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Melezleme Yoluyla Gül Islahında Polen Kaynağı Olarak Isparta Gülü (Rosa damascena Mill.)’nün Performansının Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2020, - Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 194 - 201, 07.04.2020


Dünyada gül çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesinde en yaygın kullanılan yöntem melezleme ıslahıdır. Son yıllarda birçok süs bitkisinde olduğu gibi güllerde de kokuya olan talebin artması, gül ıslahçılarını güllere koku karakterini kazandırmaya yönelik ıslah çalışmalarına yöneltmiştir. Ülkemizde yağ gülü ve Isparta gülü olarak da bilinen Rosa damascena Mill. dünyadaki en önemli kokulu gül türlerinden biridir. Melezleme ıslahı ile yeni gül çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesinde başarıyı etkileyen faktörlerden biri de ebeveyn seçimidir. Melezleme yoluyla gül ıslahında baba ebeveyn olarak Rosa damascena’nın performansının belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülen bu çalışmada, 10 farklı melez kombinasyonu oluşturulmuş ve 01 Mayıs-30 Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında kombinasyon başına 10’ar adet olmak üzere toplam 90 adet tozlama işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, Rosa damascena’da çiçek tozu canlılık oranı ve çimlenme gücü belirlenirken, melez kombinasyonlarında meyve ve tohum sayısı ile melez tohumların çimlenme oranları belirlenmiştir. Meyve başına en fazla tohum sayısı 31.5 adet ile Freedom x Rosa damascena kombinasyonunda belirlenirken, bunu 26.6 adet ile Pink Akito x Rosa damascena kombinasyonu izlemiş, meyve başına en az tohum sayısı ise 7.29 adet ile Cherry Brandy x Rosa damascena kombinasyonunda elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen melez tohumlarda, en yüksek çimlenme oranı (%32.33) Pink Akito x Rosa damascena, en düşük çimlenme oranı (%1.82) ise Black Magic x Rosa damascena kombinasyonunda belirlenmiştir. 


