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Burnout Syndrome Among Dentists in Turkey

Yıl 2023, , 522 - 525, 25.12.2023


Background: The simple explanation of burnout syndrome is exhaustion from work and work-related factors. It is more common in work that requires face-to-face contact with people, such as dentists. In this study, we researched the burnout levels of dentists working in Turkey and evaluated them according to gender, title, place of work and experience.
Methods: Burnout scores were determined by the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. This questionnaire was delivered to dentists online through various social media applications. We analyzed data via SigmaPlot Software.
Results: The answers of a total of 477 dentists were considered valid. We observed that 73,5% of them had high burnout scores. A statistically significant difference was found in the evaluations according to the title and workplace. Experience and gender do not statistically affect burnout scores.
Conclusion: It has been observed that dentists working in Turkey are more likely to face burnout syndrome at high levels. It has been predicted that patient burden may be closely related to burnout syndrome.


  • 1. Maslach C, Jackson SE. The measurement of experienced burnout [Internet]. Vol. 2, Journal of Organizational Behavior. 1981. p. 99–113. Available from:
  • 2. Nobre DFR, Rabiais ICM, Ribeiro PCPSV, Seabra PRC. Burnout assessment in nurses from a general emergency service. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019 Oct 21;72(6):1457–63.
  • 3. Ahola K, Hakanen J, Perhoniemi R, Mutanen P. Relationship between burnout and depressive symptoms: A study using the person-centred approach [Internet]. Vol. 1, Burnout Research. 2014. p. 29–37. Available from:
  • 4. Hakanen JJ, Perhoniemi R, Bakker AB. Crossover of exhaustion between dentists and dental nurses. Stress Health. 2014 Apr;30(2):110–21.
  • 5. Huri M, Bağiş N, Eren H, Başibüyük O, Şahin S, Umaroğlu M, et al. Burnout and occupational participation among dentists with teaching responsibilities in universities. Psychol Health Med. 2017 Jul;22(6):693–700.
  • 6. Zaken Y. Burnout Level among General and Specialist Dentists: A Global Manpower Concern [Internet]. Vol. 01, Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs. 2013. Available from:
  • 7. Kristensen TS, Borritz M, Villadsen E, Christensen KB. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory: A new tool for the assessment of burnout [Internet]. Vol. 19, Work & Stress. 2005. p. 192–207. Available from:
  • 8. Caesar B, Barakat A, Bernard C, Butler D. Evaluation of physician burnout at a major trauma centre using the Copenhagen burnout inventory: cross-sectional observational study [Internet]. Vol. 189, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -). 2020. p. 1451–6. Available from:
  • 9. Brindley PG. Psychological burnout and the intensive care practitioner: A practical and candid review for those who care. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Nov;18(4):270–5.
  • 10. Collin V, Toon M, O’Selmo E, Reynolds L, Whitehead P. A survey of stress, burnout and well-being in UK dentists. Br Dent J. 2019 Jan 11;226(1):40–9.
  • 11. Calvo JM, Kwatra J, Yansane A, Tokede O, Gorter RC, Kalenderian E. Burnout and Work Engagement Among US Dentists. J Patient Saf. 2021 Aug 1;17(5):398–404.
  • 12. Gorter RC, Freeman R. Burnout and engagement in relation with job demands and resources among dental staff in Northern Ireland. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2011 Feb;39(1):87–95.
  • 13. Denton DA, Newton JT, Bower EJ. Occupational burnout and work engagement: a national survey of dentists in the United Kingdom. Br Dent J. 2008 Oct 11;205(7):E13; discussion 382–3.
  • 14. Chohan L, Dewa CS, El-Badrawy W, Nainar SMH. Occupational burnout and depression among paediatric dentists in the United States. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2020 Sep;30(5):570–7.
  • 15. Eren H, Huri M, Bağış N, Başıbüyük O, Şahin S, Umaroğlu M, et al. BURNOUT AND OCCUPATIONAL PARTICIPATION AMONG TURKISH DENTAL STUDENTS. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2016 Nov;47(6):1343–52.
  • 16. Atalayin C, Balkis M, Tezel H, Onal B, Kayrak G. The prevalence and consequences of burnout on a group of preclinical dental students. Eur J Dent. 2015 Jul-Sep;9(3):356–63.
  • 17. Huri M, Bağış N, Eren H, Umaroğlu M, Orhan K. Association between burnout and depressive symptoms among Turkish dentists. J Dent Sci. 2016 Dec;11(4):353–9.
  • 18. Özarslan M, Caliskan S. Attitudes and predictive factors of psychological distress and occupational burnout among dentists during COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Curr Psychol. 2021 Apr 29;40(7):3113–24.
  • 19. Amoafo E, Hanbali N, Patel A, Singh P. What are the significant factors associated with burnout in doctors?: Table 1 [Internet]. Vol. 65, Occupational Medicine. 2015. p. 117–21. Available from:
  • 20. Stanetić K, Petrović V, Marković B, Stanetić B. The Presence of Stress, Burnout Syndrome and the Most Important Causes of Working Stress Among Physicians in Primary Health Care - an Observational Study from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Acta Med Acad. 2019 Aug;48(2):159–66.
  • 21. Zgliczyńska M, Zgliczyński S, Ciebiera M, Kosińska-Kaczyńska K. Occupational Burnout Syndrome in Polish Physicians: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health [Internet]. 2019 Dec 10;16(24). Available from:
  • 22. LaFaver K, Miyasaki JM, Keran CM, Rheaume C, Gulya L, Levin KH, et al. Age and sex differences in burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being in US neurologists. Neurology. 2018 Nov 13;91(20):e1928–41.
  • 23. Sanders GS, Suls J. Social Psychology of Health and Illness. Psychology Press; 2013. 366 p.
  • 24. Bolat MS, Yürük E, Çınar Ö, Akdeniz E, Altunrende F, Özkuvancı Ü, et al. The prevalence of Burnout Syndrome among Turkish Urologists: Results of a Nationwide Survey. Turk J Urol. 2019 Nov;45(6):449–55.
  • 25. Mete B, Sait M, Değer EP. Doktorlarda Mesleki Tükenmişlik Sendromu ve Çalışma Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Anatolian Clinic. 2020;2094.
  • 26. Kay EJ, Lowe JC. A survey of stress levels, self-perceived health and health-related behaviours of UK dental practitioners in 2005. Br Dent J. 2008 Jun 14;204(11):E19; discussion 622–3.
  • 27. Myers HL, Myers LB. “It”s difficult being a dentist’: stress and health in the general dental practitioner [Internet]. Vol. 197, British Dental Journal. 2004. p. 89–93. Available from:
  • 28. Mathias S, Koerber A, Fadavi S, Punwani I. Specialty and sex as predictors of depression in dentists. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005 Oct;136(10):1388–95.

