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Constructing an Identity in Medieval Europe: The Germanic Otto Dynasty's Attempts at Romanisation through Byzantium

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 51, 349 - 368, 30.06.2024


This study examines the efforts of the Otto Dynasty, a Saxon kingdom of Germanic origin, to establish a Roman identity in medieval Europe through their marriage alliance with the Byzantine Empire. The data obtained indicates that the rulers of the Otto Dynasty prioritised the Romanisation process by seeking to legitimise their political and social authority from a religious perspective. This was followed by an expansion of their empire through the consolidation of their political leadership with the Roman identity. The Otto Dynasty, who sought to exploit every opportunity they encountered from the moment they dedicated themselves to this pursuit, maintained a constant dialogue with the Byzantines. In particular, during the reigns of Byzantine Emperors Constantine VII and Nikephoros Phokas II, the attempt at establishing a kinship that could not be finalised was successfully concluded during the reign of Emperor Ioannes Tzimiskes I, thus bringing them one step closer to their goal of Romanisation. The kinship established with Byzantium through Theofano contributed significantly to the Otto Dynasty in terms of political legitimacy in the Western Roman lands. Following this diplomatic marriage, Byzantine images became more prominent in the Otto Dynasty’s administrative approaches and artistic activities.


  • Althoff, G. (2020). Rules and rituals in medieval power games: A German perspective. Leiden: Brill.
  • Angerhausen, H. Westerman. (1995). Did Theophano leave her mark on the Ottonian sumptuary arts? A. Davids (Ed.), in The empress Theophano: Byzantium and the west at the turn of the first millennium (ss. 244–264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Annales Magdeburgenses. (1859). G. H. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. XVI, ss. 105–196). Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici.
  • Bachrach, D. S. (2012). Warfare in tenth-century Germany. Boydell & Brewer, Incorporated.
  • Béla, T. (1901). Szájról szájra: A magyarság szálló igéi. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi és Nyomdai Rt.
  • Bethmann, D. L. C. (1844). Sigeberti gemblacensis chronographia. G. H. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. VI, ss. 268–374). Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici Hahniani.
  • Bergmann, B. (2010). Der kranz des kaisers: Genese und bedeutung einer Römischen insignie. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter.
  • Chrysos, E. (2001). Otto der Große aus byzantinischer Sicht. M. Puhle (Ed.), In Otto der grosse Magdeburg und europa (ss. 481–488). Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.
  • Ciggaar, K. N., & Hermans, J. M. M. (1985). Byzantium and the west in the tenth century: Some introductory notes. V. D. van Aalst & K. N. Ciggaar (Ed.). In Byzantium and the low countries in the tenth century: Aspects of art and history in the Ottonian era (ss. 1–12). A.A. Brediusstichting.
  • Constantinus Porphyrogenitus. (1967). De administrando imperio. M. Gyula, (Ed.); R. Jenkins (Trans.). Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Center For Byzantine Studies.
  • Cutler A., & North William. (2007). Word over Image: On the Making, Uses, and Destiny of the Marriage Charter of Otto II and Theophanu. Colum Hourihane (Ed.). In interactions: artistic intenchange between the eastern and western worlds in the medieval period (ss.167-187). Princeton University Press.
  • Davies, N. (2011). Avrupa tarihi. M. A. Kılıçbay (Çev.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yay.
  • Davis, R. H. C. (2022). Orta çağ avrupa tarihi (R. Şişman, Çev.). İstanbul: Dergâh Yay.
  • Diehl, C. (1927). Byzantine portraits. New York: A.A. Knopf.
  • Eco, U. (2012). Orta çağ: barbarlar, hristiyanlar, müslümanlar. L. T. Basmacı (Çev.) İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
  • Garland, L. (2002). Byzantine empresses: women and power in Byzantium, AD 527-1024.London: Routledge.
  • Gemblacensi, S. (1841). Vita Deoderici Episcopi Mettensis. G. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica IV. Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici Hahniani.
  • Genç, Ö. (2013). Birleşik Avrupa’nın mimarı: Şarlman ve Karolenj rönesansı. Ankara. Lotus Yayınevi.
  • Goodacre, H. (1928). A handbook of the coinage of the Byzantine empire. London: Spink & Son Ltd.
  • Hassall, A. (1908). Germany in the early middle ages, 476-1250. Arthur Hassal (Ed.). New York: Longmans.
  • Herrin, J. (2020). Bizans: Bir orta çağ imparatorluğunun şaşırtıcı yaşamı. İstanbul: İletişim Yay.
  • Hrotsvithae. (1902), Opera. (P. Winterfeld Ed.). Berloni: İmpensis Bibliopolli Hahniani.
  • Jeffreys, E., Haldon, J. F., & Cormack, R. (2008). The Oxford handbook of Byzantine studies. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Jestice, P. G. (2018). Imperial ladies of the Ottonian dynasty. Switzerland: Springer.
