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Çeşitli İrrigasyon Solüsyonlarının Beş Kalsiyum Silikat Simanının Renk Stabilitelerine Etkisi: İn-vitro Çalışma

Yıl 2024, , 313 - 318, 23.12.2024


Amaç: Bu in-vitro çalışma, beş kalsiyum silikat simanının [wMTA Angelus(wMTA), Biodentine (BD), Neo MTA Plus, Retro MTA, Ortho MTA] çeşitli irrigasyon solüsyonlarındaki renk değişimlerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladı.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Toplam 100 numune (n=20) homojen bir şekilde karıştırıldı ve silindirik numunelere (10 mm çapında ve 2 mm yüksekliğinde) yerleştirildi. Sertleşme süresinden sonra numunelerin rengi bir spektrofotometre (VITA Easyshade V, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany) kullanılarak analiz edildi. Sonra her örnek %5,25 Sodyum hipoklorit (NaOCL), %2 Klorheksidin glukonat (CHX), %17 Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit (EDTA) ve Salin içerisinde 24 saat bekletildi ve 20 örnek kurumaya bırakıldı. Renk değişimleri hesaplandı. Normal dağılıma uygunluk Shapiro-Wilk testi kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Normal dağılığım göstermeyen renk değişimlerinin karşılaştırılması ANOVA ile, çoklu karşılaştırmalar ise Bonferroni testi ile incelendi. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p < 0,05’tir.
Bulgular: wMTA Angelus’un renk değişimi, NaOCL’ye daldırıldığında diğer materyallerden daha fazlaydı. Neo MTA Plus en fazla renk değişimini EDTA içine daldırıldığında ortaya çıkardı. BD en fazla renk değişimini CHX ile teması ardından görüldü.
Sonuç: Klinik rutinde daha az renk değişikliği nedeniyle RetroMTA daha iyi bir seçim olabilir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Kalsiyum Silikat Siman, Renk Stabilitesi, İrrigan


This article was presented as an oral presentation at the 29th International Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry Congress on 12-15 October 2023


