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Influence of Selected Bacteria Isolates on Sugar Beet Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Cadmium Enriched Soil

Yıl 2020, - Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 95 - 102, 07.04.2020


A pot experiment
was conducted in order to determine the effects of 6 selected potential PGPR on
growth and nutrient uptake of sugar beet under Cd enriched soils at Sivas
condition. Bacteria were previously isolated and tested on maize in Soil
Biology Laboratory of Isparta University of Applied Sciences. In this study,
the most effective isolates out of 4 from each province as Adana (Ad), Antalya
(An), Hatay (Ha), Isparta (Is), Ordu (Or) and Sivas (Si) selected as potential
PGPR considering their previously determined performance. In the study, the
effects of above mentioned bacteria on sugar beet performance under 5 mg kg-1
Cd enriched condition was determined.

Results revealed
that Cd application significantly (p<0.05) reduced plant biomass development
whereas bacteria inoculation increased plant dry matter weight. However, in the
Cd enriched condition, bacteria inoculation further improved plant dry weight
where the higher value was observed in dual application of B1 and 5 mg kg-1
Cd application as 43.1 g plant-1. This result alone indicates that
certain bacterium application may reduce the negative effects of cadmium. Among
the Cd applied pots, B5 is an exception, all bacteria application increased
plant biomass development. Cadmium application also reduced zinc uptake of
plant in accordance the antagonistic effect of cadmium on zinc uptake; yet,
bacteria inoculation may help plant to uptake slightly more zinc even under
cadmium contaminated soils.