  • Abdolmohammadi, M., Jafarkhani, K.M., Zakizadeh, H. and Hamidoghli, Y. 2014. In Vitro Embryo Germination and Interploidy Hybridization Of Rose (Rosa Sp). Euphytica, Springer. DOI 101007/S10681-014-1098-0
  • Abejide, D.R., Falusi, O.A., Daudu, O.A.Y., Gado, A., Dangana, M.C and Lateef, A.A. 2013. Assessment Of Pollen Production, Viability And Germinability İn Three Sesame Cultivars. International Journal Of Applied Biological Research. Vol. 5(1): 62 - 71
  • Anderson, N. and Byrne, D.H. 2007. Methods For Rosa Germination. Acta Hortic. 751:503–507
  • AIPH/Union Fleurs, 2017. International Statistics Flowers and Plants 2017. AIPH/Union Fleurs International Flower Trade Association, Volume:65, Netherlands.
  • Barletta, A. 1995. Scent makes a comeback. Flora Cul Int January: 23–25
  • Baudino, S., Sun, P., Caissard, J.C., Nairaud, B., Moja, S., Magnard, J.L., Bony, A., Jullien, F., Schuurink, R.C, Vergne, P., Dubois, A., Raymond, O., Bendahmane, M., Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L., Jeauffre, J., Clotault, J., Thouroude, T., Foucher, F. and Blerot, B., 2019. Rose Floral Scent. Acta horticulturae.1232(1232):69-80. DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1232.12
  • Borda, A.M, Clark, D.G. and Huber, D.J. 2011. Effects Of Ethylene On Volatile Emission and Fragrance In Cut Roses: The Relationship Between Fragrance and Vase Life. Postharvest Biol Technol. 59:245–252.
  • Chimonidou, D., Bolla, A., Pitta, C., Vassiliou, L., Kyriakou, G. and Put, H.M.C. 2007. Is It Possible To Transfer Aroma From Rosa Damascena To Hybrid Tea Rose Cultivars By Hybridisation?. Acta Hort. 751:299-304.
  • Cole, P. and Melton, D. 1986. Self- And Cross-Compatibility Relationships Among Genotypes And Between Ploidy Of The Rose. Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science. 111 (1):122-125
  • de Vries, D.P. and Dubois, L:A:M. 1987. The Effect Of Temperature On Fruit Set, Seed Set and Seed Germination In ‘Sonia’ 9 ‘Hadley’ Hybrid Tea-Rose Crosses. Euphytica. 36:117–120. Doi:10.1007/BF00730654
  • de Vries, D.P. and Dubois, L.A.M. 1996. Rose Breeding: Past, Present, Prospects. Acta Hortic. 420:241–248
  • Debener, T., Janakiram, T., Mattiesch, L. 2000. Sports And Seedlings Of Rose Varieties Analyzed With Molecular Markers. Plant Breed. 119:71–74
  • Erlanson, E.W. 1931. Sterility İn Wild Roses And İn Some Species Hybrids. Genetics, 16: 75-96.
  • Eti, S. 1990. Çiçek Tozu Miktarını Belirlemede Kullanılan Pratik Bir Yöntem. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 5(4):49-58.
  • Eti, S. 1991. Bazı Meyve Tür Ve Çeşitlerinde Değişik İn Vitro Testler Yardımıyla Çiçek Tozu Canlılık ve Çimlenme Yeteneklerinin Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 6(1):69-80.
  • Flora-Holland, 2018. Facts and Figures 2018. The Netherlands. doi: (Accessed 20 October, 2019)
  • Gudin, S. 2017. Seed Propagation. Reference Module in Life Sciences. Elsevier. https://doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.05093-7
  • Gudin, S., Are`ne, L. 1991. Influence Of The Ph Of The Stigmatic Exudate On Male-Female İnteraction In Rosa Hybrida L. Sex Plant Reprod. 4:110–112. doi:10.1007/BF00196496
  • Gudin, S., Arene, L. 1992. Putrescine Increases Effective Pollination Period In Roses. Horttechnology. 2:211–213
  • Gudin, S. 1992. Influence Of Bud Chilling On Subsequent Reproductive Fertility In Roses. Sci Hortic, 51:139-144
  • Gudin, S. 1995. Rose Improvement: A Breeder’s Experience. Acta Hort., 420: 125-128
  • Lawrence, B.M. 1997. Progress İn Essential Oils, Rose Oil. Perfum Flavor. 22, 57-74.
