Objective: To evaluate indications, maternal and gestational age distribution, invasive methods, and karyotype results of chorion villus sampling (CVS) procedures
Material and methods: CVS results performed for karyotyping in high-risk pregnancies at Suleyman Demirel University obstetrics and gynecology clinics between January 2008-
February 2013 were retrospectively investigated.
Results: Forty-two cases were included. Maternal age was between 18-25 years in 19%, 26-33 years in 36%, and 34-41 years in 45%. Mean gestational week at the procedure was 11.2 ± 1.2 (range, 11-15 weeks). A chromosomal abnormality was detected in 35.7% (n=15) of the cases. There were no fetal losses during or after 72 hours of the CVS procedures.
Conclusion: CVS is a valuable and relatively safe method for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities at early gestation.
Nussbaum RL. Thompson andThompson Genetics in Medicine. Six edition,WB. Saunders Company, 2001; 359- 372.
Murray RK. Harper’in Biyokimyası, 22. baskı, Barış Kitabevi, 1993: 26–39.
Şener T. Prenatal tanıda genel prensipler. Obstet ve Jin. Sürekli Eğitim Dergisi 1997; 1: 30-45.
Cederholm M, Haglund B, Axelsson O. Maternal complications following amnicentesis and chrorionic villus sampling for prenatal karyityping. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 2003; 110(4): 392-399.
Passarge E.Color Atlas of Genetics, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, Thieme Medical publishers, 1995; 172-176.
Atasü T. Gebelikte Fetüse ve Yeni Doğana Zararlı Etkenler. Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul, 2000: 19-27.
Gilbert RE, Augood C, Gupta R, Ades AE, Logan S, Sculpher M. Screening for Downs syndrome:effects, safety and cost effectiveness of first and second trimester strategiess. BMJ. 2001; 25; 323(7310): 423-425.
Wald NJ, George L, Smith D, Densem JW, Petterson K. Serum screening for Downs syndrome between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. International Prenatal Screening Research Group. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1996;1 03(5): 407- 412.
Spencer K, Spencer CE, Power M, Dawson C,Nicolaides KH. Screening for chromosomal abnormalities in the first trimester using ultrasoundand maternal serum biochemistry in a one-stop clinic: a review of three years prospective experience. BJOG 2003; 110: 281-286.
Smidt-Jensen S, Permin M, Philip J. Sampling success and risk by transabdominal chorionic villus sampling, transcervical chroionic villus sampling and amniocentesis: a randomized study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1991; 1: 86-90.
Park SY. Frequencies of fetal chromosomal abnormalities at prenatal diagnosis: 10 years experiences in a single institution. J Koreen Med Sci. 2001, 16(3): 290-293.
Amaç: Koryon villüs biyopsi (CVS) girişimlerindeki endikasyonların dağılımı, yaşa göre oranları, girişim işlemleri ve karyotip sonuçlarının incelenmesidir.
Materyal ve Metot: Ocak 2008-Şubat 2013 tarihleri arasında Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum kliniğinde yüksek riskli gebeliklerde karyotip amaçlı yapılan CVS sonuçları geriye dönük olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Toplam kırk iki olgu incelendi. Hastaların % 19'u 18-25, %36'sı 26-33, %45'i 34-41 yaş aralığındaydı. İşlemler, ortalama 12.1 ± 1.3 gebelik haftasında (dağılım, 11–15 hafta) uygulanmıştı. Olguların %35.7'sinde (n=15) kromozom anomalisi saptandı. CVS sırasında ve sonrasındaki 72 saatte gebelik kaybı görülmedi.
Sonuç: Kromozom anomalilerinin erken gebelik haftalarında saptanmasında CVS değerli ve nispeten güvenli bir yöntemdir.
Nussbaum RL. Thompson andThompson Genetics in Medicine. Six edition,WB. Saunders Company, 2001; 359- 372.
Murray RK. Harper’in Biyokimyası, 22. baskı, Barış Kitabevi, 1993: 26–39.
Şener T. Prenatal tanıda genel prensipler. Obstet ve Jin. Sürekli Eğitim Dergisi 1997; 1: 30-45.
Cederholm M, Haglund B, Axelsson O. Maternal complications following amnicentesis and chrorionic villus sampling for prenatal karyityping. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 2003; 110(4): 392-399.
Passarge E.Color Atlas of Genetics, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, Thieme Medical publishers, 1995; 172-176.
Atasü T. Gebelikte Fetüse ve Yeni Doğana Zararlı Etkenler. Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul, 2000: 19-27.
Gilbert RE, Augood C, Gupta R, Ades AE, Logan S, Sculpher M. Screening for Downs syndrome:effects, safety and cost effectiveness of first and second trimester strategiess. BMJ. 2001; 25; 323(7310): 423-425.
Wald NJ, George L, Smith D, Densem JW, Petterson K. Serum screening for Downs syndrome between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. International Prenatal Screening Research Group. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1996;1 03(5): 407- 412.
Spencer K, Spencer CE, Power M, Dawson C,Nicolaides KH. Screening for chromosomal abnormalities in the first trimester using ultrasoundand maternal serum biochemistry in a one-stop clinic: a review of three years prospective experience. BJOG 2003; 110: 281-286.
Smidt-Jensen S, Permin M, Philip J. Sampling success and risk by transabdominal chorionic villus sampling, transcervical chroionic villus sampling and amniocentesis: a randomized study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1991; 1: 86-90.
Park SY. Frequencies of fetal chromosomal abnormalities at prenatal diagnosis: 10 years experiences in a single institution. J Koreen Med Sci. 2001, 16(3): 290-293.
Bilen E, Yüksel M, Köse S, Tola E, Sezik M. GEBELİĞİN 11-14 HAFTASINDA KARYOTİPLEME AMAÇLI KORYON VİLLÜS BİYOPSİSİ: 42 OLGUNUN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;6(1):1-3.