  • Belimov, A.A., Hontzeas, N., Safronova V.I., Demchinskaya, S.V., Piluzza, G., Bullitta, S., Glick, B.R., 2005. Cadmium-tolerant plant growth-promoting bacteria associated with the roots of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37(2):241-250.
  • Berg, G., 2009. Plant microbe interactions promoting plant growth and health: perspectives for controlled use of microorganisms in agriculture. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 84, 11–18.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total nitrogen. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties. 1149-1178.
  • Dar, Z.M., Masood, A., Mughal, A.H., Asif, M., Malik, M.A., 2018. Review on drought tolerance in plants induced by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 05.
  • Dell’Amico, E., Cavalca, L., Andreoni, V., 2008. Improvement of Brassica napus growth under cadmium stress by cadmium-resistant rhizobacteria. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40(1):74-84.
  • Gonçalves, J.F., Antes, F.G., Maldaner, J., Pereira, L.B., Tabaldi, L.A., Rauber, R., Rossato, L.V., Bisognin, D.A., Dressler, V.L., Flores, E.M.M., Nicoloso, F.T., 2009. Cadmium and mineral nutrient accumulation in potato plantlets grown under cadmium stress in two different experimental culture conditions, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,47(9): 814-821.
  • Grover, M., Ali, S.Z., Sandhya, V., Rasul, A., Venkateswarlu, B., 2011. Role of microorganisms in adaptation of agriculture crops to abiotic stresses. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27 (5), pp.1231-1240.
  • Khan, N., Batool, R., Jamil, N., 2017. Organic anions production by Bacillus Sp. to enhance maize and millet growth. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 27(6), pp.2035-2044.
  • Khosravi, A., Zarei, M., Ronaghi, A., 2018. Effect of PGPR, Phosphate sources and vermicompost on growth and nutrients uptake by lettuce in a calcareous soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(1), pp.80-89.
  • Kloepper, J.W., 1978. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on radishes. In Proc. of the 4th Internet. Conf. on Plant Pathogenic Bacter, Station de Pathologie Vegetale et Phytobacteriologie, INRA, Angers, France, 1978 (Vol. 2, pp. 879-882).
  • Kundan, R., Pant, G., Jadon, N., Agrawal, P.K., 2015. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: mechanism and current prospective. J Fertil Pestic, 6(2), p.9.
  • Lau, J.A. and Lennon, J.T., 2011. Evolutionary ecology of plant–microbe interactions: soil microbial structure alters selection on plant traits. New Phytologist, 192(1), pp.215-224.
  • Liu, D., Wang, M., Zou, J.H., Jiang, W.S., 2006. Uptake and accumulation of cadmium and some nutrient ions by roots and shoots of maize (Zea mays L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(3):701-709.
  • Meena, V.S., Maurya, B.R., Verma, J.P., 2014. Does a rhizospheric microorganism enhance K+ availability in agricultural soils. Microbiological research, 169(5-6), pp.337-347.
  • Murphy, J. and Riley, J.P., 1962. A modified single solution for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analtica Chemica Acta, 27, 31-36. Ottow, J.C.G., 1984. Bodenmikrobiologisch-biochemisches-Pratikum. S. 1-2.
  • Patel, P., Trivedi, G.,Saraf, M., 2018. Iron biofortification in mungbean using siderophore producing plant growth promoting bacteria. Environmental Susta-inability, 1(4), pp.357-365.
  • Price, N.M. and Morel F.M.M., 1990. Cadmium and cobalt substitution for zinc in a marine diatom. Nature Vol:344, pp. 658–660.
  • Richard, P.O., Adekanmbi, A.O., Ogunjobi, A.A., 2018. Screening of bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of maize plant (Zea mays L.) for ammonia production and nitrogen fixation. African Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol. 12(34), pp. 829-834.
  • Samancıoğlu, A. ve Yıldırım, E., 2015. Bitki gelişimini teşvik eden bakteri uygulamalarının bitkilerde kuraklığa toleransı artırmadaki etkileri. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), pp.72-79.
  • Setyowati, M., Susilowati, D.N., Suryadi, Y., 2017. Rhizosphere microbial genetic resources as PGPR potential isolated from maize inbred populations Var. Bisma. In Proceedings. The 1st SATREPS Conference (Vol. 1).
  • Singh, K. and Gera, R., 2018. Assessing phosphate solubilization ability of sesbania grandiflora rhizobia isolated from root nodules using diverse agroecological zones of Indian soils for biofertilizer production. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(4), pp.398-402.
  • Vejan, P., Abdullah, R., Khadiran, T., Ismail, S., Nasrulhaq Boyce, A., 2016. Role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in agricultural sustainability -a review. Molecules, 21(5), p.573.
  • Weber, N.F., Herrmann, I., Hochholdinger, F., Ludewig, U., Neumann, G., 2018. PGPR-induced growth stimulation and nutrient acquisition in maize: Do root hairs matter?. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 49(3), pp.164-172.
  • Weller, D.M. and Thomashow, L.S., 1994. Current challenges in introducing benefi-cial microorganisms into the rhizosphere. Molecular ecology of rhizosphere microorganisms. Biotechnology and the release of GMOs, pp.1-18.
  • Yaseen, R., Zafar-ul-Hye, M., Hussain, M., 2019. Integrated application of ACC-deaminase containing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and biogas slurry improves the growth and productivity of wheat under drought stress. International journal of agriculture and biology, 21(4), pp.869-878.
  • Youseif, S.H., 2018. Genetic diversity of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and their effects on the growth of maize plants under greenhouse conditions. Annals of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Zaidi, A., Ahmad, E., Khan, M.S., Saif, S., Rizvi, A., 2015. Role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in sustainable production of vegetables: current perspective. Scientia Horticulturae, 193, pp.231-239.
  • Zhang, L., Fan, J., Ding, X., He, X., Zhang, F., Feng, G., 2014. Hyphosphere interactions between an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and a phosphate solu-bilizing bacterium promote phytate mineralization in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 74, pp.177-183.

Seçilmiş Bakteri İzolatlarının Kadmiyum ile Zenginleştirilmiş Topraklarda Şeker Pancarının Gelişimi ve Besin Elementi Alımı Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2020, - Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 95 - 102, 07.04.2020


6 bakterinin kadmiyum ile zenginleştirilmiş topraklarda yetiştirilen şeker
pancarı bitkisinin gelişimi ve besin elementi alımına etkilerini belirlemek
amacıyla, Sivas koşullarında saksı denemesi yürütülmüştür. Bakteriler daha önce
Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Toprak Biyoloji Laboratuvarında izole
edilmiş ve mısır üzerinde test edilmiştir. Çalışmada Adana (Ad), Antalya (An),
Hatay (Ha), Isparta (Is), Ordu (Or) ve Sivas (Si) illerinin her birinden izole
edilen 4 bakteriden, daha önceki performansları göz önüne alınarak en etkili
olan birer taneleri seçilmiştir.Çalışmada, yukarıda sözü edilen bakterilerin 5
mg kg-1 Cd ile zenginleştirilmiş toprakta yetiştirilen şeker pancarı
performansı üzerindeki etkileri belirlenmiştir.