  • Leus, L. 2005. Resistance Breeding For Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) and Black Spot (Diplocarpon rosae) In Roses. Phd Thesis, Faculty Of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Liu, Z., Boachon, B., Lugan, R., Tavares, R., Erhardt, M., Mutterer, J., Demais, V., Pateyron, S., Brunaud, V. and Ohnishi, T. 2015. A Conserved Cytochrome P450 Evolved in Seed Plants Regulates Flower Maturation. Molecular plant. 8: 1751-1765.
  • Martins, E.S., Davide, L.M.C., Miranda, G.J., Barizon, J.O., Souza Junior, F., Carvalho, R.P. and Gonçalves, M.C. 2017. In Vitro Pollen Viability Of Maize Cultivars At Different Times Of Collection. CiêNcia Rural. 47(2): 8p. ISSN: 1678-4596
  • Nadeem, M., Akond, M. Riaz, A. Qasim, M. Younis, A. and Farooq, A. 2013. Pollen Morphology and Vıabılıty Relates to Seed Production In Hybrıd Roses. Plant Breeding and Seed Science. Volume :68. DOI: 10.2478/v10129-011-0078-y
  • Ogilvie, I., Cloutier, D., Arnold, N. and Jui, P.Y. 1991. The Effect Of Gibberellic Acid On Fruit and Seed Set In Crosses Of Garden and Winter Hardy. Rosa Accessions. Euphytica. 52: 119-123.
  • Parfitt, D.E. and Ganeshan, S. 1989. Comparison Of Procedures For Estimating Viabilitiy Of Prunus Polen. Hortscience. 24(2):354-356pp.
  • Ratsek, J.C, Jr Flory, W.S. and Yarnell S.H. 1941. Crossing Relations Of Some Diploid and Polyploid Species Of Roses. Proceedings Of The American Society For Horticultural Science. 38:637-654.
  • Rusanov, K., Kovacheva, N., Stefanova, K., Atanassov, A. and Atanassov, I. 2009. Rosa damascena Genetic Resources and Capacity Building for Molecular Breeding. Biotechnology & Biotechnological. Equipment. 23:1436-1439.
  • Spiller, M., Berger, R.G. and Debener, T. 2010. Genetic Dissection Of Scent Metabolic Profiles In Diploid Rose Populations. Theor Appl Genet. 120:1461–1471.
  • Tuna, M. 2016. IV. Flow Sitometri ve Tarımsal Araştırmalarda Kullanımı Uygulamalı Eğitim Programı. Namık Kemal University Faculty Of Agriculture, Department Of Field Crops. 29-30 January 2016. Tekirdag.
  • Ueda, Y. 2003. Seed Maturation and Germination. In: Roberts, Debener, Gudin (eds) Encyclopedia of rose science, Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford.
  • Ueda, Y. and Akimoto, S. 2001. Cross- and Self-Compatibility In Various Species Of The Genus Rosa. Journal Of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology.76 (4): 392-395
  • Van Huylenbroeck, J., Eeckhaut, T., Leus, L., Werlemark G. and De Riek, J. 2007. Introduction of Wild Germplasm In Modern Roses. Acta Hortic. 751:285–290
  • Visser, T., de Vries, D.P., Scheurink, J.A.M. and Welles, G.W.H. 1977a. Hybrid Tea-Rose Pollen I. Germination and Storage. Euphytica. 26:721–728. DOI:10.1007/BF00021697
  • Visser, T., de Vries, D.P., Welles, G.W.H. and Scheurink, J.A.M.. 1977b. Hybrid Tea-Rose Pollen II. Inheritance Of Pollen Viability. Euphytica. 26:729–732. doi:10.1007/BF0002 1698
  • Werlemark, G. 2003. Inheritance İn The Dogrose. In: Roberts AV, Debener T, Gudin S (Eds) Encyclopedia Of Rose Science, (Vol 1), Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, UK, pp 292-299.
  • Zlesak, D.C. 2005. The Effects Of Short-Term Drying On Seed Germination In Rosa. HortSci. 40:1931–1932.
  • Zlesak, D.C., Zuzek, K. and Hokanson, S.C. 2007 Rose Pollen Viability Over Time at Varying Storage Temperatures. Acta Hortic. 751:337–343.
  • Zlesak, D.C. 2006. Rosa x hybrida. In: N.O. Anderson (ed.), Flower Breeding and Genetics, The Netherlands, Springer, pp. 695-738.

