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The Influence of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Color Stability of Several Calcium Silicate–Based Materials

Yıl 2020, , 22 - 26, 01.04.2020


Background:To compare the color stabilities of wMTA Angelus, Biodentine, EndoSequence Root Repair Material, and BIO MTA+. Calcium silicate-based materials in response to the exposure to different irrigation solutions. 

Methods:Four groups of materials (4 samples in each) were involved in the present study. Each of materials was homogenously mixed and placed in each container.After the setting time, all of the samples colors before the contact with solutions were determined by using a spectrophotometer. Then one sample from each material was kept in each of 4 irrigation solutions for 24 hours: distilled water, 5.25% NaOCl, 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX] and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA]. At the end of this period, the samples were taken out of the solutions and the color measurements were repeated. 

Results:Among all the materials, the discoloration of distilled water group was found to be the lowest at statistically significant level. The discoloration when exposed to Biodentine and wMTA Angelus irrigation solutions was at clinically acceptable level when compared to ES and BIO MTA+. 

Conclusions:Biodentine and wMTA Angelus may be used by clinicians as an alternative when the esthetic concerns play dominant role.

Keywords:BIO MTA+; Biodentine; wMTA Angelus; EndoSequence Root Repair Material; Color Stability; 



  • 1] Torabinejad M, Hong C, McDonald F, Pitt Ford T. Physical and chemical properties of a new root-end filling material. J Endod 1995; 21: 349–53.
  • 2] Davis MC, Walton RE, Rivera EM. Sealer distribution in coronal dentin. J Endod 2002;28:464–6.
  • 3] van der Burgt T, Mullaney T, Plasschaert A. Tooth discoloration induced by endodontic sealers. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986;61:84–9.
  • 4] Naik S, Hegde AH. Mineral trioxide aggregate as a pulpotomy agent in primary molars: an in vivo study. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2005;23:13–6.
  • 5] Maroto M, Barberia E, Planells P, Garcia Godoy F. Dentin bridge formation after mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA] pulpotomies in primary teeth. Am J Dent 2005; 18:151–4.
  • 6] Percinoto C, de Castro AM, Pinto LM. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of pulpotomies employing calcium hydroxide and trioxide mineral aggregate. Gen Dent 2006;54:258–61.
  • 7]AngelusDental.
  • 8] Laurent P, Camps J, De Meo M, et al. Induction of specific cell responses to a Ca(3] SiO(5]-based posterior restorative material. Dent Mater 2008;24:1486–94.
  • 9] Hansen SW, Marshall G, Sedgley CM. Comparison of Intracanal EndoSequence Root Repair Material and ProRoot MTA to Induce pH Changes in Simulated Root Resorption Defects over 4 Weeks in Matched Pairs of Human Teeth. J Endod 2011; 37: 502-6
  • 10] Cerkamed BioMta
  • 11] Keskin C, Demiryurek EO, Ozyurek T. Color Stabilities of Calcium Silicate–based Materials in Contact with Different Irrigation Solutions. J Endod 2015; 41: 409-11
  • 12] Vallés M, Mercadé M, Duran-Sindreu F, Bourdelande JL, Roig M. Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate. Clin Oral Invest 2013; 17:1155–9
  • 13] Paravina RD, Powers JH, editors. Esthetic color training indentistry. Maryland: Elsevier Mosby; 2004.
  • 14] Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage. CIE Technical Report: Colorimetry. CIE Pub No. 15.3. Vienna, Austria: CIE Central Bureau; 2004.
  • 15] Pecho OE, Ghine R, Alessandretti R, Pérez MM, Della Bona A. Visual and instrumental shade matching using CIELAB and CIEDE2000 color difference formulas. Dent Mater 2016; 32:1362-73.
  • 16] Eghbal MJ , Torabzadeh H , Bagheban AA, Shamszadeh S , Marvasti LA, Asgary S. Color stability of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium enriched mixture cement. J Investig Clin Dent. 2016; 4:341-346.
  • 17] Camilleri J. Color Stability of White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Contact with Hypochlorite Solution. J Endod 2014; 40: 436-40.
  • 18] Sobhnamayan F, Adl A, Ghanbaran S. Effect of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Colour Stability of Three Calcium Silicate-Based Materials. J Dent Biomater. 2017; 2:373-8.
  • 19] Marciano MA, Duarte MA, Camilleri J. Dental Discoloration Caused by Bizmuth Oxide in MTA in the Presence of Sodium Hypochlorite. Clin Oral İnvestig 2015; 9; 2201-9
  • 20] Ramırez-Bommer C , Gulabivala K , Ng YL, Young A. Estimated depth of apatite and collagen degradation in human dentine by sequential exposure to sodium hypochlorite and EDTA: a quantitative FTIR study. Int Endod J. 2018; 51:469-478.
  • 21] Akbari M, Zebarjad SM, Nategh B, Rouhani A. Effect of nano silica on setting time and physical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod. 2013; 39:1448-51.

Farklı İrrigasyın Solüsyonlarının Çeşitli Kalsiyum Silikat Bazlı Materyaller Üzerindeli Renk Değişimine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2020, , 22 - 26, 01.04.2020


Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı, wMTA Angelus, Biodentine, EndoSequence Root Repair Material (ES) ve BIO MTA+ kalsiyum silikat bazlı kök tamir materyallerinin farklı irrigasyon solüsyonlarına maruz bırakılması sonrası renk değişimlerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır.

