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Balance, Physical Activity and Performance in the Elderly Living in Community Dwelling Elderly

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 44 - 51, 30.04.2021


Objective: As a result of anatomical and physiological changes observed with aging, physical deficiencies such as decrease in physical activity level (PAL), balance problems and performance decrease can be seen. This study was planned to examine the relationship between PAL, balance and physical performance of older people. Material and Method: Fifty older people were included in the study. After the sociodemographic characteristics of participants were recorded, Seven Day Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire (SDPARQ), was used to determine PAL. Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT) for evaluation of balance, 4-meter Walk Gait Speed Test (4MWGST), five repetition sit to stand test (5RSST) and standing tests (ST) for physical performance evaluation respectively applied. Results: Groups were similar in terms of demographic characteristics (p>0.05). It was observed that the 5RSST scores of the group with higher PAL were statistically higher (p<0.05). It was found that SDPARQ scores did not have a statistically significant relationship with body mass index (BMI) and TUGT results (p>0.05), but there was a significant relationship between BMI and TUGT results (p<0.05). While SDPARQ scores and 4MWGST and 5RSST results were found to be positively moderate significant, there was a significant relationship between TUGT and 4MWGST and 5RSST (p<0.05). Conclusion: Older people with high PAL have higher physical performance, including lower body strength and walking speed. Keeping the BMI and dynamic balance at the optimal level in these individuals indirectly contributes to increasing the PAL by increasing the performance. 