Türkiye’deki Diş Hekimlerinde Tükenmişlik Sendromu

Yıl 2023, , 522 - 525, 25.12.2023


Amaç: Tükenmişlik sendromunun basit açıklaması işten ve işle alakalı faktörlerden aşırı bezgin hale gelmektir. Diş hekimleri gibi insanlarla yüz yüze temas gerektiren işlerde daha yaygın görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de çalışan diş hekimlerinin tükenmişlik düzeylerini araştırdık ve cinsiyet, unvan, iş yeri ve deneyimlerine göre değerlendirdik.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Tükenmişlik puanları Kopenhag Tükenmişlik Envanteri tarafından belirlendi. Bu anket çeşitli sosyal medya uygulamaları aracılığıyla diş hekimlerine online olarak ulaştırılmıştır. Verileri SigmaPlot yazılımı ile analiz ettik.
Bulgular: Toplam 477 diş hekiminin cevapları geçerli kabul edildi. Bunların %73,5'inin tükenmişlik skorlarının yüksek olduğunu gözlemledik. Unvan ve işyerine göre yapılan değerlendirmelerde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur. Deneyim ve cinsiyetin tükenmişlik puanlarını istatistiksel olarak etkilemediğini gözlemledik.
Sonuçlar: Türkiye'de çalışan diş hekimlerinin tükenmişlik sendromu ile karşılaşma olasılıklarının daha yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir. Hasta yükünün tükenmişlik sendromu ile yakından ilişkili olabileceği öngörülmüştür.


