;16:3.
  • [22] Garipoğlu, İ. Myofasyal ağrı sendromunda tetik noktalara uygulanan yüksek güçlü ultrason tedavi etkinliğinin geleneksel tedavi yöntemleriyle karşılaştırılması. Uzmanlık Tezi. Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği 2002 ; 146.
  • [23] Hayden, Jill, et al. Exercise therapy for treatment of non‐specific low back pain. The Cochrane Library. 2005.
  • [24] Gross, Anita, et al. Exercises for mechanical neck disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2015;1.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Handan Çağlar Çavdar 0000-0003-0616-0016

Nihal Büker 0000-0001-7259-7983

Gülbüz Samut 0000-0001-5438-6752

Proje Numarası 2015SBE004
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Çavdar HÇ, Büker N, Samut G. Comparison of Local Anesthetic Injection and Exercise Therapy Results in Patients with Chronic Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;13(3):531-9.


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