  • Awais M, Member S, Chiari L, Ihlen EAF, Helbostad JL, Palmerini L. Physical activity classification for elderly people in free-living conditions. IEEE J Biomed Heal informatics. 2018;23(1):197–207.
  • Arslan T, Kara B, Arslan S. Comparison of physical activity levels of elderly people living in rural and urban areas of Turkey. Turkish J Sport Med. 2018;53(3):101–8.
  • Perracini MR, Teixeira LF, Ramos JLA, Pires RS, Najas MS. Fall-related factors among less and more active older outpatients. Brazilian J Phys Ther. 2012;16(2):166–72.
  • Jantunen H, Wasenius N, Ksalonen M, Perala M-M, Osmond C, Kautiainen H, et al. Objectively measured physical activity and physical performance in old age. Age Ageing. 2017;46:232–7.
  • Ayvat E, Kılınç M, Kırdı N. The Turkish version of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE): its cultural adaptation, validation, and reliability. Turkish J Med Sci. 2017;47(3):908–15.
  • Nawrocka A, Mynarski W, Cholewa J. Adherence to physical activity guidelines and functional fitness of elderly women , using objective measurement. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(4):632–5.
  • WHO. Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health. In: World Health Organization: Geneva. 2010.
  • Moral-García JE, García DO, García SL, Jiménez MA, Dios RM. Influence of physical activity on self esteem and risk of dependence in active and sedentary elderly people. An Psicol. 2018;34(1):162–6.
  • Hall KS, Cohen HJ, Pieper CF, Fillenbaum GG, Kraus WE, Huffman KM, et al. Physical performance across the adult life span: correlates with age and physical activity. Journals Gerontol Ser A Biomed Sci Med Sci. 2017;72(4):572–8.
  • Martinez-gomez D, Bandinelli S, Del-panta V, Patel K V, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Three-year changes in physical activity and decline in physical performance over 9 years of follow up in older adults: the invecchiare in chianti study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017;65(6):1176–82.
  • Salguero A, Martı R, Molinero O, Marquez S. Physical activity, quality of life and symptoms of depression in community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2011;53(2):152–7.
  • Duray M, Genç A. The relationship between physical fitness and falling risk and fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly people with different physical activity levels. Turkish J Med Sci. 2017;47(2):455–62.
  • Sallis J, Buono M, Roby J, Micale F, Nelson J. Seven-day recall and other physical activity self-reports in children and adolescents. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993;25(1):99–108.
  • Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Leon AS, Jacobs DR, Montoye HJ, Sallis J F, et al. Compendium of physical activites: classification of energy costs of human physical activities. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 1993;25(1):71–80.
  • Puthoff ML. Outcome measures in cardiopulmonary physical therapy: short physical performance battery. Cardiopulm Phys Ther J. 2008;19(1):17-22.
  • Veronese N, Stubbs B, Fontana L, Trevisan C, Bolzetta F, Rui M De, et al. A comparison of objective physical performance tests and future mortality in the elderly people. Journals Gerontol Ser A Biomed Sci Med Sci. 2017;72(3):362–8.
  • Lauretani F, Ticinesi A, Gionti L, Prati B, Nouvenne A, Tana C, et al. Short-Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) score is associated with falls in older outpatients. Aging Clin Exp Res.2019;31(10):1435–42.
  • Fisher S, Ottenbacher KJ, Goodwin JS, Graham JE, Ostir G V. Short physical performance battery in hospitalized older adults. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2009;21(6):445–52.
  • Bouchard DR, Dionne IJ, Brochu M. Sarcopenic/obesity and physical capacity in older men and women: Data from the nutrition as a determinant of successful aging (NuAge) the Quebec longitudinal study. Obesity. 2009;17(11):2082–8.
  • Laddu DR, Wertheim BC, Garcia DO, Brunner R, Groessl E, Shadyab AH, et al. Associations between self-reported physical activity and physical performance measures over time in postmenopausal women: The Women’s Health Initiative. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017;65(10):2176–81.
  • Kırdı, N, Kocaman AA. Yaşlanma sürecinde ve yaşlılık döneminde egzersizin önemi. Turkiye Klin Intern Med Nursing-Special Top. 2019;5(2):32–8.
  • Koyuncu G, Tuna F, Yavuz S, Kabaye DD, Koyuncu M, Özdemir H, et al. Kırıktan önceki son durak: Yaşlıda düşme ve denge kaybının değerlendirilmesi. Turkish J Phys Med Rehabil/Fiz Tip ve Rehabil Derg. 2017;63(1):14–22.
  • Daniel FDNR, Vale R, Giani T, Bacellar S, Dantas E. Effects of a physical activity program on static balance and functional autonomy in elderly women. Maced J Med Sci. 2010;3(1):21–6.
  • Piotrowska J, Guszkowska M, Leś A, Rutkowska I. Changes in the static balance of older women participating in regular nordic walking sessions and nordic walking combined with cognitive training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(15):1-13.
  • Santos DA, Silva AM, Baptista F, Santos R, Vale S, Mota J, et al. Sedentary behavior and physical activity are independently related to functional fitness in older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2012;47:908–12.
  • Spartano NL, Lyass A, Larson MG, Tran T, Andersson C, Blease SJ, et al. Objective physical activity and physical performance in middle-aged and older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2019;119:203–11.
  • Junge T, Knudsen HK, Kristensen H. The effect of long-term, group-based physical, cognitive and social activities on physical performance in elderly, community-dwelling people with mild to moderate dementia. Dementia. 2018;0(0);1-15.
  • Peel NM, Alapatt LJ, Jones LV, Hubbard RE. The association between gait speed and cognitive status in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journals Gerontol Ser A. 2019;74(6):943–8.
  • Cancela Carral JM, Ayán C, Sturzinger L, Gonzalez G. Relationships between body mass index and static and dynamic balance in active and inactive older adults. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2019;42(4): 85–90.
  • Haider S, Luger E, Kapan A, Titze S, Lackinger C, Schindler KE, et al. Associations between daily physical activity, handgrip strength, muscle mass, physical performance and quality of life in prefrail and frail community-dwelling older adults. Qual Life Res. 2016;25(12):3129–38.