  • 1. Nash KD, Brown LJ, Hicks ML. Private practicing endodontists: production of endodontic services and implications for workforce policy. J Endod. 2002;28(10):699-705.
  • 2. Žižka R, Buchta T, Voborná I, Harvan L, Šedý J. Root Maturation in Teeth Treated by Unsuccessful Revitalization: 2 Case Reports. J Endod. 2016;42(5):724-729.
  • 3. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Fazlyab M, Baghban AA, Ghoddusi J. Five-year results of vital pulp therapy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis: a non-inferiority multicenter randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2015;19(2):335-341.
  • 4. Ma J, Shen Y, Stojicic S, Haapasalo M. Biocompatibility of two novel root repair materials. J Endod. 2011;37(6):793-798.
  • 5. Lenherr P, Allgayer N, Weiger R, Filippi A, Attin T, Krastl G. Tooth discoloration induced by endodontic materials: a laboratory study. Int Endod J. 2012;45(10):942–949.
  • 6. Arman M, Khalilak Z, Rajabi M, Esnaashari E, Saati K. In vitro spectrophotometry of tooth discoloration induced by toothcolored mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium-enriched mixture cement. Iran Endod J. 2015;10(4):226–230.
  • 7. Camilleri J. Is Mineral Trioxide Aggregate a Bioceramic? Odovtos – Int J Dent Sci. 2016;18(1):13-17.
  • 8. Prati C, Gandolfi MG. Calcium silicate bioactive cements: Biological perspectives and clinical applications. Dent Mater. 2015;31(4):351-370.
  • 9. Dawood AE, Parashos P, Wong RHK, Reynolds EC, Manton DJ. Calcium silicate-based cements: composition, properties, and clinical applications. J Investig Clin Dent. 2017;8(2).
  • 10. Możyńska J, Metlerski M, Lipski M, Nowicka A. Tooth Discoloration Induced by Different Calcium Silicate-based Cements: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies. J Endod. 2017;43(10):1593-1601.
  • 11. Davis MC, Walton RE, Rivera EM. Sealer distribution in coronal dentin. J Endod. 2002;28(6):464 466.
  • 12. Sarkar NK, Caicedo R, Ritwik P, Moiseyeva R, Kawashima I. Physicochemical basis of the biologic properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod. 2005;31(2):97-100.
  • 13. Palma PJ, Marques JA, Falacho RI, et al. Six-Month Color Stability Assessment of Two Calcium Silicate-Based Cements Used in Regenerative Endodontic Procedures. J Funct Biomater. 2019;10(1):14.
  • 14. Palma PJ, Marques JA, Santos J, et al. Tooth discoloration after regenerative endodontic procedures with calcium silicate-based cements—An ex vivo study. Appl Sci. 2020;10(17):5793.
  • 15. Bortoluzzi EA, Araújo GS, Guerreiro Tanomaru JM, Tanomaru-Filho M. Marginal gingiva discoloration by gray MTA: a case report. J Endod. 2007;33(3):325-327.
  • 16. Karabucak B, Li D, Lim J, Iqbal M. Vital pulp therapy with mineral trioxide aggregate. Dent Traumatol. 2005;21(4):240-243.
  • 17. Glickman GN, Koch KA. 21st-century endodontics. J Am Dent Assoc. 2000; 131:39 46.
  • 18. Vallés M, Mercadé M, Duran-Sindreu F, Bourdelande JL, Roig M. Influence of light and oxygen on the color stability of five calcium silicate-based materials. J Endod. 2013;39(4):525-528.
  • 19. Jang JH, Kang M, Ahn S, et al. Tooth discoloration after the use of new Pozzolan cement (Endocem) and mineral trioxide aggregate and the effects of internal bleaching. J Endod. 2013; 39:1598–602.
  • 20. Metlerska J, Dammaschke T, Lipski M, Fagogeni I, Machoy-Mokrzyńska A, Nowicka A. Effect of Citric Acid on Color Changes of Calcium Silicate-Based Cements an in Vitro Study. Appl Sci. 2021;11(5):2339.
  • 21. Laurent P, Camps J, De Méo M, Déjou J, About I. Induction of specific cell responses to a Ca (3) SiO (5)-based posterior restorative material. Dent Mater. 2008;24(11):1486-1494.
  • 22. Avalon Biomed (2017) NeoMTAPlus Directions for use. URL accessed Dec 2023
  • 23. Li Q, Deacon AD, Coleman NJ. The impact of zirconium oxide nanoparticles on the hydration chemistry and biocompatibility of white Portland cement. Dent Mater J. 2013;32(5):808-815.
  • 24. Han L, Kodama S, Okiji T. Evaluation of calcium-releasing and apatite-forming abilities of fast-setting calcium silicate-based endodontic materials. Int Endod J. 2015;48(2):124-130.
  • 25. Chang SW, Baek SH, Yang HC, et al. Heavy metal analysis of ortho MTA and ProRoot MTA. J Endod. 2011;37(12):1673-1676.
  • 26. Yoo JS, Chang SW, Oh SR, et al. Bacterial entombment by intratubular mineralization following orthograde mineral trioxide aggregate obturation: a scanning electron microscopy study. Int J Oral Sci. 2014;6(4):227-232.
  • 27. Darcey J, Jawad S, Taylor C, Roudsari RV, Hunter M. Modern Endodontic Principles Part 4: Irrigation. Dent Update. 2016;43(1):20-2, 25-6, 28-30.
  • 28. American Association of Endodontists, AAE clinical considerations for a regenerative procedure. Revised 5/18/2021. Available at: [Accessed Dec 12, 2023].
