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Restoratif Diş Hekimliğinde Çürük Önleme ve Tedavilerinde Nanoteknoloji Stratejileri

Yıl 2023, , 492 - 496, 21.08.2023


Diş çürüğü en sık görülen ağız hastalığıdır. Diş çürüklerinin bakteriyolojik etiyolojisi, bu tür oral bulaşıcı hastalıkları önlemek için antibiyotik veya antimikrobiyal ajanların kullanımını teşvik eder. Sistemik antibiyotikler diş çürüklerini tedavi etmek için uzun süredir kullanılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, diş çürüklerine karşı savaşmak için yeni antimikrobiyal ajanlar geliştirilmiştir. Nanoteknoloji, nanomalzemelerin kullanımı yoluyla tıp da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli alanlarda birçok heyecan verici ve yeni uygulamalar ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Nanopartiküllerin kullanımı artık diş enfeksiyonları ve hastalıklarının tedavisi ve önlenmesi için düşünülmektedir. Bu nanomalzemeler, diş çürükleri de dahil olmak üzere ağız hastalıklarını önlemek ve tedavi etmek için restoratif, protetik, endodonti, periodontal tedaviler ve implantasyonlarda kullanılan rezinler, metaller, seramikler vb. gibi malzemelere dahil edilebilir. Nanoteknoloji diş çürüklerini iki ana yaklaşımda tedavi eder. Diş çürüğü yönetimi için nanoteknoloji tabanlı stratejiler remineralize yaklaşım ve antibakteriyel yaklaşımdır. İlk yaklaşımda, kalsiyum fosfat, kalsiyum florür, hidroksiapatit ve florohidroksiapapit gibi florür ve kalsiyum salınım kabiliyetine sahip nanomalzemeler remineralizasyon adı verilen bir süreçte kullanılmaktadır. Gümüş, kuaterner amonyum polietilenimin ve çinko oksit nanopartikülleri gibi antibakteriyel nanomalzemelerin uygulanması ikinci yaklaşımdır. Bu iki yaklaşımın bir kombinasyonu daha iyi sonuçlar sunmak için de kullanılabilir. Bu derlemenin amacı, diş çürüklerinin gelişimini durdurmak ve önlemek amacıyla, oral patojenlerle mücadelede nanoteknoloji ile yeni ve geliştirilmiş dental ajanların kullanım, etki mekanizmaları hakkında en güncel bilgileri bir arada toplamaktır.