A Research on Determination of the Performance Rosa damascena Mill. As Pollen Source in Rose Breeding by Hybridization

Yıl 2020, - Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 194 - 201, 07.04.2020


breeding is the most widely used method in the development of rose varieties in
the world. Recently, with the increasing consumer demand for fragrance in cut
flowers, the breeders has led to improve the scented rose in breeding. Rosa damascena Mill. known as oil rose, is
one of the most important fragrant rose species in the world. Parental
selection is one of the factors affecting success in the development of new
rose varieties by hybridization breeding. The study was conducted on 01 May-30
October 2019 to determine the performance of Rosa damascena as a male parent in
rose breeding through hybridization. In this study, the viability and
germination rate of the flower were examined in Rosa damascena, while the number of fruit and seeds and the germination
rates of hybrid seeds were determined in 10 hybrid combinations.
maximum number of seeds per fruit was determined in Freedom x Rosa damascena combination with 31.5 seeds,
followed by Pink Akito x Rosa damascena combination with 26.6 seeds while the
minimum seed number per fruit was 7.29 with Cherry Brandy x Rosa damascena combination. The highest
germination rate (32.33%) was determined in Pink Akito x Rosa damascena when the lowest germination rate was examined in
Black Magic x Rosa damascena


  • Abdolmohammadi, M., Jafarkhani, K.M., Zakizadeh, H. and Hamidoghli, Y. 2014. In Vitro Embryo Germination and Interploidy Hybridization Of Rose (Rosa Sp). Euphytica, Springer. DOI 101007/S10681-014-1098-0
  • Abejide, D.R., Falusi, O.A., Daudu, O.A.Y., Gado, A., Dangana, M.C and Lateef, A.A. 2013. Assessment Of Pollen Production, Viability And Germinability İn Three Sesame Cultivars. International Journal Of Applied Biological Research. Vol. 5(1): 62 - 71
  • Anderson, N. and Byrne, D.H. 2007. Methods For Rosa Germination. Acta Hortic. 751:503–507
  • AIPH/Union Fleurs, 2017. International Statistics Flowers and Plants 2017. AIPH/Union Fleurs International Flower Trade Association, Volume:65, Netherlands.
  • Barletta, A. 1995. Scent makes a comeback. Flora Cul Int January: 23–25
  • Baudino, S., Sun, P., Caissard, J.C., Nairaud, B., Moja, S., Magnard, J.L., Bony, A., Jullien, F., Schuurink, R.C, Vergne, P., Dubois, A., Raymond, O., Bendahmane, M., Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L., Jeauffre, J., Clotault, J., Thouroude, T., Foucher, F. and Blerot, B., 2019. Rose Floral Scent. Acta horticulturae.1232(1232):69-80. DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1232.12
  • Borda, A.M, Clark, D.G. and Huber, D.J. 2011. Effects Of Ethylene On Volatile Emission and Fragrance In Cut Roses: The Relationship Between Fragrance and Vase Life. Postharvest Biol Technol. 59:245–252.
  • Chimonidou, D., Bolla, A., Pitta, C., Vassiliou, L., Kyriakou, G. and Put, H.M.C. 2007. Is It Possible To Transfer Aroma From Rosa Damascena To Hybrid Tea Rose Cultivars By Hybridisation?. Acta Hort. 751:299-304.
  • Cole, P. and Melton, D. 1986. Self- And Cross-Compatibility Relationships Among Genotypes And Between Ploidy Of The Rose. Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science. 111 (1):122-125
  • de Vries, D.P. and Dubois, L:A:M. 1987. The Effect Of Temperature On Fruit Set, Seed Set and Seed Germination In ‘Sonia’ 9 ‘Hadley’ Hybrid Tea-Rose Crosses. Euphytica. 36:117–120. Doi:10.1007/BF00730654
  • de Vries, D.P. and Dubois, L.A.M. 1996. Rose Breeding: Past, Present, Prospects. Acta Hortic. 420:241–248
  • Debener, T., Janakiram, T., Mattiesch, L. 2000. Sports And Seedlings Of Rose Varieties Analyzed With Molecular Markers. Plant Breed. 119:71–74
  • Erlanson, E.W. 1931. Sterility İn Wild Roses And İn Some Species Hybrids. Genetics, 16: 75-96.
  • Eti, S. 1990. Çiçek Tozu Miktarını Belirlemede Kullanılan Pratik Bir Yöntem. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 5(4):49-58.
  • Eti, S. 1991. Bazı Meyve Tür Ve Çeşitlerinde Değişik İn Vitro Testler Yardımıyla Çiçek Tozu Canlılık ve Çimlenme Yeteneklerinin Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 6(1):69-80.
  • Flora-Holland, 2018. Facts and Figures 2018. The Netherlands. doi: (Accessed 20 October, 2019)
  • Gudin, S. 2017. Seed Propagation. Reference Module in Life Sciences. Elsevier. https://doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.05093-7
  • Gudin, S., Are`ne, L. 1991. Influence Of The Ph Of The Stigmatic Exudate On Male-Female İnteraction In Rosa Hybrida L. Sex Plant Reprod. 4:110–112. doi:10.1007/BF00196496