Toplum İçinde Yaşayan Yaşlılarda Denge, Fiziksel Aktivite ve Performans

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 44 - 51, 30.04.2021


Amaç: Yaşlanma ile birlikte gözlenen anatomik ve fizyolojik değişiklikler sonucunda fiziksel aktivite düzeyinde (FAD) azalma, denge problemleri ve performans düşüşü gibi fiziksel yetersizlikler görülebilmektedir. Bu çalışma, toplum içinde yaşayan yaşlı bireylerin FAD, denge ve fiziksel performansları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacıyla planlandı. Materyal-Metot: Çalışmaya 50 yaşlı birey dahil edildi. Katılımcıların sosyodemografik özellikleri kaydedildikten sonra, FAD’yi belirlemek için kullanılan 7-günlük Fiziksel Aktivite Hatırlama Anketi (7-FAHA) sonuçlarına göre katılımcılar iki gruba ayrıldı. Dinamik dengenin değerlendirilmesi için Zamanlı Kalk Yürü Testi (ZKYT) ve fiziksel performans değerlendirmesi için Kısa Fiziksel Performans Bataryası (KFPB) içinde yer alan 4 metre Yürüme Testi (4MYT), 5 kez Sandalyeye Otur Kalk Testi (5SOKT) ve Ayakta Duruş Testleri (ADT) sırasıyla uygulandı. Bulgular: FAD yüksek olan grubun 5SOKT skorlarının istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu bulundu (p<0,05). 7-FAHA puanlarının beden kitle indeksi (BKİ) ve ZKYT sonuçları ile istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı ilişkiye sahip olmadığı (p>0,05) ancak BKİ ve ZKYT sonuçları arasında anlamlı ilişki olduğu bulundu (p<0,05). 7-FAHA puanları ile 4MYT ve 5SOKT sonuçlarının pozitif yönde orta düzeyde anlamlı ilişkisi olduğu bulunurken, ZKYT sonuçları ile 4MYT ve 5SOKT arasında anlamlı ilişki olduğu tespit edildi (p<0,05). Sonuç: FAD yüksek olan yaşlı bireylerin alt gövde kuvveti ve yürüyüş hızını içeren fiziksel performansları daha yüksektir. Bu bireylerde BKİ’nin ve dinamik dengenin optimal düzeyde tutulması, performansı artırarak FAD’ nin artırılmasına dolaylı olarak katkı sağlamaktadır. 