  • Kaldellis, A. (2024). The new Roman Empire: A history of Byzantium. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kantorowicz, E. H. (2016). The king’s two bodies: A study in medieval political theology. Princeton-New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Kazhdan, A. P., Alice-Mary Maffry Talbot, Cutler, A., Gregory, T. E., & Nancy Patterson Ševčenko. (1991). The oxford dictionary of Byzantium. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Krijna Nelly Ciggaar, & Aalst, van. (1985). The Empress Theophano (972-991). A. A. Brediusstichting.
  • Lendvai, P. (2003). The Hungarians: A thousand years of victory in defeat (A. Major, Trans.). New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Leo. (2005). The History of Leo the Deacon. A.-M. Talbot & D. F. Sullivan (Trans.). Washington: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
  • Leyser, K. (1994). Communications and power in medieval europe: The Carolingian and Ottonian centuries (T. Reuter, Ed.). London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Pres.
  • Leyser, K. (1979). Rule and conflict in an early medieval society: Ottonian Saxony. London: E. Arnold.
  • Liudprand. (1877). Liudprandi episcopi cremonensis opera omnia. E. Dümmler (Ed.), In Monumentis Germaniae historicis recusa (2nd ed.). Hannoverae: Impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani.
  • Logan, F. D. (2002). A History of the church in the middle ages. London: Routledge.
  • M. Nicol, D. (1973). Introduction. D. Baker (Ed.), In Relations between east and west in the middle ages (ss. 1–3). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Macdonald, B. (2015). The holy Roman Empire in prophecy. USA: Philadelphia Church of God.
  • McKitterick, R. (1993). Ottonian intellectual culture in the tenth century and the role of Theophanu. Early medieval europe, 2(1), 53–74.
  • Maclean, S. (2017). Ottonian queenship. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art. (n.d.). Plaque with christ receiving Magdeburg Cathedral from emperor Otto I | Ottonian. Retrieved July 16, 2023, from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 10.07.2023.
  • Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen. (n.d). Augustus ca.9-14n. Chr. May 28, 2024, from Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 28.05.2024.
  • Museum-Digital Smb. (n.d.). Byzanz: Justinus I. und Justinianus I. May 28, 2024, from Museum-Digital Smb Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 28.05.2024.
  • Posse, O. (Ed.). (1909). Die siegel der deutschen kaiser und könige Band I. Dresden: Verlag von Wilhekm Baensch.
  • Moltmann, J. (1878). Theophano, die Gemahlin Ottos II., in Ihrer bedeutung für die politik Ottos I. und Ottos II. Schwerin: Bärensprung.
  • Oblensky, D. (1966). The Empire and its northern neighbours. Hussey, J.M. (Ed.), The Cambridge medieval history volume IV The Byzantine Empire Part I Byzantium and its Neighbours içinde (473-517). New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Regino (Abbot of Prüm), & Saint Adalbert (Archbishop of Magdeburg). (2009). History and politics in late Carolingian and Ottonian europe (S. MacLean, Trans.). Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press.
  • Schramm, P. E. (1968). Kaiser, könige und päpste.: Gesammelte aufsätze zur geschichte des mittelalters. Stuttgart: Hiersemann.
  • Shepard, J. (2003). Marriages towards the millenium. P. Magdalino (Ed.), In Byzantium in the year 1000 (p. 1–35). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
  • Shepard, J. (2008). Western approaches (900-1025). Shepard, J. (Ed.), The Cambridge history of the Byzantine Empire c.500-1492 içinde (537-559). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Skylitzes, J. (2010). A Synopsis of Byzantine History. (J. Wortley, Trans.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Stafford, P. (1983). Queens, concubines, and dowagers: The king’s wife in the early middle ages. Athens, Ga. : University of Georgia Press.
  • Sverre Bagge. (2002). Kings, politics, and the right order of the world in german historiography c. 950-1150. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
  • The British Museum. (n.d). Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. May 28, 2024, from The British Museum Erişim adresi:,%20Holy%20Roman%20Emperor Erişim Tarihi: 28.05.2024.
  • Thietmar. (1935). Die chronik des bischofs Thietmar von Merseburg und ihre korveier Überarbeitung. R. Holtzman (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. IX). Berloni: Apvd Widmannos.
  • Uhlirz, K. (1895). Über die herkunft der Theophanu, gemahlin kaisers Otto II. K. Krumbacher (Ed.), In Byzantinische zeitschrift IV (p. 467–477). Leipzig: Druck und Verlag Von B. G. Teubner.
  • Vita Deoderici Episcopi Mettensis Auctore Sigeberto Gemblacensi. (1841). G. H. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. IV, ss. 460–484). Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici Hahniani.
  • Wangerin, L. (2014). Empress Theophanu, sanctity, and memory in early medieval saxony. Central european history, 47(4), 716–736.
  • Widukind. (1904). Widukindi monachi corbeiensis rerum gestarum saxonicarum libri tres. K. A. Kehr (Ed.), Hannoverae: İmpensis Bibliopolli Hahniani.
  • Wittemore. (2016). Ayasofya camiindeki mozaikler – Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanlığı. Retrieved July 16, 2023, from Erişim adresi:
  • Wolf, G. (1991). We war Theophanu? E. Anton von & S. Peter (Eds.), In Kaiserin Theophanu. Begegnung des ostens und westens um die wende des ersten jahrtausends. Gedenkschrift des kölner schnütgen-museums zum 1000. Todesjahr der kaiserin (ss. 385–396). Köln: Das Museum.