Cd uygulamasının bitkinin biyokütle gelişimini önemli ölçüde (p<0.05)
azaltırken, bakteri aşılamanın bitkinin kuru madde ağırlığını arttırdığını
göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, Cd ile zenginleştirilmiş durumda bakteri
aşılaması, bitki kuru ağırlığını daha da arttırmış, en yüksek değer 43.1 g
bitki-1 ile B1 ve 5 mg kg-1 Cd uygulamasından elde
edilmiştir. Tek başına bu sonuç bile belirli bakterilerin uygulanmasının
kadmiyumun olumsuz etkilerini azaltabildiğini gösterir niteliktedir. B5 hariç
olmak üzere kadmiyum uygulanan saksılardaki bakteri uygulamalarının hepsi
bitkinin biyokütlesini artırmıştır. Kadmiyum ile çinko arasındaki antagonsitik
ilişkiye uygun olarak, kadmiyum uygulamaları çinko alımını azaltmıştır. Ancak
bakteri uygulamaları kadmiyum uygulanan koşullarda bile çinko alımını


  • Belimov, A.A., Hontzeas, N., Safronova V.I., Demchinskaya, S.V., Piluzza, G., Bullitta, S., Glick, B.R., 2005. Cadmium-tolerant plant growth-promoting bacteria associated with the roots of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37(2):241-250.
  • Berg, G., 2009. Plant microbe interactions promoting plant growth and health: perspectives for controlled use of microorganisms in agriculture. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 84, 11–18.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total nitrogen. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties. 1149-1178.
  • Dar, Z.M., Masood, A., Mughal, A.H., Asif, M., Malik, M.A., 2018. Review on drought tolerance in plants induced by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 05.
  • Dell’Amico, E., Cavalca, L., Andreoni, V., 2008. Improvement of Brassica napus growth under cadmium stress by cadmium-resistant rhizobacteria. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40(1):74-84.
  • Gonçalves, J.F., Antes, F.G., Maldaner, J., Pereira, L.B., Tabaldi, L.A., Rauber, R., Rossato, L.V., Bisognin, D.A., Dressler, V.L., Flores, E.M.M., Nicoloso, F.T., 2009. Cadmium and mineral nutrient accumulation in potato plantlets grown under cadmium stress in two different experimental culture conditions, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,47(9): 814-821.
  • Grover, M., Ali, S.Z., Sandhya, V., Rasul, A., Venkateswarlu, B., 2011. Role of microorganisms in adaptation of agriculture crops to abiotic stresses. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27 (5), pp.1231-1240.
  • Khan, N., Batool, R., Jamil, N., 2017. Organic anions production by Bacillus Sp. to enhance maize and millet growth. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 27(6), pp.2035-2044.
  • Khosravi, A., Zarei, M., Ronaghi, A., 2018. Effect of PGPR, Phosphate sources and vermicompost on growth and nutrients uptake by lettuce in a calcareous soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(1), pp.80-89.
  • Kloepper, J.W., 1978. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on radishes. In Proc. of the 4th Internet. Conf. on Plant Pathogenic Bacter, Station de Pathologie Vegetale et Phytobacteriologie, INRA, Angers, France, 1978 (Vol. 2, pp. 879-882).
  • Kundan, R., Pant, G., Jadon, N., Agrawal, P.K., 2015. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: mechanism and current prospective. J Fertil Pestic, 6(2), p.9.
  • Lau, J.A. and Lennon, J.T., 2011. Evolutionary ecology of plant–microbe interactions: soil microbial structure alters selection on plant traits. New Phytologist, 192(1), pp.215-224.
  • Liu, D., Wang, M., Zou, J.H., Jiang, W.S., 2006. Uptake and accumulation of cadmium and some nutrient ions by roots and shoots of maize (Zea mays L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(3):701-709.
  • Meena, V.S., Maurya, B.R., Verma, J.P., 2014. Does a rhizospheric microorganism enhance K+ availability in agricultural soils. Microbiological research, 169(5-6), pp.337-347.