  • 1. Maslach C, Jackson SE. The measurement of experienced burnout [Internet]. Vol. 2, Journal of Organizational Behavior. 1981. p. 99–113. Available from:
  • 2. Nobre DFR, Rabiais ICM, Ribeiro PCPSV, Seabra PRC. Burnout assessment in nurses from a general emergency service. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019 Oct 21;72(6):1457–63.
  • 3. Ahola K, Hakanen J, Perhoniemi R, Mutanen P. Relationship between burnout and depressive symptoms: A study using the person-centred approach [Internet]. Vol. 1, Burnout Research. 2014. p. 29–37. Available from:
  • 4. Hakanen JJ, Perhoniemi R, Bakker AB. Crossover of exhaustion between dentists and dental nurses. Stress Health. 2014 Apr;30(2):110–21.
  • 5. Huri M, Bağiş N, Eren H, Başibüyük O, Şahin S, Umaroğlu M, et al. Burnout and occupational participation among dentists with teaching responsibilities in universities. Psychol Health Med. 2017 Jul;22(6):693–700.
  • 6. Zaken Y. Burnout Level among General and Specialist Dentists: A Global Manpower Concern [Internet]. Vol. 01, Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs. 2013. Available from:
  • 7. Kristensen TS, Borritz M, Villadsen E, Christensen KB. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory: A new tool for the assessment of burnout [Internet]. Vol. 19, Work & Stress. 2005. p. 192–207. Available from:
  • 8. Caesar B, Barakat A, Bernard C, Butler D. Evaluation of physician burnout at a major trauma centre using the Copenhagen burnout inventory: cross-sectional observational study [Internet]. Vol. 189, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -). 2020. p. 1451–6. Available from:
  • 9. Brindley PG. Psychological burnout and the intensive care practitioner: A practical and candid review for those who care. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Nov;18(4):270–5.
  • 10. Collin V, Toon M, O’Selmo E, Reynolds L, Whitehead P. A survey of stress, burnout and well-being in UK dentists. Br Dent J. 2019 Jan 11;226(1):40–9.
  • 11. Calvo JM, Kwatra J, Yansane A, Tokede O, Gorter RC, Kalenderian E. Burnout and Work Engagement Among US Dentists. J Patient Saf. 2021 Aug 1;17(5):398–404.
  • 12. Gorter RC, Freeman R. Burnout and engagement in relation with job demands and resources among dental staff in Northern Ireland. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2011 Feb;39(1):87–95.
  • 13. Denton DA, Newton JT, Bower EJ. Occupational burnout and work engagement: a national survey of dentists in the United Kingdom. Br Dent J. 2008 Oct 11;205(7):E13; discussion 382–3.
  • 14. Chohan L, Dewa CS, El-Badrawy W, Nainar SMH. Occupational burnout and depression among paediatric dentists in the United States. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2020 Sep;30(5):570–7.
  • 15. Eren H, Huri M, Bağış N, Başıbüyük O, Şahin S, Umaroğlu M, et al. BURNOUT AND OCCUPATIONAL PARTICIPATION AMONG TURKISH DENTAL STUDENTS. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2016 Nov;47(6):1343–52.
  • 16. Atalayin C, Balkis M, Tezel H, Onal B, Kayrak G. The prevalence and consequences of burnout on a group of preclinical dental students. Eur J Dent. 2015 Jul-Sep;9(3):356–63.
  • 17. Huri M, Bağış N, Eren H, Umaroğlu M, Orhan K. Association between burnout and depressive symptoms among Turkish dentists. J Dent Sci. 2016 Dec;11(4):353–9.
  • 18. Özarslan M, Caliskan S. Attitudes and predictive factors of psychological distress and occupational burnout among dentists during COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Curr Psychol. 2021 Apr 29;40(7):3113–24.
  • 19. Amoafo E, Hanbali N, Patel A, Singh P. What are the significant factors associated with burnout in doctors?: Table 1 [Internet]. Vol. 65, Occupational Medicine. 2015. p. 117–21. Available from:
  • 20. Stanetić K, Petrović V, Marković B, Stanetić B. The Presence of Stress, Burnout Syndrome and the Most Important Causes of Working Stress Among Physicians in Primary Health Care - an Observational Study from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Acta Med Acad. 2019 Aug;48(2):159–66.
  • 21. Zgliczyńska M, Zgliczyński S, Ciebiera M, Kosińska-Kaczyńska K. Occupational Burnout Syndrome in Polish Physicians: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health [Internet]. 2019 Dec 10;16(24). Available from:
  • 22. LaFaver K, Miyasaki JM, Keran CM, Rheaume C, Gulya L, Levin KH, et al. Age and sex differences in burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being in US neurologists. Neurology. 2018 Nov 13;91(20):e1928–41.
  • 23. Sanders GS, Suls J. Social Psychology of Health and Illness. Psychology Press; 2013. 366 p.
  • 24. Bolat MS, Yürük E, Çınar Ö, Akdeniz E, Altunrende F, Özkuvancı Ü, et al. The prevalence of Burnout Syndrome among Turkish Urologists: Results of a Nationwide Survey. Turk J Urol. 2019 Nov;45(6):449–55.
  • 25. Mete B, Sait M, Değer EP. Doktorlarda Mesleki Tükenmişlik Sendromu ve Çalışma Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Anatolian Clinic. 2020;2094.
  • 26. Kay EJ, Lowe JC. A survey of stress levels, self-perceived health and health-related behaviours of UK dental practitioners in 2005. Br Dent J. 2008 Jun 14;204(11):E19; discussion 622–3.
  • 27. Myers HL, Myers LB. “It”s difficult being a dentist’: stress and health in the general dental practitioner [Internet]. Vol. 197, British Dental Journal. 2004. p. 89–93. Available from:
  • 28. Mathias S, Koerber A, Fadavi S, Punwani I. Specialty and sex as predictors of depression in dentists. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005 Oct;136(10):1388–95.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma

Gökhan Gürses 0000-0002-3825-4650

Şeyma Koyuncu 0000-0002-0097-6586

Ahmet Aktı 0000-0002-3447-0065

Abdullah Kalaycı 0000-0001-5060-8901

Ercan Durmuş 0000-0003-4851-4230

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Gürses G, Koyuncu Ş, Aktı A, Kalaycı A, Durmuş E. Burnout Syndrome Among Dentists in Turkey. Selcuk Dent J. 2023;10(3):522-5.