Gereç-Yöntemler: Çalışmamız her bir grupta 4 örnekten oluşacak şekilde 4 gruptan oluşturuldu. Tüm materyaller homojen olacak şekilde karıştırılıp test kaplarına yerleştirildi. Sertleşme süresi sonrası tüm örnekler irrigasyon solüsyonuna maruz bırakılmadan once spektrofotometre yardımı ile materyallerin ilk renk değerleri ölçüldü. Her materyale ait birer örnek distile su, 5.25% NaOCl, 2% klorheksidin glukonat (CHX) ve 17% etilendiamintetraasetik asit (EDTA) solüsyonları içerisinde 24 saat süre ile bekletildi. Bu sürenin sonunda tüm örnekler solüsyon içerisinden çıkartılıp tekrar renk ölçümleri yapıldı.

Bulgular Tüm gruplar içerisinde materyallerin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede en az renklenme gösterdiği irrigasyon solüsyonu distile su olarak tespit edildi. İrrigasyon solüsyonlarına maruz kalan materyaller arasında Biodentine ve wMTA Angelus klinik olarak renk değişimleri açısından ES ve BIO MTA+’a kıyasla daha kabul edilebilir olarak tespit edildi.

Sonuç: Biodentine ve wMTA Angelus klinisyenler tarafından estetik beklentilerin yüksek olduğu vakalarda tercih edilebilir.

Anahtar kelimelerwMTA Angelus; Biodentine; EndoSequence ; BIO MTA+; Renk Değişimi


  • 1] Torabinejad M, Hong C, McDonald F, Pitt Ford T. Physical and chemical properties of a new root-end filling material. J Endod 1995; 21: 349–53.
  • 2] Davis MC, Walton RE, Rivera EM. Sealer distribution in coronal dentin. J Endod 2002;28:464–6.
  • 3] van der Burgt T, Mullaney T, Plasschaert A. Tooth discoloration induced by endodontic sealers. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986;61:84–9.
  • 4] Naik S, Hegde AH. Mineral trioxide aggregate as a pulpotomy agent in primary molars: an in vivo study. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2005;23:13–6.
  • 5] Maroto M, Barberia E, Planells P, Garcia Godoy F. Dentin bridge formation after mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA] pulpotomies in primary teeth. Am J Dent 2005; 18:151–4.
  • 6] Percinoto C, de Castro AM, Pinto LM. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of pulpotomies employing calcium hydroxide and trioxide mineral aggregate. Gen Dent 2006;54:258–61.
  • 7]AngelusDental.
  • 8] Laurent P, Camps J, De Meo M, et al. Induction of specific cell responses to a Ca(3] SiO(5]-based posterior restorative material. Dent Mater 2008;24:1486–94.
  • 9] Hansen SW, Marshall G, Sedgley CM. Comparison of Intracanal EndoSequence Root Repair Material and ProRoot MTA to Induce pH Changes in Simulated Root Resorption Defects over 4 Weeks in Matched Pairs of Human Teeth. J Endod 2011; 37: 502-6
  • 10] Cerkamed BioMta
  • 11] Keskin C, Demiryurek EO, Ozyurek T. Color Stabilities of Calcium Silicate–based Materials in Contact with Different Irrigation Solutions. J Endod 2015; 41: 409-11
  • 12] Vallés M, Mercadé M, Duran-Sindreu F, Bourdelande JL, Roig M. Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate. Clin Oral Invest 2013; 17:1155–9
  • 13] Paravina RD, Powers JH, editors. Esthetic color training indentistry. Maryland: Elsevier Mosby; 2004.
  • 14] Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage. CIE Technical Report: Colorimetry. CIE Pub No. 15.3. Vienna, Austria: CIE Central Bureau; 2004.
  • 15] Pecho OE, Ghine R, Alessandretti R, Pérez MM, Della Bona A. Visual and instrumental shade matching using CIELAB and CIEDE2000 color difference formulas. Dent Mater 2016; 32:1362-73.
  • 16] Eghbal MJ , Torabzadeh H , Bagheban AA, Shamszadeh S , Marvasti LA, Asgary S. Color stability of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium enriched mixture cement. J Investig Clin Dent. 2016; 4:341-346.
  • 17] Camilleri J. Color Stability of White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Contact with Hypochlorite Solution. J Endod 2014; 40: 436-40.
  • 18] Sobhnamayan F, Adl A, Ghanbaran S. Effect of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Colour Stability of Three Calcium Silicate-Based Materials. J Dent Biomater. 2017; 2:373-8.
  • 19] Marciano MA, Duarte MA, Camilleri J. Dental Discoloration Caused by Bizmuth Oxide in MTA in the Presence of Sodium Hypochlorite. Clin Oral İnvestig 2015; 9; 2201-9
  • 20] Ramırez-Bommer C , Gulabivala K , Ng YL, Young A. Estimated depth of apatite and collagen degradation in human dentine by sequential exposure to sodium hypochlorite and EDTA: a quantitative FTIR study. Int Endod J. 2018; 51:469-478.
  • 21] Akbari M, Zebarjad SM, Nategh B, Rouhani A. Effect of nano silica on setting time and physical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod. 2013; 39:1448-51.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma

Koray Yılmaz 0000-0001-6096-7385

Pelin Tüfenkçi 0000-0001-9881-5395

Mehmet Adıgüzel Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9363-6264

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yılmaz K, Tüfenkçi P, Adıgüzel M. The Influence of Different Irrigation Solutions on the Color Stability of Several Calcium Silicate–Based Materials. Selcuk Dent J. 2020;7(1):22-6.