  • 1. Melo MA, Guedes SF, Xu HH, Rodrigues LK. Nanotechnology-based restorative materials for dental caries management. Trends in biotechnology. 2013;31(8):459-467. PMID: 23810638.
  • 2. Benoit DSW, Sims KR, Jr., Fraser D. Nanoparticles for oral biofilm treatments. ACS nano. 2019;13(5):4869-4875. PMID: 31033283.
  • 3. Ahmadian E, Shahi S, Yazdani J, Maleki Dizaj S, Sharifi S. Local treatment of the dental caries using nanomaterials. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;108:443-447. PMID: 30241047.
  • 4. Jiao Y, Tay FR, Niu LN, Chen JH. Advancing antimicrobial strategies for managing oral biofilm infections. Int J Oral Sci. 2019;11(3):28. PMID: 31570700.
  • 5. Teixeira JA, Silva A, Dos Santos Junior VE, de Melo Junior PC, Arnaud M, Lima MG, et al. Effects of a new nano-silver fluoride-containing dentifrice on demineralization of enamel and streptococcus mutans adhesion and acidogenicity. Int J Dent. 2018;2018:1351925. PMID: 29853891.
  • 6. Butron Tellez Giron C, Hernandez Sierra JF, DeAlba-Montero I, Urbano Pena MLA, Ruiz F. Therapeutic use of silver nanoparticles in the prevention and arrest of dental caries. Bioinorg Chem Appl. 2020;2020:8882930. PMID: 32855631.
  • 7. Fakhruddin KS, Egusa H, Ngo HC, Panduwawala C, Pesee S, Samaranayake LP. Clinical efficacy and the antimicrobial potential of silver formulations in arresting dental caries: a systematic review. BMC Oral Health. 2020;20(1):160. PMID: 32493272.
  • 8. Jiménez-Ramírez AJ, Martínez-Martínez RE, Ayala-Herrera JL, Zaragoza-Contreras EA, Domínguez-Pérez RA, Reyes-López SY, et al. Antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles against clinical biofilms from patients with and without dental caries. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2021;2021:5587455. PMID:
  • 9. Favaro JC, Detomini TR, Maia LP, Poli RC, Guiraldo RD, Lopes MB, et al. Anticaries agent based on silver nanoparticles and fluoride: Characterization and biological and remineralizing effects-an in vitro study. Int J Dent. 2022;2022:9483589. PMID: 35497178.
  • 10. Espinosa-Cristóbal LF, Holguín-Meráz C, Zaragoza-Contreras EA, Martínez-Martínez RE, Donohue-Cornejo A, Loyola-Rodríguez JP, et al. Antimicrobial and substantivity properties of silver nanoparticles against oral microbiomes clinically isolated from young and young-adult patients. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2019;2019:1-14. PMID:
  • 11. Aldubayyan AMR, Alsuawari ATA, Alotaibi BM, Almalki HAF, Alkhamis FS, Al Hussein B, et al. Effect of nanosilver fluoride varnish on demineralized primary teeth: A systematic review. Saudi J Oral Dent Res. 2022;7(1):18-24.
  • 12. Contractor IA, M.S G, M.D I. Silver diamine fluoride: Extending the spectrum of preventive dentistry, a literature review. Pediatric Dental Journal. 2021;31(1):17-24.
  • 13. Zhao IS, Yin IX, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Tang J, Li Q, et al. Remineralising dentine caries using sodium fluoride with silver nanoparticles: An in vitro study. International journal of nanomedicine. 2020;15:2829-2839. PMID: 32368057.
  • 14. Nagireddy VR, Reddy D, Kondamadugu S, Puppala N, Mareddy A, Chris A. Nanosilver fluoride-a paradigm shift for arrest in dental caries in primary teeth of schoolchildren: A randomized controlled clinical trial. International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 2019;12(6):484-490. PMID: 32440060.
  • 15. Aliasghari A, Rabbani Khorasgani M, Vaezifar S, Rahimi F, Younesi H, Khoroushi M. Evaluation of antibacterial efficiency of chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles on cariogenic streptococci: an in vitro study. Iranian journal of microbiology. 2016;8(2):93-100. PMID: 27307974.
  • 16. Zhang C, Hui D, Du C, Sun H, Peng W, Pu X, et al. Preparation and application of chitosan biomaterials in dentistry. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2021;167:1198-1210. PMID: 33202273.
  • 17. Zameer M, Birajdar SB, Basheer SN, Peeran SW, Peeran SA, Reddy A. Nanosilver fluoride as a caries arresting agent: A narrative. Contemp Pediatr Dent. 2021;2(1):1-13.
  • 18. Nizami MZI, Xu VW, Yin IX, Yu OY, Chu CH. Metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in caries prevention: A review. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland). 2021;11(12). PMID: 34947795.
  • 19. Swetha DL, Vinay C, Uloopi KS, RojaRamya KS, Chandrasekhar R. Antibacterial and mechanical properties of pit and fissure sealants containing zinc oxide and calcium fluoride nanoparticles. Contemporary clinical dentistry. 2019;10(3):477-482. PMID: 32308323.
  • 20. Chrószcz M, Barszczewska-Rybarek I. Nanoparticles of quaternary ammonium polyethylenimine derivatives for application in dental materials. Polymers 2020;12(11):2551. PMID: doi:10.3390/polym12112551.
  • 21. Pietrokovski Y, Nisimov I, Kesler-Shvero D, Zaltsman N, Beyth N. Antibacterial effect of composite resin foundation material incorporating quaternary ammonium polyethyleneimine nanoparticles. J Prosthet Dent. 2016;116(4):603-609. PMID: 27157602.
  • 22. Zhang JF, Wu R, Fan Y, Liao S, Wang Y, Wen ZT, et al. Antibacterial dental composites with chlorhexidine and mesoporous silica. Journal of dental research. 2014;93(12):1283-1289. PMID: 25319365.
  • 23. Peng X, Han Q, Zhou X, Chen Y, Huang X, Guo X, et al. Effect of pH-sensitive nanoparticles on inhibiting oral biofilms. Drug delivery. 2022;29(1):561-573. PMID: 35156501.
  • 24. Liang J, Liu F, Zou J, Xu HHK, Han Q, Wang Z, et al. pH-Responsive Antibacterial Resin Adhesives for Secondary Caries Inhibition. Journal of dental research. 2020;99(12):1368-1376. PMID: 32600095.
  • 25. Gao L, Liu Y, Kim D, Li Y, Hwang G, Naha PC, et al. Nanocatalysts promote Streptococcus mutans biofilm matrix degradation and enhance bacterial killing to suppress dental caries in vivo. Biomaterials. 2016;101:272-284. PMID: 27294544.