  • Murphy, J. and Riley, J.P., 1962. A modified single solution for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analtica Chemica Acta, 27, 31-36. Ottow, J.C.G., 1984. Bodenmikrobiologisch-biochemisches-Pratikum. S. 1-2.
  • Patel, P., Trivedi, G.,Saraf, M., 2018. Iron biofortification in mungbean using siderophore producing plant growth promoting bacteria. Environmental Susta-inability, 1(4), pp.357-365.
  • Price, N.M. and Morel F.M.M., 1990. Cadmium and cobalt substitution for zinc in a marine diatom. Nature Vol:344, pp. 658–660.
  • Richard, P.O., Adekanmbi, A.O., Ogunjobi, A.A., 2018. Screening of bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of maize plant (Zea mays L.) for ammonia production and nitrogen fixation. African Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol. 12(34), pp. 829-834.
  • Samancıoğlu, A. ve Yıldırım, E., 2015. Bitki gelişimini teşvik eden bakteri uygulamalarının bitkilerde kuraklığa toleransı artırmadaki etkileri. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), pp.72-79.
  • Setyowati, M., Susilowati, D.N., Suryadi, Y., 2017. Rhizosphere microbial genetic resources as PGPR potential isolated from maize inbred populations Var. Bisma. In Proceedings. The 1st SATREPS Conference (Vol. 1).
  • Singh, K. and Gera, R., 2018. Assessing phosphate solubilization ability of sesbania grandiflora rhizobia isolated from root nodules using diverse agroecological zones of Indian soils for biofertilizer production. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(4), pp.398-402.
  • Vejan, P., Abdullah, R., Khadiran, T., Ismail, S., Nasrulhaq Boyce, A., 2016. Role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in agricultural sustainability -a review. Molecules, 21(5), p.573.
  • Weber, N.F., Herrmann, I., Hochholdinger, F., Ludewig, U., Neumann, G., 2018. PGPR-induced growth stimulation and nutrient acquisition in maize: Do root hairs matter?. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 49(3), pp.164-172.
  • Weller, D.M. and Thomashow, L.S., 1994. Current challenges in introducing benefi-cial microorganisms into the rhizosphere. Molecular ecology of rhizosphere microorganisms. Biotechnology and the release of GMOs, pp.1-18.
  • Yaseen, R., Zafar-ul-Hye, M., Hussain, M., 2019. Integrated application of ACC-deaminase containing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and biogas slurry improves the growth and productivity of wheat under drought stress. International journal of agriculture and biology, 21(4), pp.869-878.
  • Youseif, S.H., 2018. Genetic diversity of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and their effects on the growth of maize plants under greenhouse conditions. Annals of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Zaidi, A., Ahmad, E., Khan, M.S., Saif, S., Rizvi, A., 2015. Role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in sustainable production of vegetables: current perspective. Scientia Horticulturae, 193, pp.231-239.
  • Zhang, L., Fan, J., Ding, X., He, X., Zhang, F., Feng, G., 2014. Hyphosphere interactions between an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and a phosphate solu-bilizing bacterium promote phytate mineralization in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 74, pp.177-183.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştıma

Ahmet Demirbaş

Ali Coşkan

Amer Abdulhadi Jawad Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Nisan 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Kasım 2019
Kabul Tarihi 11 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 - Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirbaş, A., Coşkan, A., & Jawad, A. A. (2020). Seçilmiş Bakteri İzolatlarının Kadmiyum ile Zenginleştirilmiş Topraklarda Şeker Pancarının Gelişimi ve Besin Elementi Alımı Üzerine Etkisi. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi95-102.


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