  • 29. Haapasalo M, Shen Y, Wang Z, Gao Y. Irrigation in endodontics. Br Dent J. 2014;216(6):299-303.
  • 30. Gutiérrez JH, Guzmán M. Tooth discoloration in endodontic procedures. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1968;26(5):706-711.
  • 31. Camilleri J. Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate in contact with hypochlorite solution. J Endod. 2014;40(3):436-440.
  • 32. Ioannidis K, Mistakidis I, Beltes P, Karagiannis V. Spectrophotometric analysis of coronal discolouration induced by grey and white MTA. Int Endod J. 2013;46(2):137-144.
  • 33. Sproull RC. Color matching in dentistry. II. Practical applications of the organization of color. J Prosthet Dent. 1973;29(5):556-566.
  • 34. Vallés M, Mercadé M, Duran-Sindreu F, Bourdelande JL, Roig M. Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17(4):1155-1159.
  • 35. Khokhar ZA, Razzoog ME, Yaman P. Color stability of restorative resins. Quintessence Int. 1991;22(9):733-737.
  • 36. Ali A, Bhosale A, Pawar S, Kakti A, Bichpuriya A, Agwan MA. Current Trends in Root Canal Irrigation. Cureus. 2022. 14(5):e24833.
  • 37. Koubi G, Colon P, Franquin JC, et al. Clinical evaluation of the performance and safety of a new dentine substitute, Biodentine, in the restoration of posterior teeth - a prospective study. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17(1):243-249.
  • 38. Marciano MA, Duarte MA, Camilleri J. Dental discoloration caused by bismuth oxide in MTA in the presence of sodium hypochlorite. Clin Oral Investig. 2015;19(9):2201-2209.
  • 39. Keskin C, Sarıyılmaz E. Color Stability of NeoMTA Plus and MTA Plus when Mixed with Anti-washout Gel or Distilled Water. Meandros Med Dent J. 2018;19(4):296-301.
  • 40. Keskin C, Demiryurek EO, Ozyurek T. Color stabilities of calcium silicate-based materials in contact with different irrigation solutions. J Endod. 2015;41(3):409-411.
  • 41. Shah T, Banga KS. Effect of commonly used irrigants on the colour stabilities of two calcium- silicate based material. Eur Oral Res. 2019;53(3):141-145.
  • 42. Sobhnamayan F, Adl A, Ghanbaran S. Effect of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Colour Stability of Three Calcium Silicate-Based Materials. J Dent Biomater. 2017;4(2):373-378.
  • 43. Kang SH, Shin YS, Lee HS, et al. Color changes of teeth after treatment with various mineral trioxide aggregate-based materials: an ex vivo study. J Endod. 2015;41(5):737-741.
  • 44. Yılmaz K, Tüfenkçi P, Adıgüzel M. The Influence of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Color Stability of Several Calcium Silicate–Based Materials. Selcuk Dent J. 2020;7(1):22-26.
  • 45. Eren SK, Örs SA, Aksel H, Canay Ş, Karasan D. Effect of irrigants on the color stability, solubility, and surface characteristics of calcium-silicate based cements. Restor Dent Endod. 2022;47(1):e10.
  • 46. Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod. 2006;32(5):389-398.
  • 47. Nocca G, Ahmed HMA, Martorana GE, et al. Chromographic Analysis and Cytotoxic Effects of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochlorite Reaction Mixtures. J Endod. 2017;43(9):1545-1552.
  • 48. Heyden G. Relation between locally high concentration of chlorhexidine and staining as seen in the clinic. J Periodontal Res Suppl. 1973;12:76-80.
  • 49. Bagis B, Baltacioglu E, Ozcan M, Ustaomer S. Evaluation of chlorhexidine gluconate mouth-rinse-induced staining a digital colorimeter: An in vivo study. Quintessence Int. 2011;42(3):213223.
  • 50. Attin T, Abouassi T, Becker K, Wiegand A, Roos M, Attin R. A new method for chlorhexidine (CHX) determination: CHX release after application of differently concentrated CHX-containing preparations on artificial fissures. Clin Oral Investig. 2008;12(3):189-196.
  • 51. Martin DE, De Almeida JF, Henry MA, et al. Concentration-dependent effect of sodium hypochlorite on stem cells of apical papilla survival and differentiation. J Endod. 2014;40(1):51–55.
  • 52. Zhao S, Sloan A, Murray P, Lumley PJ, Smith AJ. Ultrastructural localisation of TGF-β exposure in dentine by chemical treatment. Histochem J. 2000;32(8):489–494.
  • 53. Doumani M, Habib A, Doumani A, Seirawan M, Sadeka M, Raheem S. A review: the applications of EDTA in endodontics (Part I). IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2017;16(9):83-85.
  • 54. Shokouhinejad N, Alikhasi M, Khoshkhounejad M, Pirmoazen A. Effect of irrigation solutions on the coronal discoloration induced by mineral trioxide aggregate cements containing different radiopacifiers. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2020;17(6):447-451.
  • 55. Lee BN, Son HJ, Noh HJ, et al. Cytotoxicity of newly developed ortho MTA root-end filling materials. J Endod. 2012;38(12):1627.
  • 56. Camilleri J. Investigation of Biodentine as dentine replacement material. J Dent. 2013;41(7):600-610.