Nanotechnology Strategies for Caries Prevention and Treatment in Restorative Dentistry

Yıl 2023, , 492 - 496, 21.08.2023


Tooth decay is the most common oral disease. The bacteriological etiology of dental caries encourages the use of antibiotics or antimicrobial agents to prevent such oral infectious diseases. Systemic antibiotics have long been used to treat dental caries. However, new antimicrobial agents have been developed to combat dental caries. Nanotechnology has provided many exciting and new applications in various fields, including medicine, through the use of nanomaterials. The use of nanoparticles is now considered for the treatment and prevention of dental infections and diseases. These nanomaterials are used in restorative, prosthetic, endodontic, periodontal treatments and implants such as resins, metals, ceramics etc. to prevent and treat oral diseases including dental caries. may be included in materials such as Nanotechnology treats dental caries in two main approaches. Nanotechnology-based strategies for dental caries management are the remineralized approach and the antibacterial approach. In the first approach, nanomaterials capable of releasing calcium fluoride and calcium such as calcium phosphate, calcium fluoride, hydroxyapatite and fluorohydroxyapapite are used in a process called remineralization. Application of antibacterial nanomaterials such as silver, quaternary ammonium polyethyleneimine and zinc oxide nanoparticles is the second approach. A combination of these two approaches can also be used to deliver better results. The aim of this review is to gather the most up-to-date information on the use and mechanisms of action of new and improved dental agents, with nanotechnology in the fight against oral pathogens, in order to stop and prevent the development of dental caries.