  • Awais M, Member S, Chiari L, Ihlen EAF, Helbostad JL, Palmerini L. Physical activity classification for elderly people in free-living conditions. IEEE J Biomed Heal informatics. 2018;23(1):197–207.
  • Arslan T, Kara B, Arslan S. Comparison of physical activity levels of elderly people living in rural and urban areas of Turkey. Turkish J Sport Med. 2018;53(3):101–8.
  • Perracini MR, Teixeira LF, Ramos JLA, Pires RS, Najas MS. Fall-related factors among less and more active older outpatients. Brazilian J Phys Ther. 2012;16(2):166–72.
  • Jantunen H, Wasenius N, Ksalonen M, Perala M-M, Osmond C, Kautiainen H, et al. Objectively measured physical activity and physical performance in old age. Age Ageing. 2017;46:232–7.
  • Ayvat E, Kılınç M, Kırdı N. The Turkish version of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE): its cultural adaptation, validation, and reliability. Turkish J Med Sci. 2017;47(3):908–15.
  • Nawrocka A, Mynarski W, Cholewa J. Adherence to physical activity guidelines and functional fitness of elderly women , using objective measurement. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(4):632–5.
  • WHO. Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health. In: World Health Organization: Geneva. 2010.
  • Moral-García JE, García DO, García SL, Jiménez MA, Dios RM. Influence of physical activity on self esteem and risk of dependence in active and sedentary elderly people. An Psicol. 2018;34(1):162–6.
  • Hall KS, Cohen HJ, Pieper CF, Fillenbaum GG, Kraus WE, Huffman KM, et al. Physical performance across the adult life span: correlates with age and physical activity. Journals Gerontol Ser A Biomed Sci Med Sci. 2017;72(4):572–8.
  • Martinez-gomez D, Bandinelli S, Del-panta V, Patel K V, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Three-year changes in physical activity and decline in physical performance over 9 years of follow up in older adults: the invecchiare in chianti study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017;65(6):1176–82.
  • Salguero A, Martı R, Molinero O, Marquez S. Physical activity, quality of life and symptoms of depression in community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2011;53(2):152–7.
  • Duray M, Genç A. The relationship between physical fitness and falling risk and fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly people with different physical activity levels. Turkish J Med Sci. 2017;47(2):455–62.
  • Sallis J, Buono M, Roby J, Micale F, Nelson J. Seven-day recall and other physical activity self-reports in children and adolescents. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993;25(1):99–108.
  • Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Leon AS, Jacobs DR, Montoye HJ, Sallis J F, et al. Compendium of physical activites: classification of energy costs of human physical activities. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 1993;25(1):71–80.
  • Puthoff ML. Outcome measures in cardiopulmonary physical therapy: short physical performance battery. Cardiopulm Phys Ther J. 2008;19(1):17-22.
  • Veronese N, Stubbs B, Fontana L, Trevisan C, Bolzetta F, Rui M De, et al. A comparison of objective physical performance tests and future mortality in the elderly people. Journals Gerontol Ser A Biomed Sci Med Sci. 2017;72(3):362–8.
  • Lauretani F, Ticinesi A, Gionti L, Prati B, Nouvenne A, Tana C, et al. Short-Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) score is associated with falls in older outpatients. Aging Clin Exp Res.2019;31(10):1435–42.
  • Fisher S, Ottenbacher KJ, Goodwin JS, Graham JE, Ostir G V. Short physical performance battery in hospitalized older adults. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2009;21(6):445–52.
  • Bouchard DR, Dionne IJ, Brochu M. Sarcopenic/obesity and physical capacity in older men and women: Data from the nutrition as a determinant of successful aging (NuAge) the Quebec longitudinal study. Obesity. 2009;17(11):2082–8.
  • Laddu DR, Wertheim BC, Garcia DO, Brunner R, Groessl E, Shadyab AH, et al. Associations between self-reported physical activity and physical performance measures over time in postmenopausal women: The Women’s Health Initiative. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017;65(10):2176–81.
  • Kırdı, N, Kocaman AA. Yaşlanma sürecinde ve yaşlılık döneminde egzersizin önemi. Turkiye Klin Intern Med Nursing-Special Top. 2019;5(2):32–8.
  • Koyuncu G, Tuna F, Yavuz S, Kabaye DD, Koyuncu M, Özdemir H, et al. Kırıktan önceki son durak: Yaşlıda düşme ve denge kaybının değerlendirilmesi. Turkish J Phys Med Rehabil/Fiz Tip ve Rehabil Derg. 2017;63(1):14–22.
  • Daniel FDNR, Vale R, Giani T, Bacellar S, Dantas E. Effects of a physical activity program on static balance and functional autonomy in elderly women. Maced J Med Sci. 2010;3(1):21–6.
  • Piotrowska J, Guszkowska M, Leś A, Rutkowska I. Changes in the static balance of older women participating in regular nordic walking sessions and nordic walking combined with cognitive training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(15):1-13.
  • Santos DA, Silva AM, Baptista F, Santos R, Vale S, Mota J, et al. Sedentary behavior and physical activity are independently related to functional fitness in older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2012;47:908–12.
  • Spartano NL, Lyass A, Larson MG, Tran T, Andersson C, Blease SJ, et al. Objective physical activity and physical performance in middle-aged and older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2019;119:203–11.
  • Junge T, Knudsen HK, Kristensen H. The effect of long-term, group-based physical, cognitive and social activities on physical performance in elderly, community-dwelling people with mild to moderate dementia. Dementia. 2018;0(0);1-15.
  • Peel NM, Alapatt LJ, Jones LV, Hubbard RE. The association between gait speed and cognitive status in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journals Gerontol Ser A. 2019;74(6):943–8.
  • Cancela Carral JM, Ayán C, Sturzinger L, Gonzalez G. Relationships between body mass index and static and dynamic balance in active and inactive older adults. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2019;42(4): 85–90.
  • Haider S, Luger E, Kapan A, Titze S, Lackinger C, Schindler KE, et al. Associations between daily physical activity, handgrip strength, muscle mass, physical performance and quality of life in prefrail and frail community-dwelling older adults. Qual Life Res. 2016;25(12):3129–38.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mehmet Duray 0000-0002-3764-215X

Tuba Can Akman 0000-0001-5230-2009

Pınar Yaşar 0000-0002-6671-0238

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Duray M, Can Akman T, Yaşar P. Toplum İçinde Yaşayan Yaşlılarda Denge, Fiziksel Aktivite ve Performans. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;12(1):44-51.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 

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