The impact of various irrigation solutions on the color stabilities of five calcium silicate cement: an in-vitro study

Yıl 2024, , 313 - 318, 23.12.2024


Background: This in-vitro examine aimed to determine the color changes of five calcium silicate cement [wMTA Angelus(wMTA), Biodentine (BD), Neo MTA Plus, Retro MTA, Ortho MTA] in various irrigation solutions.
Methods: A total of 100 samples (n=20) were homogenously mixed and placed in cylindrical specimens (diameter of 10 mm and height of 2 mm). After setting time, the color of the samples was analyzed by using a spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade V, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany). Later, each specimen was immersed in 5.25% Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX), 17% Etilendiamin tetraacetic asit (EDTA), and Saline for 24 hours, and 20 samples were left dry. Color changes were calculated. Compliance with normal distribution was assessed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The comparison of color values, which were not normally distributed, according to material and solution, was analyzed using a two-way robust ANOVA, and multiple comparisons were examined with the Bonferroni test. Statistical significance was p < 0.05.
Results: The color change of wMTA Angelus was higher than that of the other materials when immersed with NaOCl. Neo MTA Plus revealed the highest color change when immersed in EDTA. The maximum discoloration of BD was observed when immersed in CHX.
Conclusion: RetroMTA may be a better choice because of less discoloration in the clinic routine.