  • 1. Melo MA, Guedes SF, Xu HH, Rodrigues LK. Nanotechnology-based restorative materials for dental caries management. Trends in biotechnology. 2013;31(8):459-467. PMID: 23810638.
  • 2. Benoit DSW, Sims KR, Jr., Fraser D. Nanoparticles for oral biofilm treatments. ACS nano. 2019;13(5):4869-4875. PMID: 31033283.
  • 3. Ahmadian E, Shahi S, Yazdani J, Maleki Dizaj S, Sharifi S. Local treatment of the dental caries using nanomaterials. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;108:443-447. PMID: 30241047.
  • 4. Jiao Y, Tay FR, Niu LN, Chen JH. Advancing antimicrobial strategies for managing oral biofilm infections. Int J Oral Sci. 2019;11(3):28. PMID: 31570700.
  • 5. Teixeira JA, Silva A, Dos Santos Junior VE, de Melo Junior PC, Arnaud M, Lima MG, et al. Effects of a new nano-silver fluoride-containing dentifrice on demineralization of enamel and streptococcus mutans adhesion and acidogenicity. Int J Dent. 2018;2018:1351925. PMID: 29853891.
  • 6. Butron Tellez Giron C, Hernandez Sierra JF, DeAlba-Montero I, Urbano Pena MLA, Ruiz F. Therapeutic use of silver nanoparticles in the prevention and arrest of dental caries. Bioinorg Chem Appl. 2020;2020:8882930. PMID: 32855631.
  • 7. Fakhruddin KS, Egusa H, Ngo HC, Panduwawala C, Pesee S, Samaranayake LP. Clinical efficacy and the antimicrobial potential of silver formulations in arresting dental caries: a systematic review. BMC Oral Health. 2020;20(1):160. PMID: 32493272.
  • 8. Jiménez-Ramírez AJ, Martínez-Martínez RE, Ayala-Herrera JL, Zaragoza-Contreras EA, Domínguez-Pérez RA, Reyes-López SY, et al. Antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles against clinical biofilms from patients with and without dental caries. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2021;2021:5587455. PMID:
  • 9. Favaro JC, Detomini TR, Maia LP, Poli RC, Guiraldo RD, Lopes MB, et al. Anticaries agent based on silver nanoparticles and fluoride: Characterization and biological and remineralizing effects-an in vitro study. Int J Dent. 2022;2022:9483589. PMID: 35497178.
  • 10. Espinosa-Cristóbal LF, Holguín-Meráz C, Zaragoza-Contreras EA, Martínez-Martínez RE, Donohue-Cornejo A, Loyola-Rodríguez JP, et al. Antimicrobial and substantivity properties of silver nanoparticles against oral microbiomes clinically isolated from young and young-adult patients. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2019;2019:1-14. PMID:
  • 11. Aldubayyan AMR, Alsuawari ATA, Alotaibi BM, Almalki HAF, Alkhamis FS, Al Hussein B, et al. Effect of nanosilver fluoride varnish on demineralized primary teeth: A systematic review. Saudi J Oral Dent Res. 2022;7(1):18-24.
  • 12. Contractor IA, M.S G, M.D I. Silver diamine fluoride: Extending the spectrum of preventive dentistry, a literature review. Pediatric Dental Journal. 2021;31(1):17-24.
  • 13. Zhao IS, Yin IX, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Tang J, Li Q, et al. Remineralising dentine caries using sodium fluoride with silver nanoparticles: An in vitro study. International journal of nanomedicine. 2020;15:2829-2839. PMID: 32368057.
  • 14. Nagireddy VR, Reddy D, Kondamadugu S, Puppala N, Mareddy A, Chris A. Nanosilver fluoride-a paradigm shift for arrest in dental caries in primary teeth of schoolchildren: A randomized controlled clinical trial. International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 2019;12(6):484-490. PMID: 32440060.
  • 15. Aliasghari A, Rabbani Khorasgani M, Vaezifar S, Rahimi F, Younesi H, Khoroushi M. Evaluation of antibacterial efficiency of chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles on cariogenic streptococci: an in vitro study. Iranian journal of microbiology. 2016;8(2):93-100. PMID: 27307974.
  • 16. Zhang C, Hui D, Du C, Sun H, Peng W, Pu X, et al. Preparation and application of chitosan biomaterials in dentistry. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2021;167:1198-1210. PMID: 33202273.
  • 17. Zameer M, Birajdar SB, Basheer SN, Peeran SW, Peeran SA, Reddy A. Nanosilver fluoride as a caries arresting agent: A narrative. Contemp Pediatr Dent. 2021;2(1):1-13.
  • 18. Nizami MZI, Xu VW, Yin IX, Yu OY, Chu CH. Metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in caries prevention: A review. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland). 2021;11(12). PMID: 34947795.
  • 19. Swetha DL, Vinay C, Uloopi KS, RojaRamya KS, Chandrasekhar R. Antibacterial and mechanical properties of pit and fissure sealants containing zinc oxide and calcium fluoride nanoparticles. Contemporary clinical dentistry. 2019;10(3):477-482. PMID: 32308323.
  • 20. Chrószcz M, Barszczewska-Rybarek I. Nanoparticles of quaternary ammonium polyethylenimine derivatives for application in dental materials. Polymers 2020;12(11):2551. PMID: doi:10.3390/polym12112551.
  • 21. Pietrokovski Y, Nisimov I, Kesler-Shvero D, Zaltsman N, Beyth N. Antibacterial effect of composite resin foundation material incorporating quaternary ammonium polyethyleneimine nanoparticles. J Prosthet Dent. 2016;116(4):603-609. PMID: 27157602.
  • 22. Zhang JF, Wu R, Fan Y, Liao S, Wang Y, Wen ZT, et al. Antibacterial dental composites with chlorhexidine and mesoporous silica. Journal of dental research. 2014;93(12):1283-1289. PMID: 25319365.
  • 23. Peng X, Han Q, Zhou X, Chen Y, Huang X, Guo X, et al. Effect of pH-sensitive nanoparticles on inhibiting oral biofilms. Drug delivery. 2022;29(1):561-573. PMID: 35156501.
  • 24. Liang J, Liu F, Zou J, Xu HHK, Han Q, Wang Z, et al. pH-Responsive Antibacterial Resin Adhesives for Secondary Caries Inhibition. Journal of dental research. 2020;99(12):1368-1376. PMID: 32600095.
  • 25. Gao L, Liu Y, Kim D, Li Y, Hwang G, Naha PC, et al. Nanocatalysts promote Streptococcus mutans biofilm matrix degradation and enhance bacterial killing to suppress dental caries in vivo. Biomaterials. 2016;101:272-284. PMID: 27294544.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Derleme

Cemile Yılmaz 0000-0002-7780-079X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yılmaz C. Restoratif Diş Hekimliğinde Çürük Önleme ve Tedavilerinde Nanoteknoloji Stratejileri. Selcuk Dent J. 2023;10(2):492-6.