Orta Çağ Avrupası’nda Bir Kimlik İnşası: Germen Asıllı Otto Hanedanlığı’nın Bizans Üzerinden Romalılaşma Çabaları

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 51, 349 - 368, 30.06.2024


Bu çalışma Germen asıllı bir Sakson krallığı olan Otto Hanedanlığı’nın Orta Çağ Avrupası’nda Bizans İmparatorluğu ile kurdukları evlilik ittifakı ekseninde elde etmeye çalıştıkları Romalılık kimliğine odaklanmaktadır. Zira elde edilen veriler Otto Hanedanlığı hükümdarlarının Romalılaşma sürecinde önceliklerinin dini açıdan siyasi ve toplumsal otoritelerini meşrulaştırmak ardından Romalı kimliği ile siyasi liderliklerini sağlamlaştırarak, imparatorluklarını genişletme hedefinde olduklarını göstermiştir. Kendilerini bu amaca adadıkları andan itibaren buldukları her fırsatı değerlendirme gayretinde olan Otto Hanedanlığı, Bizans ile sürekli temas halinde olmuşlardır. Özellikle Bizans İmparatorları VII. Konstantinos ve II. Nikephoros Phokas döneminde bir türlü nihayete erdirilemeyen akrabalık girişiminin, İmparator I. Ioannes Tzimiskes döneminde başarıyla sonuçlandırılmasıyla Romalılaşma hedeflerine bir adım daha yaklaşmışlardır. Bizans ile Theofano üzerinden kurulan akrabalık Otto Hanedanlığı’na, Batı Roma topraklarında siyasi meşruiyet açsısından önemli katkılar sağlamıştır. Diplomasi yoluyla gerçekleştirilen bu evlilik sonrası Bizans imgeleri Otto Hanedanlığı’nın yönetim anlayışlarında ve sanatsal faaliyetlerinde daha fazla ön plana çıkmaya başlamıştır.