  • 1. Nash KD, Brown LJ, Hicks ML. Private practicing endodontists: production of endodontic services and implications for workforce policy. J Endod. 2002;28(10):699-705.
  • 2. Žižka R, Buchta T, Voborná I, Harvan L, Šedý J. Root Maturation in Teeth Treated by Unsuccessful Revitalization: 2 Case Reports. J Endod. 2016;42(5):724-729.
  • 3. Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Fazlyab M, Baghban AA, Ghoddusi J. Five-year results of vital pulp therapy in permanent molars with irreversible pulpitis: a non-inferiority multicenter randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2015;19(2):335-341.
  • 4. Ma J, Shen Y, Stojicic S, Haapasalo M. Biocompatibility of two novel root repair materials. J Endod. 2011;37(6):793-798.
  • 5. Lenherr P, Allgayer N, Weiger R, Filippi A, Attin T, Krastl G. Tooth discoloration induced by endodontic materials: a laboratory study. Int Endod J. 2012;45(10):942–949.
  • 6. Arman M, Khalilak Z, Rajabi M, Esnaashari E, Saati K. In vitro spectrophotometry of tooth discoloration induced by toothcolored mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium-enriched mixture cement. Iran Endod J. 2015;10(4):226–230.
  • 7. Camilleri J. Is Mineral Trioxide Aggregate a Bioceramic? Odovtos – Int J Dent Sci. 2016;18(1):13-17.
  • 8. Prati C, Gandolfi MG. Calcium silicate bioactive cements: Biological perspectives and clinical applications. Dent Mater. 2015;31(4):351-370.
  • 9. Dawood AE, Parashos P, Wong RHK, Reynolds EC, Manton DJ. Calcium silicate-based cements: composition, properties, and clinical applications. J Investig Clin Dent. 2017;8(2).
  • 10. Możyńska J, Metlerski M, Lipski M, Nowicka A. Tooth Discoloration Induced by Different Calcium Silicate-based Cements: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies. J Endod. 2017;43(10):1593-1601.
  • 11. Davis MC, Walton RE, Rivera EM. Sealer distribution in coronal dentin. J Endod. 2002;28(6):464 466.
  • 12. Sarkar NK, Caicedo R, Ritwik P, Moiseyeva R, Kawashima I. Physicochemical basis of the biologic properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod. 2005;31(2):97-100.
  • 13. Palma PJ, Marques JA, Falacho RI, et al. Six-Month Color Stability Assessment of Two Calcium Silicate-Based Cements Used in Regenerative Endodontic Procedures. J Funct Biomater. 2019;10(1):14.
  • 14. Palma PJ, Marques JA, Santos J, et al. Tooth discoloration after regenerative endodontic procedures with calcium silicate-based cements—An ex vivo study. Appl Sci. 2020;10(17):5793.
  • 15. Bortoluzzi EA, Araújo GS, Guerreiro Tanomaru JM, Tanomaru-Filho M. Marginal gingiva discoloration by gray MTA: a case report. J Endod. 2007;33(3):325-327.
  • 16. Karabucak B, Li D, Lim J, Iqbal M. Vital pulp therapy with mineral trioxide aggregate. Dent Traumatol. 2005;21(4):240-243.
  • 17. Glickman GN, Koch KA. 21st-century endodontics. J Am Dent Assoc. 2000; 131:39 46.
  • 18. Vallés M, Mercadé M, Duran-Sindreu F, Bourdelande JL, Roig M. Influence of light and oxygen on the color stability of five calcium silicate-based materials. J Endod. 2013;39(4):525-528.
  • 19. Jang JH, Kang M, Ahn S, et al. Tooth discoloration after the use of new Pozzolan cement (Endocem) and mineral trioxide aggregate and the effects of internal bleaching. J Endod. 2013; 39:1598–602.
  • 20. Metlerska J, Dammaschke T, Lipski M, Fagogeni I, Machoy-Mokrzyńska A, Nowicka A. Effect of Citric Acid on Color Changes of Calcium Silicate-Based Cements an in Vitro Study. Appl Sci. 2021;11(5):2339.
  • 21. Laurent P, Camps J, De Méo M, Déjou J, About I. Induction of specific cell responses to a Ca (3) SiO (5)-based posterior restorative material. Dent Mater. 2008;24(11):1486-1494.
  • 22. Avalon Biomed (2017) NeoMTAPlus Directions for use. URL accessed Dec 2023
  • 23. Li Q, Deacon AD, Coleman NJ. The impact of zirconium oxide nanoparticles on the hydration chemistry and biocompatibility of white Portland cement. Dent Mater J. 2013;32(5):808-815.
  • 24. Han L, Kodama S, Okiji T. Evaluation of calcium-releasing and apatite-forming abilities of fast-setting calcium silicate-based endodontic materials. Int Endod J. 2015;48(2):124-130.
  • 25. Chang SW, Baek SH, Yang HC, et al. Heavy metal analysis of ortho MTA and ProRoot MTA. J Endod. 2011;37(12):1673-1676.
  • 26. Yoo JS, Chang SW, Oh SR, et al. Bacterial entombment by intratubular mineralization following orthograde mineral trioxide aggregate obturation: a scanning electron microscopy study. Int J Oral Sci. 2014;6(4):227-232.
  • 27. Darcey J, Jawad S, Taylor C, Roudsari RV, Hunter M. Modern Endodontic Principles Part 4: Irrigation. Dent Update. 2016;43(1):20-2, 25-6, 28-30.
  • 28. American Association of Endodontists, AAE clinical considerations for a regenerative procedure. Revised 5/18/2021. Available at: [Accessed Dec 12, 2023].
  • 29. Haapasalo M, Shen Y, Wang Z, Gao Y. Irrigation in endodontics. Br Dent J. 2014;216(6):299-303.
  • 30. Gutiérrez JH, Guzmán M. Tooth discoloration in endodontic procedures. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1968;26(5):706-711.