  • Gudin, S., Arene, L. 1992. Putrescine Increases Effective Pollination Period In Roses. Horttechnology. 2:211–213
  • Gudin, S. 1992. Influence Of Bud Chilling On Subsequent Reproductive Fertility In Roses. Sci Hortic, 51:139-144
  • Gudin, S. 1995. Rose Improvement: A Breeder’s Experience. Acta Hort., 420: 125-128
  • Lawrence, B.M. 1997. Progress İn Essential Oils, Rose Oil. Perfum Flavor. 22, 57-74.
  • Leus, L. 2005. Resistance Breeding For Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) and Black Spot (Diplocarpon rosae) In Roses. Phd Thesis, Faculty Of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Liu, Z., Boachon, B., Lugan, R., Tavares, R., Erhardt, M., Mutterer, J., Demais, V., Pateyron, S., Brunaud, V. and Ohnishi, T. 2015. A Conserved Cytochrome P450 Evolved in Seed Plants Regulates Flower Maturation. Molecular plant. 8: 1751-1765.
  • Martins, E.S., Davide, L.M.C., Miranda, G.J., Barizon, J.O., Souza Junior, F., Carvalho, R.P. and Gonçalves, M.C. 2017. In Vitro Pollen Viability Of Maize Cultivars At Different Times Of Collection. CiêNcia Rural. 47(2): 8p. ISSN: 1678-4596
  • Nadeem, M., Akond, M. Riaz, A. Qasim, M. Younis, A. and Farooq, A. 2013. Pollen Morphology and Vıabılıty Relates to Seed Production In Hybrıd Roses. Plant Breeding and Seed Science. Volume :68. DOI: 10.2478/v10129-011-0078-y
  • Ogilvie, I., Cloutier, D., Arnold, N. and Jui, P.Y. 1991. The Effect Of Gibberellic Acid On Fruit and Seed Set In Crosses Of Garden and Winter Hardy. Rosa Accessions. Euphytica. 52: 119-123.
  • Parfitt, D.E. and Ganeshan, S. 1989. Comparison Of Procedures For Estimating Viabilitiy Of Prunus Polen. Hortscience. 24(2):354-356pp.
  • Ratsek, J.C, Jr Flory, W.S. and Yarnell S.H. 1941. Crossing Relations Of Some Diploid and Polyploid Species Of Roses. Proceedings Of The American Society For Horticultural Science. 38:637-654.
  • Rusanov, K., Kovacheva, N., Stefanova, K., Atanassov, A. and Atanassov, I. 2009. Rosa damascena Genetic Resources and Capacity Building for Molecular Breeding. Biotechnology & Biotechnological. Equipment. 23:1436-1439.
  • Spiller, M., Berger, R.G. and Debener, T. 2010. Genetic Dissection Of Scent Metabolic Profiles In Diploid Rose Populations. Theor Appl Genet. 120:1461–1471.
  • Tuna, M. 2016. IV. Flow Sitometri ve Tarımsal Araştırmalarda Kullanımı Uygulamalı Eğitim Programı. Namık Kemal University Faculty Of Agriculture, Department Of Field Crops. 29-30 January 2016. Tekirdag.
  • Ueda, Y. 2003. Seed Maturation and Germination. In: Roberts, Debener, Gudin (eds) Encyclopedia of rose science, Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford.
  • Ueda, Y. and Akimoto, S. 2001. Cross- and Self-Compatibility In Various Species Of The Genus Rosa. Journal Of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology.76 (4): 392-395
  • Van Huylenbroeck, J., Eeckhaut, T., Leus, L., Werlemark G. and De Riek, J. 2007. Introduction of Wild Germplasm In Modern Roses. Acta Hortic. 751:285–290
  • Visser, T., de Vries, D.P., Scheurink, J.A.M. and Welles, G.W.H. 1977a. Hybrid Tea-Rose Pollen I. Germination and Storage. Euphytica. 26:721–728. DOI:10.1007/BF00021697
  • Visser, T., de Vries, D.P., Welles, G.W.H. and Scheurink, J.A.M.. 1977b. Hybrid Tea-Rose Pollen II. Inheritance Of Pollen Viability. Euphytica. 26:729–732. doi:10.1007/BF0002 1698
  • Werlemark, G. 2003. Inheritance İn The Dogrose. In: Roberts AV, Debener T, Gudin S (Eds) Encyclopedia Of Rose Science, (Vol 1), Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, UK, pp 292-299.
  • Zlesak, D.C. 2005. The Effects Of Short-Term Drying On Seed Germination In Rosa. HortSci. 40:1931–1932.
  • Zlesak, D.C., Zuzek, K. and Hokanson, S.C. 2007 Rose Pollen Viability Over Time at Varying Storage Temperatures. Acta Hortic. 751:337–343.
  • Zlesak, D.C. 2006. Rosa x hybrida. In: N.O. Anderson (ed.), Flower Breeding and Genetics, The Netherlands, Springer, pp. 695-738.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştıma

Ezgi Doğan 0000-0003-0854-7134

Soner Kazaz 0000-0002-6644-9690

Tuğba Kılıç 0000-0002-0528-7552

Hilal Dursun

Talha Hasan Ünsal 0000-0002-1022-7255

Merve Uran Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5084-2690

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Nisan 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Kasım 2019
Kabul Tarihi 10 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 - Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, E., Kazaz, S., Kılıç, T., Dursun, H., vd. (2020). Melezleme Yoluyla Gül Islahında Polen Kaynağı Olarak Isparta Gülü (Rosa damascena Mill.)’nün Performansının Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi194-201.


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