  • Althoff, G. (2020). Rules and rituals in medieval power games: A German perspective. Leiden: Brill.
  • Angerhausen, H. Westerman. (1995). Did Theophano leave her mark on the Ottonian sumptuary arts? A. Davids (Ed.), in The empress Theophano: Byzantium and the west at the turn of the first millennium (ss. 244–264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Annales Magdeburgenses. (1859). G. H. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. XVI, ss. 105–196). Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici.
  • Bachrach, D. S. (2012). Warfare in tenth-century Germany. Boydell & Brewer, Incorporated.
  • Béla, T. (1901). Szájról szájra: A magyarság szálló igéi. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi és Nyomdai Rt.
  • Bethmann, D. L. C. (1844). Sigeberti gemblacensis chronographia. G. H. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. VI, ss. 268–374). Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici Hahniani.
  • Bergmann, B. (2010). Der kranz des kaisers: Genese und bedeutung einer Römischen insignie. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter.
  • Chrysos, E. (2001). Otto der Große aus byzantinischer Sicht. M. Puhle (Ed.), In Otto der grosse Magdeburg und europa (ss. 481–488). Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.
  • Ciggaar, K. N., & Hermans, J. M. M. (1985). Byzantium and the west in the tenth century: Some introductory notes. V. D. van Aalst & K. N. Ciggaar (Ed.). In Byzantium and the low countries in the tenth century: Aspects of art and history in the Ottonian era (ss. 1–12). A.A. Brediusstichting.
  • Constantinus Porphyrogenitus. (1967). De administrando imperio. M. Gyula, (Ed.); R. Jenkins (Trans.). Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Center For Byzantine Studies.
  • Cutler A., & North William. (2007). Word over Image: On the Making, Uses, and Destiny of the Marriage Charter of Otto II and Theophanu. Colum Hourihane (Ed.). In interactions: artistic intenchange between the eastern and western worlds in the medieval period (ss.167-187). Princeton University Press.
  • Davies, N. (2011). Avrupa tarihi. M. A. Kılıçbay (Çev.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yay.
  • Davis, R. H. C. (2022). Orta çağ avrupa tarihi (R. Şişman, Çev.). İstanbul: Dergâh Yay.
  • Diehl, C. (1927). Byzantine portraits. New York: A.A. Knopf.
  • Eco, U. (2012). Orta çağ: barbarlar, hristiyanlar, müslümanlar. L. T. Basmacı (Çev.) İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
  • Garland, L. (2002). Byzantine empresses: women and power in Byzantium, AD 527-1024.London: Routledge.
  • Gemblacensi, S. (1841). Vita Deoderici Episcopi Mettensis. G. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica IV. Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici Hahniani.
  • Genç, Ö. (2013). Birleşik Avrupa’nın mimarı: Şarlman ve Karolenj rönesansı. Ankara. Lotus Yayınevi.
  • Goodacre, H. (1928). A handbook of the coinage of the Byzantine empire. London: Spink & Son Ltd.
  • Hassall, A. (1908). Germany in the early middle ages, 476-1250. Arthur Hassal (Ed.). New York: Longmans.
  • Herrin, J. (2020). Bizans: Bir orta çağ imparatorluğunun şaşırtıcı yaşamı. İstanbul: İletişim Yay.
  • Hrotsvithae. (1902), Opera. (P. Winterfeld Ed.). Berloni: İmpensis Bibliopolli Hahniani.
  • Jeffreys, E., Haldon, J. F., & Cormack, R. (2008). The Oxford handbook of Byzantine studies. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Jestice, P. G. (2018). Imperial ladies of the Ottonian dynasty. Switzerland: Springer.
  • Kaldellis, A. (2024). The new Roman Empire: A history of Byzantium. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kantorowicz, E. H. (2016). The king’s two bodies: A study in medieval political theology. Princeton-New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Kazhdan, A. P., Alice-Mary Maffry Talbot, Cutler, A., Gregory, T. E., & Nancy Patterson Ševčenko. (1991). The oxford dictionary of Byzantium. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Krijna Nelly Ciggaar, & Aalst, van. (1985). The Empress Theophano (972-991). A. A. Brediusstichting.
  • Lendvai, P. (2003). The Hungarians: A thousand years of victory in defeat (A. Major, Trans.). New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Leo. (2005). The History of Leo the Deacon. A.-M. Talbot & D. F. Sullivan (Trans.). Washington: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
  • Leyser, K. (1994). Communications and power in medieval europe: The Carolingian and Ottonian centuries (T. Reuter, Ed.). London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Pres.
  • Leyser, K. (1979). Rule and conflict in an early medieval society: Ottonian Saxony. London: E. Arnold.
  • Liudprand. (1877). Liudprandi episcopi cremonensis opera omnia. E. Dümmler (Ed.), In Monumentis Germaniae historicis recusa (2nd ed.). Hannoverae: Impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani.