  • 31. Camilleri J. Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate in contact with hypochlorite solution. J Endod. 2014;40(3):436-440.
  • 32. Ioannidis K, Mistakidis I, Beltes P, Karagiannis V. Spectrophotometric analysis of coronal discolouration induced by grey and white MTA. Int Endod J. 2013;46(2):137-144.
  • 33. Sproull RC. Color matching in dentistry. II. Practical applications of the organization of color. J Prosthet Dent. 1973;29(5):556-566.
  • 34. Vallés M, Mercadé M, Duran-Sindreu F, Bourdelande JL, Roig M. Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17(4):1155-1159.
  • 35. Khokhar ZA, Razzoog ME, Yaman P. Color stability of restorative resins. Quintessence Int. 1991;22(9):733-737.
  • 36. Ali A, Bhosale A, Pawar S, Kakti A, Bichpuriya A, Agwan MA. Current Trends in Root Canal Irrigation. Cureus. 2022. 14(5):e24833.
  • 37. Koubi G, Colon P, Franquin JC, et al. Clinical evaluation of the performance and safety of a new dentine substitute, Biodentine, in the restoration of posterior teeth - a prospective study. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17(1):243-249.
  • 38. Marciano MA, Duarte MA, Camilleri J. Dental discoloration caused by bismuth oxide in MTA in the presence of sodium hypochlorite. Clin Oral Investig. 2015;19(9):2201-2209.
  • 39. Keskin C, Sarıyılmaz E. Color Stability of NeoMTA Plus and MTA Plus when Mixed with Anti-washout Gel or Distilled Water. Meandros Med Dent J. 2018;19(4):296-301.
  • 40. Keskin C, Demiryurek EO, Ozyurek T. Color stabilities of calcium silicate-based materials in contact with different irrigation solutions. J Endod. 2015;41(3):409-411.
  • 41. Shah T, Banga KS. Effect of commonly used irrigants on the colour stabilities of two calcium- silicate based material. Eur Oral Res. 2019;53(3):141-145.
  • 42. Sobhnamayan F, Adl A, Ghanbaran S. Effect of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Colour Stability of Three Calcium Silicate-Based Materials. J Dent Biomater. 2017;4(2):373-378.
  • 43. Kang SH, Shin YS, Lee HS, et al. Color changes of teeth after treatment with various mineral trioxide aggregate-based materials: an ex vivo study. J Endod. 2015;41(5):737-741.
  • 44. Yılmaz K, Tüfenkçi P, Adıgüzel M. The Influence of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Color Stability of Several Calcium Silicate–Based Materials. Selcuk Dent J. 2020;7(1):22-26.
  • 45. Eren SK, Örs SA, Aksel H, Canay Ş, Karasan D. Effect of irrigants on the color stability, solubility, and surface characteristics of calcium-silicate based cements. Restor Dent Endod. 2022;47(1):e10.
  • 46. Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod. 2006;32(5):389-398.
  • 47. Nocca G, Ahmed HMA, Martorana GE, et al. Chromographic Analysis and Cytotoxic Effects of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochlorite Reaction Mixtures. J Endod. 2017;43(9):1545-1552.
  • 48. Heyden G. Relation between locally high concentration of chlorhexidine and staining as seen in the clinic. J Periodontal Res Suppl. 1973;12:76-80.
  • 49. Bagis B, Baltacioglu E, Ozcan M, Ustaomer S. Evaluation of chlorhexidine gluconate mouth-rinse-induced staining a digital colorimeter: An in vivo study. Quintessence Int. 2011;42(3):213223.
  • 50. Attin T, Abouassi T, Becker K, Wiegand A, Roos M, Attin R. A new method for chlorhexidine (CHX) determination: CHX release after application of differently concentrated CHX-containing preparations on artificial fissures. Clin Oral Investig. 2008;12(3):189-196.
  • 51. Martin DE, De Almeida JF, Henry MA, et al. Concentration-dependent effect of sodium hypochlorite on stem cells of apical papilla survival and differentiation. J Endod. 2014;40(1):51–55.
  • 52. Zhao S, Sloan A, Murray P, Lumley PJ, Smith AJ. Ultrastructural localisation of TGF-β exposure in dentine by chemical treatment. Histochem J. 2000;32(8):489–494.
  • 53. Doumani M, Habib A, Doumani A, Seirawan M, Sadeka M, Raheem S. A review: the applications of EDTA in endodontics (Part I). IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2017;16(9):83-85.
  • 54. Shokouhinejad N, Alikhasi M, Khoshkhounejad M, Pirmoazen A. Effect of irrigation solutions on the coronal discoloration induced by mineral trioxide aggregate cements containing different radiopacifiers. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2020;17(6):447-451.
  • 55. Lee BN, Son HJ, Noh HJ, et al. Cytotoxicity of newly developed ortho MTA root-end filling materials. J Endod. 2012;38(12):1627.
  • 56. Camilleri J. Investigation of Biodentine as dentine replacement material. J Dent. 2013;41(7):600-610.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çocuk Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma

Aslı Soğukpınar Onsuren 0000-0002-1934-9945

Onur Kesici 0009-0001-1592-2644

Elif Uğurbekler Hündü 0009-0008-8652-6674

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Soğukpınar Onsuren A, Kesici O, Uğurbekler Hündü E. The impact of various irrigation solutions on the color stabilities of five calcium silicate cement: an in-vitro study. Selcuk Dent J. 2024;11(3):313-8.