  • Logan, F. D. (2002). A History of the church in the middle ages. London: Routledge.
  • M. Nicol, D. (1973). Introduction. D. Baker (Ed.), In Relations between east and west in the middle ages (ss. 1–3). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Macdonald, B. (2015). The holy Roman Empire in prophecy. USA: Philadelphia Church of God.
  • McKitterick, R. (1993). Ottonian intellectual culture in the tenth century and the role of Theophanu. Early medieval europe, 2(1), 53–74.
  • Maclean, S. (2017). Ottonian queenship. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art. (n.d.). Plaque with christ receiving Magdeburg Cathedral from emperor Otto I | Ottonian. Retrieved July 16, 2023, from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 10.07.2023.
  • Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen. (n.d). Augustus ca.9-14n. Chr. May 28, 2024, from Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 28.05.2024.
  • Museum-Digital Smb. (n.d.). Byzanz: Justinus I. und Justinianus I. May 28, 2024, from Museum-Digital Smb Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 28.05.2024.
  • Posse, O. (Ed.). (1909). Die siegel der deutschen kaiser und könige Band I. Dresden: Verlag von Wilhekm Baensch.
  • Moltmann, J. (1878). Theophano, die Gemahlin Ottos II., in Ihrer bedeutung für die politik Ottos I. und Ottos II. Schwerin: Bärensprung.
  • Oblensky, D. (1966). The Empire and its northern neighbours. Hussey, J.M. (Ed.), The Cambridge medieval history volume IV The Byzantine Empire Part I Byzantium and its Neighbours içinde (473-517). New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Regino (Abbot of Prüm), & Saint Adalbert (Archbishop of Magdeburg). (2009). History and politics in late Carolingian and Ottonian europe (S. MacLean, Trans.). Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press.
  • Schramm, P. E. (1968). Kaiser, könige und päpste.: Gesammelte aufsätze zur geschichte des mittelalters. Stuttgart: Hiersemann.
  • Shepard, J. (2003). Marriages towards the millenium. P. Magdalino (Ed.), In Byzantium in the year 1000 (p. 1–35). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
  • Shepard, J. (2008). Western approaches (900-1025). Shepard, J. (Ed.), The Cambridge history of the Byzantine Empire c.500-1492 içinde (537-559). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Skylitzes, J. (2010). A Synopsis of Byzantine History. (J. Wortley, Trans.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Stafford, P. (1983). Queens, concubines, and dowagers: The king’s wife in the early middle ages. Athens, Ga. : University of Georgia Press.
  • Sverre Bagge. (2002). Kings, politics, and the right order of the world in german historiography c. 950-1150. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
  • The British Museum. (n.d). Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. May 28, 2024, from The British Museum Erişim adresi:,%20Holy%20Roman%20Emperor Erişim Tarihi: 28.05.2024.
  • Thietmar. (1935). Die chronik des bischofs Thietmar von Merseburg und ihre korveier Überarbeitung. R. Holtzman (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. IX). Berloni: Apvd Widmannos.
  • Uhlirz, K. (1895). Über die herkunft der Theophanu, gemahlin kaisers Otto II. K. Krumbacher (Ed.), In Byzantinische zeitschrift IV (p. 467–477). Leipzig: Druck und Verlag Von B. G. Teubner.
  • Vita Deoderici Episcopi Mettensis Auctore Sigeberto Gemblacensi. (1841). G. H. Pertz (Ed.), In Monumenta germaniae historica (Vol. IV, ss. 460–484). Hannoverae: Impensis Biblipolli Avlici Hahniani.
  • Wangerin, L. (2014). Empress Theophanu, sanctity, and memory in early medieval saxony. Central european history, 47(4), 716–736.
  • Widukind. (1904). Widukindi monachi corbeiensis rerum gestarum saxonicarum libri tres. K. A. Kehr (Ed.), Hannoverae: İmpensis Bibliopolli Hahniani.
  • Wittemore. (2016). Ayasofya camiindeki mozaikler – Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanlığı. Retrieved July 16, 2023, from Erişim adresi:
  • Wolf, G. (1991). We war Theophanu? E. Anton von & S. Peter (Eds.), In Kaiserin Theophanu. Begegnung des ostens und westens um die wende des ersten jahrtausends. Gedenkschrift des kölner schnütgen-museums zum 1000. Todesjahr der kaiserin (ss. 385–396). Köln: Das Museum.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ortaçağ Avrupa Tarihi
Bölüm Makaleler

İlker Ertaş 0000-0002-6884-5267

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 51

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertaş, İ. (2024). Orta Çağ Avrupası’nda Bir Kimlik İnşası: Germen Asıllı Otto Hanedanlığı’nın Bizans Üzerinden Romalılaşma Çabaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(51), 349-368.

Selcuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters will start accepting articles for 2025 issues on Dergipark as